RariPie 455 members · 112 stories
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Hey, guys!

So, this group has been dead since God knows how long - and it doesn't help that this ship is sort of underrated. Obviously, what we need is to get things rolling again, and one way to get everyone in a group together is a Prompt Tag Group Collab!

What is this - you may ask - and I shall explain. :twilightsmile: It's a game stolen from the AppleDash group, which you've probably already seen applied to other pairings, and here's how you play it:

Somebody starts off by posting a 100-500 word mini-fic about Rarity and Pinkie Pie. At the end will be a one word prompt. If you would like to write a 100-500 word RariPie mini-fic relating to that prompt within the next four hours, comment right away to claim that prompt. Post the story when you finish, and add a one word prompt at the end for the next people to claim.

Simple enough?

Just to make sure everything is clear:

• The mini-fic can be in any style, any tag, AU, humanized, whatever. It can be a cute scene, a snippet of conversation, or an excerpt from an Equestrian history book. It's not expected to be preread or proofread, and if you've never written before that's just fine. Keep it rated teen or lower, make sure it relates somehow to the prompt you claimed and shoot for 100-500 words of fiction about Rarity and Pinkie Pie. (But we won't stop you if it goes a bit longer!)

• Claim prompts with a quick post responding to the last post. Just the word "claimed" is fine. When you finish, make a post with the mini-fic and the remember to include the next prompt.

• Your claim is valid for four hours, to keep someone from accidentally holding things up all day. After four hours, another person could post a claim for the same prompt. If you ran out of time, and no one else has claimed it, and you still want to write it, just go ahead and reclaim it.

• In the event that people become confused, and two fics are posted for the same prompt, the first one posted contains the official next prompt.

• Please include a one word prompt at the end of your fic. There are lots of words, and they can mean lots of things, and it's up to the next writer what they want to do with it.

I'll toss out the first prompt: Laughter.

Nice prompt. I'm not getting anywhere with my stories at the moment, so I'll do this instead.


“Are you all right, darling?”

“Of course I am, silly filly! Why wouldn't I be?”

Indeed, everything’s back to normal now. We've just defeated Discord and Ponyville’s no longer the chaos capital. I shuddered at the memory of the horrific things he did to our home. Rose and lavender checker pattern? Seriously? But more than that, I shuddered at the pony I became under his thrall. The humongous diamond I coveted so much turned out to be a plain old boulder, but I could have lost so much more in that fiasco.

The worst part was that I knew my greed was not entirely caused by the thrall.

I studied my friends as we headed towards The Golden Oak Library, to see if they felt the same way. Fluttershy was understandably wracked with guilt for being cruel to everypony, especially Pinkie Pie. Applejack walked especially close to Twilight for some reason, while Rainbow Dash kept apologizing and hovering over all our heads. Pinkie Pie...

Pinkie Pie was giggling.

Now, I was not my pink friend. I was not at all a connoisseur of smiles and laughter, as she liked to put it. But I knew enough to notice the way her nose scrunched up with each giggle and the way her lips twitched with each smile. I knew enough to differentiate a hollow laugh from a real one.

When we reached the library, I cut Pinkie off from entering and called over my shoulder to the rest of the group.

“Twilight, darling, would it be all right if Pinkie and I stay here for a while? I’d like to have a word with her, privately.”

“Sure, Rarity. Just let me get your Elements first.”

I lit my horn and wrapped a levitation field around the Elements of Generosity and Laughter, and almost tossed them over my head. Thankfully, Twilight caught them in her magic. Even more thankfully, she didn't say anything about my urgency but simply closed the door for us.

“What’s up, Rarity? Whatcha want to talk about?” Pinkie was rocking her weight forward and backward, an odd smile plastered on her face. I felt the wrinkles forming between my eyebrows.

“You’re not all right.” It wasn't a question.

Pinkie giggled in reply, but the scrunching of her nose was more noticeable now. Her irises did not quite sparkle like the Grade-A sapphires they were. Carefully, she tilted her head to one side. “What do you mean?”

“Pinkie Pie, please,” I sighed and stepped closer, practically nose to nose with her. “I've known you since we were little school fillies. It’s okay to let it out.”

Pinkie’s smile dropped so fast, it literally felt like she took off a mask. She sunk to the ground, making herself as small as possible. I immediately wrapped my forehooves around her and held her close.

“I was so scared, Rarity.” It was barely a whisper, but I felt her whole body tremble with each word. “One minute we’re all super-duper friends. The next, everypony is laughing at me and calling me names. It was horrible.”

Pinkie Pie never cries.

Or rather, she never lets anypony see her cry. So I yanked a couple of flowering bushes with my magic and made a small enclosure around us. I’m sure Twilight will understand when I apologize later.

“It’s all okay now, darling.” I whispered between her sobs, my hoof smoothing over her mane. ”We’re all still super-duper friends.”

“I thought everypony hated me. I thought you hated me.”

“Come now, darling. You know I’d never hate you.”

She pulled away enough to look me in the eye. Her eyes were red and her cheeks were covered in tear stains and bits of grass. Her smile was not as wide as earlier, but there was no twitching or scrunching of nose.

It was beautiful.

“I still wish the chocolate rain was permanent, though.”

“Oh, you.”

She giggled at that so much, our makeshift bush house shook and rained us with leaves. But this time, her laughter was warm and real. I chuckled along with her.

And then I knew we’re all right.


next prompt: Mirrors

OMG 2899100 C-can I just say? I'm a huge fan of your works. :raritystarry: *tries so hard not to freak out and fangirl*
...I-I think I'll wait and read this before going to sleep.

2899666 damn, need to get to work. someone can claim, or I can do it in the morning.

2899685 I'll claim!
If that's okay with you :fluttershyouch:



Rarity pursed her lips thoughtfully as she eyed the dressform. The gown needed something more. Ruffles? No... Dozens of possibilities went through her mind, but nothing quite fit.

“Whatcha doing?”

“Fretting. I need to finish this design for the Countessa.” Rarity’s right ear flicked as somepony’s tongue teased the outer edge. “Pinkie, that’s delightful, but not now, please.”

PInkie grunted irritably. “Awww, you need to play more.” She did as Rarity wished, however, and settled for wrapping her hooves around Rarity’s neck in a comfortable reverse-hug.

Rarity sighed in contentment. It was wonderful to have an understanding marefriend like Pinkie. So giving, but also obedient— She’s doing it again! “Pinkie, please, I need to focus!”

“I know!”

“So, then, will you please explain why you are teasing me like that?”

“I’m not!”

Rarity opened her mouth, then closed it again. Pinkie was many things, but a liar? Never that’s she’d known of. The tongue was back, on her left ear this time. “If you aren’t doing it then who, pray tell, is?”

“I did!” said Pinkie.

“Will you make up your mind? Are you the one licking my ear or not?”

“Yes!” said Pinkie.

“No!” said... Pinkie?

Rarity’s head turned so quickly her glasses nearly flew from her face. Pinkie was still wrapped around her back, but she was also just to the side, having stood back when Rarity turned.

“Hi!” said the second Pinkie.

“Oh...” Rarity’s face fell as she ran through the possibilities of how this could be happening. Changeling, mirror pool, or Discord... “Quick, how long till my birthday?”

“Ninety-one days two hours thirty minutes twenty-one seconds,” the two said, simultaneously.

Rarity’s eyes bulged. Clone or changeling were out. “Explain, please?”

Both Pinkie’s began to animatedly talk. Unfortunately Rarity could not make out a word of it as they talking over each other, and apparently about two different things.

“One at a time!” Both went silent so quickly as to give her auditory whiplash. “Um... the one on the left, please.”

“Well, we had this idea. You told Pinkie, I mean me, or her... Sorry, it get’s confusing. You told one of us that you had this dream about the mirror clones, all having sexy-times with you at once, and Twilight was doing this thing with some of the water from the mirror pool and she needed somepony to test it on and then there was two of me but it wasn’t like before, she’s me but I’m me too and we can hear each other and she loves you too and I thought hey let’s go play with Rarity!”

“I... I see.”

The Pinkie on the right grinned happily. “So, do you wanna play? Twilight said it’s gonna wear off in a little while and the other me will just be a puddle or something. Can she play with us while she’s here?”

The Pinkie on the left mirrored the Pinkie on the right. “Please?”

Rarity eyed them both, a slow smile growing on her own face. “It would hardly do to be rude to our guest, would it? Come here, my loves.”

A short time later, a very concerned Twilight Sparkle teleported into Rarity’s showroom. “Rarity! Listen, I don’t want you to panic, but I kinda cloned Pinkie. She was supposed stay put while I took notes but I looked away for one second and she was gone!”

Twilight blinked, looking around for the first time since teleporting to the scene. What she saw made her flush hotly, and she turned away quickly. “I can see you’re busy now gotta go!” she said as she teleported away in a flash.

Next Prompt: Frivolous

2902091 Oh, God, I already adore you and your work, but this was brilliant. :rainbowlaugh: I hope to see you give us the full NSFW version of this prompt.

Even if not, thanks for joining the tag! It's almost an honor to have someone as popular as you join in. :twilightsmile:

2901506 You can have the next one if you want!

2902354 Alright then :) I'll see what I can do :twilightsmile:

2902314 Not every scene needs to be written.

Donnys Boy
Group Contributor

Woo, RariPie! :pinkiesmile::raritystarry:

I'm claiming, if that's okay with you. :yay:

2910412 That's fine. I'm a bit rushed at the moment, and I do have the tendency to be a bit spacey and get tied up in other things. I think I'll sit out for a while until a prompt impresses me.



I feel a wave of anger crash every time I think of that word. Sure, it ebbs almost right away but it still dampens my mood to a 65.

Rarity is at a 40, and still dropping.

She's sobbing on the floor, still in her sticky, cake-ified dress. I talk over her sobs about how much un-fun I had in the Grand Galloping Gala, playing up the funnier-on-hindsight parts and sprinkling in a lot of side jokes. She eventually stops crying, sits up, and looks me in the eye.

She’s stuck at 22. But at least it stopped going down.

“So this is how it feels to have one’s hopes in such heights, and then helplessly watch everything go down in flames.”

“There are a lot of other ponies out there, Rarity.”

“Well, yes. But, yes, they are other ponies. Not Him.”


Of course nopony’s feelings are frivolous, no matter what they are, but the word won’t leave me alone. I mentally buck myself for letting it worm its way to my brain.


“Does it really have to be Him?”

“Yes!” she answers too quickly. 31. So talking about Him is good? I frown at that, but not with my face.


“Even after being a complete un-gentleman, insulting your friends, and treating you so horribly with icing on top?”

She hesitates. “...It must be an off-day.” She looks away. 34.

“Don’t be ridiculous. That’s my job.”

49. My mane droops ever so slightly. Ponyfeathers.

“Ridiculous? Ridiculous?! Do you even know how it’s like if everything you’ve ever wanted, that pony of your dreams, turned out to be such a brute who would not give even a single flying feather of thought your way, let alone care about your feelings?”

“Of course I know that feeling so well. I live with it everyday! But I don’t let my fantasies get in the way of how things really are, do I?”

We stare each other down, nostrils flaring, breathing heavily. Our words hung between us like a thick wall of fog. We can’t seem to see each other, even if we try.

Rarity slumps to the floor. She fluctuates so much, I can’t get a good read of her mood.

I am at a 40, and still dropping.

Next Prompt: Revenge

Prompt: Revenge

The Canterlot ponies’ gazes were very critical, judging Rarity harshly. It wasn’t like she’d done anything wrong, but when her marefriend had her face buried in an expensive cake brought for the occasion, it did tend to bring attention to one’s self. Rarity sighed. She was going to have to fix the mess she had started.

“Pinkie Pie,” Rarity moaned softly, trying to ignore the disapproving looks shot at the pair. “Please, calm down little. Hold still, you’re all messy.”

As if Pinkie were a foal, she floated a handkerchief from a pocket in her dress, wiping her face clean carefully. Pinkie Pie grinned, bouncing down to join her, her dark pink dress flowing around her as she did so. “Aw, but it’s so delicious!”

“Pinkie,” Rarity said sternly, the regal ponies breaking out into fits tight laughter. “This is a very important event, and we were lucky to get tickets to it. You know I love you so darling, but you simply must behave.”

Pinkie giggled, her eyes glinting mischievously. Before Rarity could register what had happened, warm lips were pressed against, kissing her softly. Rarity was left gaping as Pinkie bounced off, oblivious as always.

“And this is Rarity,” Pinkie Pie finished her introductions with a squeal, flingings her arm’s around the embarresed unicorn’s neck. “She’s my, um, marefriend.”

“Your marefriend?” Pinkie’s father raised an eyebrow. “How surprising. She doesn’t seem to be your type at all.”

“Oh no, Rarity’s amazing,” she squeezed her tightly. “We love each other so, so much!”

“Indeed we do,” Rarity smirked, wrapping her forelegs around Pinkie’s waist and dipping her backwards, sweeping her into an elegant kiss. It didn’t last long, just a few seconds, but that was long enough to set fire to Pinkie’s cheeks.

“Revenge, darling,” Rarity whispered huskily into her ear before promptly letting her go and sauntering out of the door.

Next Prompt: Moonlight

2921886 If I may, I believe I shall claim this one.

Prompt: Moonlight

Rarity loved the daytime. Despite the late hours she sometimes kept, she, like most ponies, was a daylight creature. Feeling the warmth of sunlight on her muzzle, seeing the colorful bustle of daily life in Ponyville, being able to work on her designs without needing to gather fireflies for her lantern, these were all wonderful things. Rarity had no problem with the sun.

But right now, just at this moment, Rarity conceded that perhaps eternal night may not have been such a poor idea after all.

Standing before her, Pinkie Pie wore three things. The first was her smile, which Pinkie never left home without. The bright, beautiful little piece of joy manifested itself tonight in a rarely-seen demure grin, traces of anxiety and anticipation tempering her usual display of passion and exuberance.

The second thing she wore was the dress Rarity had made for her. Red and white silk adorned her body, smoothly following her curves here and flaring out into a wide skirt there and always giving Pinkie plenty of freedom to wiggle about; Rarity knew just how much Pinkie loved to wiggle. The curls of her mane were up in tresses and adorned with gold and silver. From her ears hung a matching pair of amethysts from her family's rock farm, which Rarity had set into earrings for her upon hearing the story of how Pinkie and her sisters had found them.

And the third thing Pinkie wore was the moonlight. The silver sheen cascaded over her, glinting off of her earrings and sparkling in her eyes. It was as though Luna herself poured the soft blue-white light on the mare like a physical thing.

Rarity's breath left her. She was not sure which enhanced Pinkie's beauty more, though against such titans as the moonlight and Pinkie's smile, she imagined her dress would have difficulty competing. The ultimate effect of all three, though, was enough to give Rarity a tingle in her hooves and a lightness in her head.

Pinkie Pie rubbed her foreleg, a nervous giggle on her breath. “Does this look okay, Rarity?”

“Darling,” Rarity gasped, taking Pinkie's hoof in her own, “you look wonderful tonight.”

Next Prompt: Avarice

2930931 I'll claim, if that's okay.

2902314 ...is it okay to claim prompts this often? :unsuresweetie:


“I think we shouldn’t tell anypony.”

I pulled away from listening to my partner’s heartbeat to peer at her face. She was lying on her back and staring at the ceiling. Even with the moonlight seeping through my curtains, I found it hard to make out the expression she wore.

“May I know why you would suggest...?” I paused. Something deeply troubling was adding up in my mind. “Oh no, you’re regretting.”

“No!” She almost yelled in my ear, but calmed herself almost immediately. “Noppity-nope to that. Tonight’s the best night ever, yessir!”

“Then why?”

“It’s just a silly and selfish little thing. Sillfish? Sillyfish? Anyway, I’m just being a little-wittle bad greedy Pinkie Pie.”

I put a hoof over her lips. “Stop. I will not listen to you debase the mare I love.”

“Sorry.” She rolled to her side to look me in the eyes. I could see her eyebrows furrowed together. “I don’t want to share you with anypony.”

“Well, that goes without saying, love...”

“No. I mean, it’s like, um...” Her face scrunched up even more as she struggled with the words. “You know how when your stomach’s all growly-rowly and you bake a dozen of the perfectest yummiest cupcakes ever, but you don’t tell your friends about it because you want to have all twelve or thirteen for yourself. Does that make sense?”

“That’s not being greedy.”

“Yep. I mean, nope. I mean, that’s not what I mean.” She tried to make some demonstrative gestures, but that’s rather hard to pull off with somepony in your embrace. “You know how everypony have so many different kind of smiles? Like how Applejack has a different smile for when she’s applebucking than when she’s with us during pet play dates than when she sees Dashie and Fluttershy nuzzle when they think nopony’s looking.”

“So, you don’t want anypony to be jealous of us? Is that it?”

“No. Well, maybe a little. I don’t want our friends to act like we’re different ponies just because we’re together. But more than that, I just don’t want anypony else to see all the secret smiles you make. Just like that one you’re wearing now.”

I almost instinctively turned away to hide the blush threatening to bloom all over my face. Then I remembered who I was conversing with, and that the darkness made my hiding pointless anyway.

“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’re just making excuses for being ashamed of our relationship.”

“Why would... I-I’d never! Rarity, you’re the beautifulest and most wonderfulest...”

I stopped her with a nibble on her upper lip.

“But I do know better, don’t I?”

Next prompt: Rock

2941702 It's totally fine! :twilightsmile: By the way, dibs on Rock.

2944108 just posting here so I can remember where it is

2944108 Ummm.... it's been 3 weeks since she was on..... is it still going, or can I claim the story?

3144103 yep, you're free to claim it. :twilightsmile:

3144141 OK, than I claim Rocks..... so.... I write a 100-500 word mini-fic starring Rarity and Pinkie, and it has to do with rocks?

3144143 Yeppity yep. :pinkiehappy: You can even go over 500 words if you like, no problem.

3144201 *nods* OK.... I'll post something up later tonight, but it is gonna be hard, first time I've done this >.<

3144207 I'm sure you'll do fine. ^~^)

3144222 *nods* OK... I tried writing a Raripie fic.... but it got all screwy...

2943632 Pinkie smiles, the sight of her happy face sending my heart a flutter, feeling a quivering in my voice as I speak my next words.

"Pinkie darling.... tell me the story of how you got your cutie mark..." I ask of her. She smiles, looking at me with a nod of her head.

"Well... it was a bright and sunny day at my family's rock farm.... Papa Pie wasn't too happy with me for some reason, and told me to move all the rocks from one field to the next one." she starts, sighing happily with the memory. "I'm moving the rocks from the fields, just like he said, a super big frown on my face, when I hear a boom."

I smile, nodding my head, motioning for her to continue. She nods, giggling a bit.

"When I look up, I saw a big colorful explosion, Dashie's Sonic Rainboom! It made me super duper happy! And i just had to spread it... so, I spent all day, and all night, working in the silo on my farm... and when they came in, at first I thought Papa Pie was gonna yell, 'Pinkamena Diane Pie, what did you do to my silo?!' but he started smiling, and so did the rest, and we partied all day! And than my cutie mark appeared!"

I smile as she finishes her tail, nuzzling her gently.

"That... was a beautiful story darling..."

(I am sorry if it veered off topic to Cutie Mark instead of Rocks, but that story was the first thing I could think of >.< ... anyways.... next topic is:)

Next Prompt: Secrets

3146035 Prompts should be a single word, dear. :duck:

Prompt: Secrets

My dearest Pinkie Pie,

I am sure right now you are rather confused as to who would send you a bouquet of the freshest red camellias on Hearts and Hooves Day, yet not have the daring to do so personally. Please forgive me for being presumptuous and cowardly in my confession.

You are such a wonderful mare, Pinkie Pie. You brighten my life as much as Celestia’s sun would brighten the world each morning. Unfortunately, that is also the reason why I cannot come forward. You shine so beautifully that I fear tarnishing that light. I admit I am not the best at being agreeable or adventurous, so I am afraid I might just hold you back. Again, please forgive me for my cowardice in deciding to love you in silence.

Yes, I love you. I love you more than these silly words and flowers can express. Sometimes, I wish I could show you just how much you mean to me and what you mean to my life, but... For now, this should be enough.

your elusive secret admirer


Rarity woke up to an incessant knocking on her bedroom window. Grumbling, she threw off her sleep mask and trotted to the window, ready to berate Rainbow Dash for the hypocrisy of disrupting somepony else’s sleep in time. Who else would knock on the window instead of the door, after all?

To her surprise, she found a pink earth pony tangled in balloons and streamers. She held a bouquet of red-orange blossoms with her mouth.

“Pinkie Pie, what in Equestria are you...?” Rarity shook her head when Pinkie started mumbling through flowers. “Look, just come inside first. Then you can explain.”

As soon as she set foot in Rarity’s bedroom, Pinkie Pie carefully laid the bouquet at Rarity’s hooves and spoke the words of a famous poem:

I choose to love you in silence
for in my silence, I find no rejection

I choose to love you in my loneliness
for in my loneliness, no one owns you but I

I choose to adore you from a distance
for distance shields us both from pain

I choose to kiss you on the wind
for the wind is gentler than my lips

I choose to hold you only in my dreams
for in my dreams, there is no end

“Pinkie Pie, I...” Rarity felt her cheeks burn strong enough to show on her face. She briefly wondered if Pinkie was blushing too, as the other mare’s coloration lent well to hiding such things from sight. Sighing, she continued, “I’m sorry, I didn't quite understand what you’re trying to say, darling.”

At this, Pinkie Pie simply chuckled. "Silly Rarity. I’m saying I love you, too!”

Note: The poem is credited to Rumi, but I can’t seem to find the whole of it. The version I used here is taken from this blog, but I took out a few lines because... well, it sounded creepy. o_O

Next Prompt: Glamour

3227665 What is glamour? I read a book recently where it was used as a term for disguise

Would everyone be okay with me compiling all these prompts into a story? Because I did a little digging and no one appears to be hosting it yet.


"Hi, Rarity!" Pinkie Pie squeaked, rushing through the door of the Carousel Boutique.

Rarity looked up from the dress she was sewing with Spike. "Oh, hello, Pinkie! What can I help you with?"

"Well, today is the day you promised me a makeover, remember? Remember?" She said, bouncing up and down.

"Oh, yes, I completely forgot!" Rarity replied. "But, a good mare is nothing if not true to her word, so let's get started, shall we? Spikey?"

"Yes, Rarity?" the young dragon replied with a salute.

"If you would, please seat Pinkie in the vanity chair in the bathroom, and bring her the newest copy of Fashion Weekly, will you darling?"

In flash, Pinkie found herself being led to the bathroom and sat in a chair in front of a giant mirror.

"Here you are, Pinkie," Spike said, placing a magazine in front of her. "Rarity will be in just a moment."

"Thanks, Spike!"

Pinkie bolted through the pages in search of the perfect style she wished to emulate. As Rarity entered the room, she came to a stop on the exact look she wanted.

"So, dear, have you found something to your liking?" Rarity asked, levitating an arrangement of various makeups and other cosmetic equipment.

"Uh-huh! I wanna look like this mare right here!" She shoved the magazine up to Rarity's face.

"Okay, let's see he-AHH! Goodness, a-are you sure this is what you want?" Rarity stared in shock at the mare in the picture, who was sporting a spiked, neon green mane, horrific looking face paint and and an allover angry demeanor.

"Yep! She looks wild, and crazy... like me!"

"Spike!?" Rarity called out to the young dragon, who promptly popped up next to her. "What do you know of this mare?"

Spike looked at the picture and a smile instantly materialized on his face. "That's Glamour Killer, the lead singer of Arch Nemesis, the most hardcore female-fronted metal band ever! She's so hot, it's gotta be illegal in some states."

Rarity facehoofed at the mere thought of the fashion travesty she would be inflicting on Pinkie, who was beaming like schoolfilly in wait of her makeover.

"Well, here goes nothing..."

Wow, that is the first time I have ever written Pinkie. :rainbowderp: (with the exception of like, one line in an old fic)

Anyway, the next prompt tag is: PET SNAKE

I'll give it a shot.*ahem* "Claim"

3535246 :prompt: Pet Snake
Even after all these years of being married to her, I can still never get over her smile—the same smile that causes everyone to stop and stare with awe. The same bright smile that can cut through even the darkest of night. The same infectious smile that can even leave a cranky donkey in a plague of joy and laughter. The same sincere smile that she uses to say she loves me.*sigh* Sometimes I just wonder if that’s the only reason I married her… not that it’s the only reason of course.
Her for her frivolously fluffy pink mane, her positive outlook on life, her cute little gestures when she gets excited and her carefree yet affection nature are reasons enough why I love her but it’s something about her smile that I just adore. Every time I see her beam, I feel drawn into it. Almost entranced, like she was a snake charmer and I was her pet snake.

“Rarity?” a voice pulled me out of my trance. “Are you alright?”

I turned to the source of the voice to see the “snake charmer” herself lying next to me, awoken from her slumber. Revealing her sky blue eyes filled with worry and a hint of drowsiness.

“Yes darling.” I nodded in assurance before flashing her a smile of my own “Everything is wonderful.”

She stared at her for a couple more seconds before she snuggled closer into me and once again gave me her signature Pinkie Pie smile that set my heart aflutter once more.

Soon after, sleep has embraced us both, leaving me dreaming about my snake charming wife and her beautiful smile.
Next Prompt: Jealousy

3536628 Claimed! I'll get round to this in a couple of hours.

Prompt: Jealousy

Jealousy was an unattractive look. Rarity of all ponies knew that. It was the facial expression you wore once your mask had slipped away, and it just wasn't becoming. Jealousy was ugly, green and sharp and sinister. It did bad things to a pony, mad things, and jealousy was a cruel master. You'd do things you would never normally do.

That was exactly the reason Rarity refrained from being jealous. Oh, she might have been in the past, but now she was wiser, now she knew that it just was not worth it in the slightest. She didn't need to be jealous. She had brilliant friends, she'd saved Equestria several times and her business was booming. She had everything she'd ever dreamed of as a little filly. Life was beautiful.

But then again ... she always felt something was missing. She felt empty inside sometimes, like there was a hole that needed to be filled, a gap in her perfect world. She threw herself into her work, into making her friends happy, yet there was still something wrong.

But no matter. It could be ignored.

But it couldn't. When she saw Pinkie Pie with Cheese Sandwich, laughing and spending all their time together, perfectly in sync, she knew what was the matter.

Some people got lucky and found their soulmate early. Others had to work harder for it.

Rarity had missed what had been staring her in the face for years and now ... Pinkie Pie was gone.

Rarity could feel the jealousy bubbling up inside her like a potion, spitting and shrieking and she shoved it back down again unpleasantly.

She wasn't going to get jealous. It just wasn't becoming for a lady like her.

The next dress she had to make was a wedding dress. She still didn't get jealous. The years passed, and she learnt to reel in her emotions, make a mask of perfection and forget all the pain she felt.

But when she had to make a dress specially adjusted for pregnancy, she did allow herself to get jealous. Just for a little bit, a bout of self-loathing.

After all, this was all her fault. If she hadn't been so stupid all those years ago she would have realised what Pinkie Pie meant by how she was always hanging around Rarity, always ready to help.

Then she wouldn't have to get jealous, have to break her mask.

But Pinkie Pie was with Cheese Sandwich now. They were married, and now expecting a foal. Jealousy was useless. She couldn't change anything, as much as she wished she could.

Wishing was for idiots. And so was jealousy.

Rarity guessed that made her the biggest idiot of all time.

Next prompt: Cherry.

This thread is alive, so apparently I am alive too.

I shall be claiming Cherry, thanks. :twilightsmile:


Prompt: Cherry

The cloying scent of cherries wafted in as soon as the door loudly slammed open. In response, Rarity lowered everything in her telekinetic hold. She didn’t bother turning around to see who it was, though. There was only one pony who would make such an entrance. So she continued to push the fabric through her sewing machine until a pair of pink hooves draped themselves around her neck.

“You’ve been working all this time?” Pinkie’s breath was hot against Rarity’s ear, which flicked involuntarily. The sweet scent was also stronger then. The unicorn pushed away from the sewing machine and turned around within Pinkie’s embrace.

“I was just about to take a break, actually.” She smiled then locked lips with Pinkie Pie, body pressing against body. That sudden movement caused them to topple to the floor, but Pinkie didn’t seem to mind cushioning Rarity’s fall. In fact-- as her tongue slipped just past Rarity’s lips, eliciting a delighted groan-- Pinkie Pie didn’t seem to even notice what had occurred.

Rarity, on the other hoof, noticed everything. How the pink fur tickled her nose as she trailed a thousand kisses and kitten licks down Pinkie’s neck. How Pinkie’s breath would catch in her throat with a nibble here and a nibble there. How the scent of cherries and all the other mares had clung to Pinkie’s skin, masking and mixing with her natural one until it was barely recognizable.

Rarity paused just over Pinkie’s belly, inhaling deeply.

“You were with Fluttershy just now, weren’t you?” It wasn’t an accusation, but it could have been one.

“How can you tell?”

“That mare simply loooves her cherry pies. But don’t tell Applejack.”

Pinkie tried to giggle at that, but a moan escaped instead as Rarity continued her ministrations, trailing lower and lower and...

"I love you, Rare."

Her breath hitched and she froze, sure that her heart had just skipped plenty of beats. Slowly, Rarity raised her gaze until blue eyes met blue. Her jaw must have dropped as well, because she felt a hoof not her own gently pushing up her chin until her mouth closed.

“I love you,” Pinkie repeated, caressing Rarity’s cheek. The smile she offered was much more subdued than her usual fanfare-- just a tiny, almost imperceptible upward curl of her lips. Her eyes were impossibly huge as she seemed to take in every teensy detail and maybe something more. They glistened in the light, adding to the overall softness of the view.

Rarity wanted to believe her then, she really did. Just like all the other times before. But she could never be certain how many times Pinkie Pie had said those same words to how many other ponies.

After all, how could she ever know she wasn’t just another appointment on the schedule or another tickmark on the guest list?

Next Prompt: Checklist

3539635 Claiming Checklist

"White, purple, and pink balloons?"

"Check." Dashie tossed a purple one over to Fluttershy, who tied it into one of the four clusters that were placed around Sugarcube Corner.

"Streamers that match? Rarity likes it when they match."

"Check." Twilight and Applejack finished putting the streamers up, Twilight adding a little extra shimmer to them with her magic.

"Rarity's super-special-ultra-favorite crystal berry tarts with fresh crystal berries? Check!" Tossing a proud glance at Rarity's favorite treats that I made myself a little while ago, I rolled up my checklist and tossed it aside. Everything was all set up, now I just had to wait for Rarity.

Oh! Wait! My dress! I ran upstairs, shouting a quick "Be right back!" to my friends behind me. After a little digging, I found my flapper dress that I'd worn in Appleoosa for my dance number. Afterward, Rarity had confessed that she really liked it when I wore it. So it only made sense to wear it at her birthday party!

I walked down the stairs really slowly like Rarity does when she wants me to notice her outfit - right as she came in. I tried to scramble the rest of the way down, but she had already noticed me and caught her breath. "Pinkie, you look lovely." She turned to everypony else. "Thank you for setting all this up for me." She smiled her beautiful Rarity smile.

"It was all Pinkie." Dashie said, winking at me and mouthing the words "Go get her.".

I made my way downstairs, Rarity watching me the whole time. I felt really blushy. I stared into her big blue eyes on the last step. "Happy birthday, Rare-Bear." Then I smiled and kissed her full on the lips.

Next prompt: Jewelry

It's amazing how much one featured story can get everyone's sights aimed at prompts.
Claiming Jewelry, by the way.
EDIT: Nope, can't do it. Declaiming. Looks like this IS writer's block and not just a pairing allergy.

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