Human in Equestria 16,887 members · 17,082 stories
Comments ( 83 )
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Group Admin

This thread is a dedicated location for discussing any feedback or criticism you want to share with the group admins. You may also use this thread to ask any questions about the group you want answered, the admins will try to come back to this thread regularly to review posts and answer questions. As usual try to keep discussion civil and adding to the conversation, thanks.

5473881 Why does Dropbear Senpai hate bacon? Nobody is allowed to hate bacon.

More importantly, how could you let an Australian be a mod? Everyone knows they are all weird because their toilets flush backwards.


5473885 YES exactly let's all hate on australians for their eldritch toilets, also is this song offensive?

How do the admins send out warnings? Through the site's messaging system or in reply the offending forum post in question?

wlam #5 · Sep 22nd, 2016 · · 4 ·

Can we start permabanning people for racist shitposting, please? This place is turning into Stormfront lite recently and I seriously don't want to be here any more if that becomes an acceptable tone of conversation. Fuck that noise.

Didn't you hear?
If the majority (or more vocal minority) says that racism and verbal abuse are okay, then it's okay. It's never about what is right or wrong, just what is more acepted.

Let's say hypothetically, that later there is a post about the rights of facism. Then a post saying that racial segregation is natural and deserved. And, of course, the eventual nazi post.

Since all of the abobe would be 'ironically' and 'just for fun', it would stay posted in the group. Anyone saying that's not okay just "doesn't get it".

Group Admin

5506619 Verbal abuse has never been ok here and gotten threads locked in the past, in addition controversial topics are only allowed to be discussed if it is within the scope of HiE issues or stories, all others will be directed towards personal blogs or to more relevant groups.

I believe you when you say that. But in the end, the problem is not if the post are blocked or when are they. The problem is that they keep being posted because the people who post them suffer no consequence.

Look, I'm not asking for a magical solution overnight or telling you or the others admins of the group what to do. I'm just doing what I thought was the right thing to do, call attention to a current and continuous problem that is happening.

To some extent I apologize if some of my less careful comments have come as too aggressive. So, for what it counts, I am sorry.

Edit: Not to keep kicking the can, just to drive a point home. This ( is an active thread in the group and this ( is a current admin's say on the matter. And, to be honest,I was going on an hyperbole when I said "the eventual nazi post", so this is literally worse than I could have thought.


I feel like the "look for story thread" isn't working. There are times where it has, but most of the time, it doesn't. Some people come there to ask questions, some go there just to complain about something, some go there just do to say something, etc.

I feel like that looking for stories thread's are better off being used rather than just one thread for people who are looking for stories. I think its because, its not consistent in my opinion. How? I don't know.

Group Admin

5522223 We used to allow people to post threads looking for stories a long time ago, and let me tell you if you thought the shitposts were bad you'd never survive it. 1/2 t0 2/3 of all posts were people looking for stories. We made the sticky post as a compromise even though we knew it wouldn't be as effective as individual posts. We encourage people to your our story folders or find groups more dedicated to finding stories.


We encourage people to your our story folders or find groups more dedicated to finding stories.

Well at least there's that I guess.

5523059 I've just thought about and is there anyway to convince you guys to allow finding story threads?

Group Admin

5559822 If a large number of members said they wanted it is the most probable way.

why the fuck do some people keep shiposting and the threads never get locked?

5473881 A request to moderators. Could you always post something like "Locked" at the end of a thread you lock? Or add "[Locked]" to the name of the thread? It is unclear, if the thread is locked, when it is opened from the feed, and writing a long answer to a post in a locked thread is frustrating.
P.S. I do use PM in such cases.

Group Admin

5618862 Sure, I can start doing that.

If theirs a displace story place in this groups folder, where would it go?

Do I just put my story in "main" if putting it in another folder would imply/reveal major spoilers, even if other folders do apply and it is certainly not a mainstream story?

Group Admin


You can put any HIE story in the 'Main' folder. While it's probably better for most people to put theirs in the specific folders (as readers can find fics they want easier) there's no need for you to do the same if you don't want to.

Thanks for the explanation! I'll put mine in "Main" once its published!

Umm... If I need someone for some help on a fic, could I ask here? Or would I have to ask in/start a different thread?

Most of the folders for the HiE story categories are fairly self-explanatory. My question is this: What sets the Main HiE folder apart from the General HiE folder? Is Is it to mean more of a Slice of Life style of fiction, or is it more for stories which do not fit into any of the other HiE categories? Why not keep just the General folder, migrate the stories in the 'to be deleted' Main folder and avoid the confusion? Or perhaps make an addendum to the HiE Rules thread to clarify what sets the Main story folder apart from the General story folder?

I have a question. Can we have a subfolder for how they "arive? for example dying and waking up in equestria. Poofing in and summoned by magic and so on.

Is there a sub-category for humans who are treated poorly when they arrive?

I accidentally added my story "The Knight" to the "Crossover" section of the group, how do I remove it?

So are you going to pm about the three warnings on our account or are you going to give it in the thread

Can I post a thread to discussion a story idea? One based around this clip:

Group Admin

Discussing story ideas is fine, but we'd like it if you do more than just post the video - share some of your ideas or something too.

Oh I will share my ideas for it, my idea is a story/crackfic about a human with a whip ending up in Equestria and using his whip to save the day/solve problems. Note: The human is mute and uses his whip to communicate.

With the return of Dropbear, how much longer will we be seeing a semblance of order and witicism as bad threads are fought off until he goes back to Sunken R'Lyeh to sleep and dream? Does he intend to stay for a week or two? Is he back for good? Will we see more admins around? Is Lorenzococo gonna fulfill his dark purposes and become an admin? Maybe wait for Wlam to be back and give unto him the Power of Greyskull?

What wonders does the future bring?

Group Admin

Dropbear is the hero we need, but as we do not deserve him his stays are fleeting. Only dropbear can say when he goes and when he stays.

Comment posted by DILLYbOd deleted Feb 17th, 2018

Why are you so strict against necroposting?

Group Admin

reviving dead threads? because they've already served their purpose and mostly just clutter the forums again.

More often than not the question isn't answered satisfactorily. Even when it is, usually there's room for improvement.

Group Admin

It's fine to ask the same question again if time has passed and you are more likely to get different answers.

Comment posted by Artuynh deleted Apr 28th, 2018

I'm new to this group and I get a "404 - Error" page every time I try to go to your "Main Rules Thread", so I'm unsure about any other rules aside from the one's that apply to the whole site. Any help/advice?

Group Admin

Thanks for pointing that out, by the time you read this message it should be fixed.

Yep, it's working just fine now! Thank you.

Hi, I was just wondering since I couldn’t find anything on the internet (trust me) do you know if there is a way to check how many words you have read, I’ve been looking for a while and can’t find it so I just decided to ask here instead

Group Admin

There used to be counters available to everyone back in like 2011-2012 or something, but they were removed.

I'm not aware of any website or software that can add it up for you, sorry.

This is probably a long shot-- if it hasn't been made by now, I doubt a suggestion from me will prompt its creation --but is there any chance that we could get a sub-folder for stories in which the human(s) stays human? I'm know I'm biased due to my own preferences, but even so, I don't think it's an unreasonable idea, given the name/premise of the group.

Is Humans vs Ponies fanfics allowed in this group?

Group Admin

yes, so long as it involves humans interacting with or going to equestria you're good.

Is promoting my own HiE stories allowed on the forum? The rules say nothing specific about posting stories but I saw a new author post a story thread yesterday and some other users jumped down his throat about it, saying it was against group rules. Just want to know so's I don't break any rules or invite "down-vote happy" trolls.


um do i have a strike??

Who did the title bar art? You know, the part of the group pic that has gen 1 meet gen 4?

Is there a thread that I need to go to to make specific story requests? What I mean is, I’m looking for a specific kind of story, not just one story, but different stories with the same concept. Thanks :)

The looking for story thread would suffice. You are still looking for stories, what the parameters are is irrelevant.

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