• Published 4th Apr 2014
  • 6,364 Views, 196 Comments

The "Death" of Button Mash - Rated Ponystar

Button Mash fakes his death to avoid getting in trouble. Naturally, things go wrong.

  • ...

Operation Possum Play Begins

Love Tap couldn’t remember the last time that she had such a relaxing evening. Oh right, it was before she became a mom. Still, Love Tap wasn’t going to waste this opportunity at the resort. The jacuzzi at just the right temperature, a glass of red wine with a plate of olives and cheese, and the neck messages she was getting from the griffin servants heaven blessed talons. If only her husband could join her, but he was busy hanging out with his friends at the poker table. Oh well, I’m sure we’ll have some... alone time when we both finish with our activities.

For now, Love Tap was comfortable with her situation. It was really thanks to the masseur; he could push all the right buttons to wipe away so many years of stress. Her eyes lit up as the image of her youngest son appeared in her mind. She sat straight up, spilling her wine, and shouted, “Oh my gosh! I need to check on Button!” She turned to the griffin masseur and frantically asked, “Is there a phone I can use?! I need to call my son!”

“Just a minute, ma’am. I’ll get one for you,” the griffin answered before leaving. He returned a few minutes later with a cellphone on a small tray.

Thanking the griffin with a huge tip, Love Tap began calling her son’s cellphone number. Holding her breath as it began to tone, Love Tap tried her best to not think about the possible trouble that her son was already getting into. She loved him, Celestia as her witness she loved her son since the day he came out of her kicking and screaming, but she knew Button had a tendency to get into trouble more than once. It wasn’t that he was dumb, in fact he was a bright kid when it came to computers and technology. He just was always a bit... clueless at times.

Every ring made her heart beat increase another five jumps as she waited to hear Button or some other adult to pick up and tell her something awful. Please don’t be as bad as the time he tried to sneak into Frizzard to see the new Starcraft series. Or when he tried to brave Tartarus to see if it had nine circles of damnation. Or when he went to Canterlot and almost ruined the economy by—


“Sweetie, it’s Mommy!” Love Tap shouted in relief. “I called to see if you were doing okay. It’s almost past your bedtime, you know?”

“Aw, come on, Mom,” Button moaned on the other end. “I’m a grown stallion now. I don’t need you to call me and let me know it’s almost bed time.”

Love Tap sighed. “I know, but I was worried. Everything is okay back home, right?”

“Yeah, nothing’s wrong. I did what you asked and—”

“Hey Button, how about this idea? Death by spontaneous combustion. We think we can make it look good by—”

“Sweetie Belle! I’m on the phone with my mom!”

“W-was that Sweetie Belle?” Love Tap asked, raising her eyebrows.

“Uh, yeah. She decided to come over and we had a play date. She was just about to leave...”

“And the ‘death by spontaneous combustion’?” Love Tap asked, narrowing her eyes at the phone as if her son was the mechanical device. She could already tell that he was hiding something and sweating up a storm. Her mother instincts were never wrong.

“It’s... it’s for a play... we’re improvising a play and the main character... uh,” Button hesitated a bit before answering. “Well, he fakes his death and we’re trying to come up with a cool way for him to do it!”

“And what is this play your improvising? Have I heard of it?” questioned Love Tap.

“Oh... um, Romeo and Juliet? We’re making it more modernized.”

Love Tap’s brain filtered in this new data and came to a shocking conclusions. Romeo and Juliet. My son. Sweetie Belle. Alone. A sly smirk grew on her muzzle as Love Tap felt a tear coming on. Her son was really growing up so fast. She always knew Sweetie Belle was a good mare for Button should their friendship ever evolve and it looked like it was going to. “Oh, Button. You're so much like your father when he was young.”


“Nothing, sweetie,” Love Tap teased with a giggle. “I’ll call you tomorrow after school. Now Button? When you get to the kissing scene, don’t forget to have some mints so you don’t knock her out. Love you!”

Wait, wha—*click*”

Love Tap put the phone down and sighed with a smile on her face. “Ah, young love.”


“What was that about?” Button questioned before shrugging and headed back to the living room where his friends were waiting for him. Most of them looked bored, having to sit around near past their bedtimes while only Sweetie Belle seemed to be paying attention.

“Can I say for the tenth time that this is the most ridiculous idea you have ever come up with?” Scootaloo pointed out, shaking her head. “I mean, we’ve done some pretty silly things in our crusades, I’ll say that much, but faking your death? That’s just stupid.”

“Have you even thought about the ramifications of doing this? Or do you even have a plan for this dumb idea?” Dinky asked.

“It’s not dumb! And I have come up with a foalproof plan!” Button said as he put up an art easel with a large set of drawing paper he had worked on earlier. Taking a ruler, he pointed out the title “Operation: Possum Play” and smiled. “This is our plan of attack, team.”

Rumble raised his hoof. “Question, what do you mean by ‘team’, not everypony here is agreeing to this.”

Button snorted. “Okay, fine. Who among you doesn’t want to take part in this plan to fake my death?”

Everypony but Sweetie Belle raised his or her hoof, or claw in Spike’s case, which earned the unicorn crusader a few stares. “What?”

“Seriously, you’re all for this?” Scootaloo asked her friend.

Blushing, Sweetie Belle muttered, “W-well, it’s not like I want him to get in trouble with his mother. And we are his friends so...”

Spike snorted. “Yeah, right. You just want to be loyal to your crush.”

“We’re just friends!” Sweetie Belle and Button Mash both shouted. The two looked at each other, faces beet red, before turning around.

The others, one by one, started to get up and head towards the front door before Button dashed in front of them, holding his forelegs out. “Wait a minute! You can’t leave me! Not when I’m dealing with the biggest crisis of my life!”

“Yeah, your life. None of us are gonna get in trouble when your parents find out you burned the kitchen,” Rumble pointed out.

“But you have to help me! Please! Please! Please!” Button begged as he got on his knees and started sobbing. “If my parents find out I ruined their kitchen, my mom will ground me forever! I’ll never be able to play my games again! No more killing Reapers! No more saving Princess Plum! No more teabagging on Call of Loyalty! I’ll slowly lose all sense of reality and go insane! Up will become down! Water will taste like fire! I’ll start thinking The Middle is a decent TV show! I’ll become a drug addict, be kicked into the streets, go to rehab and become a born again Faustian! Only to then relapse and get addicted to more drugs before I die a lonely death where my corpse will become some dog’s toilet before public sanitation drags me away and dumps me in a shallow grave!”

“And Ah thought Rarity was the town's drama queen,” Apple Bloom muttered, rolling her eyes.

Dinky shook her head. “Button, you’re just being over dramatic. All you have to do is explain the situation to your mother.” She walked over and smiled, slowly helping him up. “She’ll be mad at you, but she’ll forgive you in time and I bet she'll be even more relieved to know your safe. You’re a kid. We’re suppose to do stupid things. And besides, there is more to life than video games. Just look at us, we’re not addicts like you and we get along fine. So what do you say? Stop the craziness?”

Button looked eye to eye with Dinky and then at his friends who nodded with smiles of their own. “Y-you... you all really believe everything will be okay?”

They all nodded again.

Wiping the tears from his eyes, Button stood up and smiled. “Guys... I’m really glad you said that...” Then he shook his head. “But I’m afraid I’m not taking no for an answer so you guys have better help me or I’ll be forced to use my Limit Breaker known as...” He pointed his hoof high into the air, “...blackmail!”

Scootaloo scoffed. “Oh, please. What dirt do you even have on us?” She was about to laugh when suddenly a file smacked her in the face. Growling, she picked up and looked inside before turning pale as a ghost. “H-how... how did...”

“How did I know you secretly are a fan of the Twilight book series? I have my ways,” Button Mash proclaimed as huffed onto his hoof and wiped it on his chest.

“You... son of a...” a blushing Scootaloo grumbled as her friends crowded around her and started giggling or whispering in disbelief. In the file were photos of Scootaloo reading the said book. One of them even showed her kissing a poster that said “Team Werepony” that featured a muscular and handsome teen idol that had wolf like eyes. And a shot of her watching the DVD of Breaking Dawn Part 2. Needless to say, some of her friends were already down on the floor, kicking their hooves up in the air while their laughter echoed across the room.

“Oh man! I can’t believe Scootaloo of all ponies like sparkling emo vampires! Gahahahaha!” Pipsqueak laughed .

“S-shut up!” Scootaloo shouted, lowering her head while blushing. “It... it’s not as bad of a romance as people think!”

“Please, I could write better romance then that,” Spike joked.

Button walked over and put a hoof over his dragon friend’s shoulder. “Actually, Spike. If you managed to keep the sex down in your stories, I’d say you’d be just as good.”

Spike stood still as his eyes lit up and his tailed straightened out. “You... you...” Spike’s worst fears were realized when Button handed him a folder that contained all his fanfiction printed out. Everything from his Lord of the Horseshoes slash romances to his My Little Human crossovers with Warblade 40K. “How did you even know?!”

“Dude, you seriously need a better author name than ‘DiamondPlotMarkLover4Life’. I mean come on it’s obvious who it’s referring to with a name like that,” Button Mash pointed out, earning a few chuckles from the others.

“I don’t get it, who is he talking about?” Sweetie Belle asked, tilting her head.

Everypony looked at her in awkward silence.

“A-anyway!” Button Mash moved away from Spike, who was doing his best to prevent Apple Bloom and Dinky from checking out his work, and onto Rumble who was sweating. “Are you gonna work with me, Rumble? Or do I need show everypony what happened last Hearth’s Warming Eve? Here is a hint, it had to do with a pregnant porcupine.”

Rumble growled as he towered over Button Mash, who wasn’t the least bit intimidated. “You swore never to tell anypony.”

“Desperate times for desperate measures,” Button Mash said as he turned around and faced them all. “Look, I don’t like doing this, but I need your help. If you help me fake my death, I’ll give you all the evidence I have on each of you even if we fail. Heck, I’ll write a will saying you get my games and stuff if we succeed, deal?”

Everypony looked at each other and sighed, “Deal.”

“Great, now let’s head back inside the living room and plan our strategy,” Button said enthusiastically as he skipped back into the living room, his friends dragging their hooves after him.

Scootaloo walked over to Rumble and whispered, “So what did happen that Hearth’s Warming Eve? Did it have to do with that great big fire in the woods and animals acting all like crazy psychopaths wearing pentagrams on their foreheads trying to kill each other? Fluttershy had to spend months getting things back to order.”

Rumble groaned. “Let’s just say I’m never gonna trust cridders that talk ever again. Especially, on Hearths Warming Eve.”


Having spent an entire hour last night planning multiple ways to fake their friend’s death, the group was barely able to drag themselves to school with any energy come morning. The other students heading to school looked at them with raised eyebrows and concerned looks before pressing on ahead. The only one of them that was missing was Spike, blissfully sleeping in his bed since his part of the plan was to come later.

The only one who seemed to be having any energy at all was Button Mash who skipped happily towards his tired friends. “Hey guys! How are you all this morning?!”

A series of unified moans and glares at the one responsible for their state of condition made it clear how they were. Ignoring this, Button Mash smiled and said, “Ah, I’m sure you’ll get your energy back by recess. When we launch attempt one of Operation: Possum Play that I like to call code name humpty dumpty!”

He took out a sketch pad that showed a series of terrible drawings that detailed their grand plan:

“First, the Cutie Mark Crusaders will toss around a frisbee around recess time. Make sure you guys are—”

“Wait a minute!” Apple Bloom shouted, pointing at the pony figure that looked like it had a butterfly on her head. “Is that suppose ta be me?! Ah look nothin’ like that!”

“My horn looks weird!” Sweetie Belle complained.

“And why am I so small with the crooked head?! And are those my wings?!” Scootaloo growled, getting up in Button Mash’s face. “If that’s some sort of jab at my inability to fly yet I’m gonna skip straight to the part where we bury you!”

“N-not at all I was... um, really tired when I made this!” Button Mash lied while the rest of the group chuckled. “A-anyway, as I was saying before I was interrupted, you three will toss a frisbee around, in public, until one of you manages to throw it up onto the roof.”

He turned the next page:

“I will bravely volunteer to go get it and make my way up towards the roof. According to what I hear, there is a way up on the second floor,” Button Mash explained before turning to the next page.

“Then Dinky, being the straight A student and teacher’s pet that she is, will run to Ms. Cheerilee and tell her what I’m doing. This will be key in making her a witness to my so called death.”

Dinky facehoofed before sighing. “First off, I’m not a teacher’s pet. I just happen to study hard unlike a lazy gamer like you. Second, you spelled both my name and Ms. Cheerilee's name wrong. And finally, my horn isn’t that small.”

“Geez, what is with you females and the sizes of unicorn horns. You’re almost as bad as those teenage fillies I saw yesterday who kept arguing whose colt friend had the bigger horn.” Button then scratched his head in thought. “What was also weird was that they talked about the horns between their legs. I thought unicorns only had them on their foreheads?”

All the females instantly blushed and shook their heads while the guys did their best not to snicker. A quick death glare from the fillies shut them up pretty quickly. Button tilted his head. “What?”

“Button... you know of the birds and bees right?” Scootaloo whispered.

“What do avians and insects have to do with anything?”

“A-anyway!” Pipsqueak interrupted. “Maybe you should continue, mate?”

Button nodded and flipped the next page:

“Step four is Spike’s part. He’s going to bring in a cart full of pillows for part five!” Button Mash explained while turning to the next page.

“I take it this is where you fall?” Rumble asked.

“Yup, I’m going to pretend to slip on the other side of the school so that they only see me falling and nothing else!” Button Mash pointed to each of them. “Remember, you have to act like it’s all real! If there is even the slightest hint that you guys are faking it will raise questions.”

“You’ll be careful, right?” Sweetie Belle asked, pawing the ground with a faint blush. “I-it’s not like we want you to get really hurt doing this after all.”

The others nodded in agreement. While Button was an annoying, blackmailing, and all around clueless pony, he was still their friend. They wouldn’t wish serious harm on him. Serious being the key word.

“Don’t worry! You may not know this, but last year I took high diving lessons last summer and I was pretty good at it!” Button Mash proclaimed with a proud smile. Of course the diving board was only 3 feet over the water, but experience is experience right?

“If all goes according to plan, I’ll land on the pillows safe and sound,” Button said. “Rumble will fly ahead of everypony, concerned about me, and help Spike get rid of the evidence before dousing me in ketchup to act as blood.”

“Which leads to our last page...”

“... to me simply playing dead and Rumble crying over my body,” Button Mash finished before closing the book. “Everypony will think I’m dead and the mission will be a success. See guys? It’s foal proof!”

Dinky shook her head. “There are so many things that could go wrong with this.”

“Ah just hope yer prepared for the consequences if this does go right, Button Mash,” Apple Bloom warned.

“As long as it prevents me from getting grounded, I don’t care,” Button said as he put the pad in his bags. “Now let’s get going before Ms. Cheerilee calls us laaaah! I forgot to do my homework!”

“You’re going to be ‘dead’ what does it matter?” Scootaloo said, rolling her eyes. “What’s the worst she can do to you?”

“Do you have to ask that?” Button Mash muttered, but he soon smiled. “But don’t worry. I have an excuse ready for anything.”


“So the reason you couldn’t do your homework was because you were selected by a mystical fairy to enter the forest so you can cure an elder tree of a corruption. That same tree then teleported you into a world where digitized monsters fought one another and you were chosen to tame them all and defeat a growing darkness,” Cheerily repeated as she walked around the classroom.

“Said darkness managed to trap you in an underground prison where you died, resurrected as an undead, and had to kill insane monsters to steal their souls and gain your regular form again by freeing a god. Said god then decided to reward you with seven emeralds that made you turn golden, fly, and shoot energy blasts out of your hooves.” She shook her head and facehoofed.

“This allowed you to return to the digitized world where you defeated the darkness only to discover it was being controlled by a greater evil that turned out to be a giant brain in a glass jar. You destroyed the brain, escaped back to our world where only a few minutes had past in our world. You were so exhausted saving so many lives and battling so many monsters that you passed out and forgot to your home work which only consisted of answering three questions that were true or false.” Cheerilee sat on her chair and stared at the smiling colt before she narrowed her eyes. “Anything else to tell, Button Mash?”

“Only that I already told you this before but you don’t remember because some ponies in black suits came in here and erased your memory. I only managed to avoid such a fate due to my awesome ninja skills,” Button Mash said, with puppy eyes. She is sooooo going to fall for this.


“Or not,” muttered Button, who stood in the corner of the room with a dunce cap on his head.

Rumble, who was nearby, made sure that Cheerilee wasn’t watching as she did math problems on the board before whispering, “Well, look at it this way. I bet the next A+ you get will be in a fiction storytelling assignment.”

“Oh ha ha ha, very funny,” Button muttered before a piece of chalk smacked him in the back of the head.

“No talking!”

“Yes ma’am!”


Finally, recess had arrived and it was time to put the plan into action. Button Mash watched from his lookout on the top of the slide to see if the others were in position. The Cutie Mark Crusaders were playing around with the frisbee as expected. Pipsqueak and Dinky were close by, pretending to play princess dolls. Seriously, I’m questioning Pip’s manliness with the way he keeps adoring the princesses so much. Rumble was by the monkey bars and Spike had yet to show up, but Button was confident he would arrive soon.


The voice below him made Button look down to see an angry line glaring at him. Archer, the next in line, shouted, “Move your flank and slide down already! Some of us want a turn you know!”

“I’ll go when I’m ready, geez. Have you ever learned of patience?” Button Mash asked.

“Ever heard of my hoof up your butt?” growled Archer, as did a few others.

Seeing as he was outmatched, Button quickly slide down and made his way towards the three girls who noticed him. He gave the signal, two winks with his left eye, and Apple Bloom threw the frisbee as far as she could towards the roof.... and missed it as it bounced off the wall and landed back on the grass.

Button rolled his eyes as Apple Bloom sheepishly picked it up and tossed it to Sweetie Belle. Sweetie Belle nodded before spinning around and throwing it... in the wrong direction. The four watched as the frisbee hit a tree that knocked over a beehive. A swarm of angry bees came out and went after the first thing they saw: Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. The two fillies screamed and ran out into the field with the stinging insects right behind them. Everypony on the playground watched this before shrugging and went back to their business.

This time Scootaloo got the frisbee and took her time aiming at the roof. Throwing it as hard as she could... and hit Button Mash in the forehead with it. “Ow! What the hay! We’re you aiming at all?!”

“Well that beanie of yours does make a good distraction target,” Scootaloo fibbed, secretly she was laughing on the inside.

“Oh for crying out loud!” Button took the frisbee and threw it towards the roof, this time managing to get it up there. “See?! Was that so hard?! Now tell Dinky to go get Ms. Cheerilee.”

Button wasted no time rushing towards the door and entering the school with Sweetie Belle volunteering to go tell Dinky it was time for her role to begin. The other two were left to watch as Spike finally enter the school grounds with a old looking cart filled with fluffy pillows.

“I’m not late am I?” Spike asked, looking around for any sign of Button Mash.

“Nah, Button’s headin’ up towards the roof right now,” Apple Bloom answered, who looked at the cart with suspicion. “Wait a minute, isn’t this the old cart mah family own’s back on the farm?”

“Yeah, Twilight was using our own cart to help Rarity find more gems. I had to borrow this from AJ,” Spike replied.

“Ain’t the brakes broken?”

“Yeah, but I doubt anything bad is gonna happen. Now if you excuse me, I’m going to set this up.”


Having accessed the attic door that allowed him to walk the roof of the school, Button Mash was now having second thoughts. The young colt gulped as he looked down and saw the hard ground below. Others students had already spotted him and were pointing at him, talking to one another either in confusion or worry. Button Mash walked over to the other edge of the school, carefully making sure he didn’t slip for real and fall to his actual death.

“He’s over there Ms. Cheerilee! You have to stop him!” Dinky’s voice shouted from the other side, down below.

Knowing he had to get ready for his part, he leaned over and saw the crate of pillows already waiting for him, hidden from view. Okay, this is it. Nothing can go wrong now.

“Button Mash!” Ms. Cheerilee screamed as she looked up and gasped. “What in Equestria are you doing?! Get down here before you break your neck!”

“Don’t worry, Ms. Cheerilee!” Button shouted, waving his hoof. “I’m alright! I almost have the... woah! Woah! Ahhh!” He waved back and forth, the crowd below gasping as he inched closer to the edge with the cart just in his sights. “I-I-I’m slipping! S-somepony help!”

Taking a deep breath, he jumped back and screamed. The others screamed too as they watched him fall, a few crying out his name in terror. Button Mash continued to scream until he landed perfectly on the pillows with only the wind knocked out of him. He shook his head, trying to get his bearings straight when he felt the wagon jolt... then slowly move forward on it’s wheels.

Button quickly checked and, sure enough, the cart was moving down the angle it was on, right towards the downward hill leading into town. “Oh crud...”

Gravity soon took effect and the colt screamed as the cart fell down hill. Ms. Cheerilee and the others who rushed over to see if he was alright, instead saw the apparently living colt scream his head off as he rode down the hill in an old cart towards the center of town. “Sweetie! Stop this crazy thing!”

“Oh, that can’t be good,” whispered Sweetie Belle as she watched her friend roll away.


“Everypony out of the way! Move it! Runaway cart!” Button Mash cried out as ponies on the street dived out of the way. Per usual Ponyville response, everypony started running away and panicking like headless chickens while some tried to stop the cart from running anypony over. Needless to say, the prospect of being run over made them duck out and cowered away.

“Mmmmoooommmm! Help!” Button Mash screamed as he held on for dear life. His eyes widen at the sight of a ramp that was placed conveniently in his path. “Oh no, oh no, oh no!” He closed his eyes and screamed as the cart flew high into the air.

High above, Rainbow Dash and her weather patrol team were currently pushing a set of thunder clouds that had gotten free from the Everfree Forest and right into Ponyville. Leading the team, Rainbow Dash said, “Make sure to keep a gentle hoof on those clouds, guys! Don’t want to start a lightning storm in the middle of town!”

A few of the pegasi responded but one of them gasped and shouted, “Duck!” The other weather patrollers saw at what she was pointing at and flew out of the wait much to Dash’s confusion.

“Duck? What’s so scary about a—” Rainbow Dash turned around only to have eyes nearly bulged out at the sight of a flying cart coming straight towards her. “Incoming!”

Dash flew out of the way just in the nick of time, however, she failed to notice the thunder cloud in front of her and smacked face first into it. A shock of lighting jolted her before she fell through the air, landing in the fountain with a big splash. The thundercloud rumbled before shooting out bolts of lightning everywhere. The other clouds were hit and a chain reaction went off, shooting lightning bolts all over the town. Ponies screamed as the bolts hit any house or tree that instantly went aflame.

Back with Button Mash, his ride of destruction was only beginning as he landed back on the ground and swerved into the market district where a barrage of stands filled with fruits, vegetables, hay, and more awaited him. The stand owners tried to save as much of their goods as possible, but it was too late as Button Mash’s cart crashed into each of them and continued on. Food and items were shot into the air, ponies screamed upon being pelted with them.

“The horror! The horror!”

“I got broccoli in my nose!”

“Somepony stop that cart!”

“My cheese and milk is ruined! How will I pay my bills this month!”

“Our carts have gained sentience and are trying to destroy us all! Flee for your pathetic lives!”

“Wait a second, ain’t that mah farm’s cart?!”

“My cabbages!”

Button himself wasn’t left unscathed as he tried to wipe tomatoes out of his eyes and bird seed out of his hair. Although he wished that he hadn’t done that when he realized that the cart was heading for his favorite GameGo store. Having had enough of this crazy ride, he took a pillow, jumped out, and landed on the pavement, using the pillow a shield to stop him from getting to injured.

Rolling to his haunches, he held his stomach which felt like it had been in the washing machine. Again. That nausea only increased when he gasped at the sight of his precious GameGo store getting breached by the cart. A thousand stabs went through Button’s heart upon hearing all the games inside gets smashed in the mess as the employees fled out in a panic. Button Mash cried out, “No! Noooo! I-it’s alright! Some of the games had to have been undamaged! I can still sav—”

And then the store blew up.

Button Mash eyes began to tear up as he saw the flames burn the store to the ground. All the Marios, Sonics, Master Chief, and Zerglings were now all ashes before his very eyes. Button Mash screamed and pounded on the ground. “You maniacs! You blew it up! You blew it all up! Damn you! Damn you all to tartarus!” He then paused and rubbed the back of his neck. “Oh wait, that’s me.”

A few more explosions made every hair on his fur stand up as he turned around and saw the town behind him. More fires, shouts of ponies in chaos, and laser blasts in the air only made him gulp.

“I am so going to be grounded over this...”

Author's Note:

Before you ask, yes that is my art. That is why I commission all my comics and stuff. I plain just suck.

Hope this is still funny to you all.