• Published 13th Dec 2013
  • 15,032 Views, 356 Comments

Grandfather's Coming For A Visit - GoesKaboom

After his actions in New York, Odin sentences Loki to live with his granddaughters: Celestia and Luna!

  • ...

Eleven: Elemental Blockade

“Oh? You found something?” Luna asked, looking up from her hooves. Twilight had the manic look she always got when she found something interesting in a book, and she was levitating a heavy book in her telekinesis. Twilight nodded frantically.

“King Sombra apparently had several wives and many concubines,” Twilight explained, with some distaste. “As such, many ponies in that area of Equestria are descended from him. Most of the time they turn out to be completely normal, but sometimes, the dark power of their ancestor manifests in them. Usually even this isn't much of a problem- they just tend to like dark places and have an affinity for the milder forms of shadow magic. But 700 years ago, one of his descendants was born even more powerful than usual- she might even have been more powerful than me before I became an alicorn, it's not really clear on that. Anyway, Ink Splatter, as she was called, learned about her heritage and wanted to bring back the power of the Crystal Empire. Combined with her power, she started poking around into magic that nopony should ever go near.”

“Oh no,” Luna said, realizing quickly where this was going. Twilight nodded.

“Yes. It is believed she tapped into the same corrupt energy that gave rise to Nightmare Moon,” she continued. “Ink Splatter was already very powerful, but with the help of whatever it was she was exploring, she became an even more dangerous. This says here that she slaughtered her way through twenty battalions of royal guards without taking a scratch. Something had to be done, but Celestia realized quickly that she couldn't be killed.”

“Why not?” Loki interrupted. Twilight started. She didn't realize he had been listening, but she supposed it made sense. This was all for him, after all.

“The kind of power she had would just jump to somepony else if the carrier was killed,” Twilight explained. “It can only be banished, like what happened in Princess Luna's case, or contained. So Princess Celestia engineered a spell that would contain not only the corrupting power, but Ink Splatter's own inborn power.”

“So Celestia did curse me!” Loki exclaimed. “I knew it!”

“Actually, I don't think so,” Twilight replied. “Hear me out,” she added, seeing Loki's angrily disbelieving look. “The spell itself needs so much power to work... one alicorn couldn't do it alone. Even two might be pushing it. If we were to do it today, it would take Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and probably myself to make it work. At the time, it took Princess Celestia, twenty powerful unicorns, five zebra shamans, a Diamond Dog petromancer, and a penguin to cast the spell. Nineteen of the unicorns, all of the zebras, and the Diamond Dog died in resulting magical discharge, the penguin was rendered insane, and the surviving unicorn was badly burned in the explosion. Celestia herself was seriously wounded. But it did get Ink Splatter under control. Well, for a variable value of control... she committed suicide three days later.”

“How is this supposed to help us?” Luna asked, eyes widened in horror. That kind of carnage for one spell... it was unthinkable.

“I was getting to that,” Twilight said, a bit annoyed at being interrupted. “The spell was designed to neutralize Ink Splatter's corrupt powers, but if she was ever able to overcome them, she would be able to trigger the release mechanism. The spell was called an Elemental Blockade, and it is made up of several parts, all based on the Elements of Harmony. If whoever the spell was cast on can show the virtues inherent to the elements, it would release a bit of the power at a time. You said that the backlash from attempting to cast a spell was less after you spent time with the Cutie Mark Crusaders?” she addressed Loki this time, who started.

“Uh. Yes, that is what they were called? Yes, before, if I tried to cast a spell I was sent flying across the room. I was able to use the spell to help the little unicorn, and then when I tried to use my magic outside this tree, I was only thrown to the ground.”

“So it seems you must have de-activated one of the spell's seals!” Twilight exclaimed.

“Wait a moment,” Luna said. “We have not established this is what has happened to my grandfather. If, as you said, it took nearly thirty beings and killed most of them to cast the spell the last time, how could Celestia have cast it? I think I would have noticed a death toll that high in the palace courtyard.”

Twilight looked a little uncomfortable. “Well... if you go further on in the book, it shows that Princess Celestia came up with a way to simplify the process... it would only have taken her and maybe ten unicorns. Or, if another alicorn had helped her, only two casters, and the backlash explosion would have been much smaller...”

“No, there weren't any explosions after Grandfather came,” Luna said. “Is there another explanation?”

“Some cultures believe in an even greater power than Princess Celestia,” Twilight replied. “The griffons believe in the Great Griffon, who is supposed to be equivalent to the strength of ten Princess Celestias, although there's no evidence that this Great Griffon exists. The Penguin Nation believes in a strange two-legged being called the Empress Yukimashiki, who had great magical power who saved their species from burning to death in a hot summer. And there does seem to be some archaeological evidence that this Empress Yukimashiki existed, but... I don't know why she would have cursed your grandfather.”

Actually, to Loki the story of a two-legged being saving the lives of some penguins sounded vaguely familiar to him, but he couldn't put his finger on why. Maybe it was a story from Midgard? He wouldn't be surprised if that was the case, Midgardians came up with the strangest things sometimes.

“So what you're saying is that you think that he has had this Elemental Block placed on him, but you have no idea who would have done so,” Luna said, raising an eyebrow. Twilight raised an eyebrow right back.

“Do you have any other explanations? I can't find any record of any illnesses or other spells that would cause a reaction like this. Since he told me that he had a lessening of the symptoms after he helped the Cutie Mark Crusaders, that's the best we have to go on for now.”

“Then is there any way we can test this?” Loki asked curiously. “Back home, there was usually a way to determine what spell, if any, was used in a situation.”

Twilight thought to herself. “Well... I know some spells for detecting other spells, but if what's been cast on you really is an Elemental Blockade none of them will be strong enough to determine whether or not it really is one. It will just give me a false positive, because clearly something has been cast. But I think I can come up with something. Give me some time, I think I can do it that way.”

Well, it was better than nothing, Loki thought to himself. “Very well. Granddaughter, we will let Twilight Sparkle work on this problem. Now, don't you think we should head back to the palace? We wouldn't want my... darling other granddaughter to notice we are missing and panic, now would we?”

Luna winced, realizing that Loki was right. If Celestia discovered that both her newly-reformed sister and not-so-reformed grandfather were nowhere in the castle, it could cause problems that neither would want to deal with. “You are probably correct. We will come back in one week's time to check on your progress. Will that be acceptable, Twilight?”

“O-of course!” the younger alicorn agreed quickly. She saw the other two out of her home, waved goodbye, and waited until they were out of sight before quickly going back into the library and locking the door behind her. “Oh Spike,” she sighed. “What did I get myself into?”

Much to Thor's surprise, the library of Asgard had plenty of information on Equestria. Not only had his nephew gone on to sire the rulers of the land, both of his parents had apparently had dealings with the planet well before either he or Loki had been born. Odin wasn't much of a surprise, really- Thor would be surprised to find any species he hadn't ever had dealings with, but Frigga... Frigga didn't usually leave Asgard. She had other things to concern herself with here, and she wasn't exactly one for exploring. But she had indeed gone down to Equestria and met with many of the sentient species there. Although curiously, he could not find a record of her ever coming into contact with the ponies that seemed to make up the dominant culture on the planet. Hm. Interesting. But he supposed he'd have time to ask her about it later. He had more important things to do. Like go meet his great-nieces, check up on his brother, and possibly fight some of the crazy creatures that inhabited that land. Thor decided he'd really like to go toe-to-toe with a hydra, since he'd missed out on thrashing the organization named after the creature that had caused such trouble for Steve Rogers.

Armed with his new-found knowledge, Thor headed out to Heimdall's observatory. He had an adventure to go on.

To Be Continued

Author's Note:

Well, it didn't take me three months this time... I guess that's good? It's still kind of short though. Sorry about that...

Comments ( 55 )

Sir or Ma'am. I have not started reading, yet this crossover has inspired me to do a crossover between another being of chaos and MLP.... problem is how to make it work? Oh well, I'll figure something out :derpytongue2:

Thor has descendants in Equestria!? :pinkiegasp:

No, they're Loki's descendants (Celestia and Luna). Great-nieces/nephews are your sibling's grandchildren.

Thanks for reading! :twilightsmile:

5124982 I'll bet five hundred bits that Thor's going to make things worse.

5124988 No bet, of course he's going to make it worse

Yay! i cant wait to read more! Hope the next one come sout soon! This is a great story and your Loki seems amazing. Keep up the good work!


But will it be Thor? Or someone else involving themselves with Thor is the main question (Likely LokI)

About to read it, but I feel it necessary to point out that in the original mythology Loki transformed into a mare and was the one who got pregnant.

So he'd be more of a grandmother.

Yeah, that's discussed. He is technically their grandmother, but they decide it's less awkward to call him grandfather. Mainly because I would probably end up confusing myself otherwise.

5125296 Which is brought up in the story. The grandfather thing is more about the fact he is male now. And lets face it calling a male grandmother is just awkward... not to mention having to explain the whole back story over and over.

I actually just got to that part and came back to correct myself. Loki's and his kids are one of my favorite aspects of Norse mythology (right behind Odin's decapitated-head-adviser), so I couldn't help but say something.

Much to Thor's surprise, the library of Asgard had plenty of information on Equestria.

I just got an image in my head of Thor sitting on the throne reading mlp fanfiction :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

I wonder how Thor will react when he sees Loki's new form... Most likely he'll want to say something along the lines "Loki! Your crimes...", then look at his brother in alicorn body and laugh his hammer off at the sight!:rainbowlaugh:

Keep up the good work friend~

Can't wait to see whats next :twilightsmile:

Ok the Yukimashiki penguin thing feels familiar. But google search has failed me :ajsleepy:

5125787 saved, thank you for that marvelous image!:-D

Really? It was meant to kind of be homage to Happy Feet, where the humans end up helping the penguins avoid starving to death by stopping overfishing. In my universe penguin culture is sort of a hybrid between Japanese and Inuit culture, so a lot of penguins either have Japanese or Inuit names. Yukimashiki is an archaic Japanese term for snowstorm, so that's where the name came from...

I can only imagine that things are going to get quite interesting once Thor arrives on Equestria. Hilarious shenanigans will ensue! :rainbowlaugh:

Not to mention that the back story as to what spell was used on Loki was pretty neat as well. I would have to agree with Luna, the amount of causalities that were caused to just to perform one spell was ludicrous. Excellent chapter and I look forward to the next one.

~ Super-Brony12

5126722 well considering that you had Yukimashiki save them from a hot summer rather than from a famine. And other than penguins being saved by a human there was no other connection to happy feet you can get why I didn't make that connection. :derpytongue2:

Fun fact, when I was trying to find something about penguins being saved from summer I found that there is a light novel named Penguin Summer though aside from being japanese and involving a penguin this has no connection to this conversation :rainbowwild:

Continuation! Woo hoo! :yay:
I like this story. :twilightsmile:

Thor decided he'd really like to go toe-to-toe with a hydra, since he'd missed out on thrashing the organization named after the creature that had caused such trouble for Steve Rogers.

Pfff. What a silly reason to get yourself swallowed by a four-headed monster :rainbowwild:

Remarks and corrections:
> it would Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and probably myself to make it work.
"it would [take] Princess Celestia"

Haha, yeah, fair enough.

That sounds interesting, I'll have to look it up! I actually need to find something to translate for my semester project anyway, thanks for telling me! :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

As usual, thank you for pointing that out. I swear I do edit these before I post them, I just seem to suck at finding missing words. And typos. :facehoof:

And yeah, Thor, seriously? Fight monsters later. Don't go looking for them! They'll come to you!

Nineteen of the unicorns, all of the zebras, and the Diamond Dog died in resulting magical discharge, the penguin was rendered insane, and the surviving unicorn was badly burned in the explosion. Celestia herself was seriously wounded. But it did get Ink Splatter under control. Well, for a variable value of control... she committed suicide three days later

well then....

Eagerly awaiting the next chapter!

Ah Thor, just go to visit your girlfriend or something!

I like evil Loki more. Kind of want him to just full outeexpose Celestia and Luna as the monsters they are. After all you gave the royal sisters a large kill count then Loki.

I like how Loki has to actually be good to use his magic and that he befriended the Crusaders, I want to see more of him interacting with them. I love how he interacts with Luna, they are definitely on the way to becoming friends and I can totally see them visiting one another or at least exchanging letters.
5124988 Most likely he'll assault Manny the Manticore and the poor beast will go running to Fluttershy... which will lead to Thor getting yelled at and hit with THE STARE! I vote for him to get covered in tree sap instead of the Crusaders when a Crusade goes bad.... and maybe it's the one that gets one of them a mark. I"m sure Loki would appreciate the talent of getting Sap onto idiots.

5957238 first of the name is Heimdall second SPOILER Loki and Heimdall mortally wound each other when Ragnaros come.

Well now...things are getting interesting. I see about...ohhhh three trains currently having the misfortune of all wanting to be in the same place at the same exact time.

Train A: Luna going behind Celestia's back with all this.
Train B: CMC going to a Griffin with a family history of Celestia hate.
Train C: Thor coming to Equestria for a visit.



Yeah, you're not wrong! Everything is all going to come to a head before the story is out, and either Equestria, Asgard, or possibly both will never be the same again. :pinkiecrazy:

It's an interesting story, and I liked how you brought the Lore from both universes together. I hope you don't plan on giving up on this, it's a good read.

This is great so far! Keep it coming! :)

I love it!


Hmm this NEEDS to be continued.

I've read a story just like this, except Loki knew he had family and he is a far more stronger God.

Like he gets sent to his granddaughters and stuff


I ain't no snitch

Besides it's good.

Also he gave you credit, saying he was I spires by yours. my guess his is just an alternative

8169501 what?:rainbowderp: no i want to read it. None of my fics get posted.

Hey, great story! If you could kindly update, I would be grateful. :D

So Frigga is Empress what's-her-long-worded-starts-with-a-Y-name

oh poor thor, you going to be so bored, or out match.....

I would think loki and twilight would get along great soon both powerfully magic users.

This was a good story, a good start. May this rest in peace.

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