• Published 12th Mar 2014
  • 2,794 Views, 68 Comments

Seeing Pink - Alto Spark

Cheese Sandwich goes back to Ponyville after a slightly odd Cheesy Sense.

  • ...

Pinkie's Secret

Author's Note:

I used this map as reference to figure out where everything was located:
Map of Ponyville by Aurek-Skyclimber

Also, this chapter only includes my three favorite ponies in the entire show... So that's fun.

Pinkie Pie galloped as fast as her hooves could manage through Ponyville's streets. Tears began forming in her eyes and they sparkled in the dim morning light as she felt completely aimless. Where could she possibly go to hide from him?

First she thought about going to Fluttershy's. It would be peaceful and quiet, but it was so far away and if Cheese really was chasing her, she would probably get noticed. That also took Applejack out of the list, since the Sweet Apple Acres were also really far away.

She thought about Rainbow Dash... for a millisecond. Of course she couldn't hide on a cloud!

Next she thought about Twilight Sparkle. The library wasn't far away and could be a good hiding place, since Cheese has never been there. But would Twilight understand her problem? Maybe, but then she would lecture her about stuff in a really boring way... What else is available?

Rarity, perhaps? She would definitely understand this kind of stuff and probably give great advice. And Cheese didn't know about the Carousel Boutique, so it was perfect for her to hide. Though she would have to make a loop around the town to not get noticed by Cheese, but it would be worth it. Then it was settled and Pinkie finally got a specific direction to head to.

Pinkie managed to get to Carousel Boutique without being seen by Cheese and knocked frantically on the violet door.

"Oooh, please be awake! Or wake up!" she said through her teeth.

After a few minutes of rapid knocking the door opened slowly. First, a blue eye looked carefully through the small opening. Then, the door was opened fully by white unicorn.

Rarity always wakes up early during weekdays to get a head start on her work of the day. Though, in the weekend she would get lots and lots of beauty sleep. Pinkie didn't know about Rarity's sleeping routines so she was surprised to see her wide awake at this hour.

"Pinkie Pie? Isn't it a bit early to be planning a party?" Rarity said with her usual dramatic tone.

"I'm not inviting you to a party, I need a hiding place, fast!" Pinkie panicked and tried to get in, but Rarity blocked her.

"A hiding place? Who or what exactly are you hiding from?"

"I'll tell you if you just let me inside, please! I wanna talk to you about something that I think only you can help me with!" Pinkie was becoming hysterical.

Rarity stepped aside and let Pinkie swoop inside. The former couldn't think of anything that her friend would be afraid of. And she needed her help with it? What could it possibly be?

She guided Pinkie upstairs to her room with her and took out two silky pillows out of the wardrobe to put on the floor neatly. It was discussion time.

Pinkie gladly sat on one of the pillows after running around the room nervously, intending to tell everything to Rarity, the love expert.

"Now, Pinkie dear, just tell me what's bothering you, so we can talk it over", Rarity said with a quite motherly voice as she sat on the opposing pillow.

"Well, um... It's kinda complicated."

"Whatever it is, I promise I'll try to do my best to help you", Rarity said, feeling like a therapist.

"Well, you see, I like this stallion" – Rarity's eyes widened – "and I've been obsessing over him ever since I last saw him and I even put photos of him all around my room and make notes about him and fall asleep thinking about him and stuff, but then last night he came to Ponyville and I invited him to my house to stay and I took all the photos and notes and put them in the trash and everything was fine and dandy, but then I yelled too loud and the twins woke up and I had to go make them fall asleep again and then when I came back to my room I saw that he had found all the photos and notes in the trash, so I ran away and thought you could help me with this kind of stuff and I came here and now we're talking." She said it all in one breath and spoke extremely fast, but Rarity could follow it somewhat.

"Mmhm... and who is the lucky stallion in question here?"

Pinkie blushed hard. She stammered with her words for a bit.

"It's okay, you don't have to tell me right away if you don't want to, dear. So, you think he's searching for you right now?"

Pinkie nodded, eyes locked onto the floor.

"Well, what I think you should do, is go out to him and confess your deep, everlasting love to him!" Rarity exclaimed dramatically.

"What? I can't do that! I mean... it would be so embarrassing!"

"Embarrassing? Maybe, but you can't hide from true love. What if he feels the same way? You would never know if you didn't confess."

Pinkie thought about what Rarity had said for a moment. She never thought about it like that.

Rarity looked nervous all of a sudden. "But... he already kind of found out about it, didn't he?"

Pinkie's eyes widened in realization. Oh right.

"I'm not ready to face him yet, though", she said and flattened her ears.

"You know, it would be much easier for me to instruct you if you told me who, er, what this stallion is like", Rarity said, slightly wagging her brows. She levitated a notepad and a pen from her desk, ready to write everything down and make conclusions.

Pinkie sighed and looked away with her ears still flattened. "Alright... First of all, he's really funny and has a great sense of humor. He's almost never serious about anything, but I think that's a good thing. He's always trying to cheer everypony up in the most craziest and funnest ways possible." Pinkie cracked a smile for the first time inside the boutique. Her ears stood up again as she started to smile her usual bright smile once again. "He's also really talented at what he does and shares it for everypony to enjoy. He's really charismatic and social and is just so so so fun to be around! He's just... absolutely amazing!" She yelled the last part so loud that Rarity had to cover her ears.

"He sounds... great. Perfect for you, actually", Rarity said while writing down notes. Suddenly her face broke into a sly grin.

"Does his name start with a 'C'?" She had figured it out already.

"... Yes."

"Is his name something edible?" Rarity still wanted to tease Pinkie a little.

"What's with the guessing game?" Pinkie raised an eyebrow, but still smiled.

"Just checking if my guess is right."

"Well, yes, his name is edible."

"I knew it. You're hopelessly in love with... oh, how I wish there was a drumroll here... Cheese Sandwich!" Rarity announced, still holding that sly grin.

A silence fell upon the boutique. Rarity grinned unsure if it was appropriate at the moment. Pinkie's brows lowered into a serious expression,

"Was that necessary?" she said with an unusually serious tone in her voice.

Rarity cleared her throat. "Um, now that I know who your love interest is, I can easily say that you shouldn't worry about a thing. I'm sure Cheese will understand."

"Really? Are you super-duper sure?"

"Yes, darling. He seems like the perfect match for you, actually", Rarity assured and put down her notepad and pencil. "Though I have to ask, what is he doing in Ponyville, anyways?"

Pinkie pondered for a few seconds. "I actually don't exactly know... He just said he got a Cheesy Sense that told him to come here."

Rarity had a feeling she knew what was going on, but held back her words.

"He's probably looking for you all over right now. You should go and tell him", Rarity said and put a hoof on her friend's shoulder.

"Alright... I'm gonna do it!" Pinkie announced, lifting up from the pillow. As she walked downstairs, she seemed to become increasingly nervous by each step. Once she reached the door she was sweating droplets and shaking all over.

She opened the door with a shaky hoof and started trotting away slowly. "Thank you so much, Rarity!" she yelled, looking over her shoulder and waving. Her voice was shaky.

"Good luck, dear" Rarity said, albeit Pinkie couldn't hear her anymore.

Cheese Sandwich looked at the clock tower on top of a hill nervously. It was about a half 5 am and he had been searching for Pinkie for over an hour now. He was sitting next to the fountain near Town Hall and sighed. He was ready to give up when suddenly he saw a pink spot in the distance.

"Pinkie!" he yelled as loud as he could, which was extremely loud. He earned many angry yells from sleepy villagers because of it, but he didn't care.

Cheese galloped towards the pink spot which soon shaped into a trotting, bouncy maned mare. It was indeed Pinkie Pie.

Cheese finally came face to face with her. He couldn't believe this could be so hard. "Pinkie! I've been looking all over for you! Where were you? What did you do there? Why did you run away? I've been so worried, I thought you jumped off a bridge or someth-"

"You found out my secret", Pinkie said and looked away.

"Oh right, that..." Cheese blushed a little.

He hesitated for a moment before saying: "Well, you see Pinkie, the reason I've been looking for you for so long is that I... I wanted to tell you that..." – he gulped – "ever since I saw you in that party long ago, I've sorta kinda secretly had crush on y-"

He was cut off by Pinkie's lips suddenly connecting with his own. Cheese's pupils shrank in surprise. It only lasted for a few seconds, but it felt like their whole lives had been leading up to this very moment. Pinkie took a few steps back and looked away, smiling shyly.

Cheese was at a loss for words. What just happened? Did all his dreams come true at once?

"Well... Uh... That was... Um... I mean... I didn't... What?" He looked like he had just seen a ghost and his face was entirely flushed.

"Did you like it?" Pinkie asked in a more confident voice than before.

There was a silence, in which Cheese moved his lips but nothing came out.

"Yes", he managed to say quietly.

Pinkie was slowly but surely getting her confidence back again. She clapped her hooves together.

"Ooh! That's great! So, does this mean I'm your marefriend now?"

Cheese was stunned. This was all happening so fast to him.

"I-I guess", he said.

So apparently he now had a marefriend. He cracked a smile as he watched Pinkie do cartwheels around him.