• Published 23rd May 2013
  • 9,280 Views, 856 Comments

Adorkable Love - Einhander

Rarity figures out that Cheerilee has a crush on Twilight, and that Twilight is oblivious. Rarity decide to play matchmaker. And Blue Bonnet is the worst delivery pony. Nothing can posi-blie go wrong.

  • ...

II: Somepony to Love

Adorkable Love

By: Einhander

Chapter 2: Sompony to Love

Spike huffed and puffed as he basically blew his chance to be Rarity's knight in shining armor. She hadn't been exaggerating: that bag WAS heavy. After two or three false starts, Rarity graciously agreed to switch roles; she would take the bag and he the book (it was an awfully heavy book).

They walked past the bickering delivery ponies ("SOMEPONY in this town must need some pre-paid trampolines...") and into the warm spring day. Winter Wrap Up wasn't too long ago, and the sun and green all felt new.

They walked in silence. Spike clearly had something on his mind, but he wasn't volunteering and Rarity had her own mystery clouding her mind.

Three days ago, Rarity had received a parcel (from that same Blue Bonnet, come to think of it) from her mystery client. Inside was a letter, a card with pony measurements and a bag of gems.

The letter read:

Dear Rarity:

I would like commissioning you to design and make a Foalish Follies Era gown inspired by my favorite book: The Great Gallopsy. But I want the Rarity touch. I know you know what that means. Measurements are enclosed along with payment. Gown is due 30 days from today.

Don't disappoint me.

A Fan

You could have knocked Rarity over with a feather after she read the letter. Short of a proposal from a prince-- well, not Prince Blueblood, but the image she had of her prince before the galafiasco--this missive was...

The. Best. Possible. Thing.

The gems were enough to keep the boutique running for a year, assuming she didn't use any of them for dresses. The challenge was high, but it was also enthralling- to remake a famous dress in her style image! Every designer knew the cover of that book, and her assignment was to make it her own. It was the most expensive dress she would ever make, and she hadn’t even named the price! Some benefactor, or designer or... angel had decided to place their faith in her.

The thought of that on its own made her have a crooked little smile.

"Rarity can I ask you- hey, what's up?"

She laughed, "I'm just happy about how well this dress is coming along!"

“Oh, right! Can I see what you have so far?”

Rarity blinked. The last part of the letter suddenly shot to the front of her brain:

Don’t disappoint me.

She wasn't one to tell fibs, but the truth was she had nothing to show. She had spent day one gawking at the letter and pinching herself. She then spent all of day two obsessively trying to figure out who the friends was, to no avail.

Today was day 3. She realized she had done absolutely nothing on the dress and the dummy was coming today. Once she had finished beating herself up for being so stupid as to waste two days on the biggest assignment of her career (and then beating herself up for wasting three hours beating herself up) she sprinted around town gathering materials. Last stop was the library, where she was so mixed up she couldn’t remember the name of the very book that inspired the whole project!

And after all of THAT mess, to home, and to a long night of designing and brainstorming. She had a lot of work to make up.

So what she said was:

“Work in progress darling, you’ll see it when it’s done just like everyone else.” It wasn’t a lie, per se. Things had gone from no progress to some progress. "And here we are!" announced Rarity, relieved to be back at the boutique. "Thank you for your help, Spike."

"Um, Rarity," Spike shuffled his feet, "Can I talk to you for a minute?"

"I'm sorry darling, but I've really lost so much time today. Why don't you come by-"

"Please, Rarity. It's important, it's been bugging me for weeks and you're the only pony I can talk to about it."

Rarity looked at her little friend. He didn't usually press an issue, any issue with her. His eyes were scared but defiant. Unless...

Oh no, not this again...

"Spike," she said carefully, "whatever you're about to say, have you asked Twilight about it first?"

"I can't ask Twilight! It's ABOUT Twilight!" Insisted Spike. "Please? I really need to talk to you. In private."

Rarity felt relief, then frustration, then confusion and finally intrigue, all in a matter of moments. That, combined with the fact that she wasn't about to have 'the talk' with Spike, plus those big puppy dog round eyes of his...

"Fine," she relented, opening the door. Who was she to turn down a friend's request for help? "Come on in and we'll have some tea and discuss whatever's on your mind."

Spike was visibly relieved, and followed Rarity in with the book. "Have a seat," said Rarity, who simultaneously was putting away her bag of materials while magically putting the tea kettle on. She had forgotten to go shopping in the past few days (she had fits to throw) but always had some tea stashed away in cases of friends needing suddenly and urgently to discuss personal matters and/or seek advice. It sounded presumptuous, but it happened frequently, and the time she was caught without it took twice as long to talk Fluttershy off the 'Mr. Badger doesn't hate you' ledge. Ever since then, she always (ALWAYS) had tea on hand.

Of course, that didn't mean she always had lots of choices.

"Mint or Saddle Gray, dear? I'm afraid that all I have."

"Whatever you're having." Spike was staring at the cover of the book. "It is stunning, huh?"

Rarity chose mint and nodded, "One of a kind. No one's sure who drew it, but it's on all the first editions of the book. That's why I had to go to the library, no one else had it. Believe me, I looked."

Spike frowned. "Do you not like coming to the library?"

Rarity shook her head, "I love visiting the library, and by that I mean seeing you and Twilight. But when it actually comes to finding a book, Twilight tends to... Overdo it?"

Spike thought about it. "I guess that's true. Mayor Mare came in the other day looking for a book about mayoral history, and walked away with eight books. Ten newspaper articles and a globe. I'm still not sure what the globe was for."

"Exactly! Why, if Cheerilee hadn't shown up, I'd have had to ask you to carry 5 books and reams of scrolls, I'm sure. Forty minutes later, anyway.

"That's what I want to talk about!" Spike pounded the table, more forcefully than he intended. A small vase with some flowers toppled over, causing water to flow over the tablecloth.

"...Crud." said Spike. "I'm sorry Rarity."

The tea kettle started to boil. Rarity sighed and smiled, "Never mind, darling, water always comes out." She trotted over to the kitchen and prepared the platter with the tea. She put some extra napkins on the tray and walked back in to find Spike trying to shove the now slightly wilted flowers back into the vase. She smiled despite herself. Spike was plucky, if nothing else.

"Now," she announced as she poured the tea for both of the , "what is so pressing about Twilight that you had to use both your break and mine?"

Spike stared at the table, blotting the spilled water with the napkins. There was a silence. Rarity brought her cup to her lips, blowing on the tea. "Come now. Out with it."

"Cheerilee has a crush on Twilight!" shouted Spike, who then immediately gasped and put his hands to his mouth, as if he was shocked that he dare speak the words.

The tea was about an inch from Rarity's mouth, where it remained since Spike confessed. Her eye twitched and then she very, very slowly put the tea cup back in the saucer.

"That," she announced, "was almost a spit take." She cleared her throat. "And lest you think otherwise , tea does NOT come out"

"I'm sorry, I just can't keep it to myself anymore," said Spike. "It's just so clear to me and Twilight has no idea and I don't know what to do."

"Really, dear, I think this might be all in your head."

Spike shook his head. "Uh-uh. I've been thinking this for awhile, and today confirmed it. I've got evidence!"

Rarity chuckled warmly. "Evidence, Spike? Why then by all means, detective, state your case."

Spike rolled his eyes, but then grinned. "Gladly. Fact! Cheerilee visits at least once a week. Like clockwork."

"Darling, I visit at least twice a week, and I love Twilight dearly but I assure you-"

"Fact! " Spike was undeterred. "Cheerilee checks out at least a book a week on her visits, and always returns them on time! She's the only one who has never had a late book, ever."

"Ever?" asked Rarity, eyebrow arched.

"Ever." said spike, "Trust me, she has a chart, and I'm in charge of updating it. It's a huge pet peeve for her, and everyone else does it. Even Fluttershy had a late book once. Twilight acts like she doesn't care, but believe me, she does."

Rarity took a deep sip. "So she's a regular visitor and she returns books on time. Even if she's the only one, that's pretty thin. She can’t be hoping Twilight notices her promptness."

"No, Twilight doesn’t notice those who do good, just the repeat offenders. But! Fact. She always stays about five minutes, always saying she doesn't want to waste Twilight's time. Except one time when Twilight wanted her opinion on something, it was about teaching I think, and then she stayed for an hour. A whole hour!"

"You mean, as friends do, when getting to know each other?" chuckled Rarity.

Spike was fuming, but pressed on. "These visits only became regular AFTER that whole mess with Big Mac and Sweetie belle and Apple Bloom and Scootaloo."

Rarity had to pause as that. "Well, I suppose it would make sense... Twilight did help keep them apart to break the spell, and I know Cheerilee was very appreciative. Of course, so was Big Mac and the whole town. Maybe they just became closer friends after?" Rarity took another sip. "I had hoped though that Big Mac and Cheerilee would hit it off for real afterwards..."

"But they didn't. The one 'real' date was a bust. She told Twilight, and Twilight told me. She's still single."

"Yes." said Rarity flatly, "what a horrible thing to be."

Spike ignored Rarity, announcing "Fact! Cheerilee spoke up out of nowhere today, gushing about and defending Twilight! Fact! When I suggested she keep Twilight company while I was out with you, she leapt at the chance!"

Rarity shook her head, "That's just a bunch of coincidences. We all love Twilight, we all like spending time with her, we all don't--at least I don't, and I'm not aware of anypony else--have a crush on her. And your tea is getting cold."

"Fact. Cheerilee already had a copy of the book she was returning to the library."

"She what?"

"When she walked into you and her books spilled everywhere, I saw the books she had. Two copies of the same Game of Crowns book. And the copy she returned was in pristine condition, but the other copy was all dog-eared and bookmarked. Why borrow and return a book when you own an older copy? Unless you want to spend time with the librarian?"

Rarity didn't have an answer for that. She hmmed, taking another sip of her tea. "Odd, I admit, but not definitive. She could have bought a copy after borrowing it, realizing she wanted to make notes but not wanting to... Er... Mark up the book?" She frowned as she said those words, not finding them believable.

"Now THAT sounds thin. C'mon, Rarity."

She slowly shrugged, without much conviction. "If you knew for sure she had the book before..." Rarity took a slow, deep sip of tea, deep in thought.

Spike smiled like you smile in a poker game when laying down an Ace. "Oh you mean the third book she had with her today? The EXACT SAME book she had me check out for her?" He leaned into Rarity, who stared back, eyes wide open, still drinking tea as Spike continued: "Book four of Game of Crowns? The same book she told Twilight she was...so...excited... to read??"

And then Rarity did an honest-to-goodness full spit take.


"And I hate it when authors rely on cheap comedy!" said Twilight, filling up her second glass of lemonade. "You've got a moment of high drama or epiphany and then some pony goes and does something gross or silly because the writer can't think of anything else to do. It's just not necessary."

"Oh?" smiled Cheerilee, "Gross or silly like what?"

"Perfect example: Spit take. What pony thinks its funny when another pony makes a mess and embarrasses themselves? Maybe all over another creature?? Who finds that funny?"

Cheerilee's smile faded a little, and she looked away, embarrassed. "Some ponies do... in small doses."

Twilight continued her rant, "and how is it even remotely realistic? Ponies don't do that!"

"We'll that's just not true." said Cheerilee. "Pinkie Pie."

Twilight went to reply, stopped, thought about it, and said, "Other than Pinkie Pie, who does that?"

Cheerilee sipped her lemonade (perhaps pausing for effect), and announced "Kids."


"Oh yes . Foals and Fillies both. With great frequency." She frowned for a moment, "If I could afford nice things, they wouldn't survive the classroom."

Twilight's face reflected that magical divide between disgust and intrigue.

"But... why? How?"

"How is easy. There is a special set of words designed specifically to produce that reaction, and children learn all of them." She finished her lemonade. "'Cooties' is one. 'Fart' another. And ever since hearts and hooves day, 'special somepony.'"

Twilight cringed. "So the rest of your kids found out, huh?"

Cheerilee, for the first time that day (perhaps ever) gave Twilight a Look. "Try spending the whole day running after a giant red stallion yelling 'smoochie poo', in a wedding veil, and see who DOESN'T find out."

Twilight smiled sheepishly. "Sorry."

Cheerilee returned to her normal self, "Not your fault! And the girls felt so bad, and well, maybe a few lessons were learned. No real harm done." She smiled and shook her head, "those three. They're going to conquer the world one day."

Twilight had always been friendly with Cheerilee, but she felt something now that reminded of her first day Ponyville: the qualities that inspire true friendship. "You really care about them don't you?"

"Yes... but if you're implying I play favorites, you're wrong! I love all my school-children equally." Insisted Cheerilee.

Now it was Twilight's turn to give a Look, (albeit with a smile) but Cheerilee had turned her head and held her head up high. Twilight shrugged and took a sip of lemonade.

"I don't care for Diamond Tiara." confessed Cheerilee.

It took all of Twilight's self control not to send that lemonade all over the table and her new friend.

"I'm sorry! I don't know where that came from!" said Cheerilee, "Please don't tell- Twilight? Are you okay?"

Twilight nodded, trying not to choke, gently swallowing the lemonade in small doses. Her face was beet red. Finally she gasped "I'm okay... I'm okay.."

There was a smirk on Cheerilee's face. "Why Twilight Sparkle, did I just almost see a... Spit take?"

"No!" Said Twilight. "Maybe." Cheerilee was grinning at her and she finally relented. "Okay, yes, fine."

"He he... See? It gets the best of us some times."

"I just don't like being so foalish." muttered Twilight. "And I don't understand why ponies find stuff like that funny."

"But that's just it- we're allowed to be silly as little ones, and then we're told as ponies to put all of that behind us. Who wouldn't miss it, just once in awhile?"

Twilight tilted her head to one side, and then nodded, "I guess so. Of course, it means less to me. I was always a very... Um... ‘Bookish’ child. There wasn't a lot for me to leave behind."

"I'm shocked. Shocked!" said Cheerilee in fake outrage. Twilight rolled her eyes. "Can you keep a secret? So was I."

They laughed.

"But I was bookish and cheery, so I had a good dose of silliness too. I think part of the reason I teach is to still be around it, even if I have to put a stop to it. It makes me sad, but as I tell the crusaders, being silly wont get you a cutie mark."

"Unless you're Pinkie Pie."

"Yes, of course." nodded Cheerilee. "Pinkie pie excepted."

"I feel like there's this big book of rules in Equestria, for ponies and magic and time and space..." Twilight stretched out her hooves for emphasis on how big the book was, "And at the end of each rule there's a footnote that says 'may not apply to Pinkie Pie.'"

Cheerilee nodded. "Pinkie can't be explained. Her pinkie sense saved a field trip from disaster once, and... Well.. When the children ask how she can do the things she does, I just say-"

"Pinkie's just being pinkie." They send in tandem.

"Exactly." Said Twilight.

There was a knock at the door. Twilight frowned, "If its that trampoline stallion again, I swear..."

Twilight opened the door and saw a sad looking filly. "Scootaloo! What's wrong?"

"I'm sorry to bother you, but have you seen my teacher?"

Twilight turned to the approaching Cheerilee. "What's wrong, Scootaloo?"

"...are you coming back to school?" Scootaloo shuffled her hooves and looked at the ground, "only because you didn't come back after lunch, and no pony knew what to do…”

Cheerilee blanched. She turned to Twilight and whispered "Oh no… how long have I been here?"

Scootaloo continued, “And then Diamond Tiara said she was... " she frowned, trying to get the words right, "declaring mare-I-tal law? Which she says means she can do whatever she wants...which is nothing new, but" Scootaloo then looked up with tears in her eyes “but now you're not there to stop her! She’s so mean!" Scootaloo suddenly grabbed Cheerilee and cried, "Please come back! Whatever we did we're sorry! Come back Ms. Cheerilee!"

The little filly was sobbing. Cheerilee looked like she was about to cry herself. “I’ve made a huge mistake.”


As Rarity was cleaning off the tea on the tablecloth, she was giggling like a filly. “Oh my! Cheerilee DOES have a crush on Twilight Sparkle! She MUST!”

Spike was still trying to dry himself off. “Tea comes out of scales, right?”

“Out of all the adorable things that could have happened, this is The. Most. ADORABLE. Thing!”

“Is it, though?” said Spike, a bit softly.

Rarity whipped her head to face the little dragon. “Whatever do you mean?”

Spike balled up the napkin and threw it away, “Well, first of all, I don’t think you can call it adorable. I don’t know what adorable is, exactly, but I don’t think it’s Twilight. She’s a dork.”

Rarity gasped. “Spike! How could you!?”

Spike waved his claws to calm her down, “Hear me out. I love Twilight. I know Twilight. I would do anything for her. But she’s a dork. She reads for fun, and not fun books like Daring Do, I mean books that NO ONE reads for fun. Then schedules a lecture on it, for fun. She keeps charts of things no one else does. She genuinely enjoys research projects. She dressed like Star-swirl the Bearded on Nightmare Night, and then got in a huff when ponies didn’t recognize her. She had a major meltdown because she didn’t have a friendship lesson to learn, AND she TRAVELLED THROUGH TIME because of her anxiety about perfection. What do you call that?”

Rarity frowned and relented, “Fine. Maybe it’s not adorable, per se,” she hesitated, then rallied, “but it IS adorkable!”

Spike narrowed his eyes, “You just made that up.”

“And if I did?” asked Rarity, “I’m in the ZONE, dear.”

“But what if I’m wrong? What if this is just like you said, a coincidence?”

“Spike, don’t tell me you went through all of that to convince me when you aren’t yourself convinced! You practically insisted-“

“I know, Rarity, and I do think I’m right. But that’s just it- if I’m wrong, this could just be hearts and hooves all over again, and if I’m right…” Spike trailed off, staring into the distance. “What if Twilight doesn’t feel the same way?”

Rarity hadn’t thought about that. “You mean about mares vs. stallions?”

“About everything!” said Spike. “She’s never had a relationship, stallion or mare!”

“No one knows Twilight better, Spike. Except maybe the princess. How DOES she feel?”

Spike shrugged. “I don’t think she thinks about it. Either gender. On hearts and hooves day, two stallions and three mares basically asked her out, and she had them all sit at the same table and drink Raspberry Lemonade and discuss the finer points of the history of the holiday. They were so sad and confused when they all left… well, not everyone, two the of mares had seemed to pair off and had an okay day.”

“So she has no idea, then,” said Rarity.

“None,” admitted Spike, “Cheerilee could be flying a banner saying I HEART YOU TWILIGHT and she’d correct the grammar before realizing what it meant. And who knows if that’s even what it means? It’s not like Cheerilee is being obvious…”

“Well, you’ve convinced me, and gotten me all jazzed about this, only to try to bring me down?” Rarity pouted, “Are you helping me play cupid or not?”


“You didn’t seriously think that telling me all this would mean I’d just leave it to fate, do you?” scoffed Rarity. “If you wanted to leave it be, you should have confessed to Fluttershy or Applejack. No, dear Spike, you’ve given me an idea, a wonderful idea, and I intend to see it through.”

“No! You can’t!” said Spike. “At least, not yet!”

“Why-ever not?”

Spike hesitated, his throat dry, wishing he had tea that wasn’t room temperature. He tried to find the words.

“Spike…?” said Rarity, suddenly concerned.

“Because love can hurt, Rarity,” he said, simply. “It can be wonderful, but it can hurt if the other… pony doesn’t feel the same way. And it can hurt not knowing and letting it just be in your heart as a wonderful dream… but it hurts more if you know for SURE that it’s not going to happen.” His tone was level, but his voice was cracking a bit. “I’m still a baby dragon, I know, but I’ve learned that. Twilight hasn’t. And I’m afraid for her. And for Cheerilee, who I’ll admit I don’t know very well but…”

“…you don’t want to see either of them hurt,” finished Rarity, who was suddenly very low, very low indeed. Spike nodded.

“I think hearts and hooves day took a lot of out Cheerilee. No pony asked about her love life or her lack of a special somepony before, and suddenly the whole town knows because of all that spell stuff. And then ponies think, well, it’ll work out with her and Big Mac! Everyone loves Big Mac. But it didn’t.”

“Everyone wants somepony to love, Spike. All creatures. ” said Rarity, as gently as possible. “I supposed even Discord, as odd as that sounds.”

Spike laughed, sniffling a little. “I don’t think anypony could ever love him more than he loves himself.”

Rarity smiled, “Maybe Fluttershy, but only as a friend, I would hope.”

Spike looked away and repeated. “As a friend.”

Despite her best efforts, they seemed to be having a talk right then and there. What a day…

“Spike, do you love Twilight?”

“Of course. She’s my family. My only family, really, besides you all.”

“Do you want her to be happy?”

Spike nodded. “More than…,” he stopped again, staring at Rarity’s eyes, and continued, “More than anything, really. She’s such a special pony. She deserves somepony special.”

“I agree. I love her too. I also don’t know Cheerilee that well, but, I can’t think of anything bad to say about her, and my sister loves her, and her friends do too… would you agree?”

Spike smiled, “Yeah. I hear only good things, except when it comes to too much homework.”

“Maybe something only Twilight could love, " smirked Rarity. "Then Spike, I’ll say this: there is something worse than confessing one's love and knowing it’s not meant to be… and that’s realizing too late that something was possible, but being too blind to see.” Rarity started placing the tea cups back on the platter. “I don’t want Twilight to realize, maybe years from now, on Cheerilee’s wedding day or when she moves away or… who knows. I don’t want her to not see what’s in front of her because… well, there’s so much going on in her brain that she can’t understand what’s obvious to everypony else! We owe that to her!”

Spike thought and nodded slowly. “I think you’re right… but what if we fail?”

Rarity threw her mane back and stared Spike in the eyes. “Then we fail. But I think I’m the right pony for the job. And I can’t do it alone. Not without my…” she paused, “…without my very best friend and knight in shining armor.”

Spike looked at her for a moment, and then smiled. There was a hint of sadness in his smile, but also resolve. The word ‘best’ had never been used before. And, you know, Rarity in his life as a friend (best friend!) was better than no Rarity at all.

“Alright, let’s do this!”

“Yessss!” said Rarity, “And nothing can possi-bly go wrong!”

“Uh… you mean possibly go wrong?”

“…why, what did I say?”

“Possi-bly. Like you said ‘Possib’ and then ‘lie.’” Spike shrugged. “It just sounded weird.”

“Well.” said Rarity. “I guess that’s the first thing that’s gone wrong.”

There was a knock on the door. Rarity opened it, and standing there was Blue Bonnet, holding a giant box.

“Afternoon, Ma’am. Where do you want this?”

Rarity cooed, “Did somepony get me a present?” and took the box from him, opening it quickly. She stopped when she saw the contents-- an orange, black and green monstrosity that was allegedly eyewear-- and immediately glared at him with the sharpest of daggers in her eyes. “What. Is. That. Thing?”

“Looks like a Pegasi XL-3006 Goggle Speedster set.” Blue Bonnet looked over the box, “With Nightvision! Nice. Just please sign here…”

Rarity stared at the box with the super-fancy goggles, and then stared at the delivery-pony. She sighed.

“Do you see this horn?“


“Do you see my lack of wings?”


“So what in Equestria am I supposed to do with flight goggles?!” exclaimed Rarity.

The delivery-pony shrugged. “None of my business, maybe it’s for the Pegasus in your life? Anyway, It’s all paid for, Ms. Onward, just sign-“

“WHAT… did you just call me?” said Rarity, trying to keep her cool.

Bonnet looked at his paperwork. “Uh… Ms. Onward? Deliver to ‘Carousel Boutique, care of Sahib Onward.’”

“And WHAT… does that sign say above you?”

Bonnet looked up. “Carousel Boutique: designs by Rarity.” He read. Then he slowly turned to Rarity, started to look nervous again. “Do you… work for Rarity, Ms. Onward?” There was a deadly silence. “Mrs. Onward?”

There was a deadlier silence.

“…or does Ms. Onward work for you?”

“Get. Out.”

Bonnet was slowly backing up, holding the paperwork, “… just, could I ask you to-“

Spike stood in front of Rarity, crossing his arms. “Her name is Rarity, she didn’t order this, and she’s not paying for it!”

“It’s already paid for!” Bonnet wailed, “I just need a signature!”

“I’m not signing anything!” roared Rarity, kicking the box, “And take this thing with you!”

The box slid over to a very glum looking Bonnet.

“Good day, Sir,” sniffed Rarity.

“I’m just trying to do my job!”

“I SAID GOOD DAY!” she shrieked, slamming the door.

Rarity took a deep breath, counted to five, and then opened her eyes with a smile.

“Now, Spike!” she said, “Operation: Adorkable! Step one : we need a plan…”

“And a better name,” offered Spike.


Cheerilee was still trying to calm down the near hysterical Scootaloo, Twilight shook her head. "I'm lost."

"This was my lunch break... I got so caught up talking I just…” she trailed off, then knelt down in front of Scootaloo, “Listen, Scootaloo. You didn’t do anything wrong. None of you did. This is my fault, okay? And I’m coming back with you right now.”

Scootaloo nodded, drying her tears, “I’m sorry… I shouldn’t cry. Awesome ponies don’t cry. Rainbow Dash doesn’t cry. ”

Cheerilee smiled, “It’s okay. I won’t tell anypony.” She looked at Twilight, “I have to go.”

Twilight had already grabbed Cheerilee’s books and satchel, floating them over, “Of course! I’m so sorry I kept you!”

Cheerilee shook her head, “It was my fault, I was having such a good time… I’ll return the book on time next week, I promise.”

As Cheerilee lead Scootaloo out of the library, Twilight called out: “Cheerilee. You know, you don’t need to be returning a book to drop by…”

Cheerilee turned, her face neutral “Oh?”

Twilight smiled and nodded, “Visit whenever you like. Book or no, friends are always welcome here!”

And you had to be very quick to catch it, and paying attention very closely, to see what happened next. Cheerilee smiled, but it was a crooked kind of smile… the kind you get when you get a test back and it’s a B but you were hoping against hope for an A. Twilight didn’t catch it, but Scootaloo did. She had been holding Cheerilee’s hoof and looking up at her.

“I may take you up on that, “said Cheerilee, and her smile returned to normal..

And as they said their goodbyes and Twilight shut the door, Scootaloo was left to wonder… why did Cheerilee look a little sad when Twilight said to visit? Wasn’t it a good thing to be somepony’s friend?

And as they walked back to the school, Scootaloo also noticed a blue stallion in a neat vest, grumbling and muttering, holding a beat up box that had something really cool looking poking out of the top.

And in the distance, if she squinted hard enough, Scootaloo could swear she could see a pink blur bouncing from spot to spot, and if you focused you could faintly hear:


Author's Note:

I like to live in a world every every episode is canon except for the last episode of S3.

I'm not saying that episode didn't happen, but let's just pretend that a whole lot of other stuff happened before Princess Twilight.

This story lives in that time frame- post Discord release, post Crystal Empire saving, post-Scootaloo sort of adoption by Dash, but pre-alicorn.