• Published 26th May 2014
  • 13,900 Views, 129 Comments

Lightning Dust Gets Drunk in a Bar Full of Strangers - Fire Gazer the Alchemist

Lightning Dust, furious after being kicked out of the Wonderbolt's Academy, stumbles into a random bar in order to blow off some steam.

  • ...


Derpy was flustered beyond all belief. As she struggled to kick the covers off of her hind legs, she failed to smack the blush from her cheeks. A moment after she managed to stand, she heard the shower turn on. The muffled sounds of water dousing Lightning Dust weren’t far behind. Derpy couldn’t stop a fantasy of stepping into the shower with her from popping into her mind.

Blushing even harder, she hopped out of bed. Right, because after a morning like this, that would be the perfect thing to do to keep it all from becoming more awkward. She sighed to herself, mentally reliving what had happened since she woke up.

She’d actually been awake for half an hour now, and for most of that time she’d been cuddling up with Lightning Dust. And… another thing that may or may not be responsible for Dust’s wet cheek.

“Oh Celestia,” Derpy whispered. “How much of that was she awake for?” For a moment all she wanted to do was crawl back under the covers of her bed and stay there for the rest of the day.

No… I can’t do that. Somepony has to feed Dinky breakfast. Besides, if Lightning had been awake, she would have yelled at me a lot sooner… right?

Choosing not to dwell on the question, Derpy made her way out of her room and to the stairs. She flew down half a flight before she heard the sounds of pans clinking together emanating from her kitchen.

Pausing, Derpy gently set her hooves on the ground, confused.

If Dinky is trying to cook again, I better get the fire extinguisher ready. If it isn’t her...

Leaving the thought unfinished, she descended the last few steps and peered into the kitchen. A familiar blend of pink and purple caught her eye.

“Sparkler, you scared me.”

Whirling her head around, the teen grinned. “Oh, oops. Sorry, I was just trying to make breakfast.”

“What are you even doing here? Did you spend the night again?”

Sparkler grinned. “Yeah, I crashed on the couch. You were pretty late getting back.” Her eyebrows wiggled. “And I couldn’t help but notice I wasn’t the only one spending the night.”

Derpy’s brow furrowed. “What do you— oh wait, Lightning?”

Her teeth were visible as she gave a giddy nod. “I can’t believe it! You two are finally more than friends! Why didn’t you tell me sooner? How long as it been going on? Did she confess her feelings for you in the middle of a fiery make out session? Were there doves? What about—“

“Sparkler, enough!” Derpy cried. She grew quiet. “For the last time, this isn’t one of your romance novels! We’re not in a relationship, okay?”

The giddiness faded from Sparkler’s eyes. “But… you two went up to your room last night and didn’t leave it… how are you not dating?” She bit her lip in thought. “Friends with benefits?”

“No!” Derpy was full on flustered again, desperately attempting to keep her wings tucked in after everything that had been insinuated. “We’re friends... and unfortunately just friends. I mean, we cuddled last night, but we were both drunk, and I don’t know if she enjoyed it, and…”

“What?” Sparkler stood, mouth agape. “You woke up cuddling her and don’t even know if she liked it? By Celestia, Ms. Derpy… Well, you’re right about your life not being a romance novel; it’d be a hell of a shitty one if it was.”

“Hey, watch your mouth,” Derpy grumbled. “Besides, shouldn’t you be trying to make me feel better?”

Sparkler’s attitude shifted from annoyed to sympathetic in a mere moment. “Oh my gosh, sorry. I kinda got caught up in the fantasy there for a moment, I guess.”

Derpy sighed. “It’s all right… I suppose. I just… I don’t know what I expected to happen when I woke up next to her.”

Glancing at the ground, and then at Derpy, Sparkler opened her mouth. “Do you love her, Ms. Derpy?”

“Yes,” she answered with no hesitation.

“Well then why did you let such a perfect opportunity go to waste?”

Derpy shuffled her hooves. “I got nervous.”

“Screw your nerves, you deserve to be happy. The next chance you get, you have to tell her!”

Derpy blinked. “What, when she comes out of the shower?” Not all that romantic if you ask me.

“No! Just… get her alone in some sort of romantic setting and tell her.”

“Like a picnic?”

Sparkler’s eyes widened. “Yes! That’s it! That’s perfect. It’s almost straight out of this one romance novel I’m reading right now. Except, the two main characters in love are dudes, and I’m pretty sure neither you nor Lightning has a—”

“There’s just one problem!” Derpy interrupted. Sparkler blinked uncomprehendingly. “Lightning won’t just go on a picnic with me alone. She’s going to wonder why Dinky, or Turner, or Rider can’t go too, and I don’t really have an excuse why they can’t.”

“Well, bring them,” Sparkler replied nonchalantly. “Just get Lightning alone for a few seconds. Take her flying or whatever.”

Derpy thought about it for a moment. “I suppose that could work. As long as Turner and Rider are up for it.”

“You can give them a call, right?”

“I have Turner’s number, not Rider's. But then again, Turner has his.”

“He does?” Sparkler blinked in confusion. “Wait a sec, are they dating?”

Derpy giggled. “No, but we like to tease them about it. Anyway, can you grab me a picnic basket? I need make a phone call.”

Sparkler smiled and scampered off. Derpy went over to the phone she kept on the nearby kitchen counter. It had a thin layer of dust on it from lack of use in the past few weeks. She pick it up and began dialing Time Turner’s home number. Then she backtracked and dialed his work phone instead. As it ringed, she glanced up. Through the ceiling she could hear the sounds of Lightning’s shower continuing.

Please… please let this work.

“You know, I’m kind of glad we’re having another picnic,” Lightning said as she, Derpy, and Dinky all walked along the grassy path of Ponyville’s park. It was nearly noon, and the calm serenity of the area was likely doing wonders to sooth Lightning’s unavoidable hangover. At the very least it was putting her in a good mood.

“Hm?” Derpy asked though the picnic basket handle in her teeth.

“It’s a good change of pace,” Lightning elaborated. “I mean, hanging at the bar is fun and all, but this is something nice to do during the day I guess, and I want to be able to hang out with you guys as much as possible before… you know.”

Oh right… the Academy. Derpy had been suppressing that bit of news since last night. She couldn’t very well ignore it when she was about to confess her love to Lightning. Derpy didn’t know entirely what to make of it. As selfish as it was, she didn’t want Lightning to leave, but at the same time didn’t want to keep her from pursuing her dream. If Lightning felt the same way about her, then they’d have to set up some sort of long distance relationship, or… something.

It’s too much to worry about right now, Derpy decided. Just get through the confession first, and worry about the rest later.

“Hey, I think that’s the dudes up there,” Lightning interrupted her thoughts.

Derpy blinked, and looked ahead. Sure enough the familiar brown and yellow figures of both Turner and Rider weren’t too far off. They caught sight and waved.

“Uncle Time Turner!” Dinky broke out into a run on a direct collision course with Time. As Derpy and Lightning approached, they saw the two embrace.

“Good to see you, Dinky.” Turner smiled and ruffled her hair.

“Hey, kiddo,” Rider nodded.


“You guys got here pretty early,” Lightning noted. “I thought for sure we’d beat you here.”

Rider grinned. “Maybe you’re not as fast as you think you are then.”

Lightning’s wings flared. “Hey pal, anytime you want another race just bring it on.”

He chuckled. “As if I’d mess with Wonderbolt material.”

Appeased, Lightning relaxed her wings. Derpy set the picnic basket down. “Okay guys, it’s a make your own sandwich day. We were kinda rushing to get out of the house, so we only grabbed ingredients.”

“I’m sure we can manage,” Time Turner replied.

As they sprawled the checkered picnic blanket across the ground, Dinky took it upon herself to commandeer the first slices of bread. Everypony else soon clamored to get their own, and divided them up evenly. Not much conversation went on as they all dug into their food.

“I guess we were all really hungry,” Derpy commented, hoping to fill the silence with something other than chewing.

“Little bit,” Rider agreed.

“Oh, you know I wasn’t able to ask you before the girls showed up, Rider,” Turner started, his mouth full. He swallowed before continuing. “So, are you up for it?”

Rider sucked in air through his teeth. “I don’t know, man.”

“Up for what?” Lightning asked, ripping into her sandwich. “Did you ask him to be friends with benefits, Turner?”

Both Rider and Time Turner blushed, and Dinky tilted her head confused. “What’s that?” she asked Derpy.

“It’s a grown-up term, Dinky.” Derpy gave her daughter a pat on the head, before she shot a scolding glare at Lightning. “One that you probably shouldn’t have learned about until you were older.” Lightning Dust cringed and gave an apologetic smile. Oh why does she have to look so cute when she’s ashamed?

“No, actually I was offering something else. Remember the other day when I told you guys about my friend in Manehattan?”

“Pretty sure I shut down that conversation before it got going,” Lightning mentioned. “Why?”

“Well, he’s a casting director on Bridleway, and they’re about to start auditions for Hinny on the Hills.” Turner indicated Rider. “I was wondering if this nutcase wanted in or not.”

“You’re going to be on Bridleway?” Dinky asked excitedly.

“Eh…” He shrugged. “I really don’t think so. I mean, for one it’s just an audition. Plus I’d have to take time off from work, and go all the way to Manhattan…”

“Pussy.” Lightning coughed the word into her hoof so Dinky wouldn’t catch it.

“Hey, I haven’t said no,” Rider protested. “I’m just heavily leaning against it.”

Lightning rolled her eyes. “Dude, this is like, a dream come true for you, right? Bridleway is like the Wonderbolts of the acting world… just with less awesomeness and more musicals. I say go for it.”

Rider blinked. “Really?”

“Sure,” Derpy encouraged. “I think it would be great.”

“I’m going for my dream, no reason why you can’t go for yours.”

Rider sighed. “I dunno guys.” He paused for a moment. “Oh, so you are going back to the Academy, Lightning?”

All attention swiveled to Lightning Dust. She flashed her teeth in a grin. “Heck yeah I am.”

Derpy felt herself deflate a little. “So, it’s all official?”

“Well, I still got to go in for that interview and all, but yeah, I’m going for it.”

“Congrats!” Dinky cheers, mouth filled with sandwich.

A silence fell over everypony, each coming to terms with what this meant.

“So… you’re really leaving then,” Rider realized.

“Try not to sound too excited.” Lightning offered a smile that barely reached her eyes.

“I’ll miss having you around,” Turner said. “You’ve managed to drag me out of my work more than Dinky and Derpy combined in just these last few weeks.”

“Wait… you’re leaving?” Dinky asked, her voice cracking.

Derpy watched as Lightning seized up slightly. “Y-yeah kid… I am.”

Dinky dropped her sandwich and rushed over to Lightning, wrapping her foreleg into a hug. “Please don’t… I’ll miss you.”

Lightning, taken aback by the sudden show of affection, stood in shock for a moment. With a nod from Derpy, she offered Dinky a nuzzle. “I’m sorry kiddo, but I gotta follow my dream. Don’t worry, I’ll visit you as often as possible.”

Dinky pulled back slightly and looked up at Lightning. “Swearsies?”

Lightning smiled. “Double swearsies.” Dinky hugged her tighter.

It took a while to coax Dinky away from the embrace. When she finally left, she was still clearly upset. Derpy looked to the guys, unsure of how to cheer her up.

“Hey Dinky, do you want to play tag?” Time Turner asked.

She glanced at him. “Really?”

“As long as Lightning doesn’t poke my eye out again.” He glared at her.

She laughed. “I probably won’t be able to resist, so I'll just sit this one out. Go on, kiddo, have a little fun.”

Dinky wiped her eyes. “Okay.” She turned and slapped Rider’s fetlock. “You’re it!”

Rider didn’t even have the time to raise his eyebrows before Dinky bolted in one direction, and Turner in another. He blinked and then looked in both directions wondering who to give chase to. As soon as Dinky declared no tag backs, he honed in on Time Turner and ran. Derpy giggled at the display.

“What, you don’t want to join them?” Lightning asked her.

Derpy blinked, realizing a window of opportunity just opened up for her. “Uh… actually, I was hoping we could talk.”

“Is this about the Academy?” Lightning looked at the ground. “Look Derpy, I don’t really want to leave… but I can’t just give up on my dream. I’ve been working to this my entire life and this might just be my one chance to–”

“I-it’s not that,” Derpy interrupted.

“Oh… so what is it then?”

A wave of butterflies invaded her stomach. “Uh… can we go for a fly real quick?” Dammit, I’m a coward.

Lightning grinned. “Yeah, sure. I need to start getting back in shape anyway. Don’t tell Rider but… I kinda do have a beer gut.” She indicated her belly, which was slightly pudgy.

“Your secret is safe with me,” Derpy promised. “Come on.” She unfolded her wings and took to the air. Lightning immediately zoomed up next to her.

“Feels good to be back in the air,” she said as they climbed higher.

“What are you talking about? You’ve been flying all week.”

“Yeah, low to the ground. With a mailbag weighing me down. This is real flying.” To demonstrate she did a loop, diving low and then swerving gracefully up high again. Her wings were fully extended, and her golden mane whipped across the sky. To top it off, she gave a whoop of delight.

Derpy smiled. “Nice.”

“So, what was it you wanted to talk about, Derpy?”

“Oh, right…” Come on, don’t screw this up. “It’s… kind of personal.”

“It’s cool, Derpy. Lay it on me.”

She felt the butterflies again as she gazed at Lightning’s casual, flawless smile. “Well… we’ve been spending a lot of time together recently...”

“I know, it’s been awesome.”

“I’m glad you feel that way because… I was thinking… it’s been awesome too.” She blushed. Why does this have to be so hard? “Lightning I…” Come on say it! “I kind of…” Say it! “I just…” Oh for the love of– “Lighting I love you!”

If it were possible to skid to a halt in mid-air, Lightning would have done it and then some. Instead, she stopped flying for a moment. Gravity grabbed at her, but she had enough sense to beat her wings again to stay aloft. “Uh… w-what?”

Derpy bit her lip. “I love you, okay? I… I think about you all the time; I get weak in the knees when you’re around, and I just can’t stand it when you’re away. Next to Dinky, you’re the best part about waking up in the morning. You… you’re wonderful, Lightning. I love you.”

Lightning Dust’s pupils shrunk considerably. “I… uh… um… oh… err….” She stopped flying forward and kept to hovering in place. “You… you love me? L-like as a friend, or…”

“As more than a friend!” Derpy exclaimed, backtracking slightly. “Didn’t I just make that obvious?”

“I… still processing here…”

Derpy cringed. “Did I say it too soon?”

“What?” Lightning blinked. “I… why did you say it at all?”

Derpy felt her heart crack. “W-what do you mean?”

“We’re just friends… right?”

Her heart split in half. “I… I thought we were becoming more than that.”

Lightning looked at her with eyes that held nothing but pity. “...I didn’t.”

Her heart shattered. “Oh…” Tears stung in her eyes and she looked away. “I’m s-sorry.”

She felt a hoof land on her shoulder. Without looking, Derpy shrugged it off.


“No!” she cried, sniffling. “Just forget it! Forget I even said anything, all right?” She swooped down and landed on the ground. There was a thump as Lightning followed her.

“Derpy wait, if you’d just tell me–”

“I said forget it!” Derpy yelled, whirling around. Tears streamed down her face. Lightning recoiled in surprise, and Derpy’s expression softened. “I… I need to be alone right now.”

“But Derpy…”

“I need to be alone right now!” Derpy turned and fled, not hearing any hoofsteps behind her.

Author's Note:

Short chapter. Really more of a transitional chapter. Only about six more until the end, by the way.

And to all the people who've been waiting to curse at me for leading Derpy on... go for it. I've earned it.

Thanks to WorkbenchManiac for proofreading this chapter.