• Published 22nd Apr 2012
  • 9,763 Views, 550 Comments

Under the Starry Skies - Wintergreen Diaries

Silver Moonshine opens a tavern in Ponyville, hoping to escape the city and maybe find a nice mare.

  • ...


Chapter 25: Acceleration

Dawn’s counter argument for an extended curfew, or at least time to stay awake, was forgotten as a knock sounded at the door. Seizing the easy opportunity, she bolted upstairs to hide while Twilight stood, muttering under her breath while Cerulean stifled a chuckle.

“You know, you’re going to have to learn how to act like a parent eventually, right? I can’t do this on my own.”

“Oh, but she’s so cute when she’s a pain. It reminds me of an alluring lavender mare I know quite well.”


“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it,” he replied, trotting over and giving her peck on the cheek before starting up the steps after their stubborn filly.

“‘Taking care of it’ does not mean feeding her cupcakes till she passes out!” Twilight called after him as he began his search for the most elusive of creatures. A second knock sounded and Twilight hastened to head its call, meeting Applejack’s concerned eyes with her own. “Applejack? Come on in.” She stood the side as her friend made her way inside, sitting down on the couch and waiting patiently as Twilight cantered over. “What’s on your mind?”

“It’s not mah mind that ah’m worried about, Twi. Rarity is hurtin’ real bad, but she’s been holdin’ it in just like ah did, only fer much longer. Ah really think it would do ‘er good if you an’ Cerulean would talk t’ her about what she’s goin’ through. She’s... close t’ givin’ up on somethin’ important, an’ that’s somethin’ that both of you know about. Could you maybe have a word with ‘er?”

“Of course we will. I knew she’d been spending a lot of time working, but... it was just a cover, wasn’t it?” Applejack nodded, unsure of how much she could afford to say. Rarity had trusted her with a very deep secret, and it wasn’t hers to give away. She didn’t like it, but with something so sensitive she couldn’t afford to be selfish. “It was. Ah can’t say much more, it ain’t my place unless she tells you too. But Twi, try not to be too... affectionate with Cerulean around ‘er. It’ll only make it worse.”

“I understand. How are things with you and Silver? Are you doing ok?”

“Me? Ah’m right as rain, though ah’m also startin’ t’ understand how you and Cerulean moved so fast,” she commented with a nervous chuckle accompanied by a blush. “We haven’t... you know...” Twilight grinned at this, taking some slight satisfaction in Applejack’s position, though not with any maliciousness. “It’s crossed mah mind more ‘n once. Ah really want t’ do things the old fashioned way, like my pa always taught me, an’ wait until we’re married t’ take that step, but... it ain’t gonna be easy.”

“When a pony means everything to you, it’s hard not to give everything in return, isn’t it?”

“You got that right, sugarcube. Ah still remember what ah said when you confessed yer feelin’s fer Cerulean, an’ ah’m eatin mah own words now, but ah really do love Silver.” Hearing the sincerity and confidence in her assertion filled Twilight’s heart with immeasurable joy. Simply telling herself that she and Cerulean weren’t to blame for the hurt she had endured sounded pathetic in her mind, so to see that Applejack really had let somepony else in was nothing short of exhilarating. Applejack accepted the sudden embrace readily, understanding exactly why and savoring the freedom from all of the doubts that had held her captive. “Twilight, thank you. Fer everythin’.”

“You’re more than welcome, Applejack. And if you ever want advice on anything, feel free to ask. Just curious, have you seen Silver at all today?” she asked, pulling away.

“No, ah’ve been with Rarity for most of the afternoon, why?”

“Well... I don’t want to worry you, but I heard an explosion come from town earlier. You may want to check on him.”

“Dang it, ah knew ah heard something when ah had my head in the water! Later, Twi. Say goodbye t’ Cerulean for me!” she called over her shoulder as she took off out the door.

Planning to communicate what had transpired to Cerulean without delay, she ascended the steps but stopped halfway, hearing a pleasant melody accompanied by a soft voice. As she quietly completed the trip, Cerulean came into view, the ground around him glowing faintly as the music rose into the air. Dawn’s determination quailed in the face of the soothing lullaby, and the spell drew to a close, leaving the foal’s snores as the only sound that could be heard.

“That was the spell you used in Canterlot when you apologized, wasn’t it...” It was a bittersweet memory, and Cerulean left the filly’s bed and motioned towards their own. Twilight never used to go to bed so early, but between researching magic, friendship, love, and motherhood, staying up to hear the clock chime midnight was a luxury she couldn’t afford on a regular basis. Thus her stallion’s invitation was gratefully accepted and his warm embrace gratifyingly comfortable.

“It was something my brother taught me. He was always... singing, and laughing. I can’t help but think of him whenever I use it.” Twilight pressed closer, offering what support she could. Being away from Shining Armor had been very difficult for her at times, but the idea of him being gone without a trace... she refused to imagine. “He’s still out there, somewhere. I won’t give up on him, Twilight, even if my parents have.”

“Good, because I’d kick your flank myself if you ever considered it,” she whispered, pulling him into a gentle kiss. “You’ll find him someday, Cerulean.”

Berry Punch was not known for having a serious demeanour, spending perhaps a mere fourth of her waking hours not under the influence of the delightful effects of ethanol. So, when she had arrived early that evening after the Wonderbolts had departed, sporting a dejected frown rather than her usual animated features, Silver wasted no time trying to fix the problem with a few mugs of cider. Unfortunately, whatever was on her mind was enough to distract her even from this, and thus he posed his inquiry. “Either my cider quality isn’t up to par, or something serious is on your mind, Berry. Which is it?”

“Well, this batch does taste a bit rushed,” she said with a half-hearted chuckle.

“You can still laugh, that’s something.”

“Mom, you can talk to Shiny about anything! I can leave, if that helps.”

“No, Ruby, you’re fine.”

“No I’m not, I’m thirsty! Shiny, do you have anything tasty for a sweet filly like me?”

“You flutter those eyelashes anymore and you’re gonna make Applejack jealous, sweetheart,” he laughed, rising to his hooves and scooping the filly onto his back.

“She’s going to have to learn how to share, then. You were my uncle first, so there!” Ignoring the light spray as she blew raspberries, he alerted Berry of his exit and approached the lab where he had yet to clean up or move any of the drinks he had made that day. He had purposed to clean the lab shortly after the arrival of his unexpected guests, but all it took was a single glance to let him know that it would take longer than the Wonderbolts should have to wait. “Shiny, everything’s all broken. What in tarnation did you do?”

“Almost sounded like Applejack there, nearly gave me a heart attack. You’ve been hanging out with her sister, haven’t you?”

“Less talking, more getting me drinks! And yes, I have been. She and her friends are all really nice, and they’re a lot of fun.” Since Berry had a steady job and an ample supply of his cure for hangovers, Ruby was getting to spend more time building friendships rather than helping her mother maintain acceptable living conditions.

“Looks like it pays to wish on a shooting star,” he whispered to himself, pausing to stare at the sky. Two filly hooves spurred him to continue his journey, and he made no attempt to hide his smile as he entered, stepping around the glass and setting the filly down so he could search around for the non-alcoholic drinks that he had created earlier. “I’m glad you’re making friends, Ruby. Now, let’s find something to wet your whistle, shall we?”

To call Applejack “upset” with finding the windows to the new lab blown to pieces would be an understatement worthy of capital punishment. She was fully aware that alchemy had its risks, but that he’d try something so clearly dangerous was nothing short of appalling, and she was going to let him know it. Seeing the lights on in the lab, she made a beeline for the door, throwing it open and glaring down at Silver whose facial expression looked all the world like a foal raiding the cookie jar.

“Shiny, you are so busted,” Ruby whispered, snickering as her uncle braced himself for the storm.

“Silver, ah have words fer you.”

“They wouldn’t happen to be happy words, would they?”

“O’ course they ain’t happy words! What ‘n tarnation were you doing in here?”

“She did it!” Silver yelled, pointing at Ruby who adopted an air of injured innocence before falling to the floor in a fit of giggles as her uncle’s reprimand continued.

“Now don’t you start! You expect me to believe she made this mess? The ceilin’s scorched, the windows are all...” she started, her voice trailing off as her eyes drew to his horn, a good portion of it scorched black. Structural damage of such magnitude was barely tolerable, but seeing his horn in such a condition was too much. “Listen up, Silver. Ah ain’t gonna try and stop you from usin’ that weird magic, but yer gonna be in a world o’ trouble if ah hear of you doin’ it by yerself from here on out. You get yerself some kind of assistant, or stop blowin’ up yer lab. Are we clear?”

“Yes ma’am.”

“Shiny got in trouble, Shiny got in trouble~!”

“Ruby, ah can’t be here all the time, so you better keep a close eye on ‘im. Ah don’t think either of us want t’ see him any more charred than he already is.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll keep him in line. All right, Uncle Shiny, let’s go! You found my drinks, and mommy needs a pep talk!” Applejack dropped her angry tone and offered to carry the barrel that Silver had levitated with his magic.

“Somethin’ wrong with Berry?”

“Yeah, I haven’t figured out what yet. I think it would be best if I talk to her alone, so maybe... could you take Ruby upstairs and give us some time alone?”

“Of course, sugarcube. Ah’m sure ah can learn a lot from the little filly.”

“On second thought...”

“Nope, too late,” Applejack stated as they entered, setting down the barrel on the counter and waving to Berry who was seated a short distance away. The mare raised her glass in response, offering a faint smile but nothing more. A hissing noise caused her to turn as Silver knocked the spigot and affixed a nozzle, pouring Ruby a glass of maple-ginger soda. Noting Applejack’s curiosity, he poured her mug even as the filly’s praise filled his ears, and hers soon followed.

“Shiny, this is delicious! But... it’s not going to do anything strange to me, is it?”

“No need to worry, sweetheart. Nothing but what you taste in your cup.”

“Ah’ll give it to ya, this is a mighty fine drink you’ve made. Ah like the bubbles, it feels good goin’ down.”

“You made soda?” Upon hearing Berry’s voice, Applejack gave Silver a knowing nod and left with Ruby, refilling both their glasses before ascending the steps. It was rare that Berry chose anything over imbibing alcohol, but soda had nostalgic value, something she had enjoyed as a filly when she visited Silver in Manehatten many years back. As the cheerful memories of foalhood came rushing back, a smile lit her face as she savored the carbonation. Her cousin’s hoof draped loosely across her back, and she pushed her inhibition aside while she opened her heart.

“I’m confused, Silver. I think I might have feelings for Lemon, but I don’t know what he thinks of me. I mean, he’s been really nice to me from the start, and he treats me like anypony else and not just some drunk...”

“Berry, you’re not ‘just a drunk.’ Anypony who takes the time to speak with you can tell that.”

“Yes, well, he does take the time. He’s made dinner for me before, and sometimes, I almost think that he might like me too. But... he’s been sleeping in the pantry most nights.”

“Huh, that’s odd. Wasn’t he staying with Cerulean?”

“It seems that Cerulean and Twilight have too much fun at night for him to be comfortable staying there.”

“I can see why that’d be uncomfortable,” Silver chuckled, imagining for just a moment how disturbing it would be if Big Mac and Crimson were to engaged in such activities. “It’d probably shake the whole house...”

“What was that?”

“Nothing, sweetheart. Go on.”

“As I was saying,” she paused, noticing her cousin’s faint blush and choosing to ignore it, “he’s been sleeping here, so I offered to let him stay at my house, but he said no.”

“Have you tried talking to him about your feelings?”

“Silver, it’s been a long time since I’ve even felt something, so you’ll forgive me if I’m a little nervous approaching somepony new here and dropping something that heavy on them.” It was true, Lemon hadn’t been in Ponyville long, but neither had he, and the only thing that would have prevented his relationship with Applejack was a lack of something he was coming to appreciate more and more; honesty.

“Tell you what, Berry. The tavern ain’t gonna open for another two days by my guess, so use that time to think about things. If you’re still feeling like you do now, then just talk to him. Besides,” he said, releasing her and looking her in the eyes, “if you’re feeling too nervous, I can slip some Dragon Liquor into your cider to loosen you up.” She turned to him with genuine amusement stamped on her muzzle which, while heartening to see, caused mild consternation. “Um... what?”

“You said ‘ain’t.’”

After several minutes of idle banter and a few stories detailing the more embarrassing moments of Silver’s youth that Ruby had learned from her mother, Applejack’s apprehension with being near the filly began to ease. She’d given Ruby plenty of reason to hate her, but it seemed that simply having her uncle back was enough for her. Thus, a combination of sugar rush and good will bred a thoroughly enjoyable environment wherein two mares passed an easy half of an hour, mostly talking about Silver. However, Ruby also noticed Applejack’s attention repeatedly being drawn towards the shower, and couldn’t help but comment.

“Shiny would probably say yes.”

“Yes to what now, Ruby?”

“Oh come on, you know what I’m talking about!”

“Sorry, sugarcube, ah think ah missed somethin’ important.” Groaning that she’d actually have to spell it out, Ruby stared regretfully at the remainder of her soda before splashing it on Applejack. “Now, what’d you go an’ do that for?”

“There, now you have a reason to shower. I’ll go get Shiny, so get it nice and warm.”

“Wait, what? Ruby, ah never said anythin’ about...” but she was gone, gleefully racing down the steps to commandeer her uncle. Now, what am ah supposed t’ do now? If ah leave it like this, ah’m gonna be a sticky mess. But ah don’t... well, it could be nice. But there are other ponies here! Dangit, Ruby, yer cruel, temptin’ me like this. After a moment or two in thought, she nervously made her way towards the admittedly small shower, barely wide enough for her to stand on four hooves. “Just a quick one, enough t’ clean off,” she muttered to herself, fumbling with the knobs and closing her eyes as the cascade started.

Big Mac had always considered himself to be well controlled in all respects. However, as of the last month or however long Silver had been around, he had noticed two things; first, he had a serious problem with over-protectiveness. Secondly, Crimson was too dang alluring. She didn’t even need to try to force anything on him, as simply being in the same room caused his mind to wander. All of the rules and ideals that he once held in high regard were barely maintaining their vigilance, and so it was that Crimson looked up at him with curious eyes as a hoof inadvertently dropped to her flank.

“Big Mac, don’t,” she whispered, brushing the hoof away. “Don’t... start any of that unless you’re ready for the whole thing. I haven’t... said anything, but I miss it. It’s hard to go from every couple of days to none at all, and I’m... doing my very best to keep it under control. Because,” she continued, pulling back so she could see his soft, green eyes, “I want it to be more than just rolling in the hay.” She dropped her gaze and snuggled closer to his chest, trying desperately to stem the flood of desire that had been growing in intensity since she had moved into Big Mac’s room.

I don’t want you to feel like you ever have to give me anything at all, Big Mac, because simply being with you is more than I’ve had in my entire life. Thank you. As the thought danced through her mind, a sudden heat rose to her cheeks as she felt a hoof again rest gently on her flank. “Big Mac, I wasn’t teasing... You’re... making this... really hard.”

“Ah’m not teasin’ either, Crimson.” Self restraint left with nary a farewell, and Crimson was instantly atop him. This time, though, it was he that stopped her as she surprised him with some rather aggressive kissing. She froze, terrified that she had done something wrong, and as she watched him slowly shake his head, the anxiety only grew before being washed away by the grace of his words. “Ah remember sayin’ a while back... that there’s a gentler side o’ love that you ain’t familiar with. An’ that, Crimson, is what ah want t’ share with you.”

Silver was halfway up the steps, soda still dripping from his mane, when the sound of flowing water reached his ears, translating into an increased blood flow around his cheeks. Or at least, that’s where it was most visible, since his respiration as a whole was changing rhythm.

Am I really going to do this? He attempted to glean some insight from the grain of the wood, but the door refused to share its years of knowledge with him, and thus he was forced to make a decision. He was going to do it. Or, at least, going to make the offer available, his presence remaining within the bathroom pending solely on whether or not he was swiftly evicted upon his arrival. However, even if she had bucked him full force, the sight with which he was met as he entered solidly glued his hooves to the floor.

Frugality was the best label to describe the concept behind the design for his living space. Applejack, used to a much more spacious showering experience, was, at the time of his entrance, attempting to stretch out to find a more comfortable position, standing on her hind legs and leaning against the wall. Silver’s eyes involuntarily flowed with the stream, tracing an arc down to her back and continuing down to her flanks. Applejack cracked open an eye, noticed a faint light out of the corner of her eye, and turned to see a rosy cheeked Silver unable to tear his gaze away.

“It ain’t proper t’ stare, sugarcube. Ah’d... rather pryin’ hooves than pryin’ eyes.” Sweet Celestia, did ah really just say that? Oh, father fergive me. Ah’m a naughty little filly. “You ain’t gonna shower with yer clothes on, are ya? Ah can help.” Somepony help me, mah mind and tongue are conspirin’ against me! Goodness, it’s got my hooves now too!

Silver’s mind was, for all intents and purposes, shot. Fried. Completely derelict. And, though it shouldn’t be possible to worsen something in such a state, as Applejack began “helping” him undress, any hopes at rational thought fled, never having been in such a situation nor imagining he would find himself in one so soon. Casting his clothes to the floor, she kissed him passionately for a moment before pulling back and averting her gaze, trembling slightly as she fought tooth and hoof to rally her self-control.

Ah’m goin’ too far. Ah need t’ stop before ah can’t control mahself any longer. “Ah... ah’m sorry, Silver. Ah’ll see you back at the farm,” she stammered out, backing away a bit before bolting out the door. Silver simply stood staring at the space she had been occupying while waiting for the adrenaline in his system to fade and restore normal thought capacity. Normal may not be the word to describe the first thought that came to mind, which didn’t bother being processed before escaping his lips in a whisper.

“Sweetheart, you keep moving like that, and I’m going to need a ring sooner than I thought.”