• Published 6th Jun 2013
  • 32,999 Views, 2,015 Comments

The Witching Hour - Chaotic Ink

A new pony comes to Ponyville, but she's not all that she seems. Will the town accept Midnight Storm, or will Ponyville run her out like all the rest?

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Ch.17 - Meet The Captains

Canterlot Train Station buzzed with activity as the final hour of the Saturday morning ticked by. Business ponies entered and exited trains, coming from or heading to meetings in the capital or in the majors cities. An occasional noble or two would saunter through, snouts held high as they made for private cars to whisk them to their weekend estates. Conductors and attendants zipped in and out of the disorganized herd, trying to make it to their respective trains on time after getting a quick bite or coffee.

Into this maelstrom of activity chugged another engine; its previous stop being the small community easily visible from any of the city’s many public balconies. Along with the other passengers, three certain ponies disembarked off the train. One wobbled and used her larger-than-normal wings to steady herself. “This leg is really starting to piss me off.” Midnight glared at her left hind leg, which was in a sling.

“It’s only for another week at most. At least the cast is finally off.” Sapphire reassured her.

“That doesn’t mean I have to like it. Two weeks of sitting around doing practically nothing and now Celestia is dragging me all the way up here for some dumb meeting.”

“Both Guards have just had new captains appointed to them and it’s very important that you meet your new peers. And it’s called recovery; you can’t fight a hydra and not expect it.”

Midnight grumbled as she and Sapphire made their way through the station. “At least Squeaks will have a fun time running around the castle, right Squeaks? Squeaks?” A quick look around showed the young thestral to be nowhere in sight.

“Mom!?” a voice drifted out of the crowd.

Midnight let out a loud growl, causing all the ponies around her, as well as a startled griffon, to give her and Sapphire some breathing room. Almost immediately Squeaks popped out of the crowd behind them.

“Sorry!” she said, running up to them.

“It’s not your fault; one of us should have put you on our backs when we saw all this.” Midnight brought a wing down and let Squeaks grab it. She winced slightly as she pulled Squeaks up and placed her on her back.

“Are you alright?” Sapphire asked.

“Yeah, it’s just my wing’s still a bit sore; especially the left one.”

“Then you shouldn’t be using it. Redheart said no strenuous activities that involve your legs or wings.”

“Carrying Squeaks isn’t strenuous.” Midnight began moving forward again. “Why is it so crowded today? Last time we were here there was barely anypony around.”

“How many ponies do you know that get up with the sun on a Saturday morning?” Sapphire asked.

“Well, there’s the princesses, then I normally would, and I doubt Pinkie actually sleeps…”

Sapphire playfully slapped her with a wing. “Smart plot.” They exited the station and the pegasus turned towards a line of waiting carriages. “I’ll get us one.”

“I can make it to the palace under my own power!” Midnight called after her. A soft tapping on her shoulder made her turn her head to face Squeaks.

“Maybe a ride through the city would be fun?” The filly grinned sheepishly.

Midnight snorted. “Sure, baby your poor mother some more. Maybe we can get me a throne with some pall bearers to start carrying me everywhere.”

Squeaks giggled.


The ride to the castle was, for Midnight, thankfully brief, but the whole way she grumbled about not being useless and that she was well enough to take care of herself. Once again two guards met them outside the castle gates.

“Atten-tion!” The sergeant, a pegasus, bellowed as they came close.

Midnight jerked back as the two guards saluted her.

“The princess is expecting you captain,” said the private, a unicorn, next to him. “Miss Ember is waiting for you inside.”

Before Midnight could respond Sapphire nudged her and mimed a salute with her wing. It took the kirin a couple of seconds to get what she meant. “Oh, uh… yes, thank you private.” Midnight returned the salute, then walked past them and on inside.


Princess Celestia looked up and smiled as the doors to the dining room (one of several in the castle) opened and the kirin, thestral, and pegasus she had been talking about with her new Solar Captain entered. Her smile dipped slightly as she saw that Midnight’s left rear leg was still in a sling. “Welcome, my little ponies, and thank you for coming. Please,” she motioned to the cushions, and the three of them took their seats. Midnight seemed to have a bit of difficulty sitting down without wincing in pain, but when a servant moved to assist her she shooed him away, a bit aggressively, with her wing and a growl. Celestia waited until she was seated and comfortable before continuing.

“How has your recovery been going, Midnight?”

“The only thing left is the leg and a few sore spots, but other than that I’m fine. Doctors say I should be good as new by the end of next week. Probably going to have scars from the more serious injuries, but my fur’s covering them up well enough.”

The princess nodded. “It is good to hear that you’re recovering quickly. Now, to the matter at hoof,” she turned to the white unicorn in purple armor seated between herself and the kirin. “To get straight to the point, Captain Midnight Storm of the Bearer Guard, I would like you to meet the newest Captain of the Solar Guard, Captain Shining Armor.”

“Captain.” Shining Armor gave her a salute.

“Captain.” Midnight returned it.

“Captain Armor will join you today after lunch as you are fitted for your uniform.” Celestia said. At the word ‘lunch’, a servant appeared next to them, notepad ready to take down orders. “The captain is also the older brother of my faithful student and one of your charges, Twilight Sparkle.”

“Really?” Midnight asked.

“Yes, and since I’m her B.B.B.F.F., I’d like to discuss -”

“Her what?” Midnight interrupted.

“Her B.B.B.F.F., Big Brother Best Friend Forever.”

Midnight stared at him for a moment, doing her best not to face-hoof and ask ‘Seriously?’

“Anyway,” Shining started again after a few moments, “because of that I’d like to discuss with you, celery soup please, about the Bearer Guard. Namely, such things as size, strength, and flexibility.” Shining said with a smile.

“Of course,” Midnight said, still a bit put off by what he had said. “Sapphires,” she said to the servant.

“But… Miss Sapphire hasn’t ordered anything yet.”

“The gemstone,” she dead panned. “A whole bowl full… please.”

The servant nodded and jotted the order down amid giggles from the three other mares at the table.


Lunch passed by in a mostly silent state; at least for the two captains. Sapphire chatted with Ember, who had refused any offers of food, about the current affairs the government was in and what the hot gossip among the nobles was this time. Celestia mostly engaged Squeaks about how school was doing, how her friends were, and other topics a filly her age knew about or was interested in.

Midnight and Shining Armor mostly stayed quiet during the meal, only occasionally adding two cents to one of the conversations.

Once they were all done Celestia stood up to leave, with the rest following her lead. “I will see you all again at dinner, as will Princess Luna and her new captain. For the moment, Day Court calls.”

Midnight cleared her throat. “Princess, may I speak with you for a moment in private?” Midnight gave Sapphire and Squeaks an apologetic look.

Celestia eyed the kirin for a moment. “Of course; a little delay shouldn’t be a problem.” She nodded to Shining Armor, who escorted the other two from the room. The servants left as well, leaving the kirin and alicorn alone together. “What’s troubling you, Midnight?”

The kirin began to pace. “Celestia, to cut right to the chase I don’t believe I should remain a guard, captain or otherwise. Twice now something has happened to at least one of the bearers, and both times I’ve only acted after the fact. Even worse, both times I was more interested in protecting others in the situation than I was my charges. It’s only by some miracle that one of them hasn’t… well, it’s a miracle that they’re all still around, and it’s in no way thanks to me and my actions. They should have a competent soldier like Captain Armor watching over them. I should be at home cutting wood and making a living for me and Squeaks.”

Celestia listened to the kirin confide in her and took careful note of her face as she talked. Midnight had spent some time thinking the situation over from the looks of it. The Diarch of the Sun waited until Midnight finished speaking before speaking herself. “Midnight, do you believe the royal guard, as a whole, really serves a purpose?”

The question was so far out of left field that it caused the kirin to stop pacing and look up at the alicorn with a look of confusion. “Of course they do! They’re there to protect you and Luna. Everypony and their pet knows that.”

“So, Luna and I, both alicorns with enough power to raise heavenly bodies with ease day in and day out, need protection in the form of guards that are no more than regular ponies? If a threat serious enough to harm us was to show up, do you believe that they could really protect us from it?” Celestia watched as the information sunk in.

“So… are you saying…?”

“I’m saying that when it comes down to it, the mares and stallions of the guard would do more good joining their local police force than coming here to guard us.”

Midnight was flabbergasted. “Then… then why even still HAVE a guard then!? Why didn’t you two stop it from forming in the first place!?”

Celestia sighed. “The royal guard is an institution going back all the way to when the three tribes were separate. It was started under the unicorns and to a lesser degree the pegasi. When Luna and I ascended to the throne we allowed it to continue because Equestria had just come out of a terrible, nightmare like time, and anything familiar from before was cause for relief. Being as old as we are, we’re also very nostalgic, and haven’t really entertained any serious thoughts of dissolving it.

“Speaking of nostalgia, that is also why I asked you to become a guard. Back during their hay-day, kirins acted, and were often appointed, as the knights of Equestria. You could say that when Twilight brought you to my attention I saw an opportunity to relive the past again and took it.”

“Okay…” Midnight let all that information sink in. “But what about the bearers? They aren’t alicorns, so why have only me watch over them? Why not just say ‘Sorry girls, but you’re just too important to be left unguarded’ and send half the royal guard to Ponyville?”

Celestia smiled. “When Luna and I first took position of the Elements, we realized that those who could wield them had to be extraordinary ponies; ponies who embodied those qualities of harmony. Ponies that could, say, scold a dragon into leaving a mountain, or work together to defeat a possessed alicorn all by themselves?”

Midnight got the hint. “So… then what am I good for as a guard? If you two don’t need protecting, and neither do the bearers, then what’s the point?”

At this, Celestia actually looked a bit ashamed. “I already told you that Luna and I are nostalgic, and that kirins were once in the guard somewhat. I figured we could have that again, even if it was, yes, only something to look at. But there is another reason that’s probably just as selfish. We made a promise that when the kirins returned to Equestria again, we would do anything and everything to have them stay and keep them safe. I thought that if you were inducted into the guard, it would make that promise easier to keep.” Here the alicorn took a steadying breath. “So, yes, in a sense we are simply using the guard story to keep you close. However, as extraordinary as Twilight and her friends are, they are not alicorns. They cannot simply toss a hydra out of their way or send dragons packing with a simple show of force. They do need you, even if it’s only that little extra muscle or seventh head, they still need it. As for throwing a bunch of guards at them and saying ‘tough, deal with it’, I could never do that. They have lives of their own to live and guards constantly following them around everywhere would only get in the way. That is also why I selected you, remember?”

Midnight sighed. “Yes, I remember. I also remember that part of our deal was that I could quit whenever I wanted.”

Celestia recoiled slightly. “And… are you invoking that right now?”

Midnight sighed again and walked over to a window. “I don’t know. I want to be useful, but how can I when my actions don’t seem to matter?”

Celestia moved over to her and draped a wing across her. “They mattered to Squeaks, as well as her friends. You haven’t even been a guard for a year, and already your actions have saved lives and begun righting wrongs that were long overdue. The actions you’ve taken matter far more than you give them credit.

“There is one more reason for your position: when your role is finally brought out into the light, you’ll be a beacon for other kirins out there. And trust me; sooner or later, there will be other kirins.”

The two of them stayed that way for a minute longer, mentally going over everything that was said.

Finally Midnight looked up at the princess. “One more time. If I can’t head off the next threat and any one of them gets in trouble, then I quit, regardless of the outcome.”

Celestia nodded. “You have that right.” Midnight nodded and turned to leave. “One more thing.” Midnight stopped and turned. “Captain Armor has expressed worries about his little sister not being in capable hooves, especially after what happened with the hydra. If he starts to become insistent on some matters, please do not be too harsh and remind him that you are both captains and he should respect your decisions.”

Finally, a small smile appeared on Midnight’s face. “Nothing permanent; got it. And… thank you.”

Celestia smiled as well and nodded.


“All I’m saying is that one pony, err, kirin, cannot protect six individual mares from whatever evils may crop up.”


“What if one leaves to go visit Baltimare while another visits Vanhoover? You can’t be in three places at once.”

“Ouch, damn it! Don’t pull!”

“And then what if a problem arises? From what I’m told you don’t even have the basic training required to handle such a situation. Simply put, you can’t do this alone.”

“DO YOU EVEN SEE THE SLING!?” Midnight swatted the magically flying measuring tape away from her and nearly into the seamstress’, Needle Eye’s, face. “And Celestia already spoke with me about this. I’m supposed to stay where the majority of the bearers are. If that means Twilight decides to go skipping merrily into the Everfree Forest without thinking, then I can’t do anything unless most of the other bearers go looking for her.”

“Ma’am, I need to use the measuring tape to make accurate measurements.”

“And that is a problem!” Shining shouted. “It only takes something to happen to one of the bearers for the Elements of Harmony to cease working, and so rob us of our most effective defense! We can’t entrust that to one mare, no matter what Celestia thinks!”

“If I can’t measure, I won’t be able to cut out the cloth properly.”

“Last time I checked she was your boss, and what she says, goes. She left it up to me to decide who to pick, if I even wanted to pick. From what I understand Twilight knows most of the veteran guard, which means once she notices them the whole ‘staying secret’ part of my guard falls apart, making it useless!”

“If I can’t cut properly, then the uniform will come out wrong.”

“So, what, do you want me to send you rookies straight out of basic!?”

“No, if anything I want veterans, which I can’t get because I already explained why!”

“And if the uniform comes out wrong, we’ll have to do this all over again.”

SHUT UP!” Both captains yelled at her. Taking the hint, Needle Eye finally stepped back and took a seat next to Sapphire and Squeaks who were quietly observing.

“They’ll let up soon enough.” Sapphire said, patting her on her shoulder. Feeling a tug on her wing, she looked down at Squeaks.

“Umm… but they’re both making really good points,” the young thestral said. “So, which one is going to win?”

“Neither Squeaks. I suspect Captain Armor will get tired of yelling and leave to try and get Celestia on his side. And there he goes.”

With a loud “UGH!” Captain Armor did in fact leave the room, and smoke-snorting Midnight watching him leave.

Needle Eye stood up. “So, can I continue?”


“-and every bit the pig-headed and clueless civilian she really is!” Shining yelled, stomping about Celestia’s office like a trapped thundercloud. The alicorn behind the desk let her Guard’s Captain blow himself out a bit more. The weekends were some of the few days the princess could actually catch up with office work, as few ponies wanted to spend their weekends waiting in line for an audience with her. Again. However, this also lead to the reason the princess of the sun had a coffee mug on her desk that said ‘I Really Hate Mondays’ in bold, cracked lettering.

Celestia continued to keep her eyes down and quill moving until Shining Armor finally stopped to catch his breath. “Is there anything else you’d like to add?” she asked, not looking up.

“She smells like a hospital patient with a bit of ash mixed in.”

“That tends to happen when you take three or more weeks to recover from a fight with a hydra.”

“Princess, I’m being serious! She doesn’t give a mule’s behind about the ponies she’s guarding!”

“You mean she’s not caring enough about Twilight as much you would like.”

“O-Of course not!”

Celestia finally looked up from her paperwork and set her quill to the side. “Really?”

“Twilight is only part of the problem.”

“Twilight is the biggest part of the problem. Shining, when I sent your sister to Ponyville, she had already made several theses that could have gotten her Masters Degrees and PhDs. She isn’t even twenty years old yet and we could be calling her Doctor Twilight with all the dignity and respect that comes with the title. And let’s not forget that she and her friends saved us all from Nightmare Moon’s reign of terror single hoofed.” She let the information hang in the air for a moment. “What you need to understand is that, while she will always be your younger sister, she is no longer your baby sister. Do you think she would welcome a bunch of armed guards into her library? Do you think she would appreciate them practically breathing down her back at all hours of the day?”

“… she’d probably flip out on them after only a day and teleport them en mass back here.” Shining finally admitted.

Celestia nodded. “And the same would happen with the rest of the bearers. They might even blame Twilight for their inconveniences and no longer want to be her friends, and that would truly devastate her, as well as render the Elements useless. Neither is a risk I’m willing to take. Captain Midnight may not have the same background in training as you or other guards do, but she makes up for that in raw power and tenacity. As far as I’m concerned, she’s the right mare for the job.”

“But she can’t do it alone!” Shining insisted. “She needs a bigger guard, but she refuses to take any from the Solar or Lunar Guard!”

“That is a right she has as a captain. If I feel her actions are becoming a detriment to her assignment, I will address it.” Shining was about to begin to argue some more when Celestia held up a hoof. “I have made sure to go over this many times, Captain Armor, and have considered all the arguments you have brought up. This is the end result, and my decision stands. Is there anything else you wish to discuss?”

Shining, finally realizing he was beaten shook his head. “No ma’am.”

“Then I suggest you return to your troops. I’ll see you at dinner tonight.”

“Yes ma’am.” He saluted and left.

Celestia returned to her paperwork and almost immediately groaned. “Again with this, Blueblood? Ponies cannot stay off the roads for an hour whenever you decide to go out!" She threw the petition into the fire.


The dining room for dinner was bigger than the one they were in for lunch. Celestia was, again, at the head of the table, but this time there was an empty seat next to her, waiting for the princess of the night to occupy it. Next to Midnight sat Squeaks and next to her was Sapphire. Captain Shining Armor sat across from her, with an empty seat next to him for the captain of the Lunar Guard. The sun had just recently set, so they wouldn’t have to wait much longer.

“I trust the fitting went well?” Celestia asked, trying to get two of her captains to stop trying to kill each other with looks.

“They went fine after Captain Armor left,” Midnight said. “I think the seamstress even pulled on the tape measure less.”

Shining Armor looked like he wanted to hit her with the broad side of the castle. Thankfully, before an argument could ensue, the doors to the room flung open.

“Greetings and salutations Midnight Storm! We- I- no, we, are glad to see you again after your ordeal!” It may not have been the Royal Canterlot Voice, but all those present still checked their manes to see if they were swept back or not. “And how are you feeling today?” Luna asked in a calmer voice as she walked around the table.

“I’m doing fine, thank you.” Midnight bowed. “My leg is still in a sling and I’m a bit sore in places, but I should be all healed up by this time next week.”

“Splendid!” the night princess crowed.

“Luna, indoor voice, please.” Celestia said, her ears flat.

“Of course sister,” Luna smiled sheepishly. “But we are glad to see our kirin friend in such good shape in such small amount of time. I almost forgot about their healing ability. And my court has several new visitors tonight! Huzzah!”

“Umm… hi Princess Luna.” The dark blue alicorn looked down at the small thestral filly.

“And hello to you too, Squeaky Wings! I trust your time in Ponyville since you were here last has been enjoyable?”

Squeaks nodded. “I’ve made a new friend since then!”

“Even more splendid news! Has anything else happened?”

Squeaks shook her head. “Not really, except for… you know…” She motioned to her mother’s back leg. “I’m grounded until mom gets all better.”

“And she’s been a very good girl by sticking it out and not complaining.” Midnight said, stroking her mane. “Where is your new captain, by the way?”

“He’ll be along in a moment. He said something about making sure he was presentable before joining us.” Luna sat down next to her sister, and Celestia just barely saw the ghost of a smirk on her sister’s face. Before she could ask what was going on, an adult thestral stallion flew into the room.

“I apologize for being late, your highnesses.” He shot off a quick salute, his armor gleaming from being freshly polished.

“Captain Midnight Storm, meet Captain Night Skimmer.”

Midnight felt her jaw drop a bit. “Wow, straight from sergeant all the way to captain, huh?”

Night Skimmer shuffled uneasily. “All our higher officers have been… relieved of duty, as it were.” An uncomfortable silence followed, punctuated by a snort from a certain night princess.

“A topic for later, perhaps.” Celestia finally said. “For now, how about we eat and relax?”

“Yes, a good hearty breakfast!”

“Luna, indoor voice.”

Down the table Shining Armor took a sniff of the air. “Dude, are you wearing cologne?” He asked Skimmer.


“Twice in one day.” Midnight groaned as she was measured all over again, this time for armor by the royal blacksmith.

“I be less invasive than that harpy un’ her tape, lass; and more considerate o’ battle scars.” The blacksmith told her, using a caliper to take measurements. “If she just used one o’ these babies, she’d cut her work time by half! But nuuu, she ‘af to have that bloody tape!” He snapped the caliper shut when he was done. “Give the ol’ lass some credit; yur uniform will be done ‘efore yur armor is.”

“Well, I don’t see a time in the near future when I’ll need it.” Midnight said, stepping down from the platform.

“Ya say that now lass, but words like tha’ usually court Discord, the ol’ snake.”

“I’ll take my chances.”

“Maybe erring on the side of caution would be the better part of valor?” Sapphire asked, nodding at the kirin’s still injured leg.

“Caution later, story time now.”

Awww!” Squeaks moaned. “But it’s a Saturday mom!”

“And am I still recovering?” Squeaks nodded. “And does that mean you’re still grounded?” Another nod. “Then story time missy.”

The old blacksmith chuckled. “Ya be a fine drill sergeant someday lass!”


“I take it Squeaky is doing fine then?” Night Skimmer asked as he and Midnight walked the battlements around the castle later that evening. It was a pleasant spring night; nippy, but bearable for the average pony.

“She’s okay. She’s grounded for as long as I’m recovering, but I think she’s learned her lesson.”

“Then why not call it off tomorrow then if that’s the case?”

“Because I want it to stick; make her think a little more next time before doing something rash.” They walked pass another guard, Midnight noting that he was a unicorn and not a thestral. “There aren’t many of you left in the guard, is there? Thestrals, I mean.”

Skimmer shook his head, his dark blue armor reflecting the moonlight at odd angles. “There were nearly forty of us that came and offered our services. Now there’s only fifteen of us still in the guard.”

“FIFTEEN!?” Midnight yelled out. Skimmer’s ears flattened. “Sorry. Only fifteen of you are left? Is that why there are so many other ponies in the Lunar Guard now?”

Night Skimmer nodded. “Even for those of us that disagreed with what was happening, we are a bit unhappy about the inclusion of the other tribes. We still wish to serve Princess Luna, but as thestrals we feel a certain kinship with her and feel that it is our duty alone.” They walked in silence again for a few minutes.

“Maybe you could get in contact with those you trust back in your old colony? I’m sure they’d love to leave it for the comfort and safety here in Canterlot.” Midnight tried to put on a smile, but it faded as Skimmer shook his head.

“We were able to round up all but five of our former brothers and sisters in arms. They must have seen the writing on the wall and snuck out during the changing of the guard. They’d be back at the colony by now, telling them all about what happened. We all hope those back home with similar ideals have enough common sense to stay low and keep their mouths shut. If they’re caught communicating with any one of us… well, you know what they can do to newborns; Luna only knows what they’ll do to the rest of us.”

“Then what in Faust’s name are you doing!?” Midnight yelled, grabbing him by the collar and shaking him. “Don’t just pray to her; go to Luna and ask for help you idiot! Didn’t you say your colony worships her!?”

Skimmer twisted out of her grasp and backed away. “It’s not that simple anymore! The news that Princess Luna supported us will have certainly caused unrest and shake more than a few back home to their core! If she comes storming in she might set off infighting!”

“And that’s better than simply letting your friends and family back home be persecuted and possibly killed because of your actions while you sit here and do nothing!?” Skimmer didn’t answer. In frustration Midnight dived off the parapet and immediately began flying towards the throne room, Skimmer following close behind yelling for her to stop.


Princess Luna eyed the two standing before her. Both had given very good arguments as to why they were right, and she had to agree that they both had merits. However, she could only choose one course of action. Taking a deep breath, she gave her decision. “We are sorry, Mr. Star Bucks, but from what we have seen thou have plenty of thine coffee establishments around the city already. Anymore and there may be no more competition.”

“That’s the point!” The brown stallion with a white mane and coffee cup cutie mark cried. “Why should I compete with this no talent hack and his disgusting doughnuts!?”

“I’ll have you know I make the best doughnuts in the city!” Doughnut Joe yelled back.

“Enough!” Luna yelled, silencing the two. “Mr. Star Bucks, we are sure thou are well aware that stamping out all competition makes what’s known as a monopoly, something our sister outlawed a century ago.” Star Bucks’ face fell. “And from the look of it, thou thought we might not know about it.” Luna’s frown turned into a scowl. “Thou are acting like a foal going to one parent for permission when the other hath given thee an answer of no, and we are not pleased. For wasting our time and Mr. Doughnut Joe’s, whose pastries we are quite fond of,” the pale yellow unicorn smiled, “Thou will pay him the equivalent of a full days earnings. Oh, and thine proposal to buy his shop and demolish it is denied.” She stamped her hoof, and an arguing Star Bucks was escorted out, followed by a still smiling Doughnut Joe.

Luna slumped in the throne and looked at one of her guards. “Is it too much to ask that they come to us with real problems and not simply to ‘go around’ our sister?”

“Of course not your highness.” The thestral mare said.

As she was about to call for the next visitor, Midnight Storm, closely followed by Night Skimmer, flew in.

“Hey!” The receptionist at the doors called out after them.

“There’s nopony else out there!” Midnight snapped back. “Princess Luna, I have to speak with you immediately.”

“What has you so troubled, Captain Storm?” Luna asked, her brow furrowing in concern.

Midnight turned to Skimmer. “Am I telling her, or are you?” When he didn’t respond Midnight took it as her cue. “I’ve just found out that five previous guards escaped your efforts to make them pay for their crimes.”

If the tone of the room hadn’t been so serious right then, Luna’s eye-twitch might have been funny. "WHAT!?" she screamed, the Royal Canterlot Voice shaking the walls of the throne room and certainly waking ponies around the castle. The eye-twitch continued as she pointed manically at the captain of her guard. “EXPLAIN!”

“Please forgive us princess, but by the time we found out they were missing we were sure they were too far gone to give chase.” Night Skimmer said.

“TOO FAR GONE!?” Luna bellowed. “Has thou forgotten we can TELEPORT ANYWHERE WE CHOOSE!? Thou needed to simply point us in the direction of thy colony and we could have intercepted them!”

LUNA!” The doors to the throne room slammed open to reveal a very agitated alabaster alicorn. “How many times do I have to say INDOOR-!” she stopped when she saw who her sister was yelling at. “What’s… going on?”


Midnight conveyed the whole story to both princesses while the bat ponies stayed to the side, most with a look of shame on their faces. Once she was done, Luna, who was still on the throne, turned toward her sister, who was seated next to the throne, and began talking in private. It was a rather surreal moment for Midnight, seeing Luna on the throne while Celestia sat to the side. It had been an equal shock to Luna when she had offered her sister the throne, and Celestia refused. “You rule the night, sister. I am only here to observe and give counsel.”

There were several minutes with the only sound being Luna and Celestia whispering to each other, sometimes soft and careful, other times loudly and angry. Finally, the two princesses pulled apart from each other. “Lunar Guard, step forward.” All bat ponies in the room moved forward, every one of them still with their heads down. “To say that I am disappointed in you would be an understatement. I am furious that you would keep this from me.” They all flinched. “However, now is not the time for punishment. Now is the time to make amends and right what has been wronged. My sister and I agree, though not completely,” Celestia frowned slightly, “that myself and my thestral guard will go to your colony and set things right.”

“But, my princess,” Skimmer protested, “we are only fifteen strong. The colony is at least one hundred. We could not protect you if the colony were to turn on you.”

“My sister and I have faced down hordes of dragons in the past with nary a scratch on us; I believe less than one hundred thestrals would be a similar match. And if you are correct, more will rally to you if you are there.” Here she took a breath. “We will be leaving for the colony two nights from now. I want as much details about your colony as you can give me. Leave NOTHING out.” There was a chorus of affirmative answers. “Then leave and begin preparing yourselves.” All the thestrals but Night Skimmer left the throne room. Luna once again sunk into the throne. “One headache after another it would seem.”

“The end results will undoubtedly be worth it.” Celestia assure her.

“I am sorry that I will be leaving you again so soon sister.”

“Just don’t stay away for a thousand years.”

While the princesses tried to make light of Luna’s approaching departure, Midnight turned to leave. She suddenly felt very tired. On her way out she stopped by Skimmer. “I’m sorry, but something had to be said.”

“I know,” he said, letting out a long stream of air. “Deep down I secretly hoped for this, but I was scared what would happen, what WILL happen, when we finally return home.”

“I think there’s an old saying that goes ‘Hope for the best, prepare for the worst’. I think that fits here.” Skimmer smiled, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes. Midnight laid a wing on his shoulder. “With Luna with you, I’m sure everything will turn out alright; you’ll see.” Midnight turned away and exited the throne room.


The next morning wasn’t exactly the happy affair they had all hoped it would be. Shining Armor was still a bit peeved, Night Skimmer still looked forlorn, the princesses ate with straight faces, and Midnight had her characteristic grumpy face on. The whole situation was very off-putting for Squeaks and Sapphire. “Did something happen last night?” Sapphire whispered to Midnight, leaning over Squeaks so that only Midnight could hear.

“I’ll let you know about it later.” Midnight said, biting into her gemstone omelet.

With nothing to do after their meal, later became right after breakfast back in their suite.

“So that’s what’s going on. That’s just terrible for them. First their ranks get decimated, now there could be a civil war within their colony. Is there anything we can do?”

Midnight shook her head. “Other than empty promises? I have to stay here and guard the bearers, not to mention the sight of me may make things worse. Me saving Squeaks started this whole thing, not that I wouldn’t do it all over again.” She nuzzled the bat filly curled up beside her.

They sat quietly around the suite for the next hour, unsure of what to do with themselves. They had just started a game of Go Fish when a knock came from the door. A messenger from the royal seamstress announced that Midnight’s uniform was ready and that they should head down to her shop immediately. With finally something to do, the trio were quickly out the door.


“You look really good in that, Midnight.” Sapphire said as Midnight looked herself over in the mirrors provided.

“You really do mom.” Squeaks said.

“Thank you, both of you.” Midnight turned and looked at it from a different angle. The uniform itself was a silvery-grey color with silver buttons going down her front and stomach. It stretched down to her flank and covered her cutie mark, and a small slit up the back let her tail move freely, as well as slits on the sides for her wings to come through. Two chest pockets also adorned the front, of which the right one had a tag with her name above it. Her captain’s rank, which was a silver alicorn with a shield and sword, was pinned to both sides of her collar.

The most striking thing about it was the straps on her sides. There were three on each side, similar to shoulder straps, except easily three times the size. Each one was a different color and had a different shape on it. On her right side was an orange strap with slightly brighter orange apples, a cyan strap with red lightning bolts, and a pink strap with light blue balloons. On her left side was a purple strap with pink starbursts, a white strap with purple diamonds, and finally a yellow strap with pink butterflies. The Elements of Harmony with their wearer’s coat colors.

“Of course it is beautiful; I made it.” The Needle Eye said. “Oh, and there is one more thing.” She fished around her desk for a second, then came back with a small box. “The princesses have awarded you this.”

Midnight took the box and flipped it open. Inside was a purple medal in the shape of a heart with a pony’s head inside. Attached to it was a purple ribbon. “What is it?”

“A Purple Heart, given to those wounded during battle.” Sapphire said, standing up and inspecting it more closely. “They must have awarded you it for the fight with the hydra.”

“Didn’t they already pay my medical bills, as well as give me a rather large bonus?”

Sapphire shrugged. “Icing on the cake?”

Midnight snorted, but still pinned it to her uniform above the left pocket.


“I had hoped this weekend would have gone better,” Celestia said as she and the rest of them finished up lunch. “Are you sure you wouldn’t like to stay a little longer and see what happens?”

“Do you think Shining Armor will get off my back about my guard by dinner?” Midnight asked before taking the last bite of her meal.

“No, I suppose not. Still, for what it’s worth, it was nice to see you again.”

Midnight smiled. “It was a nice little vacation, even if I’ve been on one for weeks now, and I think I’ve caused enough havoc and civil unrest for the past twenty-four hours.”

They all got a chuckle out of that.

"Before you go, there is one more thing I'd like to give you." Her horn lit up, and what looked like two slips of paper floated out from behind her and settled on the table between Midnight and Sapphire.

The pegasus' eyes grew wide.

"Tickets?" Midnight asked, picking them up and examining them.

"To the Grand Galloping Gala. I have already invited the bearers, and I thought it would be nice if you joined us as well. I would give you a third ticket, but unfortunately children are not allowed at the gala; I'm sorry, Squeaky Wings."

"I could stay at a friend's house for the night!" Squeaks looked up hopefully at her mother.

"We'll see; thank you, Celestia."

“Well then,” the princess got up, “I’ll send a carriage for you and your things.”

"Wait!" Celestia stopped and looked down at Sapphire. "You're giving me a ticket as well?"

"Of course," the alicorn said with a smile. "I invited Twilight's friends, why shouldn't I invite Midnight's?"

As Celestia left the room, Midnight turned to Sapphire. “I just thought of something.”


“This is only the second time I’ve met Princess Luna, and both times she’s started yelling about something. Usually something that involves me. Is anypony else starting to see a pattern?”

“Well, maybe third time will be the charm?”

Squeaks was too busy shoveling the last of her pancakes to comment.


Later that night, both Luna and Celestia had retired to the elder’s room, both to see if any of the items Celestia had collected over the years could help, and to simply enjoy each other’s company.

“I see… so Midnight Storm has had misgivings about her role?” Luna asked, taking a bite out of her doughnut.

“Yes, but she is willing to try her hoof at it a little longer. I believe she can, and will, be a great help to the bearers, as well as ourselves.” Celestia took a sip from her tea, then nearly dropped it as a letter popped into existence in front of her.

“It seems somepony is sending you a late night greeting,” Luna chuckled.

“It is not like Twilight to send me letters so late. I hope everything is alright.” She unfurled the letter.

Dear Princess Celestia,

Twilight got turned to stone by a cockatrice this weekend while I was up at the castle. Don’t worry, this time I blame YOU.

Your Captain,

Midnight Storm

P.S. – Tell Shining Armor you got his sister stoned.

P.P.S. – Please don’t, Twilight is fine. – Sapphire Breeze

Celestia proceeded to pummel her laughing sister with several pillows.

Author's Note:

This chapter originally was supposed to be akin to a chapter from "2 Bits Short Of A Full House", with Midnight, Shining, and Skimmer getting drunk in a bar.

Then I figured Shining would be a bit protective of his little sister and not like how Midnight was running things down in Ponyville.

Then I thought that this would also be the best time to show the aftermath of the Lunar Guard purge.

One of these days I'll write a chapter with Luna where she isn't using the Royal Canterlot Voice.

And I'm sure Twilight is friends with more than just the other bearers. Celestia just only invites close friends.