• Published 25th Feb 2012
  • 18,963 Views, 1,562 Comments

Then You Saw Her - Possiblydominator

Romance story w/ Ditzy written from the 2nd Person POV. Deals with issues of the heart and of life.

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Chapter 7: A Broad New Horizon

20 minutes ‘till my shift. Still have some time left. Today is the first day of your new job, you were scheduled for the ‘zombie’ shift as some of the other pegasi call it. The ‘zombie’ shift was the mix of the early morning shift and the late morning shift which ranged from 5am until noon. It wasn’t your first choice, nor did you have a choice. Since you were the newbie you had to work the zombie shift for one week before you could start negotiating for a different shift, it was just how the ‘Weather Brigade’ worked. If it were up to you, you would still be asleep by the time your shift would end. It was a few days after your date with Ditzy, still every time you remembered her kiss on your cheek, it filled you with a bubbly glee.

Wingsley knew that you would be getting up too early to walk, you saw some disappointment on his face when you told him, but he assured you that he could manage. Going back to your mental list, you remembered to make Wingsley’s lunch, you have the spare key next to his bag, you have your lunch and the key in your saddlebags as well. Feeling contented, you jump into the air and ascend to the sky.

The weather station, in traditional pegasi fashion, was a large cloud structure located above the Whitetail Forest. The Whitetail Forest was the second forest bordering Ponyville. Not as awe-inspiring or dangerous as the Everfree, Whitetail is located in the space between Ponyville and Cloudsdale. Whether the location of the station in this regard was purposeful, you may never know. You had only seen the weather station on a few occasions, you never had the pleasure of going inside and exploring, as only official personnel were allowed.

Navigating the skies before dawn put undue stress on your eyes. Visibility was at an all time low, cautiousness and anxiety swirled in your head as you debated the most appropriate flight path. If I fly too low, I’ll be able to see the ground better but I run the risk of hitting a tree. If I fly too high, I might miss the station entirely. Dammit, damn this time, damn my eyes, damn this cold. AUUGH! Damn everything! In this constant debate, you find yourself transitioning above and below the cloud level, causing you narrowly avoid lone clouds on a regular basis.

Confound it all! You brake mid-air, hovering a high altitude above the Whitetail. Searching the horizon, you try to spot any sign of the elusive station. Slowly scanning the 120 degree field of vision in front of you, you are rewarded with a glint of white on a considerably larger structure. Squinting your eyes and slowly moving forward, the picture becomes clearer. Relief rushes through you, which is soon replaced by the lingering chill of the cold. Shivering, you suddenly become aware of the rest of your body and rush to the sanctuary of the station.

The station itself had the usual grandness of cloud architecture. The cloud foundation was easily one and a half times as large as the constructed building resting on top of it. The main section of the station was surrounded by the traditional pillars of the Pegasi Empire era, with an impossibly constructed facade adorning the surface of the structure. Located on the bottom section of the station, were a multitude of exhaust vents. The station as a whole was an oblong structure, shaped similarly to a boat, giving the impression of sailing across the sky. While the station did sway, it was kept in the same position by literally anchoring itself above a body of water using an evaporation/precipitation anchor which caused an almost invisible reaction that used a contained version of the rain cycle to fuel and hold the cloud in a single spot.

The entrance to the rest of the structure was located at the landing pad on the top of the primary building. You dive down, pulling up only slightly to prevent yourself from crashing. After landing, you moved to the door that said “Enter” and began the first day of your new job.


“Hi,” says a friendly voice, “You’re the new guy right?”

“Yeah, that’d be me,” you say affirmatively.

The pegasus nodded in acknowledgement, “Good to have you here, I’m Cloudkicker.”

“Nice to meet you Cloudkicker,” you reply. Short and to-the-point, pegasi jobs have tendency to be very militaristic, and small talk is regularly looked down upon.

“Locker-rooms are to the right, we’re airborne in ten minutes, understand?”

“Yes ma’am.”


Moving through the door labeled “Stallions,” you check around to see where your locker is so you can drop off your saddlebags. Peering through line after line of lockers, you search through quickly to find the locker that is entitled to you. Perking up when you see your name on a locker, you make a motion to deposit your bags. After closing the locker, you sit down on the bench behind you, taking in everything. After doing a series of calming breaths you are interrupted by loud hoofsteps as they echo through the empty space. Turning to look at the source of the sound, you see another male stallion, about your size and height. He had a dark brown windswept mane, with an off white coat. On his flank, you could see his cutie mark was a swirling of clouds. Surprise evident on his face, he greets you, “Hey, I haven’t seen you here before, you new in Ponyville?”

“Yeah, I came here from Cloudsdale. First day on the job,” you answer.

“Ahh, the zombie shift. I remember those days, it’s alright, the first day is always the hardest,” nodding in sympathy he continues, “Speaking of which, did you have trouble finding the station?”

“Yeah, how did you know?”

Giving a laugh and a motion encompassing the building he explains, “Everypony has trouble finding this place in the dark, you get used to it after a while. I remember my first day, I wasn’t watching where I was going and as I turned to make sure I hadn’t missed it, I crashed head first into one of the pillars outside. The dent where I hit is still there.” You share a laugh with your new acquaintance, being thankful for a friendly face. You appreciate him trying to welcome you and sensing your uneasiness. But before you open your mouth, the mysterious stranger in front of you continues, “You know I don’t think I’ve introduced myself, I’m Prevailing Wind. What’s yours?” You introduce yourself and Wind gives you a slap on the side, “Well it’s good to have you here.”

“You too. It’s good to know at least one pony here.”

“Agreed. Although I don’t know anypony here either, except for Cloudkicker. I’m not usually part of this shift,” he sighed.

“So then, why are you here at this Celestia-damned hour?”

“I got in trouble with Rainbow Dash and she forced me into three zombie shifts this week,” Wind grimaced.

“Its better than seven days this week,” you retort, chuckling.

“Yeah,” the stallion chuckled in turn, “Let’s say I don’t envy you.”

“I don’t think anyone envies me,” your voice trailed off.

“Yeah, that’s the joy of the zombie shift. Speaking of which, what shifts are you transferring into?”

“Most likely the late morning shift and the first afternoon shift.”

“Hey that’s awesome, those are my shifts.”

A loud voice is heard from the entrance of the lockers, “Common’ ladies! Get off your wings, we got a job to do!”

Rolling his eyes, Prevailing Wind said in a sarcastic tone, “Yes mom! I’ll be there in a second!”

“Don’t push your luck Prevailing, or I’ll kick your flank too.”

You both moved toward the door and Prevailing Wind leans over and whispers, “Yeah, she totally wants me.”

“Yeah, I’ll bet,” you laugh.


“Stay in formation!” Cloudkicker shouted to us over the roar of the wind, barely audible. The entire crew for the early morning shift was flying in a V-formation over Ponyville, ready to break off at a moment’s notice to go to our assigned tasks. Since the early morning shift was unfortunate enough to be awake before the sun stretched over the horizon, the decreased visibility did not allow the team to set up the weather for the rest of the day. So the goal of the early morning crew was to prepare the skies for the later teams, this normally entailed removing stray clouds that went too low or too high. What the “Early Birds” do at this hour help the weather teams for the rest of the day, this clean up time is a huge time saver so that the later teams can focus solely on the weather.

“Prevailing, Newbie, break off! Get rid of those clouds in the north-north-east!” Cloudkicker shouted.

Simultaneously, you and Prevailing Wind bank off to your right and descend to the assigned targets. Giving two hard flaps, then tightening your wings to your body you fly like a missile straight to a group of clouds. Checking next to you, you see Prevailing Wind doing the same. Doing a calculation in your head, you estimate your time until impact with the cloud. 300........ 250.......... 200............150............... 100............... 50........ here we go. You turn your head to the side and brace yourself for the impact.

Clouds are notorious for being soft, fluffy, and dispels when hit with enough force. The polar water inside will hold the cloud together up to a certain point, but if it is struck by a pony, specifically a pegasus going approximately 50 feet per second, it will be blasted apart into tiny groupings of gaseous water, which will precipitate almost immediately.

You and Prevailing hit the clouds with-in moments of each other, removing all traces of the clouds from the sky. Slowing down, extending your wings and curving back around to observe your destruction, you see that the clouds in the region have been neutralized. You look up to Prevailing and give him an affirmative nod. Scanning for himself, he turns back to you, smiles, and returns the nod. With a motion of his head he tell you that it’s time to get back to the group. You acknowledge him by flying with him back to the flock. This day’s going to be pretty fun...


Your first day has almost come to a close. A call from your supervisor to take care of the last clouds was heard in the background. Might as well make this last one fun. You accelerate high into the sky and suddenly you stop flapping and start to fall. Repositioning yourself, you elbow-drop 100 feet directly onto your target, blasting straight through the cloud. Satisfied your work is done, turn yourself toward the station and begin the trip to get your saddlebags and head home.

You hear someone calling your name behind you as you turn to look. You see Prevailing Wind waving to you and coming to meet you. “Hey man, how was your first day?”

Waiting for him, you say, “It was pretty good, are they all this fun?”

“Looks like we got an overachiever over here,” Prevailing seems to say to unknown audience but continues, “In all seriousness, yeah, weather patrol is pretty fun.”

“So Prevailing, I don’t think I’ve seen you around Ponyville. Which is pretty surprising given Pinkie introduced me to almost everypony.”

“I normally don’t hang out on the ground very often, nothing to do really. I like to hang out near the outskirts of the Everfree, in the clouds that is. Pegasi are everywhere over Ponyville normally, we normally take up residence in the sky however, very few stay on the ground.”

“That would explain why I didn’t see many pegasi on my first few days,” you ponder to yourself.

“So what about you? How are you liking Ponyville?” Prevailing interjects.

“So far so good, a lot different from Cloudsdale.”

“Yeah, but its nice here, quiet town kinda feel to it,” quickly catching himself and adding, “When the world isn’t ending however.”

Sharing a laugh you continue onto the station, you notice a look in Prevailing eye as he asks, “So who’s your special some-pony?”

Startled by the comment, you retort, “What makes you think that I have a ‘special some-pony’?”

“You have that look about you, so come on, am I right?”

“Well,” you pause, “Kinda, I guess.”

“Knew it,” Prevailing said with an air of authority, “So what’s her name?”

“Ditzy Doo,” you tell him.

“You’re going out with Derpy?” said Prevailing, confused.

Raising your eyebrow you ask, “Yeah? What of it?”

“Nothing, she’s cute and all, I just didn’t expect it.”

“Fair enough,” you shrug.

“So have you guys,” he clears his throat, “you know?” His voice trailed off, the innuendo very much present.

Hearing this causes you to choke for a moment as your eyes enlarge and blush deeply, you stammer, “We? Us? No, of course not! I mean, well, not yet. I... I um-”

Cutting you off from your babbling, Prevailing laughed, “I’m kidding man. Its ok, I’m just messing with you.”

You fix him a serious glare that causes him to burst out laughing. You fly the rest of the way back to the station with casual small talk, not bringing up Ditzy for the rest of the way.


First day done, I can get used to this. Although I would prefer to be able to drop Wingsley off at school first. Not to mention I really don’t want to get up at that damnable hour. You take a quick shower to wash off the sweat and dreariness of the day, letting the warm water fall over your muscles, instantly relieving you of all your tension. You spread out your wings allowing the water to strike your feathers and the sensitive skin beneath them. You have never been in a state of utter relaxation like this for some time, minding how long you have taken in the shower, you quickly turn off the water. Stepping outside, you shoot an apologetic glance to the other disgruntled pegasi waiting for a turn to shower.

Shaking yourself off, you go to your locker to pick up your saddlebags so you can leave for the day. A quick check of your belongings confirmed that everything was still there. Taking a sigh of relief, you put your saddlebags over your back and move toward the entrance to the lockers. Once outside you take a look around, curiously you see Prevailing Wind outright flirting with Cloudkicker and getting shot down in the process. This did not seem to be phasing Prevailing as he kept driving through the walls of rejection being put up around him.

“Has anypony said how beautiful you look today?”

Cloudkicker sighed, “Yes, you did, five times.”

“Really? I hardly noticed. But I think it is worth it to say again, you look very pretty today.”

Rolling her eyes, Cloudkicker finally noticed you. Doing a double take, she recognized an escape from her suitor. Exasperated Cloudkicker motioned to you, “Hey look, your boyfriend is here. Can you go pester him now? Please, just leave me alone.”

Submitting Prevailing concluded, “Fine, I’ll give you your space, but don’t act like you don’t enjoy the attention,” giving a knowledgeable smile.

Sighing, Cloudkicker walked off in the other direction of Prevailing. As you both turn to walk out, you ask, “What was the deal with that? How do you get shot down that many times and keep going?”

“Elementary my dear Watson,” he says taking on an accent, “It is obvious she is playing hard to get, all you need is just a little effort and the ladies will be all over you.”

“That’s not what my track record says,” you respond.

“Sorry to hear that, so that’s not the way it was with Derpy?”

“With Ditzy,” emphasising her actual name, you continue, “We had some... difficulties, yes, but it's resolved.” Hearing the name ‘Derpy’ brings you back to that time at the post office with that jerk of a pony and you have since promised yourself to never call her ‘Derpy.’ Ponies may call her Derpy as much as they do Ditzy, but in all honesty you felt that the name ‘Derpy’ isn’t feminine enough for a pony such as herself.

Flying back to the center of Ponyville with your new friend, you both decide to pick up some lunch. You find that downtown Ponyville was quite crowded at this time with ponies going to and fro across the street. Landing on the edge of the lunchtime rush, you move into the crowd in order to find a restaurant. Prevailing perked his head up to oversee the situation when he nudged you saying, “Hey I think I see your lady-friend over there.”

“Over where?” you ask, now scanning the crowd as well.

“Right there, next to the table.”

“Which table? There’s ten.”

“Far left, dammit man how do you not see your own girlfriend?”

“Hey, come on. There’s a small army in front of us, what do you want from me? I’m only equestrian.”

“Go over and talk to her, I’ll be fine here.”

Seeing you and your friend peeking over the crowd, Ditzy’s face lights up and she turns and waves, greeting you to the table. Prevailing gives you a small push toward her as he leaves.

“Hey!” you shout, turning your head toward Prevailing. But he’s already disappeared within the crowd, leaving you alone in a jumbled mess of ponies running and flying every which way. It takes you a moment to get your bearings, but you just make out the sight of Ditzy’s mane over the heads of the ponies walking by you. Without a second thought you jump into the air, wings spread wide, pumping them hard to quickly ascend over the crowd now gathered below you. As you float forward above the crowd your eyes meet Ditzy’s for a brief moment, causing you to lose focus a bit and stumble in your flight. You regain your balance and look back at her, noticing her giggle softly, a pink glow radiating from her cheeks. Smooth move champ, real smooth, you think to yourself.

By the time you reach the table and take a seat next to Ditzy, you notice there’s a yellow haired mare with an orange mane sitting across from you. “Hey Ditzy, who’s your friend here?” You ask.

“Hello there clumsy.” Ditzy giggles, “This is Carrot Top, she’s just a friend of mine I met back when I first moved into Ponyville.”

You’re unsure, but you think you catch Carrot Top send a weird look toward Ditzy. You ignore it and offer Carrot Top your hoof, “Hi, nice to meet you Carrot Top.”

Carrot Top offers her hoof in return, shaking yours gently up and down. “You must be new in town,” She says, “I haven't seen your face around here before.”

“Actually, “Ditzy answers, “He is new in town. He just moved in from Cloudsdale a few weeks ago.”

“So how did you two meet?” Carrot Top asks.

“We met at Pinkie’s welcoming party for me the day after I moved.”

“Oh, so this is the guy you were telling me about. Not bad Ditzy, not bad at all,” remarked Carrot Top causing you to chuckle a little nervously as Ditzy turned as red as an apple.

“Carrot Top...” Ditzy said quietly giving her a push on the shoulder, “We don’t talk about that stuff in front of him,” giving a quick head gesture to you.

Laughing, Carrot Top knew she had hit a nerve and was not about to stop. “You two went on a date recently, how did that go?” giving a bob with her eyebrows. Deadpan expression locked on her face, Ditzy focused both her eyes on Carrot Top, trying to burn a hole in the side of her head.

“Nothing like that happened, Carrot Top. I think its time for you to stop talking now...” Ditzy said in a warning tone.

“Now hang on, I want to hear it from the boyfriend,” turning toward you she asks, “So hot stuff, how did the date go?”

Stunned ever-so-slightly, you clear your throat and begin to detail what happened on the date; the soup, the drunk, and everything in between it, leaving out the kiss on the cheek at the end of the date as to not bring more teasing to Ditzy. Not to mention, you did kinda like that Carrot Top mentioned you as ‘The Boyfriend.’

Laughing, Carrot Top said, “Sounds like a fun date, so what happened afterwards? Anything you don’t want me to know, Ditzy?” she asked in a teasing voice. Why does everypony always ask that?

“Nothing happened, it was the first date, I’m not that kind of mare!” Ditzy said incredulously.

A smile full of malice was slowly growing across Carrot Top’s face when she said, “So what you are saying is that ‘it’ is still a possibility on later dates. Good news buddy,” she says to you, “Sounds like you are getting lucky soon.”

You blush and turn your head down with only a tiny smile on your face. Ditzy on the other hand looked like she was about to get violent. She was a bright vibrant red and had the expression of a pony that was about to summon demons from the deepest, darkest realms of Hell and woe to the poor soul that crossed her path. Her eyes beamed with a stare that you felt could rend the souls of mere mortals if eye contact was achieved, you were happy that this rage was not directed to you. “Carrot Top, I swear...” Ditzy spoke through gritted teeth.

“Well I better leave you two lovebirds to do your thing. Ditzy apparently doesn’t like me intruding.” Ditzy was still staring at her with murder when Carrot Top went right next to you and spoke softly so that only you could hear. “You break her heart and I break your face,” she said in her normal happy voice which left you with a single shiver down your spine.

Still glaring in her general direction, Ditzy tells you, “She gets me so angry sometimes. I swear, it’s like she feeds on this stuff.”

“So how do you two know each other?”

“Carrot Top was my first friend in Ponyville, I moved in next door to her. She also helps me with the kids sometimes.”

“Speaking of which, school is almost out. We should get going.” You two immediately jump from your seat, grab your lunch and leave for the school. Briskly walking trying to enjoy each other’s company despite the fact that other more pressing matters were at hoof.


You arrive at the entrance of the school just as the dismissal bell rang, panting from the jog you just had you look at each other with a sigh of relief. Together you wait until you see both Wingsley and Dinky. As expected, Dinky and Wingsley were inseparable, once they saw you two they galloped toward you.

Ditzy holds up her hoof, her face lights up as Dinky approaches. She called out, “Hey Muffin, how was your day?”

“It was great, mommy!”

“That’s great Muffin,” giving her daughter a hug.

“How about you, man? How was your day?” you ask Wingsley in a way expected of brothers.

“I should ask you the same. And before you get all worried, the house is locked, I got my lunch, and everything else is done,” Wingsley told you. “But yeah, school was okay, a little boring.”

“That’s just because you didn’t understand the math,” Dinky butted in.

“I understood it,” Wingsley sulked, “she just explained it weird.”

Stopping the argument before it started, Ditzy asks everyone, “Hey you know what, we should head over to my house and you two can play there?”

Eyes wide, Wingsley asked you excitedly, “Can I? Can I?”

Shrugging you say, “I don’t see why not, but you have to promise you’ll be good.”

Rolling his eyes he sighs, “I promise.”

Chuckling you say to him, “Okay then, let’s get going, shall we?” The kids ran ahead talking in excited voices while you and Ditzy exchanged small smiles.


Sitting there in Ditzy’s backyard you realize that most of your time together is spent while watching your kids play. Curious as it might have been, you weren’t about to argue; any time spent with Ditzy was time well spent.

“So...” you draw out the ‘o’, “about Carrot Top...”

Turning a light shade of pink, Ditzy asks, “Which part?”

“Does she always try to get on your nerves?”

“A good amount of time, yes she does. She can’t resist teasing me when new stuff, like you, pop up in my life.”

“So,” you turn to her with those playful smiles she does so well, “I’m the ‘boyfriend?’” Referring to what Carrot Top had said previously.

Not amused and clearly still embarrassed by her friend, Ditzy gives you a bump on the side, “Don’t push it buddy.”

Wearing a mock pained expression you tell Ditzy, “Ouch, just twist the knife while you’re at it.”

Ditzy attempted to look displeased with you, but you found that some of the effect was negated by how cute she looked. Her brow was furrowed in minor annoyance, her mouth pouted in a way that caused your heart to melt. You did everything in your power to not burst out laughing, difficult as it was you were successful in pushing down that emotion. Instead of laughing, you simply asked while smiling bashfully, “Do you know how cute you look when you are trying to look angry?”

Raising her eyebrow and giving you a knowledgeable smile, she tells you matter-of-factly, “Very, I’m adorable of course.”

You haven’t scratched the surface, you think to yourself. “Well no objections over here,” giving her another smile which led to you just staring at each other, smiling. The moment is broken by Wingsley as he looks at you two with disgust and exclaims, “Ewww!” So much for that. You sigh and look at Ditzy, she just smiles and gives a shrug.

Almost in defiance of Wingsley’s attempt to break up the moment you suggest to Ditzy, “Hey how about we go out again tonight? Nothing fancy, just hitting a couple of nightclubs. How does that sound?”

Upon hearing this, Ditzy’s face lit up. “I would love to! I haven’t been clubbing for a while, it’ll be fun!”

Relief washed over you as Ditzy said these words. Happy that she actually wanted to spend time with you filled you with a happiness you had not felt for a long time. “Around 8? And I promise, no more drunks,” you pause as a wave of malice washed over you, remembering the first date, “or soup, will bother us.”

Ditzy chuckled as she covered her mouth with her hoof. “Bring Wingsley over and Sparkler will watch them.”

“I wonder if Sparkler is getting tired of babysitting,” you ponder.

“She owes me a few favors,” Ditzy said mysteriously. “And besides, she’s been wanting me to get out of the house more.”

“Well alright then, I can’t wait,” you admit.

The day passed by and after an hour you called, “Wingsley, we’re heading home. Don’t worry you’ll be coming back later.”

“Really?” he asked, confused.

“Yep, I just have to drop by the house to get a few things, and you need to do your homework you lazy bum.”


While you were back at your house, you managed to make yourself look a little more presentable for your second upcoming date with Ditzy. Combing your mane, brushing your teeth, taking a quick shower, you finish feeling fresh and ready for the date. Wingsley was downstairs at the time but you had a feeling he knew what the plan was. The last time you stayed in the bathroom for a long period of time, it was to go on a date with his best friend’s mom.

Finishing freshening up, you head downstairs and find Wingsley waiting on the couch waiting to confront you. You didn’t need to be a psychic to know what was on his mind. With a sigh, you ask, “Yes, what is it?”

“Ready for your date?”

“Yes I am, but really, why do you care so much?”

“It’s just... weird,” his voice trails off.

“Oh come on,” you rebut, “That can’t be the only reason.”

He sighed as the metaphoric dam walls broke and everything spilled out, “When we moved here, I thought it would be just you and me and no one else. It seems like you spend more time with Miss Doo than you do with me!” His voice grows quieter as he admits, “I don’t want to lose you too.”

Flashbacks to your first day in Ponyville flood your head as your heart drops, We are going to have so much fun here! Just you and me, together forever! I love you so much big brother. Echoing in your mind, you make your way to the couch where Wingsley was sitting to console your little brother. You say softly, “Hey don’t think like that. I’m never going to leave you, ever. You are my little brother, I love you Wingsley, I would do anything to make you happy.” You get closer and wrap him in a large embrace, letting him silently sob on your shoulder.

He looks up at you through a thin layer of tears and gives you a small smile, “Big Bro? Can we go somewhere, just you and me? No one else?”

“Of course we can, it’ll be a small vacation.”

The tears stopped soon after and quietly Wingsley said, “Big Bro?”


“I miss mom.”

“Yeah,” you took a deep breath, “Me too.”


You were able to get Wingsley to calm down as you got him excited to play with Dinky. And after enough talk he was more excited to go to Ditzy’s house than you were, the previous conversation pushed down into his consciousness.

Getting outside and locking the door, you begin the approach to Ditzy’s house for the second time today. Recollections from the first date start to come back to you, not the soup or the drunk however, but the feelings of joyful nervousness that you had throughout the date ending with Ditzy’s kiss on the cheek. Those same feelings were coming back to you as you were on your trek to Ditzy’s house.

When you finally got to her house, Ditzy and Dinky were waiting outside for you. You give her a broad smile and she returns it with a welcoming wave.

“Good to see you two,” Ditzy said.

“Hi Wingsley!” Dinky exclaimed. “Come on! Sparkler made popcorn!” clearly excited to get to what ever fun thing was planned for the night. In response, Wingsley ran with Dinky into the house.

Laughing, you say, “Kids, what are you gonna do with them?”

She returned the laugh, “I remember when I was that young. I was just like Dinky is now, all energy and no way to contain it.” Clearing her throat, she asked, “So should we get going?”

Responding you said, “Sure, I know a good club in Ponyville.”

Raising her eyebrows she asked, “Oh really? And when was the last time you went clubbing?”

“Well I... I know of a club,” you say admittedly. “But still come on let’s go,” taking her by the hoof and pulling her toward the town. She went with you without hesitation.


The club itself was heavily populated at this point of night and you expected it to only get more crowded as the night went on. The club was painted a dark navy blue color, at least you thought it was blue, and the multi-colored vibrant lights made it feel as if the building was alive. The bass could be felt coursing through your body and the volume of the music caused you to need to yell to have Ditzy hear you and vice-versa. Calling to you over the sound of the music, you had to read her lips and listen closely for her voice as she yelled, “We should get some drinks!”


“Drinks!” she called, making a motion of drinking out of a glass.

“Oh!” you respond, nodding your head.

You go with Ditzy, making your way through the crowd of ponies to get to the bar. After a dance of avoiding, side-stepping, and the occasional jump over a tripped pony, you find your way to the bartender. Ordering two drinks you and Ditzy sit at the bar and talk while your drinks are made. The area over by the bar was quieter than the entrance, since the speakers were not directly pointed at you, this allowed for more casual conversation.

“So I haven’t been clubbing for a while,” Ditzy admitted to you.

“Neither have I, actually I’m not sure I’ve done anything like this before.”

“Really? You haven’t been out dancing before?”

“Well maybe a few times, but that was a long time ago.”

Your drinks were ready and the bartender set them down in front of the two of you. You payed for them and each took a glass. In response to your previous statement, Ditzy sighed and called out, “Will I have to introduce you to everything? Come on, let’s dance!”

Ditzy dragged you to the dance floor as the next song started and Ditzy spoke directly into your ear in order for you to hear her, “Let’s show these ponies how its done!” You smiled as you started to dance with Ditzy. How did I ever get a girl like her?


The night was going well so far, the DJ was putting good songs down and you and Ditzy were having the time of your lives. The song winded down and you realized that your legs were completely exhausted, you were dehydrated and needed to rest.

Sitting down as the next song picked up, Ditzy asked you, “Can’t dance anymore?”

“No,” you say exhaling hard, “and besides I can’t really dance.”

“Neither can I, but this is my song!” she said moving to a corner of the dance floor close to you. The chorus had immediately picked up so Ditzy began dancing at the end of the verse, waiting for it to repeat.

Lip syncing to the lyrics, while still dancing in a playful carefree way, you could see her turn directly towards you as if she was talking directly towards you.

Mouthing; “Can't you feel that love is in the air?” she swayed back and forth and looked up and gestured to the space around her.

Moving on to “Can't you see we're dancing everywhere?” she continued to sway back and forth while adding in some other dance moves, nothing fancy, but it looked like she was having a blast.

“Now I know why my heart is blue!” at this point she stood on her back two hooves and pointed dramatically to her ‘heart.’

“I feel fine fine fine for you!” moving her hips to the beat, but at the ‘for you’ she singles you out and points directly at you, causing you to blush.

At the two repeats for this line, Ditzy does the same thing, smiling all-the-while.

The beat shifted, and Ditzy changed her dance, she swung her head from side to side, to go along with the heavy bass beat. As the song progressed Ditzy’s dance also progressed, she did more complicated dance manuevers. For a pegasus that ponies thought of as clumsy, Ditzy was very graceful, well as graceful you could be for dancing to club music. Before long, ponies began to clear out room for Ditzy as kept up her dance, making you blush still as the focus of the club was on her, and her focus was on you. She kept at it until the chorus came in again.

“Can't you feel that love is in the air?” she did her dance corresponding to this line, but she moved in, closer to you.

“Can't you see we're dancing everywhere?” she continued to move closer to you, still dancing.

“Now I know why my heart is blue!” as she put her hooves to her chest.

“I feel fine fine fine for you!” she extended her hooves and reached out and lifted you out of your seat in an invitation to dance, which you accepted without any objections. Still staring directly at into your eyes, she brought you to the dance floor.

When it repeated again you mimicked Ditzy’s dance.

“Can't you feel that love is in the air?”
“Can't you see we're dancing everywhere?”
“Now I know why my heart is blue!”
“I feel fine fine fine for you!”

As the song came to a close, you were unaware of all the other ponies in the room. The only thing you could focus on was Ditzy. The song kept going for a little while longer until it was evident that song was winding down. As the last few notes of the song drifted into oblivion, you leaned in, closed your eyes, and you and Ditzy shared your first true kiss.