• Member Since 9th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago

little big pony

Remember kids, eat your veggies, go to school, and murder all your enemies.... I murder all my enemies....


A man, well-traveled, finally goes to see his heroes.

What he finds when he gets there will surprise him

Written WAYYYY past my bedtime, which is the best time for fic's like this.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 55 )

Just when is your 'bedtime'?

4452118 11, 12, like all responsible adults :eeyup:

Man you are pretty deep when you're tired
This story proves it

Be more tired

Huh, this was nice :pinkiesmile:

Written WAYYYY past my bedtime, which is the best time for fic's like this.

Damn straight. You will NEVER get bad results that way. As evident.

Also, I don't know how big they were originally envisioned, but they've always been this size to me. Except Celestia and Luna. They always strike me as pretty big.

Pfft Bedtime? What is this bedtime you speak of? :pinkiecrazy:

i cannot find the words to describe how...gosh this story was just...i feel like....GRRRR you've broken me! i just CANT FIND THE RIGHT WORDS! :raritydespair:

My little pony. IMO, Celestia is no more than 1.4, 1.5m, horn not included. That's like 4ft7.

I liked it.

That was nice. It made me smile.:pinkiehappy:

Wow...just wow. I've never enjoyed a story built on such a simple topic so much before. It's so...GRAARGH, I can't find the words to describe it! Deep. Meaningful. Heartwarming. It brings a smile to my face. Good job, sir. 10 out of 10.

This was neat. Like it. I really like how he feels mature/unimpressed he is by all this. He saw it all before, that bit is just another point off the bucket list but isn't condescending about it either.

When I read this, I keep getting hints of Robert Frost's poem 'Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening'. I think its the slight sense of melancholy that underlies everything he says in your fic.

This isn't a bad fic, I guess it's just not my type. While some stories benifit from conflict, I.E. anything but slice of life, not all stories have to have a conflict.
I saw that you used the same discriptive terms over and over again. The mare, The man mostly. Why did you make every instance of The man blue? Any particular reason?
The grammar was fine, but you could step over the bounds every now and again.
All and all, a simple fic, one that won't hurt anyone while not making an impact at the same time.

It's kind of rare to find a fanfic this philosophical. I like it, quite a lot in fact, and now I have some thinking to do, so excuse me while I leave a thumbs up on my way out.

I wish that one day I might too be as content with my life as The Man is with his.

I've gotta admit that I rather enjoyed this. Short enough to feel succinct yet developed enough to be whole. Bravo dude. :twilightsmile:

I've... seen things you people wouldn't believe... Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched c-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those... moments... will be lost in time, like tears... in... rain. Time... to die...

This rather reminds me of a passage from The Name of the Wind.

“I have stolen princesses back from sleeping barrow kings. I burned down the town of Trebon. I have spent the night with Felurian and left with both my sanity and my life. I was expelled from the University at a younger age than most people are allowed in. I tread paths by moonlight that others fear to speak of during day. I have talked to gods, loved women, and written songs that make the minstrels weep. You may have heard of me.”

At least this character is more content with his life

Absolutely glorious

You should write sleep-deprived more often.

Some simple spelling errors, but given the time at which you wrote this, I think we can just ignore them. GOOD SHOW SIR!

This story is exceptional: both evocative and provoking.

This may not be an epic tale or rip-roaring comedy, but the pure emotional weight of you words is touching. You can feel the tired and knowing smile on the main character's face. You can sense the time he spent and the ages he looks back upon. And his clear bemusement and final realization both put a smile on my own face as I read and remind us of the profoundly simple truth of all stories.

At the same time, the statement of giants being small means something different to each person. Are the characters we remember "bigger" than they truly were? Do fans take things too seriously? What is the place of things? Or, perhaps, Is the author simply being literal? The simplicity of this story is poetic. There is a clear meaning to this story, clearly, but we are also free to draw so much more from it.

A have always had a love for "little stories." I am happy to have read this one.

Smiling again,
The Smileyrat

One of the most powerful stories I have read, I love your work it's truly enthralling and a treat to read and put a genuine smile onto my face.

Place not your heroes on pedestals. Once you climb to their height - if you dare - you'll find they're not as great as you pretend them to be.

I have read many thousands of stories on this site, and I can safely say that this is one of the best stories I have had the pleasure of reading here. You, sir, deserve a watch, a favorite, and a like.

Wow. That's all I can really say about this.

Great way to pick up my morning, thanks. :twilightsmile:

Kind of meh. Mildly interesting idea, sloppy-ish execution. Bit tired of the world-wizened OC that everyone is immediately impressed by after a single conversation. Might just be me, but the character's internal monologue was kind of irritating and just about as empty of actual substance even including the random platitudes. I won't go out of my way to thumbs this down, but..... Meh.

I like it. I always appreciate a story that delves into the deeper meanings of life.

4469825 While I don't agree, I applaud you on a well-written comment. To hell with everybody who thumbed you down.

An interesting and thoughtful piece. I may just favorite this...

This is the best Brony-In-Equestria fic on the site.

So thanks for that.

I totally agree. Yours is a spot-on description of this archetype.

Most that I can make out of this fic is that it's trying to get at how stories are always blown-up larger and more fantastic than reality, and that you'll be disappointed if all you really want is the gratification or nostalgia that comes with tall tales. It seems to also touch on how self-destructive searching for these feelings can be. But the text seems to communicate this in an optimistic light, as if the OC continuing his futile journey is somehow a good thing and that it hasn't desensitized him to things that are merely satisfying. And then to cap it all off, it contradicts itself and says that he actually is content!

Which makes me think that this fic is actually vapid and lazy, rather than deep yet inept. Oh well.

I liked it.

I must say, a job well done.

I liked this a lot. Especially, the weathered traveler. He has seen much, somewhat like The Doctor.

The door’s bells rang, and everypony in the building—except Twilight and him—bowed as three figures entered the room.

I don't think I could keep myself from kneeling, no matter how much I had seen.

You were right. This was best read in the minutes following midnight.


I think the idea is that he comes to realize his journey is not futile. He comes to realize that all of his travels have meaning. That Equestria and its people are not particularly grand or unique, and that in fact all of his interactions and adventures can hold just as much wonder and mystique as he once expected of Equestria.

All of them small, he thought, his heart soaring. Just like everyone else…

We’re all small, he finally realized. What is one to a mountain? Who’s beauty can contend with the stars or the oceans?...

He's happy because he no longer needs to be driven by the need to 'find his City of Gold', because there is no such thing. His world and life is what he makes of it, and he decides he is happy to finally be free of the limitations of childhood expectations. So, rather than limit himself to Ponyville (what he once thought a pinnacle of the world), he continues to travel.

If all this sounds like so much hot-air, basically I am saying that he has reached his goal, but then realizes he no longer needs that goal to feel fulfillment.

Hardly what I would deem 'vapid' writing.

This reminds me of a story where two beings are walking through the everfree forest one night, talking.


7623591 Sure, sometimes the journey is more important than the destination and stuff, but leaving just like that almost seems a bit rude.


Not really sure how that relates to my comment...

True - his abrupt dismissal and leaving of the nation's royalty could be construed as rude.

However, you need to bear in mind that they all walked in and started questioning him while he was simply eating at Sugarcube Corner. It's not like they were all meeting formally. Having a brief conversation with a stranger in a casual setting and then leaving abruptly is not unusual at all. They could request a more formal meeting but, as they did not, he has every right to leave when he wants.

I come back to this story every few months, (half the time by accident, I have a very short memory so I forget what its contents are after a month or three) hoping to see a "Sequel here!" In the description, but I think a Sequel would cheapen it in a way. It's wonderfully written, with a very satisfying conclusion and wonderful beginning and middle. The character, despite having very few (if any) descriptive characteristics or even a name for the larger part of the story, still feels real and relatable. All in all this is probably my favorite one shot around.

First time reading. and i love it thank you for writing such a lovely story.

This is easily one of my favorite stories on the site. It's wonderfully creative, touching and meaningful.

This has not aged too well, needs a rewrite.

Feel free

no it doesn't.

It feels... Uh. It... saddened me somewhat... The story is good...



A proper story.


I don't care if it's him sharing his adventures, or just settling in for a quiet retirement in Ponyville. I'm in love with the idea of this story. I'm in love with the idea of a person so old and so wise, that all of their heroes pale in comparison to his life - and willing to share what he has learned. There needs to be more.

I happen to agree with Prismmirror. Also, while the rules are old and wise, he's also old and wise now - and the fun part about being old and wise is that you finally see and understand enough to simply choose your own adventure, instead of being roped into another's. He walked out exactly like he talked - on his own terms, the consequences being, as it were, rather inconsequential. I mean, what are they going to do to him? Kick him out of the country? ;D And if nothing else, if I were in their place, I'd have a hefty dose of respect for the man.


Even though it contradicts your previous comment? Which I agree much more with.

Don't get me wrong, I understand the metapher; but at face value, while it wouldn't be what he had expected, would it really be a bad thing if he stayed a little longer?
Also, he basically teased them with his story and then walked out on them. That's what my previous comment was referring to.

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