• Member Since 12th Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago


Fighting for freedom, wherever there's trouble, GI Joe is there! GI Joooo.... okay, where did the tie-dyed horses come from?!


The Changelings have regrouped, and with the help of a new ally from another world, have conquered and enslaved Equestria. The Elements of Harmony manage to cast a desperate spell, a cry for help. One man answers, and shows the conquerors why his name is taken from a bad roll of the dice.

A GI Joe/My Little Pony crossover. GI Joe and MLP:FIM and all associated characters are TM to Hasbro, and I take no creative credit for anything but the story.
My first fanfiction ever. This is more of a preview/beta test for a much larger fanfic to come later. Please comment and let me know what you think.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 30 )

Hmm changelings Plus ninjas....
Ninja Changelings?
Now that i think about it, thats an awesome idea.

3387557 like I said in the description, this is more of a preview for a multi-chapter story that will take the same basic idea, just in a slightly different direction. Stay tuned, GI Joe/My Little Pony will be back!

OOOOOOH A bad roll of the dice
Snake Eyes
i just got that

There is not a single MLP/G.I. Joe crossover to be found on the this website, but this could be a fresh start. Keep up the good work, and make it as epic as possible!:pinkiehappy:

3387967 I intend to! My next story will feature more and better (hopefully:trixieshiftright:). And there are a few GI Joe xovers, they're just rare. I do hope to influence better writers than I to write more Joe/Pony stories. After all, I joined this site originally to read, writing came after I realized there weren't many stories featuring my favorite characters. Thanks for the comment and fave!

3388683 "Forward my legions! We shall conquer this land of pastel equines in the name of Cobra! For I am Serpentor, and this, I COMMAND!!!!":derpyderp1:
I'm still trying to decide wether to include the Cobra emperor in my next fic. I had originally thought I would use a darker version of Cobra Commander, ala "Resolute" or "Retaliation". Though, suppose Dr Mindbender included shreds of Nightmare Moon in the DNA matrix?:twilightoops: thoughts, suggestions?

Snake eyes is pretty much everyone's favorite G.I.Joe. Including mine. So this story idea has a lot of potential to be something really great.
Good luck to you in writing and go with whatever feels right for you when thinking for new ideas.

kinda just left us here with the hole twilight and rarity thing.....

3389852 honestly, this was meant as a sort of teaser for a much larger fic I'm cooking up. This story could be considered a sort of calling card, letting fimfiction readers get a idea of my writing style, such as it is. The larger follow up fic will take certain elements from this story and add much more content and characters. I hope to post the first chapter of this story in the next week, school and life permitting. Stay tuned, same Joe time, same Pony channel! :rainbowdetermined2:

Snake Eyes vs. all of the Changelings.

Naturally, it was a one-sided battle. And not in the Changelings favor, either.

You, my good author, need to get to work on the story that this is a preview for! I'll be watching and waiting!

3388054 Still though, it's kinda weird that there are hardly any crossovers with G.I. Joe, let alone any good ones to read. You see tons of MLP crossovers with Transformers, but not with G.I. Joe. Not that I have anything against it; I'm a huge Transformers fan. But I think it's only fare to balance it out with more G.I. Joe stories. Anyways, I look forward to reading your story!

Sweet, Asian Jesus.... This is awesome.... This is amazing.... I want you.:pinkiecrazy: I want your mind.:pinkiecrazy:

3390657 That's...not at all creepy :twilightoops:
Seriously though, I appreciate the positive comment.:twilightblush:

I get the feeling the cobra's are gonna be shitting their pants considering ole double ones is back on their case

[youtube= http://youtu.be/ok-DrfFJAgw] this is all I can comment.

3513635 I'll be real honest with you: I HATED that movie:ajbemused: The whole Cobra-La secret snake people plot device was stupid, and worse, they made Cobra Commander a SNAKE MAN:ajsmug:. Not only did that spit in the face of established comic and file card continuity, it even went against what was shown throughout the regular cartoon series preceding it. That little rant out of the way, the one redeeming feature to that train wreck was the intro. Holy crap, that intro. Beyond epic. :pinkiehappy:

3513956 I agree there but the tv show in the USA never gave cobra commanders origin till the movie and I never owned a comic only vhs of G.I.Joe the movie was one so that the cobra commander I know.

An excellent crossover plot that makes me crave for more. ^_^

4012509 If you want more, than may I suggest checking out my other story, Real Equestrian Heroes. More GI Joe. More Cobra. MORE PONY!!!:pinkiecrazy: Seriously, this story was more of an experiment to see if my writing would attract more upvotes than downvotes.

4012541 Okey-dokey. I'm reading "REH" right now.

4012545 Awesome:rainbowdetermined2: Let me know what you think.

Ahhhhhh this was so ool, hahaha, SNAKE EYES! :yay:

I only have two problems, and they're pretty minor.
The lack of double spacing... my eyes... :raritydespair:
And that fffffffffffff chapter name... just... please... :facehoof:

But good job on this, have a fav, comment and an upvote! :rainbowkiss: I wanna read some GI Joe and MLP crossovers now.

7152604 Thanks for the comment! I think its pretty apparent that this was my very first fic ever. I may go back one day and edit and clean it up. Heck, I might go all Lucas on this sucker and add some pointless CGI characters and make it so Cobra shot first:derpytongue2:.

No. No I won't. Because that would be stupid.

Han Solo is a smuggler, rouge, thief, and all around rough character. He shot first because he didn't want to DIE!

Welcome dude! :yay: Hahaha, alright then, I shall let the chapter name *cringe* and single spacing pass... for now.
Oh gawd, anything but that! :raritydespair:

Damn straight he did, hohoho, Han Soloris :trollestia:

4012555 Hi, Skyace...Here is a Private Message I Just Sent to you Today Regarding Some Other Properties I Want you to Use in 9 Highly Recommended Story Suggestions That I Highly Recommend for you to make...http://www.fimfiction.net/manage_user/messages/9200509
...Nuff Said.

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