• Published 11th Dec 2013
  • 2,270 Views, 45 Comments

Unable to Escape - Aqua Shimmer

What happens when you make a promise to save some one you care about? What price would you pay?

  • ...

Hospital Visits and Bad News

"Rainbow Dash? Is that you?" Rainbow lifted her head and turned to glare at the group but her gaze soften as she saw the Crusaders. Meanwhile, the Crusaders and Spike grew worried as they saw Rainbow's tear drenched face and red eyes.

"Yeah kid. It's me." Her voice was cracking more than normal and it sounded like it pained her to talk. Her eyes were red and slightly puffy and a few tears ran down her face. The kids didn't answer right away which caused Discord to worry.

"What happened? Why are you crying?" Discord starting to worry even more when they asked this. Rainbow looked at him and Princess Luna.

"They don't know?"

"Know what? What don't we know?" Discord quickly started signaling for Dash not to say anything but when he looked at the dragon and fillies, they were looking at him confused.

"What are you doing?" Spike seemed a little less confused than the girls but he was still confused.

"Nothing at all! Luna you can explain! I gotta g-" Luna hit him before he could snap and escape.

"Discord. You're staying here." The princess turned to the kids. "I'm not sure it is best for you to know." Rainbow got up when Luna said that and made her way towards the others. She cleared her throat, which got their attention. Kneeling down, she faced the children.

"Girls, Spike, the others.... are hurt." They all opened their mouths to speak but Rainbow hushed them. "They're hurt but they'll be fine. They just need some time to recover then they'll be out and about doing their daily life." Discord couldn't help but smile at the brash pegasi's gentle tone.

"You promise?" Rainbow smiled slightly.

"Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." She did the motions and they seemed to relax. Pinkie would freak out if the promise was broken, no matter in what health, right? The question was written plain on their faces, but it didn't calm Discord. What if Pinkie wasn't able to? Why was he asking this question? There was no way she could. Even for Pinkie it was impossible.

Rainbow looked at the kids faces, smiling. She looked at Discord, who was frowning. Luna also noticed and practically shoved Discord to knock him out of it. The kids saw and Luna quickly covered her mistake by yelling.

"Tag! Discord's it!!" She ran down the stairs and the CMC followed her, laughing. Spike followed them as well, just not as fast. Discord looked at Dash with a raised eyebrow.

"I'll be down in a minute." He nodded and ran after the ponies and dragon. After he was gone, Rainbow let out a breath she wasn't aware she was holding. She walked over to Twilight's window and watched as the others began playing their game. Rainbow was then overcome with feelings of sadness as she thought of how Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Spike would react to finding out how hurt their elder sisters really were. She sighed and looked away. She had lied to Discord. She wasn't planning on joining them any time soon. She shouldn't be allowed to have a good time while her friends were on the brink of death. She curled up on the ground and started to think of what she had to do. How she would save her friends. She closed her eyes and started to think back to when they were safe. Every picnic, every party, every adventure, every promise. When they all became friends, using the Elements of Harmony to defeat Nightmare Moon and bring Princess Luna back. Using the Elements again to defeat Discord and proving how strong their friendship truly was. A tear steamed down her cheek as she thought of their broken bodies that now lay in the hospital.

"No." Rainbow bolted upwards. Why wasn't she there for them? She needed them and they needed her. She quickly run over to Twilight's balcony and opened the glass doors. Stepping onto the balcony, she cast a glance at where the others were laughing. All except Discord, who had noticed her and was giving her a concerned look. This just made her angry. She didn't need his worry. She spread her wings and took off towards her destination, leaving a graying rainbow trail behind her.

Rainbow landed on the front steps of hospital and walked in. The nurse at the front desk looked up and gave Rainbow an odd look.

"What can I do for you Miss Dash?"

"Can I see the?"

"See who miss Dash?' This made Rainbow angry. Had they all forgotten about her friends already?!

"My friends." Rainbow started to grind her teeth as the mare started to look at some papers.

"Please tell me your friends names and I'll see if you can." She forced back an insult and did as the mare said.

"Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rarity." The nurse looked down at her papers and nodded her head.

"Go ahead but be quiet we have other patients across the hall." Rainbow turned away and walked down the hallway and into her friends' room. She looked at the five of them sadly. They were all covered in bandages and fast asleep. Their heart monitors beeped rhythmically at different paces. Rainbow walked a few steps closer and fought back tears. She looked around and saw a chair next to Applejack's bed. She sat down in it and prepared herself to wait there for as many days as necessary. She sat down and began her watch over them.

After what seemed to be around two hours into her watch, Rainbow heard a somewhat familiar voice outside the door.

"She's in their room still? I see. I'll be back." Rainbow looked up as the doctor walked in and looked over at her. "Good afternoon Miss Dash." He looked towards his patients and back towards her. He seemed somewhat nervous but before she could say anything, he spoke up. "I'm sorry."

"What?" She looked at him confused. What was going on? What was he sorry about?

"We just got the blood test results back. There is a form of poison that was found. It is slowly killing them. There isn't an antidote and we're waiting for the injections to put into their bodies. It will be painless, unlike what is in them right now."

"What are you talking about?"

"We can't save them, so we have to make their deaths as painless as possible."


"I'm sorry."


"Miss Dash, we don't have a choice."


"No. It wasn't my choice to make. Now if you would please leave, you are disturbing other patients."

"NO!!!!!!!" Two stallions then walked in. The doctor had obviously realized she wouldn't agree with him. The two guards grabbed her and began to carry Rainbow away. "PUT ME DOWN! HE'S GOING TO KILL THEM!!!" They set her down in the waiting room and blocked the entrance to the hallway. Rainbow charged at them and they pinned her to the ground.

Rainbow started to try to get out from under them and Discord walked in just then.

"What the..." He looked at the three of them confused before walking up, pushing the two stallions off and picking up Rainbow. "Explain."

"They're going to kill them!!!"

"What?" Discord looked at the cyan pegasus and then at the security guards and glared. "Okay. Now we have a problem."

Author's Note:

It's finally up. YAY!!! So anyway, most doctors are jerks and do stupid things people disagree with. There is going two more chapters, then I'm done. Hope you have enjoyed the chapter. Have a nice day. Or night, depending on when you saw this.