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Which of the Mane 6, Spike or Starlight would be the most willing to kill? I know the subject has never come up within the show itself and that none of the main cast has ever taken a life (unless you count the two times they destroyed Sombra and his soul with their magic). But if they came across an enemy that they could not defeat with the magic of friendship and had to put them down for good, who would be the most likely to make that tough choice? I think Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Starlight Glimmer would be the ones able to cross that line, seeing as though RD and AJ are willing to scrap the most while Starlight is known for making shady and tough choices. So who, in your opinion, of the main cast would be willing to kill if they had no choice?

And I mean the main cast so no royal sisters, Discord, Ember, or any of the other supporting characters.

Of the Mane 6, Starlight, and Spike, the only two that would be unable to do so would be Pinkie and Fluttershy.

I would say Spike, he might be raised by ponies, but he's not a pony. After that, Rainbow, Fluttershy (assuming she's ANGRY enough) and Twilight are the next most likely. Stalin Glimmer is probably in there, but I am biased against her, so I will not placer her

Of the six, Dash and AJ are more likely to get into fights - I picture them to be slightly vindictive and more likely to make their opponents suffer than outright kill them. Pinkie would never take a life, no matter how angry she gets. Pushed far enough, Fluttershy might kill somebody, but again, pushed far enough. Rarity might also take a life, but sheʼd be more subtle and discreet about it.

If sheʼs pushed far enough, Twilight can kill. She has the anger, the willingness and the power. Also, sheʼs killed before - Sombra and the Storm King, if youʼre asking.

As for Spike and Starlight, yes. Both of them have the capacity to kill. Spike is a dragon; pony-raised, yes, but a dragon remains a dragon. And some of Starlightʼs habits from when she was a villain never really dissappeared, such as her anger an impulsiveness with magic.

I think Starlight and Applejack. Starlight is powerful and sometimes her magic can get out of hand. Applejack is strong, she'd totally kill if she had to.

What story purpose does making any of the characters "willing to kill" serve?
That's the question you're really after here, I think.
Stuff doesn't just happen in a story for no reason.

Group Admin

There's no actual way of knowing. Until's one's back is against the wall, one never truly knows what one is capable of doing.

To that end, I'd say all of them are capable of killing. For me, the only question is: how far would each need to be pushed in order to do so?

Twilight? She's a Princess, and an Alicorn. She's already shown prowess in battle, and it appeared to me she was quite prepared to finish Tirek once and for all.

Applejack: Hard-working, dependable, fiercely defensive of her family. Any deadly threats to her family would be met with equal force.

Rainbow Dash: This is a difficult one. In my experience, the most brash individuals are also the ones least likely to be involved in any serious conflicts, so other than to defend her own life or that of her friends I can't think of a scenario where Dash would be forced to kill.

Rarity: Don't let her gracieux exterior fool you; some of the most tenacious fighters I've ever encountered have also had the most mellow exteriors...until you pissed them off. If you were smart, that was the time to cover your vital areas and run...

As with Applejack, I can't picture Rarity using deadly force other than to protect her sister or to save her own life...but one never knows.

Fluttershy: This is an easy one, for it's always, ALWAYS the quiet ones you have to watch. Unlike the rest of her friends, (and the majority of Ponyville's population) Fluttershy is quite familiar with Death, as there are a few carnivores (one assumes) that she manages in her animal sanctuary, and they also have to be fed. Now, whether she provides their food herself or allows them to hunt outside the Sanctuary (we've seen her feeding fish to some of her animals) is another question, but it's a given she doesn't discriminate. (Rarity does have Opalescence, but I'm sure her food comes in cans, so there's no killing on Rarity's part).

Therefore I could easily see Fluttershy taking something or somepony out if she had to, in order to protect another or herself.

Now...we come to Pinkie. I love Pinkie, but...honestly? Sometimes...she scares me.

Party of One showed she can be a bit...unstable. Later on in the season, Secrets and Pies didn't help.

At all.

So...fanfiction aside, I really don't know what circumstances would drive Pinkie to take a life.





...but...I have a feeling we'd never find the bodies...

Poochie Glimmer fired a pretty powerful-looking spell at the villagers when she was chased in The Cutie Map, it was only due to Twilight's intervention it didn't hit its mark. It probably wasn't supposed to be a harmless spell either, so Starlight is the murderhorse, easy.


With Starlight, I'd say yes. Look at how she banished Discord's body from school grounds. With other villains, ones who are not Discord, she could probably tear their bodies apart with her magic. If they didn't need her for the story line of "The Ending of the End" she could have torn that glorified bug Chrysalis to shreds, basically make her look like a bug that goes splat against a windshield.

With Fluttershy, she most certainly could and would be the most likely to get away with it. After all, who would expect a shy and timid mare to be a murderer? Granted she would probably only do it to one who was a true threat to her animals or maybe her friends but she would have it in her.

With Twilight, all she has to do is issue an executive order and put them to death. She is Equestria's new dictator ruling princess.

Rarity, I could see her doing it. She would likely have her own secretive ways of doing it but she is perfectly capable of doing so.

Applejack, maybe. I think she would really have to be pushed to her limit though before she would go taking a life.

Rainbow Dash, I think she would be in a similar mindset as Applejack.

Spike, if someone was a threat to his friends, yes he could....especially if they were a threat to Rarity. He would find a way to wipe them out no matter what.

Pinkie? Nah, she'd simply troll them to the point where they'd go batshit crazy.

Starlight Glimmer!
She has a long life in her past with abusing the community, stealing cutiemarks, imprison them, mind control friends (temporarily taking their life), and even put the entire world in jeopardy through her time travel.

That she is supposed to be reformed doesn't mean she can't go back to using extreme measures, given the right situation.
Perhaps for less selfish reasons, but still capable of doing very violent acts to achieve her goals.

I disagree about Flutters, she is running an animal rescue after all and sometimes you need to know how to perform euthanasia
got your answer right here
and here
and also here, altough I doubt Pinkie won't take a life if necessary

There's a difference detween euthanizing animals and killing another pony.

Now, if we were talking about Psychoshy from Project Horizons...


Look at how she banished Discord's body from school grounds.

That's my favorite scene in all MLP.

Glimmy is best dictator pony!

not at all, there's absolutely no difference between eutanasia and killing, you just need to get in the right mindset to realise that, Fluttershy will if the treat is as bad as a rabid animal, regardless if it is a case of rabies or something else that pose that treat, granted killing it will be her last resort

TalB #15 · April 19th · · 1 ·

It's not clear that if Twilight would really take a life, but she's starting to have second thoughts about having Megan do it especially to take out the Legion of Doom.


Take them down Megan, show them who is boss!

I wondered about this too. Then I read Estee's Five Hundred Little Murders. Yep, it's Fluttershy. No doubt.

Starlight. 100%. Spike is a remote possibility. But you'd have to really piss him off, while Starlight... Well. Need I say more? Even after Season 6, she didn't always have the best impulse control.

Despite all three of them being powered up, they are still scared of Megan pointing that launcher at them. :rainbowlaugh:

Group Admin

7959731 I think all of them.

Like, they didn't know what the elements of harmony would do when they beamed a buncha living creatures. Sure, Luna got de-crazied, and Dizzy only got turned to stone, but they didn't know that. Could have exploded them into a gory mess; none of them read the manual.

That said, I don't think all of them would be good at it. Twilight fought Starlight with her eyes closed. I don't think she's got the killer instinct, even if she might pull the killer trigger if her big purple hoof was on it.

To be frank, my money is on Fluttershy. I just think she's more likely to have put animals down and is a bit more able to emotionally disconnect when she needs to. She wouldn't enjoy it, but there's no way she hasn't seen animals hurt each other and is more in touch with that than I think the others.

Dash and AJ I think would be more likely to kill but probably more by accident than anything. Dash would probably be vaguely aware that the tornado she chucked at someone could result in a fatal injury, but not really get it until she saw it happen. AJ I think would just kick someone in the head too hard. Oopsie whoopsie.

Rarity I don't know, and Pinkie I don't think would ever need to.

And Starlight wouldn't kill you. She'd just time-travel, kick your dad in the nuts, and then warp back to her own timeline, smug in the knowledge that she wouldn't be living on the same planet as you any more.


What story purpose does making any of the characters "willing to kill" serve?

THIS purpose!

T"Murder? Murder. MURDER!"
Which of the main MLP:FiM characters would be most likely to kill somepony?
Mockingbirb · 1.9k words  ·  128  4 · 1.5k views
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