• Published 30th Oct 2011
  • 19,515 Views, 831 Comments

Total Magic Pony Island - Tailslover13

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Episode 7: Diamondshy

Discord: Last time, on Total Magic Pony Island: it was time for a talent show! Sadly, I wasn’t allowed to compete, since I’m not a camper…why did I MAKE that stupid rule anyway? Well, regardless, each team picked three of their teammates to perform something on stage and try to merit top marks. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna both told ‘yo momma’ jokes while Spike did some beatboxing in the background. Twilight bored everyone to death, Rarity performed beautifully, and Trixie failed miserably. For the third time in four episodes, the Magical Misfits had to vote somepony off. After getting rightfully, if not somewhat brutally scorned by her team, Trixie went into full evil mode and manipulated all her teammates, except for Twilight and Rarity, to do what she wanted. This led to Apple Bloom being blindsided and kicked off the team, shocking everyone. Now, with the Misfits being split apart by Trixie, can the Royal Ruffians continue on their roll? Find out next, right here, on Total…Magic…Pony…Island!

*the opening theme song showing all 20 contestants plays a moment later before the episode*

“Now, you’ve all been through this before, so just relax until the effects wear off,” Nightmare Moon ordered, completing the therapeutic poison joke bath inside of the infirmary, “I still don’t see why this couldn’t have waited until the morning…you stupid campers are ruining my plotting.”

“Plotting for WHAT, Nightmare Moon?” Celestia asked, raising an eyebrow as she eyed the alicorn. Nightmare Moon paused for a second before dismissing Celestia’s question by simply teleporting away, leaving the Royal Ruffians to fend for themselves. Irritably, Celestia glanced down at the large tub of bubbling water and tested it with her hoof.

“How does it feel, sis?” Luna asked, trotting up a moment later as well and glancing into the water, “Looks like a nice bubble bath, if you ask me. I almost wish that I got poison joked so that I could go in there as well.”

“Beware! Beware, you princess folk!” Rainbow Dash mocked, sneaking up behind the two princesses and startling them, “That blue flower is not a joke!” The rest of the Ruffians snickered at Dash’s obvious shot at Zecora, who just glared and didn’t give Dash the satisfaction of seeing her get annoyed.

Rainbow Dash: I gotta say, with Applejack nowhere in sight, it feels good being able to act however I want without worrying that she’s gonna scold me. *she idly scratches at her flanks and frowns slightly* Why does my butt keep itching? It feels like I have ants in my pants…and I don’t wear pants!

“Alright, team, let’s get in there and enjoy a well-deserved bath,” Rainbow Dash shouted, proudly patting her chest, “Even though, since it was MY idea for the princesses and Spike to do their little show, I think I deserve to go first.” Before the rest of her team protested or got a chance to roll their eyes, Dash turned around and wiggled her rump in the air before taking a rather over-the-top leap and swan dive into the deep tub.

“Uh…did you all just notice what was on Rainbow’s butt?” Spike asked, blinking and rubbing his eyes as though he couldn’t quite believe it. In response, Diamond Tiara slapped him over the head and glared at him with aggravated eyes.

“Like, that is SO typical of a boy,” she sniffed, “You’re always, like, SO perverted and SO nasty. Couldn’t help staring at Dash’s rear, could you?”

“W-w-what?!?! It’s not like that!” Spike protested, rubbing his head where he felt Diamond Tiara’s sharp slap, “She was wiggling it at us, so I couldn’t help but notice that she had…” However, before he could finish, Fluttershy trotted up and gave him a little scolding of her own.

“Now, Spike, you should know better than that,” she said sternly, “You should treat a girl like you would your rare bird that you always peep at. Remember, kindness and resistance are the makings towards a loving friendship.”


“Hey, gang, quit the chit-chat and get your flanks in here!” Dash called out, having resurfaced a moment later and laughing as she already felt the magic bath taking effect, “It’s working! I can already feel my wings reverting back to their normal SELVES!” At that moment, Rainbow Dash fell forward in the bath as she felt something jab her from underneath the water. A second later, Applejack gasped and resurfaced as well, instantly taking deep breaths of air and looking quite angry.

“APPLEJACK?!?!” the entire Royal Ruffians team yelled out, completely shocked to see her.

“What the hay? Where have you been?” Dash asked, blinking in confusion as she looked down at the bubbling bath and then back up at the glaring cowpony.

“…oh, ya know, ah’ve just been sleepin’ in this tub all day long and…AH WAS STUCK TO YER BUTT LIKE AN OLD GUM WRAPPER, DASH!” Applejack snarled, swimming right up into Dash’s face and gritting her teeth, “DID YA’LL EVEN LOOK BEFORE YA SAT DOWN? YA SQUASHED ME RIGHT TO YER RUMP, YA DANG VARMINT! WHAT THE HECK’S THE MATTER WITH YA?”

“I TOLD you I saw her on Rainbow’s butt…” Spike grumbled, crossing his arms and once more looking very underappreciated.

“Did somepony mention Dash’s butt?!?!” Scootaloo shouted, poking her head out from behind the Royal Ruffians a moment later, “We were just heading back to get some sleep after Apple Bloom got blindsided and I couldn’t help but hear…”

“Whoa whoa whoa…what did ya’ll just say?” Applejack blinked, turning away from Dash as she stared out of the bath at the little filly, “Mah little sis got voted off tonight?!?! How did THAT happen?”

“Um…well…it was kinda all of Trixie’s fault,” Scootaloo muttered, “She…kinda messed with all of our heads and…well, she made me vote for Twilight with her lies, and she got Apple Bloom voted out by bribing Pinkie and Derpy. It was a really sad sight…now, what were you all saying about Dash’s butt?”

Applejack: Unbelievable! Ah get taken out by Dash and her clumsiness, and ah finally come back to realize that mah little sis got unfairly taken out of the game? Dang it, that tears it! That little blue unicorn is gettin’ a heavy dose of pain once ah get a hold of her! *she growls ferociously*

Eventually, the Royal Ruffians decided that it would be best for them all to enjoy the bath, not just those that got affected by Zecora’s poison joke disaster. Scootaloo was soon shooed away by the team due to them finding the little filly’s actions creepy and unsettling. Applejack was left stewing for a long time in the bath, before she decided to get back to taking her anger out on Rainbow Dash instead. All Dash succeeded in doing was making it worse on herself.

“You should be honored, AJ,” Dash said with a weak grin, “While you were tiny and all, you got to be flattened to MY amazing butt! Obviously it’s the best in all of Equestria, and you were squashed onto it for a very long time! Surely you must be honored, right?”

Sadly, Dash’s choice of words and horrible timing resulted in the Pegasus screaming as she was kicked right in the face and sent flying out of the infirmary only seconds later by an enraged Applejack, despite the fact that she seemed to be blushing at what Dash had just said. Spike was the only one snickering at the display of fireworks between the two best friends, while the rest of the Ruffians could only groan and shake their heads in dismay.

Silver Spoon: It’s so totally wrong that Apple Bloom had to be blindsided like that. Like, she’s totally uncool and a blank flank, but… *she hangs her head* …she didn’t deserve to go. This really worries me, you know? There are only three fillies left in the game…including Diamond and myself!

Fluttershy: *sighing softly* Poor Rainbow Dash…I fear she might’ve suffered a broken jaw from Applejack’s kick…it certainly looked very powerful. *she then giggles and puts on a nurse’s hat that she just happened to have* But, do not worry; nurse Fluttershy is on the case!

Zecora: *once more meditating with her hooves together and her eyes closed; when she speaks, she stays in this position* Another one falls and leaves the island, this time being poor Apple Bloom. I fear that at the way this game plays, my time might also be coming soon.

“Why did you do it, Trixie?” Cheerilee demanded, being kind enough to administer calamine lotion to Trixie’s red ant bites when the entire team had gotten back to the cabin, “What did Apple Bloom do to deserve you blindsiding her like that?”

“The same thing that Trixie did to deserve being mocked and yelled at by this team: nothing!” Trixie snapped, returning all the glares she was getting from the rest of her team, “When you mess with Trixie, you get paid back, even if it’s not fair. Get used to it.”

“Trixie, first off, you deserved to be scolded after you lied to us about your skills,” Twilight spat, “Second, you do realize that no one here trusts you at all now and, if we should lose again, it’s gonna be you for sure who will be riding that boat out of here, right?”

“Humph…do not think you have won just yet, Twilight Sparkle,” Trixie growled, crossing her forelegs and glaring daggers at the purple unicorn, “Trixie will not lose to you so easily.”

“I’m not TRYING to beat you, Trixie!” Twilight explained, “We’re on the same team! Why would I try to sabotage my own teammate? You know perfectly well that you deserved to be kicked off over Apple Bloom, since she did nothing wrong! You deceived your team, you caused us to lose, and you didn’t show any remorse for your actions. Think using your heart and not your head…do you REALLY think Apple Bloom deserved that?”

“Trixie does not have to listen to the likes of you,” Trixie sniffed, putting her nose in the air and wincing as Cheerilee pressed down a bit harder as she rubbed lotion onto her body, “Ouch…watch it, Cheerilee.”

“I’m not happy with you right now, Trixie,” Cheerilee said coldly, “You are my teammate, so I’m trying to remain nice to you. However, after the acting you did and the way you got rid of one of my innocent students, you’re gonna have to work to regain my trust.”

Trixie glared at Cheerilee, who glared right back. The azure unicorn slowly glanced at each of her other teammates as well. Derpy was glaring cross-eyed at Trixie, which was both humorous and creepy at the same time. Pinkie was looking more disappointed than angry, since she rarely got mad, and she kept shaking her head in a sad way. Rarity looked ready to attack Trixie at a moment’s notice. Scootaloo was sitting on her rump with her forelegs crossed as she gave Trixie a stare down. Twilight’s expression almost seemed like a mixture of the entire team’s, and Trixie couldn’t help but feel slightly nervous about it more than the others combined.

Trixie: It looks like the Magical Misfits are more like Trixie vs. Twilight, with Trixie being on her own. Deceiving Cheerilee was a mistake, Trixie will admit…but, she will be tarred and feathered before she allows herself to be the next to go; this team has another thing coming if they think as much!

After she finished applying the calamine lotion to all of Trixie’s red ant bites, Cheerilee calmly bid the unicorn goodnight before heading to bed without another word. Derpy and Pinkie both shook their heads and left Trixie alone, while Scootaloo muttered something about “revenge” under her breath as she took to bed, too. Twilight and Rarity, the only two regular unicorns left in the game besides Trixie, continued to glare at their counterpart for a few minutes longer.

“You make me sick, Trixie,” Rarity hissed, “I’m lucky my little sister wasn’t on our team, because I would’ve REALLY come unglued if you had done the same to her! Rest assured that you will be getting what’s coming to you from Applejack in due time, and when she goes to town on you, I will be sitting back and laughing! Goodnight, Twilight, Trixie.” With that, Rarity calmly turned and stuck her nose in the air as she trotted over to her bed.

“Night, Rarity,” Twilight muttered, keeping her eyes locked on Trixie’s. The two unicorn rivals continued to glare each other down, way past their designated bedtimes. The rest of their team had soon fallen asleep, but the two unicorns kept glaring at each other without speaking a single word. Their eyes seemed to be locked in a mental battle, as though each one was testing the other’s will. Twilight’s tail slowly swished back and forth behind her, while Trixie’s twitched defensively in retaliation.

Both Twilight and Trixie just glared at each other for what seemed like hours. Was Twilight trying to read Trixie’s inner feelings? Was Trixie trying to not back down from Twilight’s bluff? Were both unicorns simply too stubborn to go to bed as the “loser” of a conversation? Whatever the case, the tension in the quiet cabin could be cut with a knife as the two girls just continued to watch one another way into the night, allowing the insides of the cabin to slowly darken as the moon was hidden behind a group of clouds in the sky.

Then, just like that, both Twilight and Trixie turned away from each other at the same time. Without saying a single word, each unicorn got into their bed and soon drifted off to sleep, but not before shaking their heads in disgust at the other. As the night drifted on, all was quiet around the camp, despite the fact that both teams had gone to bed in not-so-high spirits. Discord, while drifting around in the night sky and idly plotting random things, could feel the animosity and anguish already building up between the campers, and couldn’t help but smirk to himself as he thought up a great challenge.

“Yes…yes…what better way to help build team unity than…yes, of course…ooh, this WILL be fun,” Discord smirked, hanging upside down from his favorite tree as he observed the lifeless camp, “Sleep well, my little puppets; in the morning, you set out on what should be a team-building challenge. That or it’ll just make things worse. Either way…lots more chaos for me!” The draconequus leaned his head back and laughed loudly up into the sky, clenching his fists and feeling excited at the surefire chaotic challenge that he was gonna issue the next day.

“DISCORD!” Rarity screamed, poking her head out of her team’s cabin while wearing her usual nighttime mud mask, “STOP THAT EXCESSIVE LAUGHING! SOME OF US ARE TRYING TO GET OUR BEAUTY SLEEP! LAUGH YOUR EVIL HEAD OFF SOME OTHER TIME!” She growled angrily and slammed her cabin door, leaving Discord feeling dejected as he hung his head in shame.

“Ha…ha…ha?” he squeaked out, and when Rarity didn’t poke her head back out, he grumbled and crossed his arms in aggravation, “Ponies are SO annoying.”

When morning came, the Magical Misfits and Royal Ruffians all awoke feeling refreshed. Rainbow Dash still felt a little pain from Applejack kicking her last night after her naughty comments, but other than that, the entire Ruffians team was back to normal. Diamond Tiara made it loudly known how pleased she was that her normal cutie mark was back on her flank, and when pressured by the filly, Silver Spoon weakly began joining in.

“Do you all see just how amazing we are with our cutie marks?” Diamond Tiara was bragging as the Ruffians made it into the mess hall first, “We, like, totally look so much better than everypony else when we look our best. Silver Spoon, back me up here, please.”

“Uh…yeah, totally!” Silver Spoon squeaked, weakly shaking her booty to show off her cutie mark, “Thanks to that bath thing from last night, we look as good as new…it feels so amazing, too.”

“Give it a break already!” Spike snapped, rubbing his forehead, “You both give me a headache when you blabber on about cutie marks and your manes and your tails and all that stuff. Don’t you get tired of saying the same things over and over again?”

“Like, no way!” Diamond Tiara smirked, “When you’re as awesome as we are, you must make it known whenever you can, so that others can try to become just as amazing as us. Naturally, they never will, but it’s the thought that counts. Right, Silver Spoon?”

“…right, Diamond Tiara,” Silver Spoon sighed, trying to ignore the glares that the two fillies were getting from the rest of their aggravated team. It was no shock that the two were once again alienated at their team’s table once they sat down for breakfast.

Diamond Tiara: *sighing dramatically as she fluffs her mane* Sometimes, being so totally popular can be SO hard. With just one blank flank left in camp, it just goes to show who the BEST fillies are.

Silver Spoon: *rubbing the back of her neck* This whole experience has been so new to me, and the more and more I listen to Diamond Tiara, the more I start to feel…well…bad. Why is that?

“I had an AMAZING dream last night,” Scootaloo sighed, woozily leading her own Magical Misfits into the mess hall a few minutes later.

“Was it the one with the flying guinea pig and the coconuts?” Pinkie asked, grinning eagerly, “Ooh, or maybe the one with the elephant and mouse? Or the one where I sing a song to the world and all the ponies start to sing along until the cupcakes begin to pop up from the ground?”

“Uh, no, not even close,” Scootaloo smirked, “It was a dream that I have often. It was where Rainbow Dash and I were flying side-by-side through a cloudless sky right at the edge of nighttime. The only sound that could be heard was the soft flaps of Rainbow’s graceful wings and the chirping twitter of my own tinier ones as I try to keep up…”

“I thought you couldn’t fly, being so young and all,” Derpy questioned, rolling one of her eyes as she looked at the little Pegasus.

“I can’t…but, it’s a dream, so shush and let me continue!” Scootaloo sniffed, “Now, where was I? Oh, right, Rainbow Dash! Well, you see, as we continue to fly at each other’s side, the fading sun starts to grow larger and larger in front of our eyes as we continue flying towards it…”

“Wouldn’t that be kinda stupid to fly directly at the sun?” Trixie frowned, “If that is where you are going with this, Trixie finds it rather pointless and even foolish.”

“Would you please shut up and let me finish?” Scootaloo growled, growing irritated, “So, as both of us fly with each other towards the sun, Rainbow Dash looks over at me and winks, and I feel my heart start to pound. I almost feel the will to keep flying seep out of my body. Something about the way Rainbow was looking at me made me want to melt…”

“That’s a bit more information that we really need, thank you,” Rarity interrupted.

“OH, FORGET IT!” Scootaloo snapped, stomping past her teammates and going over to her team’s table, “What’s the point of telling you guys anything? Man…I wish Apple Bloom was still here.” She sighed glumly and slumped her shoulders, Cheerilee trotting up and gently rubbing her back a moment later while the rest of the team took their seats at the table.

Scootaloo: I feel so alone in this camp. Apple Bloom is gone, Sweetie Belle was on the other team and SHE’S already gone, Rainbow Dash is on the other team, and Cheerilee hasn’t been paying that much attention to me, either. *she sighs and hangs her head* My dreams…are all that I have.

“Hey! Trixie sees that you all are back to normal?” Trixie mocked, turning around and looking at the other team, “With ‘normal’ being the operative word?”

“Trixie, is that REALLY necessary?” Twilight snapped, “Don’t just go insulting the other team like that for no reason; they didn’t do anything to us! It’s our own…or I should say YOUR fault that we’ve lost three of four challenges thus far.”

“You tell her, Twilight!” Applejack called out, who hadn’t been amused by Trixie’s mockery a second ago.

“Yeah, you tell her!” Rainbow Dash chimed in, “But…still, by all means keep losing; it feels good to win.”

“Rainbow Dash!” Applejack scolded, slapping the mare upside the head, “How many times have ah told ya’ll not to get a big head?”

“I may have a big head, but you’re the one with a big backside, AJ,” Dash teased.

“WHAT?!?! RAINBOW DASH!” Applejack gasped, a deep blush breaking out across her face, “For yer information, mah posterior is NOT big! Besides, YER the one with the huge butt that GOT ME SQUASHED YESTERDAY!”

“Well, maybe if YOU actually noticed that I was gonna sit down, you would’ve moved quicker,” Dash protested, getting into Applejack’s face. The two girls looked prime for a fight, while the rest of the Royal Ruffians looked on in concern. Unlike on the Magical Misfits, there wasn’t a camper on the Ruffians who seemed brave enough to break up a fight.

Celestia: *sighing* Back in my NORMAL body, I would’ve easily stopped that fight. But, now that I’m a little mare like all the rest, a lot of my confidence doesn’t seem to be present…it’s so frustrating.

“You two fight like two long-time lovers,” Zecora smiled, nodding to Applejack and Rainbow Dash, “They say that those that fight a lot care much about each other.”

“SHUT UP, ZECORA!” Applejack and Rainbow Dash both yelled in unison, just before they went at each other. Rainbow Dash, naturally, was the instigator and was first to tackle down Applejack. The cowpony instantly retook control of the battle and got on top of Dash, trying to pin her wings like she had done to Gilda to constrict her movement. Rainbow Dash was left to buck and try to throw the powerful Applejack off her back, mostly to no avail.

“I’m taking all bets!” Spike called out, now wearing a stupid little red hat as he sat behind a large plate of food, “I’ve got three disgusting black pancakes on Rainbow Dash, and six on Applejack! Ah, Luna, another pancake for Applejack? Good choice! Anyone else care to wager a bet?”

“And I thought WE had issues,” Twilight mumbled, shaking her head and sighing as she watched two of her best friends go at it. Well, mostly it was Applejack riding Rainbow Dash while the Pegasus yelped and bucked and remained held down on the floor. There was simply no getting around AJ’s strength.

Applejack: *smugly sitting with her forelegs crossed and a smirk plastered on her face* Yep, Dash just doesn’t know when to not get into things she can’t handle. Isn’t that right, Dash? *she grins and lifts up a bound and gagged Rainbow Dash from the confessional floor, who was looking beyond angry*

“Hello, campers!” Discord shouted, teleporting into the mess hall a second later while sipping a cup of coffee and reading the daily Equestrian paper, “The Fillydelphia Fillies won again last night, it seems…oh my, what happened in HERE?” The draconequus played the role of the fool as he looked down to see Spike with a huge plate of food, Applejack sitting on the bound Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy cowering in the corner, Trixie laughing her head off, and Scootaloo looking glum.

“And it’s a payday for all those that picked AJ!” Spike cheered, doling out the black pancakes to those who picked Applejack, “Dig in, girls; there’s plenty to go around.”

“…I think I’m gonna pass,” Luna said politely, pushing her pancakes to her sister, “Here you go, Tia; go ahead and eat up. After all, you ARE a growing pony.” Luna giggled at the little shot directed at her sister, who only glared back at the moon princess while pushing the plate away from her body.

“I’d sooner starve to death,” she responded.

“It seems that a lot of tension is filling your tiny heads and hearts,” Discord mused, tossing his coffee mug behind his back and having it narrowly miss hitting the scared Fluttershy, “That’s why, for today’s challenge, I’ve got something in store that is bound to help you become closer as a team!”

“Trixie votes against this,” Trixie said, lifting a hoof up into the air, “Trixie does not wish to get any closer to a ‘team’ that she doesn’t have any desires to GET closer to.”

“That’s a dirt-poor attitude to have, Trixie,” Rarity frowned, “You’re never gonna learn anything that way, darling. Even after all we just went through you’re STILL not gonna give an effort to make amends or apologies?”

“Trixie make amends? Trixie make apologies? For WHAT?” Trixie demanded, “Trixie did nothing wrong! Trixie just saved herself from elimination because she knew that she was gonna get unfairly voted out. It’s called ‘playing the game’, you simpletons.”

Twilight: Trixie is the type of girl who can drive a pony crazy without even trying. I’m pretty sure Princess Celestia would tell me to try and make friends with Trixie, but…believe me, making friends is not as easy as you all may think…especially when it involves somepony like TRIXIE.

“Oh, yea, that reminds me…ah still have some revenge to dish out,” Applejack mused, setting her captured Rainbow Dash on her seat and slowly stalking towards Trixie, “Stay right there, Trixie; mah little sis WILL get her vengeance.”

“W-w-w-what?!?!” Trixie shrieked, quickly leaping off the table and stumbling backwards towards the door, “T-t-teammates, h-help Trixie out here! T-T-Trixie does not have good f-f-fighting skills!”

“What’s that, Trixie?” Rarity smirked, putting her nose in the air and turning the other way, “I’m afraid that I did not hear you, since you never once considered us a team. Have fun with AJ now; from dealing with her first-hoof, I can tell you that she’s one tough customer.”

“TRIXIE KNOWS AND TRIXIE DOES NOT WISH TO EXPERIENCE IT HERSELF!” Trixie screamed, opening the mess hall door and racing out, with Applejack charging after her. Both teams and Discord watched and listened with interest as Trixie’s screaming went on for only about seven seconds or so before they were abruptly silenced. Then, loud smacking and crunching sounds could be heard in the air, complete with what seemed to be laughs from Applejack.

“Hmm…seven seconds…I’m not even sure if I could’ve stayed away from Applejack for THAT long,” Twilight giggled, “Maybe Trixie is in a bit better shape than me…I’ll give her props for THAT.” The rest of the mess hall began laughing in response to Twilight’s statement, since all of them were quite happy to see Trixie get her just desserts, even though Twilight and Rarity DID put red ants in her bed last night. Discord was naturally getting a great chuckle out of the chaos, too.

Trixie: *crossing her forelegs as her body looked beyond ragged, beaten, and rundown* How DARE they mock Trixie…and how DARE that hayseed mare lay her dirty hooves on me? We’ll see just who’s the one laughing last once the smoke clears! Trixie will show them all…OW! *she winces a bit*

“So, now that AJ has gotten her daily exercise out of the way, it’s time to explain to you all what today’s challenge is gonna be,” Discord grinned, putting his hands on his hips as Applejack and Trixie both returned to the mess hall a moment later, “Using nothing but the open wilderness, both teams are hereby ordered to go into the forest on a camping trip!”

“A camping trip?” Luna asked, tilting her head, “But…aren’t we already on a camping trip?”

“Technically speaking, yes,” Discord admitted, “However, for this challenge, it’s gonna be a REAL campout. Each team must spend an entire night in the woods without coming back to camp for ANYTHING. The only things that you may use are the wilderness. This challenge will test you all to see just how cut out you are for the outdoors.”

“So…who wins then?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“After waking up tomorrow morning, the first team to make it back to camp with all of their teammates will win the challenge,” Discord grinned, “If someone happens to get eaten by a bear, then they are hereby eliminated and the loss won’t affect their team.”

“Um, bears usually don’t attack others unless they have food or they’re near their young,” Fluttershy said meekly, “So, um, I really don’t think that would be likely…just saying.”

“Don’t be too sure, Fluttershy,” Discord warned, reappearing behind the meek Pegasus and playfully giving her a noogie, “Here on Total Magic Pony Island, you don’t know WHAT could happen.”

“Ooh, does that mean that there’s a chance to see some cupcake plants in the forest?” Pinkie squealed, bouncing up and down excitedly.

“Or maybe some muffin plants?” Derpy questioned, looking hopeful.

“…you all have until five o’clock this evening to prepare for your little camping experience,” Discord smirked, ignoring Pinkie and Derpy, “But, remember, you cannot take anything with you, so…yeah, good luck preparing, my little ponies!”

“And zebras and dragons!” Spike called out, annoyed that he and Zecora were always forgotten. Once again choosing to ignore that which he didn’t care to listen to, Discord snapped his fingers and he vanished without another word.

Cheerilee: Ah, how fun! A camping trip is just what this team needs to get over the past…eh-hem, events. I remember going on campouts when I was a little filly; it was so fun and they were very rewarding experiences. Hoofing it, though, will make things very interesting. I can’t wait, to be honest!

Spike: Twilight never takes me camping, but now I get my chance! It sucks that Rarity isn’t on my team, since girls just LOVE snuggling up with boys during those cold nights in the forest…trust me on that. However, since I’m the only male on my team, I just KNOW they’re gonna be relying on me a lot.

“Okay, ladies, this is gonna be a huge challenge for us!” Twilight stated, pacing back and forth in front of her team an hour later after breakfast, “We’ve lost two in a row and three of four overall. This cannot keep happening! We have to make it known that we are not just sitting ducks to be beaten over and over again. If we stick together and follow a strict lesson plan on how to survive in the wilderness, I know that we can emerge victorious tomorrow morning. Are you all onboard?”

“Without a doubt, darling,” Rarity smiled, “The wilderness is not really my thing, though…”

“You can count on me to help and support this team through thick and thin, Twilight,” Cheerilee added.

“I went out into the Everfree Forest to deliver Zecora’s mail once!” Derpy blurted out.

“We’re gonna have SOOOOOOOOOO much fun!” Pinkie cheered, bouncing up and down excitedly.

“If Rainbow Dash can do it, so can I!” Scootaloo grinned, “This’ll be a piece of cake for me!”

“Humph…you don’t know the first thing about surviving in the wilderness,” Trixie muttered.

Twilight: *casually putting down some strands of her mane that were sticking up* Well, it seems that everypony is onboard with this. If I can keep them motivated, I’m sure we can come out on top. Motivation is the driving force behind a winning team; losing sinks both your morale AND your team.

“Okay, soldiers, it’s time to get your game on!” Rainbow Dash growled, having outfitted herself with face paint and over-the-top camouflage gear, “We’re heading out into the unknown, babies, and there ain’t no coming back without a victory. Not in my book, dudes! Once we go in, we’re not coming out without another win!”

“Applejack, your friend is scaring me,” Luna whispered, leaning over to the hayseed mare, “Even more than the time I returned to Ponyville.”

“Don’t worry, Princess,” Applejack muttered back, “Just put up with it for now; ah’ll give her a good reality check a bit later. Just let her have her fun for now.”

“Some of you may not come back alive…but that is a sacrifice that I am willing to make,” Rainbow Dash sniffed, slowly pacing back and forth like a drill sergeant, “Private Spike! You will cover the rear and alert us of any unforeseen dangers!”

“You got it, Captain Dash!” Spike smiled, making a mock salute to the Pegasus.

“AJ, you and I will lead the pack, since we are obviously the most well-suited to the outdoors,” Dash went on, smiling at Applejack, “Princess Celestia and Princess Luna? Both of you stay in the middle of the pack. I know you two aren’t used to this, but don’t worry; we’ll make sure to protect you both.”

“Thank you very much, Rainbow Dash,” Celestia said politely, “I know I can count on you.”

“Like, what about us?” Diamond Tiara whined, “This is SO not okay! I totally do not want to do this. The outdoors are so filthy and disgusting and totally stupid. Can’t Silver Spoon and I just stay here at camp?”

“And just what kinda attitude is THAT, cadet?” Dash snapped, getting right into Diamond Tiara’s face, “This ain’t no tea party, you little filly! This is combat! That forest could very well be just as evil as the Everfree Forest! When we go in without anything on our backs to protest ourselves, it’s a team game. We stick together as a team and we’ll be fine; if we separate at all, then we’re in trouble. Do I make myself perfectly clear?”

“Like…you need a breath mint,” Diamond Tiara sniffed, turning her face away from Dash’s.

“I will have you know that my home is not at all evil,” Zecora frowned, “The way you speak of Everfree, you make it sound like a place of upheaval. The world itself is not a scary place in the least; fear only encamps the mind when your imagination comes to feast.”

“Yeah…whatever, Zecora,” Rainbow Dash muttered, “Now, as I was saying, do I make myself perfectly clear? Once we go in there, we’re coming out as a team! No ifs, ands, or buts about it!”

Zecora: *meditating, and despite looking quite pleasant, it was clear to see that she was angry* Please, allow my team to stay healthy, strong and well-fed…and please try to restrain me from bashing Rainbow Dash upside the head. *she opens her eyes and glares at the camera for a moment*

When five o’clock eventually rolled around, Discord showed up at the island’s forest and made sure that both teams didn’t have anything that they were trying to sneak with them on their camping trip. Once he was sure that they were both clean, he explained that each team would eventually reach a fork in the path that would take each of them deeper into the forest and way from the other team. They had to spend the night at LEAST a half mile away from camp, since sleeping too close wouldn’t be quite so far or challenging. Then, without further ado, Discord forced both teams to get moving.

“Ah, there they go…all my loyal and obedient campers heading off into the world to make a name for themselves,” Discord sobbed, crying fake tears as he mockingly blew his nose with a tissue, “It really does feel a spirit of disharmony with such joy to know that he did a good job raising them to live off the fat of the land and do their level best.”

“You…are…pathetic,” Nightmare Moon frowned, randomly trotting across the campgrounds from behind the mocking draconequus.

“And YOU’RE attractive, but you don’t see me getting all excited, do you?” Discord smirked, tossing his used tissue away as he floated after Nightmare Moon.

Scootaloo: Okay, surviving out in the wilderness. I totally got this. I’m young, I’m adventurous, and my fellow crusaders and myself usually always do stuff in the wild. This should be a piece of cake!

Rainbow Dash: Yup, this’ll be a cinch. Surviving out here is like laying on a cloud; you do it calmly and with elegance and it’ll treat you well. *she grins a bit* Notch up another win for the Royal Ruffians!

“This is SO totally boring,” Diamond Tiara was complaining, idly walking along with Silver Spoon at her side, “I totally do not see the point of this. Silver Spoon, make sure to make me a very comfy bed when we get there; I am NOT sleeping on this hard ground.”

“You might not have a choice, ladies,” Spike growled from behind the two fillies. Both Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were at the back of the line, with Spike naturally being in the rear as Dash had asked. However, the little dragon was not enjoying the presence of Diamond Tiara at all.

“I wasn’t asking for YOUR opinion,” Diamond Tiara frowned, giving Spike a good view of her rear-end as she put both it and her nose up in the air, “Just ignore him, Silver Spoon; the little dragon is nothing more than the slave of the team.”

“I resent that remark!” Spike snapped, pushing Silver Spoon aside as he got into Diamond Tiara’s face, “I am NOT the slave of this team! Where did that perception even COME from? I’m Twilight’s #1 assistant; not some slave!”

“Like, is that so?” Diamond Tiara smirked, not backing down from Spike’s retort, “Then why is it that you’re always the one who gets hurt, and gets mocked, and gets attacked, and gets ignored, and gets pushed around? See, that’s exactly why you’re totally lame. I would NEVER let that happen to myself; I’m proud of who I am.”

“Yeah…I could think of a few words to describe you…but, my guess is they wouldn’t be suited for the little fillies and colts who watch this show,” Spike muttered, before looking at Silver Spoon, “Why are YOU so quiet? Don’t you have anything to add to this?”

“Yes, Silver Spoon, speak up!” Diamond Tiara exclaimed, “Put this fool of a dragon in his place once and for all and let him know just how pathetic he is.”

“Um…” Silver Spoon gulped, looking back and forth between both her best friend and Spike. Both of them were looking at the gray pony expectantly, as though thinking she would clearly side with them. The little glasses-wearing filly was at a loss. For the first time in her life, she wasn’t in 100% agreement with her best friend.

Silver Spoon: Like, it’s so totally weird. Diamond Tiara and I have been together for nearly our whole lives…and I’ve always been by her side through everything. But…well…from what Zecora has said to me…and from listening to Diamond Tiara talk on her own…I don’t really know…what’s right anymore.

“Um…you see…that is…I really don’t think…um…oh no, the team!” Silver Spoon gasped, pointing behind Spike and Diamond Tiara’s backs. Both of the young teammates whipped their heads around to see that their team had left them behind, either due to not caring about them or simply because they didn’t realize it. With a yelp, Spike quickly took off down the path to try and catch up. Diamond Tiara, however, remained stationary as she glared at Silver Spoon.

“Silver Spoon! What is your deal?” she demanded, “Why did you not stand up for me just then?”

“Diamond Tiara…you were…well…you were being mean!” Silver Spoon finally blurted out. Upon hearing these words directed at her from her own best friend, Diamond Tiara was taken aback as she had to shake her head a few times to fully comprehend what had just been shouted at her.

“EXCUSE me?” Diamond Tiara scoffed, now getting into Silver Spoon’s face, “You dare call ME mean? Aren’t you supposed to be my best friend who sticks by me no matter what? What kind of friend totally deserts her partner-in-crime, huh?”

“I’m sorry, Diamond Tiara…I didn’t mean it like that…” Silver Spoon whimpered, looking at the ground, “But…well…the things you say and the things you do…I’m finally starting to realize just how…”

“SHUT UP!” Diamond Tiara snapped, angrily turning away from the little filly, “I totally do not need to listen to YOU tell ME how to act, when you’ve been just fine with it up until this show. You cannot just change your attitude because we’re on television and being watched by the whole world, Silver Spoon. You are totally being a hypocrite.”

“W-w-what?!?! Diamond Tiara…how DARE you call me that!” Silver Spoon growled, finally standing up for herself, “I still love you as a friend, but I finally realize just what a…what a…what a JERK you are! You’re nothing more than a bully who cares only for herself! Just look at how you treated Spike just now! And just think about how you treated those blank...no, those classmates of ours! You’re…you’re horrible! And I don’t want to be friends with a bully any longer!”

“Oh, is that right?” Diamond Tiara laughed, turning back around and looking at Silver Spoon like she was crazy, “Maybe it’s just me, but I totally remember YOU calling them ‘blank flanks’ as well, and you always stood by my side until we got to this show…and then you started to change. Admit it, Silver Spoon; you’re just playing up for the cameras and trying to make yourself look better to Equestria. You’re just a phony.”

“P-p-phony? But…but…I’m not a phony…I really mean it!” Silver Spoon stammered, once again losing her confidence as Diamond Tiara began to back her into a corner.

“You totally are a phony! A big fat phony!” Diamond Tiara mocked, her face looming right in front of Silver Spoon’s and forcing the scared filly back into a tree, “You’re just the same as me and you know it. No amount of crying or yelling is gonna change who you are. You are just Silver Spoon, my little cohort who will do whatever I say whether she wants to or not.”

“Diamond Tiara…just listen to yourself…this isn’t you,” Silver Spoon gulped, once again trying to push back against the filly, but finding that speaking out against your best friend was one of the hardest things a pony could do, “And…I’m sorry, but…we’re done! I refuse to be your best friend any longer!” After finally finding her voice again, Silver Spoon huffed and shoved Diamond Tiara away from her.

“Fine! Like, see if I care!” Diamond Tiara frowned, idly dusting imaginary dirt off her chest as she stuck her nose in the air and trotted off in a random direction, “Who needs YOU? I can get along just fine by myself. I’ll see you riding away on the Boat of Losers later tonight, ex-best friend. Good luck, because you’re totally gonna need it!” The rotten little filly cackled as she vanished into the forest, leaving a hurt and stunned Silver Spoon in her wake.

Silver Spoon: *trembling as she sat on the toilet seat* F-fine…w-who needs her? SHE was the phony friend…n-not me…I don’t NEED a so-called friend like her…I-I’ll be just fine on my own… *a tear slowly began trickling down her cheek as she began trembling even worse in front of the camera*

“Here we are, just a-hiking down this path, singing I’m so ditzy, and my name’s Derpy Hooves!” Derpy sang out, highly aggravating her team, “Clopping our hooves, and ruffling our wings, singing I’m so ditzy, and my name’s Derpy Hooves! We look good! Yeah, good! We look fine! Yeah, fine! We look good, we look fine, and I think I’ve lost my mind!”

“Ain’t THAT the truth,” Trixie snapped silently, trying to plug her ears with some fungus she found along the trail, since she obviously couldn’t hold her hooves over her ears while walking at the same time.

“Before I knew it, I was as derpy as could be, singing I’m so ditzy, and my name’s Derpy Hooves!” Derpy sang on, singing as loudly as she could and closing her eyes as she belted out her lyrics, “I love muffins; they’re so magical to me! Singing I’m so ditzy, and my name’s Derpy Hooves! We trot on! Yeah, on! To camp! Yeah, camp! We trot on to camp and I really like lava lamps!”

“Do not worry, team!” Twilight said weakly, looking like she could strangle Derpy within the next second, “The sun is going down, and I can guesstimate that we’ve already traversed about ¼ of a mile, so we should almost be to our predetermined location. I’d say we’ll get there within another 10 minutes or so, and then we can make camp.”

“Ooh, it’s totally muffins I love! The ones with raisins are the ones that I’m thinking of!” Derpy continued to sing, “I deliver mail almost every single day, singing I’m so ditzy, and my name’s Derpy Hooves! I’m so happy and it’s getting kinda freaky, singing I’m so ditzy, and my name’s Derpy Hooves! I say derp! Say derp! I’m a ditz! A ditz! I’m a derp and a ditz and Twilight’s totally a witch!”

“…let us all take this moment of opportunity to observe the forest and take in whatever beauty this wretched island may have, shall we?” Rarity smiled weakly, despite her right eye twitching as she was casting a few choice glances back at Derpy Hooves.

“Ooh, it’s magic that Trixie loves! And Fluttershy likes to take care of doves!” Derpy sang on, “I run into trees almost every single day, singing I’m so ditzy, and my name’s Derpy Hooves! We’re all so happy and there’s nothing wrong with that, singing I’m so ditzy, and my name’s Derpy Hooves! Well, say derp! Say derp! Say ditz! Say ditz! Go derp and go ditz before my brain goes on the fritz!”

“…sometimes, listening to the beautiful sounds of nature can help the soul,” Cheerilee said with a smile, her own eye twitching as she grabbed onto Scootaloo and pulled her into a tight hug, “Perhaps we should all just close our eyes as we walk along and try to listen to the wild animals around here…”

“Ooh, oh yeah! I’m so ditzy, and my name’s Derpy Hooves!” Derpy sang as loud as she could, “I’m singing I’m so ditzy, and my name’s Derpy Hooves! Oh yeah! I’m so ditzy, and my name’s Derpy Hooves!” She finally ended the song by flapping her wings joyfully and taking an exaggerated leap up into the air and trying to stick a perfect landing, but ended up falling flat on her face.

“YAY, DERPY!” Pinkie cheered, sitting down on her tush and clopping her hooves together, “That was SOOOOOO cool! What a GREAT hiking song! Ooh, ooh, is it my turn now? I’ve got the perfect song that will sure to…”

“NOOOOOOOOOO!” the rest of the Magical Misfits, excluding Derpy, all screamed into the sky.

Scootaloo: *crying and looking mentally distressed* Please…no more…NO MORE, I BEG YOU!

Rarity: Oh, the horror…the damage that my poor eardrums were sustaining…the horror, darlings!

Trixie: Trixie would almost rather give Twilight Sparkle a hug than listen to another song…ALMOST.

“Alright, crew, we have arrived!” Rainbow Dash announced, standing in a suspicious clearing that looked perfect for a campout, “Let’s start making camp right away…for those of you without wings. I can go and sleep in the clouds just fine, but the rest of you will need a good place to sleep.”

“Wow…how considerate of ya, Rainbow Dash,” Applejack muttered, rolling her eyes and taking over as leader, “Ahright, here’s how this is gonna go. Princess Celestia, do ya’ll think yer sister and yerself can find some firewood so we can build ourselves a fire?”

“Leave it to us, Applejack,” Celestia smiled, turning to her sister and nodding, “Come, Luna, let’s go and find some deadwood for our team.”

“Right behind ya, Tia,” Luna smiled, stretching her wings as both she and her sister took off into the stretch of trees to find some wood.

“Ahright, Zecora, ya’ll are good with findin’ food in the wild, right?” Applejack continued, “How ‘bout ya’ll go and find us some grub?”

“A problem that will not be,” Zecora nodded, turning and heading off into the woods herself, “I will come back with lots of food, you shall see.”

“Fluttershy, ya’ll are great with animals and tendin’ to their homes and whatnot, so ya think ya’ll can make us a good shelter for the night?” Applejack continued.

“Oh, yes, I’m sure that I can do that,” Fluttershy smiled, giving a polite nod as she stretched her wings and went to go find some large leaves and some big sticks.

“Huh…ain’t we missin’ someone?” Applejack pondered, noticing that the group seemed shorter than usual. A second later, Spike ran up to the cowpony, clutching his sides and gasping loudly at how fast he had to run to catch up.

“Don’t…worry…I’m…here!” the little dragon squeaked, giving Applejack a weak salute.

“Ah, right, Spike! Ah was wonderin’ where ya were,” Applejack chuckled, “Well, no matter; think ya can help Fluttershy set up our shelter?”

“You…can…count…on…me!” Spike gasped, still out of breath as he ambled over to help out the yellow Pegasus. It never occurred to Applejack that they were still missing two little fillies from their team. Instead, the cowgirl pony was now focused on frowning up at Rainbow Dash, who had found a comfy cloud and was already relaxing on it.

“Too good to be down here with the rest of the team?” Applejack demanded, calling up to the Pegasus, “Or maybe ya’ll just don’t know the meanin’ of the word ‘work’, huh?”

“Nah, I totally do!” Rainbow Dash yawned, idly flicking her hoof down at Applejack in a dismissive way, “But, I really don’t associate myself with such words, since it’s just not me. You seem to have things under control, though, Sergeant Applejack. Keep it up and make your captain proud.” Soon, the Pegasus was snoring loudly, either from mockery or from actually sleeping.

Applejack: Ugh, that Rainbow Dash! Ah have a good mind to whip her upside the head, and then a few more times across her bottom! She just don’t get the meanin’ of the word “team”. Well, maybe she does…but not in the way we NEED her to understand it! *she sighs and tips her hat* Silly little Pegasus.

Silver Spoon was shivering in fright as she slinked through the dark forest, glancing up at the sky and looking scared when she saw the moon beginning to kiss the appearing stars. The little filly adjusted her glasses as she turned another corner, which looked suspiciously like one she had already turned 10 minutes ago. She knew that she was lost, since she was clearly going around in circles, but the outdoors was not her thing. She had lived a very sheltered life, and usually was always in the presence of Diamond Tiara. This was a huge culture shock for her.

“It’s…so cold…the night sky and the trees…it’s all so dark…and gloomy,” Silver Spoon whimpered, turning in a new direction and once more coming back to a familiar tree, “No…I can’t find my way out of here…I’m no good at this stuff! Why…WHY did Diamond Tiara have to be a big…big…jerk? I don’t like this at all…where’s my team? Why aren’t they looking for me? Do…do they just don’t care? Am I really such a bully myself that…I can’t change…and therefore everypony hates me?”

The filly sat down on her haunches and clenched her eyes tightly shut, tears starting to reappear. Her eyes were already swollen from her precious crying sessions during and after the fight with Diamond Tiara. Silver Spoon had never felt so worthless and so scared and in such pain. Right now, she didn’t care, but she just wanted SOMEPONY to hold her tight. Heck, she’d even take Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, or Scootaloo. When she stopped to think about it, those “blank flanks” weren’t so bad. In fact, they were much nicer than Diamond Tiara. Why…why had Silver Spoon bullied them so much before?

Silver Spoon: *staring into the camera, her glasses askew and her eyes watery* Apple Bloom? Sweetie Belle? Other school ponies that I bullied? If I come out of this alive…I want you all to know…I’m sorry for all the mean things I’ve said! It was all Diamond’s…no, it was all my fault…and I’m so sorry.

“Humph…stupid forest…it’s so totally bogus how everything looks the same!” Diamond Tiara sniffed, gazing around in annoyance as she sat inside the cave she had found, “It’s totally unfair that I have to sleep in such a filthy and degrading place as this, but with my pathetic teammates leaving me behind and she-who-will-not-be-named being a traitor, I’m on my own now. I totally prefer it this way.”

Staring out at the dark forest, Diamond Tiara casually fluffed her mane and tail and muttered random things to herself, trying to entertain herself before she would eventually sleep. Deep in her heart, she felt pain for what she had done. But, sadly, her head was much stronger than her heart, and her head wouldn’t have any negative feelings lingering about. Diamond Tiara had always been right and Diamond Tiara would always BE right. Everypony else was just losers who wasted her time.

“They’re all losers…I hate them all…I’m the best…I’ll always be the best…” Diamond Tiara whispered, laying down onto her belly, shaking violently as the cold cave floor met her warm and delicate belly, “I don’t need them…I don’t need any of them…I never did…I’m better than all of them…” The little filly continued to mutter compliments to herself the entire time before she ended up falling into a very unsettling sleep.

Pinkie: That was so totally weird! My Pinkie Sense just told me that two little fillies were in a lot of pain right now…but, Scootaloo is with us! What other fillies are there in this game? *she tilts her head*

“Um…okay…this would be a LOT easier if I could use my magic…” Twilight muttered, scratching her head as she looked around the team’s designated camping area, “Um…okay, we need a shelter…and some food…and we probably need a fire to keep warm…”

“Do not forget a bed, and some blankets, and some pillows, and some makeup kits!” Rarity exclaimed. When she got several looks of exasperation, Rarity just stared back in confusion. “What? You do not expect me to get my beauty sleep otherwise, do you?”

Twilight: Okay, I’ll admit that I was…somewhat clueless with what to do in that situation. Being outdoors is obviously not my forte, but I had to do the best I could. My team was counting on me to lead them to victory…we couldn’t lose our third in a row and our fourth overall! That would be demoralizing!

“Okay…so, we build a little pit for the fire…and then we strike some rocks together…” Twilight muttered, watching as Cheerilee, Derpy, Pinkie, Rarity and Scootaloo all looked on in confusion, “No, wait, we need something for the flames to burn to…Scootaloo, can you get me some dry twigs or something?”

“Uh-oh…I think you’re too late, Twilight!” Pinkie gasped, her body twitching abnormally, “My Pinkie Sense is acting up again…I think we’re in for a…” But, at that moment, a loud crack of lightning boomed overhead and soon the entire island was being drenched in a torrential downpour.

The rain was coming down fast and it was coming down hard. The Magical Misfits all whined and tried covering up their heads, or grabbing random little leaves to try and do ANYTHING to shelter themselves from getting drenched, but for all the good it did they may as well have been using rocks to cover their heads. There was no hope to build a fire now, and without proper knowledge of how to set up a shelter or even how to look for food in the rain while in a cold and dark forest, the team looked as good as dead. That is until they saw a warm glow emanating from just a little ways away.

Twilight, Cheerilee, Derpy, Pinkie, Rarity and Scootaloo all looked to see what the orange glow was and gasped as they saw Trixie sitting in front of a blazing fire. While Twilight had been trying to organize her team and make proper commands, Trixie had immediately gone to work on her own. She had built herself a big shelter in next to no time, which was created with large branches strummed together and covered with mounds of fallen clumps of large leaves. Trixie’s fireplace was crafted with large rocks arched into a circle with dead twigs and leaves and other types of fungus being the fuel. The blue unicorn was currently lying back on a soft bed of leaves she had made for herself, snacking on some edible blueberries that she had found as well. The rest of the Magical Misfits were beyond stunned.

“T-Trixie? H-how did you d-do all that?” Cheerilee stammered, taking a small step towards the blue unicorn and her wonderful little shelter as she continued to shiver from the rain pounding down on her.

“Trixie is a traveling magician,” Trixie said calmly, “She is used to living off the land and fending for herself. Do you take Trixie for a fool? She has done this many, many times before; it was easy for her to do all this in no less than five minutes.”

“I…I see…” Twilight whimpered, also taking a weak step towards the unicorn and her shelter, “Um…you do look very…comfortable in there…do you think there’s room for…six more?”

“Y-yes, darling…please, you MUST make room for me!” Rarity whined, “L-look at my beautiful mane! Y-you cannot allow such a travesty to go on b-before your very eyes, c-could you?”

“Trixie could not care in the least,” Trixie snapped, crossing her forelegs and glaring at her six teammates, “Why should Trixie allow you all to come over here? You will just use her for her food and shelter and be done with her! If we lose, she’ll be voted right out of the game and this will all be for naught. Trixie refuses to let the likes of you rude and insensitive foals take advantage of her again.”

Naturally, Trixie was expecting some harsh replies and most likely some insults, threats, and warnings as well before the six teammates all turned their backs on Trixie and left the unicorn alone. However, Trixie was shocked to see that all six of her shivering teammates continued to tremble in front of her in the rain without saying a single bad thing, or even glaring at her. Instead, they all looked…sad, hungry, hurt, and distressed. Cheerilee was weakly trying to hold Scootaloo close to her heart to keep the little filly warm, Pinkie and Derpy were huddling close, and Twilight was desperately trying to be a friend and cover up Rarity’s soaked mane. All of this was happening while all 12 pairs of eyes stared at Trixie.

“We…we understand, Trixie…you did indeed build that yourself…and we DID treat you slightly unfairly, so…we’ll leave you alone,” Twilight sniffed, sneezing and wiping her nose with the back of her foreleg, “We’ll build our own shelter…and just eat what we can find…enjoy your night, Trixie…”

Trixie watched as all six of her freezing teammates began to turn away and try to move, but the numbing rain that was pelting their bodies were almost paralyzing them and restricting their every movement. Scootaloo had reverted back to her age and was crying and making usual statements about how she wanted to go home and how she was hungry, all while Cheerilee silently nuzzled her and continued to hold her close, like her mother would do. Rarity was sobbing and, even though it was for a slightly stupid reason, Twilight tried to keep her chin up as well. Pinkie and Derpy were both trying to sing a song to perk the team up, but their voices were cold and shaky and wouldn’t work properly. Trixie tried to force herself to look away, remembering how THEY had left HER all alone when she had failed at the talent show, but she couldn’t rip her eyes away.

Trixie: This doesn’t make any sense…why would Trixie feel sorry for them after how they treated her? Trixie only did what she needed to do to save herself…they PUSHED her to be this way! Why…why do they deserve Trixie’s affection? *she placed a hoof on her heart, then closed her eyes* …I know why.

“…okay, fine,” Trixie called out, instantly grabbing the attention of her six pained teammates, “Get over here before you all freeze to death, catch colds, starve, or all of the above! Trixie will NOT be held responsible for dragging your corpses back to camp and having to explain to Discord why Trixie is the only Magical Misfit left.” Despite the fact that Trixie was trying to hide her thoughtfulness, the rest of the team saw right through it. They immediately forced their trembling bodies over to the unicorn’s beautifully-crafted shelter.

“Thank you, Trixie…we really appreciate this,” Cheerilee said honestly, stroking Scootaloo’s mane and continuing to warm up the little filly, “You didn’t have to do this for us, but you did…”

“Maybe…you’re not so evil after all,” Derpy giggled, never really caring about what she said out loud.

“Humph…shut up,” Trixie growled, blushing and turning away, “Trixie…just knows how it feels to be out in the cold…hungry and freezing…with no one there to help you. While she is still angry with all of you, as she is sure you all are with her, she couldn’t rightly stand by and watch you all suffer when she had gone through it enough times in the past. Trixie doesn’t think this will save her from your vote when and if we lose, but…” However, at that moment, Twilight gently placed her wet hoof on the unicorn’s mouth to silence her.

“That’s enough, Trixie,” she said, staring into the unicorn’s eyes, “Let’s not get into that, okay? You did something out of the kindness of your heart and that’s all that matters. The game is not important right now. What IS important is that you showed a wonderful level of kindness to open up your shelter to us. Thank you so much.” The purple unicorn removed her hoof, and Trixie was left staring at her.

“…Trixie will make some beds for you,” Trixie said, speaking in such a calm and collective voice that it was hard to believe it came from her, “Help yourselves to the blueberries and warm up near the fire all you wish, but do not get too close; it’s not good for the body to get cold and then warm so quickly.”

“We will…thanks, darling,” Rarity sniffed, trying to wring out her mane as she leaned her head down towards the fire to dry her coat even more. While the six wet Magical Misfits all dried off, Trixie went to work making six more beds next to hers. It would be cramped, but each pony on her team deserved their own bed. Nearly the entire pile of blueberries had been eaten and nearly all the water on the Magical Misfits had been dried by the time Trixie finished the last bed.

“There…all done!” Trixie wheezed, wiping a little sweat off her forehead as she turned to look at her team, “Everypony pick a bed and go to sleep. We need to get all the rest we can get so we can try and get back first in the morning. Winning still isn’t out of the question. So, now that you’re all full and nice and warm, get a good rest, you understand?”

“Yes, Trixie!” the rest of the Magical Misfits all shouted, giving the show-mare thankful smiles as they each picked out one of Trixie’s makeshift beds. Trixie felt strange on the inside as she saw the smiles. She was used to smiles, but not these kinds. Most of the smiles she got were of admiration and respect, due to her magic tricks. These smiles were…genuine. Plus, hearing the team actually respond positively to something she ordered was new, and it made Trixie feel even better on the inside.

Cheerilee honestly liked the sound of rain, as long as she wasn’t out in it, so she picked the bed closest to the edge; she also didn’t want any other pony to get cold during the night, so she would brave the elements and let her team stay even cozier. Scootaloo picked the bed next to her teacher; Pinkie was next to her, Derpy next to her, and Rarity next to her. This left Twilight to sleep between Rarity and Trixie, once more putting all three unicorns together.

As the seven Magical Misfits all snuggled down onto their little beds, almost all of them soon zonked out without much time passing. Before long, the only two ponies awake were Twilight and Trixie, both of whom were sleeping on their backs and staring up at the canopy that was the ceiling of Trixie’s shelter. Listening to the rain angrily rushing down was rather soothing, since it couldn’t be felt. When Twilight and Trixie noticed that they were the only two awake, the two unicorns turned onto their sides and faced each other.

“Listen, Twilight Sparkle…do not think Trixie has gone soft!” Trixie whispered, not wanting to wake her team, “After this challenge, if both of us are still here, Trixie is still gonna be Trixie. Don’t think that this little campout is gonna change things…”

“Change WHAT, Trixie?” Twilight asked, “Are you saying you LIKE being mean?”

“Humph…Trixie is not mean…Trixie is just proud of who she is,” Trixie sniffed, “And this was the only time that Trixie was gonna allow you fools to share something with her. It won’t happen again, so do not think that you got on Trixie’s good side.” Twilight narrowed her eyes slightly as she looked at Trixie, who narrowed her own eyes as well. Both unicorns stared at one another, barely a foot apart. Then, with a little smile, Twilight just turned back around and closed her eyes.

“Whatever you say, Trixie…whatever you say,” she whispered, “Goodnight…and thanks again.”

“Don’t mention it…ever,” Trixie responded, turning around as well and closing her own eyes. Both unicorns were soon asleep, so they failed to realize that they tails had curled around one another.

The rain continued to come down all night long. The Magical Misfits were warm and content inside of Trixie’s shelter, not to mention that their fire stayed alive for a few more hours after falling asleep to keep them heated. The Royal Ruffians had eventually constructed a fairly decent shelter of their own, not to mention having gathered a good amount of food thanks to Zecora. Rainbow Dash, not really enjoying sleeping on raining clouds, had grudgingly joined her team in their shelter after about two minutes or so of the downpour. Diamond Tiara was tossing and turning in the cave she found, while Silver Spoon was miserable and curled up under a small shrub she had decided to sleep under.

When morning eventually started to creep around the mountains, the rain dispersed and the clouds opened up to reveal the sunshine. During the night, two members on each team had gotten a little too close for comfort…so to speak. With the Royal Ruffians, Applejack was smiling to herself as she snuggled up to what she thought was the bed Fluttershy made for her. However, when she opened her eyes a second later, she saw herself clutching a blue body. She slowly lifted her eyes up to see the grinning face of Rainbow Dash a moment later.

“Good morning, AJ,” Dash teased, giving the hayseed a wink, “Never expected you to be a cuddler…Twi was right in saying that you learn something new every day! Was I warm enough for you?” In response, Applejack immediately shoved the Pegasus away and was left to angrily rant.

“Rainbow Dash! What the hay did ya’ll think you were doin’?” she snapped, “Ya can’t just go ‘round snuggling up to ponies like that! Spike’s here, ya know; what would HE think?”

“I was just relaxing and catching some z’s, AJ,” Dash smirked, “YOU were the one snuggling up to ME. Admit it…ya just can’t leave me alone. Whether I’m off snoozing on a cloud, or pulling a prank, or doing whatever, you just can’t leave me alone!” Unfortunately, Dash’s early morning brashness wasn’t sitting with Applejack, and this was realized a moment later when Applejack turned around and gave Rainbow Dash a painful bash right in the face with her hind legs, sending the Pegasus hurtling into the forest.

Rainbow Dash: *grumbling a little bit and rubbing her jaw* Dang it, that hurts! *however, despite the pain, she still puts on a little grin* Heh, AJ is just really cranky in the mornings…it’s kinda cute.

Applejack: *with her messy mane to boot, the angry cowpony rants on the camera* That Rainbow Dash has a lotta nerve! Ah totally was NOT snugglin’ up to her! Ya hear me, Equestria? That was all her!

“Ugh…what’s all the commotion?” Spike moaned, opening his eyes and finding Applejack ranting and raving while Rainbow Dash moaned nearby and rubbed her jaw, “Um…are you two alright?”

“Just wake up the rest of the team so we can hurry back to camp before ah get even angrier,” Applejack grumbled, the faint hint of a blush on her face as she cast another glare over at Rainbow Dash. Spike blinked a few times, rubbing the sleep from his eyes, before slowly starting to shake the rest of his teammates awake.

Spike: Why am I always left in the dark? It’s so not fair! *he pouts and crosses his arms* Girls are SO weird…and I mean VERY weird! They do so many things that make no sense at all…so weird.

“Mmm…you’re so soft…such a nice, silky body…such a beautiful mare…” Twilight whispered, holding Trixie close to her as their faces were barely an inch apart.

“Ooh yes…hold Trixie close…my warm, delicate pony…Trixie is all yours…” Trixie purred, snuggling even tighter to Twilight as their faces grew closer and closer. Slowly, the two mares with their hooves wrapped around each other’s waists, puckered up and began leaning in towards one another. They got closer and closer, their lips barely a centimeter apart. Then, Twilight casually opened her left eye while Trixie casually opened her right.

A series of events took place next. First, Twilight and Trixie groggily just stared at one another for a moment, locked in the same position for a good few minutes. Then, all four eyes slowly widened as both ponies were now wide awake. Next, without so much as moving a single part of their bodies, their pupils glanced up and down and observed where their hooves were placed and how close their bodies really were to each other, not to mention how close their lips were. Finally, the screams that both girls let out were loud enough to wake the living dead.

“YOU SICK, TWISTED, DIRTY, DISGUSTING MARE!” Trixie shrieked, having leapt out of her shelter and was glaring daggers at Twilight, “TRIXIE COULD DESTROY YOU FOR THIS!”

“YOU MANIPULATIVE, CRUEL, EVIL, VILE MARE!” Twilight screamed back, gritting her teeth and looking ready to destroy Trixie herself, “FILLIES AND COLTS WATCH THIS SHOW, YOU KNOW!”


“YOU WERE THE ONE HOLDING ME, ADMIT IT!” Twilight bellowed back.

“Um…girls?” Cheerilee yawned, opening her eyes and glancing out at the two unicorns, “Is there something the matter?” What Cheerilee saw was two unicorns with crazy, messy manes and deep blushes plastered on their faces. Their expressions were beyond angry, but the blushes would not go away. Slowly, the rest of the Magical Misfits began to awaken, too, and soon the two unicorns were a sideshow attraction before long.

“What happened?” Scootaloo asked, before gasping and instantly putting on a naughty grin, “Ooh, I know! They totally made out with each other, didn’t they? I can tell! Man, when I tell Rainbow Dash about this, she’s SURE to want to grab me and…” Sadly, her daydream was interrupted by the angry looks she was soon receiving from Twilight and Trixie.

“If you even DARE say a PEEP of this to ANYPONY…you’re in for a WORLD of pain, Scootaloo!” Twilight snarled, completely enraged at the moment, “And that goes for the rest of you, too!”

“Yes…what the disgusting little mare said!” Trixie snapped, angrily turning around and stomping down the path, “Let’s go…the sooner we get back to camp the better!” Nervously, the six other Magical Misfits looked at one another, then looked at the two disappearing unicorns, before pulling themselves out of their beds and starting to trot after them.

Twilight: You’re all my witnesses! You all saw what Trixie did! She was…um, how do you say it? I’m no expert on…love…oh, right! She was totally feeling me up! That sick little…ooh she’s gonna get it!

Trixie: *looking at her body as though she was diseased, and sniffing her breath feverishly* This cannot be happening…this CANNOT be happening…WHAT DID WE DO DURING THE NIGHT?!?!

Both teams raced back to camp as fast as they could, but due to the Magical Misfits being a bit more comfortable in Trixie’s shelter, they were a bit slower to get moving. As such, when Trixie and Twilight finally led their team out of the forest, they were horrified to find that the Royal Ruffians had already made it back before them. When the Magical Misfits finally trudged out of the forest, Rainbow Dash couldn’t help but start teasing them a little.

“Kinda slow, aren’t ya?” she grinned, turning around and playfully mooning the other team, “BUT, it looks like we win yet again! Sorry, Twilight and Rarity…oh, and Scootaloo.”

“Don’t worry, Dash…just because we lost doesn’t mean I’m not getting a nice reward right now…” Scootaloo sighed, dreamily staring at Rainbow’s wiggling tush before Cheerilee frowned and covered up her eyes with her hooves.

Cheerilee: I really do worry about Scootaloo sometimes…especially when Rainbow Dash is around.

“This CAN’T be happening!” Trixie cried, angrily turning to face her team, “This is all YOUR faults, you losers! That stupid blonde Pegasus with her annoying singing, that whiny prissy unicorn, and let’s not forget YOU!” Trixie snarled and pointed a hoof at Twilight. “You are SO getting voted out for what you tried to do to Trixie!”

“Hold on, hold on, don’t get your horn in a knot, Trix,” Discord announced, floating over to the two teams and tapping his chin, “First off, good morning to you all; it’s nice to see you survived your night alone in the woods. Second…I’m afraid the Royal Ruffians are missing two of their teammates, and as I recall, I said you had to make it back first AS A TEAM to win the challenge.”

“Wait…who are we missin’?” Applejack gasped, turning around and looking over her team, “We have everybody here!”

“Uh…Applejack…we’re missing Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon,” Spike pointed out, “They got into a big fight last night and failed to follow us to our campsite.”

“Oh dear…those little fillies all alone out there?” Zecora whispered, turning and looking at the forest, “For ones such as them, it must’ve been quite a scare!”

“Eh, I’m sure they got eaten by a bear or something,” Rainbow Dash shrugged, “So, that means we still win, right? It’s not our fault two of our teammates were unfortunately devoured and were unable to make it back with us.”

“Wait…please…don’t leave me…alone…” a voice squeaked out from the forest. Discord and the campers all looked to see Silver Spoon limping out from the darkness of the trees, looking sick, hungry, tired, and completely miserable. Her glasses were stained and warped, her mane and tail were a mess, her coat was filthy, and she looked like she hadn’t stopped crying since last night.

“Oh, look who actually survived!” a second voice called out, in a more conniving way than Silver Spoon’s. A second later, Diamond Tiara emerged from the forest as well, looking overall alright, but her own eyes seemed a bit puffy, too. “Like, amazing…I totally didn’t expect YOU to survive without ME there right by your side, holding your hoof.”

“Diamond…Tiara…please…why are you like this?” Silver Spoon choked out, glancing at her former best friend and looking ready to drop at any second, “Despite the things you said…I couldn’t stop thinking about you…all through that horrible night…does being a bully…really mean more to you…than your own best friend?”

“STOP calling me a bully!” Diamond Tiara snapped, shoving Silver Spoon away from her, “For the last time, I am NOT a bully! If others take offense to what I say, they are just jealous…I’m the best, and my cutie mark proves it. If you’re so lame that you actually take THEIR side over mine, I don’t NEED you as a friend. You’re dead to me, Silver Spoon.”

“No…please, Diamond Tiara…you can’t mean that!” Silver Spoon cried, getting ready to cry again, her knees shaking as she began to wobble, “Please…I’m sorry for whatever I said…you’re all I have, Diamond Tiara…I’ll do whatever it takes to be your best friend again…forgive me…” Then, Silver Spoon fainted on the grass in front of both teams, Discord, and Diamond Tiara.

“Humph…like, how pathetic,” Diamond Tiara sneered, putting her nose in the air and looking away from the fainted Silver Spoon, “It’s so totally lame how she tried so hard to make up to me…what are you all looking at?” She just noticed that the entire rest of the cast was glaring angrily at Diamond Tiara, the biggest glares coming from her own team and Cheerilee. Even Discord didn’t look really thrilled.

“Diamond Tiara…first off, you lost us the challenge!” Celestia said coldly, “Second, what I just witnessed you do was…” However, at that moment, Cheerilee slowly trotted over and gently placed a hoof on the small princess.

“Princess Celestia, with all due respect, I’d like to handle this,” the teacher said. When Celestia gave her a nod, Cheerilee glared down at Diamond Tiara like a mother would her daughter. “Diamond Tiara, I am beyond disappointed and ashamed of you. Not only did you let your team down, but what you did to Silver Spoon was so much worse. This game means nothing if it makes you change into something that you’re not. This isn’t you, Diamond Tiara…what you just did…was horrible.”

“But…but…Miss Cheerilee…she totally deserved it!” Diamond Tiara gulped, slowly taking a step or two back, “You said that our cutie marks were what made us who we are…and mine makes me the best there is! My cutie mark is the best, and if others are so lame that they can’t accept me for who I am, then why do I need them?”

“Diamond, that is NOT what I taught you!” Cheerilee yelled, stepping closer to the filly and never taking her eyes off her, “Yes, I indeed taught you that your cutie mark is something you should be proud of and it represents who you are…but you’re abusing that to a whole new level that is…frankly, bullying!”

“W-w-what?!?! N-n-no…I-I-I’m not a bully!” Diamond Tiara cried, shaking her head as she was backed against a tree and was now forced to face down her teacher, “I-I’m better than all the others…y-you know I am!”

“Diamond…I love all my students equally, and they’re all CREATED equal!” Cheerilee said seriously, stopping a few inches short of her terrified student, “No matter what your cutie mark is, let it be a flower or a bumble bee or a royal crown or a pile of mud, it makes no difference. A cutie mark does indeed signify what a pony’s special talent is, but it doesn’t represent something a lot bigger than that. It doesn’t represent something so much more precious than just a talent or skill.”

“W-w-what’s that?” Diamond Tiara asked. In response, Cheerilee reached down and moved her hoof under the little filly. She gently touched Diamond Tiara’s upper chest.

“Your heart, Diamond Tiara,” Cheerilee whispered, “Your cutie mark might make you pretty and amazing on the outside, but your heart is what’s important on the inside. It doesn’t matter if you have the greatest cutie mark in the world. If your heart is cold and bitter, then you are no better than a…blank flank, as you call them.” As soon as these words were spoken, Diamond Tiara let out a silent shriek of horror. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

“N-n-no…t-t-that can’t…that can’t be…I-I’m the best…I am!” Diamond Tiara screamed, burying her face into her hooves and falling to the ground, “I’M THE BEST…I’M THE BEST…I’M THE BEST!”

“You had something special with Silver Spoon…a tight friendship…and you let your own ego get in the way of it,” Cheerilee went on, “Maybe one day she’ll forgive you…but, until then…I feel sorry for you, Diamond Tiara. Maybe, just maybe, one day you’ll learn for yourself what I mean. Until then…good luck. I am just a teacher; all I can do is give you advice. It’s up to YOU to better yourself. Always remember that, Diamond Tiara.” She leaned down and give the filly a gentle kiss on the top of the head, then slowly turned back around and trotted back over to her silent team, leaving Diamond Tiara to continue trembling and crying in the grass, only a few feet away from the fainted Silver Spoon.

“Yes, well…thank you for that, Cheerilee,” Discord mused, clapping his hands for a moment before turning to the Misfits, “As uncomfortable as this situation is, I still have to say that you team wins due to Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon not arriving at the same time as their team. You are all safe from immunity tonight, while Royal Ruffians…it’s time for you to vote someone out. You have all day to make your choice…see you at the campfire tonight!” With a snap of his fingers, Discord vanished, leaving only silence behind in his wake, save for the crying Diamond Tiara.

Trixie: *shaking her head* …even Trixie would not do that to her best friend…how horrible.

Scootaloo: It serves Diamond Tiara right…I’m glad Miss Cheerilee told her a thing or two!

Cheerilee: *looking as though she had been crying herself* …I love my students…so much…

The rest of the day soon passed and it was time for the Royal Ruffians’ second elimination ceremony. The team was pretty steamed at having lost a challenge they thought they had clearly won, and they weren’t looking forward to making too many trips to the bonfire. Discord was seen nearby, growing some popcorn plants near the raging bonfire and grinning as kernels were popping all over the place. When the Royal Ruffians arrived, he gathered himself up a bowl of the fresh popcorn and began to feast on it while addressing the team.

“Ah…your second time, am I right?” he stated, licking his fingers and frowning a bit, “Bah…needs more salt…and butter…and cotton candy.” He tossed the bowl of popcorn behind his back out of irritation. “Well, it’s been a while, so let me refill you in on how this works. All of you write down the name of one of your teammates that you want to walk the plank…the one you want to see sailing away…the one you want to see going bye-bye and never coming back…EVER! That’s all there is to it. Applejack, darling, start us off!”

“Call me ‘darling’ again and ah’ll show ya’ll just how darlin’ ah can be…with mah hind legs!” Applejack grumbled, getting up and heading for the confessional booth.

Celestia: *showing the camera that she voted for Diamond Tiara* It’s never easy to do this, even though I only did it once…but, I’m sorry, it’s your time, my dear. *she puts the ballot in the box*

Fluttershy: *showing the camera that she voted for Diamond Tiara* Um…I’m sorry, but…you could learn a thing or two about friendship…in a big way. *she puts the ballot in the box*

Rainbow Dash: *showing the camera that she voted for Diamond Tiara* Kid, Scootaloo has spunk. What you’ve got…is a heck of a lot worse…and we don’t need that! *she puts the ballot in the box*

Zecora: *showing the camera that she voted for Diamond Tiara* I foresaw this day coming a mile away. Diamond Tiara, on this island, this is your last day. *she puts the ballot in the box*

“You all have made your decisions,” Discord said, teleporting the ballot box in front of him, “Once the votes are read, the decision is FINAL, and that camper will be sent down the Dock of Shame at once. I will now read the votes.” He snapped his fingers and got out his fake reading glasses, putting them on as the Royal Ruffians all looked slightly saddened by what was about to happen, but knowing it had to be done; they seemed to all be looking at Silver Spoon, for some reason. Discord removed the top of the ballot box and reached for the first ballot.

“First vote…Diamond Tiara,” Discord said, showing the campers the first ballot with Diamond Tiara’s name on it.

“Second vote…Spike. That’s one vote Diamond Tiara, one vote Spike.”

“Third vote…Diamond Tiara. That’s two votes Diamond Tiara, one vote Spike.”

“Fourth vote…Rainbow Dash. That’s two votes Diamond Tiara, one vote Spike, and one vote Rainbow Dash.”

“Fifth vote…Diamond Tiara. That’s three votes Diamond Tiara, one vote Spike, and one vote Rainbow Dash.”

“Sixth vote…Diamond Tiara. That’s four votes Diamond Tiara, one vote Spike, and one vote Rainbow Dash.”

“Fifth loser of Total Magic Pony Island…” Discord announced, flipping over the seventh and majority ballot, “…Diamond Tiara. Well, queenie, that’s all she wrote. It’s time for you to head down the Dock of Shame and board the Boat of Losers…yes, that makes you a loser…deal with it!”

“…fine…I don’t even care anymore,” Diamond Tiara sniffed, slowly rising from her seat as she began trotting towards the boat, “This place was a dump anyway…I don’t NEED that money…I have enough of it at home…”

“Diamond Tiara…wait!” Silver Spoon called out, hurrying after her. For a moment, Diamond Tiara was considering running to the boat so she didn’t have to face Silver Spoon, but something forced her to stop. When her former best friend stood before her, Diamond Tiara looked like she was suppressing her own waterfall of tears.

“What do YOU want?” she growled, “Come to rub it in my face how better you are than me, just because you’re gonna make it farther than I did? Like, totally sad…you stoop so low.”

“Diamond…even after what you said and did to me…I still didn’t vote for you,” Silver Spoon said softly, slowly giving the other filly a hug, “And...it seems like...you didn't vote for me, either. I hope…when we see each other again…you’ll see the error of your ways…as I have.” Diamond Tiara was shocked by this, the last thing she had been expecting a hug. She felt like pushing Silver Spoon away, but once again, something was stopping her. Was it possibly her heart?

“…Silver Spoon…good luck,” Diamond Tiara whispered, and that was all that she could say. She gave the glasses-wearing filly a weak hug back, then quickly and softly pushed her away before she began trotting towards the Boat of Losers again. Silver Spoon sat down on her rump and never took her eyes off her former best friend. Again, it felt like tears would begin to fall at any second, but for once, Silver Spoon was holding them in. When Diamond Tiara finally jumped onto the boat, she took one last look back at the camp, her former team, and at Silver Spoon, then just shook her head and vanished into the boat’s depths.

“Hey, Silver Spoon?” a voice called out softly. Silver Spoon slowly looked behind her back and saw Cheerilee standing there, along with Scootaloo. The Cutie Mark Crusader and the teacher both walked up to the hurt filly and gave her a hug, shocking her and forcing her eyes to crack open and start pouring despite all she had done to hold it in this time.

“Opposite teams or not…friends?” Scootaloo asked, gently breaking the hug and holding out a hoof. Silver Spoon’s glasses were getting fogged up, so she was barely able to see the kind smile plastered on the crazy little Pegasus’ face. However, with a little nod from Cheerilee, Silver Spoon gave a weak smile of her own before reaching out and connecting her hoof with Scootaloo’s. One had a cutie mark of a silver spoon, the other had a blank flank. But, it didn’t matter, and it never should’ve to begin with.

“And thus ends a shockingly-sad and very emotional episode,” Discord announced, floating above the threesome as he always did, “How will Silver Spoon survive without her former best friend? Will her team pick her up? What will come from Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Trixie and Twilight’s intimate moments together? Will Spike ever get a bigger role? Find out all these questions…maybe…on the next fun-filled episode of Total…Magic…Pony…Island! Discord…out!” With a snap of his fingers, he vanished.