• Published 19th Aug 2014
  • 62,426 Views, 2,221 Comments

What I've Become - Knight Breeze

A mysterious predator haunts the White Tail Woods... one that is deadly, terrifying, and...nice?

  • ...

Chapter XIV

So, in case you didn't read my blog post, because the character belonged to someone else, and I am not a thieving jerkwad, I changed Captain Steel Song's name to Dark Seeker. Everything about the character is the same, the only thing that is different is that his name has changed. That isn't going to matter much for this chapter, because he doesn't appear here. However, it will matter in the books to come, so heads up.

If you want more details on the change, go ahead and check out my blogpost Um... Oops...

Chapter XIV

Princess Luna gently closed the door, well aware of the loud snoring that was coming from the other side. As she did so, Nurse Life Line approached the princess nervously. “How is it?” she asked.

He is fine, the poor thing simply wanted to talk,” Princess Luna said as she took a quick glance back at the door. “Our conversation tired him out far more than I thought it would, and he actually fell asleep mid-sentence.”

“Did it-he tell you what he was?” Line asked curiously.

“I cannot say, I must meet with my sister and discuss what I have gleaned from the patient before I will discuss it with the medical team,” she said as she swept passed the mare.

“Is it... is he dangerous?” Line asked nervously.

Princess Luna stopped at this, then turned and faced the mare. “Is he dangerous? Yes. Very much so. So is a pony, or a griffon, or a minotaur, or any of the sapient species that inhabit our world. Should you fear him? No. In fact, he is far more scared of us than we are of him, especially in his now weakened state.”

“I- I didn't...”

“Keep an eye on him Nurse Life Line, he is not out of the woods by any stretch of the imagination. Keep me apprised of his condition, I will be consulting with my sister if I am needed,” the princess said as she turned and left.

“Yes, Your Highness...” Life Line said with a bow.

* * *

Celestia rubbed her head in irritation. She had the possibility of an invasion looming over her head, the political nightmare that that had forced upon her, and the day to day rigors that ruling a nation brought upon her.

And yet, as stressful as all that was, it wasn't nearly as irritating as listening to Blueblood ramble on about tax exceptions.

Clearly it was just a mistake auntie. You couldn't possibly think to impose such a tax upon me and my business, it is just too horrible to imagine!” he said pompously.

“Blueblood, we go over this every year, and for the last time, your company must pay its taxes regardless of who is currently running it, as do you,” Celestia said dismissively. “You may be a prince, but you do not rule this nation, nor have any right in declaring who is and isn't exempt from its taxes.”

“This is an injustice! Our tax code shouldn't apply to a prince of the realm!” Blueblood said indignantly. “If the tax code allows such injustices to occur, than I think it is high time for a reform.”

Celestia's lips curled up in a smile at this. “If you really think that the Equestrian Tax Code needs a reform, than you will need to talk to the person who wrote it,” she said as she raised a single eyebrow. “She should be holding court in about four hours, so if you would like to stick around until then, I would be happy to accommodate you.”

Blueblood glanced about nervously at that statement. “I was sort of hoping that we could settle this matter without involving Ni- Princess Luna,” he said, barely catching himself before he let something slip.

Celestia's eyes narrowed at this. “I am afraid that unless you talk with my sister, there is nothing that I can do for you. Especially not after a near slip like that.”

“Ah, yes, of course. Then by your leave, auntie,” Blueblood said as he turned and left with almost indecent haste.

Celestia sighed as he left, her head throbbing unpleasantly as she watched him go. “Why do I tolerate you, Blueblood?” she said to herself.

“Probably because he is the last, living descendant of the ancient unicorn royal family? Or had you forgotten that?” Celestia heard her sister say as she entered the throne room from one of the side entrances.

Celestia's face lit up upon seeing Luna. “Please tell me that you have something more interesting for me than tax exemptions.” Celestia said desperately.

“I do. Our friend awoke a little over an hour ago, but has since fallen asleep again,” Luna said cheerfully.

“He did? How is he?”

“He is recovering, though poorly if last night's accident is anything to go by,” Luna said sadly. “His new eyes still do not work properly, and I have since ordered the lights in his room dimmed by a significant amount. I explained what we have done to him as well as I could, but I fear that something may have been lost in translation...”

“How so?” Celestia asked as she leaned in a little.

“He was... thankful, that we have consigned him to what may be one of the most agonizing deaths I can think of if he does not survive, and one of the most agonizing existences if he does,” Luna said as she shook her head sadly.

“Ah, I see... well, I think we need to see this from his perspective,” Celestia said as she leaned back into her throne. “He has lost everything, has been imprisoned in an alien form and let loose on an alien planet. His very reflection was a reminder of everything he has lost. As far as I can discern from the information that has been given to me, he probably felt that he was a dead stallion already. His reflection has changed, now, giving him new hope for the future. In fact, I'm pretty sure he craves companionship far more than his own personal safety or comfort.”

Princess Luna nodded thoughtfully at this. "I believe you may be right."

“Now, as sobering as all of that was, it was somewhat off topic. I believe you said that our new friend was awake? What did he say?” Celestia asked excitedly

“Well, he is apparently something called a ~human~, which roughly translates to 'he who knows' in our language,” Luna said ruefully. “His actual name is ~Alex~.”

“~Alex~ huh?” Celestia asked as she rubbed her chin with a hoof.

“Yes, I was going to ask him about his capture, but I decided not to tear open old wounds. At least, not yet,” Luna said sadly.

“A wise decision, though we are still going to have to ask him about that sooner or later,” Celestia said pointedly.

“I know, but I would prefer to postpone that conversation if I can,” Luna said with a shake of her head. “At any rate, I asked him about his homeworld, and he tried to tell me, though he fell asleep mid-sentence. I am a bit fuzzy on some of the things he has told me, though personally I blame the translation spell for that one.”

“What sort of things did he say?”

“He spoke of a world devoid of magic, which instead relied upon machinery and industry. His race knows of magic only as a fairy tale,” Luna explained.

Celestia looked at her sister in shock. “How do they control their sun, if not by magic? And what about the weather, or the tilling of the earth?” She asked, confused at this statement.

“From what he has told me, his world operates in a similar manner to how the Everfree Forest does, wild and uncontrolled. From this information, I would extrapolate that his planet has a very weak magical field, though how his planet does not simply fall into the sun from the gravity exerted is beyond my understanding,” Luna said slowly.

“I suppose he could explain that matter in detail after he has learned our language, though the fact that he has no prior experience with magic would explain quite a lot about his behavior,” Celestia said thoughtfully.

“That it does, Tia, that it does...”

* * *

Captain Hazalk winced as he eased into his seat, his aching back a clear reminder that he shouldn't be returning to active duty yet. “Status report on our recovery teams, lieutenant,” he ordered.

“Team Zen's locator's show that their bodies have been moved to site beta, while Qu and Gel have returned to The Caliban and are en-route to rendezvous with the ship as per your orders, sir,” Talian said as she saluted smartly.

“That only confirms our suspicions that site beta is where the natives are taking the items that they remove from the wreckage. What about Subject-38?” he asked thoughtfully.

“Subject-38's locater was moved to the castle on top of the mountain. It is still transmitting, so I would assume that Subject-38 survived the wounds that Zen inflicted upon it,” she said carefully. “Sir, what do you intend to do to it?”

“In the long term? I have no clue. I would like to return it to its home planet, but after what our scientists have done to it, I'm not sure that is even possible at this point. For now, we wait, we observe, and we prepare. I've already sent a priority one message to The Hiarch explaining our situation, and the ramifications that it may present should a Quzin ship arrive and discover what has happened here,” he said as he started rummaging around for his pain pills.

“Sir, it may take months for The Hiarch to respond. What will we do if a Quzin ship does appear?” Talian asked quietly.

Hazalk didn't answer at first. Instead, he opened the bottle in his hands, then popped two of the small, white pills into his mouth. “We tell them the truth. We explain that traitors have broken the treaty, and we are simply here to clean up the mess they left behind.”

“But sir, wouldn't that start a war?”

“Lieutenant, let me ask you something. Do you want a war?” Hazalk asked her as he swiveled his chair towards her.

“No sir.”

“Neither do they. They might be able to wipe us out without much of a hassle, but it would still be costly to them. They would lose valuable lives and ships exterminating our race from the galaxy, not to mention that their soldiers may begin to question their orders once they reach the last vestiges of our people. No, they do not want a war with us any more than we do with them,” the captain said as he turned his chair back towards the view screen.

Lieutenant Talian looked puzzled at this. “Then what do you think will happen?” she asked.

“I don't know. But I do know that they will be more likely to accept our apology if we punish the traitors responsible for this whole debacle. Especially if they are allowed to take part in that punishment,” he said vindictively.

"Yes sir," Talian said as she turned back to her console.

Hazalk continued to stare at the spinning blue globe on the view screen, completely lost in thought as he felt the pain pills kick in. Poor sod. You have no idea what crap you've found yourself in... he thought to himself.

* * *

Ilisk patiently twiddled his thumbs, well aware of the cameras and guards that were watching his cell. If he cared, however, he did not show it, preferring instead to give a thousand mile stare to the wall opposite from his bunk. Every hour his eyes would twitch to one corner of the room, than to the other, almost like the pendulum of a really slow clock.

Finally, after about seven hours of this, his eyes dilated and his antenna twitched, almost as if he were listening to something. His mandibles clicked in excitement at the sounds only he could perceive, and just barely, he tilted his head upwards to look at the ceiling. He then gave an almost imperceptible nod, as if acknowledging someone that wasn't there.

All according to plan... he thought to himself.

Author's Note:

Just a short, wrap up chapter here. After a lot of thought, I decided that this arc was pretty much finished, and that I would just end the story arc here, then move on to the next one. Hope you guys all enjoyed reading my story, and that you guys will stay tuned for the sequel: "What I've Done"!

Also, just so you know, my prereaders haven't had a chance to look at this before I posted it. I sort of wanted it out of the way so that I could get started on the sequel immediately. I hope it didn't suck too badly!

Anyway, thank you all so much for all the advice, suggestions, praise and criticism that you have given me through this ride. It really helped me grow as an author, and I really hope that I'm able to not disappoint you wonderful readers as I continue writing. You all are beautiful people for helping me write this piece of fiction.:pinkiehappy: