• Published 7th Mar 2012
  • 97,589 Views, 4,778 Comments

Hands - Andrew Joshua Talon

A slightly more realistic take on the "Human in Equestria" story concept... For a given value of "realistic."

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A My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Fanfiction

By Andrew J. Talon

DISCLAIMER: This is a non-profit fanbased work of prose. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is the property of Hasbro, and the reinvention of the lovely Lauren Faust. No copyright infringement is intended, please support the official release.

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More slice of life shorts. Enjoy!

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So, the aftermath of my little misadventure out of the hospital got me put under house arrest. Nurse Redheart actually petitioned the Princesses to make me stop pushing myself, and for once they responded to her calls.

They actually visited me in my new home and very kindly and firmly told me that I was confined to my house until Nurse Redheart deemed me healed. And so, I was bandaged and forced to lay or sit down in my home. It wasn't entirely awful: My marefriends visited every day and we enjoyed various... Things.

Not just those things.

"You know, this information you've given me on Cargo Cults is fascinating," Twilight said as we lounged in the library. My marefriend had her head in my lap and I was stroking her mane. I chuckled and leaned back on the couch.


She was flipping through the old book I'd dug out of the ancient human archives. "Yes... Association with food, supplies and so on... Thinking the planes were the source of it all. Based on a lack of understanding." She looked up at me. "It seems like humans have to use their creativity to fill in the gaps... When you don't have dieties."

"Sure we do," I said. "They're just more subtle."

Chrysalis, who was reading a book on beekeeping nearby, snorted derisively. "You humans and your gods," she huffed. "You used them to justify everything! Every victory, every set back, every little thing you blamed on your gods! Or thanked them for."

"Didn't seem to turn out badly," I observed. Chrysalis sniffed.

"So you would attribute your delusions of sky gods to your victory, rather than your inherent insanity?" Chrysalis snorted.

"You're just jealous that my gods kicked your gods' ass," I said flatly. The Changeling Queen rolled her eyes.

"We disposed of our gods long ago. They were more trouble than they were worth."

"You got that from Star Trek," I accused. Chrysalis looked affronted.

"I-I did not! How dare you say that!" She huffed. "In fact, I guarantee that my Changelings didn't let that pop culture nonsense corrupt them at all!"

"What's wrong with human popular culture?" Twilight asked. "Or our popular culture, for that matter?"

"Because it is for common consumption of the masses," Chrysalis snorted. "Inspiration churned out time and time again, cheap nonsense."

"And yet, that inspiration was a big part of what allowed humanity to beat you," Twilight said. "I think you're discounting it out of hoof because you don't want to admit it had something to do with your defeat."

Chrysalis's wings flared, and she snorted. Twilight just smiled, a bit nastily. The Changeling Queen growled.

"You're not the only one who can read emotions," Twilight said airily. Chrysalis snorted, and she flapped off downstairs.

"This from little miss Anal Retentive," Chrysalis short back. Twilight turned bright red. I blinked.

"Twilight? What's that-?"

"NOTHING!" Twilight said quickly. "J-Just talk about that-The cargo cult thing! Yes!"

I frowned. "All right... Well, the way it happened, as you said, was a false association... Causation does not imply correlation..."

"But in a world where all you have is faith, that's all you can rely on," Twilight said. "Phenomenology, I think it's called."

"Da da, da duh duh," I muttered. Twilight blinked.


"Hm? Oh, just an old song," I said. I shook my head. "Though... I guess wonder how much the Changelings got from us. I mean, unconsciously."

"Because they feed on emotion, you think they might have absorbed... An aftertaste, so to speak?" Twilight suggested. I grinned.

"Exactly." I stroked her mane and she sighed. "You know, we connect so well it just amazes me sometimes how often we're on the same wavelength."

"Yeah," Twilight giggled. "So, what am I thinking right now?"

"What am I thinking right now?" I asked.

Twilight hummed.

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"All hail the great Atomic Apes!" A Changeling wearing a latex mask of Richard Nixon called, raising his hooves over his head. "HOMO SAPIENS IS HOMO SUPERIOR!"

"HALLELUIAH!" The assembled Changelings chanted, all wearing similar masks.

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I stared at my marefriend. She stared back.

"That was-" I began.

"-Weird," Twilight finished.

We were silent for a bit longer.

"How long until Fluttershy gets back from her tour?" I asked.

"Three weeks," I sighed.

"Wonderful," Twilight mumbled.

"Turn down your incredulousness around the empath, won't you?" Chrysalis snorted.

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