Sunset Shimmer 4,951 members · 6,838 stories
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Since this isn't an idea nor a promotion, I figured it warranted it's own thread. I'm trying to find a story I once read on this site, but it seems to have vanished. I don't remember the title nor its author, but I do remember the synopsis. Essentially, the author had watched My Past is Not Today and had imagined just how it would fit into the EQGverse if the song was canon post-Rainbow Rocks.

He/She ended up making a scenario where Sunset gets tempted in a dream to use her new-found friends and position as Twilight's confidant and exploit them for her own gain. Distraught by the experience, Sunset seeks counsel from Pinkie Pie who, in a sleepy daze, tells her to vent her emotions on the roof of the school. Hence the song.

What I'm wondering is if you guys have read the same story and can redirect me to it. Since for the life of me, I can't remember it.

Group Admin

My Past is Not Today and had imagined just how it would fit into the EQGverse if the song was canon post-Rainbow Rocks

The song is canon post-Rainbow Rocks. :rainbowhuh:

Group Admin

Stickied. This would be a good thread to keep all "Help me find all fics" in. Will be added to the registry eventually.

4691581 As I recall, Life is a Runway, My Past is Not Today, and Friendship Through the Ages were all cut songs that would have appeared in RR. Whether they stand on their own is debatable at best.


I thought they were stand alones. Given fact the dolls they received were called Rainbow Rocks Encore, not just Rainbow Rocks.

Haven't seen this story though. I'll keep an eye out.

Group Admin

What in hell are you talking about? Source, plz.

Do you not understand how canon even works?

The shorts were released after Rainbow Rocks. They clearly take place in continuity between Rainbow Rocks and Friendship Games and help to bridge the gap between them by showing us events happening between the movies since it's not a full series. Sunset's new outfit first appears in those shorts, for example.

Some of them are clearly less tangible, such as Friendship Through the Ages (likely Sunset's dream) just as the pre-Rainbow Rocks Perfect Day For Fun was described by one of the show runners as Twilight's dream. Maybe Rarity didn't actually zap a bunch of her customers with the most fabulous magic they've ever seen, but random magical events are a thing, and the vast majority of the shorts are demonstrably part of the whole of the Equestria Girls timeline, so unless you dig up something official from the show staff that says they are not, I'm going to continue tilting my head and staring at both of you. :rainbowhuh:


No, I understand that, I'm not stupid. I'm just saying, given the fact the dolls were put in a separate branch I thought that these shorts might have been stand alone, irrelevant shorts.

Perfect Day for Fun had nothing to do with the movie, it just talked about the girls going to a carnival.

Right now these shorts are irrelevant to the movies, thus some believe they aren't canon.

I don't know if the shorts are canon and neither do you. I assumed they were stand alones.

As for the doll thing, its kind of like Chrysalis. She got an EG doll but from what we've seen she isn't in the movie, she's a stand alone doll like RRE.

Group Admin

I was kind of wondering if there was a story out there with a twist at the end of Equestria Girls. Like, whenever Sunset Shimmer got defeated, she faked being reformed and was actually trying to befriend them so she could find their weaknesses or something like that. Just thought it might be a cool idea. If there isn't a story like that already, I'd like it if someone wrote something along those lines. I'd definitely read as long as it isn't inappropriate.
Anyhow, hope I sparked an idea or two, and maybe there's a story like that. Have a great day! <3
-Shimmer Shy

4692604 4692622
Gais... sometimes a fun music video is just a fun music video, :duck:


What in hell are you talking about? Source, plz.

That was uncalled for, buddy. Besides, you're missing the point. The author wanted to transition between Rainbow Rocks and the short. That's all.


That was uncalled for, buddy.

He didn't say anything rude. He's just really, really confused.

Group Admin


You claim to have read somewhere that the shorts are not canon. I would like a source. If you're going to make wild claims, please back them with evidence.


He never said they weren't canon. He said, "As I recall, Life is a Runway, My Past is Not Today, and Friendship Through the Ages were all cut songs that would have appeared in RR."

He just said they were cut from the final copy of Rainbow Rocks.

Group Admin


With the implication that they are non-canon as a result. Either way, I want a source.


were all cut songs that would have appeared in RR

I find that a bit hard to believe. As an example, given where Sunset's character is at before and during RR, she's not ready for a song like "My Past is Not Today." She's just not at that point in her development. The song, among other things, is a sign of just how far she's come. To do that, it needs to happen after RR. As additional evidence, there were a number of shorts released prior to RR that turned out to be canon. These songs are in the same vein as those shorts (and the new ones, for that matter). Assuming that they're canon is the safe and correct assumption. Assuming otherwise ignores all evidence to the contrary.


Very true. I think these shorts might be canon now since A. Your argument was extremely well worded and very valid and B. Sunset's new outfit is in Friendship Games.

I was wondering if there are any fics that mention Sunset's double from the human world in any way. I found only these:
Maybe there are more but I haven't seen them and there is no group about them.

Can someone help me find a fic?

I remember reading it a while ago but now I can't remember it's name.

I think it's a one shot, and it's set before Sunset gets reformed. It's about this Anon who's transferred to CHS and just found out about how much of a bully Sunset Shimmer is. Then he accidentally runs into her in the halls and gets a bit of a verbal lashing from her then they both get trapped in a locker together.

That's all I can remember.

4907953 You are a lifesaver! :pinkiehappy:

Are there any fics where Sunset learns about how violent humans are now?

Like where she learns about the World Wars, Vietnam, 9/11, etc, etc then.

And her reactions to that as well.

I find myself delving into my own thread once again.

Anyway, I'm looking for a story I once read here. It involves Sunset Shimmer and the Dazzlings.

Basically, The Sirens find out that they're dying without their pendants and they plead with Sunset to let them return to Equestria. Unsure, Sunset calls Twilight for help and the two ponder the moral dilemma. Especially since the three girls are notably unrepentant for what they did to the school.

(Is it too late to comment here?"
Has anyone read a story with the name... "Are we like Goddesses or something?" I read it back when I joined, and then I lost it, and haven't found it since.
If someone can help, thanks!

Hmm didn't see this well i might as well ask this here too.

Anyone know Fics in where sunset gets reformed but doesn't befriend the rainbooms. Some like where she is better and nicer but the relationship between her and the 5 is not so good.

I'm looking for a story I read a while back, essentially Shimmer's world became a wasteland (btw Shimmer's an adult and had a job I think) after a big war with some other EQG world nation, Twilight becomes worried because Shimmer hadn't contacted her using the book, goes to see if she's fine and ends up stuck in the EQG wasteland. Can't remember the name, and can't find it in my favorites.

5370823 I'm pretty sure the story you're looking for is Fallout: Equestria Girls, though I haven't read it myself.

5370856 Thanks, that's what I was looking for.

I belieave it was called

I'm gona X myself no matter what I do

So, I remember reading this fic either earlier this year, or sometime last year. Basically, Sunset keeps repeating the ¨Helping Twilight win the Crown¨ part, with alterations, like Twilight saying ¨I´m gonna squeak myself¨ or ¨I´m gonna pee myself.¨ with accompaning alterations to reality. Anyone know what it was called?

Huh. Was told to come here with my very quickly locked thread. RIP.

Are there any kind of stories in this group that show an alternate ending of EQG1 where Sunset kills Twilight & friends, and is able to depose of Celestia and Luna, establishing herself as supreme ruler of Equestria? I don't think I've ever seen any before.

HELP I'm looking for a story about sunset shimmer that I read before I was a member of this site and I'm trying to find it. It's where sunset gets her wings when she goes back to Equestria and she and sunset are like sisters and celestia is being momlestia but the most recognizable part is where twilight, when she has her battle with starlight in cutie remark, she takes little starlight into the future to be her student and she and spike are like her kids
If anyone recognizes this story I would be extremely grateful if you could let me know the name of it! Please and thank you :twilightsmile:

Comment posted by Cpt Creampuff deleted Jun 7th, 2017

A story where the Eg sunset shimmer was left homeless after a car crash she had lost her memories and was friend with human double diamond and sugar belle and then she regained her memories but i dont remember what happened after also she wasnt the main character.

I'm looking for a story, I don't remember the name. I believe it was a story set around Christmas, not sure if Anon-a-miss, but one of the key parts of the story was that Sunset was handing out gifts to various students in CHS, and she made those gifts with the help of Princess Twilight. The gifts themselves were crystal/glass images that contained scenes of the students and their Equestrian counterparts doing various activities. Anyone know what I'm talking about?

It looks like you’re trying to find ‘So, we're like...goddesses or something?’ Do you want help with that?

It looks like you’re trying to find ‘When: "Pony Up" Becomes a bit too Literal‘. Do you want help with that?

So, I thought I spotted a story on this site a while back, and maybe I am wrong, but when recently watching "Cobra Kai", the TV series based of the film saga "Karate Kid", I got to thinking, didn't someone make a story on fimfiction, where Sunset Shimmer took martial arts classes cause she couldn't use magic? The story itself was kind of relating to the scene where Sunset Shimmer awoke in a sort of "ninja" stance after Sci-Twi's scream from her nightmare startled Sunset.

I looked all over for the story, but can't seem to find what I am looking for. Does anyone know if it is a deleted story, or do I have a few gears out of place, and no such story ever existed?

Please let me know, cause this is gonna bother the heck out of me.

Okay, so I have a read a great story called "Sunset Reset." After the friendship games, she goes back in time due to Twilight and Starlight's time war and wakes up when Celestia first showes her the mirror. Basically she rewrites history (and undergoes a severe psychological reformation) and I like it.

Now, I am curious...has anyone read a story where she gets back to the past of when she FIRST arrived in the human world and decides to have a second chance and actually be a good person to everyone there?

Does anyone know of a story with Sunset using her magic by using a broken spear as a medium? I can't remember the title but I know I read it.

I have an Equestria Girls timeline theory do you want me to pm to you?

There was this story I was trying to find, but for the life of me I can't remember what it was called. I just remember that it was after the events of Anon-a-Miss and Sunset was in a bad place emotionally. I remember Twilight coming over to try and help her through it, Sunset's "attempts", and one scene in particular in which Twilight caught Sunset looking at some ropes to the side of the stage, making sure she didn't get any ideas and scolding the Rainbooms for making it so that Twilight didn't feel safe leaving Sunset alone. Does anybody have an idea as to which story this was? I'm sorry for the lack of information.

If I'm not mistaken, you're looking for It's Time to Leave

That was it! Thank you so much, I had completely forgotten it was even a sequel!

There is a human Sunset group and we are also trying to find stories about her, since she seems to be one of those topics that isn't used as often as it could be.
sorry, that this isn't about the actual thread :eeyup:

Any stories dealing with the religious beliefs of characters? The main reason I’m posting this here is because it might be interesting to see how Sunset responds to human religions, but I’m really looking for any stories involving religion, no matter whether they take place in Equestria or Equestria Girls. However, if the story takes place in Equestria, I would prefer for it to involve a fictional religion, not a real-world one like Christianity.

There was a story I was looking for. In it, Sunset ends up being helped by the Dazzlings and then by a few others, releasing a few songs with them such as "Let it Glow" (I know, I laughed and cringed a bit myself). Sonata was revealed to be the real mind behind the Sirens but took a back-seat for her own reasons and let the retaliation on the school. Eventually, AJ started to make amends with Sunset, the CMC were found out and Scootaloo doubled down on her position so much that she was willing to become the "girl" for a member of the Diamond Dogs so that they'd break her out as well in the future. That's all the info I can remember right now, aside from I think Sonata sang "Get Jinxed" in one of the later chapters? Not sure on that.

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