• Member Since 10th Jul, 2013
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Magenta Cat

The writer formerly known as Wave Blaster. It's been a weird decade. She/Her.


The barrier is finally closed, humans are no more and every sentient species is under the government of her majesty the Princess. But somewhere else, other beings beyond time and space have been seeing her acts and now they are ready to judge her.

Is tyranny a fair price for peace? The death of an entire species is a tolerable loss for the survival of another? Is there such thing as a superior species? Is freedom of though really the source of all evil?

When a stranger appears in front of Celestia to tell her about the trials against her, everything will change. Beyond good, beyond evil, a judgement will fall and justice will be done.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 249 )

she must be punished!!! MAke her burn!!!

Calm down there, not yet. First comes the trial and then the veredict.
With that said here is a hint:

"NO!" The wrath of the Creator shouted. "She has crimes to answer for, vengeance must be delivered."

Hmmmmmmm. Since I can tell this is a DC crossover... Can I see The Spectre judge Celestia and expect her to endure his vengeance? :pinkiecrazy:

Who say that some Swamp Things can be detectives too? (nice avatar by the way)
And yes that's The Spectre but I want to focus in the trial first before the punishment.

Made a couple of mistakes here that I thought should be changed:

Now she was still trying to understand 'Why they chose death?' she was deep in her thoughts on the highest place she could find (the humans used to call it the Everest) when a silhouette appeared in the corner of her eye.
The ones in bold are the ones with the typos.

Also, um, you're welcome. I didn't think I'll probably be thanked like this again by another writer. It's good to know that what I say does help some people. Anyway, I wonder how Celestia will get out of this one and wonder if there will be a way to save the humans there or something like that. I'll just have to see like everyone else. Nice work on the first chapter.

Thanks for the corrections (now fixing) and for the fav.

I would like to answer your questions but not even I know what will happen. (planning on the fly, remember?)

I like this do go on make her have a fair trial but know that killing a entire RACE (she remove there free will ) will not go unpunished.


There are eleven entities in here for a reason, some of them have the wisdom of they respective universes as other have a perception that goes beyond time and space.
I will do my best effort to make this fair.

And thanks for the fav.

Dude, you need a proofreader. Badly.

"Luna calculated that there where more than eight thousand million of ponies along with other..."

"Almost nine thousand million of ponies and almost none complained, not even in private."
I believe the term you are looking for is 9 Billion

No sh*t.
Dude I will tell you something, I really appreciate when people, ponies, whatever, comment in my fics because that's something that gives me a wider perspective and helps me with the writing or simply gives me a reason for doing it.
But you aren't doing any of that, just pointing not only the obvious, but also something that I already said in the Author's Notes.
With that said, if you have some suggestions or a hint of how to find a proofreader I will really thank you for that.
And for those that didn't get it:
(if you are interested send a PM)

Yeah, I have heard before that in English the term "billion" means that, but in Spanish (my language) the term "billion" (translated from billón) means actually a "million of millions" or in other words:
English billion:
Spanish billion:

So I used the specific description instead. Thanks for the fav by the way.

3487746 The Proofreader Group is a very good place to ask, just make sure to read the rules on the forum first. Struggling Authors is the same.

That's just strange, I had a couple of more things to say in that last comment but now they're not here at all. Oh well, it's just me making my surprise at how much I influence things... I need to finish my story.

Er. Saw the thing about the proofreader, but. . .

Is freedom of thought really the source of all evil?

Methinks you meant that instead of 'tough'.


Is there such thing as a superior species?

And dat was a bit scrambled.

Thank you for that, I will fix it immediatly.


You are most welcome, sir. I hope you have luck with your search to find a good proofreader.

Thank you for reminding me why I hate Conversion Bureau. :facehoof:

Looks interesting


Conversion Bureau is a trope I just don't get. You take a kids show that is supposed to be happy rainbows and sunshine, and turn it into a war against humanity, make humans out to be the bad guys, and make the ponies always right. I do not get it.

Keep in mind a watch said kids show and read fics about it to escape depressing stuff like this. Again I don't understand why this trope exists. You guys apparently like it but I am burnt out on war and zombie apocalypse and post apocalypse and all apocalypse because that seem to be the only thing anyone cares too write anymore.

This is the biggest genre on the web, at one time it was unique but now it is so flooded that I couldn't give two shits about it. Now I am off to try and find something happy and sappy.

With that said I can see that you didn't read the chapter at all.
Let me explain you something:
First of all, I never mentioned a war. In fact, now that you mention it, I was going to use a pacifist take over, like in Superman: Red Son (I would recommend you that comic but you would provably hate it for promoting the communist ideals)
Second, there is no mention of the humans being the bad guys or the ponies being flawless; Christ! I'm putting their goddess on a trial! How does that sounds "always right" to you?
Third, actually I love the parodies about serious genres like Zombie Land or Nightmare Before Christmas, that something isn't a constant explosion of color and happiness doesn't mean that can't end well. And to point the obvious I'm not writing about how screwed is the world (the ponies are living in a frigging utopia for crying out loud) and as I said on the Author's Notes this is a reflection, I have no interest of being depressive.
-Only a bitter little adolescent boy could confuse realism with pessimism.- Grant Morrison, one othe greatest writers out there.

If you didn't like mi chapter or have something to say about it just say it but read it first. If you want to look like the mature one you should know about what are you talking about instead of exposing yourself as an idiot who complains about things that don't even read. In fact I DARE YOU to ACTUALLY READ the chapter and THEN comment about it

(sorry for the rage fueled comment, but it really gets me angry when someone criticize something without reading/viewing it)


I read your chapter sir. I got all the way through the entirely fucking shity work.

I got to the portion where the humans gave up Earth. I fail to understand how this is a pacifist take over. i fail tto understand how you think this is good. The last humans are dead in your fic. in all Bureau fic they are dead, dieing, losing, against a species that preaches love, peace and harmony.

You see it is a two fold blow, in many such fic humans are completely unrealistic to their nature which is often to broad to cover. The ponies come out looking like Tyrants no matter what you do. Basically I hate these fics because you ruin both sides.

I had a long, well though out, reply for your comment, but after you called my work "fucking shitty" I realized that you don't have the neuronal mass required to express yourself properly and it would be unfair to give you too much for you to process have some strong beliefs to be convinced otherwise and I'm not going to waste my time so poorly, so instead here's an e-sult:

The next time, you better have an argument or just walk around a go away.

3493914 Any comic fan that likes Grant Morrison is alright by me. I'll admit that I've not read his superhero stuff, but I've got The Invisibles and the lion-share of his one-shots behind me. Also his entry in the Doom Patrol. Does that count? Are the Doom Patrol categorized as superheroes? I guess there's Animal Man. The one true-blue comic fan I knew pretty well informed me, with an expression one would have if they stepped into a pile of experimental manure, that Animal Man doesn't count as anything, but I'm not sure that's the consensus.

Soral, I understand how you feel, but you're sabotaging yourself with your tone. If you're polite to the author, he would stand a chance of sympathizing with your perspective as well, rather than the both of you dismissing each other.

Now, for everyone else here, Soral is actually communicating something important. Also he is performing a service: rather than disliking and silently leaving, he paid the time to voice his grief. He's not interested in whether this is a conventional TCB fic or an *ahem* Alternate one. To people that aren't really familiar with it, it's all the same to them. And like it or not, nearly all fics contributed to ACB inherit the flaws of the source, too. Thus, it's not an entirely irrational response from the general readership to reject anything categorically recognizable as 'Bureau on sight. I think Soral explains the default position on the conceit as a whole quite well. It doesn't matter how informed he is or isn't, this is his response as a casual reader. From my experiences, that response is close to representative.

I'm not saying that you shouldn't continue writing, Wave. You should, however, accept that when you write something TCB-related, it will be to a niche audience.

Then again, I believe that both conventional TCB and alternate TCB writers (and those that are both) ought to instead be writing other entirely original works unfettered to the 'Bureau mythos, and I have a few reasons why this is. But that's not for here or now -- another day, perhaps.

Goodwill to both of you, and happy writing & reading to everyone else! -DMBF

I would be surprised to find a comic book fan that doesn't like at least one of Morrison's stories.

Doom patrol is described by Morrison himself as the "world's weirdest heroes" so it counts as superheroes.
Now if someone says that Animal Man doesn't count as anything, then the dude is just an embittered (or simply doesn't like the comic), for me Animal Man is THE Morrison's superhero story, it has a lot of reflections about the elements that constructs the genre as compromise, responsibility, consequences, etc. and even more, he actually goes from construction to deconstruction to reconstruction around the idea of a realistic superhero (and he also features himself in the last issue). The actual consensus is that Animal Man has most of the basses for Morrison's style in comics and some says that this is like a test fly for some of the ideas he used in Doom Patrol, Flex Mentallo, The Invisibles and finally in The Filth.
If you're interested Final Crisis is actually pretty enjoyable (but as a lot of Morrison's works is very confusing) and I'm planing to use some of the ideas in there for the next chapters (pay special attention do the Anti-Life Ecuation).

Don't misunderstand me, the jerk actually has a point, mos of TCB fics (canon, alternate, deconstructions and so) quickly falls in the typical "humans are monsters, ponies are superior" and "Celestia's always right" or if not then the complete opposites. That's exactly what I'm trying to avoid, that's the reason of why I put this "five years later", the reason of a trial is that there is not consensus, maybe Celestia is right maybe not, that's why I'm using a complete pantheon of fictional gods, to have a variety of perspectives.

And there is no force in this universe to convince to not writing (except maybe my terrible writing) but yeah I will try to be more calm in the future but I will not accept a douche to criticize my work without even reading it or who only can insult it without an actual critic.

Goodwill to you too and for all of those who are reading and/or commenting, go to 0:36 for yours thumbs up:

If you were going with the canon Celestia, she would have destroyed humanity.

Regardless, this looks interesting, and I'll be waiting for more.

You think so?
I mean, yeah Canon!Celestia can be manipulative and that but I don't see her a a mass murderer and she doesn't have such power (I remember Faust saying that she wasn't a goddess)

And don't worry, I'm already writing the second chapter.

3498532 Ah crap, I meant to say "wouldn't have", not would have. My bad.

If you were going with canon Celestia, I think she would have used diplomacy, and the whole wiping out humans thing wouldn't happen to begin with. That's what I was getting at, not the other way around. And besides, wouldn't humanity have resorted to nukes if it came down to extermination?

There's an actual explanation for all of this trust me. If you want it, send me a PM and I will explain you (or you could just wait until further chapters but I will not dig into the matter very soon)

3499834 Alright, Explain away. Because destroying a race, no matter what the intention, is not the sign of a peaceful civilization. At least, in my opinion.

hmm good good

I now await the next chapter.

There's alot of typos here and there like this: The Doctor didn't say anything but instead he just looked down shocking his head disappointed for something, where you should have written The Doctor Shaking his head instead of shocking. But I like their introduction though and I'm along with Celestia for the confusion about what the heck is happening.

SHe is Fucken Guilty she has no right to play god with sentient life

It may be a long wait, I will take my time to focus on my other story and on future projects before writing the third chapter.

I will fix that immediately... Ok now fixed, thanks for that.

I'm along with Celestia for the confusion about what the heck is happening.

Then I'm doing my job right, mostly because I didn't want to make an exposition chapter but also because I wanted to reproduce the sensation of facing a reality defying concept as is meeting physical gods.

Maybe, but try to tell that to Zeus or Darkseid, after all they play god on daily basics.

3629188 but never to much they set the path and watch but never mess directly and dark side well he is evil and is not the strongest

We decided if you are guilty or innocent.

. After that, the Angel of Death should have said"And then execute you if you are guilty."

I was hoping to see Ra, or another sun God.

I admit I was hoping to see Hecate, but at least the is A God of magic in this. Two, if you count Shazam.


Well let's see here

You killed a entire species so genocide
You took over another planet so world domination
You told lies to your people so that's isolation and treason against your own people.

So in conclusion


This is what's gonna happen next. I think :unsuresweetie:

That's what I meant by my last comment which is definitely a good thing because you wrote it well despite the typos.

Okay Zeus is not that kind of manipulator but Miracleman did exactly what Celestia did and Manhattan let millions to die for "a greater good" (for more info go to the visual guie in my blog) and for the record, Darkseid IS as powerful as any other god present here.

Mmmh maybe, but I don't want to portray the Spectre as a simple ax crazy so I'm keeping thing ambiguous around him but you pointed an actual mistake, it should say "Now we decide" I will fit it now.

When this story was conceived Ra, Apollo and Inti were going to be part of this too but after I checked the count I realized that it was a little overpopulated so I had to cut them out.

Wow, I mean... WOW.

Let's see here:
Unicron destroys planets for a living, Darkseid is on a crusade to eradicate free though and conquer the universe, Zeus play with the life of mortals and Miracleman already conquered his own earth. Conclusion: some of them can't sentence her without being cosmic hypocrites.
Also this is Canon!Celestia so she didn't lied to anybody or pony , if you want a deeper explanation (with spoilers) send me a PM.

Peace I'm out.

Thanks, I will try to fix more f the typos tomorrow or when I'm on the mod.

Do you think she'll be executed in Dangan Ronpa style if she's proven guilty?

3629289 then why did the blue boy scout kick his ass:trixieshiftright:


I was thinking of firing squad or a gillitin but ok IDC I don't like gods.

3629289 depends was it of natrule cause or what give me some back story here
ps Darkside went agenst guy with a chalinge aka earth with a crap lode of heroes and other magical men

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