• Published 21st Sep 2013
  • 666 Views, 13 Comments

Frienimies Forever - Techno Flare

What Rainbow Dash thinks will be a quick trip to Cloudsdale ends up something much more. After bumping into each other and practically tearing down the city in the process, Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust soon find themselves flying away fugitives...

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Chapter One-What Were The Chances?

"Rainbow, you know it isn't safe to travel there alone," reiterated Twilight. Rainbow Dash was about to go on a trip to her hometown, Cloudsdale, but she didn't want anyone to come with her. "You should at least bring Fluttershy along."

Rainbow was tired of hearing it. On and on, Twilight had been constantly lecturing her. It was almost enough to make Rainbow Dash rub her temples. "How many times must I tell you; I'm not a child, Twilight. I can handle myself easily. Even if I do get into a sticky situation - which won't happen - I can easily fly away," Rainbow Dash exasperatedly explained. "Besides, I have to do this alone. I have my secrets and you have yours."

Twilight let out a long sigh. "If you say so. But you have to be back here before Applejack's family reunion, she's going to need more help than ever."

"I'll be back before you know it," Rainbow declared as she got into her takeoff position. She then proceeded to embark on the three-hour long flight to Cloudsdale, her cyan form shrinking in the distance. Finally, Rainbow Dash thought, I can get there before she leaves.

Twilight knew something bad was going to happen. Celestia had informed her of everything that was going to transpire, but Twilight couldn't make herself believe everything she said; yet she knew it was true. If only there was more time. She could find a spell, make a potion to cure her, write a letter, SOMETHING that could make things right.

But alas, there was nothing Twilight could do. She did have a secret, but this one was she wished to share with everyone else. However, there are things she had to sacrifice everything for, even Equestria's well being, and there was nobody that could help her now. For once, the world was in the hoofs of somebody other than herself. In fact, the roles were completely upside-down. "I'm sorry Equestria," she solemnly said to herself. " I cannot change history this time. I have to follow Celestia's orders... I simply have to..." a tear rolled down her cheek, the last one she would ever cry, for that would be a sign of weakness. She could show no weakness to her overlord.

Uggghhhhh, Rainbow Dash thought to herself. If only there was a chariot to bring me here whenever I wanted them to.

Rainbow Dash had finally reached Cloudsdale; and - because of time restraints - she hadn't done her warm up, she ached all over. The searing pain caused her steps to be slow and steady, painful jolts whenever she made contact with the ever so soothing clouds. She absolutely hated it. There were ponies practically flying circles around her, this only made her angrier. I should not be going through this. If only Twilight hadn't continually harassed me, I would have had time to stretch out. Now I have to find Dusty without any aerial coverage.

She was so caught up with not having her wings in proper condition, she did not realize there was a pony bolting straight towards her. Rainbow Dash finally calmed down enough to look at her path.

...but she was too late.

A teal pegasus and Rainbow collided with a BONK. They scuffled in the center of the street for a solid minute, hooves flying everywhere. In the few seconds that Rainbow Dash could get even the most minute look at the face of the attacker, all she could see was two bloodshot, deep yellow eyes - and pure rage.

Pegasi everywhere starting to notice and form a circle around them. Among the sightseers was none other than Princess Celestia. Her Royal Guards started to converge on the fight, to obviously split them apart, but Celestia held them back with the raising of a hoof and the shake of her head.

Rainbow kept evading the nonstop arsenal, the soreness of her flight constantly making itself noticed. JUST GREAT!! thought Rainbow Dash. Like I wasn't hurting enough already. Hoof for hoof, Rainbow felt the wind of each passing jab. Even I can't throw this many shots at this speed.

At last, Rainbow's pursuer landed a hit. Rainbow was knocked back, blood dribbling down her cheek. She lifted a hoof to the spot of impact and instantly felt the effect. A black and blue mark soon formed, and Twilight was going to give her a long rant about this one. Whoever had the nerve to attack a random person in the MIDDLE OF THE STREET...

Rainbow Dash went through a few choice words in her mind. She was enraged; but it sooned turned to amusement as she saw who was attacking her. I really should have known.

The mare in front of her soon started to walk towards her, much slower than the previous assault. Her amber mane flowed out behind her, like a flag in the breeze. Her teal coat splattered in Rainbow Dash's blood. Her eyes could only be described as the burning of a thousand suns. "Well I'll be damned. If it isn't the reckless speed demon, Lightning Dust. What were the chances we would meet here?"

"ENOUGH TALK!" Lightning Dust demanded. "You've caused me enough trouble already. You ruined my chances at becoming a Wonderbolt; my one dream, shattered by a pony safer than me. You never deserved that spot in camp, I did! It's time for you to pay." Lightning Dust got into her fighting stance, preparing for another charge.

"WHOA, WHOA, WHOA, calm down buddy," trying to console that infuriated pegasus. I knew she was going to be mad, but this... this isn't the same Lightning Dust from the academy. Rainbow Dash circled around Lightning Dust, making her moves cautious but notable.

"Don't... call... me... buddy. You never were my friend, you never will be. RAGGGGHHHH," Lightning bellowed.

Soon they engaged in another series of bucking and punching. Rainbow Dash was accustomed to Lightning Dust's attack pattern - a few jabs, a kick, and an uppercut, usually in that order - but until that moment, Rainbow Dash hadn't even tried to take the offensive. My timing has to be perfect. If I make an attack at the wrong stopping point, she could easily counter me, again.

After a few missed attacks by Lightning Dust, Rainbow Dash countered with a nice buck to the side, cracking one of Lightning's ribs. It all seemed to happen in slow motion. Rainbow Dash saw Lightning Dust launch from the wallop to her side, a loud SNAP splitting the air. As Rainbow Dash walked over to where Lightning Dust now lay, she thought to herself, I might have hurt her, but it should shut her up for a while.

"Lightning, I don't want any trouble. In fact, I came here to find you." Rainbow Dash leaned over the grounded pegasus, the light blocking out her face.

"Why?-" Lightning Dust clutched her side and groaned "-to brag in my face about being a Wonderbolt."

"No," Rainbow Dash chuckled. "In fact, there was an opening on the team, and Spitfire said if I could find you, you could be on the Wonderbolts."

"REALLY?!?" Lightning Dust sprung to her feet, only to lazily wobble and fall to the ground again. Rainbow Dash leapt to her aid, lit up at her enthusiasm. I knew she would say yes, who wouldn't.

"First things first, we need to get you to the hospital." Rainbow Dash called out a couple volunteers from the crowd to help her - her muscles were in no condition to carry Lightning Dust, but she didn't care. She kicked Lightning Dust pretty forcefully.

I hope I didn't permanently hurt her, I really wanted her to come back to Ponyville with me.

Rainbow Dash paced anxiously outside the room that held Lightning Dust; the sign 'ongoing surgery' lit up over the doorway. It had been an hour since the fight on the street, but it seemed like days.

The doctor had told RainbowDash that the impact was severe - which Rainbow Dash was slightly happy that her legs were still extra powerful - but with the right amount of rest and good luck, Lightning Dust will be her old self again. This didn't help Rainbow Dash at all stay calm.

What if she doesn't get better? Will she be able to fly still? And even so, will she still be as fast as me? What if she doesn't get into the Wonderbolts now that I injured her? What if I get thrown off the team? OHHHHH, this is badbadbadbadbadbadBAD. I just wanted to see her again and make up for what happened at camp. Maybe Twilight was right. She should have came with me after all, with her fancy new wings.

Another 10 minutes of this continued, when right above her, the light on the door flickered off. A small wait. The doctor came out of the room, sweat beading down his mane. "How is she doc? Will she fly? Is she disabled?"

"At the time being, it looks like everything should be just fine." Rainbow Dash let out a long sigh. "However-" Rainbow Dash looked at the doctor with desperate hope "-if she wishes to fly properly again, she has to let the medicine for her wing set in, which should take about 12 hours. If the medicine does not settle, she could be in terrible danger. Make sure she stays calm, and whatever you do, don't talk about flying."

"Understood, doc. Thanks for everything." The doctor nodded and went down the hall to his office.

Finally, she was able to rest. Before entering the room, she slowed her breathing, made herself look as nice as possible, and washed her hoofs with her spit. This may or may not end well.

She proceeded to enter. "Hey champ, how does it fe-"

"Rainbow Dash! Oh thank Celestia you're still here. I'm really sorry for the way I acted towards you. When I saw you, I was excited, yet what happened wasn't what I intended. I never meant to hurt you, but my mind was consumed by rage. I couldn't stop myself. If you hadn't kicked me, I don't think I would be alive right now," Lightning Dust explained. "Are we friends?"

"Of course!" exclaimed Rainbow Dash. She couldn't believe at how Lightning Dust's emotions had changed. They high hoofed each other. "So how much does it hurt?"

"Not much anymore. What I am worried about is how much damage we did to the city," Lightning Dust said, a little nervous chuckle escaping her.

"Oh it couldn't have been that bad," Rainbow stated. I hadn't thought about that. What if we accidentally broke a window or something?

At that moment, Princess Celestia walked through the door- an infuriated look upon her face. Her horn a burning fire.