• Member Since 21st Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday

Doctor Perseus

I'm just a guy who loves to write.



This story is a sequel to Doctor Whooves Episode 19: The Rifts

The Doctor and his friends are busy celebrating Hearth's Warming Eve when an amnesiac, human Twilight Sparkle from another dimension appears with a cry for help. During the trip to this alternate world, the Doctor will have to save old friends, make new allies, face old enemies, and confront one of his greatest foes yet: himself.

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 72 )

YES! It's finally here! The beginning of the end... Of Season 1 of course.

The rebel soldier clutched a circular device wrapped around her wrist and shook her head. "Not a chance! You can have this instead!" She reached into her pocket and pulled out a lavender wand.

Wait, is this the girl with the wand from Thalia's memories from "The Good, The Bad, and the Derpy"? :pinkiegasp:

With that said, a green beam shot out her wand and hit the creature right in the chest, sending it flying backwards into the water with its eyes now forever frozen with eternal slumber.

Like the Avada Kedavra curse from Harry Potter?

They could upgrade too quickly. They had too much protection on their side. Within time, magic could potentially have no effect on them.

Like the Cybermen from "Nightmare in Silver".

It feels so good to say this again. Cue Doctor Whooves theme:

Wow this is great! The Doctor is celebrating Hearth's Warming, and I just finished watching the Doctor Who Christmas special "The Time of the Doctor". :ajsmug: And there were Cybermen in the last chapter and in "The Time of the Doctor" too. Serendipity!

"Well, the plot of this story requires me to get in here so that I can convince you to come out and enjoy the party!"

You got Pinkie Pie being meta! :pinkiehappy:

This is awesome. I can't wait for the next installment hopefully soon.

Will The Doctor regenerate after this season?

Great. I'm all caught up and now i gotta wait... Juuust great... :ajbemused: :twilightangry2:

Yes, an update! :pinkiesmile:

Demons run! It looks like a good pony is going to war! :raritywink: I wonder if the Doctor is bringing just Twilight, Derpy, and Donna or all the Mane 6 and Spike as well. :twilightsmile::derpyderp2::ajsmug::rainbowdetermined2::raritystarry::pinkiesmile::yay::moustache: That would go along with the "A Good Man Goes to War" vibe I'm starting feel from this.

"So what are we supposed to call her, the human Twilight, when she wakes up?" Spike asked.

"How about Twi?" Rainbow Dash suggested with a shrug.
"Twi?" Twilight asked.
"Yeah. Not Twilight. Not Twiley. Just Twi."
Twilight looked at the others and shrugged her shoulders. "Sure. Why not? Twi it is. It's better than nothing, I suppose."

I remember that the humanized Twilight from your story The Impossible Girl was also called Twi and suffered from amnesia. Are you making references to your own stories now? :raritywink:

The Doctor tapped the small box and a holographic light shot out of the lense, cloaking the waiting room in a silver aura. The face of a mare appeared in the light...a mare with a blue coat and a blue and white striped mane. "Is that...Colgate?!" gasped Donna.

...you are the only hope both this Equestria and my and your Equestria has.

I can't help but feel this part is inspired by Star Wars.

Well, that was a great update that sets up what I am sure will be a wonderfully exciting story! I can't wait to see what comes next and find out what's been happening to everypony else that got trapped in the other universe. As always, keep up the good work. :pinkiehappy:

So you think you can just slip a Star Wars quote by me huh!? Do ya!? I don't think so buster! :pinkiecrazy:

Great chapter as always!. :pinkiehappy:

:rainbowderp:Woah. That Equestria was messed up.

I think I know how the regular Doctor and the Discorded Doctor are conected. Discord Whooves is using his old personality of the War Doctor, except now its 10 times worse.

:pinkiehappy:Great chapter! ::rainbowdetermined2:Keep up the good work!

Oohh, mysterious male stranger. What have you been up to Twi?:ajsmug:

Yes, an update! Kind of disappointed the whole Mane 6 won't be joining the Doctor, Derpy, and Twilight on this adventure. At least Spike is joining along. And the Doctor does have a point of about it being a good idea that they have friends back in their home universe.

"My head!" groaned Donna.
"My neck!" sighed Twi.
"My legs!" grunted Twilight.
"My back!" griped Spike.
"My muffins!" whined Derpy.
"My kidneys!" gasped the Doctor.

Oh no! Not Derpy's muffins! :derpytongue2: And the Doctor's kidneys. And he loved those kidneys' color. :raritywink:

The figure reached into one of his pockets and pulled out a green powder.

Is that like Floo powder? Wands and floo powder. Isn't this supposed to be Equestria and not the Wizarding World of Harry Potter? :rainbowlaugh:

Mysterious hooded male stranger. Can't wait to find out who he is. Best guess Shining Armor or... Flash Sentry.

I didn't know I could be more intrigued by this but I am. Keep up the good work. :pinkiehappy:

3778482 Fingers crossed it's Flash Sentry. :pinkiehappy:

3778467 I would have thought that. However Discord Whooves is from a previous existing Pony Ask Tumblr. There's even apparently a direct reference to it in the last episode "The Rifts".

"This world is sick. What this world needs… is a Doctor." ~Mister Saxon, Master No. Six

3778786 Again this is just a theory.
:twilightblush:Plus...I know next to nothing about Discord Whooves. Let me tell you what I do know:
1. The Doctor is brooding over everything he's done as says he regrets doing it.
2. The Master is involved in someway.
3. He's in a weird relationship with Twilight, and Octavia.

And that's about it. Can you summerize the story of Discord Whooves for me? :pinkiehappy:Because I really want to know what happens.

You can find a good and thorough summation of the Discord Whooves story at this link.

3778775 I'll bet that the guy's the Human Spike equivalent.

The march of the Cybermen

I like this chapter but I could a little more Donna Noble sassy ness to it.

Oh mysterious figure please please please PLEASE be Flash!!!! :pinkiehappy: :pinkiecrazy:

I should probably apologize on Flash's behalf right now.

She knew that she knew the fair-skinned boy with spiked blue hair...but she just couldn't locate her memories of him.

Twi and the boy started walking down the hallway once more. "Can I at least know your name?" Twi asked.
"Flash. Flash Sentry," he replied.

I knew it! :twilightsmile: Flash Sentry in the house! This is going to be like Equestria Girls except more awesome!

Twi met eye-to-eye with Flash for a second and blushed again, nervously twirling her fingers in her hair.

I saw that! That was in Equestria Girls.

The Doctor and his escort, a human by the name of Lyra Heartstrings, entered a room the size of an office lounge.

Before she left she turned back to the Doctor one, last time. "Um...nice hooves."

So, human Lyra likes hooves. I still await seeing pony Lyra go nuts over Donna's hands.

"Pinkie Pie is-"
"She's lost, Fluttershy!" Luna snapped. "Deal with it!"
Tears began to form in Fluttershy's eyes and her shoulders started to shake. "But...she's not dead!"
"With the way she is now, she might as well be!"

Did.. Did Human Pinkie get... Upgraded? :pinkiesad2::fluttercry:

"As long as Pinkie Pie hasn't gotten to them," the Doctor heard Luna state harshly under her breath.

So not upgraded. Wait. Did Discord Whooves turn Human Pinkie into some kind of Human Cupcakes Pinkie? :pinkiecrazy:

He's placed a lot of security around the city with his Cybermen and Dalek armies…

Discord Whooves has Daleks too! Oh, wait of course he does. :twilightblush: That's going to be fun to see. He's like an old school Master. Not surprised it that's where he got the idea.

Ah yes, the return of Human Princess Luna.

He's dead! Who? Everybody! Another reminder of how this is also kind of like Harry Potter.

This is neat. Them meeting alternate universe versions of themselves... Wait a minute! Cybermen walking around everywhere. This is supposed to be like "Rise of the Cyberman" and "Age of Steel"! :pinkiegasp: I see what you did there.

"What are we saying here?" asked the two Spikes in perfect unison.

That's like Mickey and Ricky! :moustache:

Well, this story is becoming progressively more interesting. All the pieces are finally coming together. Anywho, I eagerly await the next installment. Keep up the good work. :pinkiehappy:

3839053 To talk about that whole "Discord Whooves" business, I think that a more appropriate comparison would be to refer to him as 'The Valeyard' instead of 'The Master'.

I never got an update notification for this.

I like these story's I have read all of them but I only just got my account so:derpytongue2: I also want to do a bit of RP in my comments from now on, don't know if that's weird or not so:scootangel: oh and have these for an amazing story line :moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::trollestia:

"The green stuff you probably remember seeing before blacking out."

What? Did you mean this?

....Clara? oh....Sh*t... I knew she would make an appearance here. Donna! I miss your sassiness!

Clara Cameo...


This series gets more awesome with every chapter.

"There's been nothing in this hallway aside form us and you," the woman explained.

I think you mean "from". :twilightsheepish:

She loved the Doctor. She loved the adventures she had been partaking in. She loved Equestria. She loved the colorful characters she had gotten the pleasure to meet. But that still didn't stop her from missing Shaun and their cozy home in Chiswick.

I've heard all that before. It sounds like when all is said and done, Donna's going to want to go back home. :fluttershysad:

We received a distress signal from some people in Rainbow Falls and she volunteered to go along.

Subtle Season 4 reference. :pinkiesmile:

Suddenly, a door down the hallway opened and a young woman with fair skin, brunette hair, and wearing a similar camo fashion style to the rest of the soldiers in the facility passed through it.

Donna's eyes widened momentarily. "Sorry, but I don't think I've learned your name yet."
"Oh! Sorry about that." The woman gave a small smile and extended her hand. "My name's-"

Wait. Impossible Savior. It can't be...

"The talking can wait for later, Oswin! Now you and Derpy head over to the vehicles hangar now!"

"Nice meeting you!" said the woman named Oswin.

Oh my gosh! It is Clara! So, can Clara only exist as a human? There's no pony Clara running around Equestria somewhere.

There was just a pony standing at the end of the hallway, bathed in gold light.
Donna shivered as a whispered message phased through the air from the pony and into her being. She felt the message course through every inch of her brain before spilling out of her mouth in a quick statement. "Her time to howl with us is near," she said.

Bad Wolf? But as a pony. Don't tell me Bright Eyes is going jump into the Heart of the TARDIS or something. :derpyderp2:

Well this story continues to surprise me. I can't wait for more. Keep up the very good work. :pinkiehappy:

The talking can wait for later, Oswin! Now you and Derpy head over to the vehicles hangar now!"

Mother bucker! That's ingenious!

Wait, if there's a Clara in human Equestria, then there should be a Clara in normal Equestria.

Oswin! OSWIN!!!!!! Why do I keep getting surprised! I think that you have to be my favorite fanfic author ever cause every time I read your stories I get just the right amount stuff. You never go overboard and you never hold back to make something out of nothing. I bloody love you!!!!!! :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

the woman named Oswin.

Wait WHAT!!? Clara Oswin-Oswald is here!?

3915291 she go's where she is needed in the doctors time line so there dusnt need to be

geez, with a cameo of that caliber on the Doctor side, who can you drop in that hasn't appeared on the MLP side to even it out? I vote Princess Erroria.

:applejackunsure: Whoa, what's got the doctor so worked up about that cloak? How can it not be possible for it to exist? :rainbowhuh: What the hay is going on!!?!? :facehoof:

OK, first let me say that you are an extremely talented writer, and that you shouldn't take what I say next too hard.

This story can only end on two notes;
1) an OK note
Or 2) an extremely bad note.

Let me explain. You're adding a huge amount of villains, and it's cluttering up the story, in much the same way that Spider-Man 3 had way too many villains. What you should have done was pick, at most, two villains and rolled from there.

Again, you are an extremely talented writer, and you should in no way take this the wrong way. Please end this story well and soon, I'm not sure how many more cliffhangers I can take.

Thank you for your constructive criticism and, don't worry, I didn't take what you said too hard or take it the wrong way. :twilightsmile:

But, don't worry, I have a plan set out with all of the various aspects introduced in this "episode" (and previous "episodes") that will lead to payoffs in this "season's" finale (and beyond :ajsmug:), which I hope you and the other readers of my stories will find satisfying. :pinkiesmile:

Oi! Watch it, Ms. Hogwarts!

"Not much. Just that the Olympics are cooler than the Equestria Games and that you better check up on your Princess Luna when we get back to your world because if she's anything like this Princess Luna then she may have a few disturbing fetishes that need to be worked out," Donna stated.

Why is everything Donna says in these stories awesome!? :rainbowdetermined2:

Spike the dragon asked Derpy as he, his human counterpart, and the gray pegasus were led towards one of the hangars by a muscular man who looked an awful lot like one of the Diamond Dogs.

The My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks trailer!

How could something be created from inexistence?! It's unnatural! It's literally impossible!

Not if you're Catholic! :rainbowlaugh::rainbowhuh: Sorry, I couldn't help it. :twilightblush: That was a theology joke.

"So...you've seen it to, yeah?"

I think you mean "too". :twilightsheepish:

I like how Twi going on the mission even though her friends don't want her to kind of reminds me of Twilight in "Princess Twilight".

And now, Donna, Twilight, and Spike find themselves in the crystal caverns beneath Canterlot filled with Daleks. :twilightoops::moustache::oi:

I liked how the chapter didn't start off that exciting, and then it started to get exciting in the middle. And then it ended. :fluttershysad: I look forward to more of this, especially as the plot continues to thicken so much that you can't legitimately describe it as thickening but rather congealing and caramelizing. Keep up the good work. :pinkiehappy:

I don't see how there are too many villains here. Really there is one villain. Discord Whooves. The Cybermen and Daleks are his vast hoard of faceless mooks.

I highly doubt any of these rifts have grown powerful enough to pull something straight out of the Void.

Well IF those rifts have grown powerful enough is it possible?
This chapter is creepy as hell

P.S: Clockwork, do you have a fob watch by any chance?

Donna moved to the side of the Dalek in question. It, like its fellow brethren, remained still and refused to give her the time of day. A second later, a loud clang rang out as Donna gave a swift kick to the Dalek's side.

Donna is kicking a Dalek!

And the award for the most awesome character in these stories with the best lines goes to Donna Noble!

Or Wrackspurts in spring!

Wrackspurts! Luna Lovegood's imaginary creatures from Harry Potter.

Suddenly, something from deep within her consciousness began screaming at her to turn left.

Turn left. I see what you did there. :ajsmug:

Massive crystal shards jutted out of the walls and the center of the cavern was home to a large pit filled with a bubbling, blue substance that gave off continuous plumes of multicolored fire.

The Nestene Consciousness?

And finally we have the first formal appearance of Big Bad of this story Discord Whooves! And Cyber-gorillas. Where do you come up with this stuff? It must be fun to live inside your head.

And Human Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Shining Armor got turned into Cybermen. I am now sad. :pinkiesad2:

... Pinkie Pie. But she was different from how Twi remembered her. Her hair alternated strangely between fluffy and deflated. Her eyes were bloodshot and switched between dark red and dark green. A cruel smile was etched into her face. A necklace of broken wands hung around her neck. A dress made out of torn clothing belonging to others cloaked her body. A series of fake wings constructed out of a substance that Twi had a feeling wasn't paper, plastic, or leather was strapped to the back of her makeshift dress.

I knew it! :twilightsmile: Human Pinkie Pie got turned into Human Cupcakes Pinkie Pie. :pinkiecrazy:

First a sexy story you wrote got featured and then you updated this story. Today was a good day. :pinkiesmile: I am satisfied and yet still want more. Much more. I eagerly await the next installment. Keep up the very good work. :pinkiehappy:

Is that Pinkie Pie from the Smile song were she killed everypony?! :pinkiegasp: :pinkiecrazy:

4080585 well I think he got the guerrillas from the episode the next doctor where there were monkey like cybermen made from animals, but that's just a guess

4084696 Dang it! Why didn't I see that episode!? :twilightblush:

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