• Published 7th Aug 2014
  • 1,394 Views, 46 Comments

Doctor Whooves Episode 22: Black Sun - Doctor Perseus

The Doctor seeks to unravel the mysteries of Discord Whooves's past.

  • ...

Nothing Important

Chapter 3: Nothing Important

Outside Ponyville Hospital, Ponyville, Equestria, Gaia, Winter, 1002 C.E.

"There it is!" cried Oswin as she dashed towards the hospital alongside Trixie, Monty, Julianna, and Zecora. The unconscious Francis was still slung over Zecora's back. A large, blue, magical shield was situated around the entire hospital. Cybermen were attacking the shield from practically every angle. Several human soldiers were running about the hospital grounds located within the shield. They appeared to be looking after a series of futuristic machines which were working together to create the massive shield. Oswin began waving her arms as she and the others neared the edge of the barrier. "HEY! LET US IN! LET US IN!"

It wasn't long before the Cybermen took notice of the vulnerable group and dived towards them. Trixie was still limping and holding onto Oswin. She wanted to use her magic to at least stun or distract some of the attackers but her magical stamina was still wiped clean. Monty kept Julianna close to him and Zecora made sure that Francis was still safely on her back.

"OPEN THE SHIELD! WE HAVE SOME MORE SURVIVORS!" ordered a soldier from within the shield. A loud fizz echoed through the air as a small opening appeared in the shield.

"JUMP!" Oswin shouted as she literally jumped through the air and towards the threshold, still managing to hold tightly onto Trixie. Monty, Julianna, and Zecora followed suit. Before any Cyberman could reach them, the group had managed to safely enter the vicinity of the shield. The soldiers were quick to seal the opening. Oswin looked up to see a helping hand reaching down for her. She kindly took the hand and lifted herself and Trixie off the ground. She smiled as she got a good look at the soldier standing in front of her. "Thanks, Berry."

"Nice to see you're still in one piece, Oswin," laughed Berry Punch before taking a swig out of a bottle of potentially alcoholic grape juice.

"Is this really the time to be drinking?"

"Oswin, we're seeing the end of the world for the second time. This is most definitely the right time to drink."

"Remind me to not lend you any firepower later."

"Whatever. Just head on into the hospital with your little group for now. Me and the others have the situation under control."

Oswin nodded. "Right." She walked towards the hospital with Trixie next to her and the others following close behind. She made eye contact with a nearby group of soldiers, gave a polite nod, and then nudged her head in Berry Punch's direction. "Keep an eye on her." The soldiers gave Oswin a thumbs up as she entered the hospital.

Canterlot Castle, Canterlot, Equestria, Gaia, Winter, 1002 C.E.

Luna the human waved her wand and rapier simultaneously as a shower of bullets rained down upon her. She managed to deflect the projectiles but still obtained a few small cuts and bruises on her arms and legs. Black Sun flew towards her and let out a high pitched scream. Luna wished to cover her ears and cower in the corner but she resisted this urge and instead charged towards the metallic monstrosity that had once been her elder sister.

A large blast of offensive magic emanated from the horn of Luna the alicorn and smashed straight into Black Sun's side. Black Sun was disoriented momentarily but it didn't take much for her to regain her balance and continue the attack. "It would be wise to surrender now and let your death come swiftly. You're only delaying the inevitable," said the super soldier as she shot a cloud of projectiles at Luna the human whilst throwing a heavy punch at Luna the alicorn.

Alicorn Luna dodged the attack and flew over to human Luna. "Being upgraded has made you foolish," snarled human Luna as she pointed her rapier at Black Sun. She wiped a few tears away before dashing towards the enemy. "I never surrender." With lightning speed, she slashed her rapier forward and across Black Sun's right arm. Blue sparks emanated from the point of collision and a large scar formed on the arm's metallic surface. With equal speed, Black Sun reacted by punching human Luna straight in the chest. Human Luna let out a loud gasp and jumped back. She clutched her chest and desperately tried to catch her breath.

Black Sun cracked her neck and began to slowly approach human Luna. "I've just broken five of your ribs. Two have grazed your right lung. Severe internal bleeding can potentially result from this," she stated with a cold, emotionless tone.

"Stand down!" ordered alicorn Luna as she jumped between human Luna and Black Sun. A blue wall of magic emanated from her horn and flew towards Black Sun. The soldier stumbled as the wall pushed her back and phased through her body. Blue sparks danced around her like fireflies and bits of her metallic body began to crack.

Black Sun quickly recovered from the attack and cracked her neck again. "I've grown tired of this. Master has given me a task. I shall not fail," she said.

"But failure is what you shall receive!" snapped alicorn Luna as she readied another attack.

Suddenly, Black Sun shot forward with an unbelievable burst of speed. Alicorn Luna tried to dodge the dash but quickly found a strong metal hand clasping her neck with a death grip. Black Sun held her up, her grip quickly tightening around the alicorn's neck. Luna choked and gagged for any burst of air. She flung her limbs about, flapped her wings, and attempted to cast the simplest of offensive spells. Black Sun's fingers magically grew until they perfectly encompassed Luna's neck. "Your trachea is completely closed, the blood flow to your brain has been halted, and your neck is a flick away from snapping," said Black Sun as she stared into the panicked eyes of the alicorn princess. Tears began to pour from Luna's eyes as she struggled to get even the smallest breath of air, but it was all to no avail. Her vision was blurring, a horrendous pain was exploding within her lungs, and her focus was too scrambled for her to attempt casting any sort of magic. "It'll only take about two and half minutes as of now for you to completely expire." Black Sun looked at the injured human Luna, who was now charging towards her.

"LET HER GO!" snapped human Luna as she readied her wand.

Black Sun sighed. "It looks like I don't have two and a half minutes," she said before shrugging her shoulders. "I suppose this is a good opportunity to, as they say, kill two birds with one stone."

Human Luna managed to fire a flew magical blasts and swing her rapier before Black Sun jumped into the air. She had next to no time to react as, with the speed of a rocket, Black Sun flew down towards her. A loud, terrible, sickening crack echoed through the room. Luna was frozen. Every muscle in her body hardened. A sharp, indescribable pain emanated from the top of her head and passed through her entire body. She barely had a second to react before her eyes rolled up into her head and unconsciousness overcame her.

Black Sun stared down at her work. The two Lunas lay on the floor at her feet. They were joined at the head as a result of a perfect strike on Black Sun's part. The horn of Luna the alicorn had been completely driven through the top of human Luna's skull. Small rivers of blood poured from new cracks in their heads. "Death is inevitable," she diagnosed before turning around and flying off in the direction of the Elements of Harmony Chamber.

Crystal Caverns, Beneath Canterlot, Equestria, Gaia, Winter, 1002 C.E.

A bright light emanated from Twi's wand as she descended into the depths of the caverns alongside Shining Armor and Flash. Gusts of cold air brushed past her but, thankfully, her soldier outfit was keeping her warm for the most part. The air smelled of rusted metal and each step she and the others took sounded as if they were walking along a gravel road. Small reflections of light could be seen in the walls, ceiling, and floor around them. The tiny crystals embedded in the rock made Twi feel an overwhelming sense of calm. She enjoyed this feeling for the brief time she could predict it would last. Being calm was a luxury she had been denied for quite some time. She blinked and kept her eyes closed for a few seconds longer than normal. During those few seconds, she thought back to the last time she had felt this calm.

The faint memory of soft snow covering Canterlot came to mind. People walking about and preparing for Hearth's Warming Eve. The air riddled with the scent of hot chocolate and lumber. A camera held tightly in her hands and Spike walking alongside her. Then...two ponies appearing and the sky opening up.

"Twilight?" asked the voice of Flash. Twi gasped as she opened her eyes. She was barely a foot away from colliding with a wall. Flash placed his hand on her shoulder and she flinched slightly in response. "You okay?"

Twi brushed Flash's hand away and continued down the tunnel. "Let's keep going," she stated practically in monotone. The calm was gone and the reality of the situation was coming back to her. Behind her back. Shining and Flash exchanged worried glances. Or an assumed worried glance in Shining's case given how his metallic face was forever frozen in one expression.

A small chamber opened up to them after a few more yards of walking and the trio decided to stop for a moment. It was here where Twi sat down and leaned her back against one of the large crystals that were protruding from the ground. She rested her face in her hands and let out something close to that of a disgruntled shriek.

"Twilight?!" asked Shining as he quickly raced to her side and placed a hand on her back. "What's wrong?"

Twi's head was spinning. The floor felt like an empty void beneath her and her brother's comforting voice seemed like a distant grasp on sanity. She moved her hands away from her face and wrapped her arms around her torso. Her entire body began to shake and her teeth started to clatter. "How can we hope to find the Doctor in here?" she asked in a hoarse whisper.

"What?" asked Flash with a raised eyebrow.

Twi began to rock back and forth. "How can we hope to stop that...Black Sun in time?!"

"Twilight? Where's this coming from?! Snap out of it!" Shining pleaded.

Twi couldn't find the right response to her sudden doubt. Looking at crystals in the walls appeared to cause the full weight of the current situation to come crashing down on her as if the Moon itself had fallen out of the sky. She wanted to fight it, but an onslaught of daunting questions took hold of her. The Crystal Caverns spread out in many different directions and delved well below Canterlot Castle. How could she hope to find the Doctor in time? What if they were already too late? Could she have the stomach to potentially aid in killing Black Sun, the monster that had once been her greatest inspiration and mentor? "How? Why? Where? How? Why? Where? How? Why? Where?" she asked as a powerful cold swept over her.

"What the hell's happening?!" Flash asked as he followed Shining's example and raced to Twi's side. He touched her shaking arm and nearly jumped back. The cold emanating from her body was enough to render his hand blue after barely a couple seconds of contact. "She's literally freezing!"

"What?!" asked Shining as he grabbed one of Twi's arms. Due to his robotic body, he couldn't feel a thing. "How?!"

"How? Why? Where?" Twi continued to ask.

Flash looked around the chamber. The air felt thicker than usual and the crystals appeared to be glowing slightly brighter; not with a comforting shine but rather a more sinister one. A shine that began to make even Flash feel a slight wave of depression.

Just then, the sound of echoing footsteps could be heard emanating from the tunnel the trio had come from. Flash and Shining turned towards the threshold just in time to see a white light penetrate the darkness. Three familiar figures followed the light. "Spike?! Rarity?! Fluttershy?!" gasped Flash as the second trio came into view. "What are-"

"Nevermind that! What's happening to Twilight?!" Rarity interrupted as she dashed towards her shaking friend.

"We don't know!" said Shining.

Rarity turned to Shining. "Well can't you examine her or something your...er...robot parts?"

Shining slouched a bit and was silent for a brief moment. Flash was sure that Shining would be giving a seriously look if he had his original face. "I'm a Cyberman, Rarity. Not an ICU monitor."

Rarity's cheeks turned slightly red.

Spike suddenly rushed past her and knelt down in front of Twi. "Twi? Twilight?!" he asked with worry. Twi looked as if she wanted to respond but could only give off hoarse groans and breaths.

"It's this place," said Rarity with a shiver. "I've always heard rumors about how the Crystal Caverns harbored dark magic. It seems to be true even in this world."

"She needs help. We need to get her out of here!" said Fluttershy.

Time seemed to slow down for Twi. Everyone standing around her was a grey shadow and the world felt distant and disconnected from her being. She turned her head away from the others and looked down one of the tunnels to see a bright, golden light attack her closing eyes. Instead of wanting to close her eyes to protect her pupils from the blinding rays, she wished to open her eyes even further. As she brought her eyelids as open as she could force them, she could feel strength gradually returning to her body. Within the impossibly bright beacon of light, she could see a figure of a different shade of gold staring at her. She wished she could tell what the figure was but it was consistently changing shape at a speed beyond what her eyes could comprehend. It would take the form of a human, then a mare, and then another form which Twi assumed was canine in nature. Possibly even a wolf.

"Come on," said the figure with a voice which sounded as if several different female voices were talking alongside each other. "There's work to be done." The figure began to walk down the tunnel.

"Wait!" shouted Twi as she suddenly burst back to life. With her focus now solely on following the figure of golden light, she pushed past her friends and broke into a fast sprint.

"Twilight!" called Rarity and Fluttershy together as they raced after her. Flash, Shining, and Spike weren't far behind.

"Wait, Twilight!" pleaded Fluttershy as she began to slightly levitate into the air.

"Come on! We can't lose it!" Twi ordered as she chased after the figure.

"Lose what?" Spike asked as he glanced at Flash.

Flash and the others didn't have time to question what Twi was talking about. All they could do was follow their friend deeper and deeper into the twisted caverns.

Discord Laboratory, Beneath Rainbow Falls, Equestria, Gaia, Winter, 1002 C.E.

Derpy was quiet. She had been that way for some time now. Twilight, Spike, and the others had fallen eerily silent as well. Derpy scanned everypony's eyes. All of their eyes gave off the indication that they were in deep thought. Everypony was busy thinking of ways to escape but it appeared that Discord Whooves was prepared for anything. Whether it was science, magic, or a mixture of both, he had most definitely filled this particular room at least with certain defenses in order to weaken them. Twilight's magic was but a flicker, Spike could now barely produce a spark, and Rainbow Dash could hardly make her wings do a single flap. The more everypony thought about fighting back and escaping, the weaker they looked.

Derpy could definitely feel the negative forces working on her. A lethal desire to fall asleep and give up began to crop up deep within her thoughts. It was easy to fight at first; but the power of the desire only grew with each passing minute.

It wasn't long before Derpy found herself slipping into deep thought as well. She didn't think so much about methods of escaping as she did about what was happening in the outside world: beyond the double doors. What was Discord Whooves doing with the insane Pinkie Pie and Thalia? Was the fight against the Cybermen going well? What was the Doctor doing?

A small wave of depression hit Derpy and a soft sigh escaped through her lips. It was only loud enough for Spike to register it, consider asking Derpy if she said anything, and then forget about it in order to return to his own thoughts. Derpy almost cringed as she thought about the Doctor in the outside world. She thought of him using his alien brain to come up with an ingenious plan to stop Discord Whooves. Meanwhile...here she was.

Derpy slowly moved one of her forehooves across the cold floor of the cage. She leaned back against one of its barred walls before giving another quiet sigh. "There's got to be something we can do," she said under her breath. She closed her eyes. "There's got to be something I can do."

At that moment, a powerful gust of wind blew past Derpy. She opened her eyes and froze with terror. The cage she and Spike were trapped in now appeared to be floating within a black void. Flying through the void towards them was what appeared to be a small spaceship traveling at incredible speeds. Derpy let out a terrified scream as the spaceship roared towards her. She jumped back and felt the metallic bars of the cage collide with the back of her head.

"Derpy?!" asked Spike and the others simultaneously.

Derpy looked towards Spike to see that the room had reappeared. She then looked ahead. There was no sign of any spaceship racing towards her nor were there any signs of there ever being a black void in place of the room.

"What happened?!" asked Spike as he slid over to Derpy.

It wasn't until now that Derpy realized how heavy she was breathing. "Did...didn't you see that, Spike?" she managed to ask.

Spike gave a confused look. "See what?"

Derpy continued to look ahead. The more she thought about what she had just experienced, the more she noticed that an unusual sensation had overcome her. She couldn't explain it. She didn't know why. She just knew that somepony or something, somewhere out in Celestia knows where, was reaching out to her.

"I...I don't...nevermind, Spike," Derpy said.

Spike now looked even more confused than ever. "But-"

"Just drop it for now, Spike." Derpy looked out towards the others. "Sorry to scare you all." Derpy returned to her quiet state and it didn't take long for the others to follow suit.

Opal remained still and silent as she watched Discord Whooves and Pinkie Pie munch on a plate of fresh muffins. The three of them were sitting at a long mahogany table, the wood having been painted with a mixture of grey, black, and red shades. Opal sat alone on one side of the table whilst Discord Whooves and Pinkie Pie sat next to each other directly across from her. The dining room they were situated in was filled with many shadows and dark spaces due to the only source of light being a candlelit chandelier dangling several feet above their heads. Opal refused to look up at the chandelier anymore thanks to the materials which had been used to construct it: the bones of animals and various other unknown creatures. One muffin was placed neatly on a plate before Opal but she had yet to touch it.

"It's not poisonous, dearie," chuckled Discord Whooves with a smirk. "You've got nothing to worry about."

"I highly doubt that," Opal said under her breath.

Discord Whooves raised an eyebrow and leaned forward. "What was that?"

Opal pushed the muffin away. "I don't exactly have an appetite right now."

An amused laugh permeated the air as Discord Whooves leaned back. "You ponies are such peculiar creatures. War always makes me hungry, personally."

"Me too!" chirped Pinkie Pie as she devoured three more muffins with a single bite.

Discord Whooves grabbed a napkin with one of his wings and wiped the crumbs off his muzzle. He then presented Opal's sonic screwdriver and began to balance it in his forehooves. "Perhaps we should move on to the matter at hoof since you're apparently keen on not wasting anymore time with food," he sneered.

Opal blew a few strands of hair away from her eyes and sat back. "I don't think there's much to discuss here," she concluded.

Discord Whooves shook his head, all the while continuing to give his cocky grin. "Oh, I wouldn't make such hasty deductions. There are plenty of things to discuss about this." He stopped balancing the sonic screwdriver and proceeded to point it at Opal.

Opal, continuing to keep the calm expression she had been giving since being brought into the macabre dining room, barely flinched. "What's there to say? That's a sonic screwdriver. The Doctor gave it to me. End of story."

"Do you honestly expect me to take that explanation and be satisfied with it?"

"It may not be the answer you were hoping for, Discord Whooves, but it is what it is. I've encountered the Doctor a few times. He gave it to me as a gift. As I said, end of story."

"No. There's more to it than-"

"What does it matter to you?"

Discord Whooves fell silent. "Pardon?"

Opal crossed her forelegs. "Why does it matter? I have a sonic screwdriver. Big whoop. You seem pretty confident in your belief that you've won. Me and my sonic screwdriver shouldn't even matter to you then."

"Ah, but you do. The Doctor doesn't just hand out a sonic screwdriver to just anypony. You must be of great importance to him."

Opal chuckled and shook her head. "I'm nopony special. I'm just a simple mare with a husband and two children. The Doctor knows me but not as well as you think. Right now, I'm just a familiar face to him. Another pony in the crowd." Opal leaned forward. "You think I may know some sort of secret that could help you find the Doctor's Achilles heel, correct?" Discord Whooves's smile slowly morphed into a serious stare. "I'm afraid you're all out of luck with me, Discord Whooves. I'm just a mare with a sonic screwdriver. The only thing more to me aside from that is me being a mother and a wife. That's it. I'm no Twilight Sparkle or Derpy Hooves. If you want answers about the Doctor you'll probably have more luck with them than me. But good luck getting to them. The Doctor would never let anything happen to those two." Discord Whooves and Pinkie shared a sadistic grin. Discord Whooves prepared to give a snarky remark when Opal suddenly gave a few chuckles tainted with disappointment. "Amy was probably more special than I was."

Discord Whooves's eyes twitched. "What did you just say?" he asked.

Opal brushed her mane and shook her head. "Nothing important. Just thinking aloud there," she sighed.

The gray pegasus's eyes grew dark and still. "I don't believe you heard me correctly, Opal. What. Did. You. Just. Say?"

Opal leaned back and stared straight into Discord Whooves's eyes. "You can stop with the death stare. It's not scaring me. No matter what threats you make towards me, you're not going to get any useful information from me. What I just said is probably about as important as everything I've already said and anything I'll say after it. It's nothing important. At least, probably not important to you."

Half of Discord Whooves's mouth curved into a smile. "Nothing important, huh? Nothing important to me, huh?" Discord Whooves leaned back and broke out into an insane fit of laughter.

Pinkie froze for a moment, her pupils darting back and forth between Discord Whooves and Opal, before breaking out into a similar laughing fit. "HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!" laughed Pinkie. "HA HA HA! WHY ARE WE LAUGHING?!"

Discord Whooves's laughing stopped as quickly as it began and Pinkie followed suit. "Because it's funny, Pinkie," he replied before climbing up onto the table. "It's terribly funny."

"What is? Tell me! Tell me!" Pinkie began to bounce like a kid about to go to the toy store.

Discord Whooves locked eyes with Opal, who was more confused by the situation than anything else. "It's funny that you would consider what you said not important to me, Opal." Then, without any warning, the pegasus lunged for Opal and knocked her out of her chair.

"What the hell?!" Opal gasped as she hit the floor. She had hardly any time to react. Before she knew it, Discord Whooves was on top of her and was crushing her trachea underneath his forehooves.

"Talk!" the pegasus demanded. His eyes appeared to turn into two pits of black and red. Opal struggled to breathe underneath his force. "Nothing important?! TALK!"

Opal attempted to speak but could only give a series of pained groans and croaks. Pinkie stood up and cocked her head. "Um...Mr. Whooves? I don't think she can talk right now. You might want to try strangling her a bit less," she suggested.

Discord Whooves turned around to face Pinkie. "SHUT UP!" he shouted before turning back to Opal. Pinkie shrugged her shoulders and sat back down. Opal tried to respond but was met with a heavy strike to the muzzle. Discord Whooves became a flailing lunatic of fur and feathers as he proceeded to start punching Opal in the face over, over, and over again. "NOT IMPORTANT?! NOT IMPORTANT?! YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT WHAT'S IMPORTANT! NOW TALK! TALK!" Opal was quickly slipping into unconsciousness. A painful cracking sound emanated from her nose and streams of blood trickled out of her nostrils. Discord Whooves continued to attack Opal, his sanity appearing to have left in order to allow him to unleash a full storm of rage from within. "TALK, YOU IDIOT! WHAT DO YOU AND THE DOCTOR KNOW ABOUT HER?!"

This was the last thing Opal heard before giving in to her injuries and blacking out.

Crystal Caverns, Beneath Canterlot, Equestria, Gaia, Winter, 1002 C.E.

Colgate slowly opened her eyes to find her vision attacked by several rays of rusty red light. Thankfully, it didn't take long for her eyes to adjust. She had just finished rubbing her eyes when a familiar figure appeared above her.

"You're awake! Thank Celestia," said Clockwork.

"What happened?" Colgate groaned as she sat up. She looked around at the odd sight that was the TARDIS-turned-paradox machine and rubbed her forehead. "Is this...the TARDIS?"

Clockwork shook his head. "Not exactly."

Colgate looked over to see Matilda sitting next to an unconscious Doctor. Donna was pacing back and forth a couple feet away. "Doctor?!" Colgate made haste in getting up and running over to the Doctor's side.

"Good morning, Colgate! Nice to see you back with us," said Matilda with a small smile. "Or is it afternoon? We've been down here for quite some time."

"That's an understatement," Donna stated before bringing a halt to her pacing. She walked over to and knelt down next to Colgate. "How are you feeling?"

"Fine. What happened?"

"You don't remember anything?"

Colgate rubbed the back of her head. "I remember entering the caverns and then...nothing else." She looked down at the Doctor. "Is the Doctor okay?"

"He's been out for a while but he should be fine," Matilda replied. Matilda met Colgate's eyes, which were silently pleading for a further explanation. "As always, it's a long story."

Just then, the sound of knocking echoed from the front doors.

"One we don't have time to tell," gulped Clockwork.

The doors flew open and, in a flash, Matilda readied her blaster.

"Doctor?!" asked Twi as she rushed inside. She quickly noticed Matilda's blaster and raised her arms in defense. "Wait! Don't shoot!"

"Twilight?!" gasped Colgate and Clockwork.

"Twi?" asked a surprised Donna.

Flash, Shining Armor the Cyberman, and the human Spike, Fluttershy, and Rarity were not too far behind.

"It looks like everybody's showing up," Matilda deduced with a smirk.

"Doctor!" exclaimed Twi before racing over to the unconscious stallion's side.

"What are you all doing here?!" asked Clockwork.

"What's wrong with the Doctor?!" asked Flash.

"Okay! Time out!" Matilda commanded as she stood up. "It's clear that everyone and everypony has a few questions to ask. Now if we all just take our time-"

Flash stepped forward. "We don't have time! The Elements of Harmony are in danger!"

"What?!" gasped Colgate.

Flash nodded. "Yes. Discord Whooves has captured your Twilight and the rest of her friends."

"Oh no!" stated Donna. "What about Derpy and Spike? Are they okay?"

Flash shook his head. "I'm not sure."

Donna wrapped her arms around her torso nervously. She suddenly really wanted everyone and everypony to be together again.

Flash continued. "Along with that, we found out that Discord Whooves has turned our world's Celestia into his ultimate Cyberman weapon. He calls her Black Sun now. She's in the castle right now and is on a mission to steal the Elements of Harmony. The two Lunas and Celestia are up there to hold her off but...we don't know how long they can stand up to a...a-"

"A monster like that," Twi finished in an emotionless tone.

Flash gave a sad look in Twi's direction before turning his attention back to Matilda. "We need the Doctor and the TARDIS to protect the Elements of Harmony now!"

Matilda was silent for a few seconds. "Well I'm afraid the Doctor's out of commission until further notice," she stated.

"We can see that!" snapped Shining. "Why is that? And what is-"

"This is Discord Whooves's TARDIS. He turned it into a paradox machine in order to do whatever the hell he wants in this world. The Doctor is now learning about Discord Whooves's past with help from some creature named Discord, who was trapped inside this TARDIS for God knows how long and is the main reason why Discord Whooves exists today," Donna explained. Everyone and everypony was silent for a brief moment. "Any questions? No? Good!"

Rarity shook her head a few times before stepping forward. "But we really need him now," she said in an almost shaky tone.

Donna rubbed the side of her temple. "Well it's not like we can just wake him up!"

"It's okay. You won't need to," Twi stated as she slowly stood up. Her tone was eerily monotone and her eyes were faintly golden in color. "He'll be awake soon and I know a shortcut back up to the surface."

"How do you know that, Twilight?" asked a concerned Spike.

"I just do. Trust me," Twi replied.

Donna noticed that Twi wasn't focusing on anyone or anypony. She followed Twi's gaze back towards the open TARDIS doors. The air around the doors looked misty and foggy. It was almost as if something just beyond the realm of complete visual existence was standing there. Donna looked back at Twi and stared straight into her somewhat golden eyes. A chill coursed through her body. Donna felt a strangely comforting presence descend upon her. What this presence was, she couldn't tell for sure. But what she could definitely be sure of was that it was on their side and that it was connected to her and Twi for some reason. "I trust you, Twi," said Donna.

Twi gave a small smile and nodded in Donna's direction.

"Let's hope the Doctor brings back some useful information for us," said Flash.

"Oh I wouldn't worry about that," said Matilda confidently before sitting back down next to the unconscious Doctor. "A stallion like the Doctor witnessing the life story of somepony like Discord Whooves? I'm sure that's going to give us some interesting results."

Author's Note:

As an extra bonus to you all for having to wait so long, here's the title for the next chapter: "The Life and Lies of Discord Whooves". I sincerely promise that the wait for the next chapter won't be nearly as long as it was for this one. :twilightsheepish: