• Published 4th Jan 2014
  • 2,220 Views, 61 Comments

The Rock - DinoDenver

Making dresses for Princess Celestia and Princess Luna is like a dream come true for Rarity. But what will bring her obsession with completing this task?

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Chapter 9: The Dream

“To bring dead back to life

with some kind of knife?

Such item would be unique...

I don't have what you seek.”

Zecora's knife, meeting with Princess Luna, Spike's resurrection... It was all just a dream. But there was one thing, that was real for sure. Sorrow in Rarity's heart.

When Rarity woke up in Applejack's barn she was broken. There's no other word to describe how she felt. But she somehow managed to pull herself together. It was already dawn, so she decided to pay Zecora a visit. She convinced herself, that Zecora will have solution, that Zecora will give her answers she was looking for.

But she was wrong.

At least she had a safe trip. If timberwolves attacked her in this state, she probably wouldn't even run.


At last, tired and most likely still little drunk, Rarity got back home. She was about to open the door when she heard loud voice behind her.

“Welcome, Rarity.” It was Princess Celestia.

“Your highness!” Rarity immediately bowed before Princess.

“Rarity, my dear subject, there is one thing that I must tell you. Sometimes, when we really want something... ”

“I'm sorry Princess, but I know what you want to say...” Rarity looked at the ground before her hooves.

“You do?”

“Yes... But I don't think, that I will be able to do it... even though I promised... I'm thinking about giving up.”

“Don't! I will help you!”

“R-really?” Rarity couldn't believe her ears... Princess will help her? So there still is a glimmer of hope!

“Of course! You can't just give up, this is far too important. I'm willing to offer you my royal help.”

“I don't know how to thank you, Princess!” This was such a turnaround, it was too good to be true.

“Don't mention it, Rarity. After all I really want this dress.” Yeah, it was too good to be true.

Rarity needed few moment to gather her thoughts.

“Princess, I think that I will be able to finish your and Princess Luna's dresses on my own after all.”

“Oh, is that so? It's probably for the best, because I know next to nothing about making dresses! Celestia out!” Yelled Princess as she teleported away. Sometimes she was pretty eccentric.


Rarity was sitting on the edge of her bed. She was trying to come up with some sort of a plan, but so far it was fruitless.

“Just what in Equestria am I supposed to do?” She asked herself.

“What's the matter? Can I help you with anything, dear?”

“W-who is it?” Rarity looked around her, the voice scared her. After all she was alone in her bedroom, at least that's what she thought.

“Oh my, who could that be.” Said Opalescence with derisive smile. Rarity's cat was lying on ceiling. “You're not living here alone, you know.” Added Opal as she jumped on bed.

“But how...”

“Tell me how can I help you.” Rarity was interrupted by her pet. It was probably weirdest thing that ever happened to her, but she decided to go along with the current.

“Well, I'm looking for a way to bring Spike back...”

“Spike, the dragon?”


“Something happened to him?” Opal looked surprised.

“He died...”

“More like you killed him!” This time it wasn't Opal. It was one of ponnequins. This was getting more bizarre with every moment.


“Go kill yourself, you little bitch!” This was probably the most abusive ponnequin Rarity have ever met. Then again she wasn't insulted by her tools too often.

“How dare you say that to my master!” Screamed Opal as she attacked talking ponnequin. It was over within moments, and she was victorious.

“T-thank you, Opalescence...”

“Don't mention it, Rarity. It really pisses me off, when inanimate objects start talking.” She sat in front of Rarity and looked her in the eyes. “But his advice wasn't so bad. Suicide looks like excellent idea.”

“Just how can this be an excellent idea?!” Rarity was enraged. “Just what kind of advice is this?!”

“Kind of advice you can get from a cat, apparently.” Said Opal. “That's why you have to be mental to ask cat for advice.”

Opalescence performed back flip and landed on the ceiling. Moments after that she left the bedroom, leaving puzzled Rarity alone.

Rarity knew, she was just a shell of her former self. And she knew, that she was most likely mentally ill.

“Did you see what that friggin cat did to me, bro?!”

“Totally not cool, bro!” Ponnequins were now talking with each other.

White mare looked at this rather unusual sight for a brief moment. Then she looked at her night table. Her horn glowed and Spike's picture levitated to her. She grabbed frame with both her hooves and looked at it. Suddenly idea popped up in her head... it was so obvious!

“Spikey... I'm really sorry I couldn't bring you back... I really am... I might be loosing my grip on reality, but I know one thing for sure... I'm only happy, when I'm with you, in my dreams, so I'll sleep forever.” She used her magic once again, this time to levitate Zecora's medicine. “I'm sorry, but this is the only way I know, Spikey... Here goes!” She closed her eyes and raised the bottle.

“Stop, Rarity!” She heard Spike's voice. “Don't do this! You know how much I love sleeping, but sleeping forever isn't the answer! And bedsores hurt!” It was Spike's picture talking.

“Then what am I supposed to do?” Asked Rarity on the verge of crying.


“I caaaaaan't...”

“Of course you can! Rarity I know wouldn't just give up! I believe in you.”

“O-okay, I'll try.”

Rarity wiped up her tears and throw bottle with Zecora's medicine away. As it turned out it wasn't greatest decision. Upon impact bottle broke and whole bedroom caught on fire. Rarity hugged Spike's picture and backed up a little, she was in the middle of her bed, entirely surrounded by flames.

“That crazy bitch totally started this fire, bro!”

“I know, bro! Whole place is like totally on fire, bro!” Two ponnequins were still going at it.

Suddenly Rarity heard a loud cracking noise, everything went dark and she felt like she was falling down for at least few seconds.

When she regained consciousness she was lying on the floor of some cave. It only took her moment to realize, that it was the very same cave where Spike received a fatal blow. And she heard a distinctive rumble. Soon after rocks started falling down. Cave was collapsing.

But Rarity didn't want to run. Or maybe she did, but she had no strength to do so. Whatever the reason, she just curled up on the floor and hugged Spike's picture tighter.

“I'm so scared, Spike...” She wasn't holding back her tears.

“Rarity... I don't know if you can hear me... But... I never had a chance to say this... I love you, Rarity. I love you more than anypony... than anything... I can't imagine life without you... So please...” Spike was almost crying. “Please, Rarity, just wake up...”


The room was bright, Celestia's sun shining through two big, wooden windows. On the table there were many bouquets, some familiar looking packages.

“Please... Wake up...” Rarity immediately looked in the direction of the voice.

“Spikey! You're alive!”