• Published 11th May 2013
  • 1,179 Views, 95 Comments

Outlaw Mares 2: For a Few Ponies More - Digodragon

The Great and Powerful Trixie is back! Called to the west, Trixie follows a trail that leads her on a journey to combat an ancient evil and a fictional adventurer!

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Chapter 9 – Applause Waits on Success

The citizens of San Anponio appeared to be back to ‘business as usual’ after the clay monster attack two nights ago. They were only able to speculate on what the creature was, but Princess Luna assured her subjects that the clay monster was destroyed. The princess also succeeded in breaking the enchantment on those affected by the encounter, but she had spent her time since recovering in the privacy of a hotel room.

However, there was still much work to be had. Repairs were started on the mayor’s house, decorations were hung back up over the streets, and the trash from the welcoming party was quickly swept off the ground. San Anponio was ready this morning for the presentation ceremony of the Lunar Wand.

The crowds gathered in the downtown square to see Princess Luna make her appearance. A large, wooden stage with lavish purple curtains was set up in front of the town hall. There was a podium up front with a bullhorn. Behind the podium was a row of four chairs. Three of them were occupied by the retired mayor, the museum curator, and Artemis.

The two royal guards, Lance and Pike, stood by the short staircase that led down from the stage to a tent, where the princess was presumed to be waiting inside.

The city’s clock tower struck ten o’clock. The former mayor stood up and walked casually to the podium. He cleared his throat before speaking into the bullhorn for every pony to hear.

“Thank you all for attending this delightful ceremony,” the mayor began. “In the years under my leadership, San Anponio has grown into the strong and beautiful capitol city it is now. In order to maintain our prosperity, we must forge good relations with our neighbors based on kindness and trust. To that end, we welcome here today the chief of a noble bison tribe that calls this land home. It is with great honor that I present to the stage, Chief Daybreaker of the Lunar Tribe.”

The crowd stomped their hooves in applause as a large brown bison exited the tent. He strode up the steps to the stage with a smile upon his face. Daybreaker’s headdress was adorned with large feathers and tiny sapphire stones. The chief wore a simple black patch over a bruised eye, and his cheeks were decorated with white war paint.

Daybreaker stood behind the podium and cleared his throat. “Thank you, kind ponies of this city,” he said loudly. “When I was first approached to receive the Lunar Wand, I was quite happy to see that Equestria wanted to forge good relations with my tribe by returning an important piece of our history. However, over the past few moons, I have learned that my tribe was to be swindled by your own peers.”

Looks of surprise and confusion began to surface among the crowd. The retired mayor turned to Artemis, but the burly art appraiser was just as stunned. Daybreaker reached under his headdress and pulled out a large, uncut sapphire.

This is the true stone that topped the Lunar Wand. It was stolen several days ago by thieves that played upon your gullibility to believe that a fictional pegasus named Daring Do recovered the wand. However, the thieves replaced this stone with a fake, and your so called ‘art connoisseurs’ had not noticed this ruse. Therefore, I am led to believe that either your appraisers are amateurs or that they were connected to the con.”

Daybreaker then turned to the curator and Artemis. “So then, which theory is it?”

The crowd was now murmuring excitedly among themselves. Cameras flashed as the museum curator and Artemis both had taken on expressions of dread upon their faces. Neither of the two ponies could answer Daybreaker’s question, and Artemis seemed overwhelmed by the accusation.

“Lies! All of them!” the burley art appraiser shouted as he stood up. “I-I was busy with a side project at a dig site! I had no time to reevaluate the wand!” Artemis pointed directly to the museum curator.

“It was Liam’s job to check the wand!”

Now the curator was put on the spot. “You greedy swine!” Liam shouted back. “You took money under the table from Debon Aire on that project! The wand was your responsibility!”

“You worked on that same project too!” Artemis countered. “Debon paid you for the maps!”

Daybreaker turned to glance at the audience before he interrupted. “Would this project happen to be a tomb that belonged to my ancestors? A tomb you had desecrated against my tribe’s wishes?”

“W-What do you mean?” Artemis stuttered. “No! Debon paid me to oversee that site! It was his idea to dig it up! I’m the victim here! Do you understand me? A victim!”

The retired mayor stood up. “Daybreaker, what is the meaning of this?!” he angrily questioned.

The bison raised a hoof. “Be at ease, mayor,” Daybreaker said calmly. “My information comes from the mouth of a young pegasus named Mosaic. I believe she was Artemis’ assistant?”

Artemis shuffled his hooves. “M-Mosaic?” he stuttered. “How could that be? She died in an airship crash two nights ago. Dead ponies can’t talk.”

“For centuries, my people have communed with the spirits of the dead,” Daybreaker explained. “However, I shall summon her here so that you may receive her wisdom directly.”

Daybreaker took a step back and began chanting in a language no pony understood. Lance and Pike exchanged confused glances, but the crowed was mesmerized by the bison’s vocal rhythm. With a circular motion of his fore-hooves, Daybreaker pointed to the ground before him.

A pillar of red flame shot out for an instant and a pale marble pegasus appeared in front of the chief. Several ponies in the crowd jumped in fright at the creature’s deathly appearance. It looked like Mosaic, but her figure was very gaunt now, with a ragged black mane that hung around her shoulders, and sunken pale eyes.

“Please, spirit of Mosaic,” Daybreaker said in a deep tone, “Are the ponies who desecrated my ancestors’ tomb here?”

“Yesss…” hissed the ghoulish Mosaic.

Smoke wafted up from the cracks in the stage below the spirit. Two mares in the crowd fainted onto the ground. Lance and Pike readied their spears. The lieutenant whistled for back up and two more guards galloped out of the tent to witness this event.

“And tell me, spirit of Mosaic,” Daybreaker continued, “Can you point out the ponies that desecrated my ancestors’ tomb?”

Mosaic turned and pointed to Artemis. “Debon paid you to dig!”

Artemis screamed in fright and hid behind the curator. Lance and Pike climbed the stage to corner the spirit, but Mosaic raised her wings in defense. A second pillar of fire consumed her body and the ghoulish Mosaic disappeared.

Artemis broke down in tears. Photographers took several pictures while the crowd became loud with gossip. The retired mayor stepped forward and took charge.

“Sheriff, have your men remove these ponies!” the former mayor ordered. “I have some questions for them. As for you, Chief Daybreaker, what kind of sorcery is this you’re throwing around?”

The bison chief smiled as two law-ponies removed Liam and Artemis off the stage. “It is not sorcery, mayor, but only my half of the story,” he explained. “I suggest you contact the one known as Debon Aire for his half. Only then you will understand what had transpired in this city two nights ago.”

The former mayor bit his lip thoughtfully. “I certainly will,” he said to the chief. “However, if the wand’s sapphire was stolen, then how did you acquire it?”

“There are many good ponies in Equestria,” Daybreaker answered. “I happened to have found four of them willing to go out of their way to do what was right for both our people.”

Daybreaker left the stage to return to the tent. The reporters in the crowed broke out into a rush for the bison chief. The royal guards formed a barrier to protect the chief from the oncoming mob as questions flew in a cacophony of jumbled voices.

Daybreaker entered the dark tent and sat down on a plain cotton rug. The only other occupant within the tent stepped out of the shadows behind the chief. She appeared to be dressed in the standard armor of the royal guard, but she lacked their visual uniformity. This pony had an azure coat and the worn armor was two sizes too large for her body. Her helmet completely covered her face, save for her exposed unicorn horn.

“Not a bad performance,” the guard said smugly, “But it might have been better if you threw in a few dance steps. I’ve seen your people dance quite passionately.”

The chief smiled half-heartedly, but he did not turn around. “Communing with spirits was nothing like that show we just put on, Moon Warrior,” Daybreaker said. “I don’t know if I should be proud or sad that ponies are so easily bamboozled for their lack of bison culture.”

Trixie removed the heavy guard helmet off her head and gently placed it on the ground. She walked past Daybreaker and threw him a confident grin. “It would only be sad if we had no one to teach us more about the old ways,” she said. “I think many of us would be willing to listen if you give us a chance.”

Daybreaker nodded in agreement. “Thank you again, for everything you and your friends have done to help us destroy Gung,” the bison said proudly. “And give my regards to your shifter’s performance. She is quite the actress on the stage.”

“Oh that wasn’t Zeeps,” Trixie corrected. “I had Ellie stand in for her. Zeeps is tying up a lose end for me elsewhere.” The azure unicorn removed the oversized armor and walked over to the far end of the tent.

“Well, I think you can handle things from here,” she said. “I’ve got a friend at the hospital to meet up with.” Trixie lifted the tent flap and snuck outside.

“Good luck, Moon Warrior,” Daybreaker said.

~ ~ ~

Two ponies walked down the hallway in the hospital’s general patient wing. One was a strong orange stallion and the other a yellow unicorn mare. The unicorn carried a small bouquet of roses with her levitation magic. The visitor badges around their necks read ‘Clem’ and ‘Bonnie’.

They reached their destination, room 310, guarded by a single deputy of the San Anponio police. The only other pony in the area was a nurse napping on a bench farther down the hall. The officer looked at them with a raised eyebrow as Bonnie presented the bouquet to him.

“We’re here to visit miss Lulu Gauge,” the unicorn said innocently.

The deputy picked up a clipboard with a schedule written on it. “I don’t have anyone slated for visiting at this time,” he responded. “What are your names?”

“Sandman and Sleeping Beauty,” Bonnie stated.

The yellow unicorn shoved the bouquet of roses into the officer’s face. The deputy flailed to push the flowers away, but the sweet odor within the roses overwhelmed the stallion’s senses. He became dizzy and fell to the cold floor as he wheezed for breath.

Clem stepped forward and kicked the deputy in the gut.

Bonnie opened the bouquet and withdrew a small knife hidden within. She tossed the flowers on the ground and opened the door to Lulu’s room.

Heavy curtains were drawn over the lone open window and a light breeze crept in to cool the dark room. A chart hung off the foot of the bed that read ‘Lulu Gauge, zebra mare.’ A nearby table held a tray of wilting apple peels and an empty drinking glass. The patient on the bed was completely covered under a thick blanket.

Bonnie heard a faint snore from under the covers. She levitated the knife by her side as Clem quickly pulled back the bed sheet that covered their target. Instead of a stripped zebra, however, the two criminals were greeted by the fanged smile of a changeling.

“Is it sponge bath time?” Zeeps asked eagerly.

Bonnie dropped the knife with a startle as she backed away. Clem angrily dove on changeling, but Zeeps rolled off the bed before the stallion smothered her. Clem grabbed the edge of the hospital bed and flipped it over. The changeling darted under the stallion and ran for the exit.

Bonnie jumped in Zeep’s path. “We’re not finished with you yet!” the yellow unicorn shouted.

“Trixie disagrees,” stated a haughty female voice from the hallway.

Bonnie spun around in her place. Trixie and Cheryl stepped into the room as Ellie climbed in through the open window. Zeeps flapped her insect wings with excitement as Trixie adjusted her new pointed magician’s hat. The four friends surrounded the would-be assassins.

“Surrender now or The Great and Powerful Trixie will have you checked into the intensive care ward,” the azure unicorn threatened.

Bonnie levitated the roses on the floor behind Trixie and threw them at the azure unicorn. The rose thorns tangled in Trixie’s mane and pricked against her ears. The show-mare yelped in pain. Bonnie rushed at Cheryl and jumped over the earth pony.

The yellow unicorn’s levitation magic carried her clear over Cheryl’s head and into the hallway.

“Gah!” Trixie shouted angrily as she plucked the roses out of her hair. “Who keeps thorns in a bouquet of roses?!”

Clem rushed Cheryl to push the mare out of the way, but Cheryl braced against the stallion’s charge. The two locked hooves and wrestled each other back into the room. Zeeps jumped on Clem’s back and sunk her teeth into his shoulder.

“Ahh!” Clem screamed. “Get it off! Get it off! Get it off!”

Ellie grabbed a pillow off the floor and attempted to strike Clem on the head. The stallion darted in circles with Cheryl still grappled with him and Zeeps clung to his back. Half of Ellie’s blows struck her friends instead of Clem. The pillow casing tore open and feathers spilled in all directions.

The airborne plumage tickled Cheryl’s nose. The chocolate-coated pony let out a grand sneeze and fell to the ground. The stallion, now free of Cheryl, grabbed the changeling off his back and threw her into Ellie. The two mares tumbled to the floor over each other.

“You gals are off your nut to take on a strong stallion like me,” Clem boasted.

Trixie ran up from behind, and with a half twist of her body, she kicked Clem hard between his legs. The stallion grabbed his crotch area as he fell to the ground in intense pain.

“Yeah, well no nuts to you too,” Trixie angrily stated.

Bonnie galloped down the hallway towards the stairs. She raced past several nurses who shouted at her to stop running, but the yellow unicorn ignored them. Bonnie reached the end of the hall where a large wooden door marked 'stairwell' stood. The yellow unicorn pulled the door open with her magic.

Princess Luna stood on the stairwell landing, flanked by the royal guards Spade and Spearmint.

“Oh, this is so unfair,” Bonnie whined.

“This is the part where we don’t give a flying feather,” Luna replied flatly.

Spade and Spearmint leaped at Bonnie. The two guards grabbed the yellow unicorn and pinned her to the floor with unruly roughness. Luna stepped into the hallway and gave Bonnie a disappointing frown.

“You may take her away,” the princess said to the guards.

“Here’s the other one!” Trixie shouted further down the hall. She strutted toward the princess as her friends dragged Clem along by the shoulders. Zeeps had taken on the disguise of Daring Do to avoid scaring the hospital staff she passed.

Clem was still whimpering in pain as he was dropped besides Bonnie. The four friends then bowed gracefully before Luna. Spade and Spearmint lifted the two criminals to their hooves and escorted them down the stairwell.

The deputy assaulted by Bonnie earlier sat up and waved that he was alright.

Luna turned her attention to Trixie. “I still believe you to be the most arrogant pony I know,” she said, “But far be it for me not to acknowledge your bravery. Your success has brought peace of mind to this city.”

“Thank you, your highness,” Trixie said with a large grin, “But I would like to share the credit with my friends here, especially with Zeeps. I learned that loyalty to your friends is important.”

Cheryl gave Trixie a look of disbelief. “Wait, you learned something about friendship?” the earth pony questioned sarcastically. “When did that happen?”

“I reckon you did too, Cheryl,” Ellie said happily. “You learned to trust a changeling, right?”

Luna gave Zeeps a serious look and the changeling shied away from the princess’ gaze. Luna turned back to Trixie. “With the recent problems Equestria has with changelings,” Luna said, “I must confess that I am still wary of even this one. However, since you all have proven yourselves just, I will grant Zeeps a pardon for her crimes.”

Luna leaned closer to Trixie with a stern look. “Do not give me cause to regret this decision.”

“I won’t,” Trixie said simply.

“I am curious, however,” Luna pondered out loud. “How did you know that a second attempt would be made on Miss Gauge’s life?”

Trixie plucked a rose petal out of her mane. “Intuition mostly,” she answered. “Golden Jubilee had told me that Miss Gauge’s survival was a mistake that won’t happen a second time. The only reason I could think of for assassinating her was to ensure that Debon won the election.”

Ellie stepped forward. “Earlier today, Trixie and I put on a little show at the wand’s presentation ceremony,” the pegasus said. “We couldn’t nail Debon for his participation with Gung’s release, but I reckon the papers will be all aflutter about an illegal excavation he funded.”

“That ought to bruise his popularity some,” Cheryl added.

“Indeed,” Luna agreed. “Well I shall take my leave then. I have a lunch appointment with Miss Gauge today and a long letter to write to my sister over the events that transpired here. I shall keep in touch with you should I require further details.”

The princess turned to walk away, but she looked over her shoulder at Trixie. “One last thing,” Luna said. “My sister had great success fostering a teacher-student relationship with a gifted pony on the magic of friendship. They accomplished many great deeds together. Perhaps you might consider an offer to enter such a relationship under my wing in the future?”

Trixie was wide-eyed for a moment, but after she considered the idea, the azure unicorn shook her head. “I’m afraid I must decline,” she said. “The Great and Powerful Trixie is not one for books and studies in a school setting. I am an adventuring magician of hooves-on experience.”

“Good, because that is exactly the kind of pony that I’m looking for,” Luna said with a smirk. The princess walked down the stairs and left Trixie to ponder that thought for a while longer.

Ellie patted Trixie on the shoulder. “So, what do we do now?” the pegasus asked. “Should we gallop off into the sunset searching for another adventure?”

The azure unicorn took off her hat and smiled. “No,” Trixie said thoughtfully. “I think for once, I’d like to go home and relax. However, I’d like you all to come with me.”

“You want us to go with you to Manehatten?” Cheryl asked. “Why?”

Trixie pulled out the letter written by Stone Rose. “My intuition tells me we will be expecting some mail in the near future.”

“Do you still reckon that Stone Rose feller is on your side?” Ellie asked.

Trixie shrugged. “I’m not sure, but when the Horizon Walkers make their next move, I want to be there to stop whatever monstrosity they let lose next. This Stone Rose thought that we were the best team for the job and I’d like to think he was right.”

“So are we like, a gang of outlaws then?” Zeeps asked. “Or maybe we’re a team of vigilante heroes?”

“I don’t know, my little hayseed,” Trixie responded, “But as my twelfth rule of being great and powerful states, ‘Whatever it is you are, be the best at it.’”

Trixie donned her hat once more and led the way down stairs. Her friends followed and they raced each other out of the hospital and towards the train station. The midday sun shone brightly upon the next train prepared to travel eastward to Manehatten.

The azure unicorn pulled out the locket with her levitation magic. Perhaps it was time to go home, and pay a visit to her extended family.

Author's Note:

In fanfic stories where Trixie becomes Luna's student, I often don't see Trixie getting that circle of friends to learn the magic of friendship. Much of Twilight's success is due to the friends she made. Therefore, Trixie needs great and powerful friends of her own (especially ones that can deal with her magnet for trouble).