• Published 11th Jun 2014
  • 1,008 Views, 13 Comments

Sundew's Blank Flank - TheSundewOrder

Sundew Order is in Ponyville on official royal duties -to inspect Princess Twilight Sparkle's new castle. However, when her embarrassing secret is revealed to Twilight and her friends, her visit to Ponyville becomes a very personal duty to herse

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The train into Ponyville took much longer than I thought it would. When Princess Twilight had offered the royal carriage, I had insisted that I’d rather take the train so as not to trouble her. To be perfectly honest, I had not wanted her to make a fuss over my arrival. It was to be a short visit, much like all my other visits around Equestria, just so I could study her new castle and it’s structure. I am the royal architect, you see, and was there on a royal duty.

Well, that and my own personal mission. But I shall elaborate on that soon enough.

The train was pulling into Ponyville Station with the usual mechanical whirrs and smokiness. As I stepped out, following my suitcases hovering feet in front of me, the smoke cleared to reveal a ridiculously bright day outside. On the surprisingly small platform stood three smiley ponies —and nopony else. That was when I remembered I was the only pony travelling that day. Nopony followed me out, and nopony climbed on as the train pulled away from the station, on it’s way to the Crystal Empire.

I stood still for a couple of minutes, surveying my surroundings. It wasn’t as though I was expecting anypony else —the Princess had already sent me word that there were going to be ponies meeting me —but I had a habit of studying every new environment I came across. Although I was well travelled, I had never been to Ponyville before. There was no other reason for this besides the fact that, well, there was really nothing in Ponyville that would attract an… architect. Especially a prominent one such as myself. My duties —my royal duties —had sent me far and wide, wherever royalty resided or called for me, and Ponyville had just never been that place.

Until now, of course.

I could see Princess Twilight’s castle looming over the sleepy looking town a distance from the tiny train station. Unlike all the other castles this one was different, a natural thing grown entirely of magic. While the Canterlot Castle and the Crystal Palace both had magical properties, anyone could tell that there was some form of logic applied to them. Not Twilight’s Castle, however. It was an impossible treehouse, for goodness sakes.

I stared at it in awe, completely disregarding the welcome team that was edging slowly towards me.

That was when the pink earth pony jumped at me. I think her name was… Pinkie Pie.

“HI THERE!” she screamed into my ear, crushing me with her remarkable weight. “I’M PINKIE PIE AND I AM HERE TO SAY WELCOME, WELCOME, WELCOME—“

“Pinkie! That is no way to welcome an esteemed royal guest! Get off her immediately!”

I glanced thankfully at the purple-maned unicorn standing behind the disembarking Pinkie. As fast as a bolt of lightning, a blue pegasus had me back on all four. I thanked her as I retrieved my suitcases, which had scattered upon collapse.

Again, we stood there in awkward silence as I cleaned myself up. I then approached them, trying to smile besides my growing agitation.

“Hello”, I said, with all the politeness of not only a Canterlot pony, but a royal official. “My name is Sundew Order, royal architect to the Equestria Princesses.”


“She already knows who you are, Pinkie!” hissed the purple-maned pony, nudging Pinkie. She then smiled at me —such an elegant, sophisticated smile that I could have sworn she had been born and bred in Manehattan. “And my name is Rarity, friend of the Princess Twilight. And this”, she said, glancing at the obviously bored pegasus, “is Rainbow Dash.”

At that point, I couldn’t help it. I returned the smile, bigger than I probably thought it was, taking the three ponies by surprise. I should mention that I have a vile tendency to come off as a bit, ahem, stuck up to ponies who don’t quite know me yet. I hope you don’t think so.

The three ponies eyed me suspiciously as I quickly explained myself: “Excuse my excitement, but I should have known. When Twilight said she was sending her friends, she didn’t tell me she was sending the Elements of Harmony.”

The three ponies exchanged delighted looks as I hid my obvious excitement.

“We’re not the Elements of Harmony, silly!” cried the now over-inflated Pinkie, who’s silence had obviously taken too much to hold. “We’re just Pinkie, Rarity and Rainbow! You need all six of us to be the Elements —just wait ‘till we get into town! The others will be waiting for you by the town hall!”

“I know” I said, trying to calm myself down, “but three out of six is way more that a plain royal officer like myself deserves!” I grinned at Pinkie, “You, Ms. Pie, are known far and wide for your exceptional party planning and infectious laughter.”

Pinkie began bouncing in place, singing thank yous, as I turned to look up at the flying Rainbow.

“And you, Rainbow Dash, are famed for speed and actually worshiped by all the little foals and fillies with dreams of joining the Wonderbolts.”

“Oh shucks”, muttered Rainbow, turning away with a smile.

“And fair Rarity”, I said, bowing down to the graceful unicorn, “I, personally, follow you religiously on all things fashion and glamour. I don’t know any pony in Canterlot or Manehattan who doesn’t!”

“Oh, now!” exclaimed Rarity, obviously flattered. “I wouldn’t believe someone as already fashionable as you, Sundew, would follow me! Just look at that suit!”

I blushed, brushing the shoulder of the pale purple suit I had chosen just for that day. It was already off to a good start.

As I’d said before, the day was ridiculously sunny. Not just bright, but painfully so. Unlike the Crystal Empire, which was actually a city that was entirely made of crystal, this town had so much light and vibrance, it was like each individual colour was seeping out, like a beam, and and melting into your eyes to leave you dazed, confused and ever so amazed. It was absolutely beautiful.

I have spent years travelling all over Equestria on my royal duties. From Fillydelphia to Saddle Arabia, to the most traumatising trip to Cloudsdale on weather factory inspection. From Las Pegasus, another cloud city, to Van Hoover beyond the Unicorn Range, to Baltimare on the far shore. I even visited Grifrins when I was a filly on apprenticeship. None, however, compare to the bare simplicity of Ponyville, my first town.

I guess I had missed out, having grown up and lived in the city. Never once had I bothered to glance outside during a train ride, travelling from one location to another, to look at the passing small towns on the sides of the tracks.

Trotting along the dirt road towards Ponyville, with Rainbow having flown ahead with my bags leaving Rarity and Pinkie Pie on the ground with me, I soon began to smell apples.

You see, living in the city makes you immune to simple scents in the air such as flowers, rain, ants and, at that very moment, apples. I raised my nose up in the air and took and long sniff, closing my eyes.

“Ah”, said Rarity, slowing down for me, “we must be nearing the Apple farm.”

That explains that delicious smell.

“Well, howdy do, girls.”

My eyes flew open.

“You want an apple?”

“If you don’t mind”, I muttered, eyeing the hat-wearing earth pony as she happily bucked and skilfully caught at apple. She handed the juicy, red fruit to me and as I bit into it, I remembered how long it had been since I’d had an apple. Like, an actually apple —not apple-cake, or apple-pie, or apple-juice, or apple-cider or even apple-flavoured liquor. An apple, in all it’s juicy redness.

It went down fast.

“Slow down there, sugar-cube”, said the earth pony, “there’s plenty more where that came from. Welcome to Apple Acres.”

You know how I said this place was not only bright, but painfully so? Well, I could actually feel tears collecting as I looked over the red fields, covering hill after hill, even going over the horizon. I could not hold in my awe, and completely missed it as the earth pony introduced herself.


“My name’s Applejack”, she said. “Twilight told us she was expecting a special visitor, but I couldn’t make it to the train station as I had to help my big brother with the apples.”

I gulped. “Applejack?” I muttered, staring at her. “Did I just eat an apple given to me by the one and only Applejack, Element of Honesty?”

The three ponies standing in front of me exchanged glances, but I couldn’t contain myself.

“What a pleasure to meet you!” I nearly screamed, extending a front hoof. “My name’s Sundew Order, royal architect!”

“Well now”, she said, her cheeks turning a pink brighter than the ever-cheerful Pinkie’s. “Pleasure’s all mine, Miss Sundew.”

The town was… quaint. Not what I was used to, at all.

As I walked into the town centre, flanked by three of the most adored ponies in all of Equestria, the small, happy town of Ponyville trotted about me as though this was a usual, everyday scene. At this thought, I quietly scolded myself _of course this is usual! These ponies live here, and go about their usual lives here. There is no need for the towns-ponies to make any big deal, it’s not like I’m special either.

“Hello there, Derpy!” sang Pinkie.

“Applebloom! Why aren’t you in Ms Cherilee’s class?” yelled Applejack.

“Hello, Spike dear. Have you seen Twilight?” asked Rarity.

A purple baby dragon —the purple baby dragon —ran towards us, stumbling over his short, stubby legs. As he approached, I began to bow only to be hastily pulled up by Rarity. I glanced at her and noticed that some of the towns-ponies were eyeing me curiously. Rarity quickly explained that the baby dragon, the Noble Spike, was not as big a deal in Ponyville as he was in the Crystal Empire. I nodded and smiled at him as he proceeded to bow before me, introducing himself humbly.

“Miss Sundew Order”, he said, looking at the ground.

It was my turn to blush now. I smiled at him as he got up.

“Twilight and Rainbow are waiting for you guys at the town hall”, said the young dragon, now looking extremely worn out. It looked as though he had run quite a distance, although I could see what looked like the town hall just about 200 feet in front of us. The Noble Spike must be rather unfit, I mused.

“Oh, you poor thing! Twilight sent you all the way here to tell us that? What a bother!” I watched as Rarity used her magic to hoist the baby dragon onto her back. He slumped forward, an odd look in his eye, and proceeded to show us the way. We continued trotting silently —it was probably my fault as I was busily studying the town around me, suddenly busy with activity. And as I kept observing _a boring skill of mine _I began to realise that the activity was centred around the two-floored, new-looking town hall right in the centre of town.

That was when Applejack pointed out Pinkie Pie’s disappearance.

“When —“ I began to ask before a cannon —a cannon! —appeared from between the wooden doors of the town hall, followed with Pinkie with a half-blown balloon dangling in her mouth.

“Now where was I?” she asked, before jumping into song:









There was a short pause as all of Rarity’s, Applejack’s and my own mouth fell open. Then, without warning, Pinkie Pie let the cannon blow. Streamers and confetti and balloons and rubber chickens and sombreros and… other questionable party things… began shooting endlessly and impossibly out of that tiny cannon. They flew much higher than one would expect, landing on roofs and in trees, farther than you’d imagine. I watched, wide-eyed, as she proceeded to lead a couple of closer ponies into a semi-choreographed dance, adding verses and choruses. I backed away in fear as more spilled out of the town hall, all this seemingly in my honour.

This went on for about five minutes.

And to top it all —above the cannon, above the whole town dancing on their hind legs, above Pinkie jumping higher than most of the pegasus ponies —she pulled out what looked like ten instruments in total and landed that final note. Almost too perfectly. I almost fainted.


The Princess came flying out of one of the top windows of the town hall, her beautiful alicorn wings throwing a magnificent shadow over all of us on the ground. My mouth was dry from all the gaping, but I kept my eyes on her all the same as she gracefully landed in front of me, her gorgeous purple and pink mane catching the sunlight, and playfully berated Pinkie Pie for almost scaring off her special guest. For a second, I did not realise that Princess Twilight Sparkle was talking about me until she approached me. By then, out of sheer Canterlot habit, I had my nose to the ground, one front knee bent.

“Princess Twilight Sparkle”, I gasped.

Yes yes. I am a royal architect. But that does not mean I am frequently in the presence of princesses. As I said, I spend my days travelling, studying and reworking.

I heard a giggle, and then Rarity, in hushed tones, explained, “She does this all the time”, before the Princess herself addressed me:

“Sundew Order. Welcome to Ponyville.”

Has anyone seen Fluttershy?

We were still in the town hall, drinking cider and eating some of the most delicious muffins I had ever tasted. I was standing besides the Princess and her friends, and they were doing their best to describe Ponyville in it’s entirety to me.

Did anypony hear me?

“So!” Rarity was saying, “You’ve been everywhere, haven’t you? Tell me all about Filly Delphia!”

I grinned at her. “Very busy. Not as high class as Manehattan, of course, but it’s got it’s urban charm.”

“And Las Pegasus?” asked Rainbow excitedly. “You’ve been there too, right? Is it just like Cloudsdale?”

I shivered, not wanting to think about the cloud cities. “I mean, it’s not the worst city I’ve been to but it’s not my favourite. Not only is it a cloud city —I’m not a pegasus, you see, and so have to rely on magic to walk there —but also too modern for my taste. It’s like Baltimare, but in the sky.”

At this, the ponies stared at me in awe. I felt as though I was telling some adventure story, while appreciating the fact that it was my own personal story.

“Have you been to Appleloosa?” asked Applejack, sipping on her cider.

“Sadly not”, I replied. “I’m not much for small towns. Ponyville is actually the first town I’ve ever visited.”

Hello! Are you listening?

“So, you say you study royal castles?” asked the Princess.

“Yes, Princess Twilight.”

Rainbow Dash chortled as Twilight hushed her with an extension of her wing. She then smiled at me and said, “Please, call me Twilight. Every pony does.”

I smiled back. “And you can call me Sundew.”

Seriously, you guys! Have you seen Fluttershy?

“Sundew”, she said, her smile broadening. “I feel like we’ll become fast friends.”

“I hope so”, I said, glancing at Pinkie Pie, who’d been bouncing up and down in a corner for the past ten minutes. It was like she couldn’t stay still. Not even for a second.

“I was thinking”, Twilight continued, “perhaps the girls and I could take you to see the Ruins in the Everfree Forest. I guess you’ve never seen them before.”

I almost choked on my cider. However, before I could reply, with all the enthusiasm and excitement that had been leading up to that very moment, a pegasus pony burst into the town hall followed by what looked like… frogs?


“FROGS!” screamed Rarity before pulling a disappearing act so fast, not even Rainbow Dash could beat her.

Ponies were scattering. Ponies were screaming. Frogs were bouncing, green and slimy, everywhere, into the cider, over the cakes and those absolutely delicious muffins.


“Sssshhh… you’ll scare them… come on, every pony… don’t shout at them… oh…” murmured the pegasus that had proceeded the frogs. She had the smallest little voice I had ever heard -barely heard over the other screaming ponies.

“Fluttershy! There you are!” shouted Pinkie Pie, bouncing up and down along with the frogs.



Of course! How could I have forgotten —the sixth Element! She hovered there, just a few inches off the floor, looking about worriedly as the frogs invaded the town hall and tormented all the other ponies. She had the longest pink mane —one of the most gorgeous I have ever seen. I was just about mesmerised by the tiny-voiced pegasus before, unexpectedly, Applejack appeared behind me.

It seemed that I had frozen in the middle of the swarm of frogs.

“Sundew! Get over here with the rest of us!”

And that was when she took the hem of my trousers with her teeth and pulled.

She probably didn’t mean to. She probably thought it was attached, somehow. Maybe, in the excitement of things, she hadn’t realise it would come down and reveal my flank. Maybe she was just trying to help me.

But, anyway, Applejack pulled. And my trousers slipped, and my flank was revealed. She let go as soon as she realised what she had done, but not before seeing what she saw. And what Rainbow saw. And what Pinkie saw. And what Rarity saw. And what Fluttershy saw.

And what Twilight saw.

My flank.


My blank flank.

Before anypony could say anything, I tore out of the town hall with as much speed as I could gather. And as I ran I thought, this day was going so well.

Author's Note:

I am totally ready for any criticism on pacing, grammar, spelling, punctuation... you name it :) However, honest compliments also appreciated. Thanks for reading, every pony!