• Published 20th Oct 2013
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Strange Bedfellows - BRBrony9

MLP/WH40K Crossover- An Imperial Crusade discovers a remote planet and its unusual inhabitants, but it soon becomes clear they are not the only ones whose interests lie in Equestria....

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The Waiting

Muzzle Flash stared in disbelief as the humans began to arrive. He had been informed of the developing situation, that there were strange forces on the march to the planet, and that the humans would be the ponies’ best chance of survival. He was not entirely convinced that the humans were not using that as an excuse to essentially occupy Equestria, but they had seemed deadly serious, their faces showing no hint of deceit. There were hundreds, no, thousands of them, pouring in from south of the town. They marched in a tight formation that would have made the Royal Guard proud. They entered the town from the south. Ponies emerged from the shelters and houses to be greeted by the sight of hundreds of strange, bipedal creatures marching through their town, the Royal Guard present in some considerable number, their reinforcing battalion having been permitted to disembark from the Celestia, but doing nothing to stop these aliens.

Several ponies fainted in shock. Muzzle Flash could hardly blame them. The humans were dressed in strange clothes similar to those worn by the first arrivals; camouflaged various shades of brown and green, with dark grey armour covering their chests and helmets of a similar shade. Most of them carried the same type of gun- polished grey metal, with a short barrel and stumpy magazine. Like the ones carried by the ‘diplomatic team,’ but smaller, Muzzle Flash thought. A number of the humans carried different weapons, however- there were heavy-looking things with big barrels, things with what looked like cylinders instead of magazines, strange tubes slung over shoulders, long guns with big telescopic sights. Many of what he assumed were the officers carried swords that appeared to have nasty, serrated teeth on them.
As well as the guns, there were all kinds of other equipment. Flashlights, packs, canteens, rope, entrenching tools, and all manner of things Muzzle Flash could not identify. As the humans streamed through the town, the mayor and her entourage watching from the town hall balcony, the vehicles started to arrive.

Again, Muzzle Flash was astounded. He had seen nothing like them. It was as if a steam locomotive had detached itself from the rails, grown armour, tracks and guns, and started to roll around the town. Great hulking things with stubby, wide-barreled cannons in their turrets and another smaller gun jutting out of the front, and two belt-fed weapons of some kind in sponsons on the side of the hull, as well as a smaller gun on top of the turret that he assumed must be for one of the crew to use. Alongside them were vehicles with much smaller turrets, low-slung and with doors on the back. Troop transports, he realised.

Behind these vehicles came metal giants. Huge, rumbling behemoths laden down with guns like they were going out of fashion. There were only two of them, but they made an impression entirely greater than even the long column of smaller vehicles. The barrels of their main guns, Muzzle Flash noted, were longer than the vehicles that had preceded them. They sprouted smaller weapons like mushrooms growing in a field after a spring rain. He counted eleven barrels on each vehicle. Their bulk crushed the cobblestones beneath them as they rolled into the town. Ponies trembled in fear and stared in open mouthed astonishment as the armoured leviathans tore up their street and lumbered slowly through the town.
Staring after them, Muzzle Flash found himself being approached by the human Lieutenant who had been left in charge of the first landing party.

‘Baneblades,’ he said, drawing a blank expression from Muzzle Flash. The human nodded after the huge vehicles.

‘We call them Baneblades. Super-heavy tanks. Not much can stand up against one of those,’ he chuckled, ‘let alone two.’

‘And…all this stuff is to defend this town?’ Muzzle Flash questioned. The human shook his head.

‘Some of it is. We talked to your Captain and he advised us on where we should move our troops. Some are staying here, some are moving to defend the dam north of town, some are going to…what was it called…Cameltrot?’

‘Canterlot,’ Muzzle Flash corrected him.

‘Yeah, some of them are going there. There are others across the continent,’ he said. ‘We are not going anywhere, not with those storms in orbit, so you need have no fear that we will not fight. After all, we will be fighting for our own lives as much as yours.’ These words did not fill Muzzle Flash with as much confidence as had been intended. Still, it was better than nothing, and whatever this enemy was, the more hoov…hands they could muster in the defence of Equestria, the better.

‘What exactly are we going to be facing?’ Muzzle Flash asked. The human grimaced.

‘Well, I don’t know exactly what they have up there, or how many there are,’ he began, ‘but whatever it is, it won’t be pretty. They are our arch-enemy. Traitors who turned against the Imperium thousands of years ago, backed by the forces of Chaos itself.’ Muzzle Flash had a mental image of Discord flash into his brain.

‘Chaos? We’ve fought chaos before,’ he said. The human looked surprised.

‘Really? I thought we were the first humans…well, I suppose there would be no records within the Imperium of such an encounter…’

‘No, there were no humans,’ Muzzle Flash said, as a stream of covered, powered wagons began to roll past, belching smoke from tall exhaust stacks behind their cabs and laden down with troops and equipment.

‘So…demons, then?’ Jonas asked.

‘I suppose you could call him that, yes,’ Muzzle Flash replied. ‘We know him as Discord. He used to rule this place, but he was imprisoned by the Princess and her sister a thousand years ago. He escaped last year but he was defeated again.’

‘What did he look like? What did he do?’ Jonas asked, intrigued.

‘He is a chimera of sorts. He appears to be made up of parts taken from various creatures, including dragons and ponies,’ he explained. ‘He can…change things, with a snap of his fingers. Our guns are of little use when they have been turned into bananas,’ the pony explained. Jonas raised an eyebrow.

‘Sounds like a Lord of Change, a Greater Demon of Tzeentch,’ he said. Muzzle Flash looked confused.

‘A what?’

‘One of the most powerful agents of the Chaos gods,’ Jonas said. ‘They use deceit, trickery and foul magic to further the ends of their master.’ Muzzle Flash had to agree. That did sound an awful lot like Discord.

Their conversation was interrupted by a shout. Nearby, some of the Imperial troops had been digging a trench and were in the process of stacking sandbags along its parapet. Now half a dozen of them were pointing their guns at a unicorn guardspony. The two Lieutenants hurried over.

‘What’s going on here?’ Jonas demanded. A corporal threw him a sloppy salute.

‘Sir, this alien is a psyker!’ The Guardsmen did not budge, their guns aimed straight at the unicorn, who had his head lowered menacingly.

‘A what?’ Muzzle Flash asked. The corporal growled.

‘A psyker! A witch.’

‘Stand down, corporal! All of you, get back to work!’ Jonas demanded. ‘You know our orders and you heard the Commissar. You could all be shot for this!’ At the mention of the more conventional methods of Imperial justice, the corporal balked and backed down.

‘Do as he says,’ he said reluctantly. The nervous troopers lowered their weapons.

‘What exactly are you accusing him of?’ Muzzle Flash asked, concerned. Jonas cast a glance at the guardspony.

‘They say he is a psyker, someone who uses psychic powers…a lot of the more superstitious troopers are scared of them, even those that are on our own side. Uncontrolled psykers are a threat to the Imperium,’ he explained. ‘They can act as conduits for the forces of Chaos. Usually psykers are…hunted down.’ Muzzle Flash looked at the guardspony.

‘You,’ he said.

‘Ice Wind, sir!’ the unicorn replied.

‘Ice Wind, did you use your magic?’ he asked.

‘Yes sir. I asked if they needed help filling the sandbags. They said yes, so I started using my magic to lift up the bags, and they pulled guns on me, sir!’ Muzzle Flash turned to Jonas, aware that the corporal and his work detail were listening in.

‘Lieutenant, unicorn ponies possess magical abilities,’ he began to explain. ‘We have had such abilities for many thousands of years and have not acted as ‘conduits’ for anything. Our abilities vary from pony to pony, but military unicorns generally have the ability to cast offensive magic. Perhaps your troops should refrain from comment until they have seen us in action.’ The corporal grunted again.

‘Still sound like psykers to me!’ he spat. Jonas silenced him with a glance.

‘I hope you are right, Lieutenant,’ Jonas said, ‘for all our sakes.’

Captain Soren had finally received word from the landing party of what had happened to the fleet. He spoke frantically into the vox, the ponies in the palace garden watching intently and nervously as he did so. Jonas told him of the space battle, the Chaos transports entering orbit, of the friendly reinforcements.

‘Your Highness,’ Soren said, looking at Princess Celestia. ‘A great struggle is about to engulf your people. I would suggest, if I may, that you prepare your armies to go to war, for war is coming, whether you are ready or not.’
Celestia knew he was not lying- she could sense it in him. She could also sense the coming storm; a sense of dread In the corners of her psyche, deeply foreboding. Judging by her sister’s expression, she knew Luna felt it too.

‘It will be done, Captain,’ she said, nodding. ‘Shining Armour, assemble the chiefs of staff. We are going to war.’

Twilight watched her brother depart with Celestia and the humans. While she knew he had important work to do, she wished he could have stayed with her, especially after hearing what the human had just said. He had always been there when she was a filly to calm her down, and now she needed someone to do just that again. From what the human said, a war was coming the likes of which Equestria had not seen for generations. Her friends clustered around her, silent, worried. Princess Luna approached her.

‘Greetings, Twilight Sparkle,’ she said softly.

‘Hello, Princess,’ Twilight responded.

‘Thou all seem nervous,’ Luna observed, gesturing to the group of young mares. ‘Do not fear. My sister is taking matters in hand. We shall not be unprepared for this attack.’ Twilight looked up at her.

‘I know, Princess, but…’ she trailed off.

‘There is nothing to be gained by worrying,’ Luna said. ‘Far better for us all if you take action to ease your fears. Simply taking your mind off something for a while can often make it easier to deal with.’ Twilight nodded, seeing her friends smiling nervously around her.

‘You’re right, Princess,’ she said. ‘What would you have us do?’ Luna gestured to the palace with a hoof.

‘The Royal Guard will be preparing the city for attack. You,’ she gestured to Twilight’s friends, ‘should all endeavour to provide them with whatever assistance you can. Twilight Sparkle,’ she continued, ‘I wish you to speak to me further about what you saw last night. Perhaps we can learn something from it that may help us in the coming battle.’ With a job given to them, Twilight’s friends eagerly set off to assist the Royal Guard in whatever small ways they could. Luna led Twilight into her personal chambers, then up a flight of spiralling stairs to a balcony that overlooked the gardens. On the balcony was a large, ornately decorated telescope, similar in size to the one Twilight possessed in the library.

‘This is where I observe the sky,’ Luna said as Twilight stepped onto the balcony. ‘I must confess I was rather busy last night and so did not see this object of which you spoke.’ Twilight admired the telescope. Whereas her own was a work of function, this was as much a work of form, its aesthetic value equal to that of its scientific worth. Wonderfully intricate brass mechanisms were used to traverse the telescope, and the device itself was immaculately painted a deep, royal purple. Luna caught Twilight’s admiring gaze.

‘This telescope has been in use for more than a thousand years,’ she explained. ‘I used it long ago, and my sister did also when I was…elsewhere.’

‘It’s beautiful,’ Twilight said simply.

‘Then it is a pity that so few ponies will ever get to see it,’ Luna said ruefully. ‘Now, on to more pressing matters.’ Her face hardened as she turned to the task ahead.

‘Do you believe the thing you saw in the sky was the same thing that fell to earth just now?’ she asked Twilight. She thought back for a moment, picturing the calculations she had made but left behind in Ponyville.

‘It’s possible,’ she said. ‘But…I think what I saw was a little smaller. By my calculations the thing I saw was around three miles in length, but that…ship that crashed, that looked longer than three miles.’

‘Then the humans are telling the truth,’ the Princess of the night said. ‘There are multiple vessels in orbit around our planet.’

‘I suppose so, Princess, yes,’ Twilight replied. It was late afternoon but the sun would not be setting over Equestria for several hours yet. Twilight wondered why Luna had brought her up to the balcony to have this talk. The telescope would likely not be able to pick anything out until the sun had gone down, after all.

‘They seem to have spoken only the truth thus far,’ Luna said after a moment. ‘We have no reason to doubt them when they speak of this enemy of theirs.’ The Princess looked out over Canterlot as she spoke. ‘I can feel it, Twilight Sparkle,’ she continued. ‘I know my sister does too. A feeling of darkness, at the edge of my mind. Something evil comes for us.’

At the Princess’ behest, the military chiefs of staff had assembled in the palace’s war room. Shining Armour of the Royal Guard, Super Cruise of the Air Corps, General Charger of the Army, and the audaciously titled Grand Admiral Prince Bluewater, of the Navy.

Like his younger brother, Prince Blueblood, Bluewater loved nothing more than self-aggrandisement, hence the unwarranted and, given the size of the Equestrian Navy, rather unnecessary appellation of ‘Grand’ affixed to his rank. He immediately launched into a bombastic tirade about wasting military resources on vague and unspecific threats before the Princess hushed him into silence with a steely gaze.

‘Gentlecolts, please,’ she said. ‘There is no debate to be found here. We are preparing for war, and that is a direct order,’ she said, looking at each officer in turn. ‘Admiral, you will prepare your ships to depart at once from Manehattan and put out to sea. You will remain there on full alert until instructed otherwise.’ Bluewater looked as if he was about to protest again, but he kept his objections to himself.

‘As you wish, Your Highness,’ he said. Celestia turned next to General Charger.

‘General, all army units are to come to full readiness at once and proceed to their assigned civil defence locations. Your primary mission will be to protect the civilian population.’ Charger saluted smartly.

‘Yes, Your Highness!’

‘General Super Cruise,’ Celestia turned to the Air Corps commander. ‘I want all airships fully fuelled and ready to depart within an hour. Alert the Pegasus assault units and have them stand by.’

‘Yes, Your Highness!’ Finally, she turned to Shining Armour.

‘Commander, I want all your Guard units on full alert. Take whatever steps you deem necessary to protect the civilians, and secure the city. Nopony in or out without your direct authorisation.’ Shining Armour saluted.

‘Yes, Your Highness. Right away.’

‘Thank you all,’ Celestia said. ‘See to your duties. As of now, Equestria is under martial law.’

Throughout the evening and overnight, ponies and humans were on the move. Civilians from outlying settlements were evacuated to the more secure, larger towns. Barricades were built, sentries posted, perimeters secured. Airships from Canterlot, Cloudsdale and Baltimare patrolled tirelessly, their eyes firmly on the clear skies. Columns of Royal Guard and Army units marched out, watched by nervous but proud faces. The Guardsmen of the 4th Hydraxian Regiment joined their strange new comrades on the barricades. They dug in their artillery, set up fighting positions for their armour, trenches for their men.

Around Ponyville, trenches and revetments were set up facing south, east, and west across the plains. To the north of the town was a river, deep enough to be unfordable, that cut clean across the wide valley. With the mayor’s reluctant permission, the Guardsmen had rigged the bridges that spanned it with demolition charges, ready to blow them should the need arise. Barbed wire was strung, heavy weapons set up in hastily constructed bunkers. There were no minefields- defensive equipment had not been the first priority for the troops, who had, after all, been on a strike mission when they departed their mothership.
Northwest of the town, the Hoofer Dam was also being fortified. A contingent of Royal Guard and a company of Imperial Guard had moved in and secured the approach road and dug in around the site to protect the dam.

In Canterlot, the Royal Guard were everywhere. The city gates had been shut tight and barred once the human reinforcements had arrived in record time in their vehicles. Their heavy weapons lined the walls alongside the rifles of the guardsponies, and their vehicles roamed the streets. A curfew had been imposed, but few ponies would have dared wander the streets even if it had not been. In the palace, Twilight Sparkle and Princess Luna observed the heavens, searching for any sign of the invaders. Three City-Class airships, the Baltimare, Cloudsdale and the Trottingham hovered above Canterlot, their searchlights playing along the streets and the approaches to the city gates. With them were a handful of Vulture gunships that had been landed in one of the Imperial bulk transports. The night was quiet, however, and it passed uneventfully.

They came at dawn, plunging down into the atmosphere. The Auspex arrays on the Imperial craft picked them up early, while they were still at high altitude. In the absence of any anti-spacecraft weaponry, however, the troops on the ground could only sit and watch as fire streaked from the skies to the east. Landers and dropships of all sizes, hundreds of them. They landed east of the mountains, and they landed in the valley south of Ponyville. The invasion had begun.

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