• Published 30th Jun 2013
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Mobile Equestria Girls Gundam 00 - Scipio Smith

In the year 2440, Ponykind has yet to come together as one. The armed organisation Celestial Being declares that it will eliminate war and conflict by staging armed interventions against any countries that promote war. Humanised ponies.

  • ...

The Beginnings of Love?

Chapter 2: The Beginnings of Love?

The Harmony drifted above the surface of the earth, holding a low orbit just below the giant solar arrays that provided the energy for all the great powers of Equestria. The Harmony was a long, narrow craft, white with blue trim in a few places. The bridge was set at the back of the vessel, on a tall conning tower set above the rest of the ship. The Harmony had been designed on a modular basis, it had been built in sections and assembled in space secretly by sympathisers with the aims of Celestial being. The bridge sat above the square, blockish central section of the ship, with two massive engine blocks shaped like white and blue arrowheads attached to the sides. Bolted on to the front of the ship where the two knife-like forward modules, which gave the ship the appearance of having two crocodile jaws above the mouth that was the hanger doors.

It was towards that mouth that the Honesty, Magic and Kindness Gundams now sped after the conclusion of their mission.

"Well girls, I don't know about y'all but I think we can call that a job well done," Applejack said over the comm. "Celestial Being has made its mark. And we couldn't have done it without you Fluttershy." she added pointedly.

Fluttershy smiled tremulously, it was so nice of her friends to try and buck up her confidence when they didn't have to, "That's very kind of you, but I'm sure that you and Twilight could have─"

"Could nothing," Twilight said firmly. "You took out the bomb faster than any of us could have." Twilight's face appeared on Fluttershy's HUD, smiling encouragingly, "You did good, Fluttershy."

"And we're all glad to have you watchin' our backs, sugarcube," Applejack added.

Twilight hailed their ship, "Harmony, this is Twilight Sparkle. Gundams Magic, Honesty and Kindness returning home."

"Roger that Magic, welcome back," Lyra replied. "Hangar doors opening now."

Celestia's voice came over the comm, "Well done, Twilight Sparkle. Well done all of you. Celestial Being's first intervention has been a complete success."

"Great job, Twily!"

"Yeah, Twilight you were awesome," Spike said. "You too, Applejack and Fluttershy. But you really should have seen Rarity when she swooped out of the clouds to save Rainbow Dash's plot─"

"Save the flattery for the girl who might appreciate it, Romeo," Applejack drawled.

"It's such a pity that Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Pinkie Pie are stuck on the surface," Fluttershy said. "We could have all celebrated the success of our first mission together."

"Don't you worry 'bout that Fluttershy, I'm sure Pinkie will be throwin' a party first thing once she gets back to the ship," Applejack said.

Fluttershy chuckled, "I guess you're right about that."

"We will be making efforts to return the Generosity to space via the Orbital Elevator, but the Loyalty and Laughter may be remaining on earth for some time yet if the present mission calendar holds," Luna's voice was cold and stern, a contrast to Celestia's warm tones. "Now try to keep irrelevant chatter off the comm, all of you."

"Yes, your highness," Twilight replied primly.

The hangar doors on the front of the Harmony slid open, and Twilight Sparkle was the first to pilot her Gundam inside. The Magic was the most powerful of the six gundams, and the tallest by a head out of all of them. The head, like that of all the gundams, was fashioned after a samurai helmet, with violet eyes staring at the enemy from out of an armoured visage that was nevertheless more human than any other mobile suit. The rest of the gundam was powerfully built without looking too bulky, but the Magic was broader than many of the other mobile suits to accomodate its ranged weapons. The GN Gatling was mounted on its left shoulder, and a double barrelled gottfried canon on its left. The Magic carried another massive gun, the GN Bazooka, larger than either of its other weapons. Twilight had painted her gundam in her own colours, as all of the meisters had, which meant that the Magic was an almost universal lavender, with a little pink trim on the suit's head. A six pointed star surrounded by silver stars was painted on the unit's hip.

The Honesty was the next to enter the hangar bay. Smaller but sturdier than the Magic, the Honesty's left wrist bulged with the generator for Applejack's laser lariat, while a GN carbine was strapped to the unit's back at waist height. She also had a beam sabre, worn at her left hip, while on her right wrist was a physical shield against enemy attacks. She was painted in a tan, light orange, with the top of the Gundam's head painted to resemble a cowboy hat.

The Kindness was the last of the three space active Gundams to return to the Harmony. The Kindness looked rather like an average gundam, not to short, not too tall, not to fat, except for the six gunpods attached to its back in a star formation. Fluttershy had a lot of other weapons: the rifle, the sabre, the shield. But she was the only one who could use the gunpods effectively. It was the only reason she had been admitted to Celestial Being. Fluttershy had painted the kindness a mild yellow, with pink trim going down the sides.

She piloted the Kindness into the hangar and set the gundam down upon the deck with a solid thud. She could see that Applejack had climbed out of the cockpit already and was talking to her brother and cousin. With a sigh of relief that it was all over for the time being, Fluttershy popped open the hatch on top of the Gundam's chest and pushed herself out into the low gravity hangar.

"Mommy! Mommy! You're home! You're home!" with many bouncing noises, and mechanical whirring as they hopped, rolled or flew towards her, a host of brightly coloured haros surrounded her in a bouncing, jumping mass of glee at her return.

"Mommy!" Angel, her white haro, leapt into Fluttershy's hands.

"Hello, Angel dear, did you behave yourself while I was gone?"

"Whatever. Whatever."

Fluttershy frowned, "Angel, you should really try and be nicer to other people. You didn't do anything to Spike, did you?"

"Whatever. Whatever." Angel said, flapping its ears up and down.

"Oh dear, I guess I'll just have to apologise to him again," Fluttershy shook her head. "Come along everyone, let's get out of everybody's way." She walked down the corridors of the Harmony, her army of Haros trailing after her with robotic noises blaring away.


"Ah just don't know why she built so many of these things," Applejack muttered. "They can't keep you company like a real animal can."

"Eeyup," Big Macintosh said, nodding at her words.

Braeburn pushed his hat back on his head, "Kind of a funny attitude coming from a Gundam Meister, Applejack. Like to see a critter could do what this baby can."

"Ah ain't sayin' machines don't have their uses," Applejack said. "But they can't love you no matter how much you love them. They ain't go hearts of their own, after all."

"Oh, the Honesty's got a heart all right, it's called a GN drive," Braeburn said wistfully. "Just because it gives off fancy particles doesn't mean it don't beat like yours or mine. Come on, Big Mac, we got to get these little ladies ready for the next mission."

"Ah'll give y'all a hand," Applejack said.

"You don't need to do that, Applejack," Braeburn said.

"But it doesn't feel right sitting around in my room while y'all are working so hard on my Gundam," Applejack replied.

Braeburn looked down at her, "Applejack, do you know what me and Mac here did while you were out there fighting in space? We watched on the monitors and listened to Miss Lyra describing what was happenin'. Now we both know that we can't fight out there in space like you can. We ain't Gundam Meisters like you and that's fine. But there is one thing we can do, and that's take care of the Gundams so that you and all your friends have the best chance that you can get out there. You gone done your job, Applejack, now let us do ours."

Applejack blinked, she hadn't thought of it that way before. She turned to look up at her big brother, the chief mechanic on the Harmony, "You feel that way too, Big Mac?"

Big Macintosh was a man of few words, but his single nod carried as much volume as Braeburn's entire speech.

Applejack chuckled, "Okay fellas, I'll leave you your pride and get out of your way. Reckon I might have time to give Apple Bloom a call before she goes to bed."

"Say hi for me," Big Mac called as Applejack wandered off.

"Will do," Applejack waved behind her, making her way off the hanger deck and through the corridors of the Harmony. The gravity aboard ship was only half Equestria standard, meaning that it was easy to just glide through the vessel using the conveyor belts mounted along the sides of every wall. It was just so that Applejack made her way to her own modest quarters.

There was not a glut of space aboard ship, so Applejack's personal space amounted to a single eight by six room, partially taken up with a bed. Her hat was hanging from one of the bedposts, and Applejack put it on at the first possible convenience. The rest of the room was taken up with a small desk (a bowl of wax apples sat upon it, supplemented with real ones whenever the Harmony resupplied from earth) and some weights stacked in the corner. A videophone was built into the wall on her left as Applejack entered the room.

Applejack pulled the stool away from her desk, sat down in front of the videophone, and called up home.

The viewscreen flashed up static as the ring tone sounded, until finally an image appeared on the other end of the line, the image of an old woman in a rocking chair sitting in a cosy living room, "Huh, what's that? Applejack, is that you?"

Applejack smiled, "Yup, it's me Granny Smith. How are things down on the farm?"

"Oh, fine, just fine," Granny Smith drawled. "Ah saw you on TV this afternoon. Well, not you, that flyin' contraption you ride around in."

"It's called a Gundam, Granny Smith, ma and pa worked on it," Applejack said. "Is Apple Bloom still awake? Can I talk to her?"

Granny Smith nodded, a twinkle in her eye, "Apple Bloom!"

There was the sound of stomping feet, and Apple Bloom lurched, yawning, into the living room, "Yeah, Granny, what...Applejack!" her eyes brightened up, all weariness left her face, and she sprang the videophone.

Applejack beamed, leaning her forehead against the monitor as though Applebloom might feel it across the space that separated them, "How ya doin' little sis? How's school?"

"It's okay, Sweetie Belle and Babs make sure I don't get too lonely," Apple Bloom replied. "Everybody's talkin' about Celestial Bein', sis, you're famous."

"I hope not, the Gundam Meisters identities are supposed to be a secret," Applejack said pointedly.

"Ah ain't told nobody, Applejack, come on. But does all this stuff mean that you can come home soon?"

"Ah wish it did, Apple Bloom, but we got a ways to go yet," Applejack said. "We're only just gettin' started with Celestia's plan."

"But ah miss you Applejack."

Applejack smiled sadly, "I miss you too, Apple Bloom. But I have to do this, for you more than anyone. When I'm through, you'll have a better world to grow up in. And I'll come home for a visit real soon, I promise."


"Do I ever lie to you, Apple Bloom?"

Apple Bloom whooped gleefully, "Yeehaw! Hey, Winona, Applejack's coming home!"

Winona bounded into the room, barking excitedly, and leapt into Apple Bloom's arms and started licking her face.

Applejack laughed, "You two take care of each other, you hear? Listen to what Granny Smith tells you and work hard at school, okay?"

Apple Bloom nodded, "When you gonna visit?"

"I don't know, but it'll be soon, honest," Applejack said. "Now, tell me how your day went..."

And as Apple Bloom narrated every small detail of her doings that day, Applejack leaned back with a smile upon her face and took in just what she was fighting for.


On the balcony of his private penthouse, Ponified Nations Special Envoy Discord stood in the night air, a cocktail glass held lightly in one hand. His flamboyant crimson suit stood out even more than usual in the darkness of the night, the moonlight shining down upon him like his own personal spotlight.

"There's something delightful about anticipation, isn't there?" he mused. "The whole world is standing on the edge of a great precipice, even if not everypony has realised it just yet. Soon they must leap into the unknown, and take their chances with the drop."

"Because if they don't, Celestial Being will push them off," Sombra murmured as he came to stand at the edge of the balcony. Sombra's young assistant, dark haired and fresh faced, with a dress sense that dwarfed his master's in its flamboyance, held a phone in his off hand. "We've received a call from the Federation ambassador."

"Celestial Being, I take it. I wonder if it isn't cause for despair, this failure of our elected leaders to act without guidance."

"I thought you'd be flattered that everyone wants your opinion. It shows how much you are valued by everyone."

"I suppose, though they may value me less when they hear what I have to say."

"Which is?"

"Jump," Discord smiled. "The world is on the brink of a revolution, Discord, the anticipation is like crystal. Listen to it, Sombra. The world is about to change."

And I, Sombra, shall reap the fruits of the revolution that has been set in motion. The plan may be yours, my dear Celestia, but the future is mine.

Discord laughed, "As the saying goes: 'Let the Lord of Chaos Rule.'"


In the royal palace of the Crystal Empire, in the personal apartments of Princess Cadance, the Princess and her aide Miss Harshwhinny sat watching a recording of Celestial Being's broadcast. Royal guards, their ceremonial armour gleaming, stood silent around the room, not reacting in the least to the sounds of the television. Out in the grounds, the Fanton Mobile Suits patrolled outside making loud clanking noises as they did so.

"It doesn't make any sense," Cadance murmured. "How can they propose to stop wars by fighting? It's madness."

"The world is full of mad people," Miss Harshwhinny said unsympathetically. "Some of them are a good deal closer to home than Celestial Being. You should think more about what this means for us."

Cadance's eyes widened, "You don't mean that Celestial Being could intervene in the Crystal Empire?"

Miss Harshwhinny frowned, "I don't think they will at the moment, but if we should lose control of the unrest among the people, then maybe. But for the moment, you should be thinking about how you can uses this to benefit the Crystal Empire."

Princess Cadance looked unsure.

"If you can't figure that out," Miss Harshwhinny's tone was as cutting as her name would suggest. "Then give up that crown and throne of yours, because you don't deserve to rule this country."

"You're wrong," Cadance stood up. "I will find the answer, not just to your question but to all the problems facing our country. After all, that's why parliament decided to the restore the monarchy in the Crystal Empire. Because I am the only one who can save this nation."


On a Federation transport plane somewhere over the ocean, Spitfire paced up and down in the passenger compartment. A single window allowed her to look down at the flight deck, where her FLAG was securely strapped down. She didn't spare the spindly mobile suit much mind though, her mind was on the garish rainbow Gundam she had seen that morning at the AU's demonstration.

Crescent Moon, looking much more relaxed that Spitfire as he leaned back on the bench provided, said, "Why do you think the General is so keen to fly us back to HQ?"

"Probably to get our evaluation on the Gundam in person," Spitfire replied distractedly.

"What will you tell him?"

"That that thing is something else," Spitfire said excitedly. "I think I'd have trouble duplicating some of the moves I saw that thing pull off. And that speed. How can something so much heavier than a FLAG move so fast in atmosphere. Is it those light particles it was giving off."

"That's as good an explanation as any, though I couldn't tell you what they were," Crescent Moon said. "I'll know more if I can analyse the data I recorded in a more scientific setting."

"I sure hope I get to see that Gundam again," Spitfire murmured.

Crescent Moon smirked, "Careful, captain, or people will start to think you're obsessed with it."

"Could you blame me if I was?" Spitfire asked. "But I don't think obsession is the right word. I think a better term would be: love."

"Love?" Crescent Moon sat up. "You're telling me you fell in love at first sight with a mobile suit?"

"Is that so weird?"

"Just a little bit."

"Captain Spitfire," the pilot's voice came over the intercom. "We're picking up two unidentified signatures on our scope. We think they might be Gundams."

"Gundams," Crescent Moon said. "What are they doing out here? Are they going to attack us?"

"If they were, they'd probably be jamming our signals like they did before. I think they're probably returning to base the same as us," Spitfire grinned. "That doesn't mean we have to give them a free ride."

"We're adjusting course to avoid them," the pilot said.

"No, hold your present course," Spitfire ordered. "And prep my FLAG for combat with an airborne takeoff."

Crescent Moon's eyebrows rose, "You're going to take on two Gundams in a FLAG? We still don't know half of what those machines are capable of."

"All the more reason to find out," Spitfire said. "And don't sell the FLAG short, especially not with a skilled pilot at the controls." The finest mobile suit the Federation has can't be that far behind the Gundams, can they? "With luck, I might even see that rainbow one out there."

"Aren't you a little worried about, you know, dying?" Crescent Moon asked. "You know that this craft can't recover the FLAG if it's too heavily damaged."

"Don't worry about it, who do you think I am?" Spitfire grinned. "I'm Spitfire, and I'm the mare who can make the impossible, possible."


"Okay, once we meet up with Pinkie Pie we'll stow the Gundams until we get our next mission instructions," Rainbow Dash announced. "You've got your ID and stuff, right, Rare?"

"Of course, darling, of course. It will be so good to see Sweetie Belle again. I do hope that girl hasn't gotten into too much trouble. Mother and Father spoil her terribly you know, its as if they're treating her like both their daughters in my absence."

Rainbow Dash shook her head. The Loyalty and Generosity were gliding along at a steady height above the ocean, with no enemy in sight and no expectation of a fight. That was why she and Rarity were free to banter like this, "I don't know why you and Applejack seem so fond of your families, Rarity. It all seems like dead weight to me."

"Rainbow Dash! I mean I can't deny that there is friction sometimes, and that sometimes it even escalates to near violent levels, but really darling you don't know what you're missing out on by not having a sister of your own."

"I'm sure whatever I'm missing is worth it to also miss out on all the stress," Rainbow Dash replied.

"I take it you don't want to come over for dinner tomorrow night then?"

Rainbow Dash laughed, "Nah, me and Pinkie are going to hit the streets tomorrow night and do something actually awesome."

"Are you saying that my family is boring?"

"A little bit."

"Well I never of all the uncouth..."

Rainbow Dash cackled with laughter for a while, until the HUD on the Loyalty started blinking with red lights and making the beeping sound of warning.

"Something's on the scope, closing fast," Rainbow Dash scrabbled to ready the Loyalty for combat. "It's a...a FLAG?"


Spitfire yelled as she closed with the two Gundams at top speed. Her spindly grey FLAG was in its flight configuration, horizontal and belly to the deck. The machine looked like an old fashioned jet fighter, except for the two lithe arms ending in tiny fists sticking out almost ahead of the nose, one hand gripping the mobile suit's beam rifle.

Spitfire gunned it towards her two targets, loosing a tight cluster of shots from the beam rifle as she did so. She missed, but she had always expected that she would. Her aim had been to split the two Gundams up, and that aim had been met.

One of the two Gundams was pale white, slim and slender, with an impractical purple ponytail flowing out of the back of its head. It's arms were mismatched: one was the typical Gundam arm, the other was much thinner, practically a metal tube with wires and pipes along the exterior, ending in a clawed gauntlet of some kind. The other Gundam was the garish, rainbow hued machine that Spitfire had seen take out the ENACT, then humiliate the AU Hellions around the orbital elevator. That was the one he singled out.

Care to dance, Ms Gundam? Spitfire flipped the machine into humanoid configuration mid-flight. Tactical doctrine, not to mention self-preservation, said that neither the pilot nor the machine could take the stress of flipping configuration mid-flight at high speed, that a pilot should slow down and exit the combat area before making the switch. Spitfire had never cared much for rigid doctrine or self-preservation, and she knew exactly how much the FLAG could take. In moments, the mobile suit resembled a slender man, the beam rifle held in one hand and a beam sabre grasped tightly in the other.

Spitfire roared as she slashed downwards with her beam sabre. The rainbow Gundam parried with her own sword.

"Imagine us meeting like this again, so soon," Spitfire mused on an open channel.

The voice that came back was younger than she had expected, "Who are you?"

"The name's Spitfire. Captain Spitfire. The mare who is obsessed with everything you are." Spitfire broke off, pirouetting in mid air to swipe sideways at the Gundam's head. The Gundam retreated. Spitfire pursued. "Your performance earlier today was fascinating. And now we meet again. I think that suggests a higher destiny at work." She launched a furious flurry of attacks that knocked the sabre out of the Gundam's hand. "Or maybe it's because you're not emitting those weird light particles!"

"Get away from her you uncouth barbarian!" the pilot of the other Gundam shrieked as she charged forward, the white Gundam zipping through the air with a beam sabre in each hand, the purple ponytail flapping behind it.

Spitfire backtracked as the white Gundam closed. It's arms rose, then slashed in an X formation with its twin blades. Spitfire tapped the back-thrusters to push the FLAG back. The sabres passed harmlessly down in front of it. Spitfire pushed her machine forwards to stand on the Gundam's arms, safe from its twin swords.

"You didn't take a shot at me to get me off your buddy," Spitfire said. "Instead you attacked with swords. That says to me that you don't have any ranged capability. Big mistake." She raised the beam rifle right into the Gundam's face.

The pilot of the rainbow Gundam roared and Spitfire barely had time to register it approaching faster than she could believe before the arm of her FLAG, beam rifle and all, was sliced off at the elbow.

"What the-" Spitfire put on a burst of speed to carry her upwards, the rainbow Gundam in hot pursuit. A very large, very solid, very metal sword was now protruding out of its right wrist.

"A physical blade, too?" Spitfire gasped. Then she grinned, "You're just full of surprises, aren't you Gundam? Got anything more tucked away in their to show me?"

"Nothing that I need to take care of you," came the snarled response as the Gundam slashed at her. Spitfire parried with her beam sabre.

"Good. Don't you just hate it when you find out everything there is to know about a guy on the first date? It's a sure sign that the relationship is never gonna last."

"Relationship? What are you talking about?"

"But you and me, Gundam? I think we're going to go the distance."

"Wanna bet? Look down, sucker!"

Spitfire looked down just in time to see the white Gundam grab hold of the FLAG's left leg with her thin, gauntlet-claw arm.

"I may not have a lot of guns but I do have one or two surprises," the pilot of the other Gundam shouted. "Radiant Wave!"

The claw began to glow with red energy. The alarms on the FLAG began to sound as the leg of Spitfire's mobile suit began to bubble and boil like it was melting. The bubbles began to travel up the machine.

"Well, I can't say it wasn't fun," Spitfire said, slicing the damaged leg off the FLAG and pumping the engines for all they were worth to get her out of there. "But I'm afraid I'm going to have to give you a rain cheque on this. You really are fascinating, Gundam. But next time we meet I'll have a couple of new tricks of my own."

The two Gundams didn't pursue. Instead they monitored him for a little while, resumed their previous course, then disappeared off his radar. They must have started generating that light.

"This is Spitfire to Transport Lima Zebra One Nine requesting pick up."

"What's your condition, Captain Spitfire?" Crescent Moon sounded unbearably smug. Spitfire knew that he already knew the answer, probably from having watched her mission recorder on a live feed.

Spitfire rolled her eyes, "I've lost an arm, a leg and the beam rifle."

"And who told you so?"

"You did."

"Yes I did, didn't I?" Crescent Moon said. "Fortunately, the telemetry you've been recording is so valuable it would have been losing the whole FLAG to obtain it."

"Except for how, you know, I'd be dead."

"Well, tactical trade off and all that," Crescent Moon chuckled. "Just kidding. Try to hold the mobile suit together and we'll come pick up. What you discovered is fascinating..."


It was early morning of the next day when Spitfire and Crescent Moon touched down at Cloudsdale Air Force base, where General Surprise was waiting for them in the commandant's office. She remained seated as Spitfire and Crescent Moon stood in front of her desk, returning Spitfire's salute from her seat.

"So, I fly you here because you've seen a Gundam, and now they tell me you duelled with one," Surprise kept her tone neutral. "What do you think of them?"

"They're exceptional machines, ma'am, and I'm sure we haven't seen everything they're capable of," Spitfire said. "But they're only mobile suits, piloted by people."

"So we can beat them?"

"They're not invincible if that's what you're asking ma'am," Spitfire replied. "The technology is more advanced than the FLAG, and they're good pilots, but they're not gods and the Gundams aren't invincible. Yes, I think we can beat them."

"Good," Surprise rubbed her eyes. "That means I didn't just spend the last two hours convincing the President not to mothball the Mobile Suit Corps just yet only to look like an idiot afterwards."

"The President was really considering giving in to Celestial Being's demands?" Crescent Moon asked, his tone both shocked and sceptical.

"I don't know if she really meant it, but she talked about it," Surprise said. "Peace plays well with the voters. Seeing the military getting curb-stomped on PNN, on the other hoof...there's a reason I wanted to know if it was hopeless."

"Two to one and I had them on the run some of the time," Spitfire said emphatically. "We can beat them general, I know it."

Surprise smiled, "I like your conviction. Proves that I made the right call. Captain Spitfire, Tech Specialist Crescent Moon, I am hereby assigning you to the Anti-Gundam Investigative Taskforce."

"The Anti-Gundam Investigative Taskforce?" Crescent Moon.

"You can think of a catchier name on your way down to Hurricane Base, that's where you'll report to Professor Zecora. She'll be heading up the unit, of course Captain you will have full command over operations in the field."

"Professor Zecora," Crescent Moon murmured, a smile tugging at his lips at the thought of working under his old teacher again.

"Your job will be to come up with anything: weapons, tactics, you name it, that will give us an edge against the Gundams, with an aim to capturing at least one if at all possible."

Spitfire said, "Ma'am, if we're going to take on Celestial Being I'll need some first class pilots backing me up. I'd like to request─"

"You'll get pilots, the best I can find," Surprise cut her off, a smile pulling on the general's mouth. "Another plane is waiting to take you to Hurricane. I suggest you get on it."

Spitfire and Crescent Moon slammed to attention with a salute, "Yes, ma'am!"

Surprise returned the salute, "The Federation's counting on you. Make me proud."

Author's Note:

I've never thought the Ptolemaios looked that cool, so the Harmony is based off the much better looking Kusanagi from Gundam SEED. The Radiant Wave dispenser on the Generosity comes from Code Geass and the Guren Mk II, to give Rarity a weapon beyond laser swords.