• Published 22nd Jun 2014
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Nightmare Moon's Tiny Adversary - CommanderX5

Twilight has been a tiny, hardworking student for many years, willingly deciding to stay two hooves tall after discovering a love for the adventures and challenges that came with it. How will the rest of the mane six and Nightmare Moon react to her?

  • ...

Dawn - Foalsitter No More

Nightmare Moon's Tiny Adversary


Chapter 6

Part 3

“Did… did I hear that right?”

Steel Blade looked very suspiciously at the charcoal mare next to him, trying to decipher what that wide grin on her face could possibly mean. It was an expression that could only be described as “scheming.”

“So,” Overwatch continued, looking intently at the disguised alicorn beside her. “Twilight got some sort of blessing. This blessing was once bestowed on Luna’s guards to help them fight during the night. Equestria hasn’t really had night guards for a long time, but now that Luna’s back, do you think that…”

Steel Blade’s hoof swiftly met his face. “Noooo.” He aimed a glare at his companion. “Was that all you got? From that entire explanation? Really? Princess Luna hasn’t even been back for a day and you’re already looking for job opportunities in her guard?”

The guard mare raised up her nose in reply, adding a sniffle for dramatic flair. “Hey, it’s a wonderful opportunity! Think of all the open positions!”

“Overwatch, the night guard doesn’t even exist yet.”

“You can’t crush my dreams like that! Have you even seen my resume? ‘Survived being Twilight’s guard for thirteen years’ could get me anywhere I want!”

“Overwatch, can you at least wait until we get back to Canterlot before you think about it? You don’t even know what this blessing even does besides give you freaky eyes!”

“Butbutbut mooooooom.”

Cadence rolled her eyes at the exchange, her mind turning to the other, smaller pony resting in her mane. Twilight had curled up and should have been sound asleep from exhaustion, but her tiny snores were entirely too regular to be real. She was likely thinking over the recent events, and Cadence wanted to share her own thoughts too.

"Twilight," said Cadence politely as she walked along at a steady pace, careful not to disturb her passenger's comfortable thinking spot. "There is something I want to talk to you about. That is, if you're not too sleepy, of course."

Twilight yawned quietly. "I suppose. A few minutes won’t make much of a difference."

Cadence smiled, though didn’t dare to move her head. “Twilight, I just wanted to say that… after what you have done today… I just, umm…” Her voice caught, and she could feel Twilight tensing up on her back. "I can't thank you enough for everything you’ve done.”

“What do you mean, Cadence?” Twilight asked in confusion, the gears in her still sleepy mind starting to turn. Realisation finally struck her with the subtlety of a hammer, and her eyes widened. “Oh. You mean using the Elements on Nightmare Moon—err… Luna?”

“Yes, Twilight, and not just for that. I wanted to thank you for all the kindness and understanding you showed her even when she was Nightmare Moon,” Cadence said with warmth in her voice. “It was the most terrifying night of your life, and yet you found the courage to redeem Luna. I just... I am in your debt.”

“Y-you’re welcome,” Twilight replied as she got up from her comfortable position. “Did you know Luna from before her banishment?”

“I knew her well. She and Auntie Celestia took care of me after—”

Cadence quickly stopped herself, clearing her throat to buy more time to think of an alternative. “—after my kingdom split up. Back then, I failed to notice Luna’s pain until it was too late, but you showed her kindness, concern, and understanding when she needed it the most. Thanks to you, she spared the lives of many guards. I can never repay you for that.”

Twilight stroked Cadence’s mane in an attempt to reassure her, keeping her voice calm as she responded, “Cadence, you don’t owe me anything. I was compassionate to Nightmare Moon because I was surrounded by ponies who taught me that lesson every day.”


“And guess who’s been the best foalsitter I’ve ever had for the last five years?” Twilight said cheerfully.

“You’ve only had two foalsitters. Besides, I wasn’t anything special. I’m sure many others could have taken my place and you wouldn’t have noticed a difference.” She sighed. “But when facing Luna… only you had it within you to see past her appearance and give her friendship. Nopony could replace you.”

Twilight was caught off guard by her foalsitter’s response, and she drew in a determined breath. “You’re wrong!”

Cadence slowed down at that, and Twilight took the moment to cuddle the mane that served as her nest before continuing, “You were always very kind to me, and it’s more than just doing your job. You had fun when you were playing with me. You showed patience and tolerated whatever craziness I came up with while looking after my safety.”

Twilight suddenly perked up. “Hey, remember that time I first saw you cast a spell to stop a couple from arguing?”

Cadence rolled her eyes. "I remember that day too well. I had quite the headache when you bounced all over my head shouting question after question." She let out a wistful sigh. "It was like opening a vortex, one with an endless appetite for knowledge.”

“A vortex?” Twilight crossed her forelegs. “Surely teaching me about love and mind magic wasn’t that demanding.”

Cadence chuckled cheerfully. “Wasn’t demanding? It took me years to satisfy your curiosity.”

“And I don’t think any other foalsitter could have fed my desire for knowledge as you did. Name one unicorn who could’ve taught me the basics of illusion magic while showing first hoof how to cast an age altering spell,” Twilight said, lighting up in a smile. “I treasure the time we spent together. Making you happy is the least I could do to repay you.”

“Twilight, that works both ways. I won’t forget the time we’ve spent together either.” Cadence giggled. “I haven’t had so much fun in ages. You’ve been the best little filly—”

She paused, looking into the distance thoughtfully. “—well, I’ve actually foalsat fillies far younger than you, but none of them were quite as... small as you. I can proudly say you were the best, kindest, and bravest littlest pony I have ever had the pleasure of taking care of.”

Twilight blushed, tapping her hooves together awkwardly as Cadence continued, “Now, I may not be as fond of you as your mentor is, but I would gladly adopt you as my daughter if I could. Err, no disrespect to Twilight Velvet and Night Light, by the way.”

“Awww… those are the nicest words I’ve ever heard from you, and that’s saying a lot. I’m sure you would’ve made a great mother.”

Twilight pressed herself against the back of Cadence’s neck and wrapped it in as big a hug as she could manage. “But being my foalsitter is good enough for me,” she ended with a wide grin.

Cadence’s expression suddenly fell, and she let out a strangled noise, causing her passenger to loosen her hold and look up at her curiously. “Well, about that,” she said slowly, “I’m afraid I can’t be your foalsitter.”

Twilight drew back in surprise, staring at the back of the alicorn’s head as her mind caught up to what her ears were telling her. “W-what? But why? D-did I do something wrong? I’m so sorry if I did—”

With a roll of her eyes, Cadence quickly bumped her shoulder back, stopping the little unicorn from continuing. “Twilight, you did nothing wrong,” she reassured, attempting to aim a smile back at her passenger without moving her mane around too much. “I would love to foalsit you for the rest of your life, but as little as you are, you’ve already grown into a strong, brave, and powerful pony. You don’t need a foal-sitter. Not anymore. Your guards and your friends are all you need to keep you safe.”

Overwatch blinked, and then promptly burst out laughing. “Are you willing to bet on—”

Steel Blade’s wing quickly whipped out to catch the back of Overwatch’s head. “I don’t think we’re supposed to make her worry more, you know.”

Cadence chuckled. “Well, they can certainly try to keep you safe from whatever you get yourself into.”

Twilight stared at her now former-foalsitter for a long moment before she finally let out a breath. “I… I understand. Are you thinking of foalsitting somepony else, or are you going to stick with your other plan and be a psychiatrist? And, you know, continue dating my brother?”

The disguised alicorn let out another laugh, bouncing Twilight around on her back, to the little pony’s surprise. “I don’t think I’m going to be foalsitting anypony, unless you count Luna as a foal. She may be on the short side at the moment, but trust me, she won’t stay so small for very long.”

Twilight suddenly gasped. “That’s right. How did I not think about that in the first place? She’ll need somepony to help her adjust.”

Cadence nodded. “That she will. She may be far bigger and more powerful than you, but right now she needs a pony to take care of her, a friend to show her how modern Equestria works and to ensure that she is loved and welcomed. And unlike Auntie Celestia, I don’t have royal duties to distract me. Thanks for understanding.”

“Of course I understand, and I wish both of you the best of luck!” Twilight said happily, rubbing her forehooves into Cadence’s back. “We can still be friends, right?”

Cadence laughed. “Twilight, do you really have to ask that? You’re like family to me. Well, next to Auntie Celestia, of course,” she said, before turning her eyes to face forward.

“Although,” the alicorn continued, “I think it’s only fair if you introduce me to your new friends before we leave.”

“Sure, but we’ll have to catch them first...”

Twilight stopped. She stood up onto her weary hind legs, straining to look beyond Cadence’s neck. She smiled when she saw her friends approaching them waving their hooves.

“See? Right there!” Rainbow Dash said, flying a few loops in the air. “Told you I found them!”

“Where have you been, darling? You ran off so fast and left us really worried,” Rarity said, barely resisting the urge to yawn as she turned from Twilight to Cadence. “Thank you so much for escorting her back. What’s your name? I don’t believe we’ve been properly introduced before.”

Before Cadence could speak, a yellow pegasus zipped straight through the group, zeroing in on her little passenger. “Oh, you made me so worried!” Fluttershy exclaimed as loudly as her soft, airy voice allowed. “I was afraid that somepony stepped on you, or that you ended up lost, or that you got tired and fell asleep in the grass, or that...”

Cadence watched as the pegasus continued, turning her head surreptitiously towards Twilight. “Was I like this when I first met you?”

Twilight shook her head. “Not particularly. I mean, you were concerned and all, but not that errr…”

She let out a sigh. “Actually, yes. You were almost as overprotective.”

“To be fair,” Overwatch began, speaking to Twilight. “One of your first meetings also had you practicing your flying skills from the top of Celestia’s room. It almost excuses Cadence trying to suffocate you in a hug afterwards.”

Cadence reddened, turning back to the yellow pegasus and clearing her throat quietly to stop any further panicking. “Please do not worry miss, umm...”

“Fluttershy!” Twilight hissed from behind Cadence’s neck.

“Miss Fluttershy. Twilight’s just had a little marathon around Ponyville, so I gave her a ride back. She’s fine, just a little tired.”

Fluttershy breathed out a sigh of relief. “That’s umm… good,” she answered as she slowly shrunk back.

“Oh wait. Your name’s Fluttershy? So you’re the one who saved Twilight from the manticore?” Cadence asked, looking with intent interest at the shy pegasus.

“Y-yes, I did—eep!”

Fluttershy very quickly found herself caught in the alicorn’s tight hug, squirming at the intrusion on her personal space before she was released and her hooves taken up by Cadence’s.

“You have no idea how grateful I am to you for saving my little charge! My little Twiny!” Cadence said, gushing with joy and thanks. “I can’t imagine how I could go on if something were to happen to her.”

“Oh… it’s um… it’s nothing.”

The pink alicorn swept the pegasus up into another, much less forceful hug. “It’s not nothing. I don’t know how, but I will repay you one day! This I swear!”

Fluttershy, whose eyes had been shut closed, creeked an eyelid open and slowly returned the hug. “ Err… w-was it hard to keep Twilight safe?”

Cadence released her hold, backing away from her former captive. “What do you mean?”

“I mean, since you foalsat Twilight, was it hard to keep her safe from the dangerous world?”

The alicorn tapped a hoof to her muzzle in thought. “Well, Auntie Celestia certainly had a bit of difficulty keeping Twilight safe back before I came in as a foalsitter,” Cadence started, unaware that Twilight had lit up red from embarrassment on her shoulder. “I was lucky enough to become her foalsitter when she was a young mare. She wasn’t as defenseless as you might think, though back to your question…

“I was really worried about her safety, even when she was hardly in any danger. I… I guess I did end up being quite overprotective.”

“That’s still an understatement,” Twilight said, teleporting up onto Cadence’s head and situating herself next to the alicorn’s horn comfortably.

Cadence shook her head, forcing the little unicorn to grab her horn to prevent herself from falling off. “Hush, Twilight,” she said with a smirk as she looked back at Fluttershy. “Twilight’s very tough. She can take care of herself, but the main problem is that she loves getting herself into trouble. I don’t think she can spend an hour without getting hurt, sometimes on purpose.”

Cadence felt a tiny hoof stomping angrily on her head, but ignored it with a wide grin as she continued, “I’m certainly surprised her guards haven’t developed neurosis trying to keep her out of trouble.”

“Who says we haven’t?” Overwatch and Steel Blade said together, before looking at each other amusedly and bursting into giggles.

At the sound of laughter, a nearby door slammed open, and the group turned towards the source of the noise. The door belonged to one Sugarcube Corner, and it had opened to let one particularly pink, over-energetic mare materialize in front of Cadence’s face, coming well within the princess’s personal space with a loud gasp.

“Oh my gosh oh my gosh, I can’t believe I almost forgot you! I knew I didn’t recognize you before, and I know that because I know every single pony in Ponyville because every pony is my friend and I’m certain that you and I aren’t friends yet and that means I need to organize another new pony party—”

“Uhh…” Twilight said carefully, derailing Pinkie’s barrage of words only briefly before it decided to hop onto another pair of tracks.

“Buuuuuut I still need to throw the party for the little version of Black Smoothie first, but wait, if you attend that, we can celebrate your own ‘Welcome to Ponyville’ party there too!” Pinkie gasped again. “I’ll just have to make it even bigger, and it’ll be the most amazing, fantabulous party in all of Equestria!”

Cadence took a step back, staring blankly at the pony currently occupying most of her vision. She managed to gather her thoughts into a coherent pile, and she responded cheerfully, “Oh, that sounds delightful! I’ll gladly come to Luna’s welcome party, and it would be a great opportunity to get to know who my little Twilight has been making friends with.”

Pinkie let out yet another gasp. “You know Twilight? Does that mean you’re her friend?”

The pink pony quickly wrapped her hooves around the taller mare, raising Cadence a few hoof lengths into the air. “Oh, this is amazing! A friend of a friend is a friend of mine too, and that means I’ve met five friends of Twilight today and I need to make the celebration even more spectacular and oh my gosh I need to get started right now or I’ll never make it in time!”

Pinkie Pie dropped Cadence unceremoniously and dashed back into Sugar Cube Corner, leaving the tall “unicorn” standing there stunned with a tiny mare tangled in her mane. “Your friend is quite energetic.”

Twilight just rolled her eyes as she quickly slipped out of the bundle of hair she had gotten stuck in. It wasn’t the first time she was thankful that Cadence took care of her mane. “Tell me about it.”

“Yeah, she’s certainly somethin’,” Applejack said, before turning to Cadence herself and raising a hoof. “M’ name’s Applejack. Good t’ meet ya.”

“Cadence,” the disguised alicorn said with a smile, bringing her hoof up to bump the farmer’s. “It’s good to finally have an introduction.”

“O’ course, but Ah’ve a question,” Applejack said, narrowing her eyes. “You were the alicorn that hugged Nightmare Moon back at the castle ruins, ain’t you. Why’d you decide t’ hide yer wings when we got close t’ Ponyville? It just doesn’t sit right wit’ me.”

“Applejack!” Rarity exclaimed, looking at the farm mare in surprise. “Surely you could use more tact than that.”

Cadence shrugged. “It’s just an illusion spell to hide that I’m an alicorn. What’s wrong with that?”

“I’m sure she’s just curious about why an alicorn would want to hide it,” Rarity said quickly. “I’d always thought we had only one, and now we have three, and the other one a princess too! Where in the world have you been hiding, darling?” She slowly walked closer to the pink alicorn’s side. “It is a crime against your natural beauty to keep those wings away!”

“Shhh!” Cadence shushed, looking around quickly to make sure they were out of sight of any potential witnesses. Thankfully, it seemed that most of the ponies were gathered at Town Hall to help with disaster relief or passed out in their beds, and the streets were generally bare save for a few points of interest. “Alright, I can show you if you insist, but I’d rather keep this under wraps. No fainting.”

The princess drew in a deep breath before casting the spell. With a light aura, her wings faded back into view, and she spread them wide.

Rarity’s mouth hung open. “I-I… It’s… quite different in the light. I hadn’t noticed in the dreadful Everfree Forest, but they’re so… beautiful, graceful, and divine… I…”

“Rarity, don’t pass out on me now,” Cadence said, frowning as she used her magic to stabilize the fashionista's sudden swaying. “Ponies do that everytime I drop my disguise.”

Applejack cleared her throat, still looking suspiciously at the alicorn. “It still doesn’t feel right t’ me. Why’re ya so scared of showin’ your wings? Why hide them under some fancy magic and pretend you’re somethin’ you’re not?”

Cadence blushed. “Well… umm…”

Steel Blade cleared his throat. “If I may, Princess… you don’t have to say anything if you’re not comfortable with it. I’m already surprised you decided to reveal your wings.”

“P-princess?” Applejack and Rarity exchanged a look before they and their friends all dipped their heads to the ground. “Ah had no idea, Princess. Mah apologies for any disrespect—”

“Please, there’s no need for that,” Cadence pled as she looked awkwardly at the bowing ponies. “I’ve been called a princess, but it’s little more than a title. I have no subjects, no kingdom, and no privileges.”

Applejack carefully stood back up, followed by the rest of her friends. “Still, if ya don’t wanna say anythin’, Ah’m fine with droppin’ it.”

Cadence shook her head. “It’s not that. I’m just trying to figure out how to start. It’s… a bit of a long story.”

The farm mare crossed her forelegs. “Ah have time,” she said, though she immediately yawned a moment later. “Though try not ta make it too long.”


“I… I can’t believe it!” Rarity exclaimed. “You’ve lived in Equestria for over a thousand years under disguise?”

Cadence simply nodded.

“And just to find common jobs?”

Cadence let out a sigh, already expecting the next words to come out of the fashionista’s mouth.

Rarity let out a harrumph. “Surely such behaviour is unbecoming of a princess, is it not? Why would you lower yourself just to work with regular, unspectacular ponies? Surely Princess Celestia could give you someplace to live in luxury?”

“Rarity,” Cadence said, though she quickly stopped herself to turn to Twilight and whisper, “That is her name, right?”

The purple mare nodded her confirmation, and Cadence turned back to the pony in question. “Rarity, just because I am an alicorn and superficially a princess does not make me any better than you or anypony else.”

Rarity could only look back in shock. “How could you say that? Princess Celestia is an alicorn and she’s ruled Equestria for thousands of years!”

Twilight cleared her throat. “Actually, the number’s probably closer to 1,500 to 1,800, but no more than two millennia for sure.”

“Err… right. So, as I was saying, Princess Celestia’s treated like royalty. Surely being both an alicorn and a princess, even only one in name, puts you on the same level as her.”

Cadence let out a groan, shaking her lowered head. “I’m too tired think of anything else, so I will repeat myself one more time. I am not better than others, royalty or not. I’d rather spend time with friends and work with the so called common pony than swim around in unearned luxuries and praise. I do not want to get everything on a silver plate just because I have both a horn and wings.”

Rarity opened her mouth to speak, but hesitated. Her brow furrowed together, and she looked slowly between Cadence and Twilight.

She suddenly gasped, bringing her hooves to her muzzle. “Oh dear, I am so sorry, Princess. How could I be so insensitive?”

Cadence and Twilight looked at each other in confusion, but weren’t given the option to reply as Rarity plowed on. “First, I treated Twilight differently because of her position, and now I am doing the same mistake again by putting you on a pedestal! To think that I so foolishly put your appearance before who you really are. I’m so sorry for—”

“It’s fine, it’s fine!” Cadence said hurriedly, blushing at the fashionista’s dramatic display. “I accept your apology.”

“Ah’m just glad t’ know why you insist on hidin’,” Applejack said, a big smile on her face. “Not bein’ afraid ta get yer hooves dirty. Ah can respect that.”

Applejack held out a hoof, and the moment Cadence raised her own hoof, it was immediately taken up into one of the most energetic hoofshake the princess had ever had. “Yer always welcome in Ponyville! And yer secret’s safe with us.”

The farm pony eventually released Cadence, leaving the alicorn and her passenger to sort out their disorientation. When she could finally keep her hoof from fanning the air senselessly, Cadence turned to Dash, who had been napping on a cloud she had pulled down. “And you must be…?”

The pegasus twisted upright, puffing her chest out as she pounded on it with a hoof. “The one and only Rainbow Dash, weather manager and speed demon at your service!” She bent over in a cheeky bow, bringing out a giggle from Twilight and a roll of Cadence’s eyes.

Rainbow hopped off her cloud and hovered in midair before the alicorn, wearing a smirk and crossing her forelegs. “Sooo… you’re the one who hugged Nightmare Moon in the middle of that epic battle between her and Princess Celestia?” She rolled her eyes. “On one hoof, that took a lot of guts to do something crazy like that, but on other hoof, hugging your enemy? Come on, that’s just lame.”

“Rainbow Dash!” Twilight shouted. “That’s not very nice!”

Rainbow shrugged, still grinning broadly. “Don’t worry, Twilight, I was just kidding. Anyways, nice to meet you, Cadence.” Dash shook the alicorn’s hoof before turning to the tiny, purple unicorn. “Twilight, you’re really something, aren’t ya?”

The little mare stared back at Dash, a look of confusion on her face. “Err…”

“I mean, you know some of the most important ponies in Equestria! You were egghead enough to have been shrunk by Princess Celestia herself and became her personal student. Your brother’s the Captain of the Royal Guards. Your foalsitter’s an alicorn and a former princess. You even have your own personal dragon pet!”

“Hey, Spike isn’t a pet! He’s my adoptive son! I hatched him myself and have taken care of him for a decade now!”

“He’s still a dragon! One that you hatched yourself! I can’t even discount the possibility that you actually know Spitfire and the Wonderbolts like you mentioned before!”

“Well, I mean, uhh…” Twilight stopped for a moment. “Now that you put it like that, that does kind of seem like a long list of important ponies.”

Dash rolled her eyes. “Important ponies? Come on, Twilight, you’re like on the top of the world right now! You sure you don’t know any other super famous ponies?” The pegasus brought her face up to Twilight, poking a hoof at the tiny mare.

Twilight backed up from the pointing hoof, blushing. “Well, umm… I guess I might…”

Cadence chuckled. “That does tend to happen when you’re close to Auntie.”

“Called it!” Dash said, pumping a hoof into the air. “If you ever decide to take over the world or something like that, count me in.”

“Hey wait,” Overwatch said, shaking a hoof, “why don’t I get a mention?”

Steel Blade smacked her on the back of the head with a wing.

Author's Note:

I hope this chapter was enjoying enough for you since the break in MLP episodes started, especially after Luna's episode.

Only epilogue left before this story ends. I plan to upload epilogue of this story at the same time I will upload first chapter of the sequel, so I can add link to the sequel right away, as the result, it will take a veeery long time before epilogue and the sequel comes.

I hope you all have been enjoying this story so far, as always, I am looking forward to your comments.

This chapter was edited by Kydois

Rated Ponystar