House of D'aww 768 members · 1,169 stories
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Baby Boo
Group Contributor

Fluttershy and the CMC have received their own story folders because, well, they're just so darn cute. But surely other ponies deserve the same honor?

Perhaps, but we don't want to create a separate folder for every pony, even though really, they're all pretty adorable, especially when they're wearing socks / drinking from juiceboxes / sliding into a box / drinking a milkshake / pandering to a meme. SO nominations for Character Galleries have a special procedure to make sure we're serious about our cute.

To create a new Character Gallery, the following must occur:

1. Someone has to nominate the character, obviously.
2. At least TEN stories must be presented which star the character in a central role, and are cute enough to inspire at least three heart attacks.
3. An image must be presented of the character being dangerously cute -- without being just a re-skin of a common meme image such as those mentioned above.

Who will be first? Who will be second? How many will make it? Only one way to find out!

Group Contributor

Ten stories? Awww, I only have five. Maybe next year.

Baby Boo
Group Contributor

*Peeks over at JMac's userpage and makes a sympathetic clucking sound*

Mm, yeah, 'fraid that OC's are going to have to work a bit harder than show characters to make it. But take heart; the point of this little rigamarole isn't really to comment on whether a character is adorable, but to see that there's enough material to justify a new folder before opening one.

And in any case, Boo hasn't starred in even one story yet, so you're ahead there... :rainbowlaugh:


Twilight! If anyone else has a story about here, too... (I've got a story called Milkshakes about her)

And you know you're going to get a Luna folder. Once I finish writing my next story, I'll have two Luna stories! (Milkshakes and I'm writing a story called Little Wuna and Tia's Day Off. It's like a diary entry be the one and only Woona!


By the way, I added an Applejack story to a folder that has Applebloom being cute to the group, but I think you need to add more subfolders to the CMC's folder, so each of the CMC have their own folder.

Elric of Melnipony
Group Contributor

I hope you don't want all ten stories in one go, but you know I have to nominate Twist.

To start the list of stories, I offer up She Wants To Know What Love Is. Also, I'd like to offer her chapter in Special Talents for consideration, as it's more of a compilation of one-shots than a single narrative. She's also pretty damn cute in Dreaming and A Card for Twist, as I recall. Thweet Geniuth gives us Twist in the role of Iron Chef: Adorable. By my count, we're halfway...

Baby Boo
Group Contributor

Naw, it's not necessary to make the list all at once, I just want evidence that there's a good-sized body of stories to include before making a new folder. I'm thinking here of a few shipping-based groups that start off with a huge list of folders that include every pairing the moderator can think of, but then end up with a bunch of empty or nearly-empty folders -- not that such a thing would be the end of the world or anything, but it does look kinda sad.

I'm pretty sure that any character that people nominate can stack up the necessary stories right quick, but hopefully these 'rules' will encourage some fun posting-and-discussion in the process. Nothing a Tyrannical Dictator enjoys more than the feeling that other people are also having fun with the Tyranny, y'know.

Elric of Melnipony
Group Contributor

Well, despite being encouraged by someone else to make this nomination, my back-up seems to have vanished from the thread. (Cough, cough, JMac!) I could easily find another five stories, but I have another mission to attend to right now...

I'm thinking here of a few shipping-based groups that start off with a huge list of folders that include every pairing the moderator can think of, but then end up with a bunch of empty or nearly-empty folders

That's just sloppy structuring, if you ask me. Better to organize based on story content than nigh-infinite character combos.

Baby Boo
Group Contributor

Quite so. That's why the ten-stories rule; ten seems like a reasonable number on a site that has, what, something around 60,000 or so? I expect that, as 1946607 suggest, Twilight, Luna and the individual Crusaders will be able to meet that criteria before very long.

The requirement of a picture, of course, is purely because I want to see more cutesy pictures.

Elric of Melnipony
Group Contributor

More cutesy pictures? You monster!

Baby Boo
Group Contributor

Squee! Wow, just... wow, there's a whole story in that one picture there. The expressions are perfect!

Elric of Melnipony
Group Contributor

It's definitely a fine piece of work. :twistnerd:

Elric of Melnipony
Group Contributor

Have some more Twist! The way she used to be is an unconventional (but beautiful) love story. The Moon and Thtarth gives us an adorable chance meeting of Twist and Princess Luna. A Twisted Crush (which I should have added some time ago) is the story of the childhood crush between Twist and Featherweight, and it may very well break your cuteness meter. The CMC get introduced to D&D-style RPGs by GM Twist in Equines and Enchantments, OMGWTFBBQ. And while I still stand by my statement that she's too good for Snails, the story In the Middle gives us her asking him out, and she's just so cute!

So... time for a Twist folder?

Group Admin


Maybe we need to post more cute Twist pictures first.


Elric of Melnipony
Group Contributor

I can do that. It'll be good practice for absolutely hammering the Twist group with her pictures once you and I are both in the right mindset to do so...

Group Admin


Yeah. Though I think half the pictures still need to be copied to the picture thread. IIRC, I only copied the ones from my posts...

Of course, if we post too many here, it might get annoying...


Elric of Melnipony
Group Contributor

Yeah, we've probably made our point here. :twistnerd:

Baby Boo
Group Contributor


Revealed today: her full name is actually Twist My Arm Why Don't'cha. Folder added. :twistnerd:

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