• Published 27th Mar 2012
  • 2,973 Views, 38 Comments

Erika Gefallen: Atlantean Unicorn - Legionary

A Sci-Fi Fantasy following a unicorn named Erika Gefallen as she deals with her past life and world.

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Chapter 2 : Rescue? RW

“Here you are Princess.” A unicorn wearing a lab coat said handing a folder to Celestia. “We’ve just had a breakthrough; I believe you will find the latest progress report very satisfying.”

“Thank you Note Pad.” Celestia said and magically took hold of the folder. “I shall look through it immediately.”

Princess Celestia was currently in one of the many studies dotting the Royal Palace of Canterlot. It had been roughly forty five days since Discord had teleported Twilight away as a one last vengeful act and the Princess had been very worried for her student. Using powerful and tiring scrying techniques Celestia was able to roughly pinpoint Twilight’s position. A terrible place wrought with war and hatred not seen since Sombra’s terrible reign, Earth.

It was only through the unlikeliest of chances that Celestia discovered the world in the first place, helping her best and brightest develop a working theory of alternate dimensions. What she saw of that place was burned forever into her mind. Bipedal creatures charging across a blasted hellish landscape, boxy machines of steel roaring and billowing death crawling behind them, massive flocks of metal birds flying over cities and dropping exploding metal eggs by the hundreds and massive balloons whose purpose was just as vile, and clouds of death that swept over entire battlefields despoiling and mutilating all it touched. Even when this terrible conflict was ended did the suffering not end, vengeance burned in the hearts of the victors and they took it out on those they had beaten. The last of the world that Celestia could bear to see was the conquered people suffering and their hatred growing with every passing day, all but promising the terrible conflict would continue again someday.

So it was with great dismay and fear and that Celestia found that her student, who was so much like a daughter to her, was in such a world. With each passing day Celestia could not help but imagine what terrible things could be befalling her student at that very moment. Was she being tormented and abused by those who considered her an ‘unholy’ abomination? Tortured with clinical dispassion in a lab? Celestia just couldn’t help but think of the horrible fates that could have befallen her student.

But that was then, now she had the chance to go save Twilight from whatever fate she was suffering. It would have been better for all if it hadn’t taken forty five days to develop a spell to cross the inter-dimensional boundary, but the best minds at her disposal could only work so fast, perhaps if Twilight herself was there the process of developing the spell could have been sped up greatly. There was however no knowing that for sure and Celestia didn’t bother to waste any further time thinking about it.

The Princess frowned when she read the theoretical power requirements for the spell, while it wasn’t beyond her and her sister’s combined power it would mean Equestria would have to do without both of its rulers for a time which was unacceptable. Celestia pondered alternatives, while a sufficiently large force of unicorns could substitute for Luna it meant taking a large number of to ponies to a fairly violent land, which could very well cost lives. Another idea occurred to Celestia, it had its merits but also its faults but ultimately it meant bringing along only a small group of ponies and that meant the world when Celestia didn’t want to fight anyone.

‘Could I possibly use them like that though.’ Celestia thought with a frown. ‘This is a far better alternative than both I and Luna leaving or taking a large force of Royal Guards, but still it means risking Twilight’s dear friends… I shall leave the choice up to them, better that they choose to come rather than to order them to do so. Even if some of them do not want to do this the spell should still be powered with at least three of the elements there.’

With a decisive nod Celestia brought up some parchment and started writing a letter to send off to Spike, telling him that she needed Twilight’s friends for a most serious task. With a flash of light the magical wisp flew away to be belched up by the little dragon. Once that was done Celestia left her desk and went to go order some Royal Guards to take a few chariots and pick up Twilight’s friends in Ponyville. After that she would sit and wait for their arrival and hear their decision.


Little over an hour later found an inwardly nervous Celestia sitting on a couch and sipping some calming tea when the remaining Mane Six walked into her study.

“Hello my little ponies.” Celestia greeted, getting up from the couch. “No doubt you are wondering what sort of task I have called you all here for.”

“Salutations your highness,” Rarity said as she and her friends bowed before the Princess. “Yes we are but no doubt it has something to do with our missing friend right?”

“Oh! Didyoufindherdidyoufindher!!” Pinkie asked rapidly, hopping in place.

“Yes actually.” Celestia answered and the mares cheered happily. “However we still have to retrieve her and doing so requires your help. I am not going to lie to all of you, the place Twilight is happens to be very dangerous and if we don’t go with the greatest care your very lives will be in grave danger.”

“Doesn’t matter Princess.” Rainbow Dash replied determinedly. “Twilight’s needs our help so we’re going to help her.”

“Twilight’s an honorary Apple your highness, ah ain’t gonna abandon family.” Applejack added.

“It all sounds very frightening but I’m will to brave it for my friend.” Fluttershy said a little nervous but determined.

“Me five!” Pinkie cheered her agreement.

“Twilight is extremely fortunate to count you all as her friends.” Celestia smiled at them warmly before becoming very serious. “Just so you are all certain, I am not exaggerating the danger in the slightest. The slightest misstep in this could result in grave injuries… at the least.”

“Ain’t nothing we five are willing to risk to get our friend back, ain’t that right girls?” Applejack asked her friends and got shouts and nods of agreement.

“Very well, follow me then.” Celestia said and began walking out of the room. “We have a chamber set aside for the use of the spell to reach Twilight.

“From what you have said of the place your highness it sounds like Twilight is in a far off land.” Rarity commented as the group made way.

“Yes and no, it can be considered a far off land but it is an separate dimension altogether.” Celestia answered to everyone’s surprise.

“Sweet! Are we gonna fight evil aliens to get Twilight back?!” Dash asked excitedly as she shadow boxed mid-air.

“I dearly hope we don’t.” Celestia replied seriously. “The purpose of our going to this dimension is purely the rescue of Twilight, however there is the likelihood we may have to fight for her release.”

“Just how are we going to reach her?” Rarity asked.

“A spell will teleport us across the gap between worlds.” Celestia explained. “The power requirements for such a spell however are vast, which is why I have called for all of you. I need the power of the Elements of Harmony to supply the spell with what is needs.”

“If you only need us to power the spell then why take us along?” Rarity asked. “As Twilight’s friends of course we would gladly provide any aid in her safe return, but if the danger is so great why not take Equestria’s finest to rescue Twilight?”

“The spell needs a lot of power.” Celestia said. “There is no telling what would happen if the spell ran out of power while en-route to our destination. Thus the reason why I am taking all of your along, I am also hoping a smaller group would keep us from being discovered and allow us to recover Twilight quietly.”

“You keep mentioning avoiding danger, just how dangerous is the world we are going to?” Rarity asked in worry for her displaced friend.

“Incredibly so.” Celestia answered as the group arrived before a set of double doors. “I had scryed that world before and saw an horribly destructive and immense war that claimed the lives of countless innocents, and when the war was done further crimes against common decency were committed. The last I saw of it the signs of a new war just as destructive as the first lied everywhere. It’s been several years now, the very war I predicted could be raging and we may be dropped in the thick of it depending on Twilight’s location, as the spell homes in on her and drops us near.”

At this Twilight’s friends looked far less eager for the coming rescue but were no less determined, if they had to brave grave dangers for a dear friend like Twilight they easily would in a heartbeat.

The group entered through the double doors, within was a bare chamber with a large blue circle carved upon the stone floor. Several unicorns in lab coats surrounded the circle in deep discussion with each other and standing off to the side looking rather worried was Princess Luna. Upon noticing her sister Luna motioned her over.

“Excuse me eveypony.” Celestia said and walked over to her sister. “Yes Luna.”

“Are you sure that this is wise sister?” Luna asked in concern.

“Come now Luna I have full confidence that you will do fine.” Celestia said kindly.

“While I do find your confidence in I being able to hold the kingdom together in your absence heartening it is not what I am worried about.” Luna replied. “It is about these creatures you have told me about, these humans. Would it not be better to take ponies trained for combat rather than them?”

“I would dearly hope it won’t come to violence Luna.” Celsetia said with a shake of her head. “If it does it may not matter how skilled our ponies are, many would fall if not all of them.”

“Are humans really that dangerous?” Luna asked.

“Where we have spent a thousand years prospering in peace they have spent it fighting one conflict after another.” Ceslestia answered. “Such experience demands to be taken seriously.”

“It appears young Twilight Sparkle has found herself in a most precarious predicament then.” Luna commented with a frown.

“Yes, I dearly wish she is alright.” Celestia replied worriedly.

“From what you have told me of her she would seem to be quite the resourceful pony.” Luna stated comfortingly. “I’m sure she is fully qualified to handle any danger she encounters.”

“The only thing one can do is to hope for the very best in this situation.” Celestia said with a sigh and looked towards the circle carved into the floor, said circle being examined by Twilight’s friend. “Is everything ready for the teleport?”

“Yes dear sister.” Luna said and brought up a wooden box before opening it. “Here are the Elements of Harmony.”

Celestia levitated five of the elements out of the box and stared at the tiara for a moment before frowning and steeling her expression before taking off her own tiara.

“Right… let’s not waste any more time shall we?” Celestia stated as she placed the Element of Magic upon her head.

“We shall be ready when you are sister.” Luna said as Celestia walked over to the five mares in the circle.

“Here you are Everypony.” Celestia said and levitated the Elements over to their respective bearers. “Put them on and start concentrating on channeling their power when I tell you.”

“Your majesty, I didn’t know you could still use the Elements of Harmony.” Rarity stated with surprise at seeing Celestia wearing an Element.

“Over millennia ago I used to be able to use all six of them.” Celestia began. “While I am not longer able to do that anymore I am still capable of at least using one, which is needed here as the Element of Magic is needed for the proper use of the Elements.”

“These things can’t work if the Element of Magic isn’t used too?” Rainbow Dash asked, glancing at her own Element.

“The Element of Magic acts as a focus for the other Elements during their combined use.” Celestia explained. “While each individual Element doesn’t need the others or Magic to work they work much better if used all together.”

“Now if there are no more questions than you should all get ready for the teleport.” Celestia stated.

Celestia waited for a few moments as the mares each clipped on their Elements, mentally going over the arcane math behind the spell several times to make sure she had it right. Once the girls had their Elements on Celestia gave each a look over.

“Ready?” She asked them and got determined nods in answer. “Okay… on three, one, two, three!”

The Elements of Harmony started glowing brightly followed by the eyes of their bearers shining just as brightly. The circle carved into the floor glowed like a flare as the spell started, the energy running through the large rune suddenly slowly lifted up from the carved lines in the floor. The circle came to a stop a few feet above the five mares and one alicorn. Another circle seemed to split off from the first and started spinning, first slowly then quickly picking up speed. Several more circles split off from the first and began spinning until the total number of them was seven, then the first circle started spinning as well. The runic circles continued to pick up speed until it appeared to a form a solid orb of light, its brightness much like a miniature sun.

Then suddenly and quite anticlimactically the circles disappeared with the sound of metal clinking on stone.

Luna stared with wide eyes as she spotted the Elements of Harmony sitting on floor sans their bearers.

“Well… that can’t be good.” Commented one unicorn.


The world fell away as the five mares and one alicorn was sent on their way to a different world. Where there had been a chamber of the Royal Palace was now a world of utter darkness dotted with twinkling white lights.

At first the group was still then suddenly they started moving with incredible speed in one direction, stars streaking by as they soared through the emptiness. Completely and utterly unexpectedly the Elements of Harmony ripped off each of the ponies, somehow unlatching themselves or just flying off in Celestia’s case.

‘NO!’ Celestia watched in dismay as the Elements spun away into the darkness, knowing that without them she couldn’t perform the spell again for the return trip.

Just when Celestia thought it couldn’t get any worse the group suddenly stopped their break neck speed. Fearing that the loss of power to the teleport spell would mean the group would be stuck in this empty place Celestia was about to try something desperate. Then a strange sensation came over the group, like they were being watched by countless eyes and an almost touch like sensation could be felt on their coats, on the very edges of their hearing the faintest murmurs and whispers could be heard. And just as suddenly as they had stopped they started moving again.

Celestia saw that Rainbow Dash was about to open her mouth, no doubt to ask what had just happened a question Celestia herself wished to know when one they all had impacted one of the Twinkling lights and total darkness and silence was all that Celestia knew.

For several long heart stopping moments Celestia could see nothing and could hear nothing but soon she began to feel something. She felt like she was lying on a hard rock like surface and could feel vibrations through it. Soon her hearing started to come in and she began to hear a dull pounding noise that seemed to come at her from all directions. Finally her sight started to return, the world was a blur of grays, blacks and browns but it was slowly improving along with her hearing.

Details started to fill in, she could now tell that she was lying on a street much like the ones in Manehattan but any further was still a blur. The noises started to become clearer and sounded like the muffled booms of a cannon.

Celestia shook her head and started to get onto her hooves when the ground seemed to shake and she collapsed back onto her back, her head spinning and nausea growing intense. The Princess waited until she felt like she wasn’t going to lose her lunch before taking another look of her surroundings.

Her vision had improved to the point she could now make out the mares she had taken with her on the road around her. They seemed to be in the same state as her and were recovering just as quickly. Celestia was now able to make out more of the world around her. She could see that tall skyscrapers like those in Manehattan surrounded her but that’s where the similarities ended. The more she began to make out and hear the more she began to fear for the lives of the ponies with her.

Most of the glass windows on the skyscrapers were broken and smoke and flames rose from a good many of them. The street she was on was covered in cracks and shards of broken glass. Strange looking machines dotted the road belching flames from their twisted forms. Booming noises were much clearer and the Princess could now make out an odd noise that sounded very much like a heavy downpour of rain, accompanied by high pitched wailing sounds coming from the sky above. And there was blood, so much blood, not three feet from Fluttershy’s spot on the ground Celestia could make out the long bled out corpse of some being. Before Celestia could say anything Fluttershy had turned around and immediately spotted the corpse.

“AHHHHH!” Fluttershy screamed and immediately scurried away from the corpse.

“OH WHAT THE HAY IS THAT!?!” Dash shouted.

“Oh crud, oh Celestia…” Applejack gasped in wide eyed shock at the body.

“Is… what is that?” Rarity asked with a hoof over her mouth as Pinkie retched and heaved.

“I do not know.” Celestia said as she examined the creature. It wore a pair of red shorts made of a strong material and a sleeveless white shirt made of something similar. It’s entire body was covered in short brown hair with longer bristles coming out of the back of its head and back. It’s legs looked to be a bit frail but it’s arms bulged with muscles and ended in equally strong looking hands with claws. It’s face reminded Celestia very much of a mole, except that it’s eyes appeared to be a fair bit larger and it had a large set of teeth that it’s lips barely closed over.

“…Whatever this being is I know it isn’t a part of the race I was expecting.” Celestia stated.

“I-is that a bad thing?” Dash asked a little shakily still eying the corpse. “Maybe Twilight just went somewhere else that just had these guys?”

“That can’t be true because I know that only one sapient race inhabited the world we are supposed to be in.” Celestia answered and saw Rarity staring off down the street and looked in the direction she was staring.

There was another creature like the one on the street standing at the end of the street and staring at them, at least Celestia assumed it was the same species as it was covered in some sort of armor with only a fraction of their face exposed. It had something in its hand that Celestia thought was a gun but looked fairly different form the ones she had seen in her scrying. Celestia couldn’t really tell from this distance but she thought it was giving them a quizzical look. Suddenly it started gesturing sharply to the side as more beings like it appeared from down another street, one carrying a large tube like device on its shoulder.

Celestia became alarmed when they started aiming their weapons towards them and was about to shout at the mares to run when a black sphere rushed through the air over them, sounding strangely like water rushing down pipe. The black sphere impacted the armored being with the large tube weapon on its shoulder, it’s head disintegrating into particles as it fell to the ground.

The Princess turned around as the mares screamed in fright at the sudden violence erupting around them. Behind them running down the streets and ducking behind burning wrecks were another group of armored beings. They looked even more heavily armored then the other group and their form were completely covered by a copper colored metal. Their helmets obscured their faces with a metal plate and a single thin visor and had this wide curving brim on it with a fin like crest running along the back.

Bullets and black bolts of disintegrating death flew back and forth with the ponies caught in the middle, tearing apart the landscape around them.

“This way!” Celestia shouted over the deafening noise of battle as she bolted for an alley way. Once inside with the others she quickly glanced back out and saw that the first group was being reinforced by ever more numbers and throwing overwhelming amounts of firepower down the streets a their enemy. The second group continued their steady advance however, darting from cover to cover, their pinpoint deadly accuracy making up for the dozens against their twelve.

Celestia quickly darted away as the first group brought up more shoulder weapons and let off fireworks like projectiles and started annihilating the street. She and the mares run towards the other end of the alley to another streets when a massive treaded vehicle stopped in front of that very exit, blocking it. A much less heavily armored mole creature with a thick helmet was sticking out of the top, manning some sort of large weapon.

A beam of black flashed over the heads of the mares and swept over the mole creature and the weapon, causing both to disintegrate messily. Muffled shouts echoed from within the metal machine and with a roar of its engine it rolled ahead.

The mares turned around and saw a copper armor being standing at the entrance of the alley with a large weapon on its shoulder, standing just behind it and leaning out of alley to fire periodically was another like it.

Not liking the idea of being in the same area with any of the fighters the mares wordlessly made the decision to leave the alley. They came out running into the street just behind the vehicle and at the worst time, a group of heavily armored mole creatures were running to the back of the vehicle and spotted them. They all raised their weapons and one of them starting shouting at the mares in a barking language.

“I… I do not know what you are saying.” Celestly said calmly as the smaller ponies recoiled from the weapons aimed at them.

Suddenly loud thudding sounds came from somewhere ahead. The vehicle turned its large long barreled weapon to the side and down a street, too late.

A massive armored being came sprinting into view and rammed into the vehicle and sending it rolling onto its side. It was very much like the smaller copper ones but was bronze and had a smooth bullet like helmet with two circular eye lens.

The mole creatures reacted quickly to the destruction of their vehicle and fired their weapons at the massive being as they moved into cover.

Bullets and rockets pinged and exploded against the massive being as it brought its own weapons to bear. Two guns made up of many spinning barrels revved up for a brief moment before letting lose with an absolutely punishing wave of black bolts. The armored behemoth ruthlessly cut down mole creatures and their cover alike, everything in front of its spinning guns seemingly fading into dust of backs and reds. Then a large cannon like weapon popped up just behind its shoulder and aimed towards one of the buildings where a group of the mole creatures had quickly entrenched themselves. There was a high pitched whine and bright star like glow from the cannon’s mouth before blasted forward, emitting a powerful shockwave that buffeted everything in range followed by a blast of heat from the building exploding.

For Celestia the world seemed to get so very quiet as the giant of destruction faced her and her ponies, its weapons mounted beneath its forearms whirring softly as they spun always ready for use. It stomped forward before coming to a stop a mere meter from them, towering over them and staring at them though it’s opaque black lenses. Celestia darted her eyes over to another alley way just to the side of them several times in the tense silence.

“Run.” The Princess stated simply and every one of the ponies immediately run down that alley wordlessly. As they entered the alley Celestia looked over her shoulder at the giant and saw it staring after them silently and making no attempts to stop or follow them.


Murmillo squad AG1626 reporting victorious engagement.” A calm voice with a electronic echo stated on a com channel. “Returning to hostile sweep parameters.

“Lieutenant Ivy reporting sighting on a squad of Dire Loons Mercenaries, Captain Sparkly.” A female voice said.

“Contacts?” ‘Captain Sparkly’ Replied, a female voice.

“A company of Murmillos with Cestus support engaged and were forced to retreat with the mercenaries.” Lieutenant Ivy reported. “Recommending heavy aerial strikes on the squad if not orbital bombardment on their current coordinates before Warmage assault.”

“Going to call in available Air Mages for support.” Captain Sparkly answered. “The Sadistic Melody and it’s escorts are stuck in heavy combat”

“This is Sky Ranger, forwarding a report on a G-Class energy reading from the Sadistic Melody, Captain Sparkly.” A male voiced informed on the coms.

“Now that is just fantastic.” Captain Sparkly growled. “Losses?”

“None ma’am.” Sky Ranger reported to his superior’s surprise. “Readings state G-Class came into contact with a Squad of Murmillo’s and a Cestus but did nothing.”

“Hmm… suspicious.” Captain Sparkly replied.

“Cestus unit EB0152 reporting contact with priority one race.” A deep electronic baritone voice stated. “Categorized as ‘Locate and Contact immediately’”

“Well this is turning out to be a very eventful fight.” Captain Sparkly stated.

“Captain that very same Cestus is the one that came into contact with the G-Class.” Sky Ranger said.

“Figures, alright they are trying to avoid the fighting right?” Sparkly asked.

“They seem to be.” Sky Ranger answered. “The G-Class ended up in some threatening situations and didn’t try to fight, instead choosing to run away”

“Alright get a free Air Mage to herd them into quiet area without making it look obvious and I’ll go meet this priority race.” Captain Sparkly Commanded. “Then I need a Flight of Air Mages to suppress and soften up a squad of Dire Loons before a Warmages assault.”

“On it ma’am, receiving coordinates now.”


Celestia and her ponies made their way down a desolated and destroyed street, the sounds of battle and war were ever present but in the very least they were distant sounding enough.

“This place is horrible…” Pinkie said as Fluttershy sniffed back horrified tears at the wanton death she had just witnessed. “And Twilight’s supposed to be here?”

“The Spell brings us near; it’s up to us to find her exact location.” Celestia replied softly as she carefully scanned her surroundings for threats. “Sadly it appears it is going to be a much harder task than anticipated.”

“Well… I’m going up to get a better view.” Dash said and flared her wings.

“No wait!” Celestia shouted but was too late.

Rainbow Dash soared into the air, aiming to get higher than the tall damaged skyscrapers surrounding them. Just as she was about to fly over above the rooftops a black streak suddenly darted by leaving orange orbs in its wake. White streaks followed after it but one of them happened to hit one of the orbs causing a devastating implosion and pressure wave that could be felt on the ground.

“CRUD, CRUD, CRUD, CRUD, CRUD!” Rainbow Dash shouted as she dove back down and wreckage hit a skyscraper, sending glass shards and rubble raining on the streets below.

“Run!” Celestia shouted as the as she saw the upper portions of the skyscraper collapse fall towards the street.

With a deafening rumble the top of the skyscraper fell towards the ground with terrifying speed. It didn’t take long or much for the ponies to get out of harm’s way but that didn’t stop the destruction and ensuing dust cloud from being terrifying.

For several long moments a thick cloud of dust enshrouded everyone from view and all Celestia could do was listen to everyone cough and choke on dust but eventually it settled.

“Is everypony alright?” Celestia asked, now utterly filthy and covered with dust.

“Other than a mouth full of dirt I’m fine yer highness.” Applejack replied as she dusted off her Stetson. “How ya’ll all doing?”

“F-fine…” Fluttershy answered as she and Pinkie continued to hack and cough out dust.

“Rarity? Ya alright there sugercube?” Applejack asked the glamorous unicorn, who instead of throwing a fit over how filthy she was; she was instead ignoring her current condition in favour of staring grimly towards the sky.

“Those orbs.” Rarity stated. “The ones that caused that explosion… they are still up there and they are drifting down towards us.”

“What!” Immediately everyone followed Rarity’s gaze and saw the truth for themselves. Drifting slowly down from the sky were many dozens of glowing orbs.

“Run again?” Dash asked Celestia.

“Yes.” Celestia stated simply and took note of the areas the orbs were drifting into. Seeing that the streets off the one they were on were going to be hit Celestia made the decision that they should stay on the street they were currently on and run down it away from the magical bombs.

And the mares ran, bombs dropping down along their sides. The street they were currently on was being bombed as well but the orbs dropping down on it were rather slow for some reason, not that they were complaining about the fact.

Bright bangs resounded behind the running ponies and flashes of light illuminated the world before them. Eventually the explosions and flashes slowed and the ponies began to stop their running. Celestia looked over her shoulder to spy the devastation but was confused when the streets appeared to be no less damaged then before.

“Are… are we d-done running y-yet?” Fluttershy asked as she panted, starting to run short of breath.

“I dearly hope so, while I am not out of shape neither am I a mare for extraneous activity.” Rarity commented as she forced herself to take steady breaths.

“Staying in one area in a place like this is not a good idea.” Celestia stated. “We can stay a rest a few moments but we have to keep moving to avoid further danger.”

With that the group of six moved off to the side of the street and amongst a pile of large rubble, a portion of which happened to have landed in such a way as to allow the ponies a hidden place to rest while keeping an eye on their surroundings. While the five smaller mares rested in the rubble alcove Celestia keep sticking her head above their cover, keeping a sharp lookout for potential danger.

“I’m ready to go if you want Princess.” Fluttershy said from her spot on the ground.

“Good timing, I was about to get us moving about now.” The dust covered Princess replied as she ducked back down to face the others. “We have to locate Twilight Sparkle.”

“Where would she be in this place?” Rarity asked as she briefly attempted to brush off the immense amounts of dust off her body.

“I only know the spell dropped us near her.” Celestia answered and popped her head out again and blinked her eyes when she came face to face with a glowing sparking purple orb.

Everyone shouted when the orb exploding in an incredibly blinding and deafening explosion. Celestia being the alicorn of the sun had recovered much faster than the other mares and thus was the first to see that they were surrounded.

Crouched upon the rubble they were sheltered by were armored beings very much like the coppery ones with the crested helmets. However they were pitch black instead of copper, at least nine of the ten brings were black, the last was silver and the shape of it’s from drew Celestia’s eyes.

It was completely covered in silvery armor but stood upon four legs and was shaped just like a pony, and had short stubby wing like attachments extending from its shoulders, and lacked the wide brimmed crested helmets like the others but had a horn extending from its forehead.

“So… did my race finally look for me or were you just traveling?” It said with a feminine and very familiar voice.

“T-Twilight?” Celestia hazarded.

“Is that that what my race called me before abandoning me all those years ago?” ‘Twilight’ asked as the silvery armor around her head suddenly formed seams and began to flip and slide away, revealing her deeply unamused face. “I should probably be more culturally sensitive about it but consider me… unimpressed.”

A long silence erupted from those words as Celestia took them in and grasped the implications, the only noise being of distant explsions, some of which seemed to be coming closer.


Author's Note:

This rewrite took far longer than it reasonably should have :C that minor surgery I underwent really messed up my writing routine.