• Published 4th Jul 2013
  • 2,666 Views, 285 Comments

Mark of the Wyld - DarkParable

Take a nerdy gamer, swap his gender, turn him into a worgen deathknight, and drop him in Equestria. This is what you get.

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The benefits of being (un)dead

"Is it much further Papa Smurf?" I quipped at Broken, who simply groaned in response. That would be the seventh time I've asked that in the last few hours. What can I say? I was bored and my only current forms of entertainment came in two forms, Freezing plant life via a few errant touches, or attempting to drive my mostly stoic companion up the unbroken portions of a wall. Ya see what I did there?

Horrid jokes aside I had to admit that Broken Wall was a pretty cool fellow, even if he didn't say much. I'm managed to get a few answers out of him after we'd set off for wherever it was we were headed. I myself was hoping for a small village up the coast, from what I hear its rather nice in the fall... Back on topic Rune, stop being so scatter brai- Oooh look, shiny objects!

Ahem... From what I'd managed to get out of him, Broken used to be a guard, not one of those annoyingly white, gold clad royal ones either. Nope my little pony fiend was a rough and tumble, down to earth, guard of some place called Trottingham, from what he told me it wasn't a nice place to visit if you weren't a pony. Something about racist guards and what have you. Not any place that'd welcome a six foot tall wolf creature who happened to freeze things if she held onto them for too long and didn't focus on not being fridged, but that's beside the point I think... Even though I could honestly say that I was now cold as ice and quite willing to sacrifice our love... Pardon me, that was horrid, mostly because I'm sure you honestly don't know me, and if you do I'm willing to bet that we're not in love or anything. Oh by Elune's light I'm doing it again...

ANYWAYS! Broken Wall, yes him. Used to be a guard, lost his job for, of all things, feeding a prisoner he wasn't supposed to because he wasn't a pony. Since then he'd just roamed wherever his hooves took him, unfortunately for him his hooves thought that right in the middle of a D-Dog scouting party was a good place to stop and take a rest. Whadda'ya gonna do in that situation? Well according to him buck the shit outa a few dogs before taking a vial in the gob and passing out. Yeah, been there and done that myself, sorta... Hush, I got taken by surprise.

I'd asked him just why it was he hadn't mentioned anything when I'd said I was undead and gotten a shrug in response. "Seen one weirdo, seen em all... You weren't breathing and I couldn't find a pulse, so when you go and sit up after an hour of that it only makes sense."

I couldn't argue with that really, and still, to this day, can't find a decent comeback to that besides "Uhh... Ok then."

That's enough recounting what, at that time, was the past (even if only by a couple hours) so back to the present of then! Who wasn't just confused by that? I'm confused just saying it.

There comes a time in every young woman's life when her body goes through certain changes... I was busy thanking the Lich King that I'd never wind up dealing with that. Best part of being undead is the biological clock has stopped ticking after all. On the note of that odd thought I glanced down at Broken and rolled my eyes a bit. We'd stopped to make camp for that night, and he was busy stuffing his face with some berries and nuts that he'd had me scrounge up for him. It was kinda fair, after all he did set up camp and get some fire wood collected.

"You know, just because I don't NEED to eat anything doesn't mean you couldn't save me a few black berries or something you know." I said, nudging him in the side with one of my paws. I could keep calling em feet, but that didn't fit at all any more. Four toes, rough pads, broad for weight distribution, and a dew claw... Yep, those aren't feet, they're paws... Which are a sort of feet, but I should quit before I get distracted again.

"My apologies... I've not had anything other than gruel for a couple months..." he said in response, subtly moving just out of reach of my prodding appendage. Aww, he thought I wouldn't notice, cute! "Next time I'll save a bit for you if you want it."

I just shrugged, quieting down and watching our flicking little camp fire. To be honest I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't a little perturbed by the fact that I'd not eaten since some time before that fateful convention and I had no real clue how long I'd been in Equestria... If I even WAS in Equestria. Apparently, even though its a large one, its only a part of the land mass of this particular planet. (On that note, I was indeed in Equestria, just the extreme southern part of it. The last forest right before things got all savanna-ish.) Despite that, I wasn't hungry, thirsty, or even really tired. I wasn't sore, my arm was just fine even after taking a blow from that one diamond dog (a blow that on later inspection had actually put a decent dint in my paulderon). Heck unless it was immediately apparent to my senses, I couldn't feel anything.

Ever have someone walk up to you and just point out that at any given time your clothing is in direct contact with your skin and you can actually feel it? Well they're speaking the truth, our bodies and minds are just some acclimated to the feeling of cloth against out skin that we just sort of block it out as unimportant. Well, my senses were kind of like that, especially my sense of touch. Unless I focused on it, I couldn't even really tell that I had my paws close to the fire. My sight, hearing, and sense of smell though were working perfectly. Constant stimulation I guess. Kept them active and all that. I'd come to find later that I had no real sense of taste beyond "Hey this is bland." or "Dear gods, this hurts worse than ghost chilies!" In other words, unless it had an extreme flavor... I couldn't taste it. I could smell it though, interesting really considering that one's sense of smell is actually a large part of their ability to taste anything. Meh, I'm a walking talking corpse with the power to wield the energies of life, death, and cold... Why m I trying to be logical about my body in any way shape or form?

My little mental foray into how weird being undead was, was interrupted by Broken nudging me in the ribs rather hard. It didn't exactly hurt, but it wasn't really a pleasant feeling considering the fact that hooves are rather solid and one's that haven't been properly cared for in awhile have some interestingly jagged contours. In other words, sand paper right in my side, I think I actually lost a small patch of fur when I jumped a bit.

Surprised as I was I think my response quite intelligently worded. "AGHWHOWHAT?!"

"You looked dead again Rune... Something the matter?" Broken asked, an actual note of concern in his voice. I was honestly a bit touched by that. First person to show me any respect, and first person to seem to generally care about me here... Aside from Elune, but she doesn't count really... I was technically property from my point of view. Kinda like a pet really.

"Oh... Well yeah, I'm fine... Just thinking. Before you ask, I was thinking about how weird it is being undead. I mean really I doubt I'd notice if my paw was on fire until it was pointed out to me..." Why do I always set these things up? I've got to remember that Murphy and his buddy Comedic Timing, are total asshats.

"Funny you should mention that..." said Broken, gesturing in the direction of the fire.

First thing I noticed was the fact that it had gotten much brighter, funny I don't remember adding that much fuel to it... Wait a second, what smelled like BBQ... Oh, DAMN IT! Why me?! Err, wait a second here... Ahem.. "HOLY FUCK-NUGGETS I'M ON FIRE!" I yelled as I umped to my paws and took off running for a small (relatively) pond we'd passed not too far back. You know, like a few second run when you're on fire and freaking the hell out. That far back.

Cannon balling my way into the drink was an interesting experience, and a bit of a relief to be honest. Apparently my paw had been burned to the point of nerve damage, because I hadn't felt a thing, not even pain, right up until that moment when I hit the cold water. I wish to take this opportunity to point out again how monumentally stupid I can be some times. I could have just frozen my foot solid back at camp, or waded in a bit and let the water put out the fire here in the pond... Nope, I'd quite literally given it a running leap and cannon balled right into the middle of the pond. Well it was a bit deep to call it that, maybe a mini-lake.

Armor is heavy, cannon balls tend to put you towards the bottom of the body of water you leap into, and I was now in a rather large amount of pain. Is it any wonder I kinda panicked when I realized I wasn't going to be coming up due to natural buoyancy? I'd like to think not. Nor is it surprising to me that my little shocked gasp filled my lungs with water and pretty much made those hurt a bit too. Just ow, ok... Ow. This would also be a good time to mention that the water around me was slowly freezing due to my frosty personality (buh dum tish). More accurately due to the fact that I was just that damn cold.

When Broken showed up to find me he found a nice sized ice burg with a vaguely me shaped blotch in the center of it. Being frozen is a lot more pleasant than I would have thought, at least it's better than feeling like you're still on fire, or that your lungs are going to pop.

It took him an hour to fish my self made prison out of that pond and get me ashore. Needless to say getting me out took awhile too, so long in fact he just got annoyed and bucked the block, shattering it after a few blows. Strong little fucker ain't he?

There I was, sitting cross legged, holding my charred paw, well previously charred... One of the upsides of being a death knight as opposed to a normal undead... The ability to heal yourself through various methods... Most require a ghoul, I just hit myself in the foot with a death coil. Long story short, it worked. Yay for running on runic power and necromantic energies! Even though I'd fixed my foot I couldn't really say a thing. My entire respiratory system was filled with ice. In lieu of words I just settled on giving Broken the most thankful look I could manage.

It apparently was enough to drop what ever he was going to say down to a simple smack on the back of the head for sheer stupidity. Yay! I can pull off a puppy face now... But ow my head. Stupid, strangely selective, inability to feel pain... Why can't I just be comfortably numb?

With nothing better to do, and me unable to argue, we got our shit together and hit the road again. Broken Wall even went so far as to tie a vine round my neck... Yeah, I was on a short leash in a literal sense. I couldn't really complain... I knew I'd likely do something dumb again before the night was out.

Author's Note:

For those wondering, no death coils (that black and green skull shaped bolt of necromantic magic) don't really work like that in game. Still, if you can use it to heal your ghoul I don't see why it couldn't apply to yourself. It's the same basic principal really. Pump the ghoul full of more black magic which heals it, pump the death knight full of more of the same (even if it's her own,) and heal her the same way. Quick someone get smashed and drunk science this for me!