• Member Since 30th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen 18 minutes ago


Tired always.


Everything dies.

Sometimes sooner than it should, and sometimes not for very long.

When death proves to be a bit more impermanent than it should be, Celestia is left to figure it out.

As well as why the new citizen of her fair land seems so intent on keeping the answers to himself.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 79 )

Damn... This fic's really deep.

Faved! :pinkiehappy:

Interesting title Biomancy. Are you using it in the magic or prophet or divination form, I'm going to go out on a limb and say it's the wizard from you using the term Necromancy meaning Death Magic. Caught my eye I will be watching.

he beginning: Well... this is depressing. :ajbemused:

The middle: Uh... what's going on? So, they were dead? Confusion is everywhere. :applejackconfused:

The end: Twilight made it depressing again. Also, wizard, why you so mysterious?


You`ve managed to get my attention with your story once again, liked and faved :twilightsmile:

Neat story
Faved like the wind

More, or I'll go necromancy in yo shiny ass!

this looks likes its going to be awesome

damn that was mind blowing :pinkiegasp::applejackconfused:

This is reallll good, my friend.

hmm. if necromancy is death magic, then biomancy would be life magic. Brings to mind about connotations. Technically, both can bio- and necro- could be about raising the dead, but instead of bringing up the picture of reanimating the dead, it instead make you think of giving life to someone who for some reason or another has a lack of it.

Also, in "Dead Beat" of Dresden Files (one of the better ones), a necromancer revives a person having a heart attack in the middle of the street, and asks Dresden that necromancy isn't all evil, it can be used for healing, but everyone is too creeped out by the other side of death/life/whatever-magic.

I think science may be creating biomancers already.

Ohhh, it's finally here

T'was fun seeing this grow mate!

Well this is new.
I like all of it.

I can imagine the author NOT knowing how popular this was yet. Then he signs in after a month or so... XD

there is life then there is death.
but to no both and no how to use them to the full part of there being...
that is the idea that im looking for

Will you ever revisit this story?

2787797 that is how I picture Necromancy also


Contrary to popular belief it doesn't take twice as long to write 4k words as it does to write 2k words.

At least not in the world of writing.

It's takes longer.

A lot longer.


Fair enough. I look forward to it nevertheless!



What kind of ending is that?

It kind of fell flat at the ending, to be honest,

After the period of time between chapters, this didn't seem, well, a lot to be honest.

Chrysalis is alive, and is now hiding in Canterlot with Discord watching over her. That is the chapter in one sentence.
And why does Discord have to be disguised?
He was reformed, as you stated, and I would think that would be public knowledge.
Who would bother themselves with wondering why Discord is keeping tabs on one particular person?

Oh, and the necromancer has an imaginary friend/ghost child.
Perhaps the spirit of his daughter, who wanted to see her favorite characters again?


It's not the end of the story, what with the 'incomplete' tag sitting there. And hey, all chapters can be summed up in one sentence. That's kinda the point a chapter: to flesh out that sentence.

It's been so long I don't remember what happened last chapter, will have to read again xD


Oh, I know its not the end of the story.

But even for cliffhangers, it felt a bit iffy to me.

Iffy? (Fun word by the way.) Why is it iffy? Am I missing something obvious?

I thought it was a good opening to a larger plot...

It is not often that one gets to see a biomancer at work. Necromancy is the art of bring back the dead, however officially biomancy is almost the opposite. If I recall correctly biomancy is the magical art of welcoming new life into existence, or welcoming new souls into life. While necromancers work with death biomancers work with life. I have never heard of a biomancer bringing back the dead, but a combination of a necromancer and a biomancer might be able to.
I will now do my best to give FEEDBACK! Discord Discord Discord! He is a tough character to employ. As a being of chaos it is hard to understand his angle or to even predict what he would do, chaos doesn't usually repeat itself, so be cautious when using him as a character! Also I find it hard to believe that Discord would stoop so low as to limit his chaos to a single room even after his redemption. I would expect him popping up at random as a much more likely scenario.
I also agree with thefluffyone to a degree.

And why does Discord have to be disguised?

He was reformed, as you stated, and I would think that would be public knowledge.

Ponies would notice if he started trailing someone but no one would have a problem with him being in public if he controlled his chaos.
I like to think of discord post-redemption as can be seen here.
(I had trouble using the insert video option combined with starting at a specific time)
That is all I have to say. Good day sir/madam. :moustache:

IT'S ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!


Dammit! Please update faster. I want more of this.

Also, this should give you a slight insight on what Biomancy is.


Although, I like necromancy more due to the fact its pretty damn badass.

Biomancy gives me a fresh original start, which is also another reason why you must update faster! :raritydespair:

I got the feeling our little "mystery" human will kick some pony ass, or at least show powerful magic of epic proportion.

Unlike necromancy, that works with death. Biomancy works with life! And since there is a shit ton of life on Equestria...


Biomancy is literally translated as the Magic of Life, meaning physical, spiritual and mental. The bases of biomancy takes root in necromancy however is not an enslavement, reanimation nor puppetearing using mental powers, but is true resurection and healing at its alta.

Sigh, can we have more soon? Please?! I'm not even going to ask for more Discord in future chapters. I just want there to BE future chapters. I'll take anything I can get at this point. Death and life, death and life! Chant with me of death and life!


Relax it's only been...

Jeezus, what? Two months? Already?

I'll uh... I'll see what I can do.

3779351 And he said "I'll uh... I'll see what I can do." And his followers rejoiced. And it was good.

I figured something interesting on Discords' name
Equus: Horse
Draconequus: Dragon-horse

3997061 he does not meet a being of minerals reffered to as thomas?

Biomancy, so much better them necromancy

Ho ho ho. Oh, all those "white " wizards will get aneryisms over this.

Having played the game way back, and read some of the dark stories set in the village, this was a lovely and heartwarming chapter :twilightsmile:

It suddenly occurred to me just how powerful a biomancer could be. Imagine using calcium as a weapon. You are sending out whips and spikes and dust of the stuff and beating the crap out of some large enemy force. Eventually you are too exhausted to continue and your foes believe they have you by the ropes. So, you reveal that the calcium you were using was actually nothing more that clusters of immense numbers of bacteriophage viruses under your direct control.

Sucks to be them.

Come to think of it, does necros strictly mean "corpse" or does it mean "body" in general? Because if it is body, then isn't healing magic and transfiguration necromancy?


Necro originates from the greek nekros, meaning corpse.


It's only been three months, calm down.

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