• Member Since 5th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen April 28th



Mark Adams is a young Christian who has a secret from his parents: he's a brony.

When his parents find out about his secret love of ponies, he is banned from the show and all of his MLP possessions are destroyed.

But even in the midst of drama and turmoil, brightness can still shine in one's life.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 28 )

Let me be honest with you, I didn't read the story. I skimmed it just to see if it is as bad I thought. It's not. I get twitchy when I see Christianity or Christian mentioned in a fic's summary since it is either treated as a joke, made evil, or the ponies are followers of Satan (the Sisters or at least Celestia). I am pleased to see that none of those happened, that Mark kept his faith and the ponies accept that and Celestia knows Him.

faving for future reading, always wanted to do a christian fic but never knew how it would fare you know

Dude... that deathbattle was one of the reasons I became a brony! :pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp:

2909188 Well, I'm glad you like it. To be honest it's not my story; I was given a lot of direction from the guy who commissioned it, but I treated it honestly and with respect that I thought it deserved.

This story gives me hope that one day, when I die, I will be transported into equestria :pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:

I think it is great as a oneshot, but can be used as a prompt for a long story:trixieshiftright:

This is amazing I love it

2910717 I actually wrote the story for this fan fic and comissioned it.

So as long as it's not inappropriate, you have my permission to write spin-off stories for it. :duck:

That was beautiful...:fluttercry:

beautiful man.....:fluttercry::fluttercry: just beautiful.......

You almost let my tears drip down my face, but I'm not crying...yet. I love the story, though I wish all Christians could just show love to those who they hate, or at least not think bronies are gay. I know my parents would still love me, even if I were a boy who loved My Little Pony as I much as I do.

5816650 I wish all Christians could show love, too. All too often, they succumb to the human desire to destroy, conquer, and defeat their enemies, which is hardly the way the Bible would have one act. In fact, it implies in 1 Corinthians 13:13 that love is better than either hope or faith. In any event, I'm happy that you are pleased with the story. :pinkiehappy:

What would have happen if he hit his father and called him a faggot?

6268544 That would require him being a) a man, and b) being willing to deal with the fallout from that of in all likelihood being kicked out of the house and forced to live without any parental support whatsoever.

6271673 what would happen if he burned a bible in revenge? I heard you can still go to heaven even if you did that.

6271960 Well, consider what the Bible actually says: "Vengeance is mine: I will repay, says the Lord (Romans 12:19)". If you're burning a Bible in revenge, then you're basically robbing God of his right to vengeance for you, and thus violating his command. If you do that and never repent of it, then that's sin, and sin will keep you from entering into Heaven ("How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?" Romans 6:2, "For the wages of sin is death" Romans 6:23). So if he burned a Bible in revenge, that would be a sin.


i was wondering what would his father would do to him if he did that. If you make a sequel to this would Howard blame Mark's death on my little pony?

6273089 Not unless he pays me to write the sequel, which probably won't happen. Besides, I think I said all that needs to be said in the story. There's really not much more to tell.

Comment posted by bigfootRULES deleted Aug 3rd, 2015
Comment posted by bigfootRULES deleted Aug 16th, 2015
Comment posted by bigfootRULES deleted Aug 20th, 2015

this story is complete nonsense. No true Christian parents would EVER do this. I don't know what you're trying to make here but i know for a fact that this is complete exaggeration. Im a Christian myself, and i can't view this wanton libel on Christ's message in silence. I hope you have a change of heart someday. You are loved.

Comment posted by MarioBrony deleted Jan 12th, 2017

permission for me to possibly make a sequel? Basically Mark's family has been shunned by their society after what happned. The dad was shamed by both the brony and religious communities and banned from the church, the sister and mother lost all their friends but then in the darkness their son comes back.

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