Human Magic 1,871 members · 761 stories
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Pool your ideas here!

I would personally like to see how someone else would write a wizard 101 crossover

I have an idea.

It's earth year 2010. My Little Pony isn't released.
Then suddenly, Equestria.
Equestria appears in the middle of the ocean, replacing a large amount of water- a missing supercontinent. This is due to the machinations of Discord, who was the one who removed Equestria in the first place.

There are effects all over the world- every single horse and zebra is transported into Equestria, granted sentience and reduced to foal hood.

The reappearance of Equestria, plus a wave of chaos magic repowers Earth's leylines, flooding the world with magic.

This has bad effects on humanity.
About 60% of humanity is unaffected, and are known as 'norms.'
20% are killed by magic lashing through an inferior nervous system.
10% are hideously mutated by chaos magic- they are known as 'Freaks' informally.
9% of humans are granted magical abilities without physical deformity. They're called, 'Magi.'
And 1% are transformed into ponies or other equine species, and are known as 'New Foals,' because they have to relearn how to do everything, not because they've been magically brainwashed.
Sound good?

Great idea certainly something i will read. I only hope you didnt makes ponies saint a humans bastards:fluttershysad:. And as far as i am remember you will be only one who done story of this tipe:pinkiehappy:.

Group Admin

2825619 I like it. You making it? Does magic and tech mix there? And how about another group called "Elves". They gain magic powers, and light mutations. They basically become High Elves from WoW. Taller, stronger, faster, more agile, faster reflexes, pointy years, glowing eyes, and a strange craving for magic.

Group Admin

2758373 there's one in here already.

Oh gee thanks man.
I wasn't thinking about there ever being another group known as 'Elves.' There might be humans who have powers and appearances similar to what you're suggesting, but it's highly unlikely.
Magi and technology might mix, that's something to think about.

Group Admin

3007083 k. BTW, you should make there a way that norms can learn "some" magic, but just the basics.

Group Admin

Anyone ever read Ideal Lovers: the TG Game Show? For those of you that haven't, humans discovered a special kind of crystal called "auras" on a planet called Terra Prime. While holding theses crystals, humans can use "magic" to alter the environment around them using their emotions for about "50 or 60 feet". Unfortunately, auras aren't unlimited. They shrink with every use. So basically in that world, humans can use magic, we just don't have any natural magical reserves. So imagine a human crash lands in Equestria, and discovers that the air itself is so soaked in magic, he doesn't even need an aura crystal. Or perhaps he falls through a dimensional rift. Cause besides the aura magic, that world plays by our laws of nature, physics, and reality. And apparently Celestia and Luna control the sun and moon, so that wouldn't work. I suggest reading to book before you write this. Might help.

How about a story where a mage spends years learning hermetic high sorcery - a complicated, painstaking art. Perhaps the crowning glory is finding a ritual of travel to another plane, Equestria. Only to find that, rather than being impressed by his mastery of magic, the unicorns there find his theatrical and slow spell-weaving to be laughable. That it takes this human minutes - or even hours - to accomplish what any unicorn can in seconds.

Now have him - proud as any hermetic is want to be - plot to prove himself to the spoiled unicorn gentry. That unlike beings spoonfed magic from the cradle, he understands principles mystic and truths arcane. And that he, with a little cleverness, hard work, force of will, and a load of summoning and binding spells, can do what the unicorns deem impossible. He'll show them. He'll show all of them!

I want to write this story...but I have so many other stories waiting in the wings at the moment.

2756521 What about a human getting magic via mystical artifact?

Group Admin

4350126 we have a folder for it, so go right ahead.

What if Humans got powers from harnessing Unicorn horns and molding them into rings/magical artifacts?
Think about It, Alicorn (Which is what the horn of a Unicorn is called.) appears to be magical in nature, and thusly, imagine a ring made out of said material? Would It be able to channel the energies that Unicorns used?

Group Admin

4561267 good idea. I think there's something like it out there though. It's called "The Last Mage". It only works with intact unicorn horns, and each horn has a limited number of uses, so your idea sounds a bit better. I look forward to seeing if it is made.

4575938 Funny you should say that, I was planning on writing It! I am merely awaiting for my laptop to finish updating. I'm thinking of "The Essence of Magic" as a title :)

Group Admin

4577098 sounds like a great title. How long will the update take?

4582832 I was writing out the description of the character on my main PC, but my main PC crashed so I lost a lot of content :<
But I'll try to write the story by the end of today and have It published tomorrow, If all goes well.

Group Admin


I actually had a similar problem once. I had written a good part of a story, a couple thousand words(it was to be only the beginning) when I suddenly lost all of it. Twice. Not fun.

4588304 It's gonna take a bit longer because my Backspace key stopped working, sorry.

Group Admin

4589110 have you tried highlighting and then writing in what you want?

4598810 Ah, I'm on my phone atm (Impromptu family trip.) so I'm writing It down in my notes.

What about the possibility of humans that use magic through chanelling energy within their chakras or through astral projection? With equestria being a magical place I have a feeling that such things could occur on the physical plane of equestria.

Group Admin

4600334 ah. That is not good.

Group Admin

4603111 I would like to see that.

Comment posted by Knight Gear deleted Aug 31st, 2016
Comment posted by Scornas deleted Jul 21st, 2017

Human uses technology to use magic, after he is sent to equestria because some god got bored or something
I theorized that you could create a gun powered by magic
The gem would need to be filled with magic, and the inside of the barrel would need to have runes like 'increase velocity' or 'burn'
The way it would work is that the trigger would make the gem expell an amount of magic into the barrel, and the barel's runes would activate and make the raw blast of magic increase in velocity, or turn it into an ignite or freeze spell
The barrel would be able to be detachable to be able to cast a variety of spells with the pull of a trigger
Technology utilizing magic

look at me, trying to apply my brain to magic

I had an idea for a type of magic based on Norse runes. What I'm thinking is that the main character is able to carve runes into any surface to create its magical effect by channeling magic into the rune, much like water through pipes. Now when I say any surface, I mean ANY surface.

Say he was imprisoned by a band of bandits, barbarians, or some other evil group. They know of his ability to channel magic through ancient runes forgotten by pony kind and they've stripped him of everything he could use to make said runes. His clothing was taken so he can't rip it apart to form a symbol. His weapons and trusty chisel were taken and he has nothing to carve into the ground or walls with to make a deep enough conduit for his magic to run through. There are also no objects in the room soft enough to be carved into via tooth or nail. Or so they think.

When the guards go to collect him for his execution he gives a grin and they see that he has blood on his lips. He holds up a blood-stained hand and a symbol begins to glow. In an act of desperation and brilliance, he had knawed a runic symbol into his own flesh with his teeth. They try to charge him but are slain by two glowing arrows through the skull that had been fired from the man's palm. He proceeds to use this bloody rune to fight his way out and reclaim his things.

I'm imagining the protagonist making many clever moves like this throughout the story. Using the rune for "giant" to turn a pebble he carries with him into a boulder for some cover. Carving the rune for "sun" into a tree branch to make it glow, giving him a torch.

He'll be limited to the 24 runes that can be found in the "Elder Futhark" and he'll need to be touching the rune to make it work. But since he's a clever lad and because some runic shapes can be found naturally (like the runic symbol for ice which is literally just a straight line) He'll find new and innovative ways to carve and apply runes.

It is also possible to add other humans that possess magic from other cultures to mix things up.

One problem though is that it might be difficult to find uses for runes that mean things like "wheel", "year", "yew", or even "God" and not have them be too powerful or completely useless.

TLDR: Highly intelligent human carves Viking runes into stuff. Unicorns amazed. Shenanigans ensue.

If there was a magic power scaleable on how much magic they have Then what would think each of these magic power level (Mp) would they have? Please tell me your options on what they would be. These is my guess
Human 1
Never had magic but is gaining magic very slowly through living, eating, and killing other living things with magic to absorb it
Ponies Mp 100
Earth ponies, pegessus, and unicorns normally have around the same Mp
Element of magic, training magic for years
Cadence Mp 6,300,000
Princess of love, didn't seem to train her magic much
Luna Mp 15,000,000
Princess of the moon, trapped on the moon for years, one had 3 of the elements
Celistia Mp 17,500,000
Princess of the Sun, had 3 of the elements, had the magic element

Twlight changes over the seasons
Season 1 Mp 1100
Season 2 Mp 1150
Season 3 Mp 1250
Season 4 Mp 6,750,000 new princess of friendship

Discord Mp 31, 459,265

Lord Tirek Mp 45,050,000
Full Power,

Choose your own path.

It's a choose your adventure story. Where you have many paths you can take. There are paths where you are good or evil or sometimes both.

Good Endings

Main Character You join the main 6 on their adventures and their Friendship lessons
A Good Ruler, You decided to become some leader by doing good deeds for others
OP Hero , You want to become the most powerful hero to save the day when others can't

Neutral Endings

Being OP, You want to be powerful, your not evil nor good just powerful,
OP Ruler, You decided to become powerful so you can be the most powerful Ruler
Adventurer, You go on adventures far and wide, join Daring Do or go alone.

Evil Endings

Evil OP, You want to be powerful by any way possible
Evil Ruler, You decided you want to rule over Equestria. You gather an army of soldiers to go to war with Equestria
Op Evil Ruler, You decided you want to rule over Equestria, but to do that you need to come powerful by any means possible
Evil Assistance, You decided to help one of the villains in their plans whether it's helping with Nightmare Moon, Queen Crystalise, Discord, or Sambra.

Help Wanted

Please help by sending chapter ideas or writing down your chapter idea for whichever main path you might want to help with.
It's unlikely I will ever get far into the idea, so if anyone ever uses this idea I would suggest writing the whole "Mane Character" first with pauses to create paths afterward then branch off to the other ideas.

Hello, I have had an idea in my head for a little while now and wanted to get some opinions and help on how it could work. The idea is that humans naturally dont have magic but rather their bodies/ souls act as either syphons or negate any form of magic. Thoughts?

Well, I see no sense in leaving this thread unused since 2021.

So I’ve done this one in my new story, “Equus Untamed”, but I feel it could be an idea to help inspire others here to further elaborate the whole “Human Magic” concept!

Equestrian Natives
I’d imagine the Humans could be natives of Equestria, but from a distant land, or several distant lands, and have adapted to the magic in Equestria’s atmosphere. As a result, they’ve gained unique abilities that are further expanded upon below!

Human Subspecies
Everyone always has fantasy stories in which the “Elves” are an entirely “Separate Entity” that came before everyone else - humans, included. But what I’m confused about is why very little stories or fantasy lores have reversed that role! What if humans have three different species that help further differentiate them? For an example (and I swear I’m not self-promoting! I’d have just linked it otherwise!) I’ve used three different “Human” types for my new story, “Equus Untamed”. They are as follows:

Human: Your standard Round-Eared guys and gals! Because of Equestria’s magic, they have a strong connection to Nature, but in a more “HUMANISTIC” way! As Earth Ponies hold vast dominion over the Plant-Life, using melodies and hoof connections, it would be more sensible that Humans hold dominion over the FAUNA, instead, with the power of their Voices. Letting forth a loud roar that bellows across the land, amplified by the magic in their blood, these Humans can subdue some of the most ferocious creatures out there, and will them to either run away or bend their wills to their side. What’s more, the tribal races would consider the roar of a Human as the “Voice of the Gods”. Unlike your average Earth Humans, these guys and gals stand up at around 8 or 9 feet in height, 8 being the average, and they are generally a whole lot stronger than the rest of their peers. As such, the Humans here can also be considered “Giants” in Earthling Standards.

Yuma: Sacrificing the powers of their voices for the ability to alter the world around them, the Yuma are the Humans who have adapted into a more “Unicorn-Like” manner, shortening their heights to about six feet maximum, yet averaging at five. Their ears have, in addition, grown out in a shape similar to that of what we’d call “Elves”. The truth of it, however, is that they are the “Elves” of this canon! The loss of their “Gifts of the Voice”, however, has hindered their dialect to be unique as well. Translations would have to be studied even further to understand their different, unique dialects, as well as those of the ones below.

Umani: These are the Humans who, like the Yuma, have sacrificed their Voices for a different purpose. Rather than directly manipulating the world around them, though, they prefer the Winds, and as such, have sprouted Angel Wings that allow them both flight and traversal on Clouds. Though they can’t move the clouds as effectively as a Pegasus, they can hold the advantage in a combat scenario! By conjuring up the powers of the Storm, they can carry lightning gathered from Storm Clouds like javelins, and throw them with incredible accuracy, in a manner similar to Zeus from Greek Mythology. They tend to live in Clouds, but may also be found roaming the earth below.

Gods: These are the Deities of Humanity, as depicted by drawings and sketches. Essentially the “Alicorns” of Humans, who can shape the Cosmos at their own will. They have pointed ears and wings, and their voices bellow like that of thunder! Legends say this is the “Avatar Form” that Father Time, himself, uses when he is required for Divine Intervention, while Mother Nature is his Alicorn Wife.

One of the things to note is that, excluding the “Gods”, every subspecies of Humans have a “Give-and-Take” to their powers. To become anything that isn’t dubbed a “Human”, but a “Subspecies” of Humanity, it costs them the powers of their “Voices”, and they lose their dominion over the creatures of the world.

If you like these ideas, feel free to use them for your own stories, too! I don’t mind at all! But maybe credit me if you do? :heart:


That first idea is a core component of the fanfic series I've been working on before I even know about the FimFiction website. However, I equipped this take on humanity with a unique but with multiple inspirations elemental magic system of my own design.

The plot blurb of my first fanfic's volume is that humans were the greatest warriors the world of Equus had ever seen, and together with the ancient ponies built the beginnings of their civilizations while keeping the supernatural danger of the world at bay, inadvertently creating the world's first friendships. But due to an ancient friendship problem that literally drove the ancient humans underground to a giant cavern connected to a series of caves called The Heart of the World. The plot is that the Mane 6 decide to go down to their underground megacity in an attempt to convince them to return, but find themselves at the mercy of several unscrupulous humans and their agendas and conspiracies, but make friends with heroic human warriors who put their own lives on the line for them and their mission.

For the magic system itself, every human has abilities based on the properties of an elemental power they're born with, which works on what I call a Primary and Derivative system.

The primary elements should seem familiar: Water, Earth, Fire, Air, and Ether. Every human is part of a tribe based on each of these elements and have a few innate abilities based on them like underwater breathing, enhanced strength, extreme heat and cold resistance and limitless stamina, levitation and the ability to tread on clouds, and a form of ESP.

However, while the humans that have a Primary element make up the majority, many humans also possess a Derivative element that exists as an extension of one of the primary 5, such as Ice, Poison, and Slime; Stone, Iron, and Plants; Lightning, Bomb, and Steam; Mist, Vortex, and Snow; Time, Space, and Psychic. However, each element has a number of highly distinctive properties, some of which can seem like they belong to a different tribe. For example, despite being a Fire derivative, Lightning elementals have a lot in common with the Air tribe such as the ability to levitate and fly plus a sensitivity to atmospheric conditions.

And that’s just the elements themselves, the humans who possess them have their own idiosyncrasies in addition to their magic's. Like one Fire elemental may be better at creating a sustained stream of flame, and another better at lobbing individual projectiles of flame. There's no reason who one can't learn the other, but they would not be as efficient in terms of power, energy efficiency, and precision.

As an extension of this, they also possess a Low, Mid, and Top-class warrior system to categorize themselves. They may be a self-described warrior race, but only within reason, they do produce very competent laborers, artisans, artists healers, and cooks as well. And they have a deep philosophy about mastering the ways of war and peace while not being subject to the pitfalls of either. However, those among them who reach the greatly significant proficiency of the Top-Class are marked by the weapon they most identify with changing colors, becoming impervious to breaking and wearing, and gaining the ability to banish and summon it at will as if it becomes a metaphysical part of themselves no different from their magic, and will gain more abilities as they continue to develop as warriors.

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