• Published 25th Jul 2013
  • 23,496 Views, 639 Comments

Along Comes Twilight - Spacecowboy

An emotionally distant Celestia begins to reconnect with her ponies thanks to a young filly called Twilight Sparkle. (A Celestia adopts Twilight story)

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Chapter 4 - Early Morning

A nurse walked through the quiet corridor of the castle hospital, the only sounds outside of her hoofsteps those of the night as she went through her rounds. The pale moonlight shone through the few skylights set in the ceiling, further illuminating the dimly lit hall. One by one, she went and checked on the rooms and ensured nothing was out of place.

As she came to the last room to be checked for the night, a faint snore reached her ears. Slowly opening the door, the sight that greeted her caused a smile to leap unbidden to her face. On the patient's bed lay the small filly that was the sole survivor of what the papers had coined the Highmount Massacre. Although her body was still heavily bandaged, seeing the young stallion next to the bed that, even in sleep, held one of her forehooves with his was a heartwarming thing to see.

She spared a moment or two to examine the rest of the room, noting that nothing was out of place. Her gaze went back to lingering on the brother and sister. Twilight shifted in her sleep, her other forehoof moving to hold onto Shining's. The nurse quietly backed out of the room and closed the door, forever burning that image within the room into her mind as she finished her rounds.

Shining blearily blinked the crud out of his eyes and stretched the kinks out of his neck. He was fighting off the lingering sleepiness, and was in the midst of fighting to remove his hoof from between Twilight's, as she refused to let go even in sleep. He couldn't help but smile at the thought of being a comfort to her, even if she wasn't aware of it, but his stomach had other plans as it let out a rebellious growl.

Finally freeing his hoof from Twilight's grasp, he carefully stepped down from the chair, feeling stiff all over from his choice of bedding. Shining had managed to convince the nurse to let him stay the night, and if he had his way he'd be next to Twilight until she was discharged. He cast one more glance at her before leaving the room, leaving the door cracked.

Shaking off the last of the morning daze, Shining navigated his way to the small dining area in the hospital. The attendant wearily smiled and waved, then went to work quickly putting together a tray of food. Shining took a seat and waited for the food to be prepared, letting his mind wander.

Although he was still unsure about the future with the death of his parents, Celestia had gone a long way in easing the fears he held. After the lunch, he and Cadance had gone back to Twilight's room and spent the remainder of the day just talking. The clattering of the tray being set down brought his focus to it just in time to see the film of magic disappearing from it.

Shining wasted no time in eating, going at a speed that would have made even the quickest recruit at basic envious. Bringing his tray back to the counter, he thanked the unicorn for the food, even though it was the standard hospital-quality fair. Arriving back at Twilight's room, he opened the door and saw her in the bed, still asleep.

Retaking his position in the now cold chair, he held her hoof once more and thought on the day before.

A very nervous Shining Armor opened the door for Cadance, the lunch with Celestia still fresh on his mind. She had, luckily, approved of their new relation, although they couldn't let it be known to anypony outside of immediate family. That basically meant only Twilight and Blueblood could be told. Shining shivered at the thought of the colt; according to Cadance he was already quite the terror, and was the same age as his precious Twilight.

"Shiny, calm down, please? I'll admit that was... odd, to say the least. But, she approves of us and we won't have to tiptoe around. On top of it, you and Twilight will be fine, even with..." Cadance trailed off as she left the obvious unsaid, wrapping a wing around him after moving to his side.

"I know, Cady, but I just can't help it..." He leaned into her, hesitantly nuzzling her neck. "I mean, I can still go and be a guard, and you'll be here for Twily when I can't be, but... it almost seems too good to be true, honestly." He shrugged his shoulders as he looked at Twilight lovingly.

"I think I understand what you mean, but still. I mean, it's a bit odd for Auntie to take such an interest in anypony like this, it's pretty obvious why she took in me and Bluey when our parents passed away last year, with the whole..." she trailed off, simply motioning a hoof at her horn and then wings. "I mean, it's been nice and all, living in the castle, but until recently every waking moment seemed to be an etiquette class, history of Equestria, or something else a princess should know." she paused a moment, a slightly annoyed look crossing her face. "It's almost like she's been grooming me for something."

Shining scratched under his horn with a hoof, thinking on what Cadance had just said. "So, she was... using you or something?" he asked, indecision in his tone.

Cadance hummed as she thought how to best phrase her reply. "Not quite using, I'd say. Auntie is nice enough, although she's always been a bit... distant? She does care about us, but it's always seemed like there's been a wall between us. Does that make sense?"

"I think so?" Shining thought a moment before shaking his head, clearing his mind. "I suppose I really shouldn't look too much into it. Twilight will have ponies looking out for her when I'm not here. I know Princess Celestia said that school and the training would take at least four years, but... I'm going to do it as quickly as I can so that I can keep Twily safe." He carefully shrugged himself from underneath Cadance's wing and walked to Twilight's bedside, resting his forehooves on the mattress.

Cadance walked up and kissed him on the cheek. "Don't worry, Shiny. I'll do my best to look out for her. She'll be safe, I promise."

Shining couldn't help but chuckle, dropping his hooves back to the ground and hugging Cadance. "You can try to keep her safe, Cady. She just loves finding her way into all sorts of trouble. I don't think it's something she'll outgrow either." He laughed quietly, being mindful of Twilight. "But, if things get too hectic, you can always just pull out a book. It's really the only way to keep her from causing chaos at times."

They met each other's eyes, staring into the vivid pools of color. Slowly, their muzzles inched closer together, their lips mere inches apart from one another. Then, –

"Shiny? That you?" A hoarse voice called out, followed by even hoarser coughing. Shining raised his head, eyes nearly bulging from their sockets.


Author's Note:

Just a short filler / segue chapter with a pinch of information in it. I apologize for the shortness of it, however it kinda beat me in the head last night to write this. Now though, Twilight is awake, and we get to see the last important character finally conscious. Plus, for those wondering "How the hell did Twilight even end up in such a hazardous/volatile situation?!" the answer is forthcoming. As always, feel free to dole out any constructive criticism you have, I love it all!

I want to preemptively give my thanks to everyone as well! Your support and viewership is awesome, and this story is basically right at 600 upvotes and 1,000 Favorites! Absolutely phenomenal, and I appreciate it all!