• Published 14th Sep 2013
  • 5,630 Views, 380 Comments

Inner Demons II - Azure Sandora

Equestria's Darkest Hour was only the beginning... the real fight between Elysium and Tartarus starts now...

  • ...

Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Without You...

"Scootaloo, I don't know about this," Sweetie Belle said as she and Scootaloo walked to Diamond Tiara's estate.

"All she's done for the past week is mope around," Scootaloo said, "I refuse to let Diamond Tiara sit in her house on her birthday of all days."

"She's upset," Sweetie Belle said, "She and Apple Bloom were best friends, so I understand. I was upset too."

"Yeah, me too," Scootaloo looked down seriously, "But that's no excuse. We're all trying our best to keep going for Apple Bloom. Remember, she's happy right now. Do you think she's going to be happy if she finds out that we're missing her so much?"

Sweetie Belle sighed, "No, you're right. That's why you're the leader."

"Damn right," Scootaloo bragged. After Apple Bloom left, Scootaloo took up the mantle of CMC leader, partially because she was the oldest by a few months.

"Think she's going to like our surprise?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"I think it'll get the point across," Scootaloo stated, "It'll be hard for her to be sad after seeing this."

Sweetie Belle looked in her saddle bag, thinking of the simple yet meaningful gift they had planned for Diamond Tiara.

They turned the corner and saw Diamond Tiara's mansion in the distance. She still lived in the same mansion as her parents, and now took care of her parents. Her father was still up and at 'em, and really nice. Sadly her mother was the complete opposite, being sick and currently stuck in bed. She was also very spiteful, and hated Diamond Tiara's friends.

It was weird that one could see both of her parents in Diamond Tiara.

"So, any word on..." Scootaloo asked Sweetie Belle, noticing how somber her friend got thinking about her sister.

"No, nothing. Silver Spoon has been helping me with Carousel Boutique as you know," Scootaloo nodded, "We're trying to keep it going till she gets back, but it's been a week now and still nothing. Sometimes I wonder if she's ever coming back."

"She will," Scootaloo said, "I'm sure of it."

"How are Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash handling things? And on that subject, are you still living with them?"

Scootaloo laughed, "Yeah, sadly. Dash says it's no problem, but I wanna be on my own soon. Pinkie Pie is trying to be optimistic, but I can see that she's starting to get worried. Her Pinkie Sense is going off like crazy too. She says there's going to be a big doozie."

Scootaloo could feel Sweetie Belle's concern. You always took Pinkie Pie seriously when she said there was a doozie, "Does she know when?"

"No, but it's weird. Usually she senses doozies only a few minutes to an hour before hand, and she's always smiling and cheerful. This time though, she got it a few days ago, and she's not smiling. She actually looks really scared."

"Have you been able to attend the meetings?" Sweetie Belle asked. Scootaloo shook her head.

"Rainbow Dash tells me that there's nothing to worry about, but I know that's a lie. She wouldn't be wearing the Element of Loyalty to the meetings if it were nothing."

"I hope nothing bad happens," Sweetie Belle said as they approached the mansion.

"If something bad happens, I still have that, remember."

Sweetie Belle nodded as Scootaloo rang the doorbell. A few seconds later, Mr. Rich opened the door with a warm smile.

"Ah, you came to pick up my daughter?" he asked.

"Yeah, is she having a happy birthday?" Scootaloo asked.

"As happy as she can," Mr. Rich said with a sigh and cough.

"Her mother isn't giving her a hard time, is she?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Nothing she doesn't normally do. She has been rather despondent as of late, but Silver Spoon comes down here a lot to help."

Silver Spoon came here as well? That came as a shock to Scootaloo. She knew that she was helping Sweetie Belle, but Diamond Tiara too?

"Where are they now?" Scootaloo asked.

"Upstairs, do you want to come in?"

No, was Scootaloo's first answer. She hated the Rich estate, because the air was so negative, but she didn't want to be rude. After a look from Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo sighed and smiled.

"Sure, why the hell not?"

"Diamond! I finished my breakfast!"

Diamond Tiara was in her room with Silver Spoon, lying on her bed and playing with her psychokinesis, making two glass orbs spin around her hoof. Silver Spoon trotted over to Diamond Tiara and nudged her lightly.

"Tiara, your mom just called you," Silver Spoon said. Diamond Tiara said nothing. With the same dark look on her face, she continued to focus on the orbs.

"Diamond! I need you!" her mother called out again louder. This time Diamond Tiara couldn't hold in her anger. She effortlessly sent her orbs onto their stands on her desks, got up, and buck kicked her bed. Silver Spoon stepped back in shock as Diamond Tiara looked down in anger, breathing heavily trying to calm down.


"Damn it I'M COMING!!!" Diamond Tiara shouted. She stayed there for a few more seconds before trotting to the door.

"Want me to-"

"No," Diamond Tiara said stopping Silver Spoon, "I'll deal with the crazy bitch."

Diamond Tiara walked off to her mother's bedroom, where the elderly Earth Pony was waiting for her with a raged glare.

"How dare you make me call you three times!" her mother, Pearl Necklace, spat.

"I was getting ready for my friends," Diamond Tiara said darkly, trying to keep the dark thoughts out of her head of how she wanted to hurt the mare. She was sick after all, so her illness was making her irritable.

"Where do you have to go?"

"I don't have to go anywhere," Diamond Tiara said, "It's my birthday, so I want to go out."

As Diamond Tiara took her mother's bowl into her mouth and put it on the tray, her mother gave a very unladylike snort, "Well I want to get out of this bed. Why should a devil child like you get what she wants?"

It would be too easy. With her powers, she could put an end to the bitch's life. That was wrong though. She was sick. It wasn't her fault.

"My birthday, Mother. My friends are already on their-"

"Those friends of yours ruined you. You used to be perfect, an ideal heir. Now though, those commoners-"

"Diamond? What are you doing here?" her father asked standing at the door. Diamond Tiara turned to her father smiling.

"Mother called me. She needed me to take her tray to the kitchen," she replied in a slight monotonous fashion.

"Heaven's no, not on your birthday," her father said walking over to his daughter and nuzzling her, "I'll take care of this. You should go be with your friends. They're waiting for you downstairs."

"Rich! I asked her to-"

"I'll take care of you," he said looking at Diamond's mother. He then looked at Diamond Tiara and kissed her forehead, "Go on, honey. Have fun with your friends."

"Thanks Daddy," Diamond Tiara said sweetly before heading to the door.

"Oh, Diamond Tiara," her father called out, stopping her, "Happy Birthday."

Diamond Tiara smiled and galloped over to her room. From under her pillow she pulled out the synthetic unicorn's horn and strapped it on, then ran downstairs where she saw Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle talking to Silver Spoon.

"You guys are late," Diamond Tiara said catching their attention.

"Blame Sweetie Belle," Scootaloo said, "She had to make sure her hair was done right."

"Rarity taught me that a lady has to look her best at all times. Excuse me if that means it takes longer to get out of the house than you."

Scootaloo stuck out her tongue at Sweetie Belle, making Silver Spoon laugh loudly. Diamond Tiara snickered to herself, but then cleared her throat to get their attention again.

"Um, can we get out of here?" Diamond Tiara asked, "My dad got me out of serving my mom, but I still want to be as far away from here as possible."

"Right, then let's go into town," Scootaloo suggested. Both Sweetie Belle and Silver Spoon nodded, accepting their "leader's" option. Diamond Tiara didn't accept Scootaloo as the leader, but she went along with it as she was the toughest one there. Not the strongest, though. That right belonged only to Diamond Tiara.

If she wanted, no one could stop her.

"...mond? Diamond?"

"Huh?" Diamond Tiara asked.

"I asked if you were ready," Scootaloo said.

"Yeah, I'm ready."

Scootaloo smiled and started heading to the door, Sweetie Belle following her. Silver Spoon looked at Diamond Tiara worried, but then followed after her. As they walked past the flowers, Diamond Tiara looked at the marigolds in the garden. Those were her mother's favorite. A second later, half of them were engulfed in flames, Diamond Tiara smiling devilishly. She couldn't allow herself to hurt her mother, but she could destroy something her mother loved.

"Happy birthday to me," she softly sang to herself, "Happy birthday to me."

"Tavi! Are you even listening to me?"

"Huh?" Octavia snapped out of her daze and looked at the white unicorn sitting at the table in front of her, her crimson eyes filled with worry, and a bit of anger, "Sorry Vinyl, what were you saying?"

Vinyl sighed shaking her head, "Sheesh, if ya weren't interested you could have just said so."

"I am interested, I just..." Octavia said looking away somberly.

"What were you thinking about?" Vinyl asked. Octavia was silent for a few seconds before speaking.

"I had another dream," Octavia said.

"Yeah?" Vinyl asked, giving Octavia her undivided attention.

"The voice was telling me to find the sword. It said that it was close."

"Tavi, it's just a dream. You shouldn't worry about it," Vinyl said, but Octavia shook her head.

"I... don't think it is. Vinyl, it's been ten years, and I keep having them on and off. They're getting more and more frequent," Octavia smiled sadly, "I'm scared, Vinyl. The dreams make so much sense, but at the same time, they don't make any sense."

Vinyl sighed, "Tavi..."

"You remember what happened ten years ago, right?" Octavia asked.

"How could I forget?" Vinyl said, remembering what was probably scariest moment in their lives.

"Vinyl! HELP ME!!!"

"Tavi!!! TAVI!!!!"

Vinyl looked at Octavia, who was naturally trying to hide her fears with a smile. It was a habit of hers, to smile when she was worried about something. She didn't like ponies to worry about her, so she often suffered internally, which Vinyl hated. She was a complicated pony to be friends with, because she never told anypony what she was really feeling.

She wasn't easy to understand, but Vinyl always tried to make an effort. Since Octavia only seemed to smile genuinely for Vinyl, it seemed like she appreciated the attempt, even if she completely missed the mark.

"It was after that day when you had the dreams, right?" Vinyl asked, getting a nod from the somber Earth Pony, "You never told me exactly what they did to you."

"Nor will I," Octavia said simply, "I'm not reliving that moment."


"I don't need you to understand what happened. All I need is for you to be there," she started trembling, "Please Vinyl, just stay with me."

Why couldn't she just let her emotions out? Vinyl hated when she held in her tears. She assumed that if Octavia actually cried, she'd probably break down completely. Not like she'd mind. In fact, Vinyl would actually prefer it if she'd just cry. Vinyl would hold her, and she'd never criticize her.

Instead, she would have to do what she usually did.

"Ugh, ya don't gotta be so melodramatic," Vinyl said dismissively, "I promised, didn't I? That I'd always stay by your side?"

"You are a strange pony, Vinyl, being friends with somepony like me for so long."

"Takes a strange pony to know a strange pony."

Octavia smiled warmly. Vinyl just gave a small smirk as a response before going back to her drink. A few seconds later, laughter was heard walking into the bar. Vinyl turned to that direction and saw four young mares walk into the bar. A Pegasus, an Earth Pony, and two Unicorns. The one pink unicorn Vinyl saw was sometimes an Earth Pony. How that was possible Vinyl didn't know nor did she care. Well, okay. She sort of cared.

"Isn't that the pony you're obsessed with?" Vinyl asked, pointing to the pink Unicorn/sometimes Earth Pony. Octavia looked at the pony with a scary expression.

"I'm not obsessed..." Octavia said still staring at the pink pony.

"She says that, yet she's still staring," Vinyl said sarcastically to herself, loud enough though for Octavia to hear her.

"She's not really a Unicorn, you know."

"Really? That's a shock," Vinyl said sarcastically again. This time Octavia turned to glare at Vinyl.

"You don't have to be a bitch," Octavia said, making Vinyl chuckle.

"Yeah I do. I am a bitch, remember?" Vinyl said smirking.

"How could I forget," Octavia said with a sigh before turning back to the pink pony, who was laughing at a joke her Pegasus friend told, "That horn is synthetic."

"Huh," now Vinyl was really interested, "How does she use magic then? She's levitating that glass."

"How indeed," Octavia said, now giving a strange smile. Yep, Vinyl thought, not obsessed at all.

Despite the ordeal with her mother earlier, Diamond Tiara was actually having a happy birthday. She was a few months older than Sweetie Belle, who was now the only one not old enough to drink alcohol.

"So, are you having a good time?" Silver Spoon asked Diamond Tiara, who was sitting off by herself.

"Yeah, I guess," Diamond Tiara said with a sigh.

"You miss Apple Bloom, don't you?" Silver Spoon asked, unknowingly catching Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo's attention.

"Well, yeah, but it's not like I'm I'm torn up about it," Diamond said a little too cheerfully.

"Diamond-" Sweetie Belle said.

"Apple Bloom is happy, so I'm happy too," Diamond Tiara stated.

"Are you really happy?" Scootaloo asked, clearly not convinced.

"Yes, I am. Now I'd love to have another glass of scotch," Diamond Tiara picked up her glass with her psychokinesis, and was about to walk off, but Sweetie Belle stopped her.

"This is your day, so this drink is on me," Sweetie Belle said sweetly, getting a smile from Diamond Tiara. The two mares walked off, leaving Scootaloo and Silver Spoon by themselves.

"She's pushing herself, isn't she?" Scootaloo asked.

"Yeah," Silver Spoon replied, "Between her Mom's deteriorating condition, the weirdness in her powers, and Apple Bloom not being here, I think this is the most fun she's had in days."

"How about her powers? Are they still evolving?" Scootaloo asked, getting a nod from Silver Spoon.

"Her overall power level is still increasing, yes, but that's not the thing that has me the most worried," Silver Spoon said focusing on Diamond Tiara. From her view, she could see numbers, gauges, meters, all pointing to Diamond Tiara. This was Silver Spoon's unique psychokinesis ability, magical scanning.

"What really has me worried," Silver Spoon continued as she scanned Diamond Tiara, "is that her powers increase, but she hasn't been getting any new abilities."

"Has there been any visible changes?" Scootaloo asked.

"Well, her temper is getting worse," Silver Spoon said, blinking her Magi-Scan off.

"Hate to say it Silver Spoon, but Diamond Tiara always had a bad temper," Scootaloo said.

"I know," Silver Spoon replied looking at Scootaloo, who suddenly realized what she was saying. The two of them looked at Diamond Tiara, waiting for her to get back.

"How are you able to handle something so strong?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Can you keep a secret?" Diamond Tiara asked, getting a nod from Sweetie Belle, "This isn't my first time drinking," she whispered to her friend, who stepped back in shock.

"Diamond!" she shouted as Diamond Tiara shushed her.

"I used to sneak in a few bottles of the strong stuff from my dad's personal bar at night," Diamond Tiara explained.

"You're dad's bar? Did he ever-"

"Nope, nor will I tell him. Not even Apple Bloom knows, so you know you can't tell the others, right?"

"I won't, I promise," Sweetie Belle said, "Um, how does it go? Cross my heart and hope to fly, um, stick a cupcake... in my... eye?" she tried to remember the ritual Scootaloo taught her, but she knew she botched the hand motions. It did get Diamond Tiara to laugh though, which was a bonus. Sweetie Belle had secretly promised Apple Bloom to keep Diamond Tiara smiling. Even if she herself found it hard to smile.

Rarity, she thought, where are you?

Diamond Tiara looked pat Sweetie Belle and pointed to a table behind her, "Hey Sweetie Belle, isn't that Fluttershy over there?"

Sweetie Belle turned around, and when she saw the Pegasus laughing as the bartender tried to move her, she had to sigh. Fluttershy clearly had one too many again.

"Damn it," Sweetie Belle said, "It's been like that for the past week," she turned to the door and saw Spike walk in as well. He sighed and walked over to Fluttershy.

"How's Spike holding up?" Diamond Tiara asked.

"He's trying to stay busy by helping us at Carousel Boutique," Sweetie Belle answered, "Surprisingly though, I think he's actually okay. He keeps saying that Rarity will come back one day. I hope so..."

"She'll come back," Diamond Tiara said, "I'm sure of it."

"Diamond..." Sweetie Belle said looking down. She wondered how Diamond Tiara did it. It was clear that she was actually really distraught without Apple Bloom, but she still managed to be so optimistic when it came to her friends. To think, this time ten years ago she hated this mare.

Now they were celebrating her twenty-first birthday together.

Spike said something to Fluttershy, who giggled. Spike sighed again, helped her up, and escorted her out, poor Fluttershy stumbling a bit as she walked to the door. The bartender trotted back to them and used his magic to push two drinks over to them.

"Sorry about that ladies," he said, "Which one of you wanted the fruit punch?"

"That would be me," Diamond Tiara said, catching Sweetie Belle off guard, "The scotch is for my friend here."

"Diamond Tiara!" Sweetie Belle shouted, "She has it in reverse, sir. I don't turn twenty-one for another two months." Sweetie Belle glared at Diamond Tiara and took her fruit punch, secretly wondering how she was so okay. She could feel how upset Diamond Tiara really was, yet she seemed genuinely alright.

She almost didn't want to give Diamond Tiara their present now.

After Diamond Tiara and Scootaloo had a drinking contest, which much to the former's dismay Scootaloo won, the four friends began making their way to Sweet Apple Acres, where Diamond Tiara decided to stay that night.

"Sweetie Belle, I'm going to let Mr. Rich know that Diamond Tiara is staying here," Silver Spoon said, "Are you going to be okay with both of them? They're absolutely wasted."

"I'll be fine, Silver Spoon," Sweetie Belle stated, "I think Diamond Tiara is sobering up a bit."

"Heeeey Sweetie Belle!" Diamond Tiara said, clearly intoxicated, "Get your sexy flank back over here! Scootaloo wants a kiss!"

"She's lying!" Scootaloo shouted, "I don't wanna... wanna... wan...na..." Scootaloo stopped what she was saying and started laughing. Sweetie Belle face hoofed.

"Um, I'll be alright... really..." Sweetie Belle said slowly.

"Want me to stay?" Silver Spoon asked.

"Celestia, yes!" Sweetie Belle said immediately as they walked back to the drunken mares, "Diamond Tiara, are you sober enough to accept one last gift?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Yeah sure," Diamond Tiara said waving a hoof, "Unlike a certain Pegasus, I can have coherent thoughts with alchohol in my system."

"Yet you still lost!" Scootaloo taunted, "BOOM! Scootaloo is on fire!"

Diamond Tiara, proving her point, rolled her eyes and turned to Sweetie Belle and Silver Spoon, "So what's the big surprise?"

Sweetie Belle reached into her saddlebag, and pulled out a small box, "Apple Bloom wanted us to give it to you on your birthday. She would have stayed here to give it to you in person, but-"

"It's great!" Diamond Tiara said quickly cutting her off, "I mean, I understand. She planned on leaving on her birthday, and I wanted her to," Diamond Tiara looked down at the box, her sadness apparent on her face. Seeing the gift from her best friend must have sobered her up a good deal. Even Scootaloo seemed to be snapping out of it.

"Hey, are you okay?" Silver Spoon asked.

"Yeah, I'm great," Diamond Tiara said a little too cheerfully, "I'm going to open it inside, if that's okay."

"Oh, yeah, sure," Sweetie Belle said, Silver Spoon nodding in agreement.

"Well, I had a great time with you guys," Diamond Tiara said smiling, "Thanks. You three are great."

"Don't mention it birthday girl," Scootaloo said, still a little out of it, "We're gonna party even harder when it's Sweetie Belle's turn. Maybe get some strippers too, eh? Eh?" she nudged Sweetie Belle smiling, the unicorn in question looking embarrassed.

"You are so difficult to be around when you're drunk," Sweetie Belle said softly before turning to Diamond Tiara again, "Have a good night, okay Diamond Tiara?"

"You too. And thanks again for talking to my parents. I don't feel like dealing with my mom tonight."

"It's your birthday, you shouldn't have to deal with that grief," Scootaloo stated, "Now, get plenty of rest... and we'll see ya in the morning, alright?"

"Yeah, right," Diamond Tiara said smiling. She hugged her friends one last time, and then walked over to the small house in the distance. Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Silver Spoon all stayed and watched her leave.

"You guys felt it too, right?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"She wanted to break down and cry so much," Silver Spoon added, "I wish I knew why she was pushing herself so much. It's clear that she misses Apple Bloom the most.

"Maybe she doesn't want to cry in front of us," Scootaloo said, "I mean, if she feels that bad about it, she might not stop crying for a while.

"Guys, you remember what she said to Apple Bloom three years ago, right?" Sweetie Belle asked, "What did she mean by "the end"?"

"Who knows," Scootaloo said, "She was always spooky like that. Let's go to the Rich estate, and tell her father where she is."

Scootaloo staggered off, Sweetie Belle right behind her.

"Scootaloo, it's the other way!" Sweetie Belle called out. Silver Spoon took one last scan of Diamond Tiara before leaving. Sure enough, her power level rose after seeing that box and learning who gave it to her.

Coincidence? Doubtful...

"Thanks again for letting me stay here," Diamond Tiara said to Applejack as they walked through the hall.

"Think nothin of it," Applejack said, her long blond mane now flowing freely under her trademark hat, "Ah told Apple Bloom Ah'd take care of ya like mah own kin."

That made Diamond Tiara feel both happy and devastated at the same time. She missed Apple Bloom so much, but at the same time, it felt like she hadn't even left. To think, there was once a time where she hated this family.

"How're ya holdin up, Sugarcube? Ah remember you an' Apple Bloom were-"

"I actually wanted to ask you that, Applejack," Diamond Tiara said quickly, diverting the talk away from herself, "Things have been pretty hectic around you lately, especially with the grave robbing last year."

Applejack stopped and looked down. Diamond Tiara turned to her and saw that she was trembling.

"I'm sorry if I over stepped my-"

"No, ya don't have anythin ta apologize for," Applejack said softly, "It actually feels nice, havin so many ponies care about me. It's been easier these days, wit Fluttershy an' her animals movin over here. Our harvest has gotten a lot bigger, an' Golden Apple Inc. is expandin all over Equestria," Applejack laughed a bit, "Flam jokes sayin that if this keeps up, we'll rule the world. So-"

"Applejack!" Diamond Tiara said putting a hoof on her shoulder, "I wasn't asking about the business. It's pretty clear looking at you that you're doing fine in that regard," since Diamond Tiara could tell Applejack had started wearing make-up and the apple shaped earrings she got three years ago, "I was asking about you. Apple Bloom was really worried about you, and so am I."

"Aw, ya'll ain't gotta worry. Ah'm fine, see?" Applejack said spinning around, "Why don't ya git some rest. Ya apparently had quite a wild time tonight."

"Yeah, that's true," Diamond Tiara said. She still was a little light headed, but her powers sped up her recovery, so that was good. They walked up to Apple Bloom's room, which made Diamond Tiara stop, "You mean I'm sleeping..."

"Ah figured ya'd appreciate it. We left it just like it wus when she left."

Diamond Tiara opened the door and looked inside, stepping into another moment in history. She could almost see Apple Bloom and herself laughing and playing together. She only felt comfortable around that mare.

"Apple Bloom..." she said to herself, hearing the door open downstairs.

"Honey! We're home!" a voice called out from downstairs. It was either Flim or Flam, but Diamond Tiara couldn't tell the difference.

Apparently that didn't matter to Applejack though, because she giggled and ran back a bit, "Be right down, sugarcube!" she then turned to Diamond Tiara, "Um, ya might not wanna come downstairs fer at least twenty minutes... jus' in case."

It took a few minutes for Diamond Tiara to realize what she was saying, but she was wide eyed when she did.

"Oh Celestia, you guys aren't going to..."

"Ah ain't sayin nothin," Applejack said turning her nose to the air. She then hugged Diamond Tiara and kissed her on the forehead, "Have a good night, Diamond Tiara."

"You too," Diamond Tiara said.

"Ah will, Ah'm sure of it," Applejack said smiling. She turned and walked down the stairs, but Diamond Tiara heard her laugh out loud a few seconds later. Yep, good thing the bathroom was upstairs. She was NOT going downstairs for the rest of the night.

"Ugh..." Diamond Tiara groaned, silently wondering if Applejack was always so much like Sweetie Belle. She walked into the room, noticing that Apple Bloom's present was on the bed. She looked around and then jumped on the bed, relaxing for the first time in days.

"It's like you're right here with me..." she said wistfully, "Apple Bloom... I miss you..."

She turned around and breathed into the pillow, "Mmm... it still smells like you... oh Apple Bloom..." she practically moaned. Apple Bloom had been gone an entire week, and it had been hard without her best friend there.

Diamond Tiara sat up and pulled the box over to her with her psychokinesis. She had to hide it from Applejack, so it felt good to relax and let her powers flow freely. She opened the box, brought to tears with what she saw inside. Pictures, lots of them, and Apple Bloom was in all of them. Diamond Tiara saw a picture of all of them in front of the old school, a picture of Apple Bloom with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo (Diamond Tiara referred to the three of them together as the Original Three), she even saw a picture of the two of them after senior prom. She picked that up and hugged it, remembering when they took the picture.

"You treated me like I was your girlfriend the entire night," she said to herself, silently going back to that night. She had never felt so loved before in her entire life, not even from her father. She put the picture down and saw one last picture. It was of Apple Bloom by herself, and it was in a frame. Diamond Tiara picked it up and saw two more things in the box. One was a piece of red fabric, and the other was a letter. She picked up the letter first, hearing Apple Bloom's voice in her head as she read:

Dear Diamond Tiara,

Sorry Ah can't be there in person on yer birthday. Ah wanted to, but a certain somepony insisted Ah leave ta see him on mah birthday, which is unfortunately only a week before yours. Ah hope yer havin a happy birthday. Since Ah'm writin this before Ah leave, let's jus' assume Ah'm happy wherever Ah am too.

Ah sometimes like ta remember how we started out hatin each other. Ya know what's funny though? Mah sis told me that when we were babies, we were actually really close. Ain't that funny? Ah guess that's why when Ah reached out ta ya ten years ago we became such good friends so fast. Truth was, deep down Ah always wanted ta be friends wit ya. Which is why I wanted to say in this letter how much our friendship means ta me.

Yer a mystery ta me, Ah'll admit. Ah never said anythin 'bout it, but Ah could tell somethin was wrong. Ah worry 'bout ya, an' when Ah come back ta Ponyville ta visit, Ah wanna talk to ya 'bout it. Ah don't like mah best friend so upset.

If Lezard doesn't ask me ta marry him right away, then Ah'll ask him. Thanks again fer pushin me ta do this. Ah'll always love ya Diamond. Best friends ferever.

With love always,
Apple Bloom

P.S. The red thing in the box is mah old ribbon. Ah want you ta have it.

Diamond Tiara couldn't hold in her tears anymore, and was sobbing. She picked up the large red/pink ribbon, hugged it, and then used her psychokinesis to tie it in her mane. She galloped over to the mirror to examine herself. Perfect.

She jumped back on the bed and picked up the framed picture, "You aren't the real Apple Bloom," she said, "but you'll do for tonight."

She kissed the picture, her lips lingering on the glass as she imagined herself kissing the real Apple Bloom, and then sat the picture down on the pillow next to her as she lied down herself.

"Good night," she said softly and lovingly, "I love you..."

Author's Note:

I hope I made Diamond Tiara creepy enough. Please be kind.