• Published 3rd Apr 2012
  • 14,667 Views, 408 Comments

The Other Side - HopeFox

Desperate to escape Diamond Tiara, Apple Bloom wishes on a star and escapes to a new Ponyville.

  • ...

A Night to Remember

The next day at school was a little more lively than the previous afternoon had been, now that Mister Smiles was no longer on the warpath. Naturally, Monday’s fight had become the talk of the playground, although always out of earshot of the teacher. A few ponies – most prominently Sugar and Spice – were expressing their opinion of the two colts’ fighting prowess, admiring Scooteroll for his strength and speed, or Gold Watch for his tenacity and courage. The bulk of the students, however, seemed to take Sunny Smiles’s lecture to heart, and agreed that the boys had gone too far. A dust-up in the playground was part of school life, but a trip to the hospital shouldn’t have been.

According to the students who had been present for the lecture, Mister Smiles had been even more incensed about the two colts’ language than their violence. Nopony had ever told Mister Smiles that his lesson on cutie marks, and how everypony started life as a “blank flank”, was being used as an insult against the students who had yet to find their talents. Needless to say, he was not impressed, and he took the opportunity to revise that lesson, reminding the class that everypony possessed a special talent, even if they hadn’t yet found it. Once that lesson had sunk in, Mister Smiles followed it up with a lecture about Scooteroll’s language. He reviewed Ponyville’s history as an earth pony farming community, and explained the tragedy that struck when a farmer was too old or injured to work his own fields. Many of the students had never really given the idea much thought, and the ones from farming families were particularly chastened by the lesson.

The class’s behaviour seemed to satisfy Sunny Smiles, though, and no further discipline was imposed, save for Scooteroll and Gold Watch’s detentions after school for the rest of the week. Apple Bloom, Sweepy Bell and Blue Chip waited for them after school again, this time with Sugar and Spice waiting with them. The five children were getting along well, sharing stories about Applejack and Rainbow Blitz, but when their friends were released from detention, Scooteroll called to Sweepy Bell and they left without another word. Sugar trotted after them, followed by a very conflicted looking Spice.

On Wednesday afternoon, Sweepy Bell invited Apple Bloom back to Carousel Boutique, apparently at his big brother’s behest. “Aren’t you supposed to be hanging out with Scooteroll after school, Sweepy?” asked Apple Bloom when he made the suggestion at lunch. “Won’t he be mad that you’re hanging out with me instead, after everything that happened?”

The young unicorn shrugged. “It’s not like we can do anything after school anyway. His dad hobbled him as soon as he heard what happened – I think Rusty’s dad had a big talk with him the other night. He has to go straight home after detention, so there’s not much point.” Sweepy sighed and looked over at where Scooteroll was kicking a tennis ball against the wall by himself. “He’s still angry about you taking Gold Watch’s side, but he doesn’t hate you or anything. He’s really protective of Applebuck, and he doesn’t want to see Gold Watch treating you the way he treats him.”

Apple Bloom shuffled her hooves awkwardly, remembering her talk with Gold Watch on Monday. “Listen, Sweepy... did Applebuck ever do anything to make Gold Watch hate him? I really don’t think Goldie is a bad pony, and he gets really defensive whenever anypony mentions Applebuck.”

“What? No way!” exclaimed Sweepy, looking indignant. “Applebuck never did anything to Gold Watch! He’s probably still upset about Family Appreciation Day, but that was all Gold Watch’s fault. You don’t know what it’s like having a colt like him in your class! I guess it’s different for girls, though.”

Apple Bloom laughed and shook her head. “Oh, I should tell you about the fillies at my school some time. They can be real vicious. But look, has Gold Watch been giving you and Scooteroll any more trouble since Monday?”

Sweepy chewed his lip. “Well... no. I’m starting to think he meant what he said, about being sorry. I never thought that would happen. Scooteroll still doesn’t believe him, though.”

“Give him time, I guess. I still really want to be friends with both of you. I love being here, but I miss my Hoofington friends, too, and... you remind me of my best friends back there.”

Sweepy stopped and put his front legs around Apple Bloom’s shoulders. “You’re just like Applebuck, has anypony ever told you that? You’re just as friendly and nice as he is. Don’t worry about Scoots, he’ll come around.”

Apple Bloom returned the hug gratefully. “Thanks, Sweepy. I hope so.” She started for Carousel Boutique again, Sweepy trotting along beside her. “So what’s this afternoon about? Does Elusive want to meet me or something?”

Sweepy nodded. “He’s really happy that I’m making friends with more girls. I mean, he likes Scooteroll and Applebuck, but he thinks that if the Crusaders hang out with more fillies, we’ll be less...”

“Destructive?” asked Apple Bloom. Sweepy nodded, giggling. “He doesn’t know many fillies, does he?”

Sure enough, Elusive was very eager to meet Apple Bloom. After a quick round of tea and toast, Elusive had begun measurements on her, and Apple Bloom knew, from long experience with Rarity, not to argue about being fitted for anything. “Apple Bloom, darling!” he gushed as he worked, while Sweepy retreated upstairs to start on his homework. “You simply must tell me about the other fillies at school! I’m sorry to say that Sweepy Bell is turning into quite the young ruffian, with only those rough-and-tumble Crusaders to play with. He’s going to miss out on a world of sophistication at this rate! Not to mention romance. Is there anypony at school he’s taken a shine to, perhaps?”

Apple Bloom blushed as she held out her legs and neck for measurements. “I don’t think so? He never really talks about fillies. And colts aren’t that bad, are they? Some of them are real classy.”

Elusive nodded reluctantly. “I suppose... there is the Gold lad, after all. He’s in here an awful lot. I’ve never met a colt who understood the importance of proper accessorizing quite the way he does. The other colts could learn from his example. Listen,” he said, lowering his voice and checking that Sweepy was still out of the room, “Dusk Shine told me who you are and where you’re from. You’re friends with my... my sister, there?”

Apple Bloom nodded. “Sweetie Belle? Yeah. She and Scootaloo are my best friends. We pretty much do everything together.”

Elusive pranced in place, dancing happily on his hooves. “Oh, how delightful! I’m sure she’s just the most darling little princess, isn’t she? Your Rarity must have taught her everything she knows about fashion and style, no doubt.”

“Um... not really, no. We mostly do Crusading stuff together – rock climbing, bowling, that sort of thing.”

The tall unicorn stallion sighed. “Ah well, it was but an idle hope. Is she happy, though? Is Rarity spending time with her while she still can?” He pursed his lips anxiously, casting his eyes upstairs again.

“She is,” replied Apple Bloom, smiling brightly. “Sweetie Belle keeps saying how great it is that Rarity spends more time with her now, ever since the Sisterhooves Social. And she always makes time for when the three of us come around, even if we do get in her way. I’m sorry we’re so much trouble, though.”

“Oh, think nothing of it! I’m just grateful for any time I get to spend with my little brother. He won’t be a colt forever, and I’m glad he has such good friends.”

The rest of the afternoon passed pleasantly. Elusive sketched out a number of dress ideas he had for Apple Bloom, while she and Sweepy Bell attacked problems from Elusive’s side projects basket – mostly fixing buttons and restitching hems. After Elusive set his work aside, they sat together and sang a few songs to Elusive’s phonograph. Sweepy’s gentle, steady treble voice counterpointed Elusive’s rich tenor beautifully, while Apple Bloom did her best to fit in with her more shaky soprano. Finally Apple Bloom walked Sweepy back to his parents’ house before trotting home herself in time for dinner.

On Friday afternoon, Apple Bloom came home straight after school, to work on her farm chores. No matter what was going on at school, the pigs needed feeding, the chickens needed their eggs collected and bedding straightened out, and fallen apples needed to be gathered. Today, one of Applejack’s wagons had broken a pin fastening one wheel, and so Apple Bloom repaired it under Grandpa Smith’s watchful eye. Fixing things around the farm was one of Apple Bloom’s favourite chores – she found it engaging and relaxing at the same time.

When she returned to the farmhouse, about an hour before dinner, she found Applejack bringing a tray of teacups and muffins to the kitchen table for Red Gala and a grey pegasus stallion in a courier’s cap, which he dipped to Apple Bloom as she entered. “Hello, Apple Bloom!” the pegasus greeted her, then pointed to a large parcel on the table. “Got a special delivery for you.”

“For me, Mister Doo?” Apple Bloom asked, recognizing the father of one of the unicorn colts at school. “Ain’t this a bit outside usual delivery hours?” She took a pencil in her mouth and signed the delivery pony’s clipboard, then examined the envelope tucked into the top of the package. The envelope showed the insignia of Greasy Lucre’s Ponyville Produce, and was closed with a wax seal bearing the device of a clock face.

“Mrs Greasy always pays well for out-of-hours deliveries. I do a lot of courier work for Ponyville Produce, but I think this one’s a personal delivery. They said I should wait a couple of hours if you want to send a reply back, too, and Applejack invited me to stay for tea.”

Applejack chuckled. “Of course, Dizzy. We ain’t gonna make you sit outside on a cloud for hours when you could be enjoying Apple family hospitality. Now, Apple Bloom, this package is from that Gold Watch lad, ain’t it? Is there something you ain’t telling me about him?”

“Applejack!” said Apple Bloom indignantly. “It ain’t like that! He’s just a boy in my class, is all.” Blushing furiously, she set aside the envelope and bit through the string holding the package closed, then tore open the wrapping and ducked her head inside the box, drawing out its contents.

In her teeth, Apple Bloom held a dress. The body of the dress consisted of four layers of bright red silk, just a shade darker than Apple Bloom’s mane, decorated with a fine layer of diamond dust to make it sparkle in the lamplight. The dress closed at the front with forest green braided straps, fastened with a brooch in the shape of the red apple device of Sweet Apple Acres in silver and enamel. A second glance inside the box revealed a set of light red horseshoes with soft green sandal straps.

Apple Bloom stared at the dress in disbelief, struck speechless by the grand gesture.

“Just a boy in your class, is he?” asked Applejack, eyeing the dress sceptically.

Slowly, unsteadily, Apple Bloom tore open the envelope and read the elegantly mouthwritten letter out loud.

“Dear Apple Bloom,

I hope this letter finds you well.

Please accept the enclosed gift as a token of my regard and admiration for you. Your arrival in Ponyville has been a breath of fresh air for our school, and I consider myself honoured to be called your friend. I do not know how long we can expect your company in Ponyville, but while you are here, you should be able to wear something nice.

On a separate note, it would be my great pleasure to accompany you to dinner at Cordon Bleu’s Fine Dining tomorrow night. I await your response by return courier, and should you accept, I can pick you up at six o’clock tomorrow.

Please give my fondest regards to your cousins and grandfather.

Your devoted servant,

Gold Watch”

Apple Bloom pushed the letter aside, still at a loss for words.

“’Your devoted servant’?” wondered Applejack. “Who even talks like that anymore?”

“Oh, that’s how all the rich ponies talk in Manehattan,” said Dizzy, helping himself to a muffin. “I got invitations like that all the time when I worked there.”

While Applejack and Dizzy were discussing Dizzy’s modelling career in Manehattan, Red Gala came up behind Apple Bloom and quietly led her away from the kitchen. “Come on, honey. I think it’s time we had a talk, mare to mare.”

Apple Bloom followed Red Gala to her bedroom, and clambered onto the mare’s large four poster bed. “I didn’t ask for any of this, Red Gala,” she said, looking agitated. “Why is he paying me so much attention, and spending so much money on me?”

“Probably because he likes you,” Red Gala said simply. “Do you like him?”

“Well, yeah, I guess I do,” mumbled Apple Bloom. “But when you like a boy, you do him favours, play with him, tell him he’s cool. You don’t... spend hundreds of bits on dinner and dresses and things! It’s like he thinks he can just... buy me.”

“Because of the dress? Let me show you something.” Red Gala walked over to one of her wardrobes and slid the door open. Inside was a row of perhaps a dozen dresses, in many different styles, but all in a red and green colour scheme matching Red Gala’s coat and cutie mark.

“Wow! I didn’t know you even liked dresses, Red Gala! These are beautiful!”

“Well, sure I like dresses. I just don’t have much call to wear them, with work and all. Been a while since I’ve gone to anything fancy.”

Apple Bloom nosed through the dresses, noticing the similarities between them and the dress Gold Watch had sent her. “Did Elusive make all of these?”


“Well, who bought them for you, then? Some stallion who wanted you to go out with him?”

“Nopony bought them for me. Elusive made them himself, for me.”

Apple Bloom looked over at Red Gala, startled. “Wait, Elusive was sweet on you? When was this?”

Red Gala sat down on her bed, smiling wistfully. “Few years back, when Elusive was just getting the Carousel Boutique off the ground. I honestly thought he was a bit young for me, but it was flattering, having such a fine gentlecolt courting me. We did all the usual couple stuff – long walks in Whitetail Wood, watching the sunrise together, that sort of thing. Now, I took things slow, of course – I can’t go rushing into things when I gotta think about the farm and my little brothers first and foremost. But he kept making these dresses for me, and I started to wonder if that was his way of trying to butter me up, buy his way into my...” She looked at Apple Bloom, then seemed to rethink her choice of words: “Heart.”

“But that’s not like him! I mean, I know our Rarity! Sure, she wants ponies to like her, but she makes ponies dresses because she’s generous, not because she’s trying to get something from them.”

Red Gala nodded sadly. “I figured that out too late, I reckon. But that’s how it felt at the time. I told him to stop sending me dresses, and he got upset that I didn’t want his gifts, and it all kind of fell apart from there. That wasn’t all, mind you. Sweet Apple Acres had me so busy that I barely had time for anypony outside the family, and of course Applejack never approved of him. We’re friends now, though, and that’s all that matters.

“The point is, giving me dresses was just his way of impressing me. I used to go around to Carousel Boutique and help him with heavy lifting, fixing his roof, that sort of thing, because I’ve got a talent for being strong and practical-like. And that was my way of impressing him. What does Scooteroll do to impress that Sugar girl?”

“Well... he does tricks on his scooter, and shows off his running and gliding and stuff,” said Apple Bloom, thoughtfully.

“Eeyup. And don’t try to tell me you ain’t never shown off your strength or your knack for fixing things to a colt you liked. Or your farmin’ knowledge.”

Apple Bloom blushed, remembering times when she had done exactly that for both Pipsqueak and Gold Watch. “So all Gold Watch is doing is trying to impress me with how rich and classy he is? Because that’s what he’s good at?”

“I reckon so. Besides, you ain’t a silly pony, no matter what Applejack says. You won’t fall for his tricks if he really is trying to bamboozle you with his money. If you really like him, just let him do his best to impress you. It’ll make him feel special, and everypony likes to feel special. Then maybe you can invite him over here some time and impress him right back with all your Apple family skills. It’ll all work out, if you’re right for each other.”

Apple Bloom turned and hugged Red Gala tightly. “Thanks, Red Gala. I reckon I know what to do now. Still nervous, though. Nopony’s ever asked me on a date before.”

Red Gala ruffled Apple Bloom’s mane. “You’ll do fine. You know I’ll do anything I can for you, right? I ain’t never had a little sister before. It’s nice to have somepony I can talk to about this stuff.”

Apple Bloom trotted off to her bedroom to compose a reply, doing her best to match Gold Watch’s fine mouthwriting. Between lines, it occurred to her that Red Gala must still be single. It seems such a shame, when she’s so nice and so hard-working. Just like Sunny Smiles, come to think of it. She made a mental note to mention that thought to Sweepy Bell the next time she saw him, then went back to her writing.

“Dear Gold Watch,

Thank you for your kind gift. It was most welcomely received, and I will be honoured to wear it when I accompany you to dinner tomorrow.

My family is well, and they all think that you are very nice.

Yours Sincerely,

Apple Bloom”

The Apple family didn’t have a seal as such, but Apple Bloom knew that Granny Smith had a stamp she used to mark business documents, so she wandered back into the kitchen to look for this world’s copy of it. Applejack and Dizzy Doo were still chatting over tea and muffins as she rummaged around.

“So that’s why I never work with Over Exposure anymore. He treats his models like tools, not ponies. Don’t get me wrong – being in every magazine, billboard, calendar and snow globe in Manehattan was pretty awesome – but I just couldn’t handle the pace, and he wouldn’t take no for an answer. I came to Ponyville for some peace and quiet in the end.”

“Wish you’d told us about Over Exposure before he got his reins on Butterscotch,” muttered Applejack. “The poor guy was terrified of all that publicity.” Dizzy nodded sadly in agreement.

“All done!” said Apple Bloom, finding the stamp and sealing the letter with it. “Here you go, Mister Doo.”

The pegasus slid the letter into his saddlebags and tipped his cap to the Apple family again. “I’ll get this straight over to the Lucre mansion. Thanks for the muffins, Applejack!”

“Any time, Dizzy!” Applejack called back as he waved the pegasus goodbye. He then turned back to face Apple Bloom, looking concerned. “So what did you tell this boy?”

“I told him I’d be honoured to go to dinner with him. That’s okay, right?”

Applejack stepped forward and laid his head against Apple Bloom’s neck. “Of course it’s okay, haystack. I just worry about you, is all. And about Applebuck, if he’s getting himself tangled up with some smooth talking rich filly over in your world.”

“I’m sure she’s just as nice as Gold Watch,” Apple Bloom assured him. “Applebuck’s way too smart to fall for a mean girl just because she’s rich and pretty, ain’t he?” Who is she, anyway? There ain’t nopony I remember quite like Gold Watch.

“You’re right, he is. Don’t get too carried away with this whole dating thing, alright? Just try to have fun. He does seem like a nice boy.”

At ten minutes to six o’clock the following evening, Apple Bloom was pacing around the kitchen nervously, her new red horseshoes clicking against the wooden floor. “Do I look alright?” she fretted. “Is my mane straight?”

Spice looked up from the plate of apple pie that Red Gala had served for her. “You look great, Apple Bloom!” she assured her. “Trust me, I know what I’m doing!” Indeed, the unicorn filly had been a great help in getting Apple Bloom ready for her date. Her mane had been carefully washed and elegantly braided, and was adorned with tiny flowers and an apple hair clip that had belonged to Red Gala’s mother. Spice had taken the time to braid Apple Bloom’s tail too, even though it was hidden beneath the folds of her dress. Red Gala had made sure that every strap and layer of the dress was sitting straight and comfortably. Finally, Spice had even found a perfume that suited Apple Bloom’s body chemistry, a flowery scent that hinted at spiced apples without smelling like Applejack’s apple cellar.

“Sorry, I’m just so nervous. I’ve never been on a date before, is all. Gold Watch is such a nice colt, and I don’t want to mess this up.”

“He is, isn’t he?” said Spice dreamily. “Him and Blue Chip both. I wish Blue Chip would ask me out. He’s so handsome, and so smart! I could listen to him talk about Equestrian history for hours.”

“He hasn’t asked you out yet? I thought he had!”

“Uh... no?” hazarded Spice, furrowing her brow in concentration. “I thought he was going to once, but it turns out he just wanted to know if I was going to the Summer Sun Celebration. I told him I was, and then he just kind of looked awkward and wandered off.”

Apple Bloom started to put her face in her hooves, then eyed her new horseshoes and thought better of it. “Look, maybe you should just ask him out yourself. I really do think he likes you.”

Spice looked mortified. “I can’t do that! What if he says no?”

“Well... what if one of my Crusades doesn’t work out and I don’t get my cutie mark? At least I’ll have tried. You just have to be confident. Don’t let boys frighten you.”

Just then, a knock came at the front door to the farmhouse. Apple Bloom jumped three feet in the air, flailing her hooves in panic. “That’s him! What do I do? What do I do?”

“You just wait right here, darling,” Red Gala said. “I’ll go let him in.”

Spice nuzzled Apple Bloom comfortingly, and managed to calm her down by the time Red Gala led Gold Watch into the kitchen. The young gentlecolt wore a rose pink suit jacket, a few shades darker than his coat, with white ruffles at the collar and hems. His barrel was adorned with a dark purple formal saddle over a magenta saddle blanket, and his purple and white mane was carefully groomed and tied behind his neck. Apple Bloom thought that Gold Watch took his appearance seriously before, but she had never seem him look quite as handsome as he did that night.

Gold Watch bowed to Red Gala and the two fillies, and set a bouquet of flowers down on the kitchen table. “Good evening, Miss Apple!” he greeted the lady of the house. “Spice, lovely to see you too! And Apple Bloom... you look marvellous.” He turned to gaze at Apple Bloom, seeming rather taken aback by her makeover.

“You be careful with this one, Apple Bloom,” murmured Red Gala. “He told me he didn’t realise Applejack had a younger sister when I answered the door.” She smiled approvingly at the colt, though, and managed to slip a flower from the bouquet before Spice homed on in it with a mumble of “Mmm... dahlias.”

Apple Bloom made a rough curtsey to Gold Watch, trying not to blush. “Thanks, Goldie. You look great too.” Remembering what Spice had told her while getting ready, she took one of the smaller flowers and tucked it into a strap of her dress. “So... should we get going? It’s a bit of a walk to Cordon Bleu’s from Sweet Apple Acres.”

“Oh, we won’t be walking far,” Gold Watch said with a smile. “Have a good evening, Miss Apple, Spice. We won’t be out too late.” He offered Apple Bloom one hoof, and they stepped out into the cool evening air.

“Have fun!” Spice called to them as they walked down the path to the gate, waving to them along with Red Gala. The older mare simply smiled wistfully at the departing couple, then wandered back into the kitchen.

“So...” grinned Spice, turning to Red Gala. “I’ve still got my powders and crimping irons out, do you want a makeover?”

Red Gala peered down the corridor to make sure that Applejack was still in his workroom and Grandpa Smith was still napping, then smiled back at Spice. “Eeyup.”

Apple Bloom smiled awkwardly at Gold Watch as they made their way down the farmyard path. “So, Goldie... how’s your leg? You’re not wearing your cast anymore.”

Gold Watch nodded. “It’s doing a lot better. I can walk on it a bit, but not for too long. Don’t worry, though, we’re almost there.”

“Almost where?” Apple Bloom asked, looking up past the gate. “Wait a minute... is that your carriage?”

Just beyond the Sweet Apple Acres fence waited an elegant landau, decorated in polished mahogany with gold trim. The top was open, which displayed bench seats upholstered in deep purple fabric. Two earth pony mares in matching white shirts and purple vests had been playing a game of cards on the dashboard, and were now busy hitching themselves to the landau.

Gold Watch smiled proudly. “It is. Father left it to me. Of course, I can’t exactly afford to keep two professional draft horses on retainer, so I don’t get to use it much.” He waved to the two mares. “Apple Bloom, this is Chaise and Dodger. Chaise, Dodger, this is Miss Apple Bloom.”

“So, ya’ll work for Mrs Lucre, then?” asked Apple Bloom.

Chaise nodded. “Mostly we just pull wagon deliveries for Ponyville Produce, but it’s really nice to give the old landau a run. Goldie keeps it in perfect shape, don’t you, Goldie?” She nudged Gold Watch gently with her nose.

Gold Watch nuzzled the mare back, and Apple Bloom smiled at the easy familiarity between the colt and his mother’s employees. “I do a bit of sewing on the upholstery, but I have to hire ponies to maintain everything else. I don’t know the first thing about carriages, really.”

Apple Bloom peered underneath the carriage, careful not to let her dress drag in the dirt. “Oh, it’s got the new three-quarter elliptical leaf spring suspension! And proper Hackamore steering, too!”

Gold Watch blinked. “It does? Is that good?”

Apple Bloom laughed and put out one leg to assist Gold Watch into the carriage. “It’s only the best carriage mechanics on the market, silly! My sister lets me look at the mechanics magazines when they come in, but all I can actually work on is my brother’s hay wain.”

Gold Watch accepted Apple Bloom’s help gratefully, putting his weight onto her shoulders and hoisting himself onto the front seat of the landau, facing the rear. “I think every kid in Ponyville has been for a ride on Red Gala’s hay wain,” he said, looking down at Sweet Apple Acres. “She gives out rides on Nightmare Night and Hearth’s Warming Eve, and whenever ponies need cheering up, really. It’s a lot of fun.”

Apple Bloom climbed up into the carriage after Gold Watch, and as soon as she settled herself in the forward-facing seat, the landau started to move. Apple Bloom hardly felt the divots and bumps in the old road leading from Sweet Apple Acres into Ponyville proper. “This really is a great carriage,” she commented, leaning out to watch the town go by. “You’ve known Chaise and Dodger for a while, haven’t you?”

The pink colt nodded, his gaze following Apple Bloom’s as they watched the scenery together. “They worked for Father, ever since he bought this carriage, before I was born. They’ve known me since I was a foal. I don’t actually have my own butler like Blue Chip does, but Chaise and Dodger are really close to me.” He twisted around and gave the reins a gentle flick. The two mares responded with a playful toss of their heads and a friendly whinny, never missing a step in their quick, measured pace.

“That’s cool. They seem really nice, and really good at drawing this carriage. Hey,” she pondered, looking up the length of the carriage, “why do carriages even have reins, anyway? It’s not like you can’t just give them directions.”

Gold Watch laughed. “Dodger knows every road and short-cut in Ponyville, isn’t that right, Dodger?”

Dodger called back over her shoulder, still not missing a step. “Drove Mister Gold from the mansion to the hospital in three minutes flat when he got word that our lad here was on his way into the world. Most ponies don’t know you can jump the river between Sugarcube Corner and Quills and Sofas, if you get enough of a run-up.”

“See?” commented Gold Watch, smiling at Dodger before turning back to Apple Bloom. “Best draft horses in town. But about reins – they’re a holdover from military chariots.”

“Military chariots? Ponies used carriages for fighting?”

“They still do, sometimes! There’s nothing quite as dangerous as a team of two earth pony soldiers and two unicorn magicians, mounted on a Canterlot guard chariot pulled by two pegasi. But military chariots go way back. The old pegasus tribe used to fight everypony – the earth ponies, the unicorns, dragons, griffons, even each other before Commander Tempest united the city-states under one banner. So you had a pegasus battle chariot, going into combat against, let’s say a flock of griffons. Typically you had two draft pegasi, one driver and two ponies with spears or slings on a chariot. When you’re fighting griffons, speed and manoeuvrability are really important, and it’s the driver’s job to direct the chariot, so you can evade attacks and get to where the commander needs you. The draft pegasi can’t pay attention to the whole battlefield – they have to fly as fast as they can, and kick any griffons who get in the way. Even shouting orders takes time, and sometimes you just can’t hear them over all the fighting. But the driver can just pull the reins and the draft pegasi know to go left, right, up or down. And pretty much all modern vehicles descend from pegasus military designs.”

Apple Bloom listened to Gold Watch in rapt fascination as he explained the intricacies of pre-Equestrian military history. “Wow. That’s so cool! I don’t know about anything like that.”

Gold Watch chuckled. “No, you just know what a three-quarter spring... leaf... thingy is. I bet you’d know what to do if we lost a wheel, too.”

Apple Bloom blushed. “Yeah, I guess I do.” Red Gala was right, I am trying to impress him.

After a few more minutes of leisurely conversation, the landau arrived at the restaurant. Cordon Bleu’s Fine Dining consisted of a small indoor dining area and kitchen, surrounded by outdoor tables. Apple Bloom hopped down from the carriage and offered Gold Watch her hoof, assisting him to the ground. Chaise and Dodger trotted off to park the carriage and look for a bite to eat, while Gold Watch led Apple Bloom down to the circle of tables.

A pale earth pony mare with a glossy blue and black mane hurried out to greet them as they arrived. “Monsieur Gold! Always a pleasure to have you here! And Mademoiselle Apple, welcome to Cordon Bleu’s Fine Dining! I am, of course, Cordon Bleu. Your table is right over here.”

Gold Watch waited for Apple Bloom to be seated before sitting down himself, and Cordon Bleu supplied each of them with a menu, a glass of apple juice and a small vase of flowers before trotting back to the kitchen. “I don’t come here often by myself,” Gold Watch said as he made himself comfortable. “Mother sometimes meets important business partners here, and we come here for birthdays and things. The service is just great, don’t you think?”

“It is, and these chairs are real comfy too,” replied Apple Bloom, suddenly feeling self-conscious about her accent. She felt dressed for the occasion, though – most of the mares around her were wearing fine dresses, though none quite as sparkly as hers. She peered at her menu, then frowned. “Goldie, there aren’t any prices on this menu.”

“Oh, that’s normal,” he replied. “I told them you were my guest, so you should just order whatever you like without worrying about the price.” Apple Bloom opened her mouth to object, but Gold Watch shook his head. “I insist, don’t worry about it. I’ll just... wait, my menu doesn’t have prices either.” He waved a hoof and summoned Cordon Bleu back to their table. “Madam Cordon, I think you gave me the wrong menu.”

The elegant mare bowed her head and smiled to Gold Watch. “Not at all, Monsieur Gold. Your money is no good here. We will never forget what Monsieur Gold Chain did for us.”

Gold Watch looked crestfallen, his ears drooping. “If you insist, Madam Cordon. I can still leave a tip, though, right?”

“But of course! Please, take your time, order when you are ready.” Cordon Bleu bowed again and trotted over to another table.

Apple Bloom reached across the table and placed a front hoof against Gold Watch’s. “Your father left some pretty big horseshoes for you to fill, didn’t he?”

“He did. It feels like all the adults in Ponyville are watching me and waiting for me to turn into him. It’s not that I don’t want to be like him – I do, leadership is my special talent and I want to do good things for the community – but everypony acts as though it’s already happened and I’m already doing the things he did. I don’t want to disappoint everypony.”

“I don’t think you will, Goldie. You just gotta take things slow. Don’t let anypony rush you. Applejack says I spend too much time trying to be an adult and not enough time enjoying being a kid.”

“Mother says the same thing. She doesn’t try to push me... at least, I don’t think she means to. But her mother and grandmother were both important businessponies in Ponyville, and so is she, so I can’t exactly not live up to that, can I?”

“I guess not. You’ll do fine, anyway. I just know it.” She released Gold Watch’s hoof and looked at her menu for a few moments before closing it again. “Everything’s in Prench. How about you order?”

Gold Watch smiled. “No problem. We’ll start with an entree of foins frites aux herbes – that’s basically hay fries, but cooked in an amazing herb and oil batter. Then there’s the sautéed carrot with steamed broccoli au gratin, and the fresh garden salad with olives and...” He mused for a moment, eyeing the kitchen. “Yes, and shaved truffles. This is a special occasion, after all.”

He waved his hoof again, and soon Cordon Bleu returned to their table. Gold Watch recited their order in Prench, heavily accented but still perfect as far as Apple Bloom could tell. He looked very pleased with himself as Cordon Bleu hurried off to the kitchen. “I think you’ll like truffle. It’s a huge delicacy, so I don’t have it very often, but it’s simply amazing in the right dishes.”

“Oh, yeah, I love truffles!” Apple Bloom agreed. “I had some on my scrambled eggs this morning.”

Gold Watch’s jaw dropped.

“Is... is that bad? Are you not supposed to have truffles with eggs?”

“Well... yes!” stammered Gold Watch, his eyes wide. “Usually fried rather than scrambled, but that’s not the point! Truffles sell for fifty bits per ounce in Manehattan! How... where do you get...”

“They grow in the ground, and the pigs find them and dig them up like gemstones,” explained Apple Bloom, not sure why Gold Watch was getting so worked up. “I mean, sure, we sell some of them, but we have to keep some for ourselves.”

“Why? That’s just not good business sense!”

Apple Bloom smiled gently. “It’s a farming thing that Grandpa Smith taught me. When earth ponies work the land, they have to appreciate what the land gives them. Even if they sell most of the harvest, they have to keep enough for themselves so the land knows they’re grateful for it, and that they appreciate the food for itself, not just what they can sell it for. I thought you’d get that, bein’ an earth pony and all.”

Gold Watch looked thoughtful at that. “Grandpa Smith said that, huh? Well, I remember what happened last time I didn’t take him seriously. I guess there’s a lot I don’t know about farming and earth pony magic.”

“That’s okay, you ain’t a farmer type yourself. Maybe you could come over one day and we could do some of my chores together.” The words escaped her mouth before she realised what she was doing – suggesting a second date before the first one had even finished – but strangely, she felt no desire to take them back, her only emotion a sort of cheerful confidence.

“Oh, well... you know, I don’t really... dirt and manual labour and all that,” mumbled Gold Watch, but when he looked back at Apple Bloom’s eyes, he nodded. “But why not? With my business sense and your farming skills, we might even be able to turn a profit somewhere. And it’ll be fun, too!”

“Great!” exclaimed Apple Bloom, meeting Gold Watch’s good front leg with her own in a hoof bump. “I can’t wait! And here come our hay fries, too!”

At the end of the evening, Gold Watch and Apple Bloom sat together in the forward-facing seat of the landau, watching the lights of Ponyville drift by as they talked animatedly about zap apples, truffles, business ventures, school, Sugar and Spice’s latest escapades, and everything and nothing. Chaise and Dodger pulled the landau slowly but steadily, offering no comment, but the smiling, satisfied look on Chaise’s face whenever she looked back at the carriage told its own story.

Finally the carriage arrived at the gate of Sweet Apple Acres. Gold Watch started to stand up, but Apple Bloom put a hoof on his shoulders. “You don’t have to walk me to the door, Goldie. You need to rest your leg, I can tell it’s hurting by now.”

Gold Watch grimaced but nodded. “You’re right, it is. Thank you for such an amazing night, Apple Bloom. I had a lot of fun, and I learned a lot, too!”

Apple Bloom smiled, still resting her hoof of Gold Watch’s shoulder. “I had a great time too, Gold Watch. Living in Ponyville has been wonderful, most of all because of you. You’re a true gentlecolt and a really... good...”

She trailed off as she gazed into Gold Watch’s cornflower blue eyes. Her breath seemed to catch in her throat as she leaned forward and pushed her muzzle against his, bringing their lips together in a kiss.

After what seemed like hours, the two ponies pulled back from each other, both smiling awkwardly. “So, um,” said Apple Bloom, eloquently.

“Um,” agreed Gold Watch. “I’ll see you at school, then?”

“School! Yes. I’ll see you at school. Bye! Thanks for... everything!” Apple Bloom gave Gold Watch a happy grin, then waved to the draft ponies and jumped down from the carriage, cantering back to the farmhouse, feeling as though her hooves weren’t even touching the ground.

On Monday morning, Apple Bloom was the queen of the schoolyard.