• Published 24th Apr 2014
  • 5,109 Views, 97 Comments

The Orange Apple and the Bookworm - Some Person

A rollercoaster of emotions happen to Applejack and Twilight.

  • ...

Chapter 1

Applejack packed up her apple cart as the sun began setting over Ponyville. She hummed a cheery tune as she recalled the many successful sales that had taken place throughout the day. "Ah hope Big Macintosh's got somethin' good cookin' for supper," she commented to herself. "A veggie stew would sure hit the spot right now!" Once she’d securely fastened her cart to herself, she began her walk back to Sweet Apple Acres. It wasn't too long, however, before a peculiar sight caught her eye.

To her right was Ponyville Library. At the top of said library, Applejack spotted Twilight Sparkle leaning against her observatory's railing, staring at the multicolored sky above. However, her slumped posture seemed to paint a dejected mood to the apple farmer.

What's eating Twilight? Applejack queried as she continued to stare on. Her lips curled downward as she looked at the sun's descending position. Should I...? She looked back at Twilight to see her noticeably sigh as she slouched on the rail. Quickly swallowing any doubt, she moved towards the library. I’m sure Big Macintosh will understand.

Applejack stood in front of the library. Her friend still hadn't noticed her presence. She took a deep breath before calling out, “Twilight?”

Twilight jerked herself back to reality before finding the source of the voice. "Oh... hello, Applejack," she replied with a weak wave.

"Ah don't wanna yell an entire conversation to the high heavens,” Applejack stated as she looked around. “So would ya mind comin' down here for a bit?"

Twilight hesitated before shaking her head. "Give me a moment," she remarked before dipping out of sight.

As she waited, Applejack sighed. Maybe today will be the day... Eventually, the front door opened.

"What brings you here, Applejack?"

Immediately, Applejack noticed the dejected look in Twilight's eyes. She kept this in mind while she replied, "Ah was just bringin' the family cart back home for the night. Then ah look up and see ya starin' at the sky all sad-like." Applejack tilted her head. "Somethin' botherin' ya, sugarcube?"

Twilight smiled, but it was weak at best. "Is it that obvious?"

"Well, no. But ah reckon' you're the type to study the sky, not stare at it." The farmpony rubbed the back of her neck. "If, uh... if this is a bad time, ah can come back later."

For a moment, Twilight was silent. She then looked inside her home before turning towards Applejack. "Actually, would you mind going for a walk with me?"

"A walk?"

"When you're done, that is," Twilight added, motioning to the apple cart. "You're probably busy, and I don't want to hold you up."

"Nah. In fact, let's walk right now. Sure'll save me some time."

"That sounds like a better idea." Twilight closed the door, locking it afterwards. "Shall we?"

Both mares began their walk through the darkening city towards Sweet Apple Acres. Applejack looked at Twilight. Here goes nothing. "So what's goin' on with you, Twilight?"

The librarian bit her lower lip before responding. "Do... do you think everypony will have a special somepony?"

Applejack momentarily froze before rolling her neck. "Uh... that's a little unexpected to hear from you."

Twilight sighed as she turned her attention to the sky. "I know, it's just that Cadance came out to visit earlier today."

“What happened?"

"She brought up the things she and Shining would often do around the Crystal Empire."

"Ah'm afraid ah still don't get it. That don't sound too bad, Twilight."

"It isn't," Twilight replied as she shook her head. "It's just what I began thinking about after she left." She started to slow down. "She and Shining have done so much as a couple, and I'm glad for them, don't get me wrong. It's just..." Another sigh. "Am I going to have anything like that?"

Applejack felt her heart jump in her chest.

"Granted, this isn't the first time this thought has crossed my mind. And don't get me wrong, the time I spend with you girls is great, but what they have is just... different."

"Would it make you happy to have that special somepony?" Applejack asked, trying to relax herself.

Twilight couldn't help the melancholy smile on her face. "That's just it, Applejack. I have no clue. For all I know, that pony could've been somepony who I passed up completely." Her head slightly bowed. "But what if the emotions I'm feeling is for something else and I'm misreading this situation entirely? What if I do jump into a relationship and I find out things aren't what I imagined them to be? I'm just more confused than anything right now."

"Well," Applejack began, "ah reckon that if you're puttin' this much thought into it, a relationship might be a little bit important to you."

"You think so?"

"Indeed ah do. 'Sides, you shouldn't be worried 'bout passin' up chances. Shinin's older than you are, Twilight. It ain't like a harvest where you got so little time to get the crops before they go bad. Ah reckon there's still somepony out there for ya." Applejack swallowed the lump in her throat.

Twilight chuckled. "Is it wrong that I immediately thought up a way to research if what you're saying is correct?"

Applejack shrugged. "Whatever works, ah s'pose."

The librarian sighed. "I'm getting way too ahead of myself here. I'd probably scare that special somepony off if I told them I found them through a scientific theorum. Just walk up to them like, 'Hey, stallion, I studied you for weeks on end to see if you like me. Want to be my special somepony?'"

The farm pony chuckled along with her. "Ah don't think you'd scare 'em off, Twilight."

"It would have to take somepony steadfast to not get scared off by my studying. You've seen how I can get."

"Ain't that the truth..."

"It's a silly thing to become engrossed in, when you think about it. If I get wrapped up in this concept, I won't be able to focus much on my studies."

Sweet Apple Acres had now come into sight. Applejack turned to Twilight. "Well, here we are. You feelin' better?"

Twilight nodded. "Much better. If there is somepony out there for me, I'll find them eventually. If not... we'll see where things go. Thank you for this talk... and this walk."

"Pleasure's all mine. Ah s'pose ah'll see ya later?"


Twilight hugged her friend before trotting off.

Applejack heaved one heavy sigh before turning to her home.

"Wait, one last thing!"

And then turned back around to see Twilight trotting back.

"Can I ask you some questions, Applejack?"

"Uh... sure."

"Questions that you, as the Element of Honesty, will answer completely and honestly?"

Applejack slightly edged away. "Okay...?"

"These aren't even too important; I guess... this is just for the sake of humoring me. Anyways." Twilight sat on her haunches. "Do you think there's anypony in town that is remotely interested in me?

Applejack forelegs quivered. "Interested?"

"Well, romantically interested, of course."

"Ah um... ah can think of one pony," Applejack murmured as she turned away from Twilight’s imploring eyes.

"O-oh?" Twilight replied, taken aback. "Well... heheh..." She started to smile as she pressed her hooves to her face. "That's a little surprising." She leaned in towards Applejack. "Who would that be?"

Applejack felt her cheeks burn. She was about to answer when Twilight held her hoof up. "Actually, sorry, I changed my mind," she stated. "If I start this now, I'll get wrapped up in it. We sure don't want that to happen!" The librarian laughed again. "Thank you very much for your time, Applejack. I'll see you later!"

Before the farmpony could respond, Twilight had taken off back towards the library. Applejack now sat alone in the dirt. She breathed through her nose before hanging her head. "Ah guess there's always next time," she murmured before dragging her apple cart towards Sweet Apple Acres.


In the late-morning, Applejack walked with Big Macintosh towards the south-east area of their apple orchard, dragging a cart with many apple baskets behind them. “You’re sure these are the ripest apples in the field?” she asked.

Her brother nodded. “These apples are perfect for pickin’.”

“Alright. Ah’ll start collectin’ apples from the back, and you can start from the front. We’ll meet in the middle. Sound good?”


Big Macintosh removed several baskets from the cart for his sister, and took the remaining containers with him as he and Applejack parted ways.

Once she reached the edge of the orchard, she placed a few baskets around the tree and got to work, placing bucks powerful enough to gently drop their harvest into the ground below.

After clearing a few trees, her mind began replaying the events from the previous night.

"Who would that be?"

She gritted her teeth and kicked the next tree with a little more force than she intended. “All ah had to say was ‘Me’,” she muttered. “One little word and ah could’ve been past this.”

Applejack cleared more trees, and took a moment to wipe the sweat from her brow. “Next time? Ah always say that, and what happens? She’s gone again.” She huffed. “Ah gotta figure this out somehow, at least before ah see her next.” She was so focused on collecting ripe apples that she didn't notice Big Macintosh walking up behind her.


The sudden break in her thoughts ceased Applejack’s applebucking and made her turn around. "You need somethin’, Big..." To his right was something unexpected: the very pony on her mind. "Mac?"

"Miss Twilight was insistin' she come speak to you 'bout a pressin' matter," Big Macintosh informed. "Said you’d wanna know ‘bout it, and it would only be a moment."

Applejack looked at her brother, then back to Twilight. "Well, uh. Ah s'pose a quick chat never hurt nopony."

Big Macintosh bowed his head, a gesture that Twilight returned, before heading back towards the farm.

"Hello, Applejack!" Twilight chirped as she walked up. "How are you today?"

I really could’ve used more time than that! "Well, uh, ah'm doin' fine. You sure seem pleased as punch today."

"You’re right about that!"

Applejack found herself smiling at the sight of Twilight's elated mood. Her eyes darted back and forth before asking, "So what brings you here?"

Twilight tilted her head. "Oh... just one little thing. But I can talk about that later. I suddenly couldn't stop wondering how you buck trees the way you do, and thought I might as well see it in action."

Applejack couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. All the way here just to see me buck a tree? "Uh... okay then."

Twilight stood close to the tree, paying close attention to Applejack.

"Now, the first thing you gotta do for a good buck is make sure the tree's in fine enough shape to buck." Applejack tapped the trunk a few times. "You also gotta make sure you hit the right spot. Not hittin' dead center could end up hurtin' the tree."

"Hurting the tree?"

"'Course.” She patted the trunk. “Trees have feelin's just like us ponies."

Twilight put a hoof to her chin. "Fascinating."

Applejack then took a few steps back. "Once that's done, you gotta make sure you got the bushels to collect all the apples that drop. After all that's done with..." She lowered her front half closer to the ground. “You get like this and…” Then she sprung up and whipped her hind legs towards the tree trunk in one fluid motion. With a heavy thud, the tree shook, neatly dropping several apples into each basket. "And that's how we do it down here on-"

Twilight gasped. "Applejack, look out!" She then dove forward and tackled Applejack, knocking her onto her back. "Phew, that sure was a close one!"

"C-close what now?" Applejack stammered.

Twilight pointed to a tree branch, what Applejack would arguably call a twig, on the ground. "That branch almost hit you. It's a good thing I was here, huh?"

Applejack's face went deadpan. "Okay, Twilight, what's gotten into you? You've been actin' awful funny today."

Twilight cocked her head back. "What are you talking about? I just wanted to save my friend from getting hurt by that branch, is all."

The farmpony stared at Twilight for a moment. This is getting ridiculous. "Well, ah'm mighty thankful for you... savin' me. Now could you please get off'a me?"

Just as Applejack tried to sit up, Twilight planted her hooves on her shoulders, fastening her to the ground. "Hold on! I need to make sure you're alright!"

"Twilight, c’mon. This ain't funny no more!"

"Who said this was supposed to be something funny? I'd say this is supposed to be more..." Twilight paused to move her head closer to Applejack's, their foreheads almost touching. She then whispered, "exciting."

Applejack couldn't stop the intense heat rushing to her cheeks. "W-w-what are ya—"

Twilight placed her right forehoof on Applejack’s lips, shushing her. "I might have lied about just wanting to talk. I hope you can forgive me." She slid her hoof to Applejack's cheek, rubbing it gently.

This can’t be happening, there’s no way!

"There's something else I wanted to try. I believe it's something you've been wanting as well." Any protest Applejack had in mind never made it to reality. "It involves you and me." Twilight lifted her head just enough to align her snout with Applejack's. "Now hold still... I haven't done this before."

As Twilight's lips became dangerously close to her own, she heard a loud “Applejack!” shouted next to her ear. In an instant, Twilight was gone, and an apple tree was in her place. Applejack quickly looked around and saw Big Macintosh standing behind her.

“You okay?” he asked as he approached her. “You’ve been starin’ at that tree for a while now.”

Applejack rubbed the sweat from her brow. “Yeah, ah’m fine. Just got a little distracted.” She then donned a smile that didn’t match the look in her eyes, but she hoped it would’ve been a convincing enough display.

Big Macintosh stared at his sister for a moment before sighing. “If you’re sure. Just thought ah should check on ya.”

Once he began walking away, Applejack started to breath a sigh of relief, only for her brother to turn back around.

“Have you been drinkin’ enough water?” he asked.

“‘Course ah have,” she responded with a raised eyebrow. “Why do you ask?”

“Your face looks mighty flushed, that’s all.”

Applejack’s eyes widened and she pressed a hoof to her forehead, then cheeks. “Guess it, uh… guess it’s a bit hotter than ah thought!”

Big Macintosh stared again before walking back to the grove of apple trees.

Oh, for pete’s sake! the younger Apple thought to herself. This ain’t the time to be having fantasies. Especially not about Twilight! She positioned herself before the tree, once more. She wasn’t going to have that unicorn run through her mind at the moment.

“I’d say this is supposed to be a little more… exciting.”

She definitely wasn’t going to remember those enticing lips.

“There’s something else I wanted to try.”

And she most certainly wasn’t starting to imagine the series of events that could’ve followed afterwards in her fantasy.

“Now hold still… I haven’t done this before.”

It became too much for Applejack, and she ended up kicking the tree full force with a loud crack. The power in her hind legs was enough to create a major indentation in the apple tree’s core. The fracture spread all the way to the top and caused the tree to crumble. She stared in shock at the damage she dealt as leaves, branches, apples and tree chunks alike fell to the ground in a cluttered mess. Then she heard the frantic hoofsteps approaching from behind.

“What’s goin’ o—” Big Macintosh couldn’t finish his sentence as he came into view, taking in the sight before him.

“A-ah’m sorry, Big Mac! It just… it just happened! Ah swear, ah didn’t mean to do it! It was… It was, uh—”

The elder Apple closed his eyes and raised his hoof, silencing his sister. “You didn’t mean to do it, but you still did it.” He moved closer and pressed his foreleg against her forehead. “Not only are you distracted, but you’re hotter than a baked potato. Go inside, get some water, cool off, then come on back out here when you’re ready.”

“But Big Mac—”

“This ain’t open for discussion. Get goin’. Ah’ll take care o’ this.”

Applejack clenched her teeth before turning her attention to the ground. She slowly walked away from the apple orchard and into her home. As she approached, she spotted Granny Smith sitting in her rocking chair on the porch.

“Applejack, dear, what was that noise?” the Apple matriarch asked. “Scared the bejeezlebubs outta me, it did!”

“Ah… got a little distracted when buckin’,” Applejack admitted, rubbing the back of her neck. “Big Mac wanted me to relax inside for a bit before goin’ back out.”

Granny Smith proceeded to rock back and forth in her chair, noticing the dissatisfaction on her granddaughter’s face. “Could be just what you need, dear. You know Big Mac’s just lookin’ out for you.”

Applejack nodded before going straight into the kitchen and retrieving a cup, which she then filled with water. After drinking several glasses, she trudged up the stairs and into her bedroom.

Once she plopped onto her bed, she found herself staring at the ceiling. Unsurprisingly, Applejack found her thoughts invaded by Twilight again. She began dragging her hooves down her face. "Ah can’t keep goin’ on like this!" She murmured. “No matter what ah’m thinkin’ about, she’s there. What am ah gonna do?” Once the farmpony had a moment to calm down, her problem seemed to have one realistic solution. "Ah gotta tell her… Just bite the bullet and lay it all on the table." This brought on more rolling in bed. "Aw, who am ah kiddin'? Ah don't know nothin' 'bout that mushy talk!" she mumbled. "Ah mean, ah guess ah could get some advice, but... that means..." With a groan of defeat, she laid her face onto her pillow. "Guess ah don't got a choice, do ah?"


Applejack stood in front of Carousel Boutique, staring long and hard at the door in front of her. She took another look at her surroundings. Anypony within her vicinity paid her no attention. Either you do this now, or you wait long enough to see your opportunity pass you by. She reluctantly raised her right forehoof, letting it hover for a few seconds. Applejack then clenched her eyes shut and knocked on the door with four quick taps. She took a step back and waited.

Eventually the front door opened, and Rarity peeked her head out. "Oh! Why hello there, Applejack," she greeted. "What brings you here?"

Applejack rubbed the back of her neck. "Do, uh... do ya got a minute to talk? Ah kinda need some advice."

"You need advice from me?" Rarity asked as her jaw hit the floor.

"Y-yeah… so maybe I do!" Applejack replied, lowering her hat to hide the redness in her cheeks. "Will you help or not?"

"Of course I will!" Rarity beamed. "Anything for a friend! Now come along, dear."

Both mares walked into the Boutique, where Rarity led her guest towards her workshop. Several ponniquins had various fabric and clothing decorating each of them. She sat next to her design table and began sketching. "Now what can I do for you, Applejack?"

The farmpony looked around. "Is Sweetie Belle here?"

"She's away at school,” Rarity replied without looking up. “Do you need her?"

"Oh, uh, no," Applejack stated. "I just, uh... wanted to make it was just us."

Rarity nodded.

"And you can still hear me, even while workin'?"

"Trust me, Applejack. In this business, you become rather skilled at listening while on task."

"Okay..." Applejack swallowed the lump in her throat before straightening herself out. "Ah need... ah need... relationship advice," she mumbled.

Rarity's pencil stopped in place. She slowly looked up. "I'm sorry, dear, you were awfully quiet. It... almost sounded like you were asking for relationship advice?"

Though she could feel herself tremble, Applejack nodded.

Rarity let out an excited gasp and held her hooves to her cheeks. She stood up and trotted towards her friend. "Oh my goodness! Have you found yourself a special somepony?"

Applejack’s cheeks grew redder than the reddest shade of red. "No... not exactly, but... ah, uh..."

"You... need help breaking the ice?"

She gave a curt nod.

Rarity began prancing around. "My, my! Forgive my excitement, Applejack. I just love discussing romance with others. And now that you've fallen for somepony... Oh my stars!"

"It ain't that big a deal, Rarity!"

"Maybe not, but I do take relationships seriously, and will help you to the best of my extent!"

"Well… thanks," Applejack stated with an earnest smile.

Rarity trotted towards her kitchen. "I'll make us some tea and snacks.” She used her magic to position two extra large cushions in front of each other. “Make yourself comfortable, my dear!"

Applejack plopped herself down and sighed. Guess I should've expected this. She tapped her hooves together before breaking out a smile. Still, at least she’s willing to help me out here. I ought to be grateful for that.

Rarity eventually returned, using her magic to carry a tray of assorted shortbread cookies, two teacups, a steaming tea pot, and two eating trays. The food was evenly distributed between both mares, and both teacups were moderately filled with tea. She gently seated herself and asked, "Now, do tell me, dear. Who is this stallion that's caught your eye?"

"Ah'd... rather not say... sorry," Applejack replied, forcing down the twitch in her ears.

Rarity's lips pouted for a moment, but then she shook her head. "No matter," she stated. "It's your business. Would you be comfortable saying what drew you to him?"

The farmpony put her hoof to her chin, rubbing it gently. "Well, ah s'pose there ain't no harm in it."

"Whenever you're ready," Rarity giggled as she began drinking her tea.

Applejack slouched on her cushion. I have to say this just right. She grabbed a cookie and began. "Well, when ah first met 'em, ah didn't see 'em as anypony special. It was just like talkin' to somepony who visits the apple cart from time to time. As ah started gettin' to know 'em, things just... changed." Her gaze drifted towards the ceiling as she began to smile. "Ah started seein' a more adventurous side to 'em. A responsible and carin' side to 'em. Even then, they got smarts like ah only wish ah could have."

"He's an intellectual?" Rarity interrupted.

"Yeah. Loves studyin' more than anythin'. Probably the only pony ah know, aside from family, who could keep up with me and my talkin' 'bout apples."

Rarity tilted her head. "Is he very outgoing?"

Applejack laughed. "They're a bit of a shut-in. Ah think their idea of bein' outgoin' is takin' a stroll to the Town Square and back."

"I never imagined you being attracted to a stallion like that."

"You and me both..."

Rarity took a quick sip of her tea. "Anyhow, continue."


"Surely there's more to him than that, right?"

Applejack's face blanked. "W-well, uh..."

Rarity took a breath through her nose, placing her teacup on her tray. "Applejack, it sounds as if you're attracted to this stallion solely because of a few traits you share."

Applejack's ears slightly drooped. "S'that a bad thing?"

"Well, I suppose it helps break the ice, but you really shouldn't jump into a relationship just because you both can talk about apples."

"Then why can't ah shake the feelin' that maybe they could be more than a friend?"

Rarity straightened herself out. "Let me ask you this then, Applejack. How does he make you feel?"

Applejack raised an eyebrow. "Whaddya mean?"

"It's rather self-explanatory. Does the mention of his name make your heart flutter? Does the sound of his voice produce butterflies in your stomach? Would you risk life and limb to save him, should he ever be in dire need of assistance?"

Applejack stared at the floor becoming lost in thought. She recalled the times where hearing Twilight's name in public suddenly made her more alert, searching the area to see if she could find that purple unicorn in the crowd. The many enjoyable conversations they shared, every detail of which she remembered. How every time they were on adventures, she'd become increasingly desperate to save Twilight whenever she faced certain doom. She became so lost in her thoughts that she almost didn't notice Rarity waving a hoof in her face.

"Are you alright, dear?"

Applejack quickly snapped herself out and giggled in embarrassment. "Yeah, ah was just thinkin' is all." She sat herself up. "It's like... sometimes when ah'm havin' a bad day, they're the first pony that comes to mind. After that ah just can't stop thinkin' 'bout 'em, and the things draggin' me down just seem to fade away. When ah see 'em, ah just feel forced to go talk to 'em. Ah've been stuck in conversations that would go on for hours, and ah wouldn't even know it." She laid back and began hugging herself, staring at the ceiling again. "They just got this sorta charm that just makes me feel like... like some sorta emptiness in me has just been filled up."

Rarity began giggling. "You're absolutely smitten for him, aren't you?"

Applejack nodded happily before suddenly stopping and looking at Rarity. "Wait, what does that mean?"

"Enamored? Love-struck? Crushing on him?"

"Oh... yeah..." Applejack sat back up. "And that's why ah wanted to ask ya for advice."

Rarity's eyes went wide as she put her hoof to her mouth. "Do you... do you plan on confessing your feelings?"

Accompanied with reddening cheeks, Applejack nodded.

"Oh my stars, this is so exciting!” Rarity squealed. “I'm sure you'll knock him right out of the park!"

Applejack removed her hat, fanning herself. "Are you sure? Ah mean... me bein' romantic is like Rainbow Dash bein' neat and tidy, or Fluttershy bein' loud and rude. It ain't just somethin' ah can do."

"Oh, come now, Applejack," Rarity retorted. "The Applejack I know can-" Her eyes drifted away and she slowly sat back down as her lips scrunched together. "Well... I suppose you aren't exactly the most graceful of ponies, if we’re being honest... No matter. In that case there's a much simpler option. Something that should be a breeze to you."

Applejack tilted her head. "And that is...?"

"Just be honest."

"Ah don't think it's that easy. If it’s a no, that could ruin our friendship! The last thing ah want is for her to hate me..."

Rarity perked her ears up. “Excuse me?”

Him! Ah don’t want him to hate me. That’s what ah said.”

Rarity stared for a moment before nodding. “Yes, that would be most unpleasant a situation. Have you tried confessing before?” she inquired.

Applejack gritted her teeth. “Ah’ve been wantin’ to so many times… but then somethin’ would happen and then the moment’s gone. Even last night ah was talkin’ to ‘em. Ah was given the perfect time to come clean, but…” Her head drooped. “But then they stopped me and took off. If ah can’t say anythin’ now, who says ah can before it’s too late?”

Rarity took a quick sip of her tea before approaching her guest. "Applejack, I have seen you fight ferocious creatures all across Equestria. I've witnessed you stand resolute in your beliefs. You're one of the most daring ponies I know, and if you’re scared by something as insignificant as rejection, then you’re clearly not the friend I know. If there's anypony who can stand before rejection and laugh in its face, it's you."

Applejack stared at Rarity for a moment before she bared a confident smile.

"Now there's the Applejack I know."

Applejack stood up. "Ah dunno how this is gonna go, Rarity... but thanks. Ah should go. Next time I see 'em, ah'll tell 'em how ah feel. Rejection be darned!"

"Glad to hear it," Rarity replied with a nod. She moved forward and hugged Applejack. "I wish you the best of luck, my dear."

After Applejack pulled away, she said her quick goodbyes and headed back out. She took a deep breath. "That turned out better than ah expected," she muttered to herself.

She started trotting back towards Sweet Apple Acres, but suddenly stopped. "Wait a sec; what am ah doin'?" she asked herself. "Why wait when ah can go to her myself?"

She quickly changed directions and trotted towards Ponyville Library. Upon finally reaching that daunting wooden door, she found herself half petrified. I've got this! I can do it! Mustering her willpower, she knocked rather loudly three times on the door and waited patiently.

As it opened slightly, Applejack opened her mouth, but stopped herself when no one was there.

"Hey Applejack."

She looked down and saw Spike standing before her. "Oh... howdy, Spike."

"Do you need something?" he asked, still blocking the inside of the house.

"Actually, ah was wonderin' if ah could talk to Twilight. She 'round?"

Spike glanced inside. "Sorry, Applejack. Twilight's gotten caught up studying some kinda theory. She told me not to let anypony in unless it was an absolute emergency."

Applejack's ears drooped. "Oh..."

"Is it an emergency?"

"No, it's... well... It can wait. Ah'll just come back 'nother time." Applejack started walking away, but Spike stopped her.

"Do you want me to give her a message, or something?" he inquired.

Applejack stared at the assistant for a moment. "Just uh... just tell Twilight ah'd like to talk to her as soon as possible."

Spike nodded before heading back inside.

Applejack heavily sighed, kicking the dirt. She could feel her initiative draining from her self, but quickly sucked it back up. "It's alright, there’s always tomorrow, or the next day, or the day after that! Ah ain't backin' down again!" She adjusted her hat before running back to her home.


In the days following Applejack's newfound resolve, she made several attempts to confess her feelings towards Twilight Sparkle. Unfortunately, all of these instances were met with various forms of failure, whether it be Twilight remaining too busy to be disturbed, being too preoccupied in the markets to notice Applejack's calls, or not being spotted altogether. After experiencing another tormenting daydream, she had decided that putting this off would be inconceivable and now found herself standing outside of Ponyville Library.

Applejack paced back in forth, occasionally glancing at the behemoth of a door before her. "You gotta do this," she murmured to herself. "It's just like a thorn: yank it out, or let it get infected." She approached the door. "Ah ain't 'bout to let myself get sick!" She raised a hoof up... and let it hover inches away from the door.

This ain't no thorn, though... this is Twilight! I can't mess this up! What if she can't think of me the same way again? This ain't a good time. She slightly retreated from the library.

Oh, get it together, girl! What Rarity said was true; you're better than this! Once again, Applejack approached the library. When she was near the door, however, her legs decided to turn her around, causing her body to stumble and collide into the troublesome barrier.

Applejack lay still while she gathered her bearings. Her eyes darted around quickly to make sure nopony witnessed her clumsiness. She almost felt it fitting to breath a sigh of relief when she heard the sound of hoofsteps coming from within the establishment. When they became dangerously close, she quickly picked herself up, positioned her hat, and dusted herself off in time to see Twilight open the door.

"Applejack? Was that you?" she asked.

Within an instant, Applejack noticed her friend's frayed mane, the bags under her eyes, and the almost overwhelming scent of coffee coming off her breath. “Are you… okay?” she queried cautiously. “You don’t look too good, sugarcube.”

Twilight grinned a sheepish grin. “Oh, this? I... might have gotten caught up in some research. It’s no big deal though, what can I do for you?”

"Ah was on my way to talk to ya when ah took a little spill. Sorry 'bout that."

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, ah'm fine. Ah've taken worse falls." Applejack rubbed her right foreleg looking off to the distance.

Twilight tilted her head and asked, "So... you wanted to talk to me about something?"

Applejack straightened herself out. "Yeah, uh... is this a bad time?"

"Not at all," Twilight answered as she shook her head. "In fact, I could really use a break. Would you like to come inside?"

"Th-that would be just dandy. Thank you, Twilight." As she walked in, Applejack took a moment to kiss her left forehoof and hold it to her heart while she took a deep breath. Here goes nothing...

When Applejack witnessed the state of Twilight’s living room, she nearly stopped in shock. Inked-up papers were sloppily spread all across the floor, books with incomprehensible sketches, theorums, and words were left open and in different positions, and many dishes with half-eaten food lay piled next to her desk.

"Sorry about the mess," Twilight stated. "Spike has been running some errands, and I've just been so busy lately with these studies to do much of anything."

Applejack stared at the chalkboard Twilight was standing next to. On it were percentages, formulas, and graphs, but that wasn't what caught her attention. It was the names of various stallions in ponyville and the word 'compatibility' that distracted her. Applejack walked towards the chalkboard. "So what's all this, then?”

"This is the result of my compatibility checks with the eligible and single stallions in town. I was a bit surprised at the low ratio of stallions to mares, but I still was able to come up with a list of capable candidates."

"Wait... you know all the stallions in Ponyville?"

"It's more like the log of citizens in town are kept here, so I gave it a look before I started."

Applejack glanced over all the writing on the wall before turning to Twilight. "Ah thought you said you didn't wanna get wrapped up in this."

"Oh, well I didn't. But then I really couldn't stop thinking about it. And I figure, what's a few days?"

"A few days? Have you been eatin' right, or sleepin' right for that matter?"

“Oh, you don't need to worry about me, Applejack. I've done power study sessions before."

“What did you figure out?"

Twilight picked up a pointer with her magic and directed it to the scribbles. "Well, there were several attributes that I ruled out immediately, such as mannerisms, misogynistic mindsets, and overall personality compatibility, which helped narrow the possibilities. Then I started looking into stallions I know or have met before. So now it's down to these six, but I can't seem to figure out much else from here."

Applejack bit the inside of her cheek before asking, "Any mares come to mind?"

Twilight quickly turned to her friend, raising an eyebrow. "This test is being run to find possible stallion candidates in town. Why would I think of any mares?"

"Oh, nevermind that. Ah was just wonderin'.” Applejack's ears folded back, but she fought the urge to show any possible disappointment. She looked at the chalkboard, but couldn't make out any of the names written on it. "Do you, uh... do you want some help?"

Twilight smiled. "Sure! Wait... you said you already know who is interested in me, right?”

Applejack felt her heart leap into her throat as she managed a weak confirmation in response.

“I’ll let you help, but don’t tell me who it is, okay? I want to try see if I get the same idea as you. So... what are some traits this special somepony has?" Twilight asked as she held up a notepad and quill.

Applejack sat on her haunches. "Well, this pony has known you since you arrived in Ponyville. They've... been by your side on a few occasions, and have helped you out. You don't have much to talk 'bout with 'em, but y'all can really get goin' when you find that somethin' to discuss... They wonder how you can be so perfect the way you are... and how they could be so blessed to at least be a part of your life." She quickly stopped herself when she realized that Twilight was staring in awe. "Or, uh... somethin' like that."

Without a word, she looked to her chalkboard and added this new information. After she'd changed data values and crossed out several sections of text, she placed the piece of chalk down. "Well... If I understand what you're saying. The choice is obvious."

"It is?" Applejack replied, her ears perking up.
Twilight nodded, but her expression didn't seem pleasant. "It's just... I don't think you're going to like it..."

"Well, how 'bout you tell me and we'll see."

"...If you say so.” The librarian set down her notes. “After going through all the possible information, I've come to the conclusion..."

Time’s running out.

"that the only possible stallion is..."

I’ve gotta tell her now.

"Big Macintosh."

Applejack's eyes grew wide. "What?! My brother?!"

"I did tell you that you might not like it, Applejack."

Her face became even redder as she forced the words to come out of her throat. "But... how in tarnation could he be the special somepony for you?!" Applejack fumed.

"I'm going off what you said," Twilight replied. "Big Mac has known me since I arrived in Ponyville, he and I have worked together on several occasions involving your family's farm, and we can really start talking once I find out something he's quite knowledgeable in. It's not a completely perfect match, but it's a clear cut winner amongst the other choices."

"And just who else is on that list?"

"Well, ponies like Davenport, Caramel, Comet Tail, Pokey Pierce, and Written Script."

Applejack struggled to keep herself in check as her face became incredibly heated. "And you think that those are the only ponies who would be interested in you?"

"Out of the stallions I know in town, it's just a list of possibilities. This is only a theory, Applejack. You don't need to get so angry about it." The librarian returned to her chalkboard and began writing more information on the board.

"But which of those ponies actually know you, Twilight? Not anypony you mentioned and especially not my brother!" Applejack was beginning to shake. "He wouldn't even know a mare fancied him if she bent herself over for him!"

Twilight loudly placed her chalk down and turned around, looking the farmpony in the eye. "Applejack, you don't have to agree with my choices, but now you're becoming unnecessarily emotional about this. I'm sharing this information with you because I thought you might find it amusing, but if this is how you're going to act, then I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

Applejack gritted her teeth. "How else am ah s'posed to act when the answer's starin' you in the face!"

"Staring me in the face?" Twilight responded, "What are you talking about?"

"It's me, for Celestia's sake!" The words left her mouth before she could even think; and in that instant, a chilling silence settled in that library. Both mares stared at each other in shock until Applejack forced the next sentence out of her throat. "Ah'm the one who fancies you," she croaked.

After an internal struggle, the librarian mumbled, "You... like me?"

Applejack nodded, not once breaking eye contact.

Twilight's started to blush and her breathing quickened as she began pacing back and forth. "But... I told you all about these thoughts of mine. I told you all of this, and..." She put her right forehoof to her temple. "Is this why you asked if I had thought of any mares?"

Applejack pawed at the floor. "It is." Twilight seemed to slowly back away before pacing around once more, muttering incoherently to herself. She began staring at the floor as she swallowed the putrid lump in her mouth before standing upright. "Ah think ah should go," she stated, rousing Twilight's attention. "If you haven't thought of any mares, then you probably ain’t interested in ‘em, let alone me. To be honest, ah had a feelin' ah was gettin' my hopes up." She turned around. "Hopefully we can forget 'bout this altogether and still be friends... Goodbye, Twilight."

She hadn't even made it a few steps when she heard Twilight say, "Wait!" She trotted up and stood directly in front of Applejack. "I-I... I..." She paused to take a deep breath. "I... haven't thought of any mares... but that d-doesn't mean I'm op-p-posed to the idea."

Applejack's face lit up for a moment before being brought back to neutrality. "What 'bout me?" She watched as Twilight bit her lip and folded her ears back, her eyes darting across the room. "You 'posed to the idea of datin' me?"

Twilight slouched as she sat on her haunches. "I... I don't know." She began rubbing her hooves. "You're a great friend, Applejack, but as a... a... g-girlf-friend? I... I just don't know."

Neither mare could really look at each other. However, Applejack found herself staring at the chalkboard. It was at that moment that her eyes lit up. "Why not... run a test... you and me?"

Twilight brought herself to look at Applejack. "A test?"

"Y'know. We could... go on a date."

"A d-d-d-date?" Twilight weakly parroted as her face turned a bright shade of pink..

Applejack rubbed the back of her neck. "Ah mean... you put that much effort into stallions you hardly know. Why not with a friend who knows you well enough?"

Twilight began trembling as she started pulling her body inward. "But... what if things don't work out?"

"Then that's the way life goes."

"What if we start going out and I suddenly don't have feelings for you?"

"Then ah'll move on and we can still be friends."

"What if I hurt you?"

Applejack hesitated for a moment before replying, "You wouldn't hurt me."

"Answer the question," Twilight feebly insisted.

This time Applejack sat on her haunches. "Then we'd talk 'bout it and decide where to go from there." Twilight was still shaking and hadn't looked up yet. This made the farmpony reach out a hoof and rest it on Twilight's. Applejack stated, "Ah ain't lookin' to drag you into things you're not comfortable with, Twilight. All ah'm askin' for is a chance... please..."

Twilight stared at Applejack, then back to the interlocked hooves. Shortly after, Twilight managed to mutter, "Okay..."

Applejack's face brightened up. "You... you mean it?"

Twilight nodded. "It's... a test, right? I can do a test," she added, trying her best to smile.

"Thank you, Twilight." Applejack chimed as she slowly pulled her hoof away.

Even though she was still shaking, Twilight managed to ask, "So... what should we do now?"

Applejack's smile dropped before she looked away, grinning in embarrassment. "Ah... didn't quite think of that yet. Ah was so busy figurin' what ah'd do if you said no, that ah didn't think of what to do if you actually said yes." She rubbed her hooves together before the solution came to her. "How about a movie at the town theater? Wanna try for seven o'clock?"

"That sounds great," Twilight almost immediately replied.

Applejack smiled again. "Well... alright. Tonight at seven." She turned towards the door. "Ah guess ah'll see you then," she stated over her shoulder towards the librarian who was nodding emphatically. When Applejack was outside, she wiped away the mist from her eyes. I did it! I asked her out! I'm going on a date with Twilight! Without an ounce of control, she let out a loud cheer before galloping off towards Sweet Apple Acres.