• Published 3rd Mar 2012
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Sonic Generations: Friendship is Timeless - GreenS21

Sonic and Tails meet the main cast of "Friendship is Magic" in this re-imagining of "Sonic Generations"!

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BONUS: The Doctor and the Chaotician, Pt. II

After the battle against ‘Nightmare Moon’

Orbot and Cubot jumped as a large portal opened on the wall of the chamber and the Time Eater came through it, dragging ‘Nightmare Moon’ with it and dropping the ‘alicorn’ in the middle of the room before going back to its resting spot in the corner. Seconds after it landed, while ‘Nightmare Moon’ recovered from the rough landing, Eggman’s Eggmobile emerged from the Time Eater’s body and flew over to the raised platform at the end of the chamber, landing next to it. The doctor then climbed out of it and walked down the steps, angrily walking over to his ally.

‘Nightmare Moon’ sat up and glared at him, “What was the big idea back there?! I had everything under control!”

Not breaking stride, Eggman said, “Oh, drop the falsetto, Discord! I’m not paying you for it, especially not after THAT performance!” He stopped in front of the fake alicorn and poked his left finger under his/her chin, “And while you’re at it, make yourself a little more presentable! That is NOT a good look for you!”

Discord glared at him for a moment before saying, “Fine!” He tapped his left hoof on the ground and, a second later, he regained his true form, still sitting down and above Eggman. He lowered his head so his face was right in front of Eggman’s, “NOW do you want to tell me why you decided to butt in?!”

Eggman got right up in the draconequus’ face, “Yes! Because you were getting too into your role! I warned you Sonic would be different from any of those ponies, even Rainbow Dash, and what do you do? You not only provoke him, but you fell for his taunts! I had just invited a very important guest over when my robots alerted me to what you were doing! If I hadn’t stepped in with the Time Eater when I did, who knows what you would’ve done!”

Discord argued, “Come on, you don’t like the hedgehog any more than I like those ponies! What’s it matter if I rough him up a bit? And what’s this about a guest?”

Eggman retorted, “You’ll get the answer to that question later, and for your information, no one’s allowed to defeat Sonic except for ME! That honor is reserved for me alone! You either defeat him with me or you don’t get to defeat him at all!”

Discord raised his head and looked away, “Yeah, right.” He rubbed his neck with his eagle talon, “That Nightmare Moon disguise was getting a bit stuffy anyway.”

Eggman grunted, “Hmph! I suppose it’s no surprise that you’re able to bounce back from being defeated like it’s nothing.” He started walking past Discord before stopping and turning back to him, holding out his right hand as he said, “Oh yes, I want the Chaos Emerald back now.”

Discord glanced down at him for a second before saying, “Oh, all right.” He began reaching into his fur with both hands, even detaching his arms so they could do a full sweep, but neither hand grabbed or brushed over anything. He raised an eyebrow, “Hmm? I know I put it…”

Eggman immediately caught onto what he was saying and yelled, “Don’t tell me you dropped it!”

Discord reattached his arms and shrugged, “Looks that way, Doc. I think I also dropped the Element of Honesty too.”

Eggman facepalmed, “Grr…! I told you we needed to hang onto that! Same with the Chaos Emerald! Do you WANT them to get both first and seal you back into stone?!”

Discord glared angrily down at him, “Do you even need to ask? Of course not! I don’t want them to get those emeralds since they’re so important, and I definitely don’t want them to get the Elements of Harmony again, especially since you won’t let me mess with them!”

Eggman looked up at him, “Good, I’m glad we understand each other! Our best course of action right now would be to get the Element of Honesty and the Chaos Emerald they have back from them before they can find the rest of the Elements and emeralds! And since you’re responsible for this mess, YOU get to fix it!” He angrily started walking back towards the end of the chamber, going back to his Eggmobile.

Discord eyed him, “How am I supposed to fix it when you won’t let me do my thing? And where are you going?”

Without stopping, Eggman replied, “I’m taking the Time Eater to make an appearance over Ponyville in order to restore part of the town and open up some new portals! As for fixing it, I’d suggest following Sonic and his little friends into one of them, preferably the first one they pick, and getting that necklace and the Chaos Emerald back!” He reached the stairs and walked up them, climbing into his Eggmobile and starting it up. Before he took off, he added, “And make sure you do it in such a way that they still don’t know that you’re free!”

While Discord watched him fly up to the Time Eater, Orbot and Cubot bounced over next to him and opened up. “Sheesh, what a control freak!” Discord groaned, propping his eagle talon elbow up against his goat leg and resting his chin in his hand.

“Yes… but I suppose that’s what you get for not doing what you were told. This day isn’t exactly changing into what you thought it would, is it?” Orbot commented.

Discord whirled his head around to look at the robot and yelled, “I wasn’t talking to you!”

Cubot piped up, “Arrr, the sea hears everything, ye scurvy dog! She swallows all she’s given too! You’d best be careful around the captain, or you’ll be walking the plank!”

Discord spun around and bucked him with his goat leg, saying, “Oh, shut up!” The buck sent the yellow robot flying across the room, where he landed in a heap on the floor.

Cubot soon hopped up and exclaimed, “Arr, the sea! She advises a retreat for now… But my fury continues to grow, beast! I shall return! AWAY!” And with that, he once again shot out of the chamber, both Discord and Orbot watching him.

They soon turned their attention back to the Time Eater, the creature giving a growl as it started up again. It soon opened a portal on the wall of the chamber and flew into it, the portal closing up as soon as it was out of sight. After it closed, Discord raised his lion paw hand to his chin, thinking about how best to approach the situation he was inevitably going to have to face once Eggman returned…


After the Windy Valley race

Eggman was typing on his computer and Orbot and Cubot were floating over Discord’s couch watching cartoons on the TV when a loud pop from the center of the chamber caught their attention and they all turned to see three battered pegasi standing in the middle of the chamber. Upon noticing their unusual features, Eggman said, “So you’re back. Did you get the Chaos Emerald and the Element of Honesty back?”

The two male pegasi slid into their leader and, with a bright flash, changed into Discord, the draconequus rigidly standing and looking like he was sulking. “No, I didn’t,” he deadpanned. Noticing the look on Eggman’s face, he mockingly said, “Oh, I’m sorry, Doc. After all the sneaking around in the shadows and waiting to spring a trap on them, I just couldn’t do it and let them go.” He groaned as he rubbed his cheek where Twilight had hit him with her book, “You know, you could’ve told me a little more about that fox friend of Sonic’s. I mean, did you expect me to know he was thinking up a plan from the moment he saw me?!”

Eggman quipped, “You’re made up of a lot of different creatures. Don’t you already know foxes are smart like that?”

Discord snapped his lion paw fingers and his couch immediately shot out from under Orbot and Cubot and slid over to him. He flopped down onto it and said, “It’s kind of hard to think when you have a headache as bad as I do right now.”

Orbot and Cubot floated over to the draconequus, the former asking him, “Would you like an aspirin?”

Discord looked down at him and replied, “I don’t know what that is, but no. I’ve got three times the headache I should have thanks to those ponies and their friends, and don’t get me started on how the rest of me is feeling.” He looked up at the ceiling and dramatically cried, “Oh, the pain~! Oh, the pain of it all~! This is why I prefer to let my magic do all the work for me while I watch! I can’t handle it!”

Eggman snorted, “What a lightweight.” Discord sat up and glared at him, causing Eggman to smirk, “You should get into fights more often, Discord. Your enemies clearly do, save for Celestia, and look at them! They don’t crumple as easily, or at least not complain as much, as you do.” He then stood proudly, “And don’t forget about me! All this time fighting Sonic and his friends has done wonders for my physique! You can really build calluses and muscles by fighting a meddling hedgehog! With as much as you sit around and snack, I’m surprised you haven’t started to go soft!” He then turned back to his computer and, while typing on it, muttered to himself, “Hmm… So that’s where the changelings ended up… I wonder if they’d like another chance at revenge… and to temporarily have the transformation abilities that these mimicker creatures have.”

While he continued working, Discord turned and looked down at Orbot and Cubot and asked, “Is he serious?”

Orbot shrugged, “I wouldn’t know. If he was, you’d think he’d be bulging with muscles with as often as Sonic beats him. And he thinks you should be the soft one; he’s constantly sitting down and snacking on something, whether it’s a sandwich, ice cream, or something else that’s unnecessarily fattening.”

Cubot nodded and, in a girly voice, added, “Don’t forget his late-night snacking! And for wanting to compete in the Olympics, you’d think he’d work out more!”

Before any of them could say anything else, Eggman shouted, “I HEARD ALL THAT!” He whirled around and glared angrily at his robot lackeys, both of them suddenly looking extremely nervous. “Since you two apparently have a lot to say, why don’t you come up with a plan to get the Chaos Emerald and the Element of Honesty back from Sonic?!” He then leaned towards them as he added, “And if you know what’s good for you, you’d better not disappoint me!”

The two robots were silent for a moment before Orbot held his hands to his head and said, “Oh dear, Boss! It seems Discord’s headache is contagious! I have one now!”

He nudged Cubot as he said the last sentence, the yellow robot getting what he was doing and following suit, “Uh, yeah! I can’t concentrate either! Can we go lie down?”

Eggman sympathetically said, “Aw, you two have headaches…” Both Orbot and Cubot nodded wildly. Eggman soon grinned widely, “Guess the doctor’s going to have to OPERATE!” The two robot’s eyes widened and they froze up as Eggman put on a tool belt and picked up a large hammer he had next to his computer. As soon as he took the first step towards them, they took off, hovering as far away from him as they could. While holding the hammer over his head, Eggman chased after them while yelling, “Get back here!”

While Eggman continued to chase his robot lackeys around the chamber, Discord sat back in his couch and watched the show, making a bag of popcorn appear next to him. “Ah, my headache is feeling much better already!” he smiled to himself as he tossed some popcorn in his mouth, the sound of pop rocks popping filling the air as he chewed.


After Frog Forest

Discord hummed to himself as he passed through the doorway leading to what he had dubbed the weird scientist’s lab in the Ancient Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters. He looked over to his left to see Eggman, back to work on his computer after making the Time Eater appear over Ponyville for a scare, no doubt still searching for the Elements of Harmony and the Chaos Emeralds. On his right, Orbot and Cubot were once again floating above his couch and watching TV. Discord shrugged and walked over to Eggman while tossing his iDiscord camcorder (his personal brand!) up and down in his lion paw hand. Once he reached the scientist, he pressed against the console with his eagle talon hand and said, “Hey Eggy.”

Without looking up, Eggman asked, “Yes, what is it, Discord?”

The draconequus replied, “You might be interested to know I decided to take a little walk just now.” Eggman grunted and nodded, still not caring, “Yep, to the jungle where Twilight and her little friends were just at, to be exact.”

That caught Eggman’s attention and he looked up at Discord, “What?! They didn’t see you, did they?!”

Discord waved his eagle talon in a dismissive manner, “Of course not. I resisted the urge to reveal myself like you told me to, and anyway,” he held his camcorder out to Eggman, “you might be interested to see what I saw while I was out there. It sounds like Sparklebutt is having some kind of problems, problems that she’s willing to talk to Sonic about… alone.”

Eggman looked at the camcorder with interest at that, “Really?” He took the camcorder and looked down at it as he said, “This could come in handy later, if my research is correct.”

Discord held his hands behind his back and stood up tall with his eyes closed, “Glad to be of service.” He then opened his eyes and looked down at Eggman, “So, any luck yet?”

Eggman grunted, “No. Despite upgrading everything, the warping of time and space is still messing with my equipment. It’s making it difficult to track down the remaining Chaos Emeralds and Elements of Harmony since the time-space barriers are so weak, their readings are spilling over into other locations and making it difficult to pinpoint their exact locations.”

Discord asked, “So your machines are worthless, then? That means you’re going to have to try something else to find them, doesn’t it?”

Eggman turned and set the camcorder down on top of his computer as he said, “Not a chance. I put together some new software that will pick up on the readings and start to track them back to their source. That will reduce the likelihood of false alarms.”

Discord shrugged, “All right, if you say so.” He turned and started walking over to join Orbot and Cubot on his couch.

As Eggman looked up, his eyes caught one of the screens on his computer and he looked at it for a moment before raising his right hand and snapping his fingers. At this, the Time Eater opened a small portal on the wall next to the chamber entrance. As he walked towards it, Eggman called, “Please excuse me, gentlemen, but I have to go check on our guest. And behave! I don’t want to be disturbed unless the scanners pick up something!” The three couch potatoes gave a halfhearted grunt or murmur in response. Eggman ignored this and continued walking, going through the portal.

The portal led Dr. Eggman to a chamber hidden underneath the Ancient Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters, most likely a former basement or meeting place when the castle wasn’t as ancient. Eggman proceeded to the center of the chamber, where, atop a raised platform, an azure unicorn with a magic wand sprinkling pixie dust for a cutie mark was chained to the ground, a magic-binding collar strapped to her horn. On the ground nearby was what appeared to be a superhero costume designed to fit a pony.

As Eggman approached her, the unicorn struggled to break free, but the chains held strongly against her attempts. When Eggman was standing right in front of her, he spoke, “I must apologize again for the accommodations, Miss Lulamoon. It was the best I could do on such short notice. We’ll get right down to business since I know you great and powerful magicians are QUITE busy.” He smirked down at her, “It’s been a little while since I gave you my proposal. Have you given it any further thought?”


After the Time Eater’s appearance following the FinalHazard battle

Discord glanced up lazily as a portal opened on the wall and the Time Eater came through it, the draconequus sprawled out on his couch with his hands behind his head. He smirked to himself as the creature landed in the corner, wondering how Eggman would react to his redecorating. He got his answer after Eggman detached his Eggmobile from the Time Eater, his robots hanging onto the side, and he started making his way over to the landing area. As soon as he noticed the walls, which were covered in lines, polka dots, and bright colors, he screamed, “DISCORD!!!”

Discord laughed as he sat up, admiring his work as he said, “Hey Doc! You like what I’ve done with the place?”

Eggman didn’t respond until he had landed his Eggmobile and walked across the chamber to Discord, where he said, “For your information, I DON’T! I told you: no polka dots! And what’s with all the bright colors? I’m getting a headache just looking at the walls!”

Discord sighed and snapped his fingers, causing the walls to change back to their normal gray color. “There, you happy now?” he asked. Eggman just gave him an annoyed grunt as a response and walked a short distance away. “Sheesh, what are you upset about now? You get a letter from Weight Watchers or something?”

Eggman glared at him over his shoulder, “I’ll have you know my weight is VERY attractive and healthy! As for why I’m feeling this way, I nearly had one of the Chaos Emeralds and the Element of Magic!” Discord looked at him curiously at that. Eggman grumbled, “Unfortunately, it looks like they were hit by the Time Eater’s power differently compared to the other Emeralds and Elements. They were both completely white and turned to stone. That wouldn’t have been a problem if, when we tried to approach them, they repelled the Time Eater and forced us to retreat! Therefore, it looks like we’re going to have to wait for Sonic and his friends to restore them before we can take them for ourselves.”

Discord replied, “Hm. Well, you don’t have to get all huffy about it. You’ve got that other Chaos Emerald that you found after you finally stopped chasing your lackeys around, and it’s not like you’re going to grow old waiting for them. Learn some patience!”

Eggman grunted, “Like you would know anything about patience, Discord. You were all set to go back to turning Equestria upside-down without stopping to learn more when I set you free. And I highly doubt, had anyone been able to know what was on your mind, you were ever patient as a statue.” He then looked off to the side and muttered, “I’m beginning to see why he was sealed into stone in the first place.”

Discord raised an eyebrow, not hearing what Eggman said but knowing he had said something. He soon decided to ignore it and said, “Fine. So what do you plan to do now?”

Eggman walked over to his Eggmobile and began to dig through it, saying all the while, “I’m not going to do anything myself just yet. I believe it’s still too early for that. That doesn’t mean it’s not okay to up the ante and make it a bit harder for them, though! It’ll be easier to snatch the Element of Magic and Chaos Emerald from them if they’re tired out.” He soon found what he was looking for and walked back over to Discord. He then held up the object in his hand, which looked like a small tuning fork, and said, “I’m going to need you to put some of your magic in here, Discord.”

Discord eyed the object skeptically before looking up at Eggman and asking, “Why? What’s that for?”

Eggman answered, “It’s a fairly standard neuro-controller. I can attach this device to somebody and control their physical actions from far away. The difference with this one is it has an additional small compartment for your magic. When the magic is added to this compartment, it will add the effects of the magic as an additional effect, thus making the device more effective. As such, the bursts of magic it releases will be controlled.”

Discord sat up straight and crossed his arms, turning his head to the side and closing his eyes as he said, “I don’t think so, Eggman. I’m a force of nature; there’s no controlling any part of me! You can go find someone else to help you with your crazy idea because I’m not doing it.” He opened one eye after a second and looked down to see Eggman looking at him expectantly. They continued to stare at each other for several seconds before Discord finally relented, “Fine. What kind of magic do you want?”

Eggman replied, “A little bit of mind control and a tiny bit of memory loss. I don’t want that unicorn to remember everything.”

Discord grunted as he pointed his lion paw down at the device and began to fill it with the requested magic, “Ugh, that boisterous showboat? Why don’t I add a little something to make her magic more powerful while I’m at it?”

Eggman pulled his hand away once Discord lifted his lion paw, “No, I’ve already put a little something together for that.” He looked down at the device as it shone yellow for a moment, the glow fading as Discord’s magic found its way into the compartment. He nodded, “This will do for one of my backup plans in case those fools don’t tire out on their own. I just have to get the others ready.” He then looked over at his robots, which had been quietly floating the entire time, and said, “You two, come with me! We’ve got work to do!” Despite whatever the robots were thinking, they obediently followed him as the Time Eater opened up a new portal and went through it with him.

Once the portal had closed, Discord turned to face the TV and made the remote appear in his eagle talon hand. “If they flew over Ponyville, some new portals should have appeared. Let’s see what their travel plans are now,” Discord said to himself as he turned on the TV. Flipping through the channels for a bit, he soon came across a channel showing stone paths, exotic food, and Eastern architecture. “Boring!” he yawned as he changed the channel. Seconds later, an image of giant food, rides, and chocolate milk was displayed on the screen, catching his attention. “Ooh, I think I’ve finally found a place to set up my summer home!” he smiled to himself. He savored the vision before him for a minute before, reluctantly, lifting his claw to change the channel. The claw came down…

And he winced when the new image appeared on the screen. “Uh… Barren, wasted land, erupting volcanoes and lava monsters, and possible widespread destruction… It’s chaotic… but not in a good way,” Discord breathed to himself. Curious about this location, he pressed the button on the remote that said ‘Information’ and began skimming over the details. “Unstable crust… world destroyed by Iblis and its minions… a future that shouldn’t exist?” he murmured to himself. He threw the remote over his shoulder (the remote squeaking and bouncing like a rubber ducky when it hit the ground) and flew over to Eggman’s computer, wanting to know more.

“Hmm… Mephiles the Dark… Pretty strange, yet creepy, looking fellow. Is there anyone else at this hotspot besides our guests?” he mused to himself. He soon found his answer, “Looks like Applejack’s got a cousin and a friend there. Dragons… some hedgehog named Silver… hmm? Silver met this Mephiles character in this alternate future?” He thought about this for several moments before looking around the chamber. “No Eggman or his lackeys to keep an eye on me…” he thought. With this in mind, he snapped his lion paw fingers, a bright flash coming from his body as he changed. When the flash cleared, he looked like a pale, off-color Shadow, exactly what Mephiles looked like in some of the pictures on Eggman’s computer.

Discord looked over himself for a moment before nodding, “Looks good. Now…” He cleared his throat and said, in a darker voice that fit his new appearance, “It’s time to spread some chaos!”


During the Dragon Road chase

Eggman grunted as he stared intently at the TV screen in front of him, the scientist sitting firmly on Discord’s couch. In his hands was a gray controller with two analog sticks and a collection of buttons; on the floor in front of the TV sat a gray box, most likely some kind of computer system. Eggman carefully moved the left stick on the controller forward, his eyes focused on the screen as he carefully made his move.

“HEY EGGMAN!” Discord’s voice suddenly rang out, causing Eggman to yelp and jump slightly as his concentration was broken, though he thankfully took his thumb off the left analog stick. He glared back over his shoulder to see Discord’s grinning face looking back at him. “You know, you really shouldn’t be so focused on one thing like that. Loosen up a little!” the cheeky draconequus said. He spotted the piece of hardware sitting on the floor in front of the TV and asked, “Ooh, what’s that, an Eggsbox? Can I be player two?”

Eggman groaned as he bent down and picked his controller up, focusing on the TV again as he grumbled, “Hmph. No, you can’t be player two, Discord.”

Orbot floated up next to his leg and asked, “May I be the second human-controlled player then, Boss?”

Eggman replied, “No, you can’t be player two either, because there is no second player! This is a one player game, and I have the controller!”

Before an argument could start, Cubot floated over, holding something in his right hand, and said, “Pardon, m’lord, but methinks I hath foundeth something.” Orbot, Eggman, and Discord looked at the yellow robot as he held up what appeared to be the end of a red unicorn horn.

Eggman eyed the horn suspiciously, “A red horn? How did that end up here? And why…” He stopped short as he remembered where he’d seen a horn like that, dropping his controller and backing away a bit. “Egad! That’s King Sombra’s horn!” he exclaimed.

Discord looked at him, “Who?”

Eggman answered, “King Sombra!” Discord still looked confused, so Eggman clarified, “Ruled the Crystal Empire a thousand years ago? Enslaved ponies?”

A look of comprehension dawned on Discord’s face, “Oh yeah, him.” His expression quickly changed and he flew over to Eggman’s computer, exclaiming, “Ugh! Get that thing out of here!”

While the draconequus started typing something on the keyboard, Cubot looked at Eggman in confusion, “Forgiveth me, lord, but I do not quite understand…”

Eggman saw a portal open up behind Cubot and, while standing up, said, “You don’t have to! Just hold still!” He then crossed over to Cubot and swiftly kicked the horn out of his hand, sending it flying into the portal. The portal closed as Eggman breathed a sigh of relief and knelt down on one knee. “There. He’s their problem now,” he muttered as he started dusting his boot off.

During the battle between Trixie and Twilight

Eggman growled as he fought with his controller, his eyes briefly glancing at the HUD on the screen before shifting back to the action. “Rrgh…! Blasted unicorn, hold still! You should be as athletic as I am, what with all the time you spend with your nose buried in those books of yours!” he yelled as he threw his headset onto the couch.

Discord was sitting next to him on the couch, the draconequus daintily sipping a cup of tea before saying, “She’s a feisty one, isn’t she? This really isn’t looking good for you, Doc.”

Eggman grunted, “You think?! It’s not my fault! The fighting controls aren’t working the way they’re supposed to! I should’ve spent more time developing it!”

Discord took another sip of tea and asked, “You sure you don’t want a second player?”

Eggman glared at him, “For the last time, NO!” He looked back at the screen and grunted before saying, “Now look what you’ve done! I could’ve dodged that if you’d kept your mouth shut!” Discord rolled his eyes and continued to watch silently. A few minutes later, on the TV screen, Twilight unleashed a powerful dome of magic that sent Trixie flying and damaged the neuro-controller Eggman had placed in the azure unicorn’s ear. The TV screen went to static for a moment before going black and displaying the words ‘YOU LOST’ in red letters.

Eggman growled and threw his controller on the ground, crossing his arms and pouting while Discord watched in amusement. Eggman soon stood up and walked over to his console, disconnecting it from Discord’s TV. “Hey, I want a turn!” Discord complained.

Eggman picked his console up and tucked it under his left arm, along with the controller, before turning to the draconequus and saying, “Well, too bad! That’s another plan ‘B’ down the drain, just like luring them into the den of that Iblis creature was!”

Eggman winced and held his right hand to his head, feeling as though the name ‘Iblis’ was familiar for some reason. While he shook off the feeling, Discord thought to himself, “So was manipulating that Silver hedgehog. Then again, it was rather amusing to see him fight his friend and shout all that weird stuff.

He returned his attention to Eggman as the scientist straightened up and walked towards his computer on the other side of the chamber. As he walked, he said, “I’m getting sick of playing around with Sonic and his little friends! I’ll let them run around a little more, and then we’ll see how they like my LAST plan ‘B’!”

Discord looked back at him and called, “And what if your LAST plan ‘B’ flops, Doc?”

Eggman didn’t even slow down as he answered, “We still have one other Chaos Emerald. If this plan ‘B’ fails, then it will ensure that plan ‘C’ doesn’t!” Discord shrugged to himself and, after Eggman left the room, decided to take a break and head to Sweet Mountain for a while…


After the Egg Wyvern battle

Orbot and Cubot watched from next to Discord’s couch as the Time Eater came through a portal into the room, carrying Dr. Eggman underneath it. As it flew close to the middle of the chamber, the Time Eater released Eggman and let him hit the ground hard. Once the creature was back in its place, Discord floated up out of it and flew over to Eggman. “Heh heh, how’s that egghead of yours doing, Doc? Now we’re even!” he smiled. Eggman just grunted angrily and stood up, walking rigidly over to his computer. Discord followed alongside while saying, “Oh, come on! I didn’t drop you THAT hard!”

Eggman growled, “Oh, shut up, Discord! I don’t care about that! I went to great lengths to get that hedgehog alone for a final confrontation; I even had a Chaos Emerald powering my latest creation, and he STILL managed to defeat me!”

Discord shrugged as Orbot and Cubot floated over and caught up with them, “Yeah, so? What are you going to do about it? We still have to stay hidden, do we not?”

Eggman stopped in front of his computer and said, “Not anymore.” He picked up a remote that was sitting atop the panel and looked at it for a moment before saying, “We’re done playing hide-and-seek with them. In fact, this is where all the games end.”

Discord looked intrigued at this while Orbot and Cubot stared at Eggman attentively. “Boss, are you saying…?” Orbot asked.

Eggman nodded, “It’s time to put all this back where it belongs and close up shop. No more hiding; it’s time to end this once and for all.” He pointed the remote up at the Time Eater and pressed the central button on it, “I have some final modifications to make to the Time Eater. Open up those other portals along the train route to Canterlot to delay them.” As the mist began to lift from around the Time Eater, Eggman clenched his left fist, “Enjoy the ride while you can, Sonic. It will be the last thing you and your friends get to properly enjoy.”


Sometime after Sonic’s birthday party

Discord mentally sighed to himself. Once again, it was a beautiful day in Equestria and here he was, stuck as a stone statue, unable to liven it up for anypony or, more importantly, himself. How much time had passed since he’d been turned into stone for a third time and had to endure that horrible party they had thrown for that Sonic hedgehog? How many times had he groaned, sighed, and thought about what had happened? He wasn’t sure… again.

So that was the way it was meant to be. He had been freed by a creature (somewhat) under the control of a human from another universe, convinced by said human to help him with his scheme with the promise that they would rewrite history, got to trick and mess with his enemies (even if it didn’t work out at all times, especially at the end), and, most importantly, got to cause some chaos… only to end up being turned back into a statue, having changed nothing.

Discord felt his stone to see if there was any weakness, but again, there was no change. If the seal never weakened, the only way he could possibly get free again would be if the Elements of Harmony themselves removed it. And how he wished they would; once again he was cramped and sore and desperately in need of stretching. He briefly wondered if he should have stayed outside of his body, either in Equestria or Sonic’s world, and remained a specter for all time. He quickly shot this idea down, as being a ghost that couldn’t do much of anything paled in comparison to what he was normally able to do.

What made being turned to stone so much worse this time was the direction his thoughts were taking due to everything that had happened when he was free. The last time he was turned to stone, he had no regrets and was filled with questions as to how Twilight Sparkle and her friends had managed to defeat him as he was so sure chaos triumphed over all else. For whatever reason, though, way in the back of his mind, he felt different now; he actually felt bad about what he’d done… but since it was way in the back of his mind and he was sure it was something either the ponies or Sonic had done to him, he was sure he could ignore it. Unfortunately, with nothing better to do than think, he found he was bringing up these thoughts more often than he wanted to.

Finally, something interesting came along to distract him from these thoughts. Although he couldn’t see, he could hear Celestia’s voice. It sounded like she was talking to her guards. He tried to strain his ears to listen to what they were saying. The guards sounded curious, confused… What’s this? Celestia was taking him to Ponyville? To be reformed?

Now that was a good one. Celestia, thinking she could reform chaos… what was she thinking? If he had been able to, Discord would’ve rolled his eyes. Celestia had to be really off her rocker if she thought he would ever be made into a good boy. Still, if she was serious, that meant he would have to be set free in order to be ‘reformed’. If Celestia thought her student and her friends would be able to reform him, then this could only end well… for him. He just needed to get on their good side (most likely Fluttershy’s) and make certain that, even if he couldn’t steal the Elements of Harmony, they would be unable to use them on him. Once that was done, he would be free to spread his chaos as he wished, and there would be no Sonic to help the girls this time…

However, as the guards loaded his statue onto a chariot and set off after Celestia’s chariot, Discord’s mind once again turned to one of the thoughts that he did not like. He fought hard to suppress the thought, and by the time they were on their way to Ponyville, the thought had left his head. Still, the memory of thinking the thought remained with him, and the thought itself made him worry.

What would it feel like if somepony were to honestly call me their friend?

Comments ( 250 )

Ooh. A new part! Yay!

Did you literally JUST post this?

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Sorry if I got your hopes up. A reader suggested that I break the chapters up into smaller parts in order to make the story easier to read. There's nothing that's actually new, unfortunately.

However, I will be starting on "Adventures on the Friendship Express" soon!


Excellent. :raritystarry: Simply excellent. :twilightsmile:


A minigame I didn't get despite pre-ordering the game... Never mind that.

To be honest, not really. Admittedly, it's strange that Sega released less DLC for it than they did for "Sonic 2006", especially with all the possibilities at their disposal, but... I don't know. Maybe they figured since they were releasing it on PC, the fans could come up with extra content on their own.

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Yes... so many references!


Huh... that is weird. :applejackconfused:

OK, I'd like to know just how long have you spent on creating this amazing story!?!? This is...it's....OMG!


Um... I started it in March of 2012, so... a little over a year, I'm gonna say?

Well, whatever effort you put into this story over that period of time really worked CUZ THIS IS FREAKING AMAZING!...I wanna create a video series of me reading this. I really do.:raritystarry::rainbowkiss::pinkiehappy:


He actually doesn't. Everything Shadow said was based on his first impression of Shining Armor, which, while it might have been affected by Queen Chrysalis and what she said, wasn't very good overall.


Wow, thanks! If you really want to, you can.

And thanks for the watch!

hey, no prob bro. Oh, and also, if I try really really really really, REALLY hard, I wanna create this into some sort of animated movie or YouTube series...but I doubt that'll happen. Still, this story deserves it!


Yes, there will. At the moment, I'm kind of on the fence as to what to make the sequel about: a "Lost World" crossover, or a story taking place after the events of that game.

Either way, I'm going to wait until the release of "Sonic Lost World" and the premiere of season 4 of FiM before starting it. In the meantime, I plan to start on the interquel, "Adventures on the Friendship Express", soon (it's going to cover the train ride to Canterlot; some of what happens along the way is mentioned by the characters at the start of "Canterlot and the Center of Time").

Alright, sounds cool. I'd love to see Luna and Shadow work together on something sometime, but whatever.


I'm not very good at inserting fourth wall jokes anyway.


Yeah, that's what it did. In the console version of the game, the boss was Perfect Chaos while the boss in the 3DS version was the Biolizard. I had a few people who wanted Metal Overlord to appear, but I had some trouble thinking of how the fight would go, so I basically combined the Biolizard and Perfect Chaos fights into one here.

OH ok then. Anyway, great all the same bro :raritywink:


Yeah, I suppose that's true. No one really wants to think of "the kiss", but what I actually had in mind for her to be thinking of was when Mephiles fired his laser and killed Sonic.

Silver: Sonic! Grab my hand!

*Sonic grabs Silver's hand; Silver suddenly shoots off, leaving a rainbow trail behind him*


...I guess that part too.:twilightsheepish:


Thank you for telling me about the dead link. I've found a replacement and fixed it.

As for the music itself, it's the track "Cutscene 2" from "Sonic Generations".


Fixed. "You're Not Alone" from "Final Fantasy IX".

When do you expect to have the first chapter of the "Adventures on the Friendship Express" interquel ready?


I hope to start on it soon. School puts a lot on me. :ajsleepy:

It's okay. We can wait.


Yeah, I don't get your first question. If you're talking about Eggman talking, then villains always get to talk for free. If you're talking about the Main Six, then, with as much time has passed by without them talking, it might as well be free.

And I don't see how that could derail Eggman's argument. That's like a student saying they'll do better next time and never making good on their word: too little, too late.

3410913 Its a DND thing. There is no limit to how long you may talk in a turn.

Hello GreenS21. I want to say your story Is so freaking AWESOME. Anyway, I would like to tell you that I am eagerly awaiting your Sonic Lost World and My Little Pony crossover in the near future and would like to give you my ideas. I was thinking you could pair up each member of the Mane Six against each member of the Deadly Six like this:

Rainbow Dash vs. Zazz: they are both short tempered and hot headed and im sure Zazz would get a kicker.
Applejack vs. Zomom: Zomom would probably try to eat Applejack.
Fluttershy vs. Master Zik: Master Zik would probably try not to underestimate Fluttershy's potential if you know what I mean:twilightsheepish:
Rarity vs. Zeena: They're polar opposites: Rarity is generous but Zeena is not.
Pinkie Pie vs. Zor: Again, polar opposites: Zor would have a nightmare:raritycry:
Princess Twilight Sparkle vs. Zavok: both are leaders and both are strong.

I am hoping that if you choose to go with your first idea of the sequel, could you possibly through NiGHTS and Wizeman in their as a sidestory due to the NiGHTS into Dreams dlc in the game?

Can't wait and only twenty days left until season four and you story:pinkiehappy:


Honestly, I'm thinking of going with my original story idea at this point. However, if that's the idea I stick with it, I'm definitely going to include Lost World's NiGHTS DLC level in it. Maybe even have NiGHTS make more than a cameo appearance.

Understood. by the way, what would your original story idea be?

Also, if you're considering having NiGHTS be more than a cameo, could you through in Reala as well.

One more thing, the Pinkie Pie vs. Zor thing would totally be hilarious in my opinion

Pinkie: Why don't you turn that frown upside down?
Zor: Because smiling hurts my face
Pinke: (looks at him with a suprised face) Seriously?


Just, uh... it's kind of hard to talk about without giving away a lot of the plot, and it still kind of feels like a work-in-progress. Only recently did I decide I to try to make NiGHTS have a major role in it.

Oh yeah, I can definitely have Reala appear as well.

Ooh, I like that. I think I'm going to have to find a way to use it. :raritystarry:

Okay ill stop asking about it and wait it out. Do you think Princess Luna would like meeting NiGHTS since they both can enter people's dream? Also im glad you like my idea's

and by the way:

Zazz: I'm gonna skin you ponies alive!


Yup. I'm thinking of giving Luna a role in the story as well.

By the way, how long do you think it'll be when you start writing the Adventure on the Friendship Express story?

Also, can't wait to see some pony/zeti smackdowns in the near future.

I was also wondering, for your interquel story, could you through in a character from Super Smash Bros as a minor side story? Just wondering, if you choose not to i shall respect it.

Could you possibly have the heroes enter a portal that will lead them to the center of the earth and have them fight Dark Gaia instead of just his minions? Sorry if im asking too much im just wondering.


Initially, I'm going to do some extra levels in addition to the Storybook worlds with several extra boss fights, ending with the remaining levels from "Sonic Colors". However, even though that's when I'll mark the story as complete, I will probably go back and add extra stuff from time to time if inspiration strikes. So a Super Smash Bros.-related chapter or Dark Gaia making an appearance aren't out of the question.

That's cool dude:twilightsmile:

cant wait to see the ponies meet caliburn and the nights of the round table. you gotta wonder what Spike and Shining Armor will think of Nimue and Lancelot:pinkiegasp:

I was thinking, since your sequel will take place after "Keep Calm and Flutter On", will Discord visit and help Sonic beat the Zeti and mess with Eggman for a little bit?

One more: did you metion including wreck it ralph:duck:


I'm hoping either season 4 or the comics will shed some light on what Discord's been up to since "Keep Calm and Flutter On" soon. I remember hearing somewhere that he'll be kind of like an unreliable ally to the main characters in some ways, but there's a lot of ways that could be interpreted.

I would certainly like to if I can find a way to bring him in.

Will one of your bosses be Metal Overlord?

Does this sound good to you?

Twilight: Pinkie! Stop giving him cake!:facehoof:
Pinkie: I'm not giving him cake! I'm assaulting him with cake!
Zomom: Best assaulting ever!

or this?

Zor: Ugh, look at that pink pony. She is so upbeat and bubbly and wants to make friends like Sonic. Makes me sick. Time to knock those two down a a peg.


Yes! Both of them! :pinkiehappy:


by the way, will your interquel feature levels from sonic chronicles the dark brotherhood and an appearance of Shade or Imperator Ix?

and by the way,

Rarity: its an honor to meet you miss NiGHTS
NiGHTS: Uh, i am niether a boy or a girl::twilightsheepish:
Spike: awkward


Hmm... well, I'll probably have a Gizoid appear to make a reference to Emerl and "Sonic Battle". I've personally kind of written Chronicles out since, at the moment, there doesn't seem to be any chance of an official sequel happening (I do like Shade and Ix, though).

Heh, good one. I was actually thinking of having Luna be the one to pop the awkward question.

itll make more sense that way.

How do you create an avatar?


I know you can upload one in the user settings, but as for creating an avatar... well, I'm not so great when it comes to drawing stuff. I just found mine at a coloring book page, copied it to a Paint file, and colored it in. I don't really know how to actually create an avatar.

Will the cutie mark crusaders have a role?
Also, do you think its a good idea to have the deadly six capture the mane six's pets, turn them into badniks and force the ponies to fight them?:trixieshiftleft:


They might. I'm not sure yet.

Hm... interesting idea and quite possible with the whole dreams thing.


No, that's not it. There was a rock slide in "Dragonshy", yes, but it's not the same rock slide mentioned in this story. The "Dragonshy" rock slide is brought up here because the pile of dirt, which the Main Six had to climb over to reach the dragon's cave in that episode, has been noticeably... upset, shall we say.

I'm really glad you like my ideas:twilightsmile:

You going to feature Twilight telling Sonic and Tails about the mirror?

Does Twilight fighting Zavok sound good to you?


I'm thinking the mirror itself will make an appearance, and yes she probably will tell them.

Yeah, it does. :twilightsmile:

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