• Published 18th Jan 2014
  • 10,853 Views, 131 Comments

You are the father!!! Wait WHO is? - DazzleDust24

Queen Chrysalis is back nine months after the wedding and she's nine months pregnant. But worse, she says one of the ponies she made contact with during the wedding is the father... second mother? Is it Celestia, Twilight, Cadence, or Shining?

  • ...

Somepony done knocked up a changeling!

On an average day, Princess Celestia sees ponies with problems they ask of her to solve for around three to six hours a day. Of course you need to have it scheduled in first. But she accepts most requests and listens to them despite whatever degree of urgency.

Of course she will soon horribly regret this decision. And it all started nine months after the famous Canterlot Wedding attack...

A unicorn walks up to Canterlot castle. A mare with a gray coat and lime green mane and tail that were both moderately long, emerald green eyes, and her cutie mark (though hidden by the white robe and hood she wore) was a golden heart that had pink sparkles surrounding it.

Reaching the entrance, she found herself met with two Pegasus guards that blocked her path with spears.

"Halt," one said "what is your business?"

The mare lifted her white hood and let her mane cascade down her neck.

"I have a request to see Princess Celestia," she said softly "I already have an appointment to see her I believe."

Both guards stared intently at the mare, "How do we know this is true?"

The mare, strangely, smiled at the guards softly.

"Well I do believe it would be hard for me to cause trouble," she raised a hoof and tossed aside the front of her robe covering her body, and revealed her stomach that was expanding out at the sides and raised out towards the ground. "I'm not in much of a condition to try and harm anypony am I?"

Both guards slacked their jaws slightly at the heavily pregnant mare that was in front of them.

"If you need to," she said when they didn't respond "why not just go and check. I can wait. Though I am at nine months so hopefully you could take care of this before I'm a new mother."

The guards blinked, then one shook his head and stuttered, "O-of course. Um... Follow us- miss..."

"Crystal. Crystal Amore, but just Crystal is fine."

The two guards lead the mare to the awaiting line of ponies to see the princess. The whole walk was awkwardly silent. Both wondered why a mare so deep into her pregnancy would come all this way to see the princess.

As Crystal awaited in line for her turn, she was thankful only a few ponies were ahead of her. Just standing was starting to become troublesome for her due to the increased wait of her foal inside of her.

"Next in line please."

Crystal took a deep breath as she began the task of walking to the large doors to the throne room. Two unicorn guards opened the doors with their magic and Crystal stepped into the large and impressive room.

And sitting on her throne, was the solar princess herself, awaiting Crystal's approach.

"Hello my little pony, and what is it you need today?"

Crystal just smirked, and for some reason, laughed a little.

"Celestia, I had expected you to recognize me even in this get-up."

Said princess just blinked in confusion, "I'm sorry, who are you?"

"Oh Tia. Tia, Tia, Tia. I suppose you don't recognize me do you? Oh well, just means I'm better than I thought I was."

"Who are you?" Celestia demanded more forcefully.

Crystal smiled softly again, "Oh Celestia, we just saw each other nine months ago. Which is actually why I had to come back."

"I ask again and demand an answer. WHO are you?!"

Crystal sighed, "Oh well, suppose there's no point in keeping this up anyway."

Crystal backed up a few steps, and green flames covered her hooves.

Celestia starred in shock as the gray coat turned black, the white robe blew up in the air and showed the ripped and hole ridden insect wings appearing, her legs became covered in holes, her mane and tail grew teal and had holes and rips throughout a tangled mess, her horn was jagged with holes, she grew fangs, and her eyes changed sickly green with two layers of color and a reptilian pupil with a greenish-white fluid.

Crystal Amore, was now Queen Chrysalis.


"Hello Celestia. Recognize me now?"

Celestia stood to her hooves and pointed her horn at the changeling queen, preparing a spell to attack her.

"Celestia please," Chrysalis said rather snarky "you wouldn't attack me now."

"And why not?!"

Chrysalis just smiled evilly as she tossed her white robe to the side of her body and showed her frame. Her swollen and very, very, very pregnant frame.

Celestia's eyes widened and her head shot back up as she stopped the spell she had been preparing. Chrysalis was right, she couldn't attack her.

"W-what is that?!" the princess said.

"Oh this," Chrysalis rubbed her tummy with a hoof gently and starred at it. "This is just called 'pregnancy' Celestia. Of course I do suppose it's a bit of a shock. I am at nine months after all."

"NINE MONTHS!" Celestia shouted.

"Yes, nine months."

"Nine mon- wait..." Celestia paused in thought "you were posing as Cadance nine months ago."

"That's correct."

A look of horror stretched across Celestia's face, "What?"

"To explain," Chrysalis said flatly "this is a changeling/pony hybrid, yes."

Celestia sat back on her throne in shock.

"And I believe the list of possible parentals for who impregnated me is Shining Armor, Cadance, your student, and... well you actually."

Celestia felt bile in her throat rise, and she promptly leaned over the side of her throne and gagged as she felt it come up and then spill on to the floor, which a maid came to and immediately (yet hesitantly) began cleaning.

Celestia sprung to her hooves, and wobbled while doing so, and used her magic to slam open the doors to the throne room. Startling the guards and awaiting ponies outside.

"No more requests!" she shouted and scared off the ponies. "Guard," she pointed a hoof at some random guard "prepare escorts for the elements of harmony and Princess Cadenza and Prince Shining Armor! I will request them here immediately!"

The scared guard rapidly nodded and he and the other guard at the door ran off to full fill the princess's orders.

Princess Celestia fumed in anger as she turned back towards the still smirking changeling.

"You..." she growled "GUARDS!"

Four guards ran into the throne room and stood present and waiting in front of their princess.

"I need you to escort our guest to one of the spare rooms in the castle."

She looked behind the guards and at Chrysalis, "And be careful. I want a magic lock on the room and two guards present at the door at all times."

She stole another glance at the changeling's stomach that supposedly carried a foal... or a larva or egg or something.

"But... be gentle. She is currently with child."

The guards bowed their heads and surrounded the queen on all four sides.

"Glad to see you have a soft spot for my unborn hatchling Celestia," Chrysalis snickered "of course... it might also be yours."

Celestia shuddered at the changeling's laughing as she was escorted out of the room and down a hall. She was unsure of how to approach this matter exactly. The queen is presenting herself nine months pregnant and claims Celestia or a pony she is close to is the other parent.

How could it even be hers, or Twilight's, or Cadance's? They were females! Then again, she has no idea how a changeling reproduces.

Ok, she's getting ahead of herself. First she needs to send the letters requesting the elements and her niece and nephew-in-law. Then she'll just... take it from there.

Oh yes, excellent plan! she thought sarcastically to herself.

Author's Note:

Hey! so first story right? Hope this is good enough though.
I mean, I've posted stuff before but on other sites.
So the basic idea of this is changeling's don't reproduce sexually though they could if they wanted to. They reproduce with DNA basically...
But I really don't want to spoil the next chapter. Where I will explain how I say changelings reproduce in this story.
I guess that's it...