• Published 3rd Apr 2014
  • 986 Views, 21 Comments

My Little Pony: The Stick of Friendship - PyreStorm

A young dragon moves to Ponyville and discovers that his new home may not be as peaceful as it seems.

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The Newcomer

It was a beautiful day in Ponyville. Birds were singing, fillies were playing happily outside, just about everything was in the town was relaxing and peaceful. Well, except for the new kid on the block.

Spike's parents had just finished moving in. They did not like the lifestyle of the dragons they had met and did not want their child to grow up in such an environment either. That is why they decided to move to somewhere that is nice, friendly and free of the nasty stuff.

Spike had only just turned nine last month and was beginning to learn how to breathe fire. He was a little upset that he had to move now because it would be harder for him to practice his fire breathing due to the lack of dragons at his new home. His father had tried to cheer him up by promising to teach him, but Spike knew that his parents were pacifists on the inside.

The new house was nothing too major. It looked the same as the ones surrounding it. Nevertheless, Spike's parents were busy enjoying it. They where cuddling up to each other, having a nice little chat.

"We did it hon! We finally moved in!" exclaimed Spike's mother.

"It's a new beginning for us. Things are finally going to be good!" replied his father. They were really happy about their decision.

Spike's mother then began to ask about their son. "Do you really think it will be better for him?" She questioned.

"They won't look for him here," his father answered. "We just need to make sure he doesn't attract any attention. Come one, let's see how he's doing."

Spike was busy exploring his new room. "Pretty bland," he thought. There was barely anything in it except for his bed and his shelf. That was when he heard a knock on the door.

"What do you want?" he asked. The door opened and his parents walked in.

"Hey champ! How do you like your new room?"

"Boring. Dad, I'm not in the mood for chatter."

His father sighed. "Look son, I know this is a big change for all of us but do you remember why we moved to this peaceful little town?"

"Yes dad, it's because you don't want me to grow up with over dragons because they fight a lot and you hate violence!"

His parents were both quiet. "He doesn't remember," his father whispered in his mother's ear.

"He doesn't remember at all..." his mother whispered back.

"Good! It's good that he doesn't remember!"

They checked Spike to make sure he hadn't heard what they were saying. So far so good.

"Uh sweetie," his mom asked, "we want you to make lots of fun here. Why don't you go out and make some friends?"

"Mom, do you really think a pony would want to make friends with me? I'm a dragon! Darn it! I'll be the odd one out!"

"Look son, if you just go outside and do what your mother tells you to do, I'll think about teaching you how to breathe fire."

Spike sighed. "OK, I'll go outside but you better mean it dad!"

"Just make sure you're home before it gets dark," warned his mother.

"Fine," Spike replied. "I guess I'll see you too later then."

"We hope you have a good time!" his father cried.

With that, Spike walked out of his room, opened the front door and entered the town of Ponyville.


Having grown up among dragons, Spike was not used to pony culture. His first steps he took outside were uncomfortable and everywhere he looked around he felt a strange, awkward vibe inside him. "I'll get used to this," he thought, trying to calm himself down.

Spike was looking around for a pony he could at least interact with when he heard some yelling not so far away. There were at least two voices and they were both female. Spike followed the sound and saw an unusual sight. A grey pegasus wielding a hammer and wearing a small crown with a jewel in the middle was what appeared to be fighting another pony, but this pony was wearing a black suit with tears in it, was wielding a wooden sword and had a crooked horn. Spike couldn't tell if the horn was real or not.

"You shall perish by my war hammer, changeling!" the grey pony yelled.

"I don't think so," the black pony replied.

"I banish thee back to the forest realm!"

"Not unless I banish you first!"

The pony in the black suit suddenly struck the grey pony in the saw with her sword. The grey pony fell to the ground as the suited pony got on top of her and started striking her multiple times. "HELP!" The grey pony cried.

Spike didn't know what to do. He had no idea if this was just an act or if the grey pony was actually being assaulted or not. Either way, he was not going to let it continue.

Spike quickly ran up to black pony, grabbed her by the suit and thew her off the grey pony. She landed with a thud and looked up at him with a horrified look. "Why don't you try picking on someone as tough as you next time?" Spike yelled at her.

"No fair!" she replied, "This is cheating! I shall inform the Changeling Queen about this!" Having said that, the pony in the black suit ran, took a corner and vanished from sight.

Spike helped the grey pony up. "You okay?" he asked. "Looked like you had it pretty rough there."

The grey pony gasped. "I'm fine," she answered. "Thanks for helping me by the way. Who are you? I haven't seen you before."

"That's because I only just moved here," Spike told her. "My name's Spike. You're not afraid of me, are you?"

"Why would I be?" the grey pony replied. "You saved my life! My name is Ditzy by the way, Ditzy Doo. I am a paladin who serves the Alicorn Queen!"

"Alicorn Queen?" Spike thought. "Must be the pony who rules this place. Maybe if I can gain her my trust, people won't think of me as a freakish dragon."

"Say Ditzy," Spike asked, "may see this Alicorn Queen?"

"Sure!" Ditzy answered. "I was just about to take you to see her. Come on! I'll show you around so you may become a little more familiar with this town."


As they made their way to the Kingdom of Canterlot, Spike and Ditzy and a little chat to get to know each other more. Spike told Ditzy that his parents did not want him to grow up among other dragons because of the way they act. He also said that this place scared him a little. Ditzy calmed him down however by telling him that she'll introduce him to her friends as an ally so that he wouldn't feel left out.

At last, they finally arrived at Canterlot. It wasn't really a sight though, just a backyard that was designed to look like a kingdom with a tower made of cardboard at the far end, a wooden stand and other decorations to make it seem like something out of a fantasy novel.

"We must enter through here," Ditzy said, pointing to a library in the shape of a tree. "It is the entrance to Canterlot."

They both went up to the door of the library and Ditzy knocked on it a couple of times. They waited until the door opened. A grand looking purple unicorn stepped out. She was wearing royal robes, fake cotton wings and a gold crown. Ditzy bowed before her.

"All hail the Sun Princess!" she cried.

The Sun Princess looked at Spike. "So," she said, "you must be the newcomer. Your coming was foretold. I am the Alicorn Queen. My name is Twilight Sparkle."

Spike was nervous. He was thinking of what to say. He didn't want to make a fool of himself and in front of this Alicorn Queen and make her think of him as a dimwit.

"Greetings your royal highness," he said sheepishly. "My name is Spike. I come from..."

"The time for talk is not nigh, Spike," Twilight interrupted. "Come, let me show you to my kingdom."


Spike, Twilight and Ditzy both exited the library via the back door and entered Canterlot.Other ponies were there, all of which were wearing fantasy costumes.

"Welcome to the kingdom of Canterlot!" Twilight exclaimed. "Let me give you a tour."

She walked over to the stand with Spike and Ditzy following her. The stand was covered in wooden swords, shields, staffs and other medieval weapons. Behind the stand was a blue unicorn wearing a wizard had and magician's robes.

"This is the weapon shop," Twilight explained, "tended by Trixie, a divine sorceress."

Spike and Ditzy then followed her to a pen with all sorts of animals in it, including chickens and rabbits. A cute looking yellow pegasus with pink hair was petting them.

"These are our stables," Twilight told him. "The animals here are looked after by the animal caretaker Fluttershy."

They then followed her to the entrance of the cardboard castle. Standing next to the entrance was the most beautiful pony Spike had ever seen. She was wearing a sparkling dress and had a beautiful tiara on her head. Spike almost felt as if he was in love.

"Here, of course, is my lovely and breathtaking daughter, Princess Rarity. She is the fairest maiden in all of the kingdom."

"Huh?" Spake snapped out of it. "Oh, yes, of course!"

Twilight ignored him. "You have been sought out, Newcomer Spike, because ponies everywhere are in great danger. I need something from you and in return, I am prepared to allow you into my kingdom."

"Really?" Spike replied.

"Of course," Twilight answered, "but first, do you know how to use a weapon?"

"Sure, I grew up among dragons, they fought all the time."

"Excellent, It is then time to equip yourself with a weapon. Go to Trixie and choose what you please. I'll let you have your first weapon for free."

Spike nodded and ran over to the wooden stand. It was a hard decision to make. There were a lot of weapons he liked and he was thinking hard of which one he would choose. The noise the little filly was making over by the training dummies didn't help either. All he could hear was "I'm gonna get my cutie mark now!" and other shout outs. It was driving him mad but he eventually decided to choose the wooden broadsword in front of him.

"I'll be taking the broadsword please," Spike said to Trixie.

"It'll cost you 50 gold pieces," Trixie replied.

"Actually, The Alicorn Queen said I could have my first weapon for free."

"What? But that is the most valuable weapon I have in stock! I'm not letting you have it!"

"He can have what he wants Trixie, now letting have it," Spike looked behind him and saw Twilight walking up to the stand. He had a feeling that she must have been eavesdropping on them.

Trixie grunted and put her head down so that her face was hidden under her hat. Spike grabbed the sword and stared at it. He knew it was just made of wood but holding it just felt good.

"You will need some equipment as well," Twilight said, using her horn to levitate some items off the stand and into Spike's arms. "Here, take this helmet and belt. You will need the helmet to protect your head and the belt to hold your sword in. Come see me once you are ready and I will take you to see the relic."