• Member Since 7th Feb, 2012
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Alex Warlorn

Just your average Brony who happened upon an idea that might actually turn out to be clever enough for guys to love.


My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic
Pony POV Series: Sunset Shimmer's Cutie Mark
By Alex Warlorn

"I was proud of you, too proud, to see what you were becoming, to see . . . what I was turning you into."

Previous: http://alexwarlorn.deviantart.com/art/Pony-POV-Nightmare-World-Spike-The-Dragon-473977886

Next Chapter:

First Chapter: http://alexwarlorn.deviantart.com/art/Pony-POV-Series-Fluttershy-FlutterCruel-Pearls-260092460

Trope page: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/PonyPOVSeries (SERIOUSLY need to be kept up to date, every little bit helps!).

My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic And All Related Character Copyright Of Hasbro

Cover art by Fox Moonglow. http://fox-moonglow.deviantart.com/art/Sunset-s-Fall-1-The-Faithful-Student-382137378

PLEASE check out the ton of recursive fanfics of this fanfiction series. A lot of heart went into them! They also answer a lot of unaswered questions. http://mlp-pony-pov-series.deviantart.com/ For heaven sake they rock! Kendell2 and Oracle Mask and Richforce and Ardashir and Jawmax and Persona22 and Dragon of Twilight and ItsFromPeople and all the rest!!!

Alternate title:

Takes place after 'A Canterlot Wedding' Pony POV Series style.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 39 )

Unsure on the chronology here. Ink Well is pretty darn old -- up there with Granny Smith Apple -- and she looked at most middle-aged during the attack on Canterlot. Any filly old enough to be able to do what you describe during that attack would therefore have to be much older than Twilight Sparkle, not just half a generation older. I'm guessing that Cadance is roughly in the same age cohort as Shining, and I don't think that Shining is more than in his late twenties to late thirties -- though apparent age can be very deceptive for Alicorns, given that Celestia and Luna are many centuries old in their current incarnations.

I'm guessing you're ditching the comic books entirely, then?

I must share with you Twilight Sparkle, dark magic is not inherently evil, but the emotions that its users must draw upon and master in order to command it: anger, hate, greed...fear, are emotions that ponies have always looked down on as 'wrong' to feel. Ponies are emotional by nature, and most emotions for dark magic are uncommon and not felt regularly by everypony, so when they are felt, they aren't known for being properly dealt with. And so when it's called upon, the results are seen as ponies losing control of themselves and being a danger to all around them.

Makes sense: it's not the magic itself, it's the psychological state required to employ the magic. In Call of Cthulhu terms, these are spells which also cost Sanity as well as Magic Points to cast. It's been shown that way in the series, too -- a sort of look of twisting or revulsion or extreme effort on the faces of a pony trying to use such magics, even if it's a very powerful spellcaster such as Twilight Sparkle.

Sunset convinced two ponies who were best friends into being her test subjects for a series of dark magic spells intended for her to try and deconstruct how friendship worked. After all, it was a duty requested of them from Princess Celestia's personal student, how could it possibly be wrong? It was for the greater good of Equestria.

(*nods*) Deliberately testing friendship to destruction is a fairly evil thing to do.

Now you know why I was so upset with you after the Smartypants Incident.

Because I wound up seeing Equestria Girls before I saw "Lesson Zero" (I got into MLP after Season Three had already aired) I had the same thought myself watching "Lesson Zero" -- that Celestia must of thinking "Oh no, not again." The more so because the show implies an escalating and increasingly-frequent series of attacks on Equestria (the reason I came up with the "Shadow Wars"), meaning that Celestia woudln't have time to train a new apprentice if Twilight Sparkle went mad. (And in any case, she loves Twilight, so her going mad would be pretty darn upsetting in itself).

The comics make it pretty obvious that she loved Sunset Shimmer too, but that Sunset damaged her love by taking advantage of it.

Your version of their break is better than the comics, though the one in the comics has its own high points.

And ponies quietly buried records of her and their memories of her so deep it was like all had forgotten she had ever existed rather than face Celestia's chosen had fallen from grace. Speaking of her became an unspoken taboo. At times, I felt like I was the only pony who even remembered her.

I can see this -- Celestia's no tyrant, she wouldn't punish Ponies for speaking of Sunset Shimmer -- but she wouldn't be happy, and Ponies want to make her happy, the more so because she isn't a tyrant. There's a danger to that, too -- the danger of sincere sycophancy instead of honest advice.

I wonder how time runs on the other side of the mirror. Based on your chronology, Sunset Shimmer would if she'd stayed on the Pony Earth now be middle-aged to elderly -- but then she probably would have also Ascended if she'd remained sane. Her form on the other side of the mirror was that of a Humanoid in her late teens -- but then so was Twilight's form, and Twilight has to be around 20 as a Pony if they have the same lifespan as we do at that point. Same thing goes for the rest of the Mane Six, who seem to be Twilight's age or slightly older on Pony Earth, but late teens on Humanoid Earth.

It's strange.


Seems standard issue, but then again, it fits very well for Sunset and Celestia.


The Siege Ink Well lost her eye, and the battle Sunset earned her cutie mark were meant to be very far apart indeed.


I'm guessing you're ditching the comic books entirely, then?

Nope. Not in the least. I'm still very much using Elements from it, as you can see from the final chapters of the Wedding Arc, I'm just not being 100% deferent to them.

The comics make it pretty obvious that she loved Sunset Shimmer too, but that Sunset damaged her love by taking advantage of it.

The way Celly spoke in the movie made it clear she STILL loves Sunset.

I think Time DOES NOT PASS at the same rate on the other sides of the mirror when it isn't active.

I love deconstructions like these. A very believable development for Sunset. It puts it into perspective how her "Might Makes Right" attitude came from.

The emotions coming from Celestia also felt real. Poor mare.


Happy to know this baby worked.


Ironically I was thinking from the queen from ICO.

4853449 : wrote "Same thing goes for the rest of the Mane Six, who seem to be Twilight's age or slightly older on Pony Earth, but late teens on Humanoid Earth.

It's strange."

Eh, not really.

Equines mature faster than humans.

It would take a human 20-something years to be mature, but equines could get there in about 14-15 years and be very mature.

Then their aging seems to slow down a bit.

Which is why Granny Smith is a few hundred.

THIS STORY WAS SAD:fluttercry: BUT SWEET:scootangel:



Thanks for the praise, and nice to know it worked.


If you mean Celestia's mortal birthday, that when in the Pony POV Verse, she was born along with Luna and Discord at Paradise Estate thousands of years ago, after the cosmic concepts (The Alicorns and Draconequi) did battle. Luna, Celly, and Discord are laws of the universe born in mortal bodies in the Pony POV Verse.

With understanding I had never seen in a foal before, Sunset looked around.

Celestia never refers to her by name until the scene where she asks for her name, except for this scene. Is it intentional?

I almost wonder if she connected that I had power, with me being right, and that by being more powerful, she'd become 'more' right.

First rule of power: The one with the power makes the rules.


Which is the opposite of everything Celestia was trying to teach her.

Do you mind if I use this as Sunsets back story in my fic?

Do you mind if I use this as Sunsets back story in my fic?

I just couldn't get into this one. The narrative style just didn't do it for me. I get that you were going for a storyteller's voice, but I'm not certain it worked. The narrative voice didn't have any character to it, so reading the story was ultimately quite bland.

The ideas were interesting, sure, but the reading unfortunately became a slog.


It was Celestia speaking.

I know that, but it just didn't feel like Celestia nor did the style feel effective. It felt very much like it could have been anyone since the narration boiled down to, "This happened. Then that happened. These things also happened. I felt this way about these things. This person was like this." If you're going to write in that style, then the narrative voice needs to have a certain flair to it, if you will. Something that makes the base retelling of events much more interesting.

5529891 I honestly don't feel what you are. No offense, everyone likes the same thing, I'm just saying I don't feel the same thing I suppose.

No offense, I just don't feel that. I liked the chapter.


The narrative style just didn't do it for me.

Is what I said. I then explained why I felt that way. Others are free to feel differently.

5530093 Oh, that's fine. Everyone can like what they want to like. We just disagree, and that's.

This is what I expect of you. :heart:


(Fluttershy eyes) . . . Thank you.

........That's really sad and tragic........I felt Celestia's joy when Sunset showed improvement, drive, goodness, and a lot of virtues that I was happy she had. The one virtue she had that I was happy about was her being unafraid to speak her mind and express her disagreements without cowering in fear, which I will admit is a trait I hate from Twilight and the other ponies when they fear Celestia is gonna crucify them for being opinionated.........this showed me that the lack of fear can also be dangerous, especially on a child that still has much to learn..........

........I really felt Celestia's pain when Sunset fell........and it was extremely agonizing when I read the part that there was a timeline where both Twilight and Sunset were close friends.........it really hit me in the heart when I realize that both Celestia and Twilight will never have another pony they can call a friend........the one I admire in spite of her flaws........:ajsleepy::ajsleepy:


Good to know this story still works after all this time.
One of the major things I had here, was Celestia explicitly taught Sunset about gray areas, not wanting her to think in black and whites... only it backfired.

"Please my little sun, come home, all is forgiven."

I wish there were a sequel.

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