Luna's Grand Equestrian Archive 119 members · 390 stories
Comments ( 6 )
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Group Admin

Pretty much the only rule for submitting is it must be SFW. Now, I do have my own personal criteria as to what is SFW or not and I'm a little more lenient than others when it comes to this. (I think...) I will only allow mature fics if they only contain gore, not too much gore, just little amounts here or there which also means no brutal horror fics. Teen and romance is accepted, but no sex. Just to put it straight, I know there are a lot of different perspectives on the borders of romance to clop, it is very hard to explain my view of what is and isn't clop as it is subject to change from time to time depending on how I see that it is written so I'm sorry if a story is removed that you think isn't clop but I do, in that case, I will ask others who read it if they feel that said story is clop free and go off of the majority vote, you will not receive a warning if you seriously and truly think that the story you added doesn't contain clop but the majority vote says it does. If it's rated for everyone then it pretty much automatically gets in. Submit your stories into the incoming folder, I will look it over and approve or deny it. If you submit a clop fic, you will first receive a warning and most of the time, I'll know, it tells me who adds what. If I see it again, you will be banned for a short time, if it happens again, you will get the boot, it is a very stinky boot as I just used it not too long ago for hiking for six days straight... but in all seriousness, you will be banned permanently from the group, this is not something I want to do but will if you break the rules. Should be simple enough. I think that covers everything, unless something comes up that I need to elaborate on or you have something you think should be added, that is all. Enjoy!
All fics must be sfw, place fics in Incoming folder for approval.


I have a big series planned, and I have a question. In my series, for which the first story is nearly finished, there would be a few sex scenes. Now, they would be, ah, descriptive, but not particularly... vulgar, if you get my meaning. Not vulgar in the sense of words, I mean. Would those be permitted? The scenes are nothing outside of passionate, male-female coitus. There aren't any of them in the first, but the second, there are. Honestly, I don't even use exceedingly common terms which I shan't mention.

~A Renegade Time Lord

Make submitting clop a permaban, and we're set.
No chances, no tolerance. If the jackass in question didn't read the rules before submitting, then that is their problem, not yours.

Group Admin

Sorry but no, my limit is kissing and cuddling and even then, it has to be soft, like no making out and no fondling while cuddling.

I thank you for your time, my fellow Time Lord.

1077600 As a new question to a very old post, are stories regularly reviewed for acceptance anymore?

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