
Viewing 1 - 20 of 331 results

A Much Needed Update · 7:49am Mar 8th, 2018

I know I haven't really done anything in several months, and with my new living arrangements it makes it rather difficult to write at night... or any other time after seven in the afternoon. I'm aware that it is also the third month into the new year; which if I was following my original intention that means that I should be doing a story a month (one-shots mostly) or making some headway on the multi-chapter front, both of which haven't seen anything.

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Men's Rights · 9:49pm Sep 29th, 2016

I have made a decision.

This is a declaration of intent, I do not know where the path I have decided to take will lead, but the choices have made themselves abundantly clear to me. I have no choice.

Oh and I’m done not letting the other side have it on this crap. Men are not people to you are we? When referring to your thoughts on us, I’m going to refer to us using a sufficiently dehumanizing term. Penis havers.

Top 10 reasons I have decided to identify as a men’s rights advocate.

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Next Chapter of Your Waifu Doing Hurtful Things to You · 11:00pm Jul 4th, 2017

Greetings! I am pleased to inform you that I will soon release the final main chapter of Waifu. This will be the promised "bonus gore" chapter that was almost unanimously upvoted in the comments. Please note that the story's rating will be changed to "Mature" when it is published, as the chapter in question contains extensive scenes of explicit violence, and more disturbingly, a possibly OOC Luna. Also, please DO NOT read it if you find such material nauseating, distasteful, childish, boring,

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Quick Editing: Uhhhhh, is this right or wrong? · 8:24am May 28th, 2019

Went through a quick loosy on one of the edited chapters I did, and I spotted this phrase I wrote... and then I started having second thoughts about it.

He is to not be underestimated, I fear he’s capable of more than we may believe.

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TTISI: Pokémon Games (pt 1?) · 4:18am Dec 31st, 2020

I sigh as I finally get home, and plop onto my bed. I crack an eye open and see an orange game boy cartridge. Pokémon Fire Red.

Me:... Fuck it. Memory lane, let’s go.

Little did I know, something triggered the moment I booted up the game...


Oak: What was my grandon’s name again?
Me: Asshole.
Oak: Ah yes!
Me: no- I’m calling you an asshole. How do you not know your grandson’s name?
me:... *sighs*... It’s Gary.
Oak: Ah yes! Gary!


*at the end*

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JK Rowling is terrible (vulgar language below the break) · 1:28am Jun 7th, 2020

I think anyone who's been paying attention can agree with the title, but she's largely been hiding how horrific she is behind "honest mistake" and "I didn't read the whole post" and "I just accidentally posted a transphobic message". But in the past few hours, she's stopped pretending.

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This is an apt metaphor for my life. · 2:10am Aug 31st, 2020

So, I just had a fit of pique. To soothe myself, I ordered Popeye’s. Specifically the 1/4 shrimp dinner with extra CAJUN fries and an extra biscuit.

Don’t worry, I’ll burn it off.

I also ordered half a gallon of of their iced sweet tea, because I fucking love sweet tea. Only good thing that came out of the south besides the drug rehab mill phenomenon. I shoulda gotten in on that at the ground floor.

Anyway, tea.

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YOU SPELL HER NAME LIKE THIS! · 1:01am Oct 16th, 2020





GET IT RIGHT! OKAY?! :flutterrage:

...Excuse me :ajsleepy:


Well America did something. · 4:27am Jun 27th, 2015

It's already old news, but apparently all that gay rights stuff have finally been resolved... (Hopefully.) To be completely honest I've been indifferent to the entire situation, nor have I even thought about a checkmate this early in the game for either side. But it goes to show that progressive Americans are slowly muscling out the old traditionalists that have ruled our social standards for generations. Welp, either way I'm very surprised and quite proud to say that were taking one

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the fact that the fimfiction algorithm thinks an old Unsafe Space admins group is similar to a group dedicated to Nazis is extremely funny to me. · 3:38am Jan 13th, 2022

For those of you who don't enjoy tilting at windmills, The Unsafe Space is a very far right group on fimfiction. Several self-avowed monarchists and barely-not-fascists there. Sometimes the libertarians have good points shitting on neo-cons and neo-libs, but then will generally afterwards turn around and say something like a covid vaccine mandate is a worse threat to America than Slavery, the Civil War, WWII, etc. I and a few

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Okay, seriously? · 5:08pm Mar 14th, 2017

Okay, normally I don't do this, but I ran across a story today that has incest in it, and I don't like that, and I did say to the author, in a non rude way mind you, that I wasn't going to read the story because of that, and then get called a wimp by another user and then another user tells me to get off my high horse and go fuck myself. Really? REALLY? Honestly, that says more about the user doing the insulting than the one being insulted. All I was doing was expressing my opinion and saying

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Report The Bricklayer · 364 views · #Annoyed #right #now

An Inconvenient Reminder · 3:22am Oct 24th, 2018

Hello everyone; I apologize in advance because I'm gonna go political again. But again I feel it important to point out exactly what sort of mindset is running our government. You may or may not have heard about how the current administration is considering excluding transgender persons from civil rights protections, expecting citizens to identify as either male or female and nothing in between. Now whether you believe transgenderism is a thing or not, this consideration of the Trump

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Mother’s short fuse · 1:14pm Oct 8th, 2021

Hey guys so today my mother picked me up from college early so that we could get to the doctors to have my ears checked. However we were late and long story short my mom was very angry, so angry that my attempts to clam her have backfired (though I know she doesn’t have any actual beef against me) it was when we got home that I learned that women have a point in time where their angry skyrockets like with hormones only this time no babies are involved.

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RIGHT · 12:20pm Nov 25th, 2021

We're sortin' this oot right now!

And while we're here:


(Sigh) This fandom at times... · 9:58pm Aug 13th, 2016

Okay, this is just getting old real fast. Already, I've seen whining and complaining about the new episode, and at least one person who I follow has offically decided to quit watching the show. This fandom has a lot of unnecessary drama. I mean, just look at what happened after Fili Vanili. Death threats were sent. Freaking DEATH threats just because Pinkie was perceived as acting out of character.:twilightangry2:

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Free Speech And Why Limiting It Works For It's Perpetuation · 2:00am Jul 18th, 2020

Hello, this is my first ever blog on FiMFic and it is very much inspired by my recent participation in comment chains under Titty Sparkle's blogs about current events.
I am strongly interested in preservation of free speech and human rights, it's a basis of my beliefs and views about the world. I want to present my thesis that limiting the extent of free speech is important towards extending and maintaining it.

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Does anyone else ever feel this way? · 12:23am Sep 26th, 2016

At about 2:18 into this video, this guy very neatly sums up why I'm not really a fan of the trilogy I'm ripping off.

Does anyone else ever feel that way about certain books, movies, TV shows, etc.?

P.S. Regarding Chapter 6, I'm happy to report I'm working my last couple of edits and hope to have the chapter up sometime this week.


It's finally happening. · 10:23pm Dec 20th, 2016

In maybe a thousand or two more words, the next chapter of 'My Sword is a tool of Justice', will be coming out.

It'll be here later tonight. Stay tuned.


Have Alt-Right Bronies infected the MLP fandom? · 10:18pm Jul 31st, 2017

Well..........I still remember the days when the SJWs and libtards continuously shoved their content to our faces and we either had to stay quiet or speak out and have the wolves come after us. So it's no surprise that their hated opponents would strike back hard.

Anyway, this is quite the informative video from a non-brony.


The Alt-Reich commits terrost-attack in New Zealand. · 11:17am Mar 15th, 2019

Viewing 1 - 20 of 331 results