• Published 20th Nov 2013
  • 7,615 Views, 84 Comments

A Big Brother - xd77

A whole year has gone by since Nathan was adopted by Princess Cadance and Shining Armor, now before too long he is going to be a big brother.

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Chapter 6: Found in Canterlot

Nathan was sleeping when he was suddenly awoke to the sound of the train jolting, then coming to a complete stop. When he looked out the window he saw that the train was stopping at what appeared to be Canterlot, because the palace was at a good view from the train station.

"Canterlot Station." said the conductor, Nathan and about a few others managed to get off the train, the others went one way while Nathan went the other, some unicorns tried to say 'hi' to him, instead Nathan brushed them off and continued to walk straight to where he wanted to be...Canterlot Palace, where Celestia and Luna live, at least they loved him, and because of the fact that Celestia was continuing to teach him how to fly properly.

Pretty soon the city was out of view and the entrance to the palace was now in view, Nathan quickly ran towards it, but soon saw two guards standing there, quietly Nathan listened on to them.

"Well, it looks like our shift is over." One guard said.

"Yeah, let's head on down for the night." the other said, Nathan knew that this was his chance as he saw the two guards leave the entrance, he rapidly approached the entrance and discovered that the door was unlocked.

"Huh, they must need a lot of visitors." He thought as he entered the palace, when he entered it, it was huge, but from a quick look no sign of any indoor guards, but he decided to be quiet and take his time anyway. Nathan got a good tour of the hallways, it was amazing what they had built in this palace, but Nathan wanted to see Celestia and Luna and get some comfort from them.

As he approached a corner, he saw two big doors flung open and inside there was some kind of a light on, Nathan quietly approached but quickly hid behind one of the doors, inside he could hear the voices of what sounded like Celestia and Luna talking about some things, Nathan eyed in through a crack in the door, and it was confirmed that was Celestia and Luna talking to each other.

Nathan continued to hide until he heard hoofsteps approaching his way, he turned and saw Celestia and Luna walking out the door and out into the darkness of the palace hallways, Nathan got out of hiding and quickly dashed into the room, from the look of it, it was Celestia's bedroom, to his first left was Philomena's perch, Nathan looked up and saw Philomena sitting on it.

"Hi Philomena, it's me, Nathan." Nathan said

Philomena gave a low screech at him and attempted to touch him with her wing, but because she was a phoenix he backed away from her not wanting to get singed by her. Nathan then continued to explore this really was Celestia's quarters, because it had a make-up stand with doors filled with sweet smelling perfumes, a stand for her crown and necklace, and the light that was flashing was actually a nice, warm, fire that was sparking up in the fireplace.

Nathan sat down by the fire and warmed himself up as fast as he could, suddenly he heard hoofsteps coming straight for the bedroom that he was sitting in, he saw a small closet with the door open, quickly he dashed and quickly shut the door, but the door had shutters on it, so he peeped in and saw Celestia and Luna walking back in with blankets.


Celestia and Luna were bundling up by the fireplace in blankets, as they were getting warm around the fireplace, a strange sense came into Celestia.

"Sister what is wrong?" Luna asked.

"I sense something is in this very room." Celestia said, just then Luna looked over to see two bags sitting by the corner, she got out of the blanket and went over to check it out, the first bag was a guitar case.

"Sister, does thou know anypony that plays guitar?" Luna asked levitating the guitar case.

"No Lulu, because none of us have fingers." Celestia said

Then Luna inspected the second bag and unzipped it inside was a Nintendo DS, and a music player.

"Well, do any of us play video games, or listen to music?" she asked levitating both for Celestia to see.

"Again, Lulu, I say no." Celestia said, she then levitated the bag over to her, and on the front it read in ink.....

Nathan Cadenza

Suddenly, the same feeling came over Celestia, "He's in this castle!"

Their freeze was soon cut off by a crash coming from the corner closet, slowly, Celestia and Luna approached the door. Meanwhile Nathan peeped through the shutter and saw them coming towards the door, he knew he was going to be in for it, when they finally opened it, he gasped in shock.

"Nathan, what are you doing here, better yet, how did you get in here?" Celestia asked kneeling down and nuzzling his cheek, Nathan wrapped his arms and legs around her neck and hugged her tightly, Celestia wrapped her hoof around him.

"Nathan, I have to agree how did you get in here?" Luna asked.

"Ya'll left the front door open, and yer' guards tooted off fer' the night." Nathan said looking at Luna with tear filled eyes.

"Nathan what is thou that is troubling you?" Luna asked rubbing his shoulder.

Nathan just started to cry, Luna levitated him off of Celestia and into her arms, then she hugged him in a comforting move.

"Shh, no tears, we are here for you." Luna said gently rubbing his back, Nathan was still teary eyed but was starting to calm down.

"Now tell us sweetie, why are you here, why aren't you at home?" Celestia asked

"AH' RAN AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Nathan screamed, Celestia and Luna gasped.

"Why, sweetie?" Celestia asked

"Because mom and dad care more 'bout Skyla than me." Nathan said

Celestia got an idea, "Come sweetie, join us by the fire, let's talk."

Celestia and Luna got back under their blanket along with Nathan in between them.

"Now tell us what's all this about dear?" Celestia asked

"Skyla's taken everything away from me ever since we brought her home, ah' can't make any noise or ah'll wake her up, and she even took mah' teddy bear away from me, when ah' tried to get it back, mom and dad yelled at me."

"Yelled at you, why?" Celestia asked

"'Cause they were too busy with her."

Nathan covered his eyes, "Ah' never have them for mahself no more."

He started to cry again, Celestia rubbed his shoulder then pulled him up to her chest.

"I know how you feel sweetie." Celestia said

"Ya do?" Nathan said looking up at her smiling face.

"Of course I do, I had the exact same thought, when Luna was born."

"Sister, I've heard this story before." Luna said

"Yes, but Nathan hasn't, so I'm going to tell him, you're just going to have to listen." Celestia said.

Author's Note:

In the upcoming chapter, Celestia will tell Nathan the story of what her actions were when Luna was born, and she's going to tell him that having a sibling is a very special blessing for him, because in the future he and Skyla will have special duties to run.