
Viewing 1 - 14 of 14 results

So yeah...and a asking of advice · 4:11am Dec 1st, 2015

So yeah, I have had a shitty couple of weeks and that has delayed my writing particularly badly. November has not been kind to my ability to write or well me in general. I am finally getting to a point where I should be able to get back to work though so hurrah there.

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Important Question For Everyone · 7:24pm Jul 11th, 2018

So, I'm well aware that my current side story is having a lukewarm reception at best. I'm also aware that this setting is harder to write for. I have a clear idea of what I want to do, but I'm having a hard time actually getting there. I can do it, but it's difficult.

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My first therapy session went well · 8:40am Mar 25th, 2021

The therapist asked questions about my life, family, gender identity, sexual orientation, me being a furry, interests, and anger problems. Mostly the things that I answered to the person who did the intake interview a couple of weeks ago except the furry part.

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Moving Predicament · 1:42am May 8th

My mom is making plans to move in the future, and it's causing me a bit of stress. I'm on the spectrum and I often rely on my parents for things, though I try my best not to be a freeloader. The main issue comes from my dad, as my parents live separately and it's about a forty-minute drive between their two places. I visit my dad on weekends when my mom works and we usually hang out and such, unfortunately, I can't stay there since my mom's home is closer to where I work. Though my job is a

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Passing the Hat · 9:50pm Jun 17th, 2018

Short version: My mother died last Sunday, and part of the fallout from that is my brother's benefits being rescheduled to the end of the month, instead of the beginning.

Which is effectively being docked a month's pay out of the household income.

Which is a very big gap to have to fill, so I'm really hoping that people might be willing to kick in a little bit here and there to help make that stretch a little smaller.

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Asking for HELP! Stress about House and More. · 7:23pm Nov 29th, 2023

SO. I'm not good at this, but I'm going to try because I legitimately don't know what else I can do. We had a guy come look at our Furnace because the Heat wasn't working, and then just this morning finally kicked on. He told us in no un-certain terms that it won't keep working till Christmas, let alone the whole winter season.

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A Plea For Help: Finding Us A New Home · 9:47pm Apr 2nd, 2019

Last year, I came here and begged for your help to replace my wife’s car. And you did the impossible. You made it happen. You single-handedly bought a new car for my family. And I can’t thank you enough for it.

Today, I’m forced to again ask for your help, but in a slightly different way. Frankly, I feel like a jerk for doing this. I feel greedy and selfish, but I’m desperate to the point of suffering panic attacks nearly every day.

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A Plea For Help II: Housing Update · 5:23pm Apr 25th, 2019

Hey folks,

Time for an update about our housing situation.

First, thank you. Because of your donations, we now have enough savings that will allow my family and I to probably afford pet deposits, security deposits and the first month’s rent for a new apartment.

You never cease to amaze me with your kindness and generosity. Words aren’t enough, but they’re mostly what I have to say thank you.

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An update on my therapy journey · 2:21am Mar 3rd, 2021

The psychiatric service sent me 4 intake forms via email. I filled out all of it and sent those to them. I scheduled my intake interview to take place next week. Wish me luck!


It is time · 9:58am Feb 15th, 2021

I have decided to seek help from a professional. I have signed up for individual psychotherapy and I will expect their call in the next couple of days for a brief screening.

I've been thinking about this for a very long time and I've been apprehensive because of how expensive it is, but anything is better than nothing. Since I've been saving a lot of income, I'm going to spend some of it for useful purposes and therapy is going to be one of them.


Should I post the canon sexualities and romantic inclinations of the characters in Phoenix-born · 3:52pm Jul 7th, 2021

I've been vacillating about this a lot. On the one hand, it feels kinda spoilery. On the other, with the current atmosphere of "that character is/isn't 'x orientation' because I interpret how the author wrote them as being despite their authorial intent" that's going on in literature/movies/video-games/TV/etc, I kinda want an open, clear record of "here's my intent with my characters." This mostly got kicked off by the whole thing with Winter Soldier / Falcon and Sam & Frodo from Lord of the

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My first therapy session starts tomorrow · 2:32pm Mar 24th, 2021

I'm a bit nervous, but I know that I got this. I wholeheartedly hope that there will be no interruption or cutoff of internet connection. 🙏🏻


Almost There on the Marble Chapter... · 10:44pm Jan 27th, 2020

...but I'm sick, so I'm going to read it again tomorrow, because I know I'm missing something.

Have a scary picture of Marble with a sweet story attached.

Story at Sauce

After that mare order is Maud, Pinkie, and then ensemble again.


Huh · 9:49pm Dec 16th, 2021

Christmas is in a week…



I have no idea how to end my Jinglemas story

Viewing 1 - 14 of 14 results