• Published 11th Sep 2013
  • 17,942 Views, 757 Comments

(Re)Birth Through Fire - Spacecowboy

[Philomena x Human][Rom][Adv][Dark][Hu] Jason has spent countless lives in Equestria, each of them being more troubling than the last. This life, however, presents a new set of challenges

  • ...

Chapter 11 - A Return To Normalcy

A gentle prodding woke Jason from his slumber, causing him to blearily open his eyes. A vivid green framed by reds and oranges met his gaze, and it slowly focused into Philomena's face. "Morning, Jay. Time to wake up." she quietly said, a large smile on her face as she leaned in and pecked him on the lips.

Jason inwardly smiled as he quickly sat up and wrapped his arms around her, causing her to let out a quick gasp as he pulled her in for a longer kiss. Sometime later they parted, both breathless. "Now I could get used to waking up like that..." he trailed off, a gentle smile on his face as he hugged her tightly.

Philomena let out a musical peal of laughter, resting her head in the crook of his neck as she sighed. "While I'll admit that I could spend the rest of the morning like this, I believe there are ponies below who would like to say hello, Jay." She pulled back and hopped off the bed. Jason looked to the balcony, surprised at just how much light was already showing.

"What time is it?" he asked, somewhat surprised that he had slept in. He took her offered hand as he got out of the bed, draping one wing over her back as they walked to the bathroom to run through the morning's necessities.

"It's a little bit after eleven already, Jay. I've been up for awhile, but you needed your rest," she merrily laughed, leaning into him slightly as they entered the bathroom. "Tia has already stopped by, she gave me a rather thorough chiding for not letting you rest... I told her to stuff it though." They both laughed this time as they split from each other.

Jason let out a sigh as he ran his hand over his toothbrush before picking it and the toothpaste up. "Gotta say... I think I missed brushing my teeth. The small things, y'know?" Philomena punched him in the shoulder as he grinned, smearing the toothpaste out and then setting it on the counter. A thought entered his mind, causing his grin to falter and become a frown. "Twilight's back, isn't she... I really hope she isn't attracted to me anymore, I'd rather not have things get–"

Philomena cut him off with her hand covering his mouth, as well as a fierce glare. "Relax, Jay. First and foremost, she's your friend, and she's been through a rough spot. Focus on that first, okay? Leave any romance related stuff to me, understand?" He mutely nodded his head in reply, and as she removed her hand he promptly replaced it with the toothbrush.

The rest of the preparations went by quickly, a few choice words and a pinch of flirting passing between Jason and Philomena in the process. Gently closing the bedroom door behind them, they walked hand in hand through the castle's corridors to the dining room for lunch.

As they entered the room, silence fell over the collected ponies. Jason's eyes locked with Twilight's, who was seated next to Celestia, and he couldn't help but smile and wave at her. Moments later, he was bowled over, purple filling his vision and Philomena's laughter greeting his ears.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Jason! I'm really glad that you're back to yourself, it was all my fault, I–" he found his bearing and silenced Twilight by gently clamping his hand down on her mouth. After a few moments, he wrapped his hands around her neck in a hug, one hand gently massaging her shoulder.

"It's fine, Twilight. What's more important is that you seem to be doing well. I can take hits, y'know?" Twilight hesitantly chuckled as he removed his arms and carefully stood back up. After shooting Philomena a quick glance, he focused back on Twilight who was at his side, head raised slightly to meet his eyes. "I'm really sorry that you had to go through all of that, Twilight... welcome back."

She smiled at him and Philomena, gesturing with a hoof towards the table. "Come and join us for lunch, you two. There's nothing better than a meal with all of one's friends there, you know?" They followed her to the table, Jason taking the seat opposite Celestia, Philomena to his side.

Celestia smiled, looking them both over. "Good afternoon, you two. I am glad to see you looking better, Jason, although I believe I had told someone..." she trailed off, raising a brow at Philomena, "to see that you were properly rested."

Jason laughed as he filled his plate. "I think that she did just that, Celestia. She made certain that the only thing on my mind was rest, and that I was ready for it." Philomena snickered at his side, their wings extending just enough to allow the leading edges to brush against one another.

"Well, you were already more than prepared for some rest, Jason... I hadn't quite meant for her to further you along to that point," she continued, her expression unreadable, "still, I suppose it had some merit to it." Celestia turned to Philomena, a wide grin plastered on her face. "So tell me, old friend, how was it?"

Juice spurted out of Twilight's mouth, and catcalls emanated from Rainbow Dash and Applejack as Philomena let out a large grin. Using her hands, she turned his head and stole Jason's mouth for a moment, letting her lips linger over his in a passionate kiss. As she pulled back, she replied to Celestia's question in as innocent a tone as she could muster. "Why, I'd say that it was everything I'd expected and then some, Tia... jealous?"

Before anyone could respond, Pinkie randomly left her chair, appearing on the table between Jason and Philomena without disturbing a single item. "You know what this calls for! One congratulations on getting laid party, coming up!" Jason's eyes began to water as he held his sides in laughter.

Twilight just shook her head as Fluttershy looked on slightly mortified at the scene before her. "Oh, Pinkie..." she muttered underneath her breath, glad to once more be reunited with all of her friends. The laughter slowly died down as Pinkie produced a cake and with a single swipe of her hoof cleared a space in the middle of the table. She reverently lowered the cake into the now empty spot, setting it down.

A knife surrounded with a light blue aura was grabbed from the air by Pinkie, who promptly began cutting the cake with it. Defying all logic, small plates flew from her hooves, each one landing before an occupant at the table in one piece, looking as if it had been carefully walked the entire way to their settings.

"Thanks, Pinkie," Jason said, ignoring his lunch in favor of the sweet treat before him. A thought strayed into his mind, and grinning at Philomena he took a small amount of the cake onto his fork and brought it to her lips. She smiled, sensuously removing it from the utensil, licking the stray frosting off her lips.

"Woah nelly..." Applejack breathlessly uttered, eyes open in shock. She shook her head a moment as she watched the two lovebirds exchange cake via their forks, a small smile making its way to her face. "I'd say they've done fallen for each other pretty darn quick and hard."

"Truthfully, it is an amazing thing, is it not, Applejack?" Rarity asked, the sight before her stirring up faint urges of her own dreams and hopes. She couldn't help but smile at the romanticism before her, even if it brought pangs of pain to her own heart. "To be able to connect with somepony so closely, to know them... it truly is a beautiful thing... Oh, that gives me some ideas!" she quietly exclaimed, garnishing some laughter from Applejack and Rainbow.

Twilight motioned to them as they finished off the last of the cake. "So, I take it you two..." she trailed off, a faint blush on her cheeks.

Philomena gently nodded as she peered over Jason at Twilight. "Yeah, Twilight. If you want, we can talk about it later, girl to girl." she gently said, winking at the end. She smiled as Twilight slowly nodded her head before returning her focus to the plate of food before her. Philomena quietly whispered into his ear before he could say anything. "Don't concern yourself about it, Jason, remember what I said... I promise I'll take care of it, okay?"

He gently nodded, picking back up his meal where he had left off before Pinkie's interruption with the cake. Everyone basked in the company of each other as they cheerily ate lunch, the time slowly slipping by in idle chatter.

Celestia rose from her chair some time later, everyone's plates long since emptied and removed. She leaned over Twilight, gently nuzzling her face. "It's good to have you back in Canterlot, Twilight... if you ever need somepony to talk to, my ears are open." she quietly whispered before raising her head and addressing everyone else. "Good day to everyone, I hope to see you all at dinner. Until then, take care."

After Celestia made her exit, everyone else slowly began to get up from the table. Applejack and Rainbow muttered something about a friendly competition before waving goodbye to their friends. Fluttershy remarked about going to see the animals in the gardens, giving Twilight a surprisingly massive hug before fluttering off.

"Philomena, darling, do you mind if I borrow Jason from you for a few? I've got a few ideas for some clothing that I need him for." Rarity politely asked, and Jason missed the wink she gave her at the end. Philomena smiled and gave a quick nod.

"Sure, go on ahead, Rarity, I'll only need him later tonight. He's all yours until then." she laughed as Jason's face turned bright red, and then turned to Twilight. "Twilight, would you like to take a walk? We can also talk about... stuff as well."

Twilight looked around for Pinkie, but found her nowhere in sight. She focused on Philomena's kind eyes and nodded. "Sure, that's fine with me..." she trailed off as she closely examined the former phoenix, noting just how similar to Jason she now looked. "You really have changed a lot, Philomena."

She held the door open for Twilight as the entered the hallways, a small peal of laughter ringing from her mouth. "Not as much as you might think. Just because outside I look different, I'm definitely still me." she nudged Twilight as they walked, turning down a hall towards a small garden. "It really is interesting though, I will say that." Philomena extended her hands towards Twilight, wiggling her fingers.

"Mmm, fingers..." Twilight said, realizing her words a moment later. She furiously blushed, which only further intensified as Philomena laughed again. "What?" she began, attempting to defend her words, "Jason gave me a massage at one point, and his fingers... They can really get into the muscles a lot better than any hooves I've ever felt!"

Philomena let her hand drop to Twilight's shoulder as they walked out into the small garden, her fingers gently digging into the muscles. She sighed at the touch, her shoulders relaxing slightly as she followed Philomena to a small cushioned bench.

"Take a seat, Twilight." she said, patting the cushion next to her as she sat down herself. After a few moments of silence, she looked down, locking eyes with Twilight. "So, how are you doing? I know we really haven't had a chance to talk, and I'm more than willing to lend my ears if you'd like." she quietly remarked with a gentle smile.

Twilight's composure cracked as she let out a sigh, resting her head on her forehooves. "I mean, I'm back in Canterlot now, but... some things feel like they'll never be the same." she frowned a moment, raising her head back up. "This is really weird, you know that? Last time I saw you, things were..." she trailed off, head dropping once more.

Philomena reached out, gently running her fingers through Twilight's mane. "Yeah, a lot of things changed at the mansion. Some for better, some for worse, and some just... changed." Twilight shivered, leaning into her touch. "So, take your time, but I'd like to hear as much as you're willing to tell."

After a few moments of silence, she quietly began talking. "I just... didn't think one simply change would bring about so many more. Plus, the attack at the library..." she paused, tears slowly streaming from her eyes as she remembered that night. "I never realized just what it meant to become an alicorn, a princess... I just thought that it was another task from Celestia, something else she wanted me to enjoy and learn about. But ponies that I barely even knew, dying for me? It was... hard. I still remember the guard I tried to save, but I couldn't do anything for them. Not a single thing... I was so powerless, for the first time that I could recall."

She quietly listened as Twilight continued to expose her fears, her weaknesses, keeping her hand on Twilight's shoulder as a constant reminder of the support promised from her. The sun's position slowly moved above them, a small reminder of the passing of time that they both ignored.

"...and then Jason," Twilight said, letting out a drawn-out sigh as her thoughts turned to him. "Well, I thought that he had shown some interest in me, when he was just trying to help." she wryly smiled, meeting Philomena's eyes with her own. "I suppose that was my own fault for misinterpreting his actions that night."

"So, what do you think of him now, Twilight?" Philomena cautiously asked, keeping a smile on her face.

Twilight raised a hoof to her chin, brows scrunching in thought. She hesitantly began speaking after nearly a minute of silence had passed between them. "I'm not really sure... Romance was something that I'd never really given thought to before him, I was always focused on my friends and books too much. But, he made me stop and think about that unknown aspect of myself, and for that... I think that I might still feel something for him, but exactly what it is... I really don't know, Philomena." she hummed a little bit, biting her tongue in further thought. "Maybe, if I had the chance and time, I could see if there was something there, but..." she awkwardly trailed off, nodding her head towards Philomena.

"It's actually rather funny, isn't it?" Twilight asked her, breaking Philomena from her thoughts of how to reply. She looked at Twilight with her head slightly tilted, a confused look in her eyes. "Well, when I was young, I'd always come and visit you and spill out all of my troubles and worries... funny that the whole time you knew exactly what I was saying." An idea hit her hard, and she locked eyes with Philomena. "Now, you didn't happen to tell Celestia any of what I told you, did you? She always seemed to know what was wrong at the time, so..."

Philomena laughed, shaking her head as she grinned. "Nope, I didn't tell her anything. I figured that you were coming to me so that no one else could find out, so who was I to go running off to Tia? I just think she cared about you enough to realize what it was that was bugging you anytime you were feeling down." Philomena chuckled, her smile slowly slipping as her mind returned to Twilight's prior words. "I suppose that it is kind of funny, seeing that you're doing the exact same thing once more. Just know that I'll always be around to lend an ear... it's very important for us who live as long as we do."

Twilight sighed, leaning into her as she did so. "That's basically what Cadance told me... I'm lucky enough that Shiny will also be there, but still, how I learned it," her eyes scrunched up, and then she briefly shook her head. "No need to dwell on that though, at least that's what she told me."

"You'll find that time becomes rather subjective as more of it passes... don't worry though, I'll make sure you stay nice and grounded." Philomena grinned, catching Twilight off balance as she nudged her. Peals of laughter rang out as Twlight's wings flared out to keep her balance and prevent her from falling off the bench.

Philomena's laughter slowly petered out as Twilight fixated her with a glare, doing her best to keep a straight expression against the mirth she was staring down. She finally stopped laughing, the edges of her mouth tightening slightly as she looked at Twilight. "As far as Jason goes, well... right now you know that I can't, won't share him. I know you ponies have your herds and such, but the largest part of my mind is just screaming at me to dig my claws," she paused, looking down at her hands, "fingers in as tightly as possible and to never let go." Twilight's expression fell slightly, although she held a look of understanding in her eyes. Before she could get a word in, however, Philomena raised a single finger. "However, if for whatever reason you still think the same and can't move past him in the future... and I'm talking years here, mind you, then I might be inclined to possible share him a little bit." She grinned as Twilight jumped into her, forehooves finding their way around her neck.

"Now, I'm not trying to lead you on, you really do need to try and find yourself somepony or someone, Twilight." Philomena's voice was slightly muffled from the mane filling her vision. "Plus, I still have to train him anyways."

Twilight moved back, completely baffled. "...train? What do you mean by that?" Philomena leaned in closely and began whispering into her ears. Her confusion gave way to a small amount of understanding, which then yielded to embarrassment as she pushed Philomena back with her hooves. "Too much information! I didn't want to know that!" Philomena's laughter rang loud and clear through the crisp afternoon air.

Author's Note:

This is just the first part of the chapter, this one scene ran much longer than I thought it did, and given how long it's been since I've updated this story, I felt okay putting out a 3.1k word chapter. Hopefully my rustiness doesn't show itself too badly here, there was a lot of deleting done while writing this.

Hopefully this also puts to rest the whole Twilight romance bit folks might've been holding out for. Sorry guys, but nothing, at least not in this story.

As always, I look forward to hearing your comments and thoughts. Till next update, which will pick up with Jason and Rarity, ciao for now!

Comments ( 99 )

Ahh I've always loved this story.

I find its originality appealing :twilightsmile:

Good chapter, don't worry about the size though. It's quality over quantity, remember that :pinkiehappy:

Well, everything seems to be back to normal, or at least as normal as things get in Equestria.
Keep up the good work. Deus tecum.

good god i love you Philomena.

Hm, please don't let twilight in on that relationship as well. Sometimes I like that but this story seems more like a romance story than a clopfic to me and I don't think that would help with the former.

the squeees of joy when i saw this update. cant wait for more


Yup. And was also that the next segment is going to be a series of scenes that'll end up being around 5k in size. Figured I'd split them so as to provide an update sooner rather than later that way.


...for now. :trollestia:

She's a ton of fun. Got 2 pieces of art in work for her, and just wait until I show you how she fights now. xD Sparring session(s)? Incoming soon in the near future

This should put it to rest, at least in regards to this story. By saying "if in the future..." felt like a better option than to outright define it, if that makes sense. It felt more in line with Philomena's character, and I can guarantee you in this story that there will only be Philomena with Jason, and no third cogs.

It's in the works right now. Will probably be a few days though.

3457066 thank you.

hmm... Well, I'll be honest here. I wasn't as satisfied as usual. This was the chapter that could have pulled back the reigns a bit but instead you just let them go. I'm referring to the quick and unanticipated romance aspect of the story. I do like your concept, but the execution is getting really lazy. I think I'm pulling out here, good luck in the future!

Love it!:pinkiehappy:


No problem

/shrug. to each their own, I was more focused on ensuring no one held out hopes that Twilight was going to just come waltzing into the middle of everything and end up in some silly three way. I think I know what you mean by reigning in, that's more a pinch later. Probably would've seen it if I hadn't split the chapter, but figured updating after a month+ without was a pinch more what folks would want to see. Plus, I'm a it rusty, probably didn't help.


Glad to hear.

Ah, the prodigal son returns. One update a few days ago to [Fe]Male, and then another to [Re]Birth. Good to see you writing again, space.

I love the concept of the human adopting traits and or powers from a native species when they come to equestria.
Makes me wonder what would happen if someone like got the powers of an Ursa or a dragon.

3457066 Well, that's not at all ominous.

Hm. Girls talks, cheesy romance, weak adventure context, anime illustration. For what audience this story is written? For teenager girls?


Ouch, time to go find some ice. Although, as far as art goes, I enjoy almost every style. key word, almost.

Got the first 'half' out as Ch 11 pt 1, got a small chunk of the pt 2 done as well.

It's fine, Twilight. what's more important is that you seem to be doing good.

As the start of a sentence, the w should obviously be capitalized and, unless I misunderstood your intentions, it should be "doing well", not "doing good".

("doing good" is only valid English as an informal, shorthand way of saying "doing good things")

I'm so glad to see this updated! :pinkiehappy: It's good to see that things are moving on and Phil approach Twi early on so that they can settle any issues. I really hope Twi will get better with time and I'm looking forward to what sort of "training" Phil has in store for Jay.:ajsmug:

Can't wait for the next chapter.:twilightsmile:

More evidence I'm apparently a psychic. :facehoof: Thank you for contributing your share.

But seriously. Yay! New chapter!

Apparently commented on last chapter while completely sloshed and none understood my drunken word vomit. however have deciphered my drunken ramblings and now will provide translation.

the idea of humans taking on the aspect of an equestrian species traits and my own love of classical tie-ins led me to ponder the prospect of four separate humans taking on features of being ted to the elements of earth, water, air, and fire as well as others.

for example Jason is a Phoenix which is an embodiment of fire civilization and rebirth
and intentional or not he actual embodies the three pretty well.

so because of this I thought that as potential villain you could have some murderous viking raider merge with a windigoe
which is a being that embodies ice air hatred and savagery and considering there ghostly appearance in the show and most fannon descriptions they also embody a form of immortal half-life like that of those who drink unicorns blood in the Harry Potter universe so he would also be immortal.

and because I figure the everfree got wrecked at the same time as the humans arived one of them merged with the raw unbridled nature energy forming a half timberwolf being of anarchy( the actual definition of total self rule not the stupid definition of rebellious idiocy) earth and eternal renewal and untamed nature ( can't help but imagine a native american) and because hes constantly dying of and regrowing hes also Immortal I figure he'd be a sort of good guy but in a standoffish manner.

and finally I imagine one wound up in Tartarus and escaped when Cerberus ran off.
this one merged with the river Styx becoming an undead being of water, despair (the Greeks and Romans believed the Styx was polluted with the abandoned hopes and dreams of the dead), and death figure he'd be an African tribalist who rafted into the heart of darkness in the Congo

hopefully that clears things up.


Thanks. Taken care of, slip up on my part.

Kinda wanted to clear that up as early as I could. The 'training' was more of Philomena having fun joking at Twilight's expense.

Huh, that 's certainly different. There's definitely another reasoning and method behind this story, but that's definitely on the original side

One congratulations on getting laid party, coming up!"

Careful Pinkie, that phrase may have a different meaning amongst avians (and former avians).

the two lovebirds

Oh, you.

Nice chapter.

Jason laughed as he filled his plate. "I think that she did just that, Celestia. She made certain that the only thing on my mind was rest, and that I was ready for it." Philomena snickered at his side, their wings extending just enough to allow the leading edges to brush against one another.


Not bad, Space, glad to see you back in the saddle.

Chapter 7:
> The first rays of sunlight filtered through the windows, striking Jason in the face. The moment that the first of the rays struck him, he was immediately awake and alert. It was another new part of this foreign body, from sunrise to sunset he felt alert, never getting tired. However, the moment that the sun went down below the horizon, the day's exhaustion would set in and hit him all at once. While he had been wandering, he had felt somewhat vitalized by the sunlight, but never to this degree.

> Breakfast had long since passed, and currently Jason and Philomena were in an open courtyard garden, lying on the ground. They had originally come out here to work on Jason's flying skills, but the warmth of the day had lured them into taking a small nap in the late morning sun.

HOW can Jason sleep when it's day? He's a phoenix now, so he's awake all day long because of sun!

I saw that you called the Philomena's talons "claws", this bugs me for some weird reason. Is that ok?:applejackunsure:

I saw this story a long time ago, but, for some unknown reason, I disliked it after reading the first two chapters.

What a horrible mistake. This story is so amazing and sweet. :pinkiesad2: Can't wait for more!



Before anyone could respond, Pinkie randomly left her chair, appearing on the table between Jason and Philomena without disturbing a single item. "You know what this calls for! One congratulations on getting laid party, coming up!" Jason's eyes began to water as he held his sides in laughter.

Well, Pinkie Pie does what Pinkie Pie wants :pinkiehappy::rainbowlaugh:

I've been doing some research on the size of ponies for a Walking With Beasts crossover (because screw logic) I'm thinking of writing, and I just realized something about your fic.

Celestia is 2.184 times Twilight's height in the show (at the shoulders, where the height of horses is usually measured). That means one of two things:

If you assume that Celestia is around 4'10" at the shoulders (ponies are, by definition, horse breeds with an average height less than 4'10"), then Twilight is around 2'2", not even close to half Jason's height, much smaller than average ponies (although still larger than the smallest ponies).
OR, you can assume that Twilight is around 4'10" at the shoulders, which gives her and her fellow ponies a normal height, but makes Celestia an imposing 10'6", completely towering over Jason, and pretty much everything else in Equestria that isn't a dragon or a building.

Though I can't actually blame you, because the show is actually worse with scale. You have zebras, ponies, and donkeys all being the same height (which is possible, but only if they're all over 4'0" at the shoulder). Yet somehow Arabians, which are a small horse breed (right on the edge between horses and ponies), are nearly Celestia's massive height. About the only thing with a scale that makes sense are the bison.

must have update soon. this is the third time ive re-read this story. i must have MOAR!!!!!!!!!!

Will this ever have an update? Please mak an update... I wants update...

This is peculiar... A while back, around the same time the prologue was posted I had been doing some CSS for someone using this exact picture, I still have it on my HD too.

Eh, It's a picture of a phoenix, I'm sure there aren't too many out there as it is... And I seriously doubt I did CSS for you, the world is small enough as it is.


I've been doing some research on the size of ponies for a Walking With Beasts crossover (because screw logic)

Hard to screw what doesn't exist, seeing as there is no logic in talking pastel colored ponies. I'd be baffled if someone tried to talk about how Spongebob works. But I get the point, and if Jason is really short (Haven't read, don't know if a height is specified.) then I don't see a problem.

But always fun to put math and science in a place it's least likely to be applied~


I honestly found it off Google. There was one image I had wanted to use instead, but I guess it had been used so many times without the artist's permission the only image available was a small thumbnail. So looked to this one, couldn't really find a source anywhere for it though. Ended up fitting quite well for the story though.

4127989 That's quite funny actually, and about your profile picture...

I have yet to see Cowboy Bebop, I probably should, the Beretta 90Two is my favorite pistol and it being the go-to weapon for a character in Cowboy Bebop only entices me more, if only to see if it's accurately represented seeing as I own and fire one often enough. I hate misleading representation of any sort especially when it comes to something as sensitive as firearms and blades. I'll probably get around to doing that soon though.

Is this story canceled or abandoned or left on a street or what? Why you do dis man? We wanna story and we want it now.


Well, considering that this was the 2nd to last story I updated before a 4+ month hiatus that I just got off of last week, and the fact I have 7 published Incomplete stories on top of 2 or 3 others in my Google Drive that aren't being published here, it's going to update when I damn well get around to it.

The whole 'Immortal Human-Pheonix' idea has actually been stuck in my head to about 2 months, but unlike my other idea's my imagination couldn't take it very far. Nice to see someone else had that idea and was actually a writer. Hope you keep posting chapters when you get the chance.

Are you even going to continue with the story?:ajbemused:

I know it's not my place to say this, but could you update once more? I lost count of how many times I had reread this.

Please, continue.

It's almost a year. Please, update...

When is the next chapter coming???? :fluttercry::raritydespair::applecry::fluttershysad::ajsleepy:

good job I like this store cannot wait for the next chapter:twilightsmile:

OH MY GOD PINKIE WWWHHHY I swear I slapped my fase than doing a facepalm:derpytongue2:


Editing the story right now. I'm through almost all of Chapter 1, tweaking a lot of my writing to improve grammar and flow right now.

There IS going to be life for this soon, I just need to get this editing done first.


Found it via Google, and couldn't actually find the source for it, so didn't put one.

I believe this story is now CANCELLED

"You know what this calls for! One congratulations on getting laid party, coming up!"

I completely lost it at that moment:rainbowlaugh:

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