• Published 14th May 2012
  • 14,335 Views, 889 Comments

The Dragon that Would be Pony - The Dragon Warlock

Spike is desperate to win Rarity's heart, and decides to take a potion that turns him into a pony.

  • ...

Epilogue: A Dream Come True

Three weeks had passed now since that day Spike confessed his feelings to Rarity. She very rarely left his side for things like the restroom or to grab something to eat. Twilight and the others stayed with Spike as well, but always gave Rarity and Spike their time together. The six mares stayed with him until one day, they were forced to leave Spike alone for a few days. The doctors explained he needed to do some tests to see if there were any negative side effects from Princess Celestia’s spell. The group understood and gave a farewell to Spike, all except Rarity who gave Spike a kiss on the lips.

Since then, Spike has been forced to do multiple tests to test his new body out and was waiting to see what would happen to him. He was lying on his bed in the hospital room one morning and was waiting for the doctor to see him. As soon as he finished the breakfast the nurse brought him, which consisted of a couple of gems and some water, the doctor came in. The doctor was a skinny unicorn mare with a golden yellow coat. Her mane and tail was dark brown and was braided. She had blue eyes and had a stethoscope as a cutie mark.

“Good morning Spike.” The mare said in a gentle voice. “I see you’re quite energetic today.”

“I sure am Dr. Heartbeat.” The dragon responded. “So, what kind of tests are we doing today?”

“Actually, we’re doing no tests at all. I’m here to announce the results of your medical tests.”

“So am I okay?”

Dr. Heartbeat gave a friendly smile and said, “You’re perfectly fine now Spike. You have no bad side effects and the spell hasn’t damaged anything in your body. You passed every physical test perfectly and your wings are in tip top shape. As such, I’m giving you a clean bill of health and you may leave the hospital after this meeting.”

“That’s great! I can’t wait to go back to Ponyville and…”

“You’re not going back to Ponyville yet Spike.” The yellow unicorn stated. “Princess Celestia has requested that you come to her castle as soon as you were out. She wants to speak to you as soon as you get out of the hospital.”

“What does she want?”

“I’m not at liberty to say what she wants, but she must be informed you’re leaving.” Dr. Heartbeat used her magic to write something on a piece of parchment and rolled it up. “I heard you can send messages to the princess herself. Could you please send this to let her know you’re free to go?”

Spike gave a nod and took the scroll. He took a deep breath in and blew out a small burst of green fire. The scroll disappeared and left only a cloud of dust.

“Alright, it’s on its way now.” Spike said. “What do I do while I wait?”

Before Dr. Heartbeat could respond, a bright flash of light appeared in the room and blinded both her and Spike. The dragon opened his eyes to see Princess Celestia standing there with a smile on her face.

“I’m sorry about that doctor.” The white alicorn said. “I hope I didn’t scare you too much.”

“That’s quite alright your highness.” The yellow unicorn said as she bowed. “I was going to tell Spike if there were no other questions or inquiries, he could leave.”

“I’m ready to leave Princess Celestia.” Spike said. “I just need to go find Twilight and the others before we leave.”

“They’re with me at the castle Spike. They’ve been waiting for you for a while now. Now that you’re awake and well, you can come with me and I’ll tell you what’s going on. Are you ready to leave?”

Spike gave a nod and said, “Sure princess, I’m ready to go.”

Princess Celestia grabbed Spike’s claw and her horn glowed. “Hold on tight then Spike. Oh, and thanks for looking after him Dr. Heartbeat.”

The yellow unicorn smiled. “It’s my pleasure your highness. You both take care now and come back when you need me.”

Spike waved farewell and held onto Princess Celestia’s hoof. Her horn glowed brightly and a flash went out in the room for a few seconds. Dr. Heartbeat covered her eyes from the flash and lowered her hoof after a few seconds. She looked to see Spike and Princess Celestia were now gone. She gave a smile and turned to leave the room to check on other patients.

A bright flash of light went out in a room for a few seconds before disappearing. Spike and Princess Celestia stood in the spot where the flash occurred. The dragon was feeling a little dazed from the teleportation and regained his bearings. As he pulled himself together, he looked around the room he was in and instantly recognized it as the Canterlot Castle throne room. He noticed that around the room, there were several royal guards placing banners and decorations around everywhere.

“What’s going on here princess?” Spike asked.

“The guards here are setting up for a celebration Spike.” The white alicorn explained. “This is all part of a ceremony dedicated to you for your actions.”

“A…a celebration, for me?” He asked in shock.

“It’s not entirely for you Spike. The other Elements of Harmony will be honored as well for their role in defeating the Disciples of Nightmare Moon. However, you will be held in honor for bringing back the last element and leading the charge against the disciples. A lot of ponies from all over Equestria have come here to celebrate the end of the disciples. In fact, the city is bursting with ponies everywhere. That’s why I came to teleport you to the castle, so you could avoid the crowds.”

Spike decided to head towards one of the throne room’s windows and looked out of it. He was shocked to see Canterlot’s streets were bustling with a lot of ponies. There were a lot of decorations such as colorful banners and balloons all over the buildings and street lamps. He could see many royal guards trying to keep order and peace throughout the streets, despite the seemingly overwhelming number of ponies. It almost looked as if Pinkie Pie herself had planned this celebration with how crazy and chaotic it was.

Spike turned back towards the princess and said, “Wow…I thought Pinkie threw big parties, but this must be some sort of record.”

“Actually, she did plan this celebration Spike.” Princess Celestia said. “I heard of her legendary parties and she gladly planned this party out. She invited pretty much everypony she ever met in her life and even some ponies she never knew.”

Spike couldn’t help but chuckle at this, but his laughter died out as he thought of something. “Where are Twilight and the others? Are they in the castle as well?”

“Yes they are Spike. They’re just helping prepare for the ceremony in the next two days.”

“That long huh? Well at least…”

“SPIKE!” A group of voices cried out in joy.

The dragon turned around and was met by three fillies tackling him. Although he was a little dazed from the impact, he could see it was the Cutie Mark Crusaders, who were all hugging him tightly.

“Spike, yer back!” Applebloom shouted in joy. “We thought we heard ya, but we weren’t sure until Princess Celestia said yer name!”

“It’s great to see you Spike!” Sweetie Belle shouted happily. “I heard you and my sister are together now! I couldn’t be happier for the two of you!”

“We heard about what you did.” Scootaloo said. “I got to say, you’re really one of the coolest friends I’ve ever met.”

“It’s…*gasp*…great to see you all too.” Spike said with a smile. “Can you get off me though? I can’t really breathe.”

“Oh, sorry.” The three fillies said in unison as they got off Spike.

The dragon got up and looked at them. Although he was happy to see they were safe, a certain memory hit him in the head and felt guilty. “So…you all know everything about what happened to me?” He asked in a small voice.

“We certainly do.” Applebloom said cheerfully. “Why d’ya sound so glum though Spike?”

“It’s…it’s just I lied to all of you and was really acting like a jerk. I should’ve been a little more forgiving for what you all did to me and I didn’t mean to act that way.”

“It’s okay Spike.” Sweetie said. “We really pushed you too far with what we did. We just want to know if you can forgive us.”

Spike gave a nod and said, “Of course I can, but can you all forgive me for how I acted?”

“We can!” The three fillies shouted in unison as they hugged Spike.

“Hey Spike, can we ask ya somethin’?” Applebloom asked.


“Will you still play with us?” She asked. “Ah know y’all will want to spend time with Rarity, but d’ya think y’all can still play with us?”

The dragon gave a nod and said, “I’d like that Applebloom, I’d like that.”

“Applebloom, there y’all are!” A voice shouted.

Spike and the fillies looked up to see Applejack and Rarity with stern looks on them. The three fillies let go of Spike and had solemn looks on them.

“We’re mighty sorry ‘bout this Princess Celestia.” The farmer pony said. “These three fillies have been runnin’ ‘round the castle all day t’git their cutie marks.”

“It’s quite alright Applejack.” The white alicorn stated. “I was just telling Spike here about the celebration.”

Applejack and Rarity looked to see Spike giving them a sheepish smile and waved.

“Well howdy there Spike.” Applejack said. “Ah see yer feelin’ better now.”

Rarity trotted over and gave Spike a kiss on the cheek. “It’s so good to see you again darling. We’ve been busy for the last couple of days with this celebration. I’ve been getting dresses and suits done for the others and for other ponies as well. In fact, I need to see you so we can measure for your suit Spike.”

“That’s an excellent idea Rarity.” Princess Celestia said. “Spike, since you and Rarity are together, I’ve given the two of you to share a room together. I’ll be sure to place a sound blocking spell in case you two want to have some time with each other.”

Rarity and Spike both blushed heavily and smiled sheepishly.

“What the hay does that mean Applejack?” Applebloom asked.

“Uh…when yer older, Ah’ll tell ya.” The orange mare said in a nervous tone. “Now let’s go girls, we’ve got some more decorations to put up. Y’all can play with Spike later.”

“Okay Applejack.” Applebloom said sounding disappointed. “We’ll see ya later Spike.”

He gave a wave and watched as the three fillies and Applejack walk out of the throne room. He then turned to Rarity and gave a smile.

“Well, I don’t want to keep you waiting m’lady.” He said in a suave accent.

“Oh, you are such a gentledrake Spike.” Rarity said as she giggled. “There’s very little time though and we must get your measurements. Please excuse us Princess Celestia, we’ll be on our way.”

“That’s quite alright Rarity. The two of you need to catch up on things and prepare for the celebration.”

“Thanks for everything Princess Celestia.” Spike said. “I’m really looking forward to this.”

“You’re welcome Spike.”

“Oh, there’s one last thing I forgot to tell you.” Spike said. “Mom says hi.”

“Mom says…” Princess Celestia stopped talking and gasped upon the realization. She gave a tearful smile to Spike and said, “Thanks for telling me that Spike. It’s been so long since Luna or I saw her. It’s good to hear she hasn’t forgotten about us.”

“I don’t think she ever did your highness.” Spike said with a smile.

The dragon and Rarity and bowed and went out of the throne room. Princess Celestia gave a warm smile and waved farewell to the couple until they were out of sight. She turned around and looked up at a golden statue of an alicorn with a mane and tail much like Twilight’s. She smiled to herself as she looked upon the statue for a couple of minutes.

“I don’t know if you had any hoof in his fate mother.” She said to herself. “All I know is that his actions have truly saved Equestria from a fate far worse than anything I could imagine.” She then turned around and walked off with a sense of hope for the future.

It was hard for Spike to believe that two days had now passed since he arrived at the castle. The day of the celebration was upon all of Equestria. There was a feeling of excitement and happiness in the air and the weather seemed to be celebrating as well. It should’ve been a happy day for Spike, but he couldn’t help but feel nervous about what was going to happen. He and the rest of his friends were standing in a large blue colored room facing a set of elegant large double red doors. He looked towards his friends and saw they were all giving him hopeful looks.

Spike was sporting a suit very similar to the one he had done for him as a pony. The only difference is that the coat was black now. The others were suiting their dresses from the Grand Galloping Gala. Rarity at first tried to get more suits done, but Spike convinced her to not overwork herself. The others soon heard what was going on and intervened to stop Rarity. The white unicorn soon agreed to use the gala outfits, but was still a little disappointed.

“Y’all feelin’ okay Spike?” Applejack asked. “Ah know yer probably feelin’ a little stage fright, but everypony, or in this case every dragon, gets it.”

“Thanks Applejack, I just can’t believe this is happening.” The dragon said with a small smile. “A couple of weeks ago, I was just a baby dragon. Now I’m suddenly the most famous dragon in all of Equestria. Who would’ve thought it’d be me?”

Twilight chuckled a little and said, “Well nopony would never have thought there’d be a seventh Element of Harmony. I have to say Spike, I’m really proud of you for everything. You really have grown up from this experience and I couldn’t be any happier for you.”

“Thanks Twilight, but I have to really thank Markus. If it wasn’t for him, I don’t think any of this would’ve happened.”

“That reminds me. Whatever happened to him anyway?” Rarity asked.

Before Spike could respond, a loud set of trumpets rang out outside the doors.

“Oh, it’s time to begin.” Twilight said. “Come on, we’ve got to get ready.”

Spike stood in the center while the others stood next to him on his left and right. The doors opened and sunlight came pouring into the room. Spike took a deep breath and began to march forward slowly on his two hind legs. The others soon followed him shortly and made their way outside. The group marched across a red velvet carpet with a seemingly endless row of Royal Guards. The carpet led all the way up towards a proud looking Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. There was something behind the two princesses covered in a large white sheet, but it couldn’t be made out.

As the group made their way towards the princesses, they were all in awe from the large crowd around them. The very large castle courtyard was filled to the brim with ponies from all across Equestria. There were banners hanging on the columns and some ponies where whistling in happiness. There was a sense of excitement and happiness in the air. Spike felt his nervousness melt away and was replaced by a sense of pride.

He managed to catch a glimpse at some of the ponies in the crowd. He saw the Cutie Mark Crusaders all giving him a smile. The entire Apple Family, including Aunt Orange and Uncle Orange, were there and looking proud. He saw Shining Armor at the end of the carpet on Princess Celestia’s left and was nodding. He saw everypony he ever encountered in Ponyville including some residents of Appleloosa. Spike could’ve sworn he saw in the crowd none other than Trixie herself, who was looking off in the distance, but he saw her smiling a little. He quickly put those thoughts aside though as he looked ahead and noticed he and the others were approaching a small stairway leading towards the podium.

Spike and his friends stopped right in front of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. They seven friends bowed in respect towards their rulers before rising back up and smiling at them. The entire crowd grew silent as they waited for what was going to happen. Princess Celestia’s horns glowed and an aura surrounded her throat area. After a few seconds, the aura went away.

“Fellow citizens of Equestria.” Princess Celestia said in a gentle, but rather loud voice. “Today, we have all gathered to celebrate the end of an era. For well over a thousand years, Equestria has suffered the grip of a faction known as the Disciples of Nightmare Moon. Their actions have caused much chaos and anarchy throughout our land, but they shall never trouble us again. Thanks to six brave ponies and one courageous dragon, their influence and taint has been purged from the land forever!”

The entire crowd of ponies cheered wildly and applauded. Princess Celestia held up a hoof to silence the crowd, which worked instantly.

“These seven friends have weathered and made their way through many trials. Thanks to their bravery and efforts, they’ve prevailed again. However, there was a crucial factor that led to the fall of the disciples. For so long, there have been only six Elements of Harmony, but now the seventh and final element has finally returned to help remove the disciples. Please give a round of applause to the Element of Nobility himself, Spike.”

The crowd cheered wildly while they applauded. Spike stepped forward with a sheepish smile and waved to everypony. Princess Celestia once again raised her hoof to silence the crowd. She looked back at Spike with a smile on her face.

“Spike, you and your friends have fought hard to destroy an evil that has plagued us for so long.” The white alicorn said. “From all across Equestria, you all shall be hailed as some of our greatest champions. As a reward for you seven, we present you all with this.”

Princess Luna’s horn glowed and pulled the sheet off from behind her and her sister. The entire crowd gasped from what they were seeing in front of them. It was a huge white marble monument that included Spike and all his friends. Spike was standing in the middle as his grown up self and had his Element of Harmony on his head. Rarity, Pinkie, and Fluttershy stood to his left with their elements on them. Twilight, Applejack, and Rainbow were on the right with their elements. Each one of them had determined looks on them as they stood proudly and gazed over the crowd.

“This monument here shall serve as a reminder to everypony about what you’ve done. Your tale shall be passed from generation to generation. Equestria is forever in your debt for all you’ve done to save this kingdom. Savor this victory and let us celebrate the return of all seven Elements of Harmony.”

The crowd cheered wildly as balloons poured into the sky and the Wonderbolts flew through the sky and doing acrobatics. Princess Celestia’s horn glowed again and the same aura surrounded her throat. After a few minutes, it went away again and let out a sigh of relief. She looked over towards Princess Luna and urged her to go start the party. While she did that, the white alicorn went over towards Spike and the others and saw them all smiling.

“I don’t want to keep you all waiting.” She said. “I know you’ve all been through so much these past few weeks and you all deserve to celebrate to your heart’s content. Spike, I’ll need to see you for a few minutes though.”

The dragon turned towards the others and said, “Go on everypony, I’ll be right there.” He saw the others nod and turned to head into the party. Rarity gave him a kiss on the cheek before joining her friends. Spike blushed a little, but shook it off as he looked at Princess Celestia.

“What do you need princess?” He asked.

“I wanted to thank you again Spike for what you and your friends have done.” She said. “This nightmare can finally be put to rest and Nightmare Moon is gone for good.”

“Thanks princess, but it was really nothing. My friends helped me out as well and I couldn’t have done it without them.”

“You truly have a modest spirit there Spike. To be honest, I wanted you to stay because there’s another pony who wants to speak to you.”

Before Spike could ask who it was, Princess Celestia stepped aside. Standing right behind her was Markus was a small smile on his face.

“What are you doing here Markus?” Spike asked. “I thought you weren’t allowed back into Canterlot since…you know.”

“The C.S.I. council board decided to lift that ban on me actually.” The gray stallion said. “Thanks to the princess here and the testimony I gave, they decided to allow me back into Canterlot again.”

“So are you going to take your job back then?”

“No Spike…my days as a scientist are over. I’ve decided to actually stay in Ponyville and run my potion shop now. I’m going to do some renovations first and then open my shop. I also heard there’s this zebra who lives in the Everfree Forest. I’m going to try to learn some things from her and probably get some more potion supplies from her.”

“That’s great Markus! So what else are you going to do now?”

Markus looked up at the sky and smiled. “I’m going to do what I was told to do, live.”

“What do you mean by that?” Spike asked with a confused look on his face.

“Let’s just say, an old friend has shown me that I shouldn’t be so hung up on the past. Before I leave though and join the party, I have one last thing to say.” He went over and gave him a quick hug. “Thank you…for helping me get the closure I really needed ten years ago. You truly have a noble and generous spirit to do what you did.”

Spike gave a smile and said, “I’m glad you did Markus. Good luck with your business and I hope to see you again soon.”

“Our paths shall cross again Spike.” He said. “I’m just glad I ran into a friend like you Spike. I am forever grateful for all you’ve done. So until we meet again, farewell.”

Spike watched as Markus waved and turned to head into the crowd. He kept watching until the gray unicorn wasn’t in sight anymore. He stood there and smiled knowing his newfound friend found peace at last. He turned around and looked at Princess Celestia, but she was urging him to look to his side. He looked and saw Rarity standing there and batted her eyelashes at him. The dragon knew what he had to do and walked over towards his marefriend.

“May I have this dance m’lady?” He asked as he extended a claw.

Rarity giggled and nodded. “You certainly do know how to treat a mare Spike.” She grabbed Spike’s claw and was escorted by him into the dancing area.

Twilight and the others watched in the distance as Spike and Rarity began to dance together. The crowd stepped back a little to give them space as music began to play. The entire crowd, including Twilight and her friends, looked on in awe from the sight. Twilight let out a tear and smiled to herself from the sight in front of her.

Pinkie grabbed Fluttershy’s hoof and pulled her into the dancing area. At first, the yellow pegasus was very timid, but Pinkie held her closely and managed to get her to dance slowly with her. The sound of hoofsteps caught Twilight and the rest of her friends’ attention. They all turned to see Caramel, Big Macintosh, and none other than Soarin approaching the refreshments table near the three mares.

“Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!” Rainbow shouted joyfully. “It’s…it’s S-Soarin!”

The sky blue stallion heard his name being called and looked up to see Rainbow. She blushed furiously and looked away in embarrassment. She jumped a little as she felt somepony tap her shoulder and turned to see Soarin again.

“Hey there, you’re Rainbow Dash, right?” He asked. “It’s been a while since I’ve last seen you. You and your friends certainly have a knack for saving Equestria from all kinds of danger, don’t you?”

Rainbow tried to say something, but was feeling a little tongue tied. “Um…where’s Spitfire at? Is she sick or something?”

“Oh, not at all, she’s just chatting with some apple farmer from Appleloosa.” He and Rainbow turned to see the yellow pegasus laughing along with Braeburn. “I think from what I understand she and him are old friends and used to date before she joined us. It looks like their starting to rekindle that flame again.”

“That’s kind of cool.” Rainbow said in a small voice.

“You know, I was wondering if you’d like to dance with me actually.” Soarin said. “Um…that is if you don’t mind.” His face blushed a deep crimson red as he held out his hoof.

Rainbow took it and nodded. “Let’s hit the dance floor then!” She shouted confidently. She dragged Soarin into the dancing area and disappeared from out of sight.

Twilight and Applejack were now the only ones remaining at the refreshments table. Applejack heard somepony sighing nearby and turned to see Caramel in a tuxedo much like Spike’s from the Grand Galloping Gala. He poured himself a cup of red punch and sipped it slowly. He noticed Applejack looking at him and turned away.

“Howdy Caramel, is everythin’ alright?” Applejack asked.

The tan stallion looked up towards the farmer pony and gave a forced smile. “I’m okay Applejack, really I am.”

“Don’t ya lie t’me sugarcube.” The orange mare said in a stern tone. “Y’all know ya can’t lie to mah face like that. Ah know somethin’ is buggin’ ya.”

Caramel lowered his head and nodded. “Alright Applejack, if you want to know, it’s just…I feel like an idiot for not saving you.”

“What in tarnation are ya talkin’ ‘bout partner? Is this ‘bout when Ah was ponynapped by the disciples?”

Caramel nodded again and said, “I just wish I could’ve done more for you. I didn’t even put up that much of a fight and I let those jerks hurt you. I couldn’t…”

“Now you hold on a minute there Caramel.” Applejack said. “Ah don’t want t’hear ya puttin’ yerself down fer somethin’ like that. Ah saw ya fight them varmints and how ya bucked that one stallion so hard, he was sent flyin’.”

“T-thanks Applejack, but…I just wish I could’ve been able to save you, I’m sorry I couldn’t.”

“Caramel, ya got nothing’ t’be sorry ‘bout. Yer a good worker and a mighty fine stallion, even if ya do mess up every now and then. Now why don’t we cut the chattin’ and dance? Ah’ll lead if ya want.”

Caramel gave a slow nod and blushed a little. “Thanks Applejack, I would love to.” He grabbed her hoof and was taken by the farmer pony into the large crowd.

Twilight now stood alone and observed all her friends. Spike and Rarity were still dancing together, but were holding each other closely now and going slow. Soarin and Rainbow were no longer dancing and talked to one another. Pinkie and Fluttershy were both at a table grabbing something to eat and snuggling against each other. Caramel and Applejack were both dancing slowly as well and were both blushing a little.

She even noticed the Cutie Mark Crusaders had someponies of their own as well. Snails and Applebloom were walking and laughing with each other. Sweetie seemed to be dancing with a very skinny cream colored pegasus who she recognized as Featherweight. Even Scootaloo was dancing with a gray pegasus colt with a combed back dark gray mane and tail she didn’t recognize. Twilight felt a tinge of sorrow and loneliness surge through her as she looked upon her friends and sighed.

“Well howdy there Miss Twilight.” A deep voice said.

The lilac unicorn looked up to see Big Macintosh wearing a black tuxedo and his mane and tail combed back. “Oh, hi there Big Macintosh.” She said. “What are you doing here?”

“Ah could be askin’ ya the same thing.” The red stallion replied. “Why aren’t ya celebratin’ with yer friends?”

“Well…it’s just that I really can’t…dance.” Twilight said in a small voice. “I always seem to dance so weirdly and ponies would just laugh at me.”

“How ‘bout Ah help ya then? Ah’ll lead and y’all can follow.”

Twilight looked up at Big Macintosh and felt something stir inside her. She smiled and nodded. “Sure…I’d love to.” She said as she grabbed the red stallion’s hoof and was led into the crowd. She could see all her friends giving her encouraging smiles as they danced with their partners. She couldn’t help but blush a little as they all danced the party away.

The celebration seemed to last all day and continued on into the night. Spike had stopped dancing a while ago and was walking through the Canterlot Royal Gardens with Rarity. The two wanted to do one last thing together before joining the others at the castle and getting some sleep. They made their way up a hill and saw a lone tree at the top of it. The two went to the top and rested against the tree together. They held each other and listened to the faint sounds of partying in the distance. They held each other closely as they looked over a portion of Canterlot and said nothing.

“Spike?” Rarity asked after a few minutes. “Do you mind if I ask you something?”

“Go ahead Rarity.” The dragon said. “You can tell me anything.”

“Well…I just wanted to know one thing. If Princess Celestia did find a spell to make you into a pony forever, would you have taken her offer?”

Spike thought over the question for a few moments and took it in. “Rarity…I would’ve taken it, but only if it made you happy. I was under the impression that you wanted a pony as your prince. If she did find it, I would’ve wanted to ask you first about what you would want me to become. So, what would you have preferred?”

“Darling…it doesn’t matter if you’re a dragon or a pony. You’re my knight in shining armor and I would love you no matter what decision you made. I’ll be here for you always Spike and so shall our friends.”

Rarity moved in and kissed Spike on the lips and he returned the kiss. They broke the kiss after a couple of minutes and Rarity snuggled against Spike. As he held her and stroked her mane, he saw something in the corner of his right eye. He looked up and was shocked to see who it was. He saw the ghost of Leon and surrounding him were his former friends in his lifetime. They all gave him a warm smile as they watched him for a few minutes. Spike smiled back at them and watched as they all gave him a salute and disappeared.

“Darling, is something the matter?” Rarity asked. “Did you see somepony you knew?”

Spike looked down at Rarity and smiled. “Let’s just say, it was some old friends from a long time ago. They had to leave and wanted to say farewell to me.”

“Oh, I’m sorry if I missed them Spike. I guess I’m just feeling a little tired is all. Would you please carry me to the castle, so I can go to bed?”

Spike picked her up slowly and made his way down the hill. “It would be my please Lady Rarity.”

“Thank you Sir Spike, you really are a gallant knight.” Rarity closed her eyes and snuggled into Spike’s chest.

As Spike made his way back towards the castle, he looked at Rarity and smiled to himself. He gave her a kiss on the cheek before making his way into the castle and towards their room. As they prepared to enter the castle, a series of fireworks went off for a few moments. One of them showed a dragon’s head and a unicorn’s head with a heart surrounding both of them. Spike was secretly watching it with Rarity and looked at each other with smiles on their faces. They moved in and gave one more kiss on the lips that lasted for what seemed to be an eternity. They both broke the kiss after a few moments and went into the castle together.


Comments ( 136 )

Righteous :moustache:

one emoticon sums up the feelings i have towards this story. dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Bonbon_OMG_LOVE.png

and so it has ended.... this was such a good story!!! this story had everything that i like in it. romance, action, adventure, mystery. thank you, you magnificent person, for writing this :moustache: :pinkiehappy:

Hmmm.... a fine ending if I do say so myself. :pinkiehappy: :moustache::heart::raritystarry: oh yeah !!!!!!!

1023936 you are welcome!:yay: you deserve it.

And then they had Like a dozen kirin children THE END

Tears of Joy

Before I read it, there's a mistake in the title
A Dream Come Ture

True* :pinkiehappy:

EDIT: Simply awesome. I'll definitely be rereading this one. You sir, are a fantastic writer. 10/10.

Hooray, happy endings for everyone involved, except the ringleader of that cult, and the folks that got killed, but everyone else gets happy endings so it's good.

Very beautiful story indeed.
I usually shun SpikexRarity ships, however this has been a rare expection where it actually works out, and is acceptable without having the whole age difference thing. Concept itself was very interesting and kep interest to to last word.

So, I suspect you've got a sequel planned up? If so, then any predictions when?

Spike approves.

Is it sad that I was listening to Mario Kart 64 music for the party scene? (the music that plays after you finish a Grand Prix and place in the top 3)

I DEMAND A SEQUEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!:flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage:

An awesome end. Looks like love is in the air for the ponies. I really like how you tied everything up with Spike accepting the CMC's apology and passing on the message to Celestia.

What do you have planned next, or are you just gonna take it easy for a little bit?

Twi Mac?TWI MAC?!Yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes!!!:twilightsmile:
I mean ,great story,love the ending,hehehe.....:twilightblush:
No really I loved the ending!:twilightsmile:

Only if it's sad to listen to a doctor who soundtrack while reading a doctor whooves fic.

This was probably the best story I ever read!

Then the next day a new bed had to be ordered for the room Spike and Rarity shared because the old bed broke because of a lot of movement during the night


I have the title for the squeal 'Children of Harmony'.

and thus we mark the ending of a legendary story, may those of pure heart and bravery be awarded and may the writer of destiny and fate, live free. die well

Sir, you are truly an epic writer. I look forward to more of your works. :yay:

That was just... Epic. I am too dumbfound to sum up my feelings right now!
This is one of those stories i will remember for a LONG time!

that ending was realy wonderful....A bit much shipping in this Chapter, but as long as Spike and Rarity are happy i´m too. Thank you for this great and awesome fanfiction, you are a real master of Writting

And this is how it ends. A very deserved one, and very epic. Shipfics aren't really my thing, buuuuuuuuuuuuut this is just awesome. Wishing to see more.:twilightsmile:

Alas, the story ends.

It was a great story, and although I personally have qualms with the shippings that started this chapter, it was still great.

I'm not sure, but did I detect Pinkie Pie x Fluttershy shipping?

A sequel with there children would be so epic

1023933 I'm glad you enjoyed it. :twilightsmile:
1023958 Thanks for reading it.
1024007 Lolz, well they do have a Kirin.
1024032 Whoops! Just fixed it and thanks! :twilightoops:
1024056 Thanks for reading!

1025225 thank you for writing it.:pinkiehappy:

Will there be an alternate ending chapter? Like if he had chosen to be a pony?

this is my least favorite chapter.:trixieshiftleft: wanna know why?:trixieshiftright: its because this is the final chapter of this story.:twilightangry2:

1024069 I don't know about a sequel, but I may do something along the lines of it.
1024106 Thanks!
1024130 Not really.
1024184 Maybe.
1024203 I'm going to take a big break. School will be starting soon and I really went into overdrive to get this story finished before the semester started.

1024218 I'm glad you enjoyed it and yes indeed, TwiMac, or at least the beginning of it.
1024254 Thanks!
1024260 Read on to find out.
1024261 Lolz. :rainbowlaugh:
1024383 Thanks!

1024526 Why must all good stories end?
1024607 Maybe I'll do a sequel like that.
1024644 Thank you. :pinkiesmile:
1024762 Thanks!
1024763 I hope you will.

1024855 Ship all the ponies!
1024880 Thanks! Glad you liked this particular ship fic.
1025025 I'm glad you enjoyed it.
1025029 Now what gave you that idea? :trollestia:
1025068 Perhaps I'll do it.

1025457 What threw me off the most about that, is that I've never seen that type of shipping, oddly enough. The only pony I've seen shipped with Pinkie are RD, Pokey, Twi, Spike, and Big Mac. What you did genuinely surprised me. You should feel honored by this. It's not easy to surprise me. For this, you have earned 5 :moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache:. Congratulations!

It would be my please Lady Rarity. Pleasure.

Moving on, it's over:raritydespair: But at the same time:twilightsmile:

I'm so split when it comes to this beautiful ending.

Now that it is done, I can finally use this!


Twas a magical tale!

(Insert credits here)

1025484 Oh, there is a good deal of FlutterPie if you know where to go.
1025545 Well I am Star Wars fan and consider RoTJ to be one of my favorites.
1025591 Crap, thanks. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
1025868 You can indeed now.
1025881 I need to do that.

Wow, just wow. You know I really got into this and then that bombshell:

"Spike, since you and Rarity are together, I’ve given the two of you to share a room together. I’ll be sure to place a sound blocking spell in case you two want to have some time with each other"
Not gonna lie, kinda died laughing, especially at the fact that Applebloom was there.

Seriously though great work, engrossing to say the least and certainly the best use of the "Spike into a pony" storyline I've seen.

1025962 I was hoping it would make somepony laugh. Celestia sure isn't shy about that kind of stuff.

Ah it is sad to see such a great story come to an end but it was along and fantastic road, and i am glad to see how you wrapped it up as well as glad to see Spike finally got Rarity. I hope you know you wrote a kickass fic and i hope you have fun on your long and deserved break. As I can not wait to see what the next story you write down the road will be. :pinkiehappy:

1026566 I'm rally glad you enjoyed the chapter and all. I hope to write something again, but for now, I need a break.

Gaaasp! Is the title a reference to a 1975 Sean Connery movie?! I thought I was the only one who ever saw it! I guess this means that I have to read this now, though. Goodbye, sleep. I shall see you.... On the other side.

1027315 Hmmm I didn't even know I did a reference to that. I'm glad to see somepony who actually pointed that out for me. :twilightsmile:

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