The Goodfic Bin 1,255 members · 1,297 stories
Comments ( 442 )
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Group Admin

Hello. Due to the Self Submissions Folder being flooded with stories (and me not wanting to go out like Twilight's Library) we're locking the submissions folders permanently, and setting up a new self submissions thread here.

This is where you can submit one of your own stories. Please follow these strict guidelines, or your submission may well be ignored.

Present only one story at a time, please. Select your best. Until such a time that your story gets accepted, do not submit another. Any subsequent submissions from you will be ignored. Once your current submission has been accepted/denied, you will be free to submit another.

Please present your submissions in a format vaguely resembling this:



-Reason you think the story is worth reading

Please include a link to your story in your submission. Failure to do so will result in me drinking heavily. Help safeguard against my bankrupting the world's supply of alcohol and include links.

Gratuitous clop and gore will result in your submission being rejected. Save yourself the time and effort and don't post that super-saucy pony-porn if there's no story to back it up. Chances are, you've already got an audience for it, and we're not looking for that here.

Do not link to mature stories: I know I said include a link, but this here is a vital exception. Provide a link to a story list or even PM me the link if you have to, but do not link directly to the story. Site rules, and all that jazz.

Do your best to keep grammar and spelling at a decent level when submitting your story. You have no idea how depressed it makes me to read poor spelling in your submission, and then more poor spelling in your story. At least keep me guessing until I actually review the story, please.

Quick clarification: stories already in the self submissions folder will be looked at. You don't need to resubmit anything.

Any questions can be directed at me. I don't bite (unless you ask nicely).

If this seems like an uncomfortable way of doing things... it's because we have to. Have a good one, and good luck.


Are stories already in the folder exemt?

Would it be possible for the review setup to work like this:

1. open the submissions folder.
2. wait until it has 100+ stories in it.
3. lock it and review those stories.
4. repeat steps 1-3.

Group Admin

4195556 There's a bit in there about me not wanting to go the same way Twilight's Library went. You may not be familiar with the story, but they did what you suggested, and their banner is now a picture of a burnt down library. Evidently, this does not work. There's an outside chance this might.

4195486 Stories already in the folder, stay in the folder, and will be checked in due time. I'm not going to make anyone resubmit anything, because that would be an incredibly unfair move on my part.

Twilight's Library tried that and they reached the point where the incoming submissions folder could only be opened for literally a matter of seconds, and would almost instantly fill. It would then take a couple months or so for the submissions to be worked through at which point the cycle would happen all over again.

That burned out the staff hard and produced a lot of general dissatisfaction, ill-will, and butthurt over the process from the users who could never get a submission in.

Honestly, there has to be a higher qualification and effort bar for self-submission than just adding a story to a folder.

4195612 I see. Twilight's Library was before my time, so that's why I didn't know.

Group Admin

4195621 That's why we included the 'provide a reason to read your story'. If the author can't come up with a satisfactory reason, I'm willing to bet dollars to doughnuts that I sure as heck can't.

4195639 I was one of the last ones to get in... like, literally the last five or something. I was always a bit sad that it collapsed just as I arrived.


I was always a bit sad that it collapsed just as I arrived.

I know what you mean; join something that seems like a cool/interesting thing just as it starts to go.
(If it happens enough, you start to feel like a bit of a bad-luck charm.)

Group Admin

4196067 Hmm. Yeah.

In any case, I don't intend to go the same way. And if I do, you can bet it'll be as I'm swimming in whisky and screaming all manner of forbidden scottish curses.

I loathe whisky, but I'd definitely buy a shot for me and you to hear them. :raritywink:
(I certainly don't want you burnt out either.)

4195660 A: Your method looks good to me.
B: As mature fic writer, I admit to looking over TL's rules and just walking away. They admitted a mature fic would probably never pass and while I think / hope what I'm producing is half decent, I understand their line of thought. Hopefully we can keep you sane!

4195380 Even though I have submitted my story to the folder before it was locked, I feel I should be responsible and explain why I think my story is worth checking out. As was said earlier, just dumping a story into a folder is no work at all.

Title: Three from the Forest.

Description: Wanderer, a colt living in a small town of Equestria, has dreams of being a grand adventurer like his heroine Daring Do. It was not until he met two other foals who had moved to Greensborough from the big city, did he find the companions that he had sought after. Together, they would trample through the town and forest in the pursuit of their purpose in life. This is their story, the story of the three ponies who would become the precursors of the rise of Order.

Reason why: Three from the Forest is the official start of a long running series I have planned and am currently in the process writing. With it, I took on the challenge of producing an original character centric story and making it work. To make a story staring original characters an actual good story to read. Making the characters believable, relatable, and making them to the point that their inclusion in the MLP world seems as natural as any canon character. The question is if I succeeded in doing so or not, I leave that up to my readers and the reviewers to determine.

Cheers, everyone!

Group Admin

4196915 Actually, out of the two mature stories I looked at for here so far, one of them was pure clop and the other was let in. So at the very least, it's not a case of mature stories never getting in. That's not what we're about, anyway: if a M rated story can be entertaining and written well enough without relying on it's M rated-ness, then we want it.

4196936 Cheers, bud. You got the format of it spot on, too.

4197488 haha. Yeah, I understand that. As I explained to a reader who was complaining it had been two chapters since I had a sex scene. "I don’t see the point in shoehornong in sex scenes every chapter. Besides makes the few scenes I write more exciting and feels more natural."

Anyways! Have fun with your continued (and nearly thankless) efforts to filter through the folder. :rainbowlaugh:

Group Admin

4197502 Frankly, it's only thankless when I know before reading that I'll be rejecting something. Because then I feel I'm just reading through anyway and pointing out that either: nothing happens/pacing is off/characters are flat and two dimensional.

The only exception is gratuitous clop. I mean, at least I'm enjoying myself before I reject it.

Title: Riverdream at Sunset: a Manuscript

Description: Lord Dunsany has a curious adventure in the Lands of Dream, in a realm where beasts can talk and the sun rides low in the sky.

Reason: This is a pastiche written in the style of Lord Dunsany, a fantasy writer known for his poetic, resonant and dreamlike prose. It's also a story on the nature of Gods, and the powers of skepticism vs. faith, and the precious frailty of a single life. I believe that it will interest any reader who has a penchant for literate, intelligent and creative tales.


Thank you for considering my story!

Group Admin

4204803 Gotcha. Adding it to the review list thing now.

Also, Dragonbornefox, look! Someone who knows how a submissions thread works! lel!

4195380 -Title
"Precious Soul of Mine"
In an Alternate version of the Canterlot wedding Queen Chrysalis comes to Canterlot to get what she wants, and that thing apprently... is not conquest... it's the other half of her soul... Cadence.
-Reason you think the story is worth reading
I think it's an interesting new idea that could give birth to an entire saga of epicness due to the changes in the MCs's personalities.

Comment posted by nioniosbbbb deleted Mar 25th, 2015
Group Admin


Present only one story at a time, please. Select your best.

Tyrannical comment deleting super strike ataaaaack!

Besides, aren't there like, lots of yours in the folder anyway? I'll take the first one you presented into account, and until I come to a decision, sneaky comment deletion shall take place! Eeevil admin time!

4205300 Sorry. I just thought that you wanted them submitted here.

Group Admin

4205301 I do, but only one at a time. This is to prevent people submerging me with their stories. I mean, imagine if Sir Hat wanted all his stories in here? He has over 90!

4205309 Right... I just thought that according to the submission folder you had it close and you guys weren't going to look for the fics there so you directed us here.

Group Admin


Quick clarification: stories already in the self submissions folder will be looked at. You don't need to resubmit anything.

I know I could just reclarify my point without bringing attention to what I've already written, but these days people seem to be misunderstanding what I say, so I just decided to be a bit of a bitch and quote myself. Is this clear now?


Second post in this topic

Are stories already in the folder exemt?

Fourth post

Stories already in the folder, stay in the folder, and will be checked in due time. I'm not going to make anyone resubmit anything, because that would be an incredibly unfair move on my part.

4205326 So... I should delete my post there?

Group Admin

4205334 No, don't bother. Leave it as a warning to the others.:pinkiecrazy:

I did submit my story in before the folder was locked, however I feel the need to post why I think is deserves a review.

Title: Past Shadows (At the moment still unfinished)

It’s been five years since the changelings and their queen invaded Canterlot and in that time Equestria has experienced five years of peace and tranquility. That is, until eight months ago when a swarm of changelings attacked Manehattan. The Swarm seemed to come out of nowhere and attacked the ponies devouring their happiness. Celestia and Luna quickly deployed their royal guards to Manehattan who quickly intercept the swarm. After an hour the swarm seemed to disappeared as fast as it had appeared. After that, the residents started to rebuild their once beautiful city. A week later another swarm appeared in Fillydelphia and once again the two sisters deployed the guards and just like the first attack the changelings seemed to disappeared as fast as they appeared. For the next month, changelings attacked the major cities towns, and villages of Equestria.

Celestia and Luna both knew they needed an elite force to seek out changelings who were imitating ponies. After a month of peace, the two sisters had created a group to locate changelings. They named the group the changelings Detection Force or CDF for short. The two felt that the attacks on the cities, towns and villages were the start of a greater swarm that would attack all of Equestria. They deployed a large army across Equestria with a member of the CDF to locate changelings and prevent a full scale war. However, the two hadn’t noticed the shadow crawling from the darkness, waiting for the right moment to strike.

-Reason you think the story is worth reading:
Past Shadows it a somewhat dark tale about letting in the wrong type of creature even if your intentions are good. With all the dark twist and turns the story has taken, I hope it keeps the reader guessing to the very end and by the end of the story I hope it will make the reader what to know more about these characters and by the end of the trilogy. They are satisfied with the work and enjoy all the characters in it and can see these characters in the MLP world.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Hello, here is my submission to the group.

Waking Up In Equestria

A teenager finds himself pulled into Equestria after seeing a strange glow on the PE field after school. He finds himself in the CMC clubhouse and soon is embroiled in the lives of the ponies around him, and in love with one in particular with a purple mane.

Daily life, a battle with Scootaloo's father for her freedom and the banishment of the Element of Hate all await Mason's new life in a land of ponies.

This story started out as a short clop fic and my first ever real attempt at writing. I found I could not stop after the first couple of chapters and tried for more, deciding that I should give it my all and achieve more than a simple clop fic with humbling and unexpected results.

After some editing and extension, the story became a 100K plus word tale that includes almost every facet of life in Equestria. A host of followers and fans have grown to follow Mason through this first story and into part 2 that is still in process.

Group Admin

Just a note to my approvers:~

If you reject Waking Up In Equestria I will f:yay:king murder you with a rusty nine iron, then ban you, resurrect you with zebra magic then murder you again.

I jest of course, but seriously—this story may not be perfect, but it's so good I actually lost sleep because of it. It's stories like this that prompted me to found TGB. Stories so good that they disrupt your daily lives because you can't stop reading them.

Charles Spratt
Group Admin

4210321 Oh dear... Thank God I don't do self submissions, then! Cheers :pinkiesmile:

4195380 Here is my submission.

Scattered Seeds.

A human from the Plants vs Zombies universe falls into Equestria and causes havoc with his plants.

Reason you should read.

If you like Plant vs Zombies, and having your expectations shattered, then this is the story for you. I try to be unpredictable with this story.

4195380 Here is my submission. I don,t expect my stories to be all that since i'm just a novice writer.

Bug's Life

It is about a changeling given to the ponies of Equestria due to a peace treaty formed after the capture of queen Chrysalis shortly after the attack on Canterlot. He is a servant to his master who miss treats him.

I Don't won't to say it will be worth reading since I personally don't know your taste in stories, but please consider me. I have a dream to have 5000 or more likes on any of my stories and i won't give up on that dream.

Side Note:
I am currently revising the prologue so don't expect it to be great right now.

4205336 Hey, HapHazard, I took care of reviewing Scattered Seeds for you, just look at the story's comments. I'm pretty sure it's rejected.

4213739 It's rejected? I'd like to know why.

4214118 Don't worry, HapHazard does very detailed breakdowns of the reasons a story is accepted or rejected in my opinion. Until then, just remember that everything depends on the reader.

4213739 Nevermind, I saw the review.

4214140 Actually, it's not, yet. I have no say in whether a story gets in or not, but I've seen enough rejected stories to know when one won't make the cut. My story probably won't make the cut, but I'm still waiting for confirmation.

Group Admin


I'm pretty sure it's rejected.

HapHazred will be the judge of that.


Hello I apologize but I can't figure out how to submit. The only place I can find is where the submission for other stories is,

Group Contributor

4216724 Thou art in the right place, fair citizen. Thou need only leave a link to thy story, paste it's description, and state thy reasoning for submitting. :raritywink:

"not the original description but one I use"

Even in a world like Equestria there exists suffering. And those in desperation would believe and follow any who would promise them a better life. So when an old misguided student of Celestia's returns to Equestria after 8 years of self exile and takes the role of the puppet master and turns the blame on the Equestrian crown. The flames of sorrow would be fanned into a roaring blaze that would consume Equestria and throw the land and its allies into revolution and eventually an all out destructive war. As Twilight struggles to lead Equestria in this time of war an ancient entity waits in the shadows; waiting for the war to end so he can cradle any remaining life to sleep. All while a single stallion tries to undo the destruction and restore what was lost.

I submit this story because I want to please my fellow readers. I also want my work to be know and appreciated. or at least known :ajsleepy:

Ps I couldn't link this story to the (Submit others work folder) so I put it here. I what this to be clear THIS IS NOT MY WORK but I feel it should be appreciated

Title: Guilt of a Phantom.

Description: This is a crossover fic with the show Danny Phantom, which plays out 6+ years after the DP show stopped, but with changes to the show's finale.

Danny Fenton, just your average teenage boy.

He goes to school, has to deal with bullies, homework, fight ghosts, and keep his other half a secret from his family.

After an accident with his parents ghost portal his D.N.A. became infused with ectoplasm, turning him into a half ghost.
Now Danny Phantom, he took it onto him to fight ghost while struggling to learn to control his new found powers. Luckily he has his two best friends, Sam and Tucker, with him to help him deal with the everyday ghost life.

Together they went through all kinds of supernatural adventures. Together they stood in the way of many ghost attacks. Together they kept their city, Amity Park, safe. Together. Always together.

Until that one fateful day. The day that everything changed. The day that three became two and Danny's life changed forever. Struggling with his guilt for his failings and letting down the one meaning most to him he runs away, desperately trying to get away from the nightmares that haunt his memories. But, as the saying goes: ''You can run, but you can't hide.''

The reason why this fic is worth reading. Well, Nocturnia , one of this group's contributors actually suggested I submitted my fic in here. So here we are.

Title: Rarity Gets Mugged

Description: Rarity gets mugged-- but things don't go according to the script...

Reason for submission: This is my favourite story out of the 4 I have submitted. I put a lot of heart into writing it and it would please me for it's message to reach more and more people --plus, Nocturnia sent me a personal message and I was simply too flattered to decline ^.^

Group Contributor


Ps I couldn't link this story to the (Submit others work folder) so I put it here. THIS IS NOT MY WORK but I feel it should be appreciated

Fear not loyal subject; we hath submitted thy suggestion to the Submissions folder. :twilightsmile:

-Title That Awkward Silence

-Description It's time to wrap up Winter again, but this time it's different, organised, quicker and for AJ, confusing as there's one old friend she can't bear to look at...(sorry it so short don't what to spoil anything). this story is a romatic comedy beetween Applejack and caramel

-Reason you think the story is worth reading It funny but it does sad moment i cn be heartwarming and sometimes hilarious it slice of life so its nice fic to read whenever the next chapter comes.

Comment posted by Eveyann deleted Mar 29th, 2015

4195380 Let it go on the record that I think some of these rules are a bunch of BS and I don't agree with them.

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