• Member Since 26th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Tuesday


Eleven years of fun, memories, and friends. Thank you to everyone for everything!


Impossible odds. That is what the Equestrians have always overcome. With hardship comes happiness, and continued peace is their goal. They had always worked out differences and problems with the other races, but what happens when an alien race comes along and propagates violence and war? What happens when that race encourages other races to do the same? And what happens when ancient Gods, ones who have been gone for a millennium, return?

In their darkest days the Equestrians will have to stand and fight when their entire world is in danger, and though they may survive in being, they may not survive in spirit.


Halo/MLP crossover

Chapters (31)
Comments ( 203 )

Why do you have an instant dislike? I think I will give a like just because of haters hatin'.

Your description caught my eye and the chapter has my interest thoroughly piqued. As both a rabid fan of Halo AND My Little Pony :pinkiehappy: I'm very interested in this. Good work, I'll be eagerly awaiting the next chapter!

3497666 Thanks, man! Glad you like what you see thus far! I got plenty more planned for these coming weeks!

3497659 Haters gonna hate!!

guess twilight might later understand a hint of what may happen if they don't help humanity in the end they might be glassed and genocide by the Covenant if they decide there heretic/threat to the prophets secret lie's/religion scary yes but that if there lucky or worst invaded and process all those sentient species of her world to be brainwash soldiers/slave's to add to the stocks of Covenant power making them even more deadly and it a sad fact they can't dodge this they can't avoid it only be a matter of time for them to make do a choice or it be to late and done for them so not much to say really it happen eventually one way or another till the problems are unavoidable and in there faces.
but hey unsc will do what they can to help them out to the best of there abilities and resource's so there hope.

every time I tried to read this it was either 2:30 am on a school day or my tablet dies, but now I'm good and my body is ready for the incoming clusterfuck of haloy goodness of the pony variety

so with that said let's fuck shit up and read words

read through it and looking good, but some little nitpicks:

1. in chapter one with the email/letter/message I always thought those were time-stamped usually with a time and (star)date
2. It always bugs me when unicorns/twilight goes "lol brb" and disappears for 3 seconds then comes back with missing people however the way you pulled it off made me chortle

with all three soldiers, who all doubled over and vomited.

3. if you made six chapters now and you update when you write a new chapter, what happens when you write the last chapter?

will the remaining six chapters get thrown into a different story only available to the people who preordered the mountain dewrittos with the double xp buy your way to victory 7 pack or maybe the people who got the premium edition of Peace Fighter will get access to the closed beta 3 days before everyone else, only to not be able to read anything because the story hadn't been correctly optimised for the PC launch and felt like they were ripped off with the £15 they paid extra on preorder as well as the 3 gold battlepacks which gave me 3 red dot scopes for guns I will never use and a shitty tactical light as well as acamoflague which only works for the RU team

... got a bit carried away there:rainbowderp:

3507805 I didn't time-stamp it because orphans.

Well when I finish the last chapter I'll post the one that comes before it and then the last one like a day or two later.

Buuuuutt, if you get Ultra-Limited Premium Collector's Collector's Edition for only $69.69 you get access to the final chapter 47 minutes early but actually it doesn't work because our servers crash so you get it at the same time as everyone else. And then you get a free avatar item to make up for it. And then we spam DLC ads and emails that are literally titled "stop everything you're doing and buy our game". And with the Ultra-Limited Premium Collector's Collector's Edition pack you get access to the first DLC early. Except you don't. Because money.

PREMIUM EDITION EDIT: I added the story's date. And a DLC advertisement.


November 19, 2547

Haa I get it ...

November is the 11th month and 1+9=10 so 10+11=21 and 21/3=7 ... very clever halo 'seven reference':raritywink:

3511132 What the fuc-- HOLY. FUCKING. SHIT. I did NOT even notice that! I just slapped down the current date when I looked at my computer's clock. THAT'S AWESOME!

3511364 Ask Joe, its a speciality of mine to find seven from random series of numbers

i wonder if he would offer his gun to twilight to try it out on a non living target to help her understand to put an acceptance to her overly childish fears to a sort of cautions respect for tolerance that says to her about any weapon regardless of it forms "yes im dangerous but im nothing to really worrying about just a tool nothing more i can't bite im not alive so what do you really have to fear? im only as dangerous as my user intends to uses me." it not the tools it the person who wield and uses it tools and technologies have a double edge sword effect of possible "goods" and "bads" to any society and sentient it can be used to protect or destroy it neutral it depend on how it uses really.
tools, knowledge and goals are useful but experience and wisdom are gain from problems solved and unsc are pretty wise to go with there technology with challenge's and problem to still solve to help them grow more and better improve them self's still.
still like any sentient peace and happiness is nice and preferable if it possible to gain but reality is harsh sometime and nature can be unforgiving and just plain unfair survival is law and living is playing the game of life.


inb4 the equestrians are the first to die

*covenant lands*
*all nations prepare for combat and the princesses just waltz out going "hey luv n tolr8 or we will use r words u meanie" ... then Luna gets plasma naded, celestia gets Scarabed, cadance gets fragged by Prometheans and twilight gets involved in a crazy Blue on Blue incident due to mental trauma*

3516932 and then private Jenkins snaps and goes on a badass killing spree dropping several zealots and almost fragging the shipmaster with his COs shotgun


It is refreshing to see a fic where the Equestrians are not always the go to good guys.

I hope the Equestrians find a way to win.:twilightsmile:

better prepare now then be sorry when the world is burning cause of some ancient evil/ monster or darkness is attacking again witch seem to happen a lot to equastria and celestia seem to know somehow but withhold a lot of information for some dumb reason and doesn't really help out... geesh luck can only go so far for those ponies they only have a powerful weapon that they took from the tree of harmony witch the world need doesn't it? wait they did give it back right? i swear pure dumbness and amazement out of how there not dead already heck heart warming day says ponies in the past arguing almost killed them and almost took others with them! and how many time did they almost lost equastria thanks to the princesses idea of sending only six untrained non combatant who have never seen the horror of wars or how she doesn't even send a few guards to help she gamble a lot on the dangerous almost suicide missions on the fate of her lands and others add the world in the hoof of six vulnerable ponies... :facehoof: if one of them died then the elements don't work anymore of if one element is gone missing then there useless right? if one of there villains were not playing around just once and then it over.

the griffons have a lot to learn from there new allies if they don't want to suffer from that kind of dumbness i would rather have skill then luck because luck is bound to run out and the convent is not merciful the unsc will teach them the basics first and move on as well as the truth of there future enemy so they have time to learn and better themselves.

The dragons are kinda overpowered.

Question was it the Equestrians who started the war or the humans? Because from what I can tell it was the Equestrians who picked a fight with the humans. If so it's the Equestrian's own stupidity to blame. :ajbemused:

3559969 no that's a typical dragon. Enchanted blades and Dragon hunting Spears Enchanted to pierce magic and Physical trauma resistant hide, think an advanced form of Dragon skin armor with High strength alloy plates instead of Ceramic disks with a flack jacket underneath.

3559996 Well, the humans show'd their Firepower above Equestrian Skies, so technically that could be constituted as a threat large enough to be considered an act of war. like firing at someones feet in the middle of a store during the peak of the day's traffic. and I think the humans will regret provoking their potential allies rather than leaving them be and remaining a neutral party, as they should have.

3560182 ......Really? Batting missiles out of the sky and surviving extended fire from HMG's with what can be considered AP rounds? Bullshit. Your probably infected with B.S.F.O.P.M.S (Bullshit Fucking Over Powered Magic Syndrome.)

3560208 3560182 Perhaps I have overdone the dragons for their first appearance. Fear not, they will be toned down in future chapters.

ADDENDUM: Aldurmaax, the dragon seen in this chapter, is also wearing ornate battle armor, which covers most of his body, shoulders, and head. So there's that.

3559996 I left it purposely ambiguous as to who declared what. The UNSC instigated, but that also backed the Equestrians into a corner. It's up to reader interpretation to determine which side declared war.

why are they doing a war now? the griffion were only doing military expansion then equastrians got mad and send there dragons to attack just because they did a demo and said let us prepare and defend against this kind of action ponies are trying to pull now stupid that just stupid on there part well all they got to do is gather data and force them to back off humans are not war mongers but protector against this kind of terrorism and subjection do ponies or dragon even do war rights or do prisoner of war humane treatment? the dragon and ponies almost sound like there another covert in the making subject and rule... scary.

3560208 Same with Technology when you say that a nuke launched from orbit can penetrate a compound five miles under the earths crust, and blow the hell out of it. its a matter of what the vulnerabilities of your opponents armor is, or do you not remember the Hunters the covenant used, their armor blocked tank shells, Grizly tank shells, Not even chiefs armor could do that. and I think the Grizly tanks would have a greater damage strength than any of the longswords arsenal save for a built in nuke delivery system.

Suffice to say, Imagine dragon scales being as strong as Hunter shields. Their wings would still be vulnerable, and so would any opening or orifice that isn't protected by their scales, their underbelly would be the best point of attack since that would be an area with the least concentration and thickness of their scales.

Also that was the dragons best and it could barely take down two of six drop ships.:facehoof:

Or are you just angry that Humanities Severely outdated gunpowder based weapons aren't penetrating to your liking?

:moustache:also the dragon is op it should be nerfed

3560388 Yes, but dragons AREN'T HUNTERS.

3560655 :facehoof: no they aren't but I am using hunters as an Example to possibly Explain how strong this dragons scales are in proportion to The unsc units firepower and used ordinance. Remember different dragon=different strengths and weaknesses, and different scale strength to physical abuse.

3560314 I think it was the ponies because the UNSC wasn't trying to declare war they were just showing that they wouldn't back down from their support of military expansion.

3560314 what I don't get is why they instigated in the first place, they went from neutral party investigating a planet to firing live rounds over a capitol city in a designated no fire zone as an act of military strength

Not bad, except for one problem.

I did read your explanation about the OP dragon in the comments, but when talking about hunters, sure their shield might survive the tank shell, but the explosion will destroy the rest.

Also, the Longswords are armed with 110 and 120 mm guns, the 110 for forward attack and the 120 for defending the rear. Also, the dragon should have been shell shocked from the explosions and impact of said rounds. And I'm pretty sure that the 110 mm rounds would be far more powerful than the Scorpions 90 mm, and while the Grizzly's 120 mm is slightly larger, its much slower, and relies more on the explosive power rather than the impact of the round. The 110 mm rounds the Longswords use act very much like modern APFSDS rounds used in tanks, killing by pure kinetic punch. And I doubt the dragons scales and armor would defend against that, much less the high explosive missiles the Longsword can carry.

Anyway, I personally see it as the Equestrians overreacting, but since lives have been lost, the Ponies will pay. Bring forth Armageddon.

3562663 Thank you for your input/criticism. I'll tone down the dragon's power in future chapters.

3563898 Fair enough. Also, if it came down to it, the UNSC Destroyer could knock it out of the sky will minimal ease. Not to mention the Archer missiles and much more firepower than the Equestrians could understand. I'm not even going to mention Nukes.

:facehoof: Celestia should probably take the field and Disable the humans ship. That would ease the fight immensely for hr forces and allies. A single well placed spell between the engine and body of the craft would break the ship.

3564311 That would be the most overpowered as fuck thing i would have seen. It is shown that most magic can only scratch the paint of PELICANS. HAVE FUN BREAKING THROUGH SEVERAL METERS OF TITANIUM A, TWILIGHT.

3564413 3564311 Might make for a funny scene if one of the princesses tried to do that.


Um.. The Kabato is a destroyer, right?

3564867 Yes sir-ree it sure is. Why?

3564413Every Defense can be Circumvented if studied well enough. For the dragons, if they plan out their attacks well enough they would do best to first de-fang[break all point defense weapons and block missile silos] the Human ship then break it, the humans only have a limited amount of weapons and ammo aboard their ship, Steam rolling a single country would be foolish and stupid without the ability to clone you're soldiars and make several Extra ships to back you up in you're assault, unless of course you don't mind pulling a covenant and glassing the hell out of your enemy with Nukes. Which Even then the humans only have a limited number, the only reason Master chief never ran out of ammo was because he kept Raiding dead bodies of both Covenant and UNSC soldiers who had died either in his way or before he got there, with a few unused mags/charges left on their weapons.

Most of the Equestrian Unicorns aren't trained in magical combat, mostly in utilitarian use of their spells for Civilian action. The only ones that would know how to use their magic for pure combat would be the princesses and ponies that Were Training in it Illegaly(few-none) So yea superheated plasma is possible for pony's to use same with concentrated lazers and particle beams, like the Spartan Lazer. Titanium armor can only last so long against a prolonged Exposure to a straight beam from the weapon.

3564460 not really since Theoretically it would disable the human ship as a quick safety buffer for the Gryphons and the humans. also Remember the humans Are not gods with infinite Equipment, the unicorns can make nearly any Item a weapon using their magic. The only thing that could help the humans with their limited ammo issue would be Putting a slew of Gryphons to work as slaves in a factory making bullets and shells for their weapons.


3564895 Just wondering, They would be screwed if a Marathon comes to say hi.

3564910 Oh lordy, a cruiser of any kind would be bad news for the Equestrians.

3564897 But the one to do the attacking would have to get close to the engines to attack. None of the Princesses would volunteer since jet-wash would kill them, and to be a safe distance away would put them in the sights of the point-defense cannons.

3564927 not if all of the point defense Cannons are destroyed before hand, which the dragons can do.:twilightsmile:


3564927 Even the destroyer would mess them up, I quote good old Sargen Johnson: “That MAC gun can put a round clean through a Covenant Capital Ship.” Bye,bye Canerlot. Also, the tree Shiva class Nuclear warheads on bord would do something:pinkiecrazy:. Your destroyer may have more because it has 70mm point defence guns insted of the standard 50mm ones on typical destroyers.

3564954 Celestia is also a brilliant mind developed over time from her ages of living, Or should have developed from the amount of time she's lived. So what I'm saying is she should be able to develop a valid plan of attack that could disable the ship. and with that Break the main assault of the war.

3565139 Good point, but Celestia's A: a politician, not a soldier. And B: fighting a war against an enemy with a titanium spaceship of doom with thousands of soldiers on it(humanity), with an ally millions strong(Griffons), that all want to kill and destroy her kingdom, not take it over. Different adversaries breed different leaders. Plus there's the extra-terrestrial aspect and guns and missiles vs. spears, bows, and some dragons.

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